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Telah dilakukan penelitian pada bulan Januari hingga Juni 2016 mengenai analisis
proksimat, uji organoleptik, dan uji fisik pakan ikan hias yang memanfaatkan
tepung bintang laut mahkota duri (Acanthaster planci) sebagai substitusi protein
tepung ikan. Penelitian bertujuan untuk mengetahui dan membuat formulasi pakan
ikan hias dengan substitusi tepung A. planci yang memiliki kualitas terbaik
berdasarkan analisis proksimat, uji organoleptik, dan uji fisik serta untuk
mengetahui kandungan gizi dari pakan ikan hias dengan substitusi tepung A.
planci tersebut. Pakan yang dibuat yaitu pakan yang mengandung protein sebesar
37%, 27%, dan 17% dimana sumber protein yang digunakan berasal dari dedak
dan tepung ikan yang sebagian disubstitusi dengan tepung A. planci. Pakan
sampel dianalisis proksimat (kadar air, protein, lemak, serat kasar, bahan ekstrak
tanpa nitrogen, kadar abu), uji organoleptik (tekstur, aroma, warna, rasa), dan uji
fisik (tingkat kekerasan, kecepatan pecah, kecepatan tenggelam). Hasil penelitian
menunjukkan bahwa pakan dengan kandungan protein sebesar 27% merupakan
pakan dengan formulasi terbaik karena memiliki kandungan gizi, kriteria
organoleptik, dan kriteria fisik yang terbaik

A research about proximate analysis, organoleptic and physical test of fish meal
contained crown of thorns starfish (Acanthaster planci) powder as a fish powder
protein substitution has been conducted on January until June 2016. The research
aims to produce the best quality fish meal formulation with A. planci powder
substitute based on data of proximate analysis, organoleptic and physical test as
well as knowing the nutrient content of that fish meal. The meal contain protein of
37%, 27%, and 17% made of brans and fish powder that substituted with A. planci
powder. Each fish meal types were subjected to proximate analysis (water content,
protein, lipid, fiber, extract materials without nitrogen, ash content), organoleptic
test (texture, flavor, color, taste), and physical test (hardness level, cracking speed,
sinking speed). The results showed that fish meal of 27% protein was the best
meal formulation because it?s nutrient content, organoleptic and physical criteria
was better than others."
UI - Skripsi Membership  Universitas Indonesia Library
Khansa Annafi`u Azlou
Penelitian mengenai pemanfaatan tepung bintang laut mahkota duri sebagai bahan
substitusi protein pakan ikan mas hias telah dilakukan pada bulan Februari--Mei
2016. Penelitian bertujuan untuk menghitung nilai kesukaan, mengukur
pertumbuhan dan warna ikan Carassius auratus yang diberi pakan ikan berbahan
tepung Acanthaster planci. Penelitian dilakukan dengan membuat A. planci
menjadi tepung kemudian merancang formulasi pakan dan dilakukan pembuatan
pelet ikan. Pelet dengan tepung Acanthaster planci merupakan pakan perlakuan
dan pelet dengan tepung ampas tahu merupakan pakan kontrol. Selanjutnya pelet
yang sudah dibuat diujikan kepada ikan C. auratus yang sebelumnya sudah
diaklimasi. Hasil penelitian menunjukkan bahwa ikan C. auratus lebih menyukai
pakan perlakuan dibandingkan pakan kontrol dengan persentase pakan yang
dimakan secara berurutan 68,2% dan 48% dan nilai indeks elektivitas Ivlev 0,24
dan 0,11. Pengaruh pemberian kedua pakan terhadap pertumbuhan tidak terlalu
berbeda. Berdasarkan rata-rata penilaian oleh panelis terhadap warna ikan
C. auratus selama tujuh minggu, pakan perlakuan memicu perubahan warna yang
lebih cepat dibandingkan dengan pakan kontrol.

A study of utilization of crown-of-thorn starfish (Acanthaster planci) powder as a
protein substitution in pellets for goldfish (Carassius auratus) has been conducted
on February--May 2016. The objectives of the study were to calculate the value of
Carassius auratus preference against the pellets contain Acanthaster planci
powder and to measure the effect of pellets to the growth and body color of
Carassius auratus. The study was initially conducted by making A. planci into a
powder, design formulation of pellets and finally transform it into the pellets. The
pellet that made with Acanthaster planci is a treatment pellet and the pellet that
made with tofu residue is a control pellet. The pellets tested to the acclimatized
C. auratus. The results showed that C. auratus prefers to eat treatment pellets
rather than control pellets. The percentage of treatment and control pellets eaten
by C. auratus is 68.2% and 48% respectively and the Ivlev electivity index value
is 0.24 and 0.11 respectively. The growth effect of both pellets showed no
considerable difference. The average valuation by the panelists for seven weeks,
showed that treatment pellets triggered the change of fishes? body color faster
than the control pellets."
