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Nadira Aprilliani
Pelayaran rakyat, saat ini mulai kalah saing dengan kapal modern, salah satunya
dari segi muatan kapal. Berdasarkan hal tersebut, dibutuhkan analisis komoditas
potensial dan risiko untuk menjamin muatan kapal pelayaran rakyat. Tujuannya
adalah untuk mengetahui komoditas potensial yang dapat diangkut oleh kapal
pelayaran rakyat sehingga muatannya tidak kosong dan analisis risiko untuk
menjamin keselamatan pengangkutan komoditas kapal pelayaran rakyat agar
performa pelayaran rakyat meningkat. Penelitian ini menggunakan penyebaran
kuisioner dan wawancara. Hasil yang diperoleh bahwa komoditas potensial yang
dapat dibawa adalah beras, karet, kelapa, lada, kopi, tebu, kakao dan jagung.
Terdapat 4 peristiwa risiko dominan dalam pengangkutan komoditas pelayaran

Pelayaran Rakyat, starts to lose competitiveness with modern ships, for example
is their commodities. Based on that, Pelayaran Rakyat needs potential
commodities and risk analysis to ensure commodities of Pelayaran Rakyat. The
goal is to determine the potential commodities that can be transported by
Pelayaran Rakyat so the ship is not empty and risk analysis to ensure the safety of
Pelayaran Rakyat. This research uses questionnaires and interviews. The result is
the potential commodities are rice, rubber, coconut, pepper, coffee ,sugar cane,
cocoa and corn. There are four dominant risk events in the transport of
commodities of Pelayaran Rakyat."
UI - Skripsi Membership  Universitas Indonesia Library
Pelayaran Rakyat merupakan salah satu pelayaran tradisional yang bertugas sebagai angkutan distribusi muatan kebutuhan warga Indonesia. Pelayaran Rakyat spesialis mengantarkan muatan melewati jalur sungai dan menuju pulau ? pulau kecil. Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mengidentifikasi manajemen risiko pelayaran rakyat pada sektor alur untuk meningkatkan tingkat keselamatan pelayaran rakyat. Metode yang digunakan pada penelitian ini adalah wawancara, pengumpulan data, dan penyebaran kuisioner yang selanjutnya di analisa menggunakan analisa kualitatif risiko. Hasil dari penelitian ini adalah adanya 3 risiko dengan level high yaitu kurangnya komunikasi antara nahkoda dan ahli, kapal mengalami kerusakan tidak terduga, dan kapal tidak melakukan peremajaan.

Pelayaran Rakyat is one kind of Indonesia traditional shipping that has been shipping the needs of Indonesian. Pelayaran rakyat specialist deliver cargo passing through the river path and headed for the island - a small island. This study aims to identify risk management of routes to improve the safety level of Pelayaran rakyat. The method used in this study were interviews, data collection, and questionnaires were subsequently analyzed using Qualitative Risk Analysis. Results from this study is there are three of high risk that is the lack of communication between captain and ship mechanic, unexpected vessel suffered damage, and the ship is not rejuvenation.
UI - Skripsi Membership  Universitas Indonesia Library
Rahmat Subarkah
Pelayaran rakyat merupakan industri pelayaran kecil yang memiliki fungsi dalam
pelayanan distribusi komoditas menuju kawasan terpencil di Indonesia.
Dikarenakan berbagai faktor, saat ini industri pelayaran rakyat memiliki performa
yang rendah. Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mengidentifikasi apakah performa
pelayaran rakyat tersebut dapat ditingkatkan dari segi komponen biaya yang
dikeluarkan. Penelitian dilakukan terhadap perusahaan-perusahaan pelayaran
rakyat yang berada di pelabuhan Sunda Kelapa dengan metode kuesioner dan
wawancara terstruktur. Dari hasil penelitian, disimpulkan bahwa biaya yang
dikeluarkan oleh perusahaan pelayaran rakyat sudah cukup baik. Peningkatan
performa dapat dilakukan dengan melakukan optimalisasi pada komponen biaya
yang berlebihan

Pelayaran rakyat is a small and middle tier shipping industry that has an important
function in commodities? distribution service at isolated areas in Indonesia.
Because of many factors, currently this Pelayaran Rakyat industries have a very
poor performances. The purpose of this research is to identificate whether or not
Pelayaran Rakyat?s performances can be increase in the aspect of cost
components. The research took place in Sunda Kelapa harbour with Pelayaran
Rakyat companies at Sunda Kelapa as the subject and the research went with
questionnaire and structural interviews as the methods. From the result, it can
conclude that the cost components of Pelayaran Rakyat is already in a good state.
