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Rafitri Rusmala Dewi
Limbah cair yang dihasilkan dari industri tahu masih mengandung padatan tersuspensi dan terlarut yang dapat mencemari perairan, oleh karena itu harus diturunkan kadarnya sebelum dibuang. Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk melihat kinerja dari masing-masing metode ozonasi, kavitasi ultrasonik, dan kombinasi keduanya untuk mengolah limbah cair pabrik tahu. Variasi yang dilakukan pada penelitian yaitu dosis ozon 30 mg/jam dan 130 mg/jam; intensitas gelombang ultrasonik 30%, 60%, dan 100%. Hasil terbaik yang diperoleh dari penelitian ini yaitu pada metode kombinasi ozonasi/kavitasi ultrasonik dengan waktu kontak 180 menit; dosis ozon 130 mg/jam dan intensitas sonikasi 100% yang menghasilkan penyisihan COD 24,74% dan TSS sebesar 55,26%.

The liquid waste generated from tofu plant still contains suspended and dissolved solids that can contaminate water, therefore it must be lowered levels before discharge. This study aims to look at the performance of each ozonation, ultrasonic cavitaion and combination of both methods for treating wastewater from tofu plant. Variations were made on research that ozone doses 30 mg/hr and 130 mg/hr; intensity ultrasonic wave 30%, 60%, and 100%. The best result were obtained from this research that the combination of ozonation/ultrasonic cavitation with a contact time of 180 minutes; ozon doses of 130 mg/hr and sonication intensity of 100% which resulted in 24.74% removal of COD and TSS of 55.26%."
UI - Skripsi Membership  Universitas Indonesia Library
Natasha Vidi Salsabila
Pemakaian air pada sektor rumah tangga salah satunya untuk mandi yang secara tidak langsung dihasilkan limbah cair domestik atau limbah rumah tangga yang mengandung sampo. Sampo mengandung berbagai zat kimia seperti logam seng (Zn), surfaktan, pewarna, pengawet yang dapat mencemari lingkungan, serta memiliki kadar COD yaitu 180-410 mg/L dan BOD yaitu 90-180 mg/L. Penelitian bertujuan untuk menguji kinerja dan efektivitas menggunakan Advanced Oxidation Process atau Proses Oksidasi Lanjut dengan metode ozonasi, perokson, dan ozonasi dengan adsorpsi karbon aktif dengan mengevaluasi pengaruh dosis ozon dan dosis karbon aktif terhadap kandungan akhir senyawa organik pada limbah cair sintetik sampo. Penelitian diawali dengan menguji kinerja ozonator dan laju alir ozon yang digunakan, menguji kuantifikasi radikal OH, yang dilanjutkan dengan pengolahan limbah dan analisis parameter kadar COD, TDS, surfaktan, serta logam. Terdapat dua perlakuan pengolahan limbah cair sintetik sampo yang terbukti menghasilkan penyisihan COD dengan nilai terbesar atau optimum, yaitu menggunakan kombinasi ozonator B dengan injeksi H2O2 sebanyak 4 kali menyisihkan COD sebesar 28,48% serta kombinasi ozonator B dengan adsorpsi GAC sebanyak 150 gram sebesar 32,99%.

Water is used in the household sector, which includes used of water for bathing that indirectly produced domestic liquid waste that contains shampoo liquid waste. Shampoo contains various chemicals such as zinc (Zn), surfactants, dyes, preservatives that can pollute the environment, also have COD levels of 180-410 mg/L and BOD levels 90-180 mg/L. The study aims to examine the performance and effectiveness using Advanced Oxidation Process with ozonation, peroxone, and ozonation with adsorption of activated carbon methods by evaluating the effect of ozones dosage and activated carbon dosage on the final organic compounds in synthetic shampoo liquid waste. The study began by testing the performance of the ozonator, the ozone flow rate that is used, and quantification of OH radicals, followed by the waste treatment and determining COD, TDS, surfactants, and metals levels as the parameter that matters. There are two treatments of synthetic liquid waste treatment which are proven to produce the COD removal with the greatest or optimum value, that is using a combination of ozonator B by injecting H2O2 4 times to decrease the COD levels by 28,48% and a combination of ozonator B with GAC adsorption of 150 grams by 32,99%."
