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"Mineral trioxide aggregate (MTA) as retrograde filling is always in contact to inflamed tissues in periradicular area. Objective: To investigate the effect of acidic environment on push-out bond strength of MTA mixed with sterile water, local anesthetic, and 5% CaCl2 Methods: Thirty middle third of mandibular premolar roots were randomly assigned into 3 groups of 10 each. MTA mixed with sterile water (Group 1), local anesthetic (group 2), 5% CaCl2 (group 3). Each group was then divided into group A: soaked in synthetic tissue fluid with pH 5, and group B: pH 7.4. Specimens were stored in an incubator with a temperature of 370 C for 72 hours, undertaken a push-out test,
and observed under a stereo-microscope. Results: A two-way ANOVA showed that acidic environment reduced the push-out bond strength of MTA mixed with either sterile water, local anesthetic or 5% CaCl2
(p <0.05). The predominantly failure was a mixture of adhesive and cohesive type. Conclusion: The acidic environment reduced the push-out bond strength of MTA mixed with either sterile water, local anesthetic or 5% CaCl2. MTA mixed with 5% CaCl2 produced the greatest push-out bond strength, whereas MTA mixed with local anesthetic had the lowest push-out bond strength."
Fakultas Kedokteran Gigi Universitas Gadjah Mada, 2015
Artikel Jurnal  Universitas Indonesia Library
"Pengaruh aplikasi non freeze-dried hidrogel-CHA terhadap prolifrasi fibroblas. Kerusakan tulang dapat disebabkan oleh berbagai prosedur bedah. Rekonstruksi tulang yang banyak dikembangkan akhir-akhir ini adalah teknik rekayasa jaringan. Material yang terbukti efektif sebagai perancah dalam rekayasa jaringan adalah hidrogel. Penambahan Karbonat apatit (CHA) akan menghasilkan material hidrogel-CHA yang diyakini dapat meningkatkan sifat mekanis dan kemiripan biologis dengan tulang. Perancah merupakan aspek penting dalam bidang rekayasa jaringan, karena kemampuannya menyerupai matriks ekstraseluler pada jaringan yang rusak. Fibroblas merupakan sel mesenkim yang dengan mudah dibiakkan di laboratorium dan memiliki peran penting dalam interaksi epitel-mesenkimal, mensekresi berbagai faktor pertumbuhan dan sitokin. Pada kondisi tertentu fibroblas akan berdiferensiasi menjadi sel pembentuk tulang yaitu osteoblas. Tujuan: untuk mengetahui pengaruh non freeze-dried hidrogel-CHA terhadap jumlah sel fibroblas. Metode: Pada kelompok perlakuan (kelompok hidrogel dan hidrogel-CHA), penyemaian statis yaitu sel dan perancah dikontakkan. Pada kelompok lain hanya berisi sel dan media pertumbuhan. Sel disemai dengan kepadatan 2x104 sel/ml dalam 96 sumuran. Jumlah sel fibroblas dalam tiap kelompok diamati dengan menggunakan mikroskop dan dihitung dengan uji MTT pada
hari 1, 2,dan 3 setelah aplikasi perlakuan. Hasil: Proliferasi jumlah sel fibroblas meningkat secara signifikan pada hari ke-3 setelah aplikasi non freeze-dried hidrogel-CHA (p<0,05). Simpulan: Aplikasi non freeze-dried hidrogel-CHA dapat meningkatkan proliferasi sel fibroblas.

Bone damage can be caused by variety of surgical procedures. Bone reconstruction has been developed lately is tissue engineering techniques. One of materials that proved to be effective as a scaffold in tissue engineering is a hydrogel. The addition of carbonate apatite (CHA) will produce a hydrogel-CHA material which is believed to improve the mechanical properties and biological similarities with the original bone. Scaffold is considered an important aspect in the field of tissue engineering, because it’s ability to mimic extracellular matrix of the damaged tissue. Fibroblasts are mesenchymal cells that can be readily cultured in the laboratory and play a significant role in epithelial-mesenchymal interactions, secreting various growth factors and cytokines. On certain condition, Fibroblast will differentiate into bone-forming cells, osteoblasts. Objective: to determine the effect of non freezedried hydrogels - CHA on the number of fibroblasts. Methods: In the treatment groups (hydrogel and hydrogel - CHA group), the static seeding, where cells and scaffolds were simply brought into contact, was performed. The other group contained only cells and growth media. Cells were seeded at a density of 2x104 cells/ml in a 96-well plate. Number of fibroblasts cell in each group was observed by light microscopy and quantitified by MTT assay on days 1, 2 and 3 post-application. Results: Proliferation of fibroblasts increased significantly on day 3rd after application of non freeze-dried hydrogel - CHA (p< 0.05). Conclusion: Application of non freeze-dried hydrogel - CHA may induce fibroblasts proliferation."
