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"Background: Early operated patients with orofacial cleft often develop a retrusive maxilla. It is not clear whether this growth disturbance is attributed to the congenital malformation itself or to the cleft surgery or both. Objective: To evaluate transversal and anterio-posterior maxillary development in unoperated adult patients with unilateral cleft lip and palate (UCLP). Methods: 68 dental casts of unoperated adult UCLP patients were compared to 24 adult controls. The casts were analysed three dimensionally using an industrial coordinate measuring machine (=CMM) (Zeiss Numerex; Carl Zeiss Stutgart, Germany). 12 cephalograms of unoperated UCLP patients and 24 controls were available and measured for the following variables: Maxillary length, SNA, SNB, Gonial angle and SN-FH angle. The data obtained was analysed by paired t-test, level of significance was set at p<0,05. Results: measured on dental casts, the transversal distance at the level of the second molars was significantly wider and at the level of first premolar and canine significantly smaller compared to the control group. Cephalometrically there were no significant differences for the 5 cephalometric measurements. Conclusions: the presence of a cleft influences the development of the maxilla: The more extensive the cleft, the more extensive the effect of the dental arch, but the compression of the maxillary arch is limited to the anterior region. Measured cephalometrically the cleft has no influence on the anterio-posterior development of the maxilla. However, the sample size for the cephalometric study was small."
[Fakultas Kedokteran Gigi Universitas Indonesia, Journal of Dentistry Indonesia], 2009
Artikel Jurnal  Universitas Indonesia Library
Dewi Haryanti Pramono
"Salah satu syarat "die" adalah tidak mudah mengalami abrasi atau goresan ketika pembuatan pola malam dan percobaan "casting". Pengamatan menunjukkan bahwa umumnya para dokter gigi maupun teknisi tidak melakukan pengadukan dental stone tipe IV menurut instruksi pabrik ataupun aturan standar. Dengan demikian, dapat diduga hasil akhir die yang diperoleh, kekerasannya tidak sebaik kekerasan dental stone yang diaduk sesuai dengan instruksi pabrik ataupun aturan standar, sehingga dapat mempengaruhi "fitness" restorasi cekat. Untuk itu, dilakukan penelitian cara pengadukan dental stone tipe IV yang sesuai dengan instruksi pabrik dan tidak menyalahi aturan standar untuk mengetahui pengaruh cara pengadukan terhadap kekerasan dental stone tipe IV. Pengadukan dilakukan dengan menggunakan mesin kondisi hampa udara, mesin kondisi tanpa hampa udara dan manual. Uji kekerasan dilakukan menggunakan alat indentasi "Vickers Hardness Tester" dengan beban 31,25 kg. Indentasi dievaluasi menggunakan "Frank Hardness Microscope". Gambaran rnikro dari permukaan spesimen dievaluasi dengan "Scanning Electron Microscope". Hasil uji Anova 1-arah dan test Scheffe menunjukkan perbedaan bermakna antara ketiga cara pengadukan (< 0,05). Disimpulkan bahwa cara pengadukan yang mengicuti instruksi pabrik dan menggunakan mesin hampa udara dapat meningkatkan nilai kekerasan dental stone tipe IV.

In the effort of producing a well-fit restoration, die material should be hard enough to resist scratch and abrasion during the wax-up and try-in procedures. Unfortunately, in mixing the dental stone type IV for working model and die, many dentists and dental technicians neglect the direction for use given by the manufacturer. It is assumed, that the hardness is lower by then, but not enough scientific proof has been reported. For this reason, a study is conducted to investigate the influence of spatulation on the hardness of the type 1V dental stone. The sample groups were divided into 3 groups. Each group was mixed differently, one group using a vacuum machine, one group using non vacuum machine and one group manually. Hardness was measured by means of Vickers indentor with 31.25 kg load. The indentation was evaluated using Frank Hardness Microscope. The surface of the samples were examined with SEM. One-way Anova and Scheffe test showed that each group differed significantly one to other (< 0.05). It can be concluded that the result gained with vacuum machine mixing is harder than by the other mixing procedures."
