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Pada masa pemerintahan dinasti Zhou Timur, Cina mengalami pergolakan politik dan perubahan sosial, sehingga mendorong para filsuf mengeluarkan pemikiran-pemikirannya demi menciptakan perdamaian di dunia. Periode ini dikenal sebagai ?Seratus Aliran Pemikiran? (诸子百家zhūzǐ bǎijiā). Salah satu filsuf pada masa ini adalah Mozi (墨子). Diantara pemikiran-pemikiran Mozi, pemikirannya yang paling terkenal adalah Jian Ai (兼爱). Banyak cendekiawan asing telah menganalisis teks Jian Ai, namun cendekiawan Indonesia justru belum pernah menganalisisnya. Oleh karena itu, pada penelitian skripsi ini penulis akan membahas makna Jian Ai dan nilai-nilai yang terkandung dalam teks Jian Ai dikaitkan dengan latar belakang sejarah Cina kuno.

During the reign of Eastern Zhou dynasty, China experienced political turbulence and social change that encourage many philosophers to show their thoughts in order to achieve world peace. This era was known as ?Hundreds of School Thought? (诸子百家zhūzǐ bǎijiā). One of the philosophers during this era is Mozi (墨子). Among all his works, Mozi most famous work is Jian Ai (兼爱). Many foreign scholars have analyzed Jian Ai text, but Indonesian scholars have never analyzed it. Therefore, this essay will analyze Jian Ai meaning and the values of Jian Ai text in relation to historical background of ancient China."
UI - Skripsi Membership  Universitas Indonesia Library
Wang, Lixing
Tai bei shi: Tian xia chu ban Tai bei xian san chong shi , 1991
SIN 070.07 WAN a
Buku Teks  Universitas Indonesia Library
Buku Teks  Universitas Indonesia Library
Mohamad Veda Orlando Saroso
Konsep ldquo;?? ldquo;?w i w??adalah salah satu konsep penting dalam Yangisme, sebuah pemikiran dalam filsafat Cina yang pertama kali dicetuskan oleh Yang Zhu. Konsep yang bisa diartikan sebagai lsquo;demi saya rsquo; ini mencerminkan sebuah pandangan hidup yang individualistis, sebuah pandangan hidup yang sangat jarang ditemukan dalam masyarakat Cina kuno. Namun Yangisme dan konsep w i w? sendiri seringkali dikaitkan tidak hanya dengan individualisme semata namun dengan egoisme. Perlakuan semacam ini dilakukan oleh filsuf-filsuf Cina pesaing lainnya seperti Mencius dan Mo Di serta para murid mereka. Melalui mereka, Yang Zhu digambarkan sebagai karikatur dari konsep egoisme di Cina. Namun, penggambaran terhadap Yang Zhu mengandung bias yang mengaburkan pemahaman asli terhadap pemikirannya. Lewat jurnal ini, penulis berusaha untuk memberikan gambaran yang lebih tepat terhadap konsep wei wo yang ada dalam pemikiran Yang Zhu melalui berbagai macam sumber.

Abstract The concept of ldquo ldquo w i w is one of the prominent concepts in Yangism, a school of thought in Chinese philosophy that was first brought forth by Yang Zhu. This concept, which can be translated as lsquo for the sake of myself rsquo reflects an individualistic view of life, a view of life seldom found in the ancient Chinese society. Yangism and the concept wei wo themselves are often attributed not only to individualism, but also to egoism as well. This attributive treatment was done by other rival Chinese philosophers, such as Mencius and Mo Di, along with their disciples.Yang Zhu was portrayed as a caricature of the concept of egoism itself through them. But, this portrayal often contained biases that blurred the true understanding towards his thoughts. In this journal, the writer tries to give a more proper portrayal towards the concept of wei wo contained in the thoughts of Yang Zhu by utilizing various sources. "
Fakultas Ilmu Pengetahuan dan Budaya Universitas Indonesia, 2018
UI - Makalah dan Kertas Kerja  Universitas Indonesia Library
Disertasi ini mengkaji teks, konteks, dan fungsi kabanti sebagai tradisi lisan masyarakat Buton. Hasil kajian menemukan teks dalam tradisi lisan memanfaatkan ketersediaan kosakata percakapan sehari-hari dan juga merangkai kembali formula sendiri untuk menjadi formula baru. Metris formula tradisi lisan tidak berada pada posisi yang tetap. Formula akan bergerak dinamis karena penciptaan karya lisan semata mengandalkan ingatan dalam ruang waktu terbatas. Konteks berpengaruh dominan dalam penciptaan tradisi lisan. Teks lisan memanfaatkan unsur-unsur bahasa yang menggambarkan kebudayaan masyarakat pemiliknya. Kabanti dilatari oleh konteks budaya maritim dan agraris.