However, in order to increase the performance of Pelayaran Rakyat, companies
have to optimize their financial outcome, especially the exaggerated cost
UI - Skripsi Membership  Universitas Indonesia Library
Manurung, Marihot
"Dan beragam moda transportasi taut yang ada di Indonesia saat ini, armada Pelayaran Rakyat (disingkat Petra) adalah sebagai satah satu moda transportasi taut nasional yang sudah rnembuktikan dirinya sebagai armada yang tangguh yang berbasis perahu tradisional yang inemakai layar dam sekarang tambahan motor, Akan tetapi seiring kemajuan Iptek di bidang transportasi perkapaian, keberadaan armada PeIra semakin tersingkirkan dan mengliadapi tantangan pasar yang semakin besar.
Kondisi ini tentu sangat mencemaskan, karena seiama ini Peran PeIra adalah sebagai angkutan rakyat yang dapat memberikan kontribusi bagi penyebaran barang konsumsi khususnya ke,pulau-pulau terpencil dan terisolasi dart jangkauan infrastruktur pembangunan pada umumnya.
Adapun yang menjadi tujuan penelitian untuk memberikan interpretasi dan analisis keberadaan Petra di Indonesia yang rnencakup:
1. Untuk mendeskripsikan peran Petra dalam sistem transportasi taut nasional, termasuk kekuatan, kelemahan, peiuang dan ancaman yang dihadapi pada saat ini.
2. Terumusnya upaya-upaya yang dapat dilakukan dalam rneningkatkan peran Petra.
3. Untuk mendeskripsikan peran strategis Petra ditinjau dart kepentingan ketahanan nasional.
Metode penelitian yang digunakan adalah dengan pendekatan metodologi kualitatif oleh Mathew B.Miles dan A.Michaet I-iubennan (1992). Dengan data kualitatif kita dapat rnengikuti dan memahami alur perisriwa secara kronologis, inenilai sebab akibat dalam lingkup pikiran orang-orang setempat dan memperoleh penjelasan yang banyak dan barmanfaat.
1. Tujuan penelitian nomor i dipernleh kesimpulan bahwa: peran kapal Pe:ra claim sistem transportasi taut nasional memiliki kelemahan yang prinsip seperti permodalan, teknologi, dan sum her daya nianusia dibandingkan dengan kekuatan yang ada, dampak tcrhadap perusahaan adalah sulirnya pelayaran rakyat untuk mengembangkan usahanya dibidang jasa angkutan taut.
2. Tujuan penelitian nomor 2 diperolelt kesimpulan bahwa: untuk meningkatkan peran pelayaran rakyat dengan menggunakan strategi: Weakness-Opportunity (WO = -0,74 dan 0,36), karena posisinya berada pada kwadran IV yakni rnemanfaatkan peluang yang ada untuk metninimalkan kelemahan yang dimiliki atau konsolidasi.
3. Tujuan penelitian nomor 3 diperoleh kesimpulan bahwa: Melibataktiikan Petra sangatlah strategis sebagai liingsi pernantau ketmanan perairan Indonesia, sehingga Petra memungkinkan mendukung terwujudnya ketahanan nasional dibidang Ipoleksosbudhankain IIdeologi, Politik, Ekonomi, Sosial Budaya, Pertahanan dan keamanan.

From various means of sea transportation currently existing in Indonesia, the People Sailing (Petra) is one of sea transportation which has proven it self as a solid transportation based on traditional boat equipped with shade and presently supplemented with motor. However, line with the technological and scientific development in the sector of vessel transportation, the existence of Pelra transportation has been increasingly ignored and has faced the more market challenge.
This condition is of course very planning, because thus far the Petra transportation has much provided benefit, especially in reaching the isolated areas and islands.
This study is aimed at providing interpretation and analysis on the existence of Petra in Indonesia which involve:
1. To describe the role of Petra in the national sea transportation system, including the strengths, weaknesses of the opportunity, and the threat faced at the present.
2. To describe the role of economy of Petra up to present as one of sea transportations for the community, especially isolate islands.
