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"The objectives of this study were to determine the prevalence of functional asymmetry in elementary and junior high school Tarsisius Vireta Tangerang students from 9 to 16 years old, and to determine which age group has the most extensive functional asymmetry. The subjects were grouped based on the development of the first molar until the second molar, as follows: group of age 9 to 11 years old, age above 11 to 14 years old, and age above 14 to 16 years old. Functional examination was done with a modified Castaldi method. The results showed that overall, functional asymmetry was found in 18 out of 306 subjects (prevalence 5.88%) who were examined. From the age group of 9 to 11 years old, there were 8 such subjects (7.14%); from the age group of above 11 to 14 years old, 7 subjects (6.73%); from the age group of above 14 to 16 years old, there were 3 subjects (3.33%).
Therefore, the age group of 9 to 14 years old was showing most
frequent functional asymmetry. It was also found that most subjects that experienced functional asymmetry, especially in anteroposterior direction, were subjects with class III malocclusion. In general, subjects with functional asymmetry had crowding and premature contact – which could happen at almost any tooth, but mostly at the incisors."
[Fakultas Kedokteran Gigi Universitas Indonesia, Journal of Dentistry Indonesia], 2008
Artikel Jurnal  Universitas Indonesia Library
"Indonesian are having oral health disease which relate with oral hygiene. Most of oral health diseases are dental caries and periodontal disease. Dental crowding is one type of dental malocclusion that cause those diseases. On the other hand, behaviour has an important role to influence oral health status. The aim of this study to get information about the relation between behaviour and oral hygiene of school children with dental crowding in DKI Jakarta. This study has been done on 277 fourth to sixth grade elementary school children from 5 district at DKI Jakarta. This observasional study has been done by chi-square test. The result has shown that there is no relation between behaviour to oral hygiene of dental crowding school children (p=0,93)."
Journal of Dentistry Indonesia, 2003
Artikel Jurnal  Universitas Indonesia Library
Chika Rimira Milen
"Latar belakang: Maloklusi merupakan bentuk penyimpangan oklusi ideal dan menjadi masalah gigi dan mulut dengan prevalensi tertinggi ketiga di dunia. Berdasarkan data Riskesdas 2018, proporsi penduduk Indonesia yang melakukan perawatan ortodonti untuk mengatasi maloklusi masih sangat rendah yaitu hanya 0,3%. Rendahnya proporsi tersebut kemungkinan disebabkan berbagai faktor seperti pengetahuan, motivasi, dan hambatan. Tujuan: Mengetahui hubungan pengetahuan, motivasi, dan hambatan terhadap perawatan ortodonti pada mahasiswa Universitas Indonesia Metode: Studi analitik observasional potong lintang pada 318 mahasiswa Universitas Indonesia Angkatan 2017. Instrumen yang digunakan yaitu tiga buah kuesioner tentang pengetahuan, motivasi dan hambatan melalui adaptasi lintas budaya. Hasil: Lebih dari 50% responden memiliki pengetahuan, hambatan, dan kemampuan terhadap perawatan ortodonti dengan kategori sedang. Terdapat 36,2% responden yang memiliki motivasi terhadap perawatan ortodonti tinggi. Uji korelasi Spearman menunjukan terdapat hubungan yang bermakna (p≤0,05) antara pengetahuan dan motivasi terhadap perawatan ortodonti; antara pengetahuan dan hambatan terhadap perawatan ortodonti; serta antara motivasi dan hambatan terhadap perawatan ortodonti. Motivasi merupakan faktor yang memiliki nilai korelasi terbesar (r=0,798, p≤0,05)terhadap perawatan ortodonti. Kesimpulan: Mahasiswa Universitas Indonesia angkatan 2017 memiliki tingkat motivasi tinggi untuk melakukan perawatan ortodonti, tetapi memiliki tingkat pengetahuan, hambatan, dan kemampuan terhadap perawatan ortodonti sedang. Terdapat hubungan antara pengetahuan, motivasi, dan hambatan terhadap perawatan ortodonti. Motivasi memiliki nilai korelasi paling besar terhadap perawatan ortodonti.

