"Order in which the rising impact of regional expansion in high interest areas to spread them
selves. In Sulawesi from 1999 to 2009 recorded around 33 district /city and formed two new
provinces. Results of research on six areas in Sulawesi by using descriptive qualitative approach
method shows that these areas of regional expansion in Sulawesi grounded by a variety of factors,
such as the size of the territory holding districts, geo-easy to grow, and the ability of the economy as
well as the potential area pemekaran considered capable enough to stand it self as an autonomous
district. Portrait of education and health at six loci scrutiny, Kota Palopo, Moutong Parigi District,
North Minahasa regency, North Mamuju District, Regency South Konawe and Bone Regency
Bolango show that the district focused on two things, namely improvement of facilities and
infrastructures, as well as increased quality of education and health. Implications of these portraits
is the estimated increase, improve quality, and equality of education and health. In addition to many
constraints facing the district in providing public services in both sectors, but the facilities and
opportunities that are already pretty up to the district gradually able to overcome the barriers that
exist through the facilities and opportunities available."