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"Penatalaksanaan infeksi Herpes berulang dengan valacyclovir. Infeksi Herpes Simplex Virus (HSV) tipe I dan II mengakibatkan masalah kesehatan di seluruh dunia. Infeksi HSV-I sering mengenai daerah oral dan perioral. Setelah infeksi primer, HSV menjadi laten di ganglion dorsal dan kambuh yang dipicu oleh berbagai stimuli. Penatalaksanaan infeksi HSV adalah pemberian obat antivirus, pencegahan transimisi, penurunan tingkat kekambuhan. Tujuan: membahas penatalaksanaan infeksi Herpes intraoral berulang. Laporan kasus: pasien perempuan 21 tahun datang ke rumah sakit dengan ulser ireguler yang sakit di rongga mulut dan didahului oleh gejala prodormal, timbulnya vesikel yang kemudian pecah. Hasil pemeriksaan laboratorium menunjukan titer
Imunoglobulin (Ig) M dan IgG anti HSV-I dan II yang reaktif. Acyclovir, multivitamin, stimulus imun, obat kumur klorheksidin 0,2% diberikan dan pasien sembuh. Valacyclovir oral diberikan setelah pasien mengalami kekambuhan dengan hasil penurunan tingkat rekurensi dan perbaikan titer reaktif IgM dan IgG anti HSV-I dan II. Simpulan: valacyclovir oral sebagai obat prodrug Acyclovir yang efektif dalam terapi dan profilaksis dengan berbagai keuntungan dalam mengobati infeksi HSV.

Infection by Herpes Simplex Virus (HSV) type I and II cause a worldwide medical problems. HSV-I infections are common in oral and perioral area. After primary infection, HSV becomes latent in the dorsal root ganglia and recurrences are caused by many stimuli. Antiviral agents, prevention of transmission, suppression of recurrences are current management of HSV infection. Objective: to discuss the management of Recurrent Intraoral Herpes (RIH) infection. Case report: a 21 years old female patient came to hospital with irregular painful ulcers in her
mouth preceded by prodrome, followed with eruption and outbreak of vesicles. The first laboratory examination confirmed high titer of reactive Immunoglobulin M (IgM) and IgG of anti HSV-I and HSV-II. She was diagnosed to have RIH and treated with oral Acyclovir, multivitamins, immune stimulant and 0.2% chlorhexidine gargle
with good healing. Oral Valacyclovir was given after she had another recurrence, with the result of low episodes of RIH and continuous titer improvement of reactive IgM and IgG of anti HSV-I and HSV-II. Conclusion: Oral administration of Valacyclovir as a the oral prodrugs of Acyclovir is effective prophylactic and therapeutic option with many advantages against HSV infection."
Fakultas Kedokteran Gigi Universitas Indonesia, 2014
Artikel Jurnal  Universitas Indonesia Library
"Recurrent intraoral herpes infection (RIH) is one of the recurrent herpes simplex virus type-1 infections (HSV-1). It presents as single or clustered painful ulcers occur mainly on the keratinized mucosa, with the size of one to five millimeter. The Onset of RIH is considered to be associated with various endogenous and exogenous triggers. Therefore, it is important to recognize each individual triggers to prevent and to minimize and the infection for recurring. This report will describe three cases of RIH associated with emotional and physical stress. All patients have experienced continous recurrence of the disease for almost a year. Symptoms included painful multiple minute ulcers on oral mucosa initiated with fever. Serology investigation on antibody against HSV-1 confirmed a reactive elevation in these patients. Treatment consisted of acyclovir per oral 1000 mg daily per oral, counseling on stress condition and intake of nutritional
supplementation. Nevertheless, stress conditions were difficult to overcome, therefore long-term medications were recommended to prevent recurrence episodes. One patient was taken a long-term acyclovir therapy and the other two patients were taken long-term acyclovir therapy with Phyllanthusniruri (Meniran) supplementation. Follow-ups on three cases showed the benefit of taking Phyllanthusniruri (Meniran) supplementation as reduction in RIH symptoms, shorten healing time and prolonged recurrence interval. "
[Fakultas Kedokteran Gigi Universitas Indonesia, Journal of Dentistry Indonesia], 2010
Artikel Jurnal  Universitas Indonesia Library
Dwinanda Aidina Fitrani
"Latar belakang: Infeksi virus Epstein-Barr (EBV) dapat menjadi infeksi oportunistik pada anak dengan HIV. Gejala infeksi EBV sulit dibedakan dengan infeksi HIV dan bersifat laten. Infeksi EBV laten dapat reaktivasi mulai dari gangguan limfoproliferatif hingga terjadinya keganasan. Di Indonesia belum ada data mengenai infeksi EBV pada anak dengan HIV.