UI - Skripsi Membership  Universitas Indonesia Library
Sarah Vania Ghaisani
"Senyawa fenol merupakan polutan berbahaya karena sifatnya yang beracun, korosif, dan karsinogenik. Senyawa ini banyak ditemukan dalam limbah cair industri yang jika dibuang langsung ke lingkungan tanpa pengolahan terlebih dahulu dapat memberi dampak yang sangat buruk pada lingkungan, yaitu menghambat aktivitas biota akuatik dan dapat mengakibatkan gangguan kesehatan pada tubuh. Teknologi ozonasi merupakan teknologi yang ramah lingkungan dan efektif untuk pengolahan limbah cair karena karakteristik ozon yang akan terdekomposisi dalam air membentuk oksidator-oksidator kuat, seperti radikal hidroksil. Selain itu, dilakukan pengembangan dengan teknologi ozonasi katalitik untuk mempercepat dekomposisi ozon menjadi radikal hidroksil yang memaksimalkan degradasi fenol. Pada penelitian ini, digunakan katalis ferolit karena memiliki efektivitas katalitik yang baik serta ketersediaannya yang banyak. Tujuan dari penelitian ini adalah untuk untuk membandingkan efektivitas teknik ozonasi katalitik dengan teknik ozonasi tunggal untuk proses degradasi senyawa fenol dalam reaktor kolom gelembung. Variasi yang digunakan berupa laju alir udara (8, 10 , 12 L/menit) dan laju alir limbah (255, 405, 495 mL/menit) pada teknik ozonasi, serta variasi massa katalis (50, 100, 200 g) pada teknik ozonasi katalitik. Titik optimal didapatkan dengan persentase degradasi mencapai 99,48% dan penurunan COD sebesar 74,01% pada teknik ozonasi dengan kondisi operasi pH awal limbah 12, laju alir udara 10 L/menit, dan laju alir limbah 495 mL/menit. Adapun dengan penambahan 200 g katalis ferolit pada teknik ozonasi katalitik, diperoleh hasil persentase degradasi sebesar 99,12% dan penurunan COD sebesar 40,17%. Dengan demikian, kehadiran ferolit memengaruhi kinerja proses ozonasi dengan efektivitas yang lebih rendah dibandingkan dengan ozonasi non-katalitik.

Phenol compound is dangerous pollutants due to its toxicity, corrosivity, and carcinogenic effects. This compound is found in industrial wastewater which has adverse effects on the environment if discharged directly without treatment, such as inhibits the activity of aquatic biota and cause health problems in the body. Ozonation technology is an environmentally friendly and effective technology for wastewater treatment due to ozone characteristics which decompose in water to form strong oxidizers, such as hydroxyl radicals. In addition, it is improved with catalytic ozonation technology to accelerate ozone decomposition into hydroxyl radicals which maximize phenol degradation. In this study, the catalyst used is ferrolite due to its good catalytic effectiveness and has large availability. This study aims to compare the effectiveness of catalytic ozonation technique with a single ozonation technique for the degradation of phenol compounds in bubble column reactors. Variations used in this study are air flow rate (8, 10, 12 L/min) and waste flow rate (255, 405, 495 mL/min) in the ozonation technique, as well as variations in catalyst mass (50, 100, 200 g) on catalytic ozonation technique. The optimal condition is obtained by degradation percentage reached 99,48% and COD reduction of 74,01% in ozonation technique evaluating with operating conditions of initial waste pH of 12, air flow rate of 10 L/min, and waste flow rate of 495 mL/min. As for the addition of 200 g ferrolite to catalytic ozonation technique, the results showed the degradation percentage of 99,12% and COD reduction was 40,17%. Thus, the presence of ferrolite affected ozonation process performance with a lower effectiveness compared to non-catalytic ozonation."
