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Mendoza, Adrian
"This is your must-have resource to the theoretical and practical concepts of mobile UX. You?ll learn about the concepts and how to apply them in real-world scenarios. Throughout the book, the author provides you with 10 of the most commonly used archetypes in the UX arena to help illustrate what mobile UX is and how you can master it as quickly as possible. First, you?ll start off learning how to communicate mobile UX flows visually. From there, you?ll learn about applying and using 10 unique user experience patterns or archetypes for mobile. Finally, you?ll understand how to prototype and use these patterns to create websites and apps.
Waltham, MA: Morgan Kaufmann, 2014
eBooks  Universitas Indonesia Library
Whitney, Hunter
Amsterdam: Elsevier, 2013
006.312 WHI d
Buku Teks  Universitas Indonesia Library
""This book offers innovative design solutions for mobile human-computer interfaces, addressing both challenges and opportunities in the field to pragmatically improve the accessibility of mobile technologies"-- Provided by publisher."
Hershey, PA: Information Science Reference, 2014
005.437 RES
Buku Teks  Universitas Indonesia Library
"Mobile apps including for travelers or tourists who always use Agoda as information reference increases significantly. Since, mobile applications (mobile apps) user is living in the first-tier cities and inadequate behavioral research on them, it makes limited understanding about the us er’s acceptance on mobile application especially tourism and hospitality industry. This study focuses on the psychological motives behind user’s acceptance of Agoda mobile applications expect especially on Indonesian user. This study also tries to construct and test a conceptual model to predict user’s attitude toward mobile apps, intent to use and actual use. The study also examines behavioral variables behind user’s acceptance of mobile apps by applying theory of planned behavior/theory of reason action and technology acceptance model. This study adheres online survey as research method. By using partial least square structural equation model, the finding shows all hypothesis are supported. The finding shows that attitude, subjective norms, perceived (behavioral control, usefulness and ease of use) are significant determinants of behavioral intention to use and actual system use toward Agoda mobile apps in Indonesia. This study supports an application of the Theory of Planned Behavior/Theory of Reason Action and Technology Acceptance Model to mobile apps. This study is also success to integrate the constructs of theories that can be applied in tourism and hospitality industry."
Artikel Jurnal  Universitas Indonesia Library
Cahya Farhan Muhammad
"Direktorat Jenderal Pajak (DJP) telah membuat beberapa aplikasi pajak online yang telah mengurangi penundaan administrasi dan meningkatkan efisiensi baik dari segi waktu maupun biaya. Namun manfaat digitalisasi pajak tidaklah sama untuk semua pihak. Usaha besar dan menengah umumnya dapat memperoleh manfaat lebih dari UKM. Menyikapi hal tersebut DJP meluncurkan DJP Online versi mobile (M-PAJAK) yang mengutamakan aksesibilitas, kemudahan, dan kepuasan pengguna bagi wajib pajak. Namun masih terdapat permasalahan user experience yang dihadapi oleh M-Pajak. User experience merupakan salah satu faktor utama yang mempengaruhi keberhasilan sebuah aplikasi. Penelitian ini membahas mengenai evaluasi user experience dan perancangan antarmuka M-Pajak. Terdapat tiga dimensi UX yang diteliti, yaitu efficiency, effectiveness, dan satisfaction. Usability testing digunakan untuk mengumpulkan data untuk penelitian ini, yang meliputi performance metric, System Usability Scale (SUS), Single Ease Question (SEQ), dan Retrospective-Think Aloud (RTA). Tujuan dari penelitian ini adalah untuk mengevaluasi user experience menggunakan aplikasi pajak online mobile M-Pajak dan mendapatkan pengalaman pengguna dan karakteristik dan desain parameter antarmuka pengguna yang dapat membantu meningkatkan kepuasan pengguna dalam penggunaan M-Pajak, serta sebagai memberikan saran tentang desain antarmuka yang sesuai dengan kebutuhan dan keinginan pengguna.

Directorate General of Taxes (DGT) has created several online tax applications which have reduced administrative delays and increased efficiency in terms of both time and cost. However, the benefits of tax digitization are not all the same for all equal. Large and medium enterprises can generally benefit more than SMEs. Responding to this, the DGT launch the mobile version of the DJP Online (M-Pajak) which prioritizes accessibility, easability, and user satisfaction for taxpayers. However, there are still user experience problems faced by M-Pajak. User experience is one of the main factors that affect the success of an application. This study discusses the evaluation of user experience and the design of the M-Pajak interface. There are three UX dimensions studied, namely efficiency, effectiveness, and satisfaction. This research was conducted using the usability testing method using data collection methods, namely: performance metrics, System Usability Scale (SUS) questionnaire, Single ease question (SEQ), and Retrospective-Think Aloud (RTA). The objective of this research is to evaluate the user experience of using the M-Pajak mobile online tax application and obtain user experience and characteristics and the design of user interface parameters that can help increase user satisfaction in the use of M-Pajak, as well as provide suggestions on interface design in accordance with user needs and wants."
