ABSTRAK Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk menganalisis pengaruh earnings management terhadap
stock return dengan kualitas audit dan efektivitas komite audit sebagai variabel
pemoderasi. Earnings Management diukur menggunakan akrual diskresioner dengan
menggunakan model Modified Jones. Stock Return diukur dengan menggunakan
imbal hasil saham kumulatif. Kualitas audit diproksikan dengan variabel dummy Big
4 atau non Big 4 dan efektivitas komite audit diproksikan dengan menggunakan
jumlah rapat yang dilakukan dalam satu tahun. Penelitian ini dilakukan dengan
menggunakan sampel perusahaan manufaktur yang terdaftar pada Bursa Efek
Indonesia untuk periode 2012-2014 dengan menggunakan metode purposive
sampling. Dalam penelitian ini diuji mengenai bagaimana hubungan antara earnings
management dan stock return, dan bagaimana pengaruh kualitas audit dan efektivitas
komite audit terhadap hubungan tersebut. Hasil penelitian ini menunjukkan bahwa
earnings management memiliki hubungan negatif signifikan dengan stock return.
Sedangkan hasil pengujian varibael pemoderasi menunjukkan bahwa kualitas audit
mampu memoderasi hubungan earnings management dan stock return dengan
memperlemah hubungan negatif, begitu pula dengan efektivitas komite audit
memoderasi dengan memperlemah hubungan negatif.;
ABSTRACT This study aimed to analyze the influence of earnings management in stock returnwith audit quality and effectiveness audit committee as a moderating variabel.Earnings management as measured by discretionary accruals estimated using thecross-sectional Modified Jones model. Audit quality is measured by dummy variabelaudit firm size, Big 4 or non Big 4. Effectiveness audit committee is measured bynumber of meeting audit committee in one year. Sampel of this study ismanufacturing companies listed on the Indonesia Stock Exchange in 2012-2014 byusing purposive sampling method. In this study examine how influence of earningsmanagement on stock return, and how audit quality and effectiveness audit committeecan moderate influence of earnings management on stock return. The result of thisstudy showed that earnings management negatively affect stock return. Audit qualityand the effectiveness of audit committee can moderate with weaken the relationshipnegatively earnings management with stock return.; This study aimed to analyze the influence of earnings management in stock returnwith audit quality and effectiveness audit committee as a moderating variabel.Earnings management as measured by discretionary accruals estimated using thecross-sectional Modified Jones model. Audit quality is measured by dummy variabelaudit firm size, Big 4 or non Big 4. Effectiveness audit committee is measured bynumber of meeting audit committee in one year. Sampel of this study ismanufacturing companies listed on the Indonesia Stock Exchange in 2012-2014 byusing purposive sampling method. In this study examine how influence of earningsmanagement on stock return, and how audit quality and effectiveness audit committeecan moderate influence of earnings management on stock return. The result of thisstudy showed that earnings management negatively affect stock return. Audit qualityand the effectiveness of audit committee can moderate with weaken the relationshipnegatively earnings management with stock return.; This study aimed to analyze the influence of earnings management in stock returnwith audit quality and effectiveness audit committee as a moderating variabel.Earnings management as measured by discretionary accruals estimated using thecross-sectional Modified Jones model. Audit quality is measured by dummy variabelaudit firm size, Big 4 or non Big 4. Effectiveness audit committee is measured bynumber of meeting audit committee in one year. Sampel of this study ismanufacturing companies listed on the Indonesia Stock Exchange in 2012-2014 byusing purposive sampling method. In this study examine how influence of earningsmanagement on stock return, and how audit quality and effectiveness audit committeecan moderate influence of earnings management on stock return. The result of thisstudy showed that earnings management negatively affect stock return. Audit qualityand the effectiveness of audit committee can moderate with weaken the relationshipnegatively earnings management with stock return.; This study aimed to analyze the influence of earnings management in stock returnwith audit quality and effectiveness audit committee as a moderating variabel.Earnings management as measured by discretionary accruals estimated using thecross-sectional Modified Jones model. Audit quality is measured by dummy variabelaudit firm size, Big 4 or non Big 4. Effectiveness audit committee is measured bynumber of meeting audit committee in one year. Sampel of this study ismanufacturing companies listed on the Indonesia Stock Exchange in 2012-2014 byusing purposive sampling method. In this study examine how influence of earningsmanagement on stock return, and how audit quality and effectiveness audit committeecan moderate influence of earnings management on stock return. The result of thisstudy showed that earnings management negatively affect stock return. Audit qualityand the effectiveness of audit committee can moderate with weaken the relationshipnegatively earnings management with stock return., This study aimed to analyze the influence of earnings management in stock returnwith audit quality and effectiveness audit committee as a moderating variabel.Earnings management as measured by discretionary accruals estimated using thecross-sectional Modified Jones model. Audit quality is measured by dummy variabelaudit firm size, Big 4 or non Big 4. Effectiveness audit committee is measured bynumber of meeting audit committee in one year. Sampel of this study ismanufacturing companies listed on the Indonesia Stock Exchange in 2012-2014 byusing purposive sampling method. In this study examine how influence of earningsmanagement on stock return, and how audit quality and effectiveness audit committeecan moderate influence of earnings management on stock return. The result of thisstudy showed that earnings management negatively affect stock return. Audit qualityand the effectiveness of audit committee can moderate with weaken the relationshipnegatively earnings management with stock return.]"
Depok: Fakultas Ekonomi dan Bisnis Universitas Indonesia, 2016