South Jakarta City experiences an increase in temperature every year, and the UHI phenomenon occurs. The existence of public green open space (RTH) is one of the efforts to mitigate UHI. However, the availability of green spaces in South Jakarta City is still limited and has not met standards. The cooling intensity of RTH is called greenspace cool island intensity (GCII). This study aims to analyze the characteristics of public green spaces, the spatial distribution of GCII, and the relationship between public green space characteristics and GCII. The characteristics of public green space in this study are area, landscape shape index (LSI), and leaf area index (LAI). The method to obtain the GCII value is the turning point. GCII was obtained using a Landsat 8 OLI/TIRS image in 2023. The results showed that the characteristics of public green spaces in South Jakarta City are dominated by types of public green spaces with small areas, irregular shapes, and vegetation types of grass with trees. The GCII value has a range of values ranging from 0.51 oC to 2.79 oC and an average of 1.43 oC. Public green spaces in southern Jakarta City provide a cooling effect with a radius of 90 to 420 meters and an average of 187 meters. Area, LAI, and vegetation cover around public green spaces have a significant and positively correlated relationship to GCII. While the surrounding built-up land cover has a significant and negatively correlated relationship. LSI has no correlation with GCII.
"Manusia sebagai subjek hidup menjalankan aktivitasnya sehari-hari dalam suatu ruang dengan fungsi tertentu sesuai dengan aktivitasnya terkait waktu dengan mengatur benda sebagai objek sehingga kegiatan dapat berjalan secara baik dalam suatu ruang. Namun, pada kehidupan sehari-hari, dapat muncul perubahan-perubahan fungsi dan flow pada ruang, yang berbeda dari pengaturan ruang sebelumnya demi tercapainya kegiatan manusia secara lebih baik lagi. Perubahan-perubahan tersebut terbentuk dari pemanfaatan potensi ruang yang dapat terjadi secara disengaja maupun tidak melalui fleksibilitas objek pada ruang. Pembahasan dilakukan dengan mengkaji terbentuknya pemanfaatan potensi ruang melalui fleksibilitas dan keterkaitannya dengan fungsi dan flow pada ruang. Berdasarkan studi kasus yang dibahas, pemanfaatan potensi ruang melalui fleksibilitas dan perubahan fungsi serta flow pada ruang dapat terjadi secara bolak-balik dalam jangka waktu yang bervariatif. Memahami bagaimana pemanfaatan potensi ruang melalui fleksibilitas dapat terbentuk menjadi penting bagi seorang perancang untuk merancang ruang yang adaptif terhadap perubahan yang mungkin terjadi.
Human as living subjects conduct their daily activities in a space with certain function according to the activities related to times by arranging things as object so the activities could be run well in the space. Meanwhile, there will be some changes of function and flow in the space which is different from the arrangement before in order to allow the human activities to run better. These changes area were shaped by the utilization of space potential that could be happened either intentionally or accidentally through flexibility of object in space. The study was conducted by analyzing how the utilization of space potential is formed by flexibility and its relation to the function and the flow in space. The utilization of space potential by flexibility and change of function and flow in space could be happened back and forth in certain period of time. Understanding how the utilization of space potential by flexibility could be happened is important for architect to design a space that is adaptable to the possible changes