UI - Skripsi Membership  Universitas Indonesia Library
Meilisha Putri Pertiwi
"Penelitian komunitas ikan yang tertangkap dengan jaring push net dan kaitannya dengan produksi serasah hutan mangrove di Pulau Panjang, Teluk Banten telah dilakukan pada bulan Oktober?Desember 2014 saat pasang purnama. Tujuan penelitian untuk melihat keanekaragaman dan komunitas ikan serta mengetahui besarnya serasah yang dilepas ke perairan laut dan hubungan antara C, N, P serasah dengan C, N, P Chandidae (famili ikan dominan dalam penelitian). Metode penangkapan ikan dengan push net secara manual dan pemasangan perangkap serasah berupa paralon yang mengarah ke perairan laut di Stasiun 1 dan 2. Hasil tangkapan ikan yaitu 1.770 individu (14 famili, 16 marga, dan 22 spesies). Jumlah terbanyak di Stasiun 1 (1.213) dan bulan November (749). Nilai H? di Stasiun 1 (0,71) dan 2 (0,81) adalah rendah dan sedang, didukung rendahnya nilai E dan tingginya D. Sebanyak 51% ikan yang tertangkap adalah Ambassis gymnocephalus dari famili Chandidae. Ikan komersial yang tertangkap yaitu dari famili Mugilidae dan Serranidae. Mayoritas ikan yang tertangkap juga merupakan ikan penetap sejati (true resident) yaitu berjumlah 1.248 ekor. Biomassa serasah dan Chandidae terbesar yaitu di bulan Desember (219,49 g dan 75,85 g). Sementara Stasiun 1 memberikan biomassa terbesar untuk serasah (162,99 g) dan Stasiun 2 untuk Chandidae (19,14 g). Nilai serasah terbanyak yang dilepas ke laut yaitu pada bulan Desember di Stasiun 1 (47,47 g/m³/s). Nilai koefisien relasi C, N, P serasah dengan C, N, P Chandidae memberikan hasil yang sama yaitu 0,999. Model regresi yang terbentuk berturutturut yaitu Chandidae = 0,889 C Serasah, Chandidae = 11,367 N Serasah, dan Chandidae = 5,407 P Serasah.

The research of fish community and its correlation with the production of mangrove forest litter in Panjang Island, Banten Bay had been conducted from October to December 2014 while spring tide. The research?s aim was to know the fish diversity and fish community, to identify mangrove litter?s value to the sea and correlation between C, N, P of mangrove litter and C, N, P of Chandidae (the biggest fish family captured). The method was used push net manually active and also water pipes were put to captured mangrove?s litter to the sea at Station 1 and 2. In total, 1770 species were captured (14 families, 16 genera, and 22 species), the most large number were at Station 1 and in November (1.213 and 749 individus). H? value at Station 1 was low (0,71), meanwhile at Station 2 was moderate (0,81). It supported by low E value. 51% fish captured was Ambassis gymnocephalus from Chandidae family. Economic value fish captured were Mugilidae and Serranidae. Mostly fish captured also were true resident fish (1.248). The biggest biomass of mangrove litter was been at Station 1 (162,99 g), while Chandidae was been at Station 2 (19,14 g). The biggest removed mangrove litter to the sea water was in December and Station 1 (47,47 g/m³/s). The Pearson correlation from C, N, P of mangrove litter and C, N, P of Chandidae gave the same value (0,999). The model of Linear Regression were Chandidae = 0,889 C Mangrove litter, Chandidae = 11,367 N Mangrove litter, dan Chandidae = 5,407 P Mangrove litter.
Depok: Fakultas Matematika dan Ilmu Pengetahuan Alam Universitas Indonesia, 2015
UI - Tesis Membership  Universitas Indonesia Library
Rahmat Mu`allim
"The utilization of fisheries and maritime resources in Indonesia has not been done optimally. Therefore, the information about fisheries and maritime resources still becomes a serious problem. The exploration of fisheries and maritime resources should be supported with science and technology in order to determine the accurate, effective, efficient ways in maintaining the sustainability of the resources. Acoustic method is already wellknown as one of the methods in fisheries technology.
The observation about Pelagic fish density and distribution using hydro acoustic as well as observation of oceanography condition in the western part of aceh waters conducted on August 6-8, 2005. The instruments used are SIMRAD EK 60 with its Split Beam Acoustic System to observe Pelagic fish density and distribution as well as CTD (Conductivity Temperature Depth) Seabird model SBE-119 for climate and salinity observation. The collection of data was performed by K.M. Bawal Putih within covering area approximately 5 mile, the distance from coastal area to the offshore is about 35 mile, and 4.898 area of research width in total.