Depok: Fakultas Teknik Universitas Indonesia, 2019
UI - Skripsi Membership  Universitas Indonesia Library
Siahaan, Irvi Nurul Jannah
"Industri batik menghasilkan limbah cair dalam volume besar dengan kandungan organik yang tinggi. Zat warna pada limbah cair batik sukar diolah dengan proses biologis sehingga diperlukan pengolahan lebih lanjut untuk mengurangi beban pencemar sebelum dilepaskan ke lingkungan. Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mengamati kinerja dari masing-masing metode kavitasi ultrasonik, ozonasi, dan kombinasi ozonasi dan kavitasi ultrasonik untuk mengolah limbah cair batik yang terlebih dahulu diberikan pralakuan koagulasi-flokulasi dengan koagulan Polyaluminium Chloride (PAC). Variasi yang dilakukan pada penelitian adalah intensitas gelombang ultrasonik (20%, 30%, dan 60%) serta pH limbah (4, 7, dan 10). Pada penelitian ini didapatkan bahwa metode kavitasi ultrasonik dengan intensitas ultrasonik 20% menghasilkan penyisihan COD, TSS, dan warna (Pt-Co) masing-masing sebesar 65,59%, 91,51%, dan 93,41%. Pada proses ozonasi dengan pH 4 diperoleh penyisihan COD, TSS, dan warna (Pt-Co) masing-masing sebesar 70,51%, 94,35%, dan 96,10%. Adapun metode kombinasi ozonasi/kavitasi ultrasonik dengan pH 4 dan intensitas ultrasonik 20% menghasilkan penyisihan COD, TSS, dan Pt-Co tertinggi, yakni sebesar 77,02%, 95,15%, dan 94,88% secara berturut-turut.

The batik industry produces large volumes of liquid waste with high organic content. Wastewater treatment is needed to reduce pollutant load before being released into the environment. This study aims to observe the performance of each ultrasonic cavitation, ozonation, and a combination of both methods to treat batik wastewater, which is first given a coagulation-flocculation pre-treatment with Polyaluminium Chloride (PAC) coagulant. Variations made in the study are the intensity of ultrasonic waves (20%, 30%, and 60%) and the wastewater's pH (4, 7, and 10). In this study, it was found that the ultrasonic cavitation method with an ultrasonic intensity of 20% produced COD, TSS, and color (Pt-Co) removal of 65.59%, 91.51%, and 93.41%, respectively. In the ozonation process with pH 4, COD, TSS, and color (Pt-Co) removal were obtained at 70.51%, 94.35%, and 96.10%, respectively. The combined ozonation/ultrasonic cavitation method with a pH of 4 and an ultrasonic intensity of 20% produced the highest removal of COD, TSS, and Pt-Co by 77.02%, 95.1%, and 94.88%, respectively."
Depok: Fakultas Teknik Universitas Indonesia, 2020
UI - Skripsi Membership  Universitas Indonesia Library
Annisa Nurfitriyana
Advanced Oxidation Process (AOPs) berbasis ozon merupakan salah satu
teknologi pengolahan limbah yang dapat digunakan untuk mendegradasi senyawa
organik, salah satunya fenol. Namun, kelemahan utama ozon adalah sulit larut
dalam air sehingga diperlukan teknik tambahan untuk mengatasinya dan kavitasi
merupakan pilihan yang dapat dipertimbangkan. Fokus penelitian kali ini adalah
mengevaluasi pengaruh proses kavitasi, baik ultrasonik maupun hidrodinamik
terhadap karakteristik produk oksidasi yang dihasilkan melalui analisis GC-MS
dan persentase penyisihan fenol. Dari hasil penelitian, kavitasi ultrasonik
memberikan persentase penyisihan fenol yang lebih baik dan produk hasil
oksidasinya pun lebih beragam dibandingkan dengan kavitasi hidrodinamik.
Kombinasi teknik ozonasi dan kavitasi memberikan persentase penyisihan fenol
yang paling tinggi.

Advanced Oxidation Processes (AOPs) ozone-based is a waste treatment
technology which can be used to degrades organic compounds, such as phenol.
