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Muhammad Tirto Prima Putra
Penelitian ini membahas tentang reproduksi kepatuhan dari Orde Baru hingga era
Reformasi. Reproduksi kepatuhan dibutuhkan untuk keberlanjutan kegiatan
perekonomian dan mempertahankan relasi eksploitatif. Negara menggunakan
aparatus represif negara dan aparatus ideologis negara untuk melindungi
perekonomian kapitalis. Rezim Orde Baru memulai reproduksi kepatuhan didasari
ideologi pembangunan yang mendukung perekonomian kapitalis. Penelitian ini
menemukan adanya upaya reproduksi kepatuhan oleh aparat negara. Aparat
negara meneruskan reproduksi kepatuhan untuk melindungi perekonomian
kapitalis Pasca Orde Baru. Reproduksi kepatuhan menguat dan mirip dengan era
Orde Baru pada periode Presiden Joko Widodo

This research discusses the reproduction of submission since New Order until the
Reformation era. The reproduction of submission is necessary for sustaining
economic activities and for maintaining exploitative relations. State uses
repressive state apparatus and ideological state apparatus to protect capitalist
economy. New Order regime started reproduction of submission based on
ideology of develepoment that support capitalist economy. This research
discovers that there is an attempt by the state apparatus to reproduce submission.
The state apparatus constant reproduce submission to protect capitalist economy
post New Order era. The reproduction of submission more powerful and similar
with New Order era in the period of Presiden Joko Widodo."
UI - Skripsi Membership  Universitas Indonesia Library
Jauharul Anwar
Skripsi ini meneliti transformasi atau perubahan strategi yang dilakukan oleh Harian Republika sebagai salah satu media cetak di Indonesia dalam ranah jurnalistik dari Era Orde Baru hingga Era Reformasi. Kerangka teori yang digunakan yaitu field theory (teori ranah) yang dikemukakan oleh Pierre Boudieu. Pendekatan penelitian yang digunakan yaitu pendekatan kualitatif dengan metode penelitian berupa historical comparative, di mana peneliti menguji data dari peristiwa dan kondisi di masa lalu dalam kerangka teori sosiologis.
Hasil penelitian ini menunjukkan bahwa Republika melakukan transformasi, yaitu dari subordinasi kekuasaan Orde Baru, simbolisasi representasi Islam, dan pembentukan pasar Islam, menjadi strategi konglomerasi, proporsionalitas kelompok Islam, dan simbolisasi representasi komunitas muslim. Transformasi strategi tersebut dilakukan sebagai suatu dialektika terhadap transformasi ranah
jurnalistik dari Era Orde Baru hingga Era Reformasi.

This undergraduate thesis examines the transformation or change in strategy undertaken by Republika daily as one of the print media in Indonesia in the Journalistic field of the New Order Era to Reformation Era. Theoretical framework used field theory which introduced by Pierre Boudieu. Some of the concepts covered in it, are field, habitus, various types of capital (social,
economic, cultural, and symbolic), the objective position, the relationships among the domains, strategies, and symbolic power. The research approach used a qualitative approach with a historical comparative research method, where the researcher examines the conditions and evidents in the past in sociological framework.
The results of this study indicate that Republika has did some strategies transformation from subordination of New Order Power, symbolization of Islamic representation, and establishment of Islamic market to conglomaration,
proporstionality of Islamic groups, and symbolization of muslim community representation as a dialectical from the transformation of the journalistic field from New Order Era to Reformation Era."
Fakultas Ilmu Sosial dan Ilmu Politik Universitas Indonesia, 2012
UI - Skripsi Open  Universitas Indonesia Library
Siti Maulida Adhiningsih
Skripsi ini membahas tentang pergeseran hubungan Kadin dengan negara di masa Orde Baru dan masa reformasi. Argumen dari penelitian ini adalah bahwa telah terjadi pergeseran dalam hubungan Kadin dengan negara di masa Orde Baru dan reformasi dari bentuk predation ke mutual hostage. Pergeseran hubungan yang terjadi dipicu oleh pergantian struktur politik sebagai antecendent condition terhadap faktor-faktor yang menyebabkan terjadinya pergeseran tersebut. Penelitian ini menggunakan metode kualitatif dan studi literatur. Adanya perubahan struktur politik yang lebih demokratis memberikan kesempatam bagi Kadin selaku asosiasi puncak di sektor bisnis untuk berkembang ke arah yang lebih otonom. Tingkat kemandirian Kadin juga didukung oleh semakin melemahnya dominasi negara, sehingga Kadin tidak lagi didominasi oleh kepentingan-kepentingan negara. Karakter negara yang tidak lagi mendominasi mempengaruhi Kadin untuk lebih berkembang menjadi asosiasi bisnis yang lebih otonom. Kemudian, dengan adanya perubahan struktur politik memunculkan beberapa perubahan dalam urusan internal Kadin, salah satunya ialah pemilihan jabatan Ketua Umum yang menjadi lebih demokratis. Berubahnya sistem tersebut memunculkan faksi-faksi dalam internal Kadin yang kemudian turut mempengaruhi hubungan Kadin dengan negara serta preferensi kepentingannya. Temuan dari penelitian ini menunjukkan bahwa terdapat faktor-faktor yang turut mempengaruhi pergeseran hubungan kelompok bisnis dengan negara diantaranya ialah karakter negara, karakter kelompok bisnis (dalam hubungannya dengan negara) serta kondisi internal kelompok bisnis.