Tujuan: Mengetahui proporsi, karakteristik dan faktor-faktor yang berhubungan dengan terjadinya infeksi EBV pada anak dengan HIV di RSUPN Dr. Cipto Mangunkusumo Jakarta. Metode: Penelitian potong lintang untuk melihat karakteristik infeksi EBV pada anak dengan HIV dan faktor-faktor yang berhubungan di RSUPN Dr. Cipto Mangunkusumo Jakarta, periode bulan September 2020 hingga Februari 2021. Sampel darah diambil untuk dilakukan pemeriksaan PCR EBV kualitatif (whole blood), darah perifer lengkap, kadar CD4 dan viral load HIV.
Hasil: Total subyek 83 anak dengan HIV. Proporsi subyek terinfeksi EBV sebesar 28,9%, dengan rerata usia 9,58 tahun. Limfadenopati merupakan gejala terbanyak, meskipun tidak dapat dibedakan dengan infeksi lain. Dua anak mengalami keganasan akibat EBV yaitu Limfoma Non Hodgkin dan leiomiosarkoma. Sebanyak 75% subyek terinfeksi EBV yang berusia di bawah 12 tahun mengalami anemia (rerata Hb 10,68 ± 2,86 g/dL), dapat disebabkan infeksi EBV atau penyebab lain. Hasil analisis bivariat menunjukkan kadar viral load HIV > 1000 kopi/mL berhubungan dengan terjadinya infeksi EBV pada subyek (OR 2,69 (1,015-7,141); P = 0,043).
Simpulan: Proporsi anak dengan HIV yang terinfeksi EBV di RSUPN Dr. Cipto Mangunkusumo Jakarta adalah 28,9%, dengan kadar viral load HIV > 1000 kopi/mL berhubungan dengan terjadinya infeksi EBV pada anak dengan HIV.

Background: Epstein-Barr virus (EBV) infection can be an opportunistic infection in HIV-infected children. EBV infection is difficult to be differentiated from HIV infection, and it can be latent. Latent EBV infection can reactivate into lymphoproliferative disorders and malignancy. There is no data on EBV infection in HIV-infected children in Indonesia.
Objective: To identify the proportion, manifestations and factors associated with EBV infection in HIV-infected children in Dr. Cipto Mangunkusumo National Central Hospital Jakarta.
Methods: Cross-sectional study to examine the manifestations of EBV infection in HIV-infected children and it’s associated factors in Dr. Cipto Mangunkusumo National Central Hospital Jakarta, during September 2020 to February 2021. Blood samples were taken to examine qualitative EBV PCR (whole blood), complete blood count, CD4 levels and HIV viral load.
Results: Total subjects were 83 HIV-infected children. The proportion of children infected with EBV was 28.9%, with mean age 9.58 years. Lymphadenopathy was the most common symptoms, although it was difficult to differentiate from other infections. Two children have malignancy due to EBV, namely Non-Hodgkin's lymphoma and leiomyosarcoma. Total 75% of EBV-infected subjects under 12 years of age were anemic (mean Hb 10.68 ± 2.86 g/dL), could be due to EBV infection or other causes. Bivariate analysis showed HIV viral load levels > 1000 copies/mL were associated with EBV infection in subjects (OR 2.69 (1.015-7.141); P = 0.043).