The horizontal distribution of pelagic fish is mostly influenced by land condition thus more pelagic fish were found at the neurotic area, which encompasses water mass lying down on the surface of the continent. This area contains same nutrient derived from coastal area. Because of the shallow depth, the water temperature remained warm.
The research results show that the highest average density is located on Meulaboh waters (Leg 13, 14, and 15) within the density value about 1752 fish/1000 m3. This condition is predicted due to suitable climate and salinity of waters. The highest temperature was 290 C (temperature average 28,50 C) and the lowest salinity 32,82 PSU, it might be happen because of the runoff from the river (rivers in Meulaboh).
However, vertically, most of the density value tend to decline along with the increase of depth, the highest density occur on level 1 (1 to 10 m) about 1745 fishes /1000 m2, whereas the lowest density found on the thermo cline layer at level 9 to 10 (80 - 100m) nearly 343 fishes/1000m3. Its condition can be happened due to the decrease of fish’s tolerant level on physical condition of thermo cline layer such as: temperature effect, salinity, intensity of light and also the decrease of food supplies.
Target Strength data indicated that the different variation of fish sizes depends on its depth. On first layer, strength target frequency about 60 -dB 45 Db dominated the waters, it explains that the first level is dominated by small Pelagic fish or others but it has smaller size than deep water fish. Strength target value which is relatively lower was found on near-shore area, while the higher target is quite far from the coastal area.
The value of temperature and salinity in the western part of Aceh seas vertically show the same method. The warm-thick isothermal layer was observed between 80 to 120 meters. Horizontally the temperature of sea surface is various from 28,65oC to 30,15oC. The sea surface temperature increases gradually form north to south, and show the decrease from coastal area to Hindia Ocean.
Salinity of sea surface on west Aceh seas doesn’t show significant variation, between 32,8 PUS and 33,7 PSU. The salinity of coast area from north to south relatively low and gradually increases to Hindia Ocean. The lowest salinity was found near the Meulaboh waters.
Correlation analysis using Spearman's rho test shows a negative correlation between depth parameter and temperature (-0.691), and density of fish (-0.336). It means that water temperature and fish density will decrease in increasing depth. Positive correlation is shown between depth and salinity parameters within number 0.842 it demonstrates that in western aceh seas, there are a big influence of river discharge to the surrounding area especially in lower salinity parameter on the surface."
Depok: Fakultas Matematika dan Ilmu Pengetahuan Alam Universitas Indonesia, 2006
UI - Tesis Membership  Universitas Indonesia Library
Irfan Syahbana
Minyak ikan dikenal sebagai sumber polyunsaturated fatty acids (PUFA) yang baik dan digunakan untuk tujuan farmasetika dan suplemen pangan secara luas. Dalam penelitian ini, bahan baku ikan sidat (Anguilla bicolor bicolor) dikarakterisasi dan minyak ikan diekstraksi dari tulang ikan sidat dengan metode Bligh & Dyer dan wet rendering. Komposisi asam lemak dari minyaknya dianalisa dan dikuantifikasi menggunakan kromatografi gas. Hasil yang diperoleh menunjukkan, total by-product pengolahan ikan sidat (Anguilla bicolor bicolor) mencapai 26,38%, kandungan lemak tulang ikan sidat 17,33 ± 0,58 g/100 g. Rendemen minyak ikan sidat yang diekstraksi dengan metode Bligh dan Dyer adalah 17,12%. Berdasarkan hasil analisis asam lemak minyak ikan sidat, diperoleh kandungan SFA 19,87%, MUFA 25,84%, PUFA 13,84%. Komposisi asam lemak utama minyak ikan sidat adalah asam palmitat 13,58%, asam oleat 20,94%, asam linoleat 4,01%, EPA 1,57% dan DHA 4,84%. Rendemen tertinggi ekstraksi minyak ikan dari tulang ikan sidat menggunakan metode wet rendering adalah sebesar 6,95% yang didapat pada pada suhu 80ºC, waktu perebusan 60 menit. Penambahan waktu perebusan menjadi 90 menit pada suhu yang sama, tidak berpengaruh nyata terhadap persentase rendemen. Kondisi ekstraksi metode wet rendering terbaik berdasarkan persentase rendemen dan nilai hasil uji mutu dari minyak ikan adalah suhu perebusan 60°C, waktu perebusan 60 menit dengan persentase rendemen sebesar 5,53%, asam lemak bebas 0,47% , bilangan asam 9.277,55 mg KOH/kg, bilangan peroksida 38,35 meq/kg, bilangan anisidin 25,84 meq/kg dan total oksidasi 102,55 meq/kg. Hanya kandungan asam lemak bebas saja yang mempunyai nilai sesuai standar yang diperbolehkan.