This thesis discussed about shifting in state business relations: Study case Indonesian Chamber of commerce and Industry in New Order Era and Reform Era. The argument of this study is, has been shifting in state business relation in New Order Era and Reform era from predation to Mutual Hostage relation. The triggered of shifting happen because political structure has changed, Politcal Stucture as anticendent codition from this process. This thesis used qualitative and literature study method. The findings of this study indicate that the factors that caused the shift is character of the state, bussines association character (From this relation to state) and internal of business association. In the reform era, there was a change in political structure to become more democratic than the new order era, in this era gave space for business association to be more autonomous. When domination of the state is decreased, make kadin freely from state interests. At the end, this factor encourage Kadin to develop into an autonomous business association. when political structure has changed, making the internal Kadin more democratic than before. At the end, the process triggered the emergence of factions within the Kadin. This process influenced their relations with the state and their interests."
UI - Skripsi Membership  Universitas Indonesia Library
Bhenyamin Hoessein
Depok: Departemen Ilmu Administrasi FISIP-UI, 2009
352 BHE p
Buku Teks  Universitas Indonesia Library
Andar Nubowo
"This paper investigates why and how Muhammadiyah and Nahdlatul Ulama (NU) have engaged in the soft power diplomacy of Islam in post-Suharto Indonesia and how they mobilise their vast resources and networks to do so. The nefarious effects of radical extremism have invited the Muslim world, including Indonesia, to revert to the notion of Islamic moderation, a justly balanced Islam (wasatiyyat Islam), and to promote it nationally and globally. In this sense, both state and non-state actors, such as Muhammadiyah and NU, have pulled themselves into soft power diplomacy. Drawing upon the lens of soft power and public diplomacy theory, this paper finds that Muhammadiyah and NU’s involvement in Indonesia’s soft power and public diplomacy is generated by shared interests in reinstalling a moderate identity at home and abroad. In this vein, through dialogues, cooperation, humanitarian action, and the establishment of special branches and sister organisations, the two most prominent Islamic institutions in Indonesia have attempted to internationalise the best practice of Indonesian Islam, rooted sociologically and historically in tolerance, openness, and temperance. This paper discovers that, although confronted by some weaknesses and challenges, Muhammadiyah and NU constantly attempt to craft global networks of moderate Islam and to recenter Indonesian Islam as a new centre of Islamic civilisation."
Jakarta: UIII Press, 2023
297 MUS 2:2 (2023)
Artikel Jurnal  Universitas Indonesia Library
Dina Rosdiana Rusdi
"Indonesia melaksanakan penyelenggaraan pembangunan nasional untuk menciptakan
masyarakat yang makmur, sejahtera, adil dan merata sesuai dengan Undang-Undang
Dasar Negara Republik Indonesia Tahun 1945. Penyelenggaraan tujuan negara
terefleksi dalam beragam belanja negara yang di danai oleh APBN. Sebagai salah satu
sumber penerimaan negara pengelolaan Penerimaan Negara Bukan Pajak (PNBP) saat
ini dirasa masih kurang optimal. Oleh karena itu, perlu dilakukan optimalisasi PNBP
dengan berbagai cara antara lain dengan melakukan inventarisir potensi, jenis dan tarif
PNBP, maupun melakukan analisis penetapan jenis dan tarif PNBP. Penelitian ini
merupakan penelitian hukum berbentuk penelitian yuridis normatif. Penelitian yuridis
normatif menggunakan bahan kepustakaan dan melakukan identifikasi berbagai asas
serta menggunakan informasi yang berkaitan untuk menjawab rumusan masalah.