Conclusion: The proportion of EBV infection in HIV-infected children in Dr. Cipto Mangunkusumo National Central Hospital Jakarta is 28.9%, with HIV viral load levels > 1000 copies/mL were associated with the EBV infection in HIV-infected children.
Jakarta: Fakultas Kedokteran Universitas Indonesia, 2021
UI - Tugas Akhir  Universitas Indonesia Library
Yulvian Sani
"Parasitic dermatitis may cause economic loss for livestock industry if it is not approriately controlled. Among the preventive measures available presently, the use of plant-derived insecticides is regarding as an alternative approach to control the disease since it is environmental and animal health safe. The purpose of this study was to assess the effect of mindi (melia azedarach linn.) extract leaves for controling chrysome bezziana in vitro and in vivo. The study showed that the methanolic extract of M. azedarach leaves affected various stages of C. bezziana larvae. A topical application of 0.25% method extract in vaseline mixture kiled and inhabited the growth of larvae and reduced weight gain of both LI and LI larvae. The average mortality rate in a treated group (26%) was higher than a control group (19.2%). Greater reduction of average weight gain was also seen in the treated group (0.2719 gr.) compared to the control group (0.4761 gr.). The larvae apparently had smaller size and wrinkled shape of anatomical structure seeming that they were inappropriately grown . While the average mortality rate of L2 was found higher in the treated group (46.8%) than the control group (22.4%). The leaf-methanol extract had greater effect to L2 than LI as seen higher mortality rate in L2 (46.8%) than the LI (26%). In conclusion that the higher dose rate of methanol extract applied and short period of time for bioassay. These findings seem very promosing, suggesting that may possible to increase larvicidal effects by increasing the concentration and time of assessment. "
Bogor: Pusat Penelitian Biologi, 2009
BBIO 9:4 (2009)
Artikel Jurnal  Universitas Indonesia Library
Ryan Septa Kurnia
"Latar Belakang: Virus Newcastle Disease (ND) menyebabkan kerugian ekonomi yang sangat tinggi pada peternakan unggas. Walaupun penggunaan vaksinasi merupakan pilihan terbaik saat ini dalam mencegah infeksi virus, namun dalam suatu kondisi dibutuhkan pengembangan antiviral. Hingga saat ini langkah terapi profilaktik terhadap infeksi virus pada peternakan unggas belum pernah dikembangkan, sedangkan penggunaan antiviral yang beredar saat ini sangat tidak mungkin digunakan dengan pertimbangan ekonomi. Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mengembangkan suatu senyawa berupa sialidase asal bakteri Clostridium perfringens yang berpotensi sebagai antiviral dan membuktikan efek penghambatan infeksi virus sehingga dapat digunakan sebagai terapi profilaktik terhadap infeksi virus ND.
Metode: Penelitian diawali dengan memproduksi enzim sialidase yang berasal dari hasil supernatan kultur bakteri C. perfringens tipe A. Sialidase dipurifikasi dengan metode presipitasi ammonium sulfat, ion exchange chromatography dan affinity chromatography. Sialidase tersebut selanjutnya diuji aktivitas dan stabilitasnya terhadap beberapa pH dalam waktu inkubasi tertentu. Uji kemampuan hidrolisis reseptor sialic acid dan toksisitas terhadap sel dilakukan pada beberapa dosis pemberian sialidase menggunakan sel kultur primer Chicken Embryonic Fibroblast (CEF). Pembuktian kemampuan sialidase dalam menghambat infeksi virus pada sel host dilakukan dengan menghitung viral copy number dan ekspresi gen penyandi molekul sitokin yang berperan terhadap respon sel akibat infeksi virus ND.