Fish oils have been recognized as good sources of polyunsaturated fatty acids (PUFA) which are widely used for pharmaceutical purposes and as food supplements. In this study, eels (Angguilla bicolor bicolor) as a raw material was characterized and fish oil from eels bone were extracted using Bligh & Dyer and wet rendering method. The fatty acid composition of the oil was analyzed and quantified using gas chromatography. Results showed that the total yield of by-product of eel reached 26,38 %, the lipid content of eels bone was 17.33 ± 0.58 g/100 g. Yield of eel bone oil extracted by Bligh and Dyer method was 17.12%. In the fatty acid analysis of eel bone oil, it was discovered that SFA was 19.87%, MUFA was 25.84%, and PUFA was 13.84%. The Composition of major fatty acids in the oil from the bone were palmitic acid (13.58%), oleic acid (20.94%), linoleic acid (4.01%), EPA (1.57%), and DHA (4.84%). The highest yield of fish oil from eel bone with wet rendeering exctraction method was 6.95% on temperatur 80ºC and boiling time 60 minutes. At the same temperatur, an additional time to 90 minutes was not significantly different to percentage of yield. The best condition for wet rendering exctraction method is boiling temperature 60°C, boiling time 60 minute with value of yield, free fatty acid, acid value, peroxide value, anisidin value and total oxidation is 5,53%, 0,47%, 9.277,55 mg KOH/kg, 38,35 meq/kg, 25,84 meq/kg and 102,55 meq/kg respectively. Result showed that only free fatty acid value which meet the standar requirement.
;Fish oils have been recognized as good sources of polyunsaturated fatty acids (PUFA) which are widely used for pharmaceutical purposes and as food supplements. In this study, eels (Angguilla bicolor bicolor) as a raw material was characterized and fish oil from eels bone were extracted using Bligh & Dyer and wet rendering method. The fatty acid composition of the oil was analyzed and quantified using gas chromatography. Results showed that the total yield of by-product of eel reached 26,38 %, the lipid content of eels bone was 17.33 ± 0.58 g/100 g. Yield of eel bone oil extracted by Bligh and Dyer method was 17.12%. In the fatty acid analysis of eel bone oil, it was discovered that SFA was 19.87%, MUFA was 25.84%, and PUFA was 13.84%. The Composition of major fatty acids in the oil from the bone were palmitic acid (13.58%), oleic acid (20.94%), linoleic acid (4.01%), EPA (1.57%), and DHA (4.84%). The highest yield of fish oil from eel bone with wet rendeering exctraction method was 6.95% on temperatur 80ºC and boiling time 60 minutes. At the same temperatur, an additional time to 90 minutes was not significantly different to percentage of yield. The best condition for wet rendering exctraction method is boiling temperature 60°C, boiling time 60 minute with value of yield, free fatty acid, acid value, peroxide value, anisidin value and total oxidation is 5,53%, 0,47%, 9.277,55 mg KOH/kg, 38,35 meq/kg, 25,84 meq/kg and 102,55 meq/kg respectively. Result showed that only free fatty acid value which meet the standar requirement.
;Fish oils have been recognized as good sources of polyunsaturated fatty acids (PUFA) which are widely used for pharmaceutical purposes and as food supplements. In this study, eels (Angguilla bicolor bicolor) as a raw material was characterized and fish oil from eels bone were extracted using Bligh & Dyer and wet rendering method. The fatty acid composition of the oil was analyzed and quantified using gas chromatography. Results showed that the total yield of by-product of eel reached 26,38 %, the lipid content of eels bone was 17.33 ± 0.58 g/100 g. Yield of eel bone oil extracted by Bligh and Dyer method was 17.12%. In the fatty acid analysis of eel bone oil, it was discovered that SFA was 19.87%, MUFA was 25.84%, and PUFA was 13.84%. The Composition of major fatty acids in the oil from the bone were palmitic acid (13.58%), oleic acid (20.94%), linoleic acid (4.01%), EPA (1.57%), and DHA (4.84%). The highest yield of fish oil from eel bone with wet rendeering exctraction method was 6.95% on temperatur 80ºC and boiling time 60 minutes. At the same temperatur, an additional time to 90 minutes was not significantly different to percentage of yield. The best condition for wet rendering exctraction method is boiling temperature 60°C, boiling time 60 minute with value of yield, free fatty acid, acid value, peroxide value, anisidin value and total oxidation is 5,53%, 0,47%, 9.277,55 mg KOH/kg, 38,35 meq/kg, 25,84 meq/kg and 102,55 meq/kg respectively. Result showed that only free fatty acid value which meet the standar requirement.