Depok: Fakultas Teknik Universitas Indonesia, 2022
UI - Skripsi Membership  Universitas Indonesia Library
Sitti Alvina
"Perkembangan teknologi terjadi dalam berbagai aspek, salah satunya aspek teknologi informasi dan komunikasi. Dalam perkembangan teknologi informasi dan komunikasi, Internet merupakan suatu hal yang tidak dapat dipisahkan. Perangkat yang paling banyak digunakan untuk browsing internet adalah perangkat smartphone. Pertumbuhan pengguna smartphone di Indonesia terjadi beriringan dengan peningkatan pengguna aplikasi mobile. Dengan meningkatnya pengguna aplikasi ponsel di Indonesia, secara berturut-turut aplikasi yang banyak dimiliki pengguna ponsel pintar Indonesia adalah transportasi, referensi, peta atau navigasi, dan berita. Oleh karena itu diciptakan aplikasi berbasis Android yang dapat menampilkan informasi jadwal kereta dan posisi kereta rel listrik KRL serta laporan gangguan perjalanan secara real-time.
Dari penelitian sebelumnya diketahui bahwa tingkat kepuasan pelanggan kereta sangat dipengaruhi oleh keberhasilan operator kereta dalam memberikan informasi selengkap-lengkapnya kepada para pelanggannya. Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mengevaluasi User Interface aplikasi mobile KRL Access dengan menggunakan pendekatan User Experience yaitu menggunakan performance metrics, self-reported metrics, behavioral metrics, dan issue-based metrics yang menilai kinerja, persepsi, perilaku, dan mengeluarkan apa yang dirasakan pengguna dalam berinteraksi dengan aplikasi serta mengetahui pengaruh pengalaman pada penggunaan aplikasi.
Berdasarkan hasil evaluasi, ditemukan dalam dimensi Ease of Use, interface quality, dan satisfaction memiliki penilaian yang belum baik sehingga dilakukan perancangan ulang User Interface UI menggunakan prinsip-prinsip desain UI dan Activity Relationship Chart ARC . Hasil penelitian ini adalah penilaian user experience, rekomendasi, dan desain tampilan interface aplikasi KRL Access yang dapat meningkatkan satisfaction pengguna.

The development of technology happens in various aspects, one of the aspects is information and communication technology. In the development of information and communication technology era, internet is a thing that can not be separated. The most widely used device for internet browsing is smartphone devices. Total of mobile phone users in Indonesia is growing simultaneously with mobile app users in Indonesia. Mobile application that are downloaded by many Indonesian smart phone users are transportation, references, maps or navigation, and news. Therefore an Android based app is created that can display train and schedule information.
From previous research, the level of commuterline KRL passengers rsquo satisfaction is affected by the complete information that the train operation gives to its customers. The purpose of this study is for evaluating the User Interface of the KRL mobile application Access using the User Experience approach that uses performance metrics, self reported metrics, behavioral metrics, and issue based metrics that assess how perceived performance, perceptions, behaviors and user rsquo s impressions in interactions with the application.
Based on the evaluation results, in the dimensions of Ease of Use, interface quality, and satisfaction was not good enough, so User Interface UI re design using UI design principles and Activity Relationship Chart ARC is done. The result of this research is user experience assessment, recommendation, and interface re design of Access KRL application that can increase user satisfaction.
Depok: Fakultas Teknik Universitas Indonesia, 2017
UI - Skripsi Membership  Universitas Indonesia Library
Latifa Ayu Lestari
"Indonesia merupakan negara kedua paling dermawan menurut World Giving Index 2017 di dunia dan negara dengan penduduk mayoritas beragama Islam dengan presentase 87.1. Islam mengajarkan umatnya untuk melakukan kegiatan berbagi pada orang yang membutuhkan, yaitu; Zakat, Infaq dan juga Sedekah ZIS. Realitanya, penghimpunan zakat pada tahun 2015 baru mencapai 1,3 dari potensi nasional Indonesia. Dewasa ini, saluran pemasaran produk-produk ZIS yang digunakan bermacam-macam termasuk menggunakan media internet sebagai upaya proses digitalisasi zakat.
Digitalisasi zakat diharapkan menjadi saluran komunikasi dalam pengumpulan serta peningkatan layanan untuk terwujudnya efisiensi. Digitalisasi zakat menyediakan akses yang lebih luas untuk para donor, menghindari kecurangan, pengurangan biaya operasional, dan konsolidasi laporan zakat nasional yang lebih baik. Salah satu upaya untuk mendorong digitalisasi zakat adalah mengeluarkan media aplikasi mobile smartphone zakat. Namun, sampai saat ini aplikasi mobile smartphone zakat masih dianggap belum ramah pengguna, terdapat keraguan di masyarakat dalam menggunakannta dan pengembangannya masih menemui permasalahan seperti kurangnya sumber daya dan kurangya sosialisasi dengan masyarakat.
Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk meningkatkan kualitas pengalaman pengguna aplikasi mobile smartphone zakat dari dimensi user experience UX yang berkaitan dengan user interface UI, sehingga dapat menjembatani keraguan masyarakat dalam menggunakan mobile smartphone zakat. Metode yang digunakan, yaitu: performance metrics, kuesioner Single Ease Question SEQ, kuesioner System Usability Scale SUS, kuesioner Questionnaire for User Interface Satisfaction QUIS, dan Retrospective Think Aloud RTA.
Berdasarkan hasil penelitian, menunjukkan bahwa aplikasi mobile smartphone zakat memiliki penilaian UX yang rendah sehingga diperlukan perancangan ulang dengan menggunakan metode Hubrid Cardsorting dan TRIZ. Hasil penelitian ini adalah prototype aplikasi mobile smartphone zakat yang menjembatani keraguan dalam masyarakat.

Indonesia is the second most generous country in the world according to World Giving Index 2017 and a majority Muslim country with a percentage 87.1 of the population. Islam teaches its people to carry out activities that aim to share with the needy Zakat, Infaq and also Shadaqoh ZIS. However, zakat collection in 2015 is only 1.3 of its potential. Today, the marketing channels of ZIS products is starting to use the internet as the process of digitizing zakat for communication channel and service channelto achieve the realization of efficiency. The most widely used device for internet browsing is smartphone devices. Growth of smartphone users in Indonesia occur along with the increase of mobile application users.
Digitalization of zakat provides wider access to donors, fraud avoidance, reduced operational costs and better consolidation of national zakat reports. One of the effort is developing zakat mobile smartphone application which currently still encounters some problems in the development process.
This study aims to re design the User Interface of zakat mobile smartphone applications with the user experience approach for zakat mobile application in order to obtained the best recommended combination of user experience elements that aims to improve user experience of the application. The methods used are performance metrics, Single Ease Question SEQ questionnaires, System Usability Scale SUS questionnaires, Questionnaire for User Interface Satisfaction QUIS questionnaires, and Retrospective Think Aloud RTA.
Based on the results of this research, zakat mobile smartphone applications have low usability rating so ther is a need to do re design by using the TRIZ method. The results of this study is a prototype that meets the perceptions and user preferences of zakat mobile smartphone applications through the user experience approach.
Depok: Fakultas Teknik Universitas Indonesia, 2018
UI - Skripsi Membership  Universitas Indonesia Library
Willana Almira Asysyafa
"Perkembangan teknologi memberikan manfaat di berbagai industri salah satunya pada industri fasilitatif di sektor transportasi. Transportasi memiliki peran penting dalam perkembangan ekonomi. Khususnya DKI Jakarta sebagai ibukota negara dan pusat perekonomian Indonesia, transportasi umum dibutuhkan untuk mendukung mobilitas warganya. PT Transportasi Jakarta memiliki aplikasi traveller service mereka untuk membantu mobilisasi warganya dalam menggunakan bus Transjakarta bernama Tije. Namun, berdasarkan feedback serta hasil evaluasi user experience dari pengumpulan dan pengolahan data menggunakan usability testing, aplikasi masih memiliki tingkat usability yang rendah sehingga tingkat kepuasan pengguna masih rendah pula. Pengukuran yang digunakan dari jenis performance metrics (task success rate, error, dan time on task), issue-based metrics (retrospective think aloud) serta self-reported metrics (single ease question dan juga pengisian kuesioner PSSUQ). Untuk itu, pendekatan user centred design digunakan dengan memberikan rekomendasi perbaikan desain untuk aplikasi Tije dengan mengacu kepada teori 10 Heuristics for User Interface Design. Dari hasil uji verifikasi, rekomendasi perbaikan yang diberikan dapat meningkatkan kepuasan pengguna dalam menggunakan aplikasi Tije.

An improvement among technological development have provided benefits across various industries, including the facilitative industry in the transportation sector. Transportation plays a crucial role in economic development, particularly in DKI Jakarta, the capital city of Indonesia and the center of its economy, where public transportation is essential to support the mobility of its residents. PT Transportasi Jakarta has developed their traveller service application to assist the mobility of residents using the Transjakarta bus, called Tije. However, based on feedback and user experience evaluation through usability testing, the application still exhibits a low level of usability, resulting in low user satisfaction. Performance metrics (task success rate, errors, and time on task), issue-based metrics (retrospective think aloud), and self-reported metrics (single ease question and PSSUQ questionnaire) were utilized to measure usability. To address this, a user-centered design approach was adopted to provide design improvement recommendation for Tije application based on the 10 Heuristics for User Interface Design theory. Through statistical verification, the suggested design improvements were found to enhance user satisfaction in using the Tije application."
Depok: Fakultas Teknik Universitas Indonesia, 2023
UI - Skripsi Membership  Universitas Indonesia Library
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