3. To formulate the efforts this may be performed in improving the Pelra. The methodology of research being applied is qualitative methodology by Mathew B. Miles and A. Michael Hubenman (1992). By using qualitative data, we may comprehend the chronological events; assess the causal relationship within the scope of thinking of local people and to obtain many beneficial explanations,
1. For the number 1 objective of study, it may be concluded that: the role of Pelra in transportation system go out to sea national have principal weakness like capital, technological, and human resource. compared to existing strength, impact to company is difficult of him sea transport of people to develop its effort of sea transport service area.
2. For the number 2 objective of study, it may be concluded that: by using the strategy, Weakness-Opportunity (WO = -0,74 dan 0,36), Because its position of Petra at four quadrant namely exploit existing opportunity for the minimization of weakness had or consolidation.
3. For the number 3 objective of study, it may be concluded that: involving the Pelra is very strategic as the function of monitoring security of Indonesian water, therefore l'clra enable to support the implementation of national defense in the sector of polsosbudhankrrn (Ideology. politics, social, culture, defense and security).
Program Pascasarjana Universitas Indonesia, 2006
UI - Tesis Membership  Universitas Indonesia Library
Romi Gozali Rukmawijaya
"Nowadays, Indonesia has not been considered as a Maritime State yet this country has a huge potential of maritime resources as an Archipelago State. Bearing the predicate of Maritime State could only be achieved if the government is able to explore the maritime resources using its own capability and not depends on other country. In fact, Indonesia has not fully maximized its effort to develop the potential of maritime resources. In this modern era, Indonesia has no longer maritime culture and maritime character as Majapahit and Sriwijaya Kingdom is truly identical with both of it. On traditional shipping (Pelayaran Rakyat), practically, Pelayaran Rakyat has not been developed well. Even, it almost dies since there is no support from the government by creating regulation that will possibly encourage the role of Pelayaran Rakyat as one of maritime strength. Facing this challenges, UU Pelayaran is supposed tobe put forward in order to strengthen national shipping. Taking a look at the definition of Pelayaran Rakyat, it is said that Pelayaran Rakyat is a small business made by people traditionally. Based on that definition, ?traditional? term refers to ship that should be made by wood and use wind power. Consequently, it becomes a boundary to develop small business that is related to Pelayaran Rakyat. At the end, Pelayaran Rakyat cannot compete with other shipping and is left by the customers because they need speed, safety and reliable transportation for their business."
Depok: Universitas Indonesia, 2016
340 UI-JURIS 6:1 (2016)
Artikel Jurnal  Universitas Indonesia Library
Endang Susilowati
This study, titled ""Pasang Surut Pelayaran Perahu Rakyat di Pelabuhan Banjarmasin, 1880- 1990"" (The Ebb and Flow of Prahu Shipping in Banjarmasin Port, 1880-1990), is focused on the activities of prahu shipping in Banjarmasin port in its shipping network with surrounding ports. The objectives of this study are (1) to describe the responses of prahu fleets to the changes in technology of sea transportation (steam ship, motorization, container ship, and crane) which go along with the changes in economic and politic affairs and also with the government's policy between 1880 up to 1990 in Banjarmasin port, and (2) to describe the position of Banjarmasin port in the growth of prahu shipping network in surrounding area. To describe the responses of prahu fleets to the technological as well as economical and political changes, I use a Campo's concept about the impacts of a new technology on the old one. According to him, the diffusion of a new technology will bring about four options to the users of the old one. The first, they try to adopt it. The second, they try to adapt to it: while using the old technology, they benefit from the rise in productivity and the spill-over of opportunities which often follow in the wake of technological innovation. The third, if there are no such opportunities, they maybe force to relocate their activities to some peripheral area. The fourth, if there seem to be no such opportunities for continuation, they exit and tryto do another enterprise. In this study, I propose two assumptions. The first, prahu shipping in Banjarmasin port still exists in coping with challenges of modernization because of some enabling factors: (a) the productions from hinterland such as rubber, wood, rattan etc. and handicrafts like tikar purun are plentiful, (b) prahu fleets have their own customers i.e. the small traders, (c) the flexibility of prahu fleets in loading and unloading cargo (it can load various cargo in a simple way and cheap cost. The second, the responses of prahu fleets to the new technology (steam ship, container, crane) are: (a) adaptation i.e. prahu fleets can benefit the chances the new technology brings, and (b) semirelocation i.e. prahu fleets expand their activity to the peripheral area, without retreat from the core area (Banjarmasin port), in order to get cargo. In 1880s to 1942 the existence of prahu shipping faced some challenges and changes i.e. new technology (steam ship), crisis of world economy, and war politic of Japan. The responses were at first competition with the steam ships of KPM and then adaptation (1880s to 1920s). When the steam ships of KPM collapsed for a while in the early of 1930s because of Economic Depression, prahu fleets revived, especially when the prahu shipping organization (ROEPELIN) was established 1935. In the early of 1940s, however, it decreased because the invasion of Japan in Indonesia. In the period of 1942 up to 1964, the prahu shipping was not in good condition because of war (up to the end of 1940s) and the political and economical unrest (1950-1957). It had actually chance to revive at the end of this.