Fakultas Kedokteran Gigi Universitas Gadjah Mada, 2014
Artikel Jurnal  Universitas Indonesia Library
Nurul Ramadiani
"Latar belakang: Semen MTA telah digunakan dalam berbagai prosedur endodontik karena memiliki sealing ability yang baik, biokompatibel, bioaktif, dan bersifat antibakteri. Namun, semen MTA memiliki beberapa kelemahan seperti waktu pengerasan yang lama, konsistensi berpasir sehingga sulit untuk dimanipulasi serta kekuatan mekanik yang relatif rendah. Polimer sintetik dan alami telah diteliti sebagai material aditif pada semen MTA dan diketahui dapat meningkatkan sifat manipulasi material. Kitosan larut air merupakan polimer alami yang memiliki keunggulan bioaktivitas, biokompatibilitas dan biodegradabilitas serta dapat larut pada pH fisiologis.
Tujuan: Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mengetahui pengaruh penambahan kitosan larut air terhadap kekuatan kompresi semen MTA.
Metode: Spesimen penelitian dibagi menjadi tiga kelompok; MTA, MTA dengan penambahan kitosan larut air 5% (MTA-CW5), dan MTA dengan penambahan kitosan larut air 10% (MTA-CW10). Pengukuran kekuatan kompresi dilakukan dengan alat universal testing machine setelah diinkubasi selama empat hari pada temperatur 37°C dan kelembabab relatif 100%.
Hasil: Terdapat perbedaan bermakna dari nilai rerata kekuatan kompresi ketiga kelompok perlakuan (Uji one-way ANOVA). Hasil uji Post Hoc Bonferroni menunjukkan perbedaan kekuatan kompresi yang bermakna antara kelompok MTA-CW5 dengan MTA, kelompok MTA-CW10 dengan MTA serta MTA-CW 5 dengan MTA-CW10.
Kesimpulan: Penambahan kitosan larut air konsentrasi 5% dan 10% dapat meningkatan kekuatan kompresi semen MTA.

Background: Mineral trioxide aggregates have been used in various endodontic treatments because of the sealing ability, biocompatibility, bioactivity, and antibacterial properties. However, MTA cement has several disadvantages such as long setting time, sandy consistency, and relatively low mechanical strength. Synthetic and natural polymers have been investigated as additives in MTA cement and could improve its handling characteristic. Water soluble chitosan is a natural polymer with excellent bioactivity, biocompatibility, biodegradability and soluble at physiological pH. 
Objectives: This study aimed to determine the effect of adding water-soluble chitosan to the compressive strength of MTA
Methods: The specimens were divided into three groups; MTA, MTA with the addition of 5% water soluble chitosan (MTA-CW5), and MTA with the addition of 10% water soluble chitosan (MTA-CW10). The compressive strength measurement was carried out using a universal testing machine after four days incubation at 37°C and 100% humidity.
Result: There were significant different mean values of the compressive strength between three groups (one-way ANOVA test). Post Hoc Bonferroni test showed significant differences in compressive strength between the MTA-CW5 and MTA group, the MTA-CW10 and MTA group, also the MTA-CW 5 and MTA-CW10 group.
Conclusion: The addition of 5% and 10% water-soluble chitosan could increase the compressive strength of MTA cement.
Jakarta: Fakultas Kedokteran Gigi Universitas Indonesia, 2022
UI - Tugas Akhir  Universitas Indonesia Library
"Latar Belakang: E.faecalis isolat klinis merupakan bakteri yang menyebabkan lesi periapeks persisten. Bioceramic dan Mineral Trioxide Aggregate merupakan siler yang mempunyai sifat anti bakteri.