Jakarta: Fakultas Kedokteran Gigi Universitas Indonesia, 1997
UI - Tesis Membership  Universitas Indonesia Library
Abdul Latif
Tujuan: Untuk menganalisis perbedaan sefalometri morfologi wajah di antara orang dewasa dengan UCLA, UCLP, BCLA dan BCLP yang tidak dioperasi dibandingkan dengan kelompok kontrol (non-cleft). Bahan dan metode: Penelitian retrospektif ini menganalisis sefalogram dari subjek dengan UCLA (n= 160), UCLP (n=59), BCLA (n=21) dan BCLP (n=13) dibandingkan kelompok kontrol/non-cleft (n= 52). Sefalogram dipindai pada 16-bit scanner flat bed (EPSON Expression 10000XL) pada resolusi 300 dpi. Semua sefalogram yang diubah menjadi digital oleh seorang pengamat komersial memakai software (Viewbox 3 dhal Software, Kiffisia, Yunani). Sefalometri dianalisis sesuai dengan protokol modifikasi Eurocleft. Perbedaan sefalometri morfologi wajah di antara mereka dianalisis secara statistik. Hasil: Posisi maksila (s-n-ss/SNA), posisi mandibula (S-N-Pg) dan hubungan rahang sagital (ss-n-sm/ANB) berbeda secara signifikan antara kelompok kontrol dan semua kelompok cleft (nilai p antara 0.001 dan 0.042); kelompok cleft sudutnya lebih besar dibandingkan kelompok kontrol. Posisi maksila dan mandibula arah antero posterior berbeda antara kelompok UCLA dan UCLP, juga antara kelompok BCLA dan BCLP. Inklinasi gigi insisif atas terhadap palatal plane (ILS/NL) dan sudut interincisal tidak berbeda secara signifikan antara kelompok kontrol dan semua kelompok cleft. Kesimpulan: Pada kelompok cleft dewasa yang tidak dioperasi, rahang atas menunjukkan secara morfologis lebih ke depan (s-n-ss / SNA) daripada kelompok kontrol. Morfologi wajah kelompok cleft dewasa yang tidak dioperasi tampaknya dapat tumbuh normal pada arah anteroposterior. Setiap jenis cleft memiliki karakteristik sefalometri morfologi sendiri.

Objective: To analyze cephalometric facial morphology among adult, unoperated UCLA, UCLP, BCLA. BCLP and the control group (non-cleft). Materials and methods: This retrospective study analyzed the cephalograms of 160 subjects with UCLA, 59 with UCLP, 21 with BCLA, 13 with BCLP and 52 the control (non-cleft group). The cephalograms were scanned on a 16-bit flatbed scanner (EPSON Expression 10000XL) at a resolution of 300 dpi. All cephalograms were digitized by one observer with commercially available software (Viewbox 3 dHal Software, Kiffisia, Greece). The lateral cephalograms were analyzed according to a modified Eurocleft protocol. Differences in cephalometric facial morphology among them were analyzed statistically. Results: Maxillary prominence (s-n-ss/SNA), mandibular prominence (S-N-Pg) and sagittal jaw relationship (ss-n-sm/ANB) differed significantly between the control group and all cleft groups (p-values between 0.001 and 0.042), being larger in the cleft groups. Maxillary and mandibular prominence differed between UCLA and UCLP and either BCLA and BCLP. Upper incisor inclination to palatal plane (ILS/NL) and the interincisal angle did not differ significantly between the control and all cleft groups. There was also no significant difference between the unilateral cleft groups and between the bilateral cleft groups. Conclusions: In the adult unoperated cleft groups, the maxilla showed more prominent (s-n-ss/SNA) than the control group. The facial morphology of adult untreated cleft groups seems potentially normal development in anteroposterior direction. Each type of cleft has its own characteristic cephalometric morphology"
Depok: Fakultas Kedokteran Gigi Universitas Indonesia , 2016
UI - Disertasi Membership  Universitas Indonesia Library
Sumampouw, Nadia
"Latar Belakang: Penentuan jenis kelamin merupakan salah satu identifikasi yang berperan penting dalam proses identifikasi individu. Sinus frontalis merupakan struktur anatomis yang berperan dalam bidang odontologi forensik sebagai alat penentu jenis kelamin. Sinus frontalis memiliki ciri khas dan keunikan yang menjadikannya salah satu struktur anatomis yang berperan penting dalam menentukan jenis kelamin. Salah satu cara untuk menganalisis sinus frontalis adalah dengan mengukur indeks sinus frontalis pada radiografi sefalometri lateral, yang termasuk ke dalam metode radiomorfometrik karena metode ini sederhana dan non-invasif. Tujuan: Untuk menganalisis indeks sinus frontalis dengan metode radiomorfometrik pada radiografi sefalometri lateral digital untuk penentuan jenis kelamin. Metode: Menganalisis indeks sinus frontalis dengan 2 parameter, yaitu tinggi maksimum sinus frontalis dan lebar maksimum sinus frontalis pada 150 sampel radiografi sefalometri lateral, yang terdiri dari 75 sampel laki-laki dan 75 sampel perempuan. Hasil: Perempuan memiliki rata-rata indeks sinus frontalis lebih tinggi sebesar 3.67, sementara laki-laki sebesar 3.07. Pada laki-laki rata-rata tinggi maksimum sinus frontalis lebih tinggi sebesar 25.87 mm, dibandingkan perempuan sebesar 24.88 mm. Pada laki-laki rata-rata lebar maksimum sinus frontalis juga lebih tinggi sebesar 8.88 mm, dibandingkan perempuan sebesar 7.04 mm. Kesimpulan: Adanya perbedaan signifikan lebar maksimum sinus frontalis dan indeks sinus frontalis pada laki-laki dan perempuan. Persamaan regresi probabilitas jenis kelamin dengan akurasi tertinggi pada penelitian ini adalah pada indeks sinus frontalis yang memiliki akurasi sebesar 68%.