However, ozone has main problems which is low solubility in water, hence it need
addition technique to enhance the perform of AOPs and cavitation can be
considered as a choice. The focus of this research is to evaluate the influence of
cavitation in AOPs, both of hydrodinamic and ultrasonic on the oxidation
products. The result from this research reveal that ultrasonic cavitation gave better
percentage of phenol removal and more various oxidation products compared with
hydrodinamic cavitation. Combination both of ozonation and cavitation provides
the highest percentage of phenol removal."
Fakultas Teknik Universitas Indonesia, 2012
UI - Skripsi Open  Universitas Indonesia Library
Mia Azamia
"Pencemaran lingkungan menyebabkan rusaknya lingkungan yang berdampak pada makhluk hidup di sekitarnya. Sumber pencemaran lingkungan diantaranya berasal dari industri, domestik, dan laboratorium. Tujuan penelitian ini adalah melakukan pengolahan limbah dengan metode koagulasi dan adsorpsi untuk menurunkan kadar organik serta logam berat Fe, Mn, Cr. Jenis koagulan yang digunakan: Tawas, PAC, Trimer 3626, dan Trimer 6784 menggunakan uji jar dalam metode koagulasi. Kondisi optimum yang diperoleh adalah konsentrasi koagulan trimer 6784 sebanyak 19,2 mg/100 mL sampel dengan kisaran pH 4-7 pada suhu ruang. Pengolahan limbah secara koagulasi dapat menurunkan TSS = 69,13 %, TDS = 46,95 %, DHL = 72,33 %, kekeruhan = 93,5 %, KMnO4 = 48,89 %, kadar organik (COD) = 7,4 %, dan kadar logam berat Fe = 85,53 %, Mn = 55,84 %, Cr = 43,07 %. Sedangkan, nilai pH menjadi tinggi dan nilai suhu tetap. Proses adsorpsi dengan karbon aktif dapat menurunkan kadar organik (COD) = 58,53 %, namun terjadi peningkatan kadar logam Fe = 3,95 %, logam Mn = 63,8 %, dan logam Cr = 7,5 %. Sedangkan, adsorpsi dengan zeolit dapat menurunkan kadar organik (COD) = 54,61 % serta logam Cr = 38,67 %, namun terjadi peningkatan kadar logam Fe = 1,22 % serta logam Mn = 11,02 %. Kadar organik setelah adsorpsi menurun 58,53 % dengan karbon aktif dan 54,61 % dengan zeolit, namun masih jauh di atas baku mutu limbah cair menurut KEP-51/MENLH/10/1995 tentang Baku Mutu Limbah Cair Bagi Kegiatan Industri.

Bad environment makes the environment damage which can effect to another live creatures in around. This phenomenon is sourced by waste water which from many places such as industry, domestic, and laboratory. The purpose of this research is to do waste water treatment by coagulation and adsorption method to decrease organic content and heavy metal Fe, Mn, Cr. Some kinds of coagulation materials are Tawas, PAC, Trimer 3626, and Trimer 6784. It is used by jar test instrument in coagulation method. The optimum condition which is appropriate with waste water chemistry laboratory is by increasing Trimer 6784 coagulation material?s concentration 19,2 mg/100 mL sample with range pH 4-7 in room temperature. Waste water treatment by coagulation method can decrease TSS = 69,13 %, TDS = 46,95 %, DHL = 72,33 %, turbidity = 93,5 %, KMnO4 = 48,89 %, organic content (COD) = 7,4 %, and heavy metals Fe = 85,53 %, Mn = 55,84 %, Cr = 43,07 %.. Besides, the value of pH become high and the temperature is constant. Adsorption process with active carbon can decrease (COD) = 58,53 %, but it can increase Fe = 3,95 %, Mn = 63,8 %, and Cr = 7,5 %. In the other hand, adsorption with zeolite can decrease (COD) = 54,61 % and Cr = 38,67 %, besides it can increase Fe = 1,22 % and Mn = 11,02 %. The organic content is also decrease after adsorption process 58,53 % with active carbon and 54,61 % with zeolite, but it is not too significant and still over from the standard quality waste water from KEP-51/MENLH/10/1995 about Standard Quality of Waste Water Liquid for Industry Activities."