, Fish oils have been recognized as good sources of polyunsaturated fatty acids (PUFA) which are widely used for pharmaceutical purposes and as food supplements. In this study, eels (Angguilla bicolor bicolor) as a raw material was characterized and fish oil from eels bone were extracted using Bligh & Dyer and wet rendering method. The fatty acid composition of the oil was analyzed and quantified using gas chromatography. Results showed that the total yield of by-product of eel reached 26,38 %, the lipid content of eels bone was 17.33 ± 0.58 g/100 g. Yield of eel bone oil extracted by Bligh and Dyer method was 17.12%. In the fatty acid analysis of eel bone oil, it was discovered that SFA was 19.87%, MUFA was 25.84%, and PUFA was 13.84%. The Composition of major fatty acids in the oil from the bone were palmitic acid (13.58%), oleic acid (20.94%), linoleic acid (4.01%), EPA (1.57%), and DHA (4.84%). The highest yield of fish oil from eel bone with wet rendeering exctraction method was 6.95% on temperatur 80ºC and boiling time 60 minutes. At the same temperatur, an additional time to 90 minutes was not significantly different to percentage of yield. The best condition for wet rendering exctraction method is boiling temperature 60°C, boiling time 60 minute with value of yield, free fatty acid, acid value, peroxide value, anisidin value and total oxidation is 5,53%, 0,47%, 9.277,55 mg KOH/kg, 38,35 meq/kg, 25,84 meq/kg and 102,55 meq/kg respectively. Result showed that only free fatty acid value which meet the standar requirement.
UI - Tesis Membership  Universitas Indonesia Library
Hari Priyadi
Kabupaten Banggai memiliki potensi unggulan daerah dari sector maritime berupa
perikanan tangkap, tetapi implementasi manajeman penangkapannya belum
optimal. Ikan pelagis besar merupakan salah satu potensi unggulan di kabupaten
ini. Tujuan dari penelitian ini adalah untuk mengetahui sebaran daerah potensial
keberadaan ikan pelagis besar di perairan Kabuaten Banggai dengan
menggabungkan teknologi knowledge base dan teknologi Geographic Information
System (GIS). Penelitian ini dilakukan dengan mengidentifikasi klorofil-a dan
suhu permukaan laut yang bersumber dari data citra aqua modis selama kurun
waktu 7 (tujuh) tahun. Hasil dari penelitian ini adalah sebaran potensial ikan
pelagis besar di perairan Kabupaten Banggai. Umumnya sebaran potensi ikan
pelagis besar di perairan Kabupetan Banggai memiliki kelas kerapatan rendah,
sedang, dan tinggi pada wilayah Kecamatan Boalemo dan Kecamatan Masama
pada bulan Juli dan Agustus dengan wilayah cukup luas, dan wilayah dengan
kelas kerapatan rendah, sedang dan tinggi yang selalu ada sepanjang tahun pada
wilayah Kabupaten Morowali dan Kabupaten Banggai Kepulauan.

Banggai district has excellent potential areas of fisheries maritime sectors, but the
implementation is not yet optimal for fisheries management, the big pelagic fish
are one of the excellent potential in this district (Banggai District). The purpose of
this study was to determine the distribution of potential areas where the big
pelagic fish in the ocean of the Banggai District by integrated technology
knowledge base and Geographic Information System (GIS). The study was
conducted by identifying chlorophyll-a and sea surface temperature derived from
the fashionable aqua image data over a period of 7 (seven) years. Results from this
study is the potential distribution of big pelagic fish in the ocean of the Banggai
district. Generally the potential distribution of big pelagic fish in the ocean of the
Banggai island have low, medium, and high density grade in the District of
Boalemo and the District Masama in July and August with a fairly wide area, and
areas with a low density grade, medium and high are always there along year in
the area Morowali and Banggai Kepulauan, Banggai district has excellent potential areas of fisheries maritime sectors, but the
implementation is not yet optimal for fisheries management, the big pelagic fish
are one of the excellent potential in this district (Banggai District). The purpose of
this study was to determine the distribution of potential areas where the big
pelagic fish in the ocean of the Banggai District by integrated technology
knowledge base and Geographic Information System (GIS). The study was
conducted by identifying chlorophyll-a and sea surface temperature derived from
the fashionable aqua image data over a period of 7 (seven) years. Results from this
study is the potential distribution of big pelagic fish in the ocean of the Banggai
district. Generally the potential distribution of big pelagic fish in the ocean of the
Banggai island have low, medium, and high density grade in the District of
Boalemo and the District Masama in July and August with a fairly wide area, and
areas with a low density grade, medium and high are always there along year in
the area Morowali and Banggai Kepulauan]"
UI - Tesis Membership  Universitas Indonesia Library
Universitas Indonesia, 1981
UI - Skripsi Membership  Universitas Indonesia Library
Niken Dhanitya
"Salah satu usaha yang nasional adalah dengan teknologi ice slurry. Ice slurry generator dengan menggunakan scraper saat ini menjadi teknologi yang banyak dikembangkan dan digunakan secara luas. Penelitian ini dilakukan dengan menggunakan dua jenis scraper yang berbeda yaitu scraper simetrik dan asimetrik untuk menghasilkan ice slurry berbahan dasar air laut. Performa dari kedua jenis scraper tersebut kemudian dinilai dari segi kecepatan penurunan suhu dan kecepatan pembentukan ice slurry dengan variasi putaran pompa dan putaran scraper yang berbeda. Dengan mengkombinasikan 12 variasi putaran pompa dan scraper, didapatkan hasil putaran yang optimum untuk pembentukan ice slurry pada masing- masing tipe scraper adalah pada putaran pompa 2074 rpm dan putaran scraper 468 rpm.