Depok: Fakultas Ilmu Pengetahuan dan Budaya Universitas Indonesia, 2004
UI - Disertasi Membership  Universitas Indonesia Library
Depok: Fakultas Teknik Universitas Indonesia, 1994
UI - Skripsi Membership  Universitas Indonesia Library
Budi Hidayat
Indonesia is the worlds largest archipelagic country in the world, therefore demand for sea transportation is very important. Sea transport being very strategic since it plays a role in connecting one island to another island and marine transport is a tool for economic activity. As a subsystem of national shipping, traditional shipping plays a role in the distribution of goods to and from isolated areas. In addition, traditional shipping also acts as a feeder for larger vessels. Nowadays, traditional shipping is experiencing obstacles concerning cargo and lack of wood as the main material for the ship. In order to maintain the traditional shipping as a national cultural heritage, policies are needed, especially revitalization of traditional shipping and rejuvenating existing vessels with stronger material (non wood). This Paper discusses how scenarios are made in order to identify, anticipate and assess policy choices in the future. In the end, the policy can be analyzed to what extent the Traditional Shipping can support Sea Tolls."
Jakarta: Kementerian PPN/Bappenas, 2019
330 BAP 2:2 (2019)
Artikel Jurnal  Universitas Indonesia Library
"Untuk mengembangkan dunia maritim pada umumnya dan Pelayaran Rakyat pada khususnya, maka pengembangan kapal sebagai alat transportasi laut tidak dapat dipungkiri lagi. Pemerintah pun menyadari akan hal ini, dengan dikeluarkannya azas Cabotage melalui Keppres No. 5 Tahun 2005 mengenai alat transportasi laut berbendera Indonesia, diikuti dengan Undang undang Pelayaran No 17 tahun 2008 mengenai pemberdayaan alat transportasi diatas air. Maka pembuatan kapal, khususnya jenis kapal barang yang mengangkut komoditas sehari-hari dan berbagai barang lainnya sangatlah penting dan dibutuhkan.
Pada penelitian ini, penulis menganalisa stabilitas dari kapal dengan lambung pelat rata yang dirancang untuk klasifikasi usaha Pelayaran Rakyat (kapal barang dengan rute pelayaran dalam negeri). Dalam penelitian ini kapal lambung pelat rata dihitung dan dianalisa stabilitasnya agar sesuai dengan kriteria IMO mengenai stabilitas kapal. Dari analisa dan perhitungan kapal lambung pelat rata ini stabil dalam berbagai kondisi pemuatan dan stabilitas awal yang bagus sesuai dengan kriteria IMO. Kecuali keadaan kapal kosong menyebabkan kapal kurang stabil, sehingga perlu adanya air ballast agar kapal kembali stabil. Dengan adanya ballast kapal kosong yang tidak stabil menjadi stabil kembali.

To develop maritime world in general, and 'Pelayaran Rakyat' in particular, so development of ship as a sea transportation is undeniable. The government also realize about it, by way of implementation of the Cabotage principality with Keppres No. 5 Tahun 2005 about Indonesian Flagged Sea Transportation Fleet, that follow by Undang-Undang Pelayaran No 17 tahun 2008 about utilizing of sea transportation fleet on the water. So, the making of ship, especially general cargo ship that carry daily commodity and other variety good is needed and important.
On this research, we analyze the stability from the flat hull ship which designed for classified as Pelayaran Rakyat (general cargo ship with local sea voyage). In this research flat plate hull ship analysis and calculation must meet the stability criteria in accordance with the IMO. stability analysis and calculation show that the ship is stable in a variety of ship loading condition and initial stability is good because in accordance with IMO criteria. except at the time of the empty ship, ship does not look stable, so the boat less stable Ballast required to stabilize the ship. with the Ballast, the empty vessels that were previously unstable, become stable again.
