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"Undang-undang nomor 20 tahun 2003 tentang sistem pendidikan nasional merupakan salah satu jawaban dari tuntunan ekonomi, perkembangan imu pengetahuan dan teknologi dalam bidang pendidikan. Gerakan reformasi menuntut diterapkannya prinsip demokrasi, disentralisasi, keadilan dengan menunjung tinggi hak asasi manusia dalam kehidupan berbangsa dan bernegara. Di bidang pendidikan, prinsip-prinsip tersebut memberikan dampak mendasar pada kandungan, proses, dan manajemen pendidikan. Ilmu pengetahuan dan teknologi berkembang sangat pesat dan memunculkan tuntutan baru yang harus diterapkan juga dalam bidang pendidikan, seperti diversifikasi kurikulum untuk melayani peserta didik dan potensi daerah yang beragam, diversifikasi jenis pendidikan yang dilakukan secara profesional"
JHHP 2 (1-2) 2004
Artikel Jurnal Universitas Indonesia Library
KAJ 4(2-4) 1999
Artikel Jurnal Universitas Indonesia Library
Jakarta: [Departemen Dalam Negeri], 2003
R 379.598 Ind u
Buku Referensi Universitas Indonesia Library
"The university is an important part of the triple helix model of regional and national innovation systems. University as a center of science and technology (center of excellent) has a strategic position in creating a knowledge-based society, and the transformation to modern civilization. University with all faults must be synergies with industry and government, so as to generate new innovations, and creating a development strategy that guided the university to meet the challenges of development in various fields. Universities as actors in the innovation syste must be supported by the ability of qualified human resources and adequate financing. Therefore every human being must develop a culture of academic research in order to increase the capacity of science and technology."
JEBUHN 2:2 (2011)
Artikel Jurnal Universitas Indonesia Library
"The purpose of the study is to analyzed and to measure the relevant aspects and indicators of corporatization. There are 21 units of the ministry of National Education that have been the sample units of the study and all units could be proposed to "corporate units". They have qualified 5 relevant aspects; there are services, commercialism, input, transformation, and output. The study should be followed by a strategic plan relating to the implementation of corporate management and it has stated the recommendation for the ministry of national education and relevant stakeholders."
JHHP 4:2 (2006)
Artikel Jurnal Universitas Indonesia Library
"It should come as no surprise that tooth loss and age are linked. It has been documented that there is a specific tooth loss relationship with increasing age because some teeth are retained longer than others. There is an interarch difference in tooth loss, with the maxillary tooth loss before mandibular teeth. There is also an intraach difference with posterior teeth loss before anterior teeth. Frequently, the last remaining teeth in the mouth are the mandibular anterior teeth, sometimes accompanied by compromised conditions, and it is a common finding to see an edentulous maxilla opposing mandibular anterior teeth. The swing-lock romavable partial denture concept offers a way of maximizing the retention and stability of the removable partial denture and be very useful in restoring the extremely compromised dentition. The retentive and stability denture enchance the quality of life by serving esthetic, mastication and phonetic funtions."
Bandung: Universitas Kristen Maranatha,
Majalah, Jurnal, Buletin Universitas Indonesia Library
"Implementing analytics demystifies the concept, technology and application of analytics and breaks its implementation down to repeatable and manageable steps, making it possible for widespread adoption across all functions of an organization. Implementing Analytics simplifies and helps democratize a very specialized discipline to foster business efficiency and innovation without investing in multi-million dollar technology and manpower. A technology agnostic methodology that breaks down complex tasks like model design and tuning and emphasizes business decisions rather than the technology behind analytics."
Waltham, MA: Morgan Kaufmann, 2013
eBooks Universitas Indonesia Library
Jakarta : Rajawali, 2012
371.334 RUS p (1)
Buku Teks Universitas Indonesia Library
Fitzgerald, Angela
"This book explores how two primary school teachers, identified as effective practitioners, approached science teaching and learning over a unit of work. In recording the teaching and learning experiences in their classrooms, the author highlights how the two teachers adopted different approaches, drawing on their particular beliefs and knowledge, to support student learning in science in ways that were appropriate to their contexts as well as reflected their different experiences, strengths and backgrounds. Through sharing their stories, this book illustrates, that due to the complex nature of teaching and learning, there is no one way of defining effectiveness. In documenting this research, it is hoped that other teachers and teacher educators will be inspired to think about primary school science education in innovative ways."
Rotterdam : Sense, 2012
eBooks Universitas Indonesia Library
Anisa Hermawan
"Penelitian ini mendeskripsikan pemikiran Mohammad Natsir yang berkaitan dengan konvergensi pendidikan. Pemikiran tersebut keterkaitan dengan kebijakan sistem pendidikan nasional pertama 1950-1954 yang unik dan penting bagi Natsir untuk diimplementasikan. Permasalahan utama tugas akhir ini adalah “Bagaimana pemikiran konvergensi pendidikan Natsir terimplementasi dalam sistem pendidikan nasional 1950- 1954” melalui serangkaian metode penelitian sejarah, yaitu heuristik, verifikasi, interpretasi dan historiografi yang didasarkan pada sumber primer meliputi arsip undang- undang sistem pendidikan nasional tahun 1950-1954 dan sumber sekunder berupa buku Capita Selekta jilid I-III buah karya pemikiran Mohammad Natsir, artikel, jurnal, tesis dan skripsi pendidikan. Berbeda dari kajian-kajian pemikiran Natsir sebelumnya yang berfokus pada satu sudut pandang, baik politik atau keislaman. Penelitian ini mampu memberi pemikiran baru dari sudut pandang konvergensi pendidikan yang terimplementasi dalam produk hukum sistem pendidikan nasional di Indonesia. Hasil penelitian ini menghasilkan kesimpulan bahwa konvergensi pendidikan adalah “Memusatkan ragam ilmu pada satu titik temu, tanpa mengutamakan salah satu unsur tapi menguasai semua unsur di dalam tubuh pendidikan”. Konvergensi pendidikan dapat dirasakan manfaat dan keberhasilannya dalam implementasi Undang-Undang Sistem Pendidikan Nasional 1950-1954 sebagai upaya perbaikan dari kemajuan pendidikan dan pengajaran secara inklusif. Penelitian ini dilakukan dengan tujuan menambah khazanah sejarah pemikiran dan pendidikan Indonesia.
This research will explain thoughts of Mohammad Natsir related to the idea of educational convergence. This thought is related to the policy of the first national education system in 1950-1954 which is considered unique and important for Natsir to implement. The main problem of this final project is "How was Natsir's thought of educational convergence implemented in the 1950-1954 national education system" through the stages of historical research methods namely heuristics, verification, interpretation and historiography originating from primary sources including archives of the national education system laws of 1950-1954 and secondary sources in the form of Kapita Selekta volumes I-III by Mohammad Natsir, articles, journals, educational thesis and thesis. In contrast to previous studies on Natsir's thought which generally focused on one point of view, both political and Islamic. This research is able to provide new thinking from the point of view of educational convergence which is implemented in the legal products of the national education system in Indonesia. The results of this study indicate the conclusion that educational convergence is "Concentrating various knowledge at one meeting point, without prioritizing one element but mastering all elements in the body of education". The benefits and success of educational convergence can be felt in the implementation of the 1950-1954 National Education System Law as an effort to increase the progress of inclusive education and advertising. This research aims to add to the treasures of the history of Indonesian thought and education."
Depok: Fakultas Ilmu Pengetahuan Budaya Universitas Indonesia, 2023
UI - Makalah dan Kertas Kerja Universitas Indonesia Library