Background: Gender determination is one of the identifications that plays an important role in the process of identifying individuals. The frontal sinus is an anatomical structure that plays a role in the field of forensic odontology as a gender determination tool. The frontal sinus has a distinctive and unique feature that makes it one of the anatomical structures that plays an important role in determining gender. One way to analyze the frontal sinus is to measure the frontal sinus index on lateral cephalometric radiograph, which is included in the radiomorphometric method because it is simple and non-invasive. Objective: To analyze the frontal sinus index using radiomorphometric method on digital lateral cephalometric radiography for gender determination. Method: Analyzing the frontal sinus index with 2 parameters, which are the maximum height of the frontal sinus and the maximum width of the frontal sinus in 150 lateral cephalometric radiographs, consisting of 75 male samples and 75 female samples. Results: Women have an average frontal sinus index of 3.67, which is greater than men’s average of 3.07. In men, the average maximum height of the frontal sinus of 25.87 mm, which is greater than women’s average of 24.88 mm. In men, the average maximum width of the frontal sinus of 8.88 mm, which is greater than women’s average of 7.04 mm. Conclusion: There are significant differences in the maximum width of the frontal sinus and frontal sinus index in men and women. The gender probability regression equation with the highest accuracy in this study was on the frontal sinus index which had an accuracy of 68%."
Depok: Fakultas Kedokteran Gigi Universitas Indonesia, 2025
UI - Skripsi Membership  Universitas Indonesia Library
Dimas Maharddhika
"Latar Belakang: Labioplasti dan palatoplasti merupakan tindakan definitif dalam tatalaksana celah bibir dan langit-langit. Pasca tindakan pembedahan, rata-rata ditemukan konstriksi lengkung gigi dalam arah antero-posterior dan lateral. Tujuan: Mengevaluasi dimensi lengkung gigi pada pasien UCLP dan BCLP pasca labioplasti dan palatoplasti menggunakan model studi pada usia 5 tahun. Metode: Dilakukan pencetakan model studi rahang atas dan bawah pada pasien UCLP dan BCLP pasca labioplasti dan palatoplasti, kemudian dilakukan pengukuran lebar lengkung gigi anterior dan posterior serta panjang lengkung gigi rahang atas dan bawah. Hasil perbandingan antar kelompok dan dengan kelompok kontrol dilakukan menggunakan uji Mann-Whitney dan Kruskal-Wallis. Hasil: Terdapat perbedaan yang signifikan pada dimensi lengkung gigi rahang atas antara kelompok kontrol, UCLP dan BCLP. Kesimpulan: Gangguan tumbuh kembang lengkung gigi pada pasien UCLP dan BCLP pasca labioplasti dan palatoplasti tercermin pada model studi saat pasien berusia 5 tahun

Background: Labioplasty and palatoplasty has been becoming the mainstay of treatment in cleft patients. Dental arch constriction in lateral and antero-posterior direction was among the most frequently encountered feature in the operated cases. Purpose: To evaluate the dental arch dimension of operated UCLP and BCLP cases by using dental cast at five years of age Method: dental arch dimensions were measured from the dental cast of the operated UCLP and BCLP cases. The results were compared between both group and a control group consisted of normal subjects. The statistical analysis was performed with Mann-Whitney and Kruskall-Wallis test. Results: There were statistically significant differences on the upper dental arch dimensions between those groups. The differences were also observed at the lower dental arch but not statistically significant. Conclusion: Dental arch constriction of the operated cases of UCLP and BCLP could be observed from the dental cast at five years of age."