One of the efforts to escalate national fish industry is by developing fish preservation technology with ice slurry. Ice slurry technology is highly favored for its advantage in maintaining fish freshness longer than using flake ice. The scraped- surface ice slurry generator is currently the most technologically developed and widely accepted technology in ice slurry generation. This study is using two types of different scraper, asymmetric and symmetric type with sea water as raw material. Performance of both scraper types will then be rated by its cooling rate and ice slurry generation rate with different variations of pump and scraper rotation. Combining 12 pump and scraper rotation variations and processing the data, it is found that the optimum pump and scraper rotation for ice slurry generation are 2074 rpm and 468 rpm, respectively.
Depok: Fakultas Teknik Universitas Indonesia, 2016
UI - Skripsi Membership  Universitas Indonesia Library
Putu Widyastuti Anggraeni S.
"Potensi perikanan terumbu karang telah memberikan sumbangan bagi perekonamian Indonesia melalui ekspor produk lautnya, namun di sisi lain penggunan bahan kimia seperti sianida sebagai metode tangkap telah menimbulkan masalah lingkungan yang cukup serius. Sianida mengakibatkan kematian karang, kematian biota laut lainnya termasuk larva ikan, putusnya rantai makanan dan rusaknya ekosistem terumbu karang beserta fungsinya, yaitu fungsi ekologis dan fungsi ekonomi. Sianida umumnya digunakan untuk menangkap ikan tanpa membunuhnya untuk industri ikan konsumsi dan ikan bias akuarium.
Seiring dengan makin tingginya kepedulian akan kelestarian terumbu karang dan kepentingan menjaga keberlanjutan usaha ikan hias laut maka muncul usaha dan beberapa pihak untuk memperkenalkan kembali penggunaan jaring sebagai alat tangkap alternatif sebagai pengganti sianida. Kendala muncul dari ketidakpercayaan di kalangan nelayan sendiri akan efektivitas jaring sebagai pengganti sianida. Bagi para nelayan yang telah terbiasa menggunakan sianida, ide penggunaan jaring menimbulkan pertanyaan. Menggunakan jaring berarti harus meluangkan waktu untuk belajar dan timbal keraguan apakah jumlah ikan yang ditangkap sama banyaknya dengan dibandingkan ketika menggunakan sianida. Di pihak lain, ada ketidakpercayaan pemerintah bahwa para nelayan akan dan mampu mengganti cara tangkap mereka dengan sukarela. Sikap antipati ini lebih banyak timbal karena pelanggaran penggunaan sianida yang tak henti-hentinya dilakukan oleh para nelayan.
Berdasarkan latar belakang tersebut maka permasalahan dalarn penelitian ini adalah:
1) Apakah manfaat metode jaring lebih besar dari metode sianida?
2) Apakah terdapat hubungan positif antara penerapan jaring dengan manfaat jaring?
3) Apakah pemberian insentif dari pemerintah mampu meningkatkan manfaat metode jaring?.
Tujuan dari penelitian ini adalah:
1) Mengetahui seberapa besar nilai manfaat metode jaring dibandingkan metode sianida guna memberikan argumentasi ilmiah dalam mendukung penggunaan jaring sebagai metode alternatif,
2) Menganalisis hubungan antara manfaat metode jaring dengan penerapannya oleh nelayan di Desa Les,
3) Mengkaji bentuk-bentuk insentif dan disinsentif dari pemerintah guna meningkatkan manfaat penggunaan jaring dan menghentikan penggunaan sianida dalam kegiatan penangkapan ikan hias dan pengelolaan sumberdaya laut secara berkelanjutan.
Hipotesis yang diajukan dalan penelitian ini adalah:
1) Manfaat dari metode jaring lebih besar daripada metode sianida,
2) Terdapat hubungan antara penerapan jaring dengan manfaat jaring,
3) Manfaat metode jaring dapat ditingkatkan apabila Pemerintah mengusahakan:
a) Pemberian subsidi atau kompensasi selama peralihan cara tangkap,
b) Pelatihan penangkapan dengan metode jaring,
c) Insentif harga terhadap ikan yang ditangkap dengan menggunakan metode jaring,
d) Kemudahan dalam pengurusan dokumen perdagangan bagi pengusaha ikan bias yang menggunakan jaring.