Depok: Fakultas Matematika dan Ilmu Pengetahuan Alam Universitas Indonesia, 2012
UI - Skripsi Open  Universitas Indonesia Library
Meidina Sekar Nadisti
"Limbah pewarna adalah limbah cair yang banyak ditemukan di industri tekstil dan tergolong berbahaya karena dapat mengakibatkan penyakit kulit dan menyebabkan ketidakseimbangan ekosistem air. AOP/Advanced Oxidation Process adalah teknik degradasi limbah dengan proses oksidasi tingkat lanjut melalui pembentukan radikal hidroksil bull;OH. Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mengevaluasi kinerja teknik ozonasi tunggal dan AOP O3/UV/H2O2 dalam mendegradasi limbah salah satu pewarna tekstil, yaitu remazol blue. Kondisi operasi terbaik diperoleh dengan laju alir cair 0,25 L/menit, laju alir udara total 10 L/menit Qg1 = 4 L/menit dan Qg2 = 6 L/menit, dan pH 11. Degradasi limbah pewarna mencapai 99,70 pada teknik ozonasi tunggal dan 99,99 pada teknik AOP, dimana penambahan UV dan H2O2 dapat meningkatkan produksi OH radikal hingga 4,6 kali lipat sehingga persentase degradasi remazol blue lebih tinggi. Nilai COD pada teknik AOP berhasil turun menjadi 30,88 mg/L dan pada teknik ozonasi tunggal menjadi 12 mg/L, dimana kedua teknik telah memenuhi baku mutu berdasarkan Peraturan Menteri Lingkungan Hidup No. 5 Tahun 2014.

Dye waste is a liquid waste found in many textile industries and classified as dangerous because it can cause skin diseases and imbalance of water ecosystems. AOP Advanced Oxidation Process is a waste degradation technique with oxidation process through the formation of hydroxyl radical bull OH. This study aims to evaluate the performance of a single ozonation technique and AOP O3 UV H2O2 in degrading one of the textile dye wastes, remazol blue. The best operating conditions were obtained with a liquid flow rate of 0.25 L min, a total airflow rate of 10 L min Qg1 4 L min and Qg2 6 L min, and pH 11. Dye degradation achieved in single ozonation technique is 99,70 and 99,99 in AOP technique, where the addition of UV and H2O2 can increase radical hydroxyl production up to 4.6 times so that the percentage of remazol blue degradation is higher. The value of COD in AOP has decreased to 30.88 mg L while in a single ozonation has decreased to 12 mg L, both of which are already met the government quality standard under Peraturan Menteri Lingkungan Hidup No.5 Tahun 2014."
Depok: Fakultas Teknik Universitas Indonesia, 2018
UI - Skripsi Membership  Universitas Indonesia Library
Zakki Rosmi Mubarok
Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mengurangi polutan dalam perairan yang salah satunya disebabkan oleh limbah cair tekstil dengan menggunakan teknik ozonasi katalitik. Digunakan UV254nm dan katalis GAC (Granular Carbon Active) batok kelapa serta batu bara yang akan meningkatkan prosentase penyisihan fenol dan turunannya dalam limbah cair industri tekstil. Perlakuan terbaik untuk penggunaan GAC batok kelapa adalah konfigurasi ozon+GAC100+UV dengan prosentase penyisihan fenol sebesar 95,87%, TOC 29,49% (dari 50,53 mg/L menjadi 35,6 mg/L), dan penyisihan COD 59,46% sedangkan ozon+GAC100 lebih rendah dengan penyisihan fenol sebesar 78,07%, TOC 13,39%, dan COD 58,97%. Sedangkan perlakuan terbaik untuk penggunaan GAC batu bara adalah konfigurasi ozon+GACC50+UV dengan prosentase penyisihan fenol sebesar 88,56%, TOC 32,52% (dari 50,53 mg/L menjadi 34,1 mg/L), dan penyisihan COD 59,63% sedangkan ozon+GACC50 lebih rendah dengan penyisihan fenol sebesar 78,07%, TOC 19,06%, dan COD 57,89%.