Background: Malocclusion is a deviation from ideal occlusion and becomes a dental and oral health problem globally with the third-highest prevalence. According to Riskesdas 2018, the proportion of the Indonesian population who had undergone orthodontic treatment to treat malocclusion is still very low, only 0,3%. The low proportion is probably due to various factors such as knowledge, motivation, and barriers. Objective: To assess the relationship between knowledge, motivation, and barriers to orthodontic treatment among University of Indonesia students. Methods: An analytical cross- sectional study was conducted among 318 University of Indonesia students class of 2017. The instrument used was three questionnaires about knowledge, motivation, and barriers through cross-cultural adaptation. Results: More than 50% of the respondents have a moderate level of knowledge, barriers, and orthodontic treatment ability. There are 36.2% of respondents who have high motivation towards orthodontic treatment. The Spearman correlation test shows a significant relationship (p≤0,05) between knowledge and motivation to orthodontic treatment; between knowledge and barriers to orthodontic treatment; and between motivation and barriers to orthodontic treatment. Motivation shows the highest correlation to orthodontic treatment (r=0,798, p≤0,05). Conclusion: University of Indonesia students class of 2017 have a high level of motivation to perform orthodontic treatment but have a moderate level of knowledge, barriers, and ability to orthodontic treatment. There is a relationship between knowledge, motivation, and barriers to orthodontic treatment. Motivation has the greatest correlation value to orthodontic treatment."
Jakarta: Fakultas Kedokteran Gigi Universitas Indonesia, 2021
UI - Skripsi Membership  Universitas Indonesia Library
Ghina Karisma
"Latar belakang: Perawatan ortodonti interseptif dapat mengurangi prevalensi maloklusi di Indonesia yang tinggi yaitu sebesar 80, namun hingga saat ini faktor-faktor yang berhubungan dengan kebutuhan subjektif akan perawatan ortodonti interseptif belum diketahui.
Tujuan: Menganalisis hubungan kebutuhan normatif perawatan ortodonti interseptif, sikap terhadap estetika gigi, pengetahuan kesehatan gigi dan mulut, jenis kelamin, dan tingkat sosioekonomi dengan kebutuhan subjektif perawatan ortodonti interseptif.
Metode: Desain penelitian adalah cross sectional, subjek penelitian adalah 101 murid SDI Al-Azhar 17 Bintaro berusia 8-11 tahun, yang dilakukan pemeriksaan klinis menggunakan kaca mulut dan probe, sedangkan untuk mengetahui kebutuhan normatif perawatan ortodonti interseptif digunakan alat ukur IKPO-I, dan untuk mengetahui variabel lainnya dengan kuesioner. Hubungan antarvariabel dianalisis dengan uji koefisien kontingensi dan uji korelasi Eta.
Hasil: Menunjukkan tidak terdapat hubungan yang bermakna antara jenis kelamin dengan kebutuhan subjektif perawatan ortodonti interseptif p-value=0,625, kebutuhan normatif perawatan ortodonti interseptif r=0,178, sikap terhadap estetika gigi r=0,059, pengetahuan kesehatan gigi dan mulut r=0,028, dan tingkat sosioekonomi r=0,068 dengan kebutuhan subjektif perawatan ortodonti interseptif.
Kesimpulan: Tidak terdapat hubungan yang bermakna antara kebutuhan normatif perawatan ortodonti interseptif, sikap terhadap estetika gigi, pengetahuan kesehatan gigi dan mulut, jenis kelamin, dan tingkat sosioekonomi dengan kebutuhan subjektif perawatan ortodonti interseptif.

Background: Interceptive orthodontic treatment can reduce the high prevalence of malocclusion in Indonesia which is 80, however, factors influencing the perceived need for interceptive orthodontic treatment is unknown.
Objectives: To analyze the relationship between normative orthodontic treatment need, dental aesthetic self perception, oral health knowledge, gender, socioeconomic status, and perceived need for interceptive orthodontic treatment.
Methods: The design of this study is cross sectional, subjects are 101 students at Al Azhar 17 Bintaro Elementary School aged 8 11 years. Data were obtained through clinical examination using dental mirror and probe. IKPO I is used to know the normative interceptive orthodontic treatment need and questionnaire is used to know other variables. The relationship between variables are analyzed with contingency coefficient analysis and Eta correlation analysis.
Results: Showed no significant relationship between gender p value 0,625, normative orthodontic treatment need r 0,178, dental aesthetic self perception r 0,059, oral health knowledge r 0,028, socioeconomic status r 0,068, and perceived need for interceptive orthodontic treatment.