Penelitian ini diharapkan memberikan manfaat berupa data yang sahib yang mampu memberikan masukan, ilmiah maupun praktis yang dapat mendorong penerapan metode penangkapan secara lestari dalam industri ikan hias laut khususnya dan sumberdaya alam laut pada umumnya dan bahan pertimbangan bagi pemerintah dalam mendukung penggunaan jaring dan mengeluarkan kebijakan-kebijakan yang berkaitan dengan industri ikan hias taut yang berkelanjutan.
Variabel penelitian adalah penerapan jaring sebagai variabel bebas dan manfaat jaring sebagai variabel terikat, sedangkan pengumpulan data dilakukan dengan menggunakan kuisioner, wawancara dan observasi langsung. Pemilihan lokasi penelitian maupun pemilihan responden adalah purposive sampling mengingat seluruh nelayan di Desa Les telah melakukan uji coba penggunaan jaring dan berhasil dikumpulkan kuisioner dari 79 responden.
Analisis data dilakukan untuk membuktikan hipotesis yaitu analisis manfaat biaya untuk membuktikan hipotesis pertama, analisis korelasi Spearman Rank untuk membuktikan hipotesis kedua dan analisis deksriptif dengan menggunakan tabel frekuensi untuk hipotesis ketiga.
Analisis manfaat biaya dilakukan untuk tiga kategori nelayan ikan hias, yaitu nelayan kompresor, nelayan snorkeling jalan kaki dan nelayan snorkeling menggunakan angkutan umum.
Perhitungan manfaat biaya menghasilkan Nilai Bersih Sekarang (Net Present Value) dari jaring lebih besar daripada nilai NPV sianida yaitu 37,683,832: 32,976,174 untuk nelayan kompresor, 18,017,672 : 13,914,464 untuk nelayan snorkeling jalan kaki dan 35,376,020 : 31,356,362 untuk nelayan snorkeling menggunakan angkutan umum.
Perhitungan rasio manfaat biaya juga menghasilkan BCR jaring lebih besar daripada BCR sianida untuk semua kategori nelayan yaitu 3.14: 2.64 untuk nelayan kompresor, 4.87: 3.10 untuk nelayan snorkeling jalan kaki dan 4.31:3.49 untuk nelayan snorkeling menggunakan angkutan umum.
Berdasarkan hasil analisis maka diperoleh koefisien korelasi p (rho) sebesar 0.223 pada taraf signifikansi 5% yang berarti terdapat hubungan yang signifikan antara manfaat jaring dengan penerapannya oleh nelayan Les. Koefisien korelasi juga diuji dengan uji t dan menghasilkan t hitung sebesar 2,007 yang menunjukkan koefisien korelasi adalah signifikan karena nilainya lebih besar dari t tabel pada taraf 5%.
Hasil analisis deskriptif diperoleh hasil sebanyak 51.90% responden mengatakan bahwa peningkatan harga ikan hias jaring sangat diperlukan untuk meningkatkan manfaat jaring disusul oleh peningkatan mutu ikan (10,13%), penyediaan jaring (2,53%) dan insentif lain berupa pemberian ijin penangkapan, jaminan pasar, penyuluhan, penguatan kelompok nelayan, tambahan modal, penyediaan jaring sekaligus jaminan harga dan penyuluhan, pemberian ijin dan jaminan harga, masing-masing sebesar 1,27% dan sisanya sudah merasa cukup dengan manfaat yang ada sekarang (13,92%).
Kesimpulan dari penelitian ini adalah:
1. Manfaat metode jaring lebih besar dari manfaat metode sianida baik dari nilai bersih sekarang (Net Present Value), maupun dari rasio manfaat biaya untuk tingkat nelayan penangkap. Oleh karena itu secara ekonomi dan ekologis jaring layak untuk menggantikan sianida sebagai metode penangkapan ikan hias laut,
2. Terdapat hubungan yang signifikan antara penerapan jaring oleh nelayan desa Les dengan manfaat yang mereka terima dari penerapan jaring tersebut,
3. Untuk lebih meningkatkan keuntungan jaring terhadap para nelayan maka pemerintah berperan rnelaliii pemberian insentif berupa pemberian subsidi dan pelatihan, pelatihan dan jaminan pasar serta pemberian ijin penangkapan.
Saran yang dapat diberikan berdasarkan hasil pembahasan dan kesimpulan adalah:
1. Mulai diterapkannya penggunaan jaring oleh semua pihak yang masih menggunakan sianida,
2. Pengakuan pemerintah terhadap metode jaring melalui penetapannya sebagai cara tangkap yang legal,
3. Keterlibatan pemerintah, pihak swasta dan para nelayan dalam pengusahaan ikan hias laut secara berkelanjutan melalui sistem pengelolaan bersama (coo-management).