The research goal is decreasing water pollution using catalytic ozonation technique because of textile effluent. Adding UV254nm with GAC (Granular Carbon Active) coconut and charcoal in configuration will increase percentage phenol elimination and derivate in textile effluent which got sedimentation tank (active sludge treatment). The result for GAC coconut is ozon+GAC100+UV configuration with percentage phenol elimination 95,87%, TOC 29,49% (from 50,53 mg/L into 35,6 mg/L), and COD 59,46%. In other hand, ozon+GAC100 configuration lower than adding UV with percentage phenol elimination 78,07%, TOC 13,39%, and COD 58,97%. another GAC (charcoal) had a best result is ozon+GACC50+UV with percentage phenol elimination 88,56%, TOC 32,52% (from 50,53 mg/L into 34,1 mg/L), and COD 59,63%. In the fact, without adding UV, ozon+GACC50 has less percentage phenol elimination 78,07%, TOC 19,06%, dan COD 57,89%.;The research goal is decreasing water pollution using catalytic ozonation technique because of textile effluent. Adding UV254nm with GAC (Granular Carbon Active) coconut and charcoal in configuration will increase percentage phenol elimination and derivate in textile effluent which got sedimentation tank (active sludge treatment). The result for GAC coconut is ozon+GAC100+UV configuration with percentage phenol elimination 95,87%, TOC 29,49% (from 50,53 mg/L into 35,6 mg/L), and COD 59,46%. In other hand, ozon+GAC100 configuration lower than adding UV with percentage phenol elimination 78,07%, TOC 13,39%, and COD 58,97%. another GAC (charcoal) had a best result is ozon+GACC50+UV with percentage phenol elimination 88,56%, TOC 32,52% (from 50,53 mg/L into 34,1 mg/L), and COD 59,63%. In the fact, without adding UV, ozon+GACC50 has less percentage phenol elimination 78,07%, TOC 19,06%, dan COD 57,89%.;The research goal is decreasing water pollution using catalytic ozonation technique because of textile effluent. Adding UV254nm with GAC (Granular Carbon Active) coconut and charcoal in configuration will increase percentage phenol elimination and derivate in textile effluent which got sedimentation tank (active sludge treatment). The result for GAC coconut is ozon+GAC100+UV configuration with percentage phenol elimination 95,87%, TOC 29,49% (from 50,53 mg/L into 35,6 mg/L), and COD 59,46%. In other hand, ozon+GAC100 configuration lower than adding UV with percentage phenol elimination 78,07%, TOC 13,39%, and COD 58,97%. another GAC (charcoal) had a best result is ozon+GACC50+UV with percentage phenol elimination 88,56%, TOC 32,52% (from 50,53 mg/L into 34,1 mg/L), and COD 59,63%. In the fact, without adding UV, ozon+GACC50 has less percentage phenol elimination 78,07%, TOC 19,06%, dan COD 57,89%., The research goal is decreasing water pollution using catalytic ozonation technique because of textile effluent. Adding UV254nm with GAC (Granular Carbon Active) coconut and charcoal in configuration will increase percentage phenol elimination and derivate in textile effluent which got sedimentation tank (active sludge treatment). The result for GAC coconut is ozon+GAC100+UV configuration with percentage phenol elimination 95,87%, TOC 29,49% (from 50,53 mg/L into 35,6 mg/L), and COD 59,46%. In other hand, ozon+GAC100 configuration lower than adding UV with percentage phenol elimination 78,07%, TOC 13,39%, and COD 58,97%. another GAC (charcoal) had a best result is ozon+GACC50+UV with percentage phenol elimination 88,56%, TOC 32,52% (from 50,53 mg/L into 34,1 mg/L), and COD 59,63%. In the fact, without adding UV, ozon+GACC50 has less percentage phenol elimination 78,07%, TOC 19,06%, dan COD 57,89%.]"