Conclusion: There are no significant relationship between normative orthodontic treatment need, dental aesthetic self perception, oral health knowledge, gender, and socioeconomic status and perceived need for interceptive orthodontic treatment need.
Jakarta: Fakultas Kedokteran Gigi Universitas Indonesia, 2017
UI - Skripsi Membership  Universitas Indonesia Library
Jakarta: EGC, 2019
617.643 MAL
Buku Teks  Universitas Indonesia Library
Hestieyonini Hadnyanawati
"Oral hygiene determines by food debris, plague, calculus, material alba, and stain at surface of tooth. The main cause of gingivitis is plague, with following anomaly periodontal. The purpose of this study is to know the correlation of oral hygiene and gingivitis of class V (five) elementary school students in Kabupaten Jember. Method cross sectional was use in this study, and sample was taken by Stratified Random Sampling. Material and tools uses in this study are mouth glass, sonde, pincer, probe periodontal, sterile cotton, and alcohol 70%. The respondents examined and write OHI-S status and GI status. The result indicated that OHI-S status was relation with becomes gingivitis. Student with bad OHI-S status will become gingivitis (100%). This data waas test by Chi square (X2), and indicated that there is correlation between oral hygiene and gingivitis (p = 0,000)."
[Jurnal Kedokteran Gigi Universitas Indonesia, Journal of Dentistry Indonesia], 2002
Artikel Jurnal  Universitas Indonesia Library
Sophia Hermawan
"Penyakit karies gigi masih merupakan masalah kesehatan masyarakat yang cukup serius. Hal ini terlihat dari angka prevalensi karies gigi pada murid sekolah usia 14 tahun di seluruh propinsi Indonesia pada akhir Pelita III, IV dan tahun 1995 sebesar 72,76 %, 73,41 % dan 74,41 %. DKI Jakarta merupakan daerah yang mempunyai prevalensi karies gigi yang cukup tinggi, yaitu sebesar 93,38 % dan rata-rata angka pengalaman karies gigi (DMF-T) =2,82 gigi per anak dan angka PTI (jumlah gigi yang ditambal dibanding dengan pengalaman karies) sebesar 9,06 %. Angka ini masih jauh dibawah standar indikator target derajat kesehatan gigi dan mulut tahun 2000 yaitu minimal 50% pada usia 12 tahun. Hal ini menunjukkan kurangnya motivasi untuk berobat. Dengan demikian di DKI penyakit karies gigi masih merupakan masalah yang perlu diprioritaskan untuk dilakukan upaya penanggulangan. Namun upaya kuratif termasuk relatif mahal, sehingga dipilih altematif pencegahan karies yang antara lain dengan kumur Fluor. Berdasarkan altematif tersebut maka dapat digambarkan masalah penelitian yaitu belum adanya evaluasi tentang hubungan antara pemberian kumur Fluor dengan angka DMF-T, serta faktor lain yang diduga turut berperan dalam hubungan tersebut.
Adapun tujuan penelitian adalah diketahuinya rata-rata angka pengalaman karies gigi murid SD di DKI Jakarta dan diketahuinya hubungan pemberian kumur Fluor dengan angka DMF-T pada murid SD di DKI Jakarta, setelah dikontrol dengan variabel kebiasaan sikat gigi, konsumsi gula, pekerjaan orang tua, pendidikan orang tua dan pengetahuan pemeliharan kesehatan gigi.
Pada penelitian ini digunakan disain Cross Sectional , dengan populasi adalah seluruh murid SD di 5 wilayah DKI Jakarta, baik yang mendapat kumur Fluor maupun tidak. Sedangkan sampel adalah murid SD kelas 5 dan 6 yang berusia 12 tahun pada SD tertentu yang dipilih secara acak bertingkat.
