Ditemukan 95252 dokumen yang sesuai dengan query
"Manipulative materials is one of equipment that can be used for teaching mathematics concept to students at elementary schools. Hopefully the students have the skill to compute mathematics by fun. This research used to teach concept of addition and subtraction in grade five at public. Elementary Schools in Kecamatan Mandiangin Koto Selayan Bukittinggi. For collecting data, the respondents were given a test after learning the subject matter. The data processing was used the hypotesis test o mean of population by using software Minitab. Based on the data analysis this experiment show that (p<0,05) which means the difference of result of the test was significant. It concluded that the result of test of experiment group is better that control class."
370 JPUNP 29:1 (2006)
Artikel Jurnal Universitas Indonesia Library
Lase, Sadiana
"Penulisan makalah ini bertujuan untuk mengetahui penerapan model pembelajaran matematika yang kooperatif di sekolah dasar dan sekolah lanjutan. Penulisan makalah ini menggunakan metode tinjauan literatur (library research). Dari pembahasan dapat disimpulkan bahwa fokus pembelajaran kooperatif tidak saja tertumpu pada apa yang dilakukan peserta didik tetapi juga pada apa yang dipikirkan peserta didik selama aktivitas belajar berlangsung. Informasi yang ada pada kurikulum tidak ditransfer begitu saja oleh guru kepada peserta didik, tetapi peserta didik difasilitasi dan dimotivasi untuk berinteraksi dengan peserta didik lain dalam kelompok, dengan guru dan dengan bahan ajar secara optimal agar ia mampu mengkonstruksi pengetahuannya sendiri. Dari berbagai pertimbangan dan bukti empirik menunjukkan bahwa model pembelajaran kooperatif perlu diterapkan dalam pembelajaran di sekolah di berbagai tingkatan dan berbagai bidang studi, termasuk bidang studi matematika dan sains."
Universitas Dharmawangsa, 2016
330 MIWD 48 (2016)
Artikel Jurnal Universitas Indonesia Library
"Learning achievement of Mathematics among Universitas Terbuka (UT) students generally are less satisfactory. A Mathematics tutorial model by using lesson study is measured based on the validity, practicality and effectiveness in improving the quality of the tutorial. The study was conducted in Surabaya. The respondents consist of Mathematics learning experts, Mathematics lecturer, tutors and UT's elementary school education students. The results showed that TMLS model and its learning instruments meet the criteria of Validity, practicality and effectiveness. It can be seen from the results of the implementation TMLS model that showed some advantages, such as (a) good response of the students toward TMLS model, (b) the TMLS model was suitable with the tutorial basic principle that is “students independence”, (c) the TMLS model increased students' mastery and thinking level at the mathematic modules, (d) the TMLS model had motivated students to be active in finding the deeper understanding of the subjects, (e) the TMLS model had motivated students students to improve their meta cognitive knowledge, (f) The tutor's role in the implementation of the TMLS model had motivated the students to be active in learning and developing their mathematics communication."
JPUT 12:2 (2011)
Artikel Jurnal Universitas Indonesia Library
"This study examines whether students’ ability in mathematical writing and understanding gained from teaching through ‘think talk write’ strategy is better than students’ ability gained from conventional one. This study also examines students’ ability in mathematical writing and understanding from gender aspects. Using quantitative design, data was taken through documentary study, questioner sheets and observation. Data was analyzed using two ways ANOVA. Result show: a) the ability of students in mathematical writing and understanding gained from teaching using ‘think talk write’ strategy is better than the ability gained from conventional one; b) the ability of female students is better than male students; and c) Think Talk Write strategy can improve students’ mathematical disposition ability."
JPENUT 10:2 (2009)
Artikel Jurnal Universitas Indonesia Library
Nurul Fitriana Dewi
ABSTRAKPenelitian ini dilakukan untuk melihat hubungan antara kecemasan matematika dan penggunaan strategi metakognisi pada penyelesaian soal cerita matematika pada siswa kelas 3 Sekolah Dasar di Depok, Jawa Barat. Hal ini didasarkan pada kondisi ketika individu mengalami kecemasan, maka ia akan mudah merasa tidak berdaya, sehingga menyebabkan tidak munculnya strategi metakognisi untuk menyelesaikan soal. Sebanyak 82 siswa kelas 3 Sekolah Dasar di Depok, Jawa Barat turut serta dalam penelitian ini. Kecemasan matematika diukur menggunakan adaptasi alat ukur Math Anxiety Questionnaire MAQ dan strategi metakognisi diukur dengan teknik think aloud menggunakan protokol dua soal cerita matematika. Hasil penelitian ini menunjukkan bahwa terdapat korelasi yang negatif dan signifikan antara kecemasan matematika dan penggunaan strategi metakognisi dalam penyelesaian soal cerita matematika pada siswa kelas 3 Sekolah Dasar.
This research has a purpose to see the relationship between Mathematic Anxiety and Metacognitive Strategy on Completion Mathematic rsquo s Word Problem among 3rd Elementary Student in Depok, West Java. This research based on condition when students have anxiety, they will feel helpless and this feeling makes their metacognition stretegies doesn rsquo t exist, so they can rsquo t complete their problems. 82 3rd elementary students in Depok, West Java participated in this study. Math anxiety was measured by adaptation of Math Anxiety Questionnaire MAQ and metacognion strategy was measured by think aloud technique with two mathematic rsquo s world problem rsquo s protocols. The result of this study show the existence of negative and significant correlation between Mathematic Anxiety and Metacognitive Strategy on Completion Mathematic rsquo s Word Problem among 3rd Elementary Student."