Tujuan: Untuk menganalisis efek anti bakteri siler Bioceramic dan MTA terhadap E.faecalis isolat klinis pada waktu 2 menit segera , 4 jam initial setting , 1 dan 7 hari setelah pengadukan siler.
Metode: Efek anti bakteri siler Bioceramic dan MTA diperiksa dengan direct contact test. Masing-masing siler dikontakkan langsung dengan E.faecalis isolat klinis 2 menit, 4 jam, 1 dan 7 hari setelah pengadukan siler. Suspensi ini dioleskan pada medium agar dan diinkubasi 24 jam untuk melihat koloni bakteri yang tumbuh CFU/ml.
Hasil: Terdapat perbedaan bermakna antara siler Bioceramic dan MTA pada waktu 7 hari, antara siler Bioceramic pada waktu 2 dan 4 jam serta waktu 4 jam dan 7 hari setelah pengadukan siler.
Kesimpulan: siler Bioceramic dan MTA mempunyai efek anti bakteri yang baik terhadap E.faecalis pada saat segera, initial setting, dan 1 hari setelah pengadukan siler, pada waktu 7 hari setelah pengadukan, siler MTA yang paling baik. Siler MTA mempunyai efek anti bakteri yang konstan sampai 7 hari Keywords : Entereococcus faecalis isolat klinis, Siler Bioceramic dan Mineral Trioxide Aggregate MTA

Background: E.faecalis isolate clinic is a kind of bacteria that cause persistent periapical lesion. Bioceramic and Mineral Trioxide Aggregate are sealers that having antibacterial properties.
Aim: To analyze antibacterial effect of Bioceramic and MTA sealers against E.faecalis isolate clinic at 2 minutes fresh , 4 hours initial setting , 1 day and 7 day after mixed the sealers.
Methods: Antibacterial effect of Bioceramic and MTA sealers was assessed by direct test contact. Each sealer was contacted with E.faecalis isolate clinic at 2 minutes, 4 hours, 1 day and 7 days after mixed the sealers. This suspension was swab in agar medium and incubated for 24 hours. The colony in agar plates is counted with colony forming unit CFU .
Result: The significant differences was shown by Bioceramic and MTA at 7 days, between Bioceramic at 2 minutes fresh and 4 hours initial setting also at 4 hours initial setting and 7 days after mixed the sealer.
Conclusion: Both of Bioceramic and MTA sealers have a good antibacterial effect at fresh, initial setting and 1 hour after mixed the sealer but at 7 days, MTA was the greater. MTA sealer has a constant antibacterial effect until 7 days.
Jakarta: Fakultas Kedokteran Gigi Universitas Indonesia, 2016
UI - Tugas Akhir  Universitas Indonesia Library
Hestia Hartini Novitasari
Kaca merupakan sumber silika amorphous yang baik serta memiliki komposisi kimia dan reaktivitas yang tepat untuk melakukan reaksi Pozzolan. Sehingga muncul lah ide untuk menggunakan kaca sebagai agregat kasar pada beton. Pada penelitian ini, sampel yang dibuat adalah dua jenis beton, yaitu Portland dan Geopolimer dengan variasi substitusi kaca sebanyak 0%, 25%, 50%, 100%. Pengujian yang dilakukan adalah uji tekan dan pengamatan foto makro. Komposisi beton, sejarah perlakuan, dan suhu curing memberi pengaruh signifikan pada nilai kuat tekan yang dihasilkan. Kesimpulan yang didapatkan adalah beton Portland dan beton geopolimer dengan substitusi kaca sebesar 50% memiliki kuat tekan tertinggi, dan pasta geopolimer dapat melekat pada kaca namun pasta semen tidak.