Hasil penelitian menunjukkan bahwa rata-rata angka DMF-T pada murid SD di DKI Jakarta adalah 3,020 gigi per anak, berarti sedikit melampaui Batas maksimal indikator derajat kesehatan gigi tahun 2000 ( lebih kecil dari 3 ). Namun rata-rata angka DMF-T pada kelompok kumur Fluor lebih kecil /lebih baik (2,74) gigi per anak, dibandingkan kelompok non kumur Fluor yaitu 3,30 gigi per anak. Dilihat dari segi hubungan, maka terdapat hubungan yang bermakna antara variabel kumur Fluor, kebiasaan sikat gigi dan pengetahuan pemeliharaan kesehatan gigi, sehingga cocok dimasukkan dalam permodelan. Dari faktor kekuatan hubungan dan peluang meningkatnya kekuatan hubungannya dengan angka DMF-T , faktor kebiasaan sikat gigi adalah yang paling kuat hubungannya, diikuti kumur Fluor dan pengetahuan kesehatan gigi. Ditinjau dari segi efektivitas kegiatan sikat gigi masal dalam program UKGS disertai penyuluhan tentang kebiasaan sikat gigi merupakan Cara yang paling efektif, efisien dan serta alternatif yang paling tepat.
Pada penelitian ini penulis menyarankan agar kegiatan sikat gigi masal dan penyuluhan tentang kebiasaan sikat gigi terus dilakukan secara intensif dan berkesinambungan di seluruh Indonesia. Sedangkan kumur Fluor khusus pada daerah dengan konsentrasi Fluor dalam air minum rendah. Khusus DKI Jakarta dan kota besar lainnya dengan sosial ekonomi cukup baik, dianjurkan kegiatan sikat gigi masal disertai penyuluhan tentang kebiasaan sikat gigi dengan menggunakan pasta mengandung Fluor.

The Association between fluorides mouth rinsing and Caries Experience (DMF-T) score in primary school students at DKI Jakarta in 1995-1996.Caries dentist is still a serious health problem. It was shown by dental caries prevalence in 14 years students in Pelita III, IV and 1995, is 72,76 %, 73,74 °/o and 74,41 %. DKI Jakarta has a high caries prevalence, that is 93,38 % and DMF-T = 2,82 teeth for each student and PTI (Performance Treatment index or the amount of teeth have been filled compared by DMF-T score) = 9,06 %. This percentage is much lower than the standard of dental health indicator in the year of 2000, which will be achieved as 50% at 12 years students. It was proved that there is lack of motivation to treat dental caries. That's why dental caries is still a main priority problem to solve. But as we know, curative effort is relative more expensive, so it was chosen alternative for preventing caries by fluorides mouth rinsing. Due to this alternative, there are several research problems : there are no evaluation about association between fluorides mouth rinsing and DMF-T score after controlling by another factor had relationship.
The purpose of the research is getting the mean of DMF-T score at primary school students at DKI Jakarta and knowing the association between fluorides mouth rinsing and DMF-T score after controlling by several factors such as tooth brushing habitual, sugar consumption, level of education of the parents, job of the parents and knowledge about dental health care. In this Cross Sectional research, we use population of all primary school students in 5 area in DKI Jakarta. The sample are the 5 and 6 years primary school students who are 12 years old, and chosen by multistage random sampling method.
This research shows that the mean of DMF-T score is 3.020 teeth for each student, or little bit higher than the standard of dental health target in the year of 2000. (< 3). But if we compare in 2 groups, the mean DMF-T score in fluoridation group (2.74) is smaller or better than in non fluoridation group (3.30). Concerning about the association, there is a association between flour mouth rinsing, tooth 'brushing habitual and knowledge of dental health care, so it was fit to be a best model. If we note about the strength of the association and the probability estimate of the association to DMF-T score, tooth brushing habitual has a strongest association and followed by fluorides mouth rinsing and knowledge of dental health care. Mass tooth brushing in School Dental Programmed (UKGS) and promotion about tooth brushing habitual is the most effective and the best alternative.
In this research the writer suggests that mass tooth brushing and promotion about tooth brushing habitual would be done intensively and continuously in the whole area of Indonesia. Fluorides mouth rinsing is recommended for certain area, which are fluorides concentration in water supplies is low. Especially for DKI Jakarta and other big cities, which are the sicio-economic condition is relative good , it was suggested mass tooth brushing and promotion about tooth brushing habitual with fluorides paste.