Kesimpulan yang didapatkan dari penelitian yang telah dilakukan yakni untuk
meningkatkan penerimaan PNBP, pemungutan yang dilakukan pemerintah harus
dilaksanakan sesuai dengan peraturan perundang-undangan agar tidak terjadi
kesewenang-wenangan. Disamping itu, kebijakan penetapan tarif PNBP yang dilakukan
oleh pemerintah harus dipastikan memberikan keadilan setara, serta perlu dilakukan
monitoring dan evaluasi dalam pelaksanaan pengelolaan tarif PNBP. Beberapa hal yang
dilakukan pemerintah untuk mendorong percepatan pemulihan perkonomian nasional
pada masa pandemi covid saat ini yakni dengan kebijakan yang diberikan pemerintah
antara lain seperti dikenakannya tarif PNBP hingga 0% (nol persen) ataupun Rp0,00
(nol rupiah) serta memberikan ruang bagi para wajib bayar dalam menyelesaikan
pengembalian, keringanan, serta keberatan PNBP. Untuk meningkatkan penerimaan
PNBP ada berbagai hal yang bisa dilakukan yakni mengoptimalisasi pendapatan negara
dari PNBP, meningkatkan kualitas penyelenggaraan tata kelola PNBP, pengurangan
atau penyederhanaan tarif dan jenis PNBP.

Indonesia carries out the implementation of national development to create a
prosperous and equitable society in accordance with the 1945 Constitution. The
implementation of state objectives is reflected in various state expenditures funded by
the State Budget. As a source of state revenue, the management of Administration of
Non-Tax State Revenue (PNBP) hasn’t implemented optimally. Therefore, it is
necessary to optimize PNBP in various ways, including by conducting an inventory of
the potential, types and rates of PNBP, as well as analyzing the determination of the
types and rates of PNBP. This research is a legal research in the form of normative
juridical research. Normative juridical research uses library materials, identifies
various principles, and uses related information to answer the problems. The
conclusion obtained from the research is to increase PNBP revenue and PNBP should
be based on laws and regulations. In addition, the PNBP cost setting policy must be
ensured to provide equal justice, monitoring and evaluation needs to be implemented in
PNBP cost management. To encourage the acceleration of national economic recovery
during the current covid pandemic, the government provided policies, such as imposing
PNBP rates of up to 0% (zero percent) or Rp.0.00 (zero rupiah) and providing space
for compulsory pay in completing returns to PNBP. To increase PNBP revenues the
government optimizes state revenues from PNBP, improves the quality of PNBP
governance, reduces or simplifies cost and types of PNBP.
Depok: Fakultas Hukum Universitas Indonesia, 2021
UI - Tesis Membership  Universitas Indonesia Library
M. Furqon I. Hanief
The intent of this thesis is to explain "The Changing of the American Capitalism in the New Deal Era 1933-1939". As we know, after the Great Crash of Stock Market in October 1929, there were many changes in all facets of American life. This thesis focuses on the changes in 1930s, which were indicated that the New Deal's policies aimed at restoring the damaged economy but at the same time, introduced some significant modification.
There are two books, which explore key facets of this topic, The Big Change by Frederick Lewis Allen and American and Free Enterprises by Henry C. Dethloff. Allen's book talked about the transformation in America from 1900-1950. He looks at the political, social and economic powers which changed the American standard of living and America's way of thinking. Dethloff's book discusses the evolution of American capitalism, based on a historical economic approach. Dethloff examines capitalism in America from the colonial era up to the present days. Both of these authors accept the idea that there were notable alterations in the American "system" in the 1930s.
The distinction between these books and my thesis reveals the character of the American capitalism by analyzing Roosevelt's New Deal policies as a response to the Great Depression, and by assessing the "system" impacts of those policies. William E. Luchtenburg, in his book Roosevelt and The New Deal, contends that Roosevelt's deed changed American life. This thesis elaborates this theme by assessing the social, political, and economic perspectives on changing American values during this era.
In order to analyze the changing of American capitalism in the New Deal era, this thesis shows the dialogue between the government, the elite and the people. The government and the elite processed the New Deal policies, which, in turn, altered the American capitalism, and the people as the object and the impact of the policies.
Library research has been conducted in order to examine relevant resources for this study. Textbooks, statistical data, especially in economics, politics, social field and monographs on the New Deal have been taken as main guide. The topic is handled through a qualitative approach, based on economical, political, and social perspectives. An economic perspective is used to explore certain New Deal issues and ideas especially policies related to pump priming, budget spending-budget balancing, gold standardization, banking and monetary, production resources and their impacts.