Hasil: Sialidase dari bakteri C. perfringens tipe A pada penelitian ini mampu diproduksi dengan efisien secara native dan dapat dimurnikan sehingga diperoleh aktivitas spesifik sebesar 75 U/mg serta stabil selama 72 jam pada suhu 37℃. Dosis tertinggi sialidase yang dapat ditolerir oleh sel CEF yakni sebesar 187,5 mU/ml dan mampu menghidrolisis reseptor sialic acid pada permukaan sel. Pemberian sialidase pada dosis tertinggi hingga dosis terendah mampu menurunkan secara drastis replikasi virus pada sel host. Hal tersebut juga didukung berdasarkan pengamatan terhadap perbedaan ekspresi gen penyandi molekul sitokin pada sel yang ditreatment dengan sialidase dibandingkan kontrol infeksi virus ND
Kesimpulan: Sialidase asal bakteri C. perfringens tipe A berpotensi dapat digunakan sebagai terapi profilaksis antivirus melalui aktivitas competitive inhibition terhadap reseptor sialic acid pada sel host.

Introduction: Newcastle Disease (ND) virus causes very high economic losses on poultry farms. Although vaccination is the best option in preventing viral infections, but under certain conditions development of antivirals is required. Prophylactic treatment against viral infection in poultry have not been developed, while the use of currently circulating antivirals is very unlikely to be used due to economic considerations. This study aims to produce a substance called sialidase from Clostridium perfringens that potential as an antiviral and demonstrate its inhibitory effect on viral infection so that it can be used as prophylactic therapy against ND virus infection.
Methods: This research was initiated by producing sialidase enzyme derived from the supernatan culture of C. perfringens type A bacteria. Sialidase was purified by ammonium sulfate precipitation method, ion exchange chromatography and affinity chromatography. The sialidase was tested for its activity and stability on several pH within a certain incubation time. Hydrolysis ability of sialic acid receptors and cell toxicity were carried out at several doses of sialidase administration using primary cultured Chicken Embryonic Fibroblast (CEF) cells. The capacity of sialidase to prevent viral infection in host cells was demonstrated by estimating the viral copy number and expression of genes encoding cytokine molecules that play a role in cell response due to ND virus infection.
Results: In this study, C. perfringens type A bacteria were able to produce sialidase then natively purified to obtain specific activity of 75 U/mg and stable for 72 hours at 37℃. The highest dose of sialidase that CEF cells can tolerate and capable to hydrolyze sialic acid receptors on the cell surface is 187.5 mU/ml. Sialidase dosages ranging from 750 mU/ml to 46.87 mU can drastically reduce viral replication in CEF cells. This is also supported by observations expression alteration of genes encoding cytokine molecules in sialidase treated cells and ND virus infection.
Conclusion: Sialidase from Clostridium perfringens tipe A has the potential to be used as prophylactic antiviral therapy through its competitive inhibition activity against sialic acid receptors on host cells.
Jakarta: Fakultas Kedokteran Universitas Indonesia, 2022
UI - Disertasi Membership  Universitas Indonesia Library
Dina Clarisa Rumora Abigail
"Latar Belakang: Kebocoran plasma merupakan salah satu penanda dari derajat keparahan penyakit infeksi virus dengue (DENV). Kadar fibrinogen mengalami perubahan seiring dengan terjadinya kebocoran plasma. Tujuan: Mengetahui hubungan kadar fibrinogen pada pasien infeksi DENV dengan derajat keparahan penyakit.
Metode: Peneliti menggunakan desain studi kohort dari data sekunder komunitas di Jakarta pada tahun 2010. Jumlah sampel penelitian adalah 43 orang dengan total 38 orang yang memenuhi kriteria inklusi. Kadar fibrinogen yang digunakan yaitu data pada demam hari ketiga dan keempat dari total tujuh hari ke tiga pemeriksaan, karena merupakan perkiraan hari terjadinya kebocoran plasma. Derajat keparahan penyakit infeksi DENV ditentukan berdasarkan klasifikasi WHO 1997 dan dibagi menjadi dua kelompok yaitu Demam Dengue (DD) dan Demam Berdarah Dengue (DBD). Hasil pemeriksaan kadar fibrinogen pada demam hari ketiga dan keempat dianalisis menggunakan Uji T Independen.