UI - Tesis Membership  Universitas Indonesia Library
Agil Ramadhan Primasto
"Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mengevaluasi kinerja metode ozonasi, kavitasi hidrodinamika, dan kombinasi keduanya dalam mengolah limbah cair tahu. Variasi yang dilakukan adalah laju alir 2-4 LPM dan dosis ozon. Metode kombinasi kavitasi hidrodinamika dan ozonasi (laju alir 4 LPM dan dosis ozon 132,54 mg/jam) menghasilkan kinerja terbaik, yaitu menyisihkan 943 mg/L COD dan 293 mg/L TSS selama 180 menit. Hasil tersebut lebih baik dibandingkan metode kavitasi hidrodinamika laju alir 4 LPM dan ozonasi dengan dosis ozon 132,54 mg/jam secara terpisah, yang masing-masing hanya mampu menyisihkan 485 mg/L COD-288 mg/L TSS dan 136 mg/L COD-233 mg/L TSS selama 180 menit.

This research has purpose to evaluate the performance of ozonation, hydrodynamic cavitation, and combination of both in treating tofu wastewater. The variations being used are flowrate 2-4 LPM and dosage of ozone. Combination of hydrodynamic cavitation and ozonation (4 LPM flowrate and 132,54 mg/jam dosage of ozone) produces the best performance, with degradation of 943 mg/L COD and 293 mg/L TSS in 180 minutes. That result is far better than the 4 LPM hydrodynamic cavitation and 132,54 mg/jam dosage of ozone ozonation separately, which are 485 mg/L COD-288 mg/L TSS and 136 mg/L COD-233 mg/L TSS in 180 minutes accordingly."
Depok: Fakultas Teknik Universitas Indonesia, 2016
UI - Skripsi Membership  Universitas Indonesia Library
Maylen Rhona Vika
"Dalam penelitian ini limbah cair yang mengandung limbah sintetis pklorofenol sebesar 50 ppm diozonasi menggunakan RHOP (reaktor hibrida ozonplasma) dan ozonator standar, pada kondisi asam, netral, dan basa. Penelitian ini dilakukan dengan variasi lainnya, yaitu 3 (tiga) macam konfigurasi sistem reaksi (reaksi penyisihan limbah dalam RHOP, ozon dikontakkan dengan limbah cair dalam skema reaksi CSTR, dan ozon dikontakkan dengan limbah cair yang dilanjutkan dengan reaksi dalam RHOP). Kondisi pH limbah cair yang digunakan adalah 3,9 (asam), 6,8 (netral) dan 10,8 (basa). Penelitian ini menghasilkan kondisi terbaik untuk mendegradasi p-koloronenol yang terkandung dalam limbah cair yaitu, kondisi basa pH 10,8 dan sistem reaksi ozon dikontakkan dengan limbah cair yang dilanjutkan dengan reaksi dalam RHOP. Persentase degradasi yang dihasilkan mencapai 83,97%, dengan konsentrasi akhir 8,01 ppm.

In this experiment the liquid waste of p-chlorophenol synthetic 50 ppm ozonated by RHOP (ozone-plasma hybrid reactor) and standard ozonator, in acid, neutral and base condition. The experiment was carried out with 3 kinds variations of system configurations reaction (eliminination reaction liquid waste in RHOP, the liquid waste contacted with ozone in CSTR reaction scheme and the liquid waste contacted with ozone followed by reaction in RHOP). The liquid waste pH conditions used was 3,9 (acid), 6,8 (neutral) and 10,8 (base). The maximum conditions to degrade liquid waste containing p-chlorophenol are base at pH 10,8 and the ozone contacted with the liquid waste followed by reaction in RHOP. The degradation percentage obtained in this experiment is around 83,97% with concentrations 8,01 ppm."
Depok: Fakultas Teknik Universitas Indonesia, 2012
UI - Skripsi Open  Universitas Indonesia Library
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