Glass are good source of amorphous silica and it also has good chemistry composition and precise reactivity to make Pozzolan reaction. So there was an idea to use glass as coarse aggregate in concrete. In this research, two types of concrete will be made, which are Portland concrete and geopolymer concrete with variation of waste glass substitution as much as 0%, 25%, 50%, 100%. The conducted tests are pressure test and macro photos observations. Concrete composition, treatment history, and curing temperature gave significant influence on their compressive strength. The conclusions are both portland and geopolymer concrete with 50% waste glass substitution has the highest compressive strength, and geopolymer paste could adhered to glass but cement paste could not.;Glass are good source of amorphous silica and it also has good chemistry composition and precise reactivity to make Pozzolan reaction. So there was an idea to use glass as coarse aggregate in concrete. In this research, two types of concrete will be made, which are Portland concrete and geopolymer concrete with variation of waste glass substitution as much as 0%, 25%, 50%, 100%. The conducted tests are pressure test and macro photos observations. Concrete composition, treatment history, and curing temperature gave significant influence on their compressive strength. The conclusions are both portland and geopolymer concrete with 50% waste glass substitution has the highest compressive strength, and geopolymer paste could adhered to glass but cement paste could not.;Glass are good source of amorphous silica and it also has good chemistry composition and precise reactivity to make Pozzolan reaction. So there was an idea to use glass as coarse aggregate in concrete. In this research, two types of concrete will be made, which are Portland concrete and geopolymer concrete with variation of waste glass substitution as much as 0%, 25%, 50%, 100%. The conducted tests are pressure test and macro photos observations. Concrete composition, treatment history, and curing temperature gave significant influence on their compressive strength. The conclusions are both portland and geopolymer concrete with 50% waste glass substitution has the highest compressive strength, and geopolymer paste could adhered to glass but cement paste could not.;Glass are good source of amorphous silica and it also has good chemistry composition and precise reactivity to make Pozzolan reaction. So there was an idea to use glass as coarse aggregate in concrete. In this research, two types of concrete will be made, which are Portland concrete and geopolymer concrete with variation of waste glass substitution as much as 0%, 25%, 50%, 100%. The conducted tests are pressure test and macro photos observations. Concrete composition, treatment history, and curing temperature gave significant influence on their compressive strength. The conclusions are both portland and geopolymer concrete with 50% waste glass substitution has the highest compressive strength, and geopolymer paste could adhered to glass but cement paste could not.;Glass are good source of amorphous silica and it also has good chemistry composition and precise reactivity to make Pozzolan reaction. So there was an idea to use glass as coarse aggregate in concrete. In this research, two types of concrete will be made, which are Portland concrete and geopolymer concrete with variation of waste glass substitution as much as 0%, 25%, 50%, 100%. The conducted tests are pressure test and macro photos observations. Concrete composition, treatment history, and curing temperature gave significant influence on their compressive strength. The conclusions are both portland and geopolymer concrete with 50% waste glass substitution has the highest compressive strength, and geopolymer paste could adhered to glass but cement paste could not., Glass are good source of amorphous silica and it also has good chemistry composition and precise reactivity to make Pozzolan reaction. So there was an idea to use glass as coarse aggregate in concrete. In this research, two types of concrete will be made, which are Portland concrete and geopolymer concrete with variation of waste glass substitution as much as 0%, 25%, 50%, 100%. The conducted tests are pressure test and macro photos observations. Concrete composition, treatment history, and curing temperature gave significant influence on their compressive strength. The conclusions are both portland and geopolymer concrete with 50% waste glass substitution has the highest compressive strength, and geopolymer paste could adhered to glass but cement paste could not.]"
Depok: Fakultas Teknik Universitas Indonesia, 2016
UI - Skripsi Membership  Universitas Indonesia Library
Ames, Iowa, USA : Wiley-Blackwell, 2014
617.634 2 MIN
Buku Teks  Universitas Indonesia Library
Renny Indrastuty Siringoringo
"Latar belakang: Mineral Trioxide Aggregate (MTA) masih menjadi standar emas sebagai semen bioaktif pada kedokteran gigi, tetapi waktu pengerasannya 3-4 jam. Kitosan, senyawa biopolimer yang bersifat biokompatibel, biodegradable, dan non-toksik, dapat digunakan sebagai material aditif untuk memperbaiki sifat fisik sekaligus meningkatkan sifat biologis MTA. Jenis kitosan yang dapat terlarut dalam air diharapkan dapat berinteraksi dengan MTA yang juga memiliki pelarut netral. Tujuan: Penelitian ini akan menganalisis pengaruh penambahan kitosan larut air 5% dan 10% terhadap waktu pengerasan MTA.