Hasil: Hasil pemeriksaan demam hari ketiga menunjukkan tidak ada perbedaan bermakna pada kelompok DD dan DBD (p=0,993), namun rata-rata kadar fibrinogen kelompok DBD (253,8 mg/dL) lebih rendah dibandingkan kelompok DD (253,9 mg/dL). Hasil pemeriksaan kadar fibrinogen demam hari keempat juga menunjukkan tidak ada perbedaan bermakna pada kelompok DD dan DBD (p=0,437), namun rata-rata kadar fibrinogen DBD (218,7 mg/dL) lebih rendah dibandingkan DD (235,4 mg/dL).
Kesimpulan: Kadar fibrinogen DBD lebih rendah dibandingkan DD namun tidak menunjukkan perbedaan yang bermakna sehingga tidak terdapat hubungan antara kadar fibrinogen dengan derajat keparahan penyakit pada pasien infeksi DENV.

Background: Plasma leakage is one of the degree of severity disease determinants in patients with dengue virus (DENV) infection. Fibrinogen levels changes due to plasma leakage in DENV infection. Objective: Investigate the association of fibrinogen level and the degree of severity disease in patients with DENV infection in Jakarta, Indonesia. Methods: Author used a cohort study from secondary data on community in Jakarta at the year of 2010. The total sample is 43 persons, of whom 38 persons met the inclusion criteria. Next, author chose the third and fourth days of a total of seven days fever examination of fibrinogen levels because these days are the estimated days of plasma leakage. The severity of DENV infection is determined based on the 1997 WHO Classification which is divided into two group namely Dengue Fever (DF) and Dengue Haemorrhagic Fever (DHF). The results of examination of fibrinogen levels on the third and fourth day of fever were analyzed using the Independent T Test Results: The results in the third day of fever were no significant difference in the DD and DHF groups (p = 0.993), but the fibrinogen levels in the DHF group (253.8 mg/dL) were lower than those in the DF group (253.9 mg/dL). The results of the examination of fibrinogen levels on the fourth day of fever were also analyzed using the Independent T Test, the results were no significant difference in the DF and DHF groups (p = 0.437), but DHF fibrinogen levels (218.7 mg / dL) were lower than DF (235.4 mg / dL). Conclusion: Fibrinogen levels in DHF were lower than DF but did not show a significant difference so there was no association between fibrinogen levels with the severity of the disease in patients with DENV infection.
Depok: Fakultas Kedokteran Universitas Indonesia , 2019
UI - Skripsi Membership  Universitas Indonesia Library
Ana Khoirotun Nisa
Infeksi DENV masih menjadi masalah kesehatan masyarakat Indonesia, karena angka kesakitan semakin meningkat, masih menimbulkan kematian dan sering terulangnya kejadian luar biasa (KLB). Salah satu permasalahan terbesar pada manajemen pasien yang terinfeksi adalah untuk memperoleh hasil diagnosis yang cepat dan spesifik dari infeksi DENV pada fase akut. Deteksi NS1 virus dengue merupakan solusi untuk deteksi dini infeksi dengue. Pada penelitian ini dilakukan produksi antibodi anti-NS1 DENV 2 berlabel HRP untuk mendeteksi antigen NS1 DENV. Untuk mendapatkan antibodi anti-NS1 DENV 2, protein NS1 sebanyak 500µg disuntikkan ke kelinci. Booster dilakukan sebanyak tiga kali dengan menyuntikkan NS1 500µg. Antibodi anti-NS1 yang dihasilkan oleh kelinci kemudian dilabel menggunakan horseradish peroxidase (HRP) dan dilakukan optimasi slot blot immunoassay. Setelah antibodi anti-NS1 DENV 2 berlabel HRP dikonfirmasi dengan direct ELISA, dilakukan uji reaksi silang. Pada penelitian ini digunakan 15 plasma pasien positif dengue yang terdiri dari serotipe 1, 2, 3 dan 4, 3 plasma negatif dengue, 1 plasma orang sehat dan 1 kontrol positif yaitu protein NS1 DENV 2. Hasil menunjukkan, antibodi anti-NS1 DENV serotipe 2 dapat mengenali NS1 yang berasal dari serotipe 1,2,3, dan 4. Hal ini disebabkan karena protein NS1 merupakan glikoprotein yang sangat terkonservasi diantara keempat serotipe dengue. Adanya kemiripan epitop NS1 DENV 2 dengan serotipe lainnya membuat antibodi anti-NS1 DENV 2 dapat mengenali protein NS1 dari serotipe dengue yang lain. Sedangkan hasil negatif ditunjukkan pada plasma pasien orang sehat. Untuk sampel 3 plasma negatif dengue, hasil slot blot menunjukkan 2 negatif dan 1 indeterminate. Disimpulkan bahwa antibodi anti-NS1 DENV 2 berlabel HRP dapat digunakan untuk dalam uji slot blot untuk mendeteksi keempat serotipe virus dengue.