A political perspective is used to assess the government's interference in range of matters. Also the relation among groups, such as the lefts, the conservatives, is examined. It is also important to see how Roosevelt could gain support for his brand of government interference without seeming to destroy capitalism itself.
The social perspective describes the overall social impact of New Deal programs and look at how the New Deal generated support from laborers, farmers, blacks and other disadvantageous groups.
In addition, this thesis discusses the changing of American values in Capitalism term, based on American thought perspectives. These perspectives lead us to look how far the New Deal policies prompted change in American capitalism during this era.
This thesis examines the aims of the first New Deal policies and their impact in American social life. It discusses six kinds of New Deal policy areas, including agriculture, banking and monetary policy, social relief and security, labor relation, unemployment, capital and industrial regulations. The discussion specifies policies and programs, which provides the main characters of the first New Deal policies.
Then it handles the aims of the Second New Deal policies and their impact in American social life. It draws upon the same six major areas of policies and programs and also looks at the differences and the programs. It also looks at the differences and consistencies in the objectives of both sets of New Deal policies.
UI - Tesis Membership  Universitas Indonesia Library
"Tesis ini membahas politik hukum pengaturan kewarganegaraan di Indonesia. Secara khusus, proses pembahasan dilakukan terhadap produk hukum tentang kewarganegaraan dari era orde lama sampai dengan orde reformasi, dimana pengaturan masalah kewarganegaraan merupakan masalah yang perlu mendapat perhatian serius. Hal ini dikarenakan bahwa status kewarganegaraan menimbulkan hubungan timbal balik antara warga negara dengan negaranya. Penelitian ini adalah penelitian yuridis normatif dengan desain deskriptif. Hasil penelitian menyarankan bahwa produk hukum yang mengatur kewarganegaraan, pada nantinya diharapkan tidak menimbulkan permasalahan hukum bagi warga negara, serta mampu memberikan jaminan dan perlindungan hak terhadap warga negara.

This thesis discussed law politic of citizenship in Indonesia, specifically concering consideration proceess of citizenship regulations ranged from Old Order to Reformation era which those kind of regulations need to seriously noticed. The reason underlied discussion of citizenship will cause mutual relationship between State and citizens. Thus, this research focused on descriptive analysis which produced some propositions for citizenship regulations. So that citizenzhip regulations will no longer cause unlawfully problems and guarantee the protection of citizens’s human rights."
Depok: Fakultas Hukum Universitas Indonesia, 2013
UI - Tesis Membership  Universitas Indonesia Library
Yazid Zidan Zulkarnaen
"Pengambilan kebijakan yang dinilai tidak berpihak kepada masyarakat menyebabkan masyarakat melakukan kritik kepada pemerintah melalui saluran aspirasi yang ada. Akan tetapi, terbatasnya ruang berpendapat dan berekspresi masyarakat pada masa pandemi menyebabkan munculnya mural-mural bernada kritik sosial terkait dengan penanganan pandemi. Namun, pemerintah merespons kritik tersebut dengan tindakan penghapusan terhadap mural serta ancaman kriminalisasi pembuatnya yang dapat dikatakan sebagai tindakan represif. Kemerdekaan menyampaikan pendapat di muka umum nyatanya menjadi hak warga negara yang dilindungi oleh Undang-Undang Republik Indonesia. Althusser kemudian menggunakan istilah Repressive State Apparatus untuk mengelompokkan aparat negara yang menjalankan tugasnya menggunakan tindakan represif. Penghapusan serta ancaman kriminalisasi ini kemudian dikatakan sebagai tindakan politics of exception yaitu tindakan framing dengan menggunakan peraturan istimewa terhadap aksi protes atau kritik sebagai sesuatu yang dapat mengganggu stabilitas negara terutama terkait dengan pandemic covid-19. Orang yang melakukan protes ini kemudian dianggap sebagai others yaitu orang yang tidak terlibat dalam partisipasi politik dan bermaksud untuk menghancurkan negara. Kriminologi kritis melihat fenomena pendefinisian arti terhadap mural secara sepihak ini sebagai salah satu cara agen penguasa membentuk sebuah realitas sosial kejahatan. Teori social reality of crime dari Richard Quinney kemudian menjelaskan bagaimana kejahatan merupakan pendefinisian terhadap perilaku seseorang yang diciptakan oleh penguasa. Unit analisis pada tulisan ini berfokus pada pewacanaan yang ada pada tindakan aparat negara dalam melakukan penghapusan mural serta ancaman kriminalisasi terhadap pembuatnya. Teknik analisis wacana Foucault digunakan untuk melihat pewacanaan pada tindakan ataupun ucapan dari aparat negara terkait dengan mural-mural kritik ini. Hasilnya, terdapat unsur-unsur represif di dalam tindakan aparat negara terhadap kasus mural ini. Selain itu, pewacanaan yang terjadi akibat tindakan tersebut menyebabkan negara terlihat anti-kritik, dan membatasi kebebasan berekspresi masyarakat.

