Ditemukan 4068 dokumen yang sesuai dengan query
Paul, Karamjeet
"Managing extreme financial risk addresses the need for better management strategies in light of increased market risk and volatility in financial institutions' revenue models. Top officials from the financial and regulatory industries point to real corporate issues, showing how institutions react to financial crises. From first-hand experiences, they explain how effective sustainability management does not just prevent being blindsided; it also leads to proactive solutions that enhance an institution's strength to weather a sudden financial crisis, add significant shareholder value, and reduce systemic risk. Readable, coherent, and logical, managing extreme financial risk shows how extreme risk needs to be handled when the cost of being wrong means the difference between life and death of the institution."
Oxford, UK: Academic Press, 2014
eBooks Universitas Indonesia Library
"Company's ability to survive is a fundamental uncertainty faced in the preparation and auditing financial statements. Provision of going-concern opinion on these financial statements the company is still being debated. Public Accountant Professional Standards in section 341 states that the auditor is responsible for evaluating whether there is a major doubt on the ability of entities in the continued survival of the appropriate period of time, not more than one year from the date of the financial statements being audited. This research analyzed the financial and non- financial factors that affected the provision of going-concern opinion. This research used samples of 63 companies with 315 observations, taken from years 2005-2009. The logistic regression analysis showed that the company's financial condition variables, mitigating evidence, and disclosure significantly influence the acceptance of going-concern opinion. Enterprise risk was not significant at propensity of going-concern opinion. "
WINER 13:2 (2012)
Artikel Jurnal Universitas Indonesia Library
Barton, Dominic
New York: John Wiley & Sons, 2003
338.542 BAR d
Buku Teks Universitas Indonesia Library
Jorion, Philippe
New York: McGraw-Hill, 2007
658.159 5 JOR v
Buku Teks Universitas Indonesia Library
Davies, David B.
London: McGraw-Hill, 1985
658.15 DAV a
Buku Teks Universitas Indonesia Library
Boy Ardian Pradhana Putra
"Penelitian ini ditujukan untuk menguji pengaruh audit tenure dan financial distress terhadap pemberian opini audit going-concern. Penelitian ini menggunakan sebanyak 201 observasi perusahaan manufaktur yang terdaftar di Bursa Efek Indonesia pada rentang tahun 2008 - 2010. Opini going-concern merupakan opini audit yang dikeluarkan oleh auditor untuk memastikan apakah perusahaan dapat mempertahankan kelangsungan hidupnya. Audit tenure terbukti berpengaruh positif terhadap opini going-concern karena bertambahnya pemahaman auditor yang lebih baik atas kliennya. Sedangkan financial distress juga berpengaruh positif terhadap opini going-concern yang berarti auditor akan mengeluarkan opini going-concern pada perusahaan yang mengalami masalah pada kelangsungan hidupnya.
The purpose of this research is to examine the influence of audit tenure and financial distress to the issuance of going-concern opinion. The research is conducted by using samples of 201 manufacture companies listed in Indonesia Stock Exchange (IDX) at year 2008 - 2010. Going-concern opinion is an audit opinion which is issued by auditor to ensure that the companies would meet its going-concern assumption. Audit tenure affects going-concern opinion positively to it because of his increased understanding about the clients. Whereas financial distress also affects positively to going-concern opinion. It means auditors will issue going concern opinion to the companies that have doubt in its going-concern. "
Depok: Fakultas Ekonomi dan Bisnis Universitas Indonesia, 2012
UI - Skripsi Open Universitas Indonesia Library
New York: Longman, 1999
659.2 Pub
Buku Teks Universitas Indonesia Library
Situmeang, L.Trinita
"Tesis ini berfokus pada permodelan dan perkiraan tail losses dari Asuransi hafta benda dengan menggunakan Generalized Pareto distribution (GPD), dirnana pennodelan untuk klaim - klaim besar dilakukan melalui pendekatan Peaks over Threshold untuk mendapatkan gambaran atas klaim - klaim di atas threshold. Pcncntuan threshold tlilakukan dengan melakulmn plot atas estimator Hill. Kolmogorv-Smirnov dan Loglikelihood Ratio goodness-ofljit test dilakukan untuk meneliti apakah dsitribusi dan model yang dipilih sudah oocok dan valid. Operational Value at Risk and Expected Shorwlll dihitung dan dibandingkan hasilnya dengan fomaulasi dari referensi. Risk Capital dihitung sebagai selisih antara expected loss untuk Setiap kejadian dalarn Setahun dan nilai klaim 99? quantile. Dampaknya pada struktur excess of loss reinsurance serta penggunaan rekomendasi kapasitas yang dapat dikelola sendiri dibahas sebagai bagian dari stratcgi yang dapat dilakukan perusahaan. Estimator Hill didapatkan dari kejadian klaim ekstrim dengan 5 < I mengindikasikan hipotesa distribusi GPD diterima. Dcngan threshold yang ditetapkan dengan metode PWM dihasilkan Operational Value at Risk dan Expected Shoryall dqneroleh pada 95"' dan 99"° quantile. Tes validitas model dengan Kupiec test dengan tingkat kepercayaan 95% dan 99% mengindikasikan metode EVT dengan Generalzked Pareto distribution (GPD) POT valid digunakan untuk permodelan klaim - klaim besar ehingga dapat diwnakan sebagai alat untuk menganalisa dan mengukur risk capital dad kerugian - kcrugian yang tcrjadi pada Asuransi hafta benda.
This paper focus on modeling and estimating tail parameters of property insurance loss severity by using extreme value theory with Generalized Pareto distribution (GPD), providing a model for large losses through Pealw over Threshold 's approach to derive a natural model _Hur the point process of large losses exceeding a high threshold The thresholds are determinded through mean excess plot and PHI! plot. Kolmogonf-Smirnov and Loglilcelihood Ratio goodness-ofjit test are conducted to assess how good the fit is. Operational Value at Risk and Expected Shormzll are also calculated and compare th results by using the _kzrmulation from rekrences. Risk Capital is calculated as the dwerence between the expected loss jar any one risk annually and 99" quantile of large loss. The impact on excess of loss reinsurance structure and the use of recommended retention are provided. Hill 's estimator is derived from extreme losses with C < l with hypothesis of GPD can be accepted. With defined threshold and shape parameter is derived through PWM method, Operational Value at Risk and Expected Shortfall are derived from 95"' and 99" quantile. Test on validity ofthe model with the Kupiec test on the confidence level of 95%, and 99% indicated that Generalized Pareto distribution (GPD) providing a valid model jar large losses through Peaks over Threshold 's approach as a tool to anabtze and measure risk capital of property insurance loss severity."
Depok: Universitas Indonesia, 2011
UI - Tesis Open Universitas Indonesia Library
Palmer, Michael
New York: Bantam Books, 1993
813.54 PAL e
Buku Teks Universitas Indonesia Library
New Jersey: John Wiley & Sons Inc, 2008
332.7 Man
Buku Teks Universitas Indonesia Library