Metode: Tiga kelompok penelitian, yaitu MTA, MTA dengan penambahan kitosan larut air 5% (MTA-CW5), dan MTA dengan penambahan kitosan larut air 10% (MTA-CW10); enam sampel penelitian tiap kelompok. Dilakukan uji waktu pengerasan akhir menggunakan jarum Vicat. Uji reliabilitas menggunakan uji Intraclass Correlation Coefficient, dan hasil penelitian dianalisis dengan uji statistic One-Way ANOVA.
Hasil:  Penambahan kitosan larut air berbagai konsentrasi memengaruhi waktu pengerasan MTA. Secara bermakna, waktu pengerasan paling cepat dimiliki grup MTA-CW5. Sedangkan MTA-CW10 secara bermakna memiliki waktu pengerasan yang paling lama bila dibandingkan dengan MTA dan MTA-CW5.

Background: Mineral Trioxide Aggregate (MTA) is still the gold standard as a bioactive material in dentistry, yet its setting time is 3-4 hours. Chitosan, a biopolymer compound that is biocompatible, biodegradable, and non-toxic, can be used as an additive material to improve the physical properties as well as to improve the biological properties of MTA. The type of chitosan that can be dissolved in water is expected to interact well with MTA which also has a neutral liquid.
Objective: To analyse the effect of adding 5% and 10% water-soluble chitosan to MTA setting time. Methods: Three groups with six samples per group: MTA, MTA with 5% water-soluble chitosan (MTA-CW5), and MTA with 10% water-soluble chitosan (MTA-CW10). The final setting time was tested using the Vicat needle. The Intraclass Correlation Coefficient was used for reliability test, and the research results were analyzed using the One-Way ANOVA.
Results: The addition of water-soluble chitosan affected the setting time of MTA. The MTA-CW5 setting time was significantly the fastest among others. Meanwhile, MTA-CW10 significantly had the longest setting time when compared to MTA and MTA-CW5.
Jakarta: Fakultas Kedokteran Gigi Universitas Indonesia, 2022
UI - Tugas Akhir  Universitas Indonesia Library
"The study on chemical properties in the conservation areas of Gilimanuk Bay,west coast of Bali was carried out in March 206. The dissolved oxygen and degree of acidity (pH) in surface water were analyzed...."
Artikel Jurnal  Universitas Indonesia Library
Faza Ridlarahman Firdaus
"Blok paving merupakan komposisi bahan bangunan yang dibuat dari campuran semen portland, air dan agregat kasar dan halus yang digunakan sebagai bahan perkerasan jalan. Pada penelitian ini menggunakan plastik sebagai agregat pada blok paving sebagai salah satu bentuk usaha daur ulang plastik. Lignin yang merupakan limbah dalam industri kertas merupakan polimer bipolar yang memiliki dua muka sehingga dimanfaatkan sebagai coupling agent dalam pencampuran. Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mempelajari sifat pencampuran antara plastik, lignin, dan agregat halus pada blok paving. Eksperimen ini menggunakan plastik tipe polietilena densitas tinggi (HDPE) dengan penambahan variasi konsentrasi lignin sebesar 0; 0,1; 0,3; dan 0,5 wt%. Pengujian yang dilakukan pada penelitian ini adalah sudut kontak, FTIR dan SEM. Hasil pengujian sudut kontak menunjukan polietilena densitas tinggi dan lignin yang kompatibel karena persamaan sifat hidrofobisitas yang dimiliki. Ikatan gugus fungsi yang dihasilkan dengan variasi komposisi lignin menunjukan tidak terdapat ikatan baru yang dihasilkan. Serta bentuk morfologi yang dihasilkan menunjukan kompatibilitas antara HDPE dengan campuran. Namun lignin tidak berfungsi sebagai coupling agent antara agregat kasar dan halus secara baik, namun bertindak sebagai sebagai penyelimut permukaan HDPE.

Paving blocks are a composition of building materials made from a mixture of portland cement, water and coarse and fine aggregates that are used as road pavement materials. In this study using plastic as an aggregate on paving blocks as a form of plastic recycling business. Lignin which is a waste in the paper industry is a bipolar polymer that has two faces so that it is used as a coupling agent in mixing. This research aims to study the mixing properties of plastic, lignin, and fine aggregate on paving blocks. This experiment used a high density polyethylene (HDPE) type plastic with the addition of a variation of lignin concentration of 0; 0.1; 0.3; and 0.5 wt%. Tests conducted in this study are the contact angle, FTIR and SEM. The contact angle test results showed high density polyethylene and compatible lignin because of the similarity in hydrophobicity properties. Bonded functional groups produced with variations in the composition of lignin showed no new bonds were produced. And the resulting morphological form shows compatibility between HDPE and mixtures. However, lignin does not function well as a coupling agent between coarse and fine aggregates, but acts as a HDPE surface blanket."