Kelisanan menjadikan teks, konteks, dan fungsi tradisi lisan lebih fleksibel sehingga melahirkan tradisi yang ekspresif, dinamis, dan ekspansif yang menempati beragam konteks budaya. Kabanti diciptakan dalam bahasa, konteks, interaksi, dan tradisi masyarakat setempat. Tradisi lisan tumbuh bersama dengan konteks, menyatu, dan menyatakan masyarakatnya, menerima unsur-unsur baru agar tetap kompetitif dengan masa yang ditempatinya. Eksistensi kabanti pada masa sekarang menunjukkan tradisi lisan bukan hasil budaya masyarakat niraksara melainkan sarana ekspresi budaya yang hanya dapat diwujudkan melalui cara-cara lisan.
This dissertation study the text, context, and function as an oral tradition of kabanti Buton community. The result of study found the text in the oral tradition for utilizing the available some words of daily conversation and also reassembling the formula itself to be a new formula. The Metris formula of the oral tradition is not same position. It would move dynamically based on the creation of an oral work solely and also to depend on memory in a limited space of time. The context influenced the dominant in the creation of an oral tradition.
The oral of text used some elements language that describes the owner culture of the community. Kabanti was backed by the cultural context of maritime and agriculture Orally made the text, context, and function the oral tradition is more flexible which appear the tradition is expressive, dynamic and expansive into placing some cultural contexts. Kabanti was created in language, context, interaction, and traditions of the local community. Oral tradition grew along with the context, united, and expressed its community; accept new elements in order to remain competitive with the time itself. At the present, the existence of kabanti indicates that the oral tradition is not the result of culture niraksara but cultural expression which could be realized through oral ver.
Depok: Fakultas Ilmu Pengetahuan dan Budaya Universitas Indonesia, 2015
UI - Disertasi Membership  Universitas Indonesia Library
Betalina Intan Kartikaningrum
"Romantisme Modern di Cina berkembang pesat dalam masa kesusastraan modern yang diawali dengan terjadinya Revolusi Sastra pada tahun 1917. Revolusi Sastra ini antara lain menganjurkan Para penyair untuk menggunakan bahasa sehari-hari dalam karyanya. Salah satu penyair Cina yang beraliran Romantis modern ini adalah Ai Qing. Skripsi ini mengetengahkan beberapa puisi Ai Qing, kemudian puisi-puisi tersebut dianalisa untuk ditarik kesimpulan bahwa dalam puisi-puisi itu terkandung ciri-ciri Romantisme"
Depok: Fakultas Ilmu Pengetahuan dan Budaya Universitas Indonesia, 1992
UI - Skripsi Membership  Universitas Indonesia Library
Boechari, 1927-1991
Jakarta: Keputusan Populer Gramedia, 2012
959.8 BOE m
Buku Teks  Universitas Indonesia Library
Muhamad Shoheh
Penelitian ini membahas teks al-Jawa>hir al-Khamsah karya Shaykh Muh}ammad al-Ghawth al-Hindi>. Teks ini merupakan buku manual bagi para pengikut tarekat Shat}t}a>riyah dalam menempuh jalan tasawuf. Penelitian ini bertujuan menjawab tiga pertanyaan: di antara naskah-naskah al-Jawa>hir al-Khamsah yang ditemukan, naskah al-Jawa>hir al-Khamsah yang manakah yang dapat dijadikan landasan untuk edisi teks, apa saja isi kandungan teks al-Jawa>hir al-Khamsah, bagaimana konteks yang melatarbelakangi proses penyalinan naskah al-Jawa>hir al-Khamsah dari Banten. Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk menyajikan suntingan teks, terjemah, dan tinjauan isi teks al-Jawa>hir al-Khamsah serta mengungkap kontek penyalinan naskah al-Jawa>hir al-Khamsah dari Banten. Penelitian ini adalah penelitian kepustakaan dengan menggunakan beberapa metode dan pendekatan, seperti: filologi, kodikologi dan analisis tema. Riset ini berhasil membuat suntingan teks dan terjemahannya, mengungkap isi teks al-Jawa>hir al-Khamsah salinan dari Banten yang berisi ?tiga permata? yakni tatacara beribadah, tatacara berzuhud, dan tatacara berdo‟a dengan menggunakan al-Ism al-A?z}am, serta menjelaskan konteks penyalinan naskah al-Jawa>hir al-Khamsah Banten.;