Daftar Kepustakaan: 39 (1988-2002)

Sustainable Undertakings of Marine Ornamental Fishes: a Case Study of Fish Catching Methods Changes in the Les Subdistrict, Tejakula District, Buleleng Residency, Bali Coral reef ecosystem provided high contributions for economic of Indonesia through its export commodities although the use of chemical substance in fishing activities such cyanide had cause serious environmental problem. Cyanide has long known responsible for the dead of the coral's polyps, killed fishes larvae as well as other marine organisms' and therefore cut the food chain and, at the end damaged coral reef ecosystem with its ecological and economic function. Cyanide used to stunned target fishes, both for live fish and ornamental fish.
Overtime, there are the rising of interest to protect the coral reef and its resource and the sustainability of marine ornamental fish business. Barrier net as an alternative catching method was reintroduced to substitute cyanide. Problem arouse from the fishers community itself for the effectiveness of the net by their longtime comfortable of using cyanide. More time will need if they started to use net and whether the catches will stay in the same number like when they use cyanide. The government, on the other side, shown their skeptic opinion that the fisher will switch their method voluntary, almost based on their experience of violation of the law by the fishers themselves which remain spread out in Indonesian coastal and marine area.
Research problems identified from the background are:
1) Is the benefit of barrier net higher that cyanide's?,
2) Is there relationship between the used of net by the fishers and benefit received? and
3) Is the incentive by government can increase the net's benefit?
The aims of the research are:
1) To find out the value of net's benefit comparing to the cyanide's to provide scientific argument to support the use of net as alternative method,
2) To analyze the correlation between the used of net by the fishers and benefit received, and
3) To determine type of incentives and disincentive by the government to increase the net's benefit and terminate the use of cyanide.
The hypotheses for this research are:
1) Net's benefit is higher than cyanide's benefit,
2) There is the used of net by the fishers and benefit received, and
3) The net's benefit can be increase by government through,
a) Subsides offer or compensation along the switch time,
b) Net use training,
c) Price's incentive for net cached fishes,
d) Simplified administration process for businessmen that already used net.
The result were expected to provide reliable and scientific data to drive and motivated the use of sustainable catching method for, marine ornamental fish and marine resource and provide strong based to support the use of the nets and formulate policies related sustainability of marine aquarium fish.
Research variable were net's benefit and it used of the fishers, data collected trough questionnaire, interview and current observation. Location and respondence were chosen using purposive sampling. Research was conduct in Les Subdistrict, Tejakula District, Buleleng Residency, Bali, Population of this study was fishers in Les and ornamental fishers were use as the sample.
Data analyzed using Cost Benefit Analysis and Spearman Rank correlation analysis to verify the 1st and 2nd hypotheses. The 3rdhypothesis was analyzed using frequent table. The result showed Net Present Value (NPV) of net was higher than cyanides for three categories of fishers as well as the BC Ratio. The NPV for compressor used fishers was 37,683,832: 32,976,174; 18,017,672: 13,914,464 for walking snorkeling fisher and 35,376,020: 31,356,362 for ground transportation snorkeling fisher. The BCR for compressor used fishers was 3.14: 2.64; 4.87: 3.10 for walking snorkeling fisher and 4.31:3.49 for ground transportation snorkeling fisher.
Correlation of Spearman Rank showed the coefficient of correlation value of 0.223 at significance level of 5% means there is significance relationship between net's benefit and the fishers use it. The coefficient then was tested and came out with the result of tom (2.007) was higher that t table, mean the coefficient were significance at level of confidence of 5%.
Table frequency shown as much of 51.90% respondence said that the higher price will increase the net's benefit, followed by the improve of fish quality (10,13%), supply of net (2,53%) and another incentive such us catching permit, market guarantee, teaching, empowering fisher organization, capital, net supply together with catching permit and teaching, catching permit and price guarantee, each 1,27% and the rest said they already satisfied with current benefit (13,92%).
The research comes to the conclusion are:
1. The benefit of net is higher that the benefit of cyanide both for NPV and SCR, and therefore cyanide was appropriate to substitute cyanide as catching method,
2. There is significance relationship between the use of net by Desa Les' fishers and it's benefit,
3. To increase the benefit the net used, the government can take role by giving incentives such subsidies, training, price incentive and catching permit.
Based on analysis there are several recommendations:
1. Implementation of net by all the fishers and parties that still using cyanide,
2. Recognition of net as alternative method by government,
3. The involving the entire stakeholder to give effort for the sustainability of marine aquarium fishes by implemented coo-management.
Number of References: 39 (1988-2403)
Jakarta: Program Pascasarjana Universitas Indonesia, 2004
UI - Tesis Membership  Universitas Indonesia Library
"The research conducted to see the influence of the sperm preserve to confront with fertilization of degree and hatch capacity of jambal siam fish. The research conducted in BBI Rambah Village from June until August 2002...."
Jakarta: Jurnal Akademika, 2007
Artikel Jurnal  Universitas Indonesia Library
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