Depok: Fakultas Kesehatan Masyarakat Universitas Indonesia, 1997
UI - Tesis Membership  Universitas Indonesia Library
Andi Gatot Wijanarko
"Permintaan akan perawatan ortodonti di klinik Spesialis FKG-UI meningkat dengan persentasi yang lebih besar pada usia di atas 16 tahun (67%) dibandingkan usia yang lebih muda. Pada penelitian yang terdahulu ditemukan bahwa pada usia 12 - 14 tahun sudah terjadi maloklusi (89%). Penelitian yang saya lakukan ini merupakan studi epidemiologis dasar untuk melihat prevalensi derajat keparahan maloklusi pada usia 12 - 14 tahun di Jakarta secara "crossectional" 270 sampel diambil secara multi stages cluster random sampling dari populasi remaja di Sekolah Menengah Pertama. Indeks HMAI (Handicapping Malocclusion Assessment index) digunakan untuk menilai derajat keparahan maloklusi baik pada laki-laki maupun perempuan.
Hasil penelitian memberi gambaran bahwa prevalensi terbanyak adalah malokiusi ringan sampai dengan berat (83,4%). Kelainan terbanyak adalah kasus berjejal (44,9%), gigi renggang (16,7%), gigi mendongos (6,3%), tumpang gigit dalam (6,3%), gigitan silang (12,3%) dan gigitan terbuka (13,2%). Tidak terdapat perbedaan prevalensi pada laki-laki atau perempuan. Tingkat kesadaran akan kebutuhan perawatan tinggi sesuai dengan tingkat keparahan maloklusi."
Jakarta: Fakultas Kedokteran Gigi Universitas Indonesia, 1999
UI - Tesis Membership  Universitas Indonesia Library
Miftakhul Khoiroh
"Bullying telah menjadi masalah yang serius pada murid sekolah dasar. Guru memiliki peran yang besar dalam mencegah dan menangani bullying di sekolah. Tujuan dari penelitian ini untuk mengetahui gambaran pengetahuan dan sikap guru tentang perilaku bulying yang dilakukan oleh murid sekolah dasar. Desain penelitian ini menggunakan Desain penelitian ini adalah deskriptif cross- sectional yang melibatkan 84 guru sekolah dasar di wilayah Kecamatan Makasar, Jakarta Timur. Hasil penelitian menunjukan hampir separuh responden memiliki pengetahuan yang cukup tentang bullying, yaitu sebesar 42,9. Selain itu, sebagian besar responden memiliki sikap yang positif pada perilaku bullying fisik dan relasional. Namun, separuh responden memiliki sikap yang negatif pada jenis perilaku bullying verbal. Pemberian pelatihan tentang bullying diharapkan mampu meningkatkan kesadaran guru tentang adanya bullying dan mampu menangani bullying dengan cara yang tepat.

Bullying has been a serious problem among elementary school students. Teacher has an important role in preventing and dealing with bullying in the school. The purpose of the research to describe teacher's knowledge and attitude about bullying in elementary school students. This research is a descriptive cross sectional study that involves 84 elementary school teachers in Makasar, East Jakarta. This study shows that almost half of samples 42,9 have moderate knowledge about bullying. Furthermore, most of the samples have positive attitude in physical and relational bullying. However, half of respondents have negative attitude toward verbal bullying. Providing training about bullying for teacher is expected to increase teacher's awareness about bullying and able to handle bullying in the right way."
Depok: Fakultas Ilmu Keperawatan Universitas Indonesia, 2017
UI - Skripsi Membership  Universitas Indonesia Library
"Journal of Dentistry 2006; Special Edition KPPIKG XIV: 374-378
Timing of orthodontic treatment for Class III malocclusion has always been somewhat controversial. Many orthodontic pioneers like Angle, Tweed, and Graber have advocated early interception of class III malocclusion because this kind of skeletal discrepancy once established, would usually progress rapidly. What kind of early treatment would be appropriate for this malocclusion? Would this approach be effective and promises a stable result? Early orthodontic treatment is defined as a treatment that is initiated during the primary or the mixed dentition stage to enhance skeletal and dental development. It is usually done in two phases. The first phase is intended to correct skeletal discrepancy by taking advantage of growth and development period. The second phase followed to improve occlusal relationship. Early treatment of Class III malocclusion is a possible alternative to improve skeletal discrepancy or at the very least may serve to prevent a worsening malocclusion. Principles of Class III early treatment depend on whether it is dental Class III, functional Class III, or skeletal Clas III. Practitioners should consider positive and negative factors of a patient before initiating treatment. Likewise, they should understand factors that affect prognosis and stability of the results."
Fakultas Kedokteran Gigi Universitas Indonesia, 2006
Artikel Jurnal  Universitas Indonesia Library
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