This study discusses the text al-Jawa>hir al-Khamsah, a work of al-Shaykh} Muhammad Ghawth al-Hindi>. This text is a manual for the followers of the shat}t}a>riyah congregation in the path of Sufism. This study aims to answer three questions: among of al-Jawa>hir al-Khamsah manuscripts that was found, which one of them can be used as the basis for edition, what are the contents of the text of al-Jawa>hir al-Khamsah, how is the context underlying the process of copying manuscripts of al-Jawa>hir al-Khamsah from Banten. This study aims to present the text editing, translations, and reviews the contents of the text of al-Jawa>hir al-Khamsah and copying manuscripts reveal the context of al-Jawa>hir al-Khamsah from Banten. This study is the research literature by using several methods and approaches, such as philology, codicology and tematic analysis. This research managed to make text editing and translation, revealing the contents of the text of al-Jawa>hir al-Khamsah from Banten which contains a copy of the "three gems" that is the procedure of worship, zuhud procedures, and method and procedures of praying by using al-Ism al-A'z}am, as well as explaining the context of the manuscript copy of al-Jawa>hir al-Khamsah from Banten.;This study discusses the text al-Jawa>hir al-Khamsah, a work of al-Shaykh} Muhammad Ghawth al-Hindi>. This text is a manual for the followers of the shat}t}a>riyah congregation in the path of Sufism. This study aims to answer three questions: among of al-Jawa>hir al-Khamsah manuscripts that was found, which one of them can be used as the basis for edition, what are the contents of the text of al-Jawa>hir al-Khamsah, how is the context underlying the process of copying manuscripts of al-Jawa>hir al-Khamsah from Banten. This study aims to present the text editing, translations, and reviews the contents of the text of al-Jawa>hir al-Khamsah and copying manuscripts reveal the context of al-Jawa>hir al-Khamsah from Banten. This study is the research literature by using several methods and approaches, such as philology, codicology and tematic analysis. This research managed to make text editing and translation, revealing the contents of the text of al-Jawa>hir al-Khamsah from Banten which contains a copy of the "three gems" that is the procedure of worship, zuhud procedures, and method and procedures of praying by using al-Ism al-A'z}am, as well as explaining the context of the manuscript copy of al-Jawa>hir al-Khamsah from Banten.;This study discusses the text al-Jawa>hir al-Khamsah, a work of al-Shaykh} Muhammad Ghawth al-Hindi>. This text is a manual for the followers of the shat}t}a>riyah congregation in the path of Sufism. This study aims to answer three questions: among of al-Jawa>hir al-Khamsah manuscripts that was found, which one of them can be used as the basis for edition, what are the contents of the text of al-Jawa>hir al-Khamsah, how is the context underlying the process of copying manuscripts of al-Jawa>hir al-Khamsah from Banten. This study aims to present the text editing, translations, and reviews the contents of the text of al-Jawa>hir al-Khamsah and copying manuscripts reveal the context of al-Jawa>hir al-Khamsah from Banten. This study is the research literature by using several methods and approaches, such as philology, codicology and tematic analysis. This research managed to make text editing and translation, revealing the contents of the text of al-Jawa>hir al-Khamsah from Banten which contains a copy of the "three gems" that is the procedure of worship, zuhud procedures, and method and procedures of praying by using al-Ism al-A'z}am, as well as explaining the context of the manuscript copy of al-Jawa>hir al-Khamsah from Banten., This study discusses the text al-Jawa>hir al-Khamsah, a work of al-Shaykh} Muhammad Ghawth al-Hindi>. This text is a manual for the followers of the shat}t}a>riyah congregation in the path of Sufism. This study aims to answer three questions: among of al-Jawa>hir al-Khamsah manuscripts that was found, which one of them can be used as the basis for edition, what are the contents of the text of al-Jawa>hir al-Khamsah, how is the context underlying the process of copying manuscripts of al-Jawa>hir al-Khamsah from Banten. This study aims to present the text editing, translations, and reviews the contents of the text of al-Jawa>hir al-Khamsah and copying manuscripts reveal the context of al-Jawa>hir al-Khamsah from Banten. This study is the research literature by using several methods and approaches, such as philology, codicology and tematic analysis. This research managed to make text editing and translation, revealing the contents of the text of al-Jawa>hir al-Khamsah from Banten which contains a copy of the "three gems" that is the procedure of worship, zuhud procedures, and method and procedures of praying by using al-Ism al-A'z}am, as well as explaining the context of the manuscript copy of al-Jawa>hir al-Khamsah from Banten.]"
UI - Disertasi Membership  Universitas Indonesia Library
Chichester : Wiley, 1990
612.8 AI
Buku Teks  Universitas Indonesia Library
Sanders, Stephan, 1961-
Amsterdam: Bezige Bij, 1991
BLD 839.36 SAN a
Buku Teks  Universitas Indonesia Library
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