DENV infection remains a public health problem in Indonesia, as the number of illnesses is still increasing, causing death and frequent recurrence of outbreaks. One of the biggest problems in managing infected patients is how to get a rapid and specific diagnosis of DENV in the acute phase. Detection of dengue virus is a solution for early detection of dengue infection. In this study, production of labelled anti-NS1 DENV 2 antibody to be used for dengue antigen detection. To get anti-NS1 DENV 2 antibody, protein NS1 500 μg was injected into rabbit. Booster is done three times by injecting NS1 500 μg. Anti-NS1 antibodies produced by rabbits then were labeled by horseradish peroxidase (HRP). After confirmation of labelled anti-NS1 DENV antibody and optimation of in-house slot blot immunoassay, cross reactivity between DENV serotype was performed. In this study, 15 dengue positive patients serotypes 1, 2, 3 and 4, three dengue negative plasma, 1 healthy person plasma and 1 positive control on NS1 DENV 2 were used. The results showed that anti-NS1 DENV serotype 2 antibody could recognize NS1 from serotypes 1,2,3, and 4. This may be because the NS1 protein is a highly conserved glycoprotein among four dengue serotypes. The similarity of NS1 DENV 2 epitopes with other serotypes makes NS1 DENV 2 antibody can recognize NS1 protein from other dengue serotypes. While negative results are shown on the plasma of healthy patients. For a sample of 3 negative plasma dengue, the result of the blot slot showed 2 negatives and 1 indeterminate. An HRP-labelled anti-NS1 DENV 2 antibody could be used in slotblot immunassay to detect NS1 of four serotype of dengue infection."
Jakarta: Fakultas Kedokteran Universitas Indonesia, 2017
UI - Tesis Membership  Universitas Indonesia Library
Joko Pamungkas
"Dalam upaya menginduksi kekebalan berspektrum luas yang responsif terhadap subtipe-subtipe HIV-1 yang berbeda, telah diteliti imunisasi vaksin DNA menggunakan vektor plasmid DNA dan virus fowlpox rekombinan dengan memanfaatkan gen-gen HIV-1 yang dirancang dari runutan konsensus turunan subtipe-subtipe HIV-1 di dunia yang mengekspresikan semua protein dari genom HIV-1 dengan peptida berukuran 30 asam amino yang overlapping dan tersusun secara acak (scrambled antigen vaccines, atau SAVINE).