Jakarta: Fakultas Kedokteran Gigi Universitas Indonesia, 2012
UI - Tugas Akhir  Universitas Indonesia Library
Stevens-Long, Judith
Palo Alto, California: Mayfield, 1984
305.24 Ste a
Buku Teks SO  Universitas Indonesia Library
Juniper, Richard P.
London: Butterworth-Heinemann, 1993
617.6 JUN e (1)
Buku Teks  Universitas Indonesia Library
Nada Ismah
"Gangguan sendi temporomandibula (GSTM) adalah istilah untuk Temporomandibular Disorders (TMD), yaitu kumpulan gangguan yang melibatkan sendi temporomandibula, otot, dan struktur di sekitarnya. Dokter gigi dan dokter gigi spesialis merasakan hambatan dalam menangani pasien GSTM. Saat ini belum diketahui bagaimana pengetahuan, sikap, dan perilaku dokter gigi dan dokter gigi spesialis di Indonesia dalam menangani pasien GSTM. Etiologi GSTM multifaktorial dan salah satu penanganannya adalah perawatan ortodonti. Namun di sisi lain perawatan ortodonti diduga menjadi salah satu penyebab GSTM akibar perubahan posisi gigi, mandibula, dan letak kondil. Hal ini dapat dilihat melalui kondisi klinis dan radiograf sefalometri. Gangguan sendi temporomandibula dapat menjadi suatu inflamasi sehingga biomarker inflamasi banyak diteliti. Tujuan: Penelitian ini terdiri dari dua tahap. Penelitian tahap I (Kualitatif) bertujuan mendapatkan alat ukur/kuesioner kemampuan operator (dokter gigi dan dokter gigi spesialis) tentang pengetahuan, sikap, dan perilaku terhadap pasien dengan GSTM, yang valid dan reliabel. Penelitian tahap II (Kuantitatif) bertujuan memperoleh indeks prediksi risiko GSTM berdasarkan kemampuan operator (skor kuesioner), kondisi klinis terkait faktor klinis (usia, jenis maloklusi, overjet, overbite, dan indeks etiologi GSTM), kondisi klinis terkait faktor mekanis (jenis bracket, kasus ekstraksi, dan alat tambahan), radiograf sefalometri (sudut ANB, SN-MP, Go Angle, I-I dan Y-Axis), dan biomarker inflasi (IL-1β dan CRP) Metode: Penelitian disetujui Komite Etik Kedokteran Gigi, FKG-UI, No: 11/Ethical Approval/FKGUI/III/2022 dan dilakukan di Klinik Ortodonti dan Laboratorium Biologi Oral, RSKGM, FKG UI, Jakarta, Indonesia, pada November 2021-Januari 2024. Penelitian tahap I, pembuatan kuesioner melalui telaah pustaka, observasi, dan diskusi kelompok terarah (FGD) oleh 10 orang dokter gigi dan dokter gigi spesialis. Hasil FGD dianalisis menggunakan metode Framework dilanjutkan uji face dan content validity menggunakan analisis Aiken’s V, I-CVI, dan I-CVR. Kuesioner juga dilakukan uji validitas (korelasi Spearman) dan uji reliabilitas (Cronbach’s Alpha dan CITC). Setiap tahap pengujian dilakukan diskusi dan revisi terkait substansi oleh pakar. Kuesioner akhir (Kuesioner PSP-GSTM) diujikan pada 370 responden dan PPDGS Ortodonti (operator) yang merawat subjek pada penelitian tahap II. Penelitian tahap II, dilakukan pada 105 subjek pasien pascaperawatan ortodonti yang dipanggil kembali untuk menandatangani informed consent, mengisi indeks etiologi GSTM, dilakukan pemeriksaan DC/ TMD, dan swab mukosa bukal. Data lainnya dilengkapi dari skor kuesioner, rekam medis, dan radiograf sefalometri. Dilakukan analisis bivariat untuk melihat hubungan setiap variabel dengan GSTM dan multivariat regresi logistik berganda. Hasil: Alat ukur/kuesioner PSPGSTM berisi 73 pernyataan, terdiri dari 50 pernyataan domain pengetahuan, 14 pernyataan domain sikap, dan sembilan pernyataan domain perilaku. Domain pengetahuan terdiri dari 12 pernyataan subdomain tanda dan gejala, 14 pernyataan subdomain etiologi, 11 pernyataan subdomain diagnosis, dan 13 pernyataan subdomain perawatan. Kuesioner PSP-GSTM memiliki validitas dan reliabilitas yang baik. Dihasilkan indeks prediksi risiko GSTM dengan empat faktor prediktor yaitu indeks etiologi GSTM, alat tambahan, SN-MP, dan Go Angle. Kesimpulan: Kemampuan dokter gigi dan dokter gigi spesialis terkait pengetahuan, sikap, dan perilaku terhadap pasien dengan GSTM dapat diukur menggunakan kuesioner PSP-GSTM. Indeks prediksi risiko GSTM yang terdiri dari indeks etiologi GSTM, alat tambahan, SN-MP, dan Go Angle dapat digunakan untuk memprediksi faktor risiko terjadinya GSTM.