UI - Skripsi Membership Universitas Indonesia Library
"Estimasi adalah salah satu topik matematika, terutama untuk SD. Topik ini berguna tidak hanya untuk matematika canggih tetapi untuk memecahkan masalah di kehidupan sehari-hari. Guru jarang mengajarkan topik ini karena mereka hanya melewatkan materi ini atau materi ini tidak dibahas dengan baik oleh penulis. Penelitian ini melaporkan kemampuan guru SD dalam membuat estimasi dan hubungan antara kemampuan komputasi. Penelitian deskriptif ini dilakukan terhadap 15 guru SD. Kemampuan pada perhitungan adalah 18 poin lebih tinggi daripada estimasi. Hal ini menunjukkan bahwa mereka memcahkan tugas komputasi secara mekanis daripada secara bermakna. "
FKP 30:1 (2010)
Artikel Jurnal Universitas Indonesia Library
Stephanie Yuanita Indrasari
ABSTRAKPenelitian ini dilakukan untuk melihat adanya hubungan antara keyakinan matematika dan penggunaan strategi metakognisi dalam penyelesaian soal cerita matematika pada siswa/i kelas 3 SD. Hal ini didasari teori bahwa kedua variabel tersebut memengaruhi dalam penyelesaian soal matematika. Penelitian ini melibatkan 96 siswa/i kelas 3 SD di daerah Depok, Jawa Barat. Instrumen yang digunakan dalam penelitian ini yaitu Knowledge Measurement Assessment KMA untuk mengukur keyakinan matematika dan teknik think-aloud dengan protokol 2 soal cerita matematika untuk mengukur penggunaan strategi metakognisi. Hasil dari penelitian ini yaitu terdapat korelasi yang positif dan signifikan antara keyakinan matematika dan penggunaan strategi metakognisi pada penyelesaian soal cerita matematika r = 0,30, p < 0,01, 1-tailed . Hal itu membuktikan bahwa semakin besar keyakinan siswa/i akan kemampuan matematikanya, maka akan semakin baik penggunaan strategi metakognisinya.
ABSTRACTThis research is purposed to see the relationship between mathematics belief and metacognitive strategy use in completion of arithmetics word problem among 3rd elementary school students. It is based on theory that these two variables have impact to mathematics completion process. 96 3rd grade elementary school students in Depok, West Java participated in this study. Instruments used in this research are KMA to measure mathematics belief and think aloud technique with two arithmetic word problem rsquo s protocols to measure metacognitive strategy. The result show the existence of positive and significant relationship between mathematics belief and metacognition strategy r 0,30, p 0,01, one tailed . This result proves that students who have better belief in mathematics, will use their metacognition strategies better. "
UI - Skripsi Membership Universitas Indonesia Library
"This study attemps to determine impact of the implementation of Realistic Mathematics Education (RME) model on the improvement of deductive reasoning ability, and to describe the perceptions of teachers and students of secondary schools toward the RME model. A quasi-experiment with pretest-postest non-equivalent group as research design was employed into 2 groups of research subjectL the experimental group and the control group and each was treated under RME and conventional teaching model. A number of 44 students of SMPN1 Parung and 20 students of SMP Islam Terpadu Jabon Mekar in Parung district were chosen as research subjects. Quantitative data obtained through questionnaries and written test were analyzed using student-t test. While qualitative information gathered through responses to personal interview and observations was analyzed using qualitative-naturalistics method. Findings reveals that learning mathematics using the RME model impacts on increasing students' deductive learning ability in both schools with amount of increase is 30.7 for SMP Islam Terpadu and 44.8 for SMPN1 Parung. RME model also impacts on developing students' positive attitude of students toward mathematics as seen in the number of students who liked mathematics lesson, that is 100% for SMP Islam Terpadu and 97% SMPN 1 Parung. The perceptions of teachers and students in both schools toward the RME Model are positive. Application of learning mathematics using PMR model becomes more enjoyable and students become more active."
JPUT 11:1 (2010)
Artikel Jurnal Universitas Indonesia Library
"The research purpose was to describe the succesulness of Realistic Mathematic Education Model which was based on the completion aspect of students' learning result, students' actively level, teacher's ability to manage learning, and students' response toward the model applied in this research. This research was conducted toward the third year students of SD Islam Terpadu which consist of 25 students. In gathering data, pen and paper test technique was used to measure students' achievement. Observation was done to know the students' activities and teacher's ability in manage learning. Questioner was also given to know the students' perceptions toward the model applied. Statistic and descriptive analysis were used to analyze the data. The research finding showed that the students' activities were not effective, while the teacher's ability in managing learning was effective. In the end, standard for students' achievement were not reached. On the other hand, students' responses toward the model applied were positive."
JPUT 12:1 (2011)
Artikel Jurnal Universitas Indonesia Library
JPP 27:1(2004)
Artikel Jurnal Universitas Indonesia Library