Tiga grup hewan coba yang terdiri dari masing-masing tujuh beruk (Macaca nemestrina) diimunisasi dengan regimen vaksin DNA standar dengan veklor plasmid DNA pHIS-64 dan vektor virus fowlpox rekombinan (rFPV) berbasis gen gag dan pol dan HIV-1 subtipe B, regimen vaksin DNA SAVINE dengan vektor pHIS-64 dan vektor rFPV berbasis genom HIV-1 yang diacak, serta vektor plasmid pHIS-64 dan FPV yang tidak mengandung gen sebagai grup kontrol. Respon kebal selular diamati dengan teknik ELiSpot dan pewamaan silokin intraselular, sedangkan respon kebal humoral diamati dengan teknik ELISA. Pada ketujuh hewan coba yang diimunisasi dengan vaksin DNA HIV-1 standar, secara umum hasil penelitian menunjukkan terinduksinya respon kebal selular terhadap protein Gag HIV-1 serta respon kebal humoral yang ditunjukkan dengan terdeteksinya antibodi terhadap protein p24 HIV-1. Respon kebal selular silang terhadap protein Gag HIV-1 dari subtipe yang berbeda juga ditunjukkan pada grup yang sama. Namun upaya melakukan imunisasi boosting ke-dua dengan vektor rFPV tidak menunjukkan perbaikan induksi respon kebal. Berbeda dari grup hewan coba yang menerima regimen vaksin DNA HIV-1 standar, pada grup yang menerima regimen vaksin DNA HIV-1 SAVINE secara umum tidak menunjukkan adanya induksi respon kebal, kecuali pada satu ekor hewan yang menunjukkan respon kebal selular yang lebih luas terhadap protein Pol dan protein-protein lain HIV-1 meski pada tingkat induksi yang amat rendah. Pengembangan teknologi vaksin SAVINE terus diperbaiki dan disempumakan dengan kemungkinan melibatkan vektor virus aktif yang lain sehingga induksi respon kebal yang diharapkan bisa tercapai.
Specific Immune Responses to the Human Immunodeficiency Virus Type-1 (HIV-1) Proteins In Pigtail Macaque (Macaca nemestrina) Immunized with Whole Gene and Whole Virus Scrambled Antigen Vaccines
T cell immunity plays a critical role in controlling HIV-1 viremia, and encoding a limited set of HIV-1 genes within DNA and poxvirus vectors can, when used sequentially, induce high levels of T cell immunity in primates. However, a limited breadth of T cell immunity exposes the host to potential infection with either genetically diverse HIV-1 strains or T cell escape variants of HIV-1. In an attempt to induce maximally broad immunity, we examined DNA (prime) and recombinant Fowlpox virus (rFPV, boost) vaccines encoding all HIV-1 genes derived from a global HIV-1 consensus sequence, but expressed as multiple overlapping scrambled 30 amino acid segments (scrambled antigen vaccines, or SAVINEs).
Three groups of 7 pigtail macaques (Macaca nemestrina) were immunized with sets of DNA and rFPV expressing Gag/Pol antigens only, the whole genome SAVINE antigens, or no HIV-1 antigens. T cell immunity was monitored by ELISpot and intracellular cytokine staining, while the humoral immune response was monitored by p24 antibody capture ELISA. High levels of cross-subtype HIV-specific T cell immunity to Gag were consistently induced in the 7 macaques primed with DNA and rFPV vaccines expressing Gag/Poi as intact proteins. The humoral immunity was also induced in the animals from the same group. It was however, difficult to repeatedly boost immunity with further rFPV immunizations, presumably reflecting high levels of anti-FPV immunity. Unfortunately, this vaccine study did not consistently achieve a broadened level of T cell immunity to multiple HIV genes utilizing the novel whole-virus SAVINE approach, with only one of 7 immunized animals generating broad T cell immunity to multiple HIV-1 proteins. Further refinements are planned with alternate vector strategies to evaluate the potential of the SAVINE technology.
UI - Disertasi Membership  Universitas Indonesia Library
"Latar Belakang: Infeksi virus dengue (DENV) dapat menyebabkan manifestasi klinis seperti demam berdarah (DD) dan demam berdarah dengue (DBD). Kedua kelompok tersebut dapat dibedakan melalui terjadinya kebocoran plasma sehingga kebocoran plasma dapat menjadi salah satu penanda dari derajat keparahan penyakit infeksi DENV. Kebocoran plasma ini dapat mempengaruhi kadar elektrolit, seperti kalium, dalam darah.
Tujuan: Mengetahui hubungan kadar kalium pada pasien infeksi DENV dengan derajat keparahan penyakit.