Depok: Fakultas Teknik Universitas Indonesia, 2009
UI - Skripsi Open  Universitas Indonesia Library
Fitriah Masud
"[Skema pembiayaan untuk membiayai proyek-proyek infrastruktur semakin berkembang di Indonesia. Perkembangannya diikuti oleh beberapa program pemerintah guna melakukan percepatan infrastruktur. Skema pembiayaan ini berkembang terkait masalah pendanaan proyek yang sangat besar dan tidak bisa ditanggulangi secara penuh melalui dana Anggaran Pendapatan dan belanja
Negara (APBN) ataupun dana Anggaran Pendapatan dan Belanja Daerah (APBD). Penelitian ini memberikan alternatif pembiayaan infrastruktur dengan memanfaatkan dana zakat yang potensinya mencapai 10-15 triliyun rupiah setiap tahunnya. Dana zakat ini merupakan aset yang sangat potensial untuk di manfaatkan mengingat negara Indonesia mayoritas penduduknya adalah muslim. Metode yang digunakan adalah wawancara terhadap pihak-pihak yang terkait dan profesional dibidang pelayaran rakyat dan pengelola dana zakat, guna mendapatkan data-data primer dan sekunder serta ditunjang oleh studi literatur terkait penelitian. Metode ini digunakan untuk memperoleh hasil penelitian
berupa potensi dana zakat untuk membiayai infrastruktur prasarana pelayaran rakyat dan faktor-faktor yang menjadikan dana zakat memiliki potensi pembiayaan serta menggambarkan skema pembiayaan proyek prasarana pelayaran rakyat berbasis dana zakat Hasil dari penelitian ini adalah terdapat potensi yang sangat besar pada dana
zakat yang dikelola oleh badan amil zakat di Indonesia yang dapat dimanfaatkan untuk membiayai proyek infrastruktur pelayaran rakyat berdasarkan aturan-aturan pemerintah dan syariat Islam serta fatwa ulama yang menjadi dasar pertimbangannya disertai dengan model skema pembiayaan proyek berbasis dana zakat.;Infrastructure finance projects schemes is growing in Indonesia. Its development followed by some government programs in order to accelerate infrastructure. This scheme evolved related funding issues very big project and can not be fully addressed through expenditure of funds and the State Budget
(APBN) or fund Local Budget (APBD). This study provides an alternative of infrastructure finance by utilizing the potential of zakat funds which reach 10-15 trillion rupiah annually. The charity fund is a potential asset to be utilized given the state of Indonesia is predominantly Muslim. The method used was interviews with relevant parties and professional people in the field of pelra and zakah’s institution , in order to obtain primary data and secondary and supported by relevant research literature. This method is used to obtain the results of research in the form of potential zakat funds to financing utility infrastructure of pelra and the factors that make zakat funds have the
potential financing and describes the infrastructure project financing scheme based its funds. As the results from this study is that there is huge potential in zakah funds managed by the agency amil zakat in Indonesia that could be used to finance infrastructure projects seafaring folk by government rules and scholars of Islamic law and fatwa on which the consideration is accompanied by financing schemes
project-based zakah funds., Infrastructure finance projects schemes is growing in Indonesia. Its
development followed by some government programs in order to accelerate
infrastructure. This scheme evolved related funding issues very big project and
can not be fully addressed through expenditure of funds and the State Budget
(APBN) or fund Local Budget (APBD). This study provides an alternative of
infrastructure finance by utilizing the potential of zakat funds which reach 10-15
trillion rupiah annually. The charity fund is a potential asset to be utilized given
the state of Indonesia is predominantly Muslim.
The method used was interviews with relevant parties and professional
people in the field of pelra and zakah’s institution , in order to obtain primary data
and secondary and supported by relevant research literature. This method is used
to obtain the results of research in the form of potential zakat funds to financing
utility infrastructure of pelra and the factors that make zakat funds have the
potential financing and describes the infrastructure project financing scheme
based its funds.
As the results from this study is that there is huge potential in zakah funds
managed by the agency amil zakat in Indonesia that could be used to finance
infrastructure projects seafaring folk by government rules and scholars of Islamic
law and fatwa on which the consideration is accompanied by financing schemes
project-based zakah funds.]"
Fakultas Teknik Universitas Indonesia, 2015
UI - Tesis Membership  Universitas Indonesia Library
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