The temporomandibular disorders (TMD) are a group of disorders involving the temporomandibular joint, muscles, and surrounding structures. Dentists or dental specialists often encounter challenges when dealing with TMD patients. It is unknown how the knowledge, attitudes, and behavior of dentists and dental specialists in Indonesia are in dealing with TMD patients. The etiology of TMD is multifactorial and one of the treatments is orthodontic treatment. On the other hand, orthodontic treatment is thought to be one of the causes of TMD due to changes in the position of the teeth, mandibles, and the location of the condyle. This can be seen through clinical conditions and cephalometric radiographs. Temporomandibular joint disorders can become inflammatory so inflammatory biomarkers are widely studied. Objective: The research consists of two stages. Phase I (Qualitative) aims to obtain a measurement/questionnaire of operator’s ability (dentists and dental specialists) about knowledge, attitudes, and behavior towards patients with TMD (PSP-TMD Questionnaire), which is valid and reliable. Phase II (Quantitative) aims to obtain TMD risk prediction index based on operator capability (PSP-TMD questionnaire score), clinical conditions related to clinical factors (age, malocclusion type, overjet, overbite, and TMD etiology index), clinical conditions related to mechanical factors (bracket type, extraction case, and auxiliary tools), cephalometric radiographs (ANB, SN-MP, Go Angle, I-I and Y-Axis angles), and biomarkers of inflammation (IL-1β and CRP) Method: The research was approved by the Dental Ethics Committee, FKG-UI, No: 11/Ethical Approval/FKGUI/III/2022 and conducted at the Orthodontics Clinic and Oral Biology Laboratory, RSKGM, FKG UI, Jakarta, Indonesia, in November 2021-January 2024. Phase I involves creating questionnaires through literature review, observation, and focus group discussion (FGD) by 10 dentists and dental specialists. The FGD results were analyzed using the Framework method followed by face and content validity tests using Aiken's V, I-CVI, and I-CVR analysis. Questionnaires were tested using validity tests (Spearman correlation) and reliability tests (Cronbach's Alpha and CITC). Every stage and testing related to the substance is discussed and revised by experts. The final questionnaire (PSPGSTM Questionnaire) was tested on 370 respondents and Orthodontics residents (operators) who treated subjects in phase II research. The phase II study was conducted on 105 subjects of orthodontic post-treatment patients who were called back to sign an informed consent and fill in the TMD etiology index, DC/TMD examination, and buccal mucosal swabs. Other data were supplemented from questionnaire scores, medical records, and cephalometric radiographs. Bivariate analysis was performed to see the relationship of each variable with TMD and multivariate multiple logistic regression. Results: The PSP-TMD measurement tool/questionnaire contained 73 statements, consisting of 50 knowledge domain statements, 14 attitude domain statements, and nine behavior domain statements. The knowledge domain consists of 12 sign and symptom subdomain statements, 14 etiology subdomain statements, 11 diagnosis subdomain statements, and 13 treatment subdomain statements. The PSP-TMD questionnaire has good validity and reliability. The TMD risk prediction index was generated with four predictor factors, namely the TMD etiology index, auxiliary tools, SN-MP, and Go Angle. Conclusion: The capability of dentists and dental specialists regarding knowledge, attitudes, and behavior towards patients with TMD can be measured using the PSP-TMD questionnaire. The TMD risk prediction index consisting of the TMD etiology index, auxiliary tools, SN-MP, and Go Angle can be used to predict risk factors for TMD"
Jakarta: Fakultas Kedokteran Universitas Indonesia, 2024
UI - Disertasi Membership  Universitas Indonesia Library
Chicago: Quintessence, 2003
SIN 617.6 DEN
Buku Teks  Universitas Indonesia Library
Namira Khairiyah