The policy-making process that is considered not to prioritize the interests of the society during the COVID-19 pandemic has caused the public to criticize the government through criticism protected by law. However, the limited space for people to express their opinions and expressions during the pandemic has led to the emergence of murals containing social criticism related to the government’s handling of the pandemic. Yet, the government responded to this criticism mural by removing the mural and threatening of its maker by the state apparatus such as the police and satpol pp. Freedom to express oppinions in publis is actually a citizen’s right that is protected by the Undang-Undang Republik Indonesia. Althusser then created the term ‘Repressive State Apparatuses’ that categorize state apparatus that use repressive measures in carrying out their duties. The removal of murals and threat of criminalization of criticism can be said as politics of exception which is an act of framing against protests or criticism as something that can disrupt the stability of the country, especially related to the COVID-19 pandemic. People who protest then considered as ‘others’ that is people who are not involved in political participation and intend to disrupt the state. Critical criminology sees this phenomenon as one of the ways the agents of power shape the social reality of crime. The social reality of crime from Richard Quinney explains that crime is a definition of a person’s behavior that created by the authorities. The focus of analysis in this paper is on the discourse on the actions of the state apparatus in removing murals and threatens to criminalize murals. This paper used Foucault’s discourse analysis technique to see the existing discourse on actions and words of the state apparatus towards these criticism mural. As a result, there are repressive elements in the actions of the state apparatus against murals. Moreover, the discourse that occurs as a result of these actions causes the state to be seen as anti-criticism and limiting the freedom of expression of its citizens."
Depok: Fakultas Ilmu Sosial dan Ilmu Politik Universitas Indonesia, 2022
UI - Tugas Akhir  Universitas Indonesia Library
Alexander Beny Pramudyanto
"Tesis ini membahas mengenai representasi Repressive State Apparatus yakni KPK dan Polri terkait kasus korupsi simulator SIM di Surat Kabar Harian Kompas. Secara khusus, penelitian ini menganalisis foto jurnalistik SKH Kompas
yang terkait dengan kasus korupsi simulator SIM. Dengan menggunakan analisis semiotika Roland Barthes, diketahui bagaimana Repressive State Apparatus digambarkan oleh SKH Kompas. Kesimpulan penelitian ini menunjukkan bahwa
dalam praktik representasi Repressive State Apparatus menghadirkan dua mitos yakni bahwa Kepolisian merupakan institusi yang rawan korupsi, di sisi lain terdapat pula mitos bahwa KPK merupakan institusi yang memiliki kredibilitas baik dalam memberantas korupsi. Ideologi yang mendominasi dalam praktik
representasi foto jurnalistik di SKH Kompas adalah ideologi demokratisasi terutama terlihat dalam upaya perwujudan pemerintahan yang bersih, kepedulian terhadap penegakan hukum, pemberdayaan civil society, serta keberanian dalam menyuarakan pendapat.

.This thesis discusses about representation of Repressive State Apparatus, that are KPK and Polri related to the corruption of driver's license simulator case in Kompas daily newspaper. Especially, this research analyses Kompas daily newspaper's photojournalistics related to the corruption of driver's license simulator case. Using Roland Barthes's semiotic analysis, this research discovers how Repressive State Apparatus are depicted by Kompas daily newspaper. The conclusion of this research shows that representation practice of Repressive State
Apparatus represents myths: Police institution is not free-corruption institution, whereas KPK institution has a good credibility in fighting against corruption. The ideology that dominates representation practice in Kompas daily newspaper is democatization ideology. This ideology is proven by the effort to create clean government, attention to the law enforcement, civil society empowerment, also
fearlessness in expressing the opinion.
Depok: Fakultas Ilmu Sosial dan Ilmu Politik Universitas Indonesia, 2013
UI - Tesis Membership  Universitas Indonesia Library
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