Depok: Fakultas Teknik Universitas Indonesia, 2020
UI - Skripsi Membership  Universitas Indonesia Library
Meilisa Rachmawati
"Latar Belakang: Saat ini perawatan pulpa vital mengacu pada konsep minimal intervensi, yaitu dengan meninggalkan lapisan affected dentin saat ekskavasi karena masih terdapat ikatan silang kolagen sehingga dapat dilakukan upaya remineralisasi. Remineralisasi melalui aplikasi material bioaktif Mineral Trioxide Aggregate (MTA) belum dapat menghasilkan karakteristik dentin menyerupai dentin normal karena pembentukan mineral hanya terjadi pada ruang ekstrafibrillar. Penggunaan material analog protein non kolagen dibutuhkan untuk menstabilkan nano Amorphous Calcium Phosphate (ACP) agar dapat memasuki ruang intrafibrillar, salah satunya menggunakan Carboxymethyl Chitosan (CMC).
Tujuan: mengevaluasi remineralisasi dentin pada permukaan dentin terdemineralisasi setelah aplikasi material MTA dan material modifikasi MTA-CMC dengan melihat morfologi permukaan dan komposisi ion pada dentin.
Metode: remineralisasi dilakukan melalui aplikasi material MTA, MTA-CMC 5% dan 10% selama 14 hari pada permukaan sampel dentin yang terdemineralisasi. Pengamatan morfologi dilakukan dengan Scanning Electron Microscope (SEM) dan konfirmasi komposisi ion dengan Energy Dispersive X-ray Spectroscopy (EDX).
Hasil: terdapat perbedaan morfologi pada permukaan dentin setelah dilakukan remineralisasi melalui aplikasi MTA, MTA-CMC 5%, dan MTA-CMC 10% selama 14 hari yang dievaluasi menggunakan SEM. Hasil analisis EDX mengonfirmasi adanya peningkatan kandungan kalsium dan fosfor pada permukaan dentin yang diremineralisasi dengan material MTA-CMC.
Kesimpulan: remineralisasi melalui aplikasi material modifikasi MTA-CMC dapat memengaruhi morfologi permukaan dan komposisi ion pada permukaan dentin yang terdemineralisasi.

Background: Vital pulp treatment refers to the concept of minimal intervention by preserving the affected dentin layer in the excavation process because there are still collagen cross-linked to induce remineralization. Remineralization through the application of bioactive material Mineral Trioxide Aggregate (MTA) produce different dentin characteristics to normal dentin because mineral formation only occurs in the extrafibrillar space. The use of non-collagen protein analog materials is needed to stabilize the nano Amorphous Calcium Phosphate (ACP) to get into the intrafibrillar space, one of which is Carboxymethyl Chitosan (CMC).
Objective: To evaluate dentin remineralization on the surface of demineralized dentin after the application of MTA and MTA-CMC modified material by looking at the surface morphology and ionic composition of the dentin.
Methods: The remineralization was carried out through the application of MTA,MTA-CMC 5%, MTA-CMC 10% materials for 14 days on the surface of demineralized dentin samples. Morphological observations were carried out by Scanning Electron Microscope (SEM) and confirmation of ion composition by Energy Dispersive X-ray Spectroscopy (EDX). Results: there were morphological differences on the dentin surface after remineralization through the application of MTA, MTA-CMC 5%, and MTA-CMC 10% for 14 days which were evaluated using SEM. The results of the EDX analysis confirmed an increase in the content of calcium and phosphorus on the dentin surface remineralized with MTA-CMC material.
Conclusion: remineralization through the application of MTA-CMC modified material can affect the surface morphology and ion composition on the demineralized dentin surface.
Jakarta: Fakultas Kedokteran Gigi Universitas Indonesia, 2022
UI - Tugas Akhir  Universitas Indonesia Library
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