"Pendahuluan: Pengukuran parameter sefalometri lateral adalah bagian penting dalam perencanaan perawatan ortodonti. Pengukuran metode konvensional dilakukan secara manual, namun teknik ini memakan waktu. Metode digital dapat dilakukan menggunakan aplikasi yang saat ini semakin banyak dikembangkan dan disebarluaskan seperti aplikasi OrthoCeph yang dapat digunakan secara semi-otomatis dan aplikasi WebCeph secara otomatis dan semi otomatis. Dokter gigi dapat menggunakan aplikasi tersebut pada smartphone ataupun web agar lebih efisien dengan memastikan adanya keakuratan antara pengukuran pada radiografi sefalometri metode digital dan metode konvensional sebagai gold standard. Tujuan: Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mengetahui dan menganalisis perbedaan pengukuran parameter sefalometri lateral (skeletal, dental, dan jaringan lunak) antara metode digital (OrthoCeph dan WebCeph) dengan konvensional. Metode: Radiografi sefalometri lateral dari 36 subjek penelitian didapatkan sesuai kriteria inklusi. Terdapat 14 parameter skeletal, dental, dan jaringan lunak sefalometri lateral yang dianalisis. Uji paired t-test digunakan untuk menguji perbedaan antar metode. Interclass correlation coefficient (ICC) dan Bland-Altman plot digunakan untuk menguji reliabilitas antar metode. Hasil: tidak terdapat perbedaan secara statistik antara metode digital OrthoCeph dan konvensional pada sebagian besar parameter pengukuran parameter sefalometri lateral, antara lain SNB, ANB, SNOP, SNMP, LINB Angular, dan II (p≥0,05). Terdapat perbedaan secara statistik pada parameter SNA, UINA Angular, UINA Linear, LINB Linear, S-Line Ls dan Li (p<0,05). Terdapat perbedaan secara statistik antara metode digital WebCeph dan konvensional pada seluruh parameter (p≥0,05) kecuali E-Line Li (p<0,05). Terdapat perbedaan secara statistik antara metode OrthoCeph dengan WebCeph pada seluruh parameter (p<0,05). Sebagian besar parameter menunjukkan kesepakatan baik hingga hampir sempurna antar metode (ICC≥0.61). Kesimpulan: Sebagian besar parameter menunjukkan perbedaan yang signifikan. Penggunaan OrthoCeph dan WebCeph masih diperlukan penyempurnaan.

Introduction: Measurement of lateral cephalometric parameters is an important part of orthodontic treatment planning. Conventional measurement methods are performed manually, but this technique is time-consuming. Digital methods can be performed using applications that are currently being increasingly developed and disseminated, such as the OrthoCeph application which can be used semi-automatically and the WebCeph application both automatically and semi-automatically. Dentists can use these applications on smartphones or the web to be more efficient by ensuring accuracy between measurements on digital cephalometric radiography and conventional methods as the gold standard. Objective: This study aims to determine and analyze the differences in lateral cephalometric parameter measurements (skeletal, dental, and soft tissue) between digital methods (OrthoCeph and WebCeph) and conventional methods. Method: Lateral cephalometric radiographs from 36 research subjects were obtained according to inclusion criteria. There are 14 skeletal, dental, and soft tissue lateral cephalometric parameters that were analyzed. Paired t-test was used to test the differences between methods. Interclass correlation coefficient (ICC) and Bland-Altman plot were used to test the reliability between methods. Results: There were no statistically significant differences between the digital method OrthoCeph and conventional method in most lateral cephalometric parameter measurements, including SNB, ANB, SNOP, SNMP, LINB Angular, and II (p≥0.05). There were statistically significant differences in the SNA, UINA Angular, UINA Linear, LINB Linear, S-Line Ls, and Li parameters (p<0.05). There were statistically significant differences between the digital method WebCeph and conventional method in all parameters (p≥0.05) except for E-Line Li (p<0.05). There were statistically significant differences between the OrthoCeph method and WebCeph in all parameters (p<0.05). All parameters showed good to almost perfect agreement between methods (ICC≥0.61). Conclusion: Most parameters show significant differences. The use of OrthoCeph and WebCeph still requires refinement."
Jakarta: Fakultas Kedokteran Gigi Universitas Indonesia, 2025
UI - Skripsi Membership  Universitas Indonesia Library
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