Metode: Peneliti menggunakan desain studi kohort dari data sekunder komunitas di Jakarta pada tahun 2010. Sampel merupakan populasi usia ≥ 14 tahun dengan riwayat demam ≤ 48 jam, didiagnosis demam dengue berdasarkan klasifikasi WHO 1997, dan memiliki hasil uji NS1 postif. Besar sampel adalah 43 orang dengan total 38 orang yang memenuhi kriteria inklusi. Data kadar kalium yang digunakan yaitu data pada demam hari ke-3 dan ke-4. Hasil pemeriksaan dianalisis menggunakan Uji T Independen.
Hasil: Hasil analisis hubungan antara kadar kalium serum hari ke-3 dan hari ke-4 pada kelompok DD dan DBD menunjukkan perbedaan yang tidak bermakna (hari ke-3, p = 0,487) (hari ke-4, p = 0,614).
Kesimpulan: Tidak terdapat hubungan antara kadar kalium serum dengan derajat keparahan penyakit pada pasien infeksi DENV.
Background: Dengue virus infection (DENV) can cause clinical manifestations such as dengue fever (DF) and dengue hemorrhagic fever (DHF). The two groups can be distinguished by the occurrence of plasma leakage so that plasma leakage can be a marker of the severity of DENV infection. Plasma leakage can affect electrolyte levels, such as potassium, in the blood.
Objective: Knowing the association of potassium levels in patients with DENV infection with the disease severity.
Methods: Author used a cohort study design from secondary community data in Jakarta in 2010. The sample was a population aged ≥ 14 years with a history of fever ≤ 48 hours, diagnosed with dengue based on WHO 1997 classification, and had positive NS1 test results. The sample size was 43 people with a total of 38 people who met the inclusion criteria. Potassium levels data used are data on the 3rd and 4th day fever. The examination results were analyzed using an Independent T Test.
Results: The results of the analysis of the association between serum potassium levels on day 3 and day 4 in the DD and DHF groups showed insignificant difference (day 3, p = 0.487) (day 4, p = 0.614).
Conclusion: There is no association between serum potassium levels with the disease severity in patients with DENV infection."
Jakarta: Fakultas Kedokteran Universitas Indonesia, 2019
UI - Skripsi Membership  Universitas Indonesia Library
Muhammad Firdaus
"Loading and unloading activity at port of Boom Baru in Palembang reached mean number 8264.892 ton each year. This caused happening of particulate contamination which can cause of the occurrence of non infection bronchi trouble. This study aim is to know PM10 exposure to occurrence of non infection bronchi trouble for loading and unloading worker at Port of Boom Baru in Palembang.
In this study, variables of temperature, dampness and wind velocity are studied and their effect for PMI0 concentration, while variables of PM10 concentration, age, work time, nutrition status, smoking habit and usage of self protective device (APD) are checked and their effect for the occurrence of non infection bronchi trouble. PM1o concentration is used for analyzing effect of particulate contamination for the occurrence of non infection bronchi trouble.
This study used a retrospective cohort study design for calculating Relative Risk (RR) to occurrence of non infection bronchi trouble as result of PM1o exposure and also another factors. Data analysis which has been done consisting of univariate analysis (descriptive), bivariate (kai square test and t-test) and multivariate (multiple linear regression and multiple logistic regression).
Data analysis result indicated the existence of PM,o concentration related to temperature variable (p = 0,022), dampness (p = 0,002) and wind velocity (p = 0,006). While data analysis for the occurrence of non infection bronchi trouble with PM16 concentration variable (p = 0,001), age (p = 0,011), work time (p = 0,044) and smoking habit (p = 0,000). From all factors which related significantly, smoking habit is a dominant factor which affecting for the occurrence of non infection bronchi trouble. Therefore, factors which affected for occurrence of non infection bronchi trouble must be lessened, especially for smoking habit."
Depok: Fakultas Kesehatan Masyarakat Universitas Indonesia, 2008
UI - Tesis Open  Universitas Indonesia Library
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