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Bhattacharya, Sitangshu
"This monograph solely presents the Fowler-Nordheim field emission (FNFE) from semiconductors and their nanostructures. The materials considered are quantum confined non-linear optical, III-V, II-VI, Ge, Te, carbon nanotubes, PtSb2, stressed materials, Bismuth, GaP, Gallium Antimonide, II-V, Bi2Te3, III-V, II-VI, IV-VI and HgTe/CdTe superlattices with graded interfaces and effective mass superlattices under magnetic quantization and quantum wires of the aforementioned superlattices. The FNFE in opto-electronic materials and their quantum confined counterparts is studied in the presence of light waves and intense electric fields on the basis of newly formulated electron dispersion laws that control the studies of such quantum effect devices. The importance of band gap measurements in opto-electronic materials in the presence of external fields is discussed from this perspective. This monograph contains 200 open research problems.
Berlin : [Springer, ], 2012
eBooks  Universitas Indonesia Library
"This book presents the fabrication of optoelectronic nanodevices. The structures considered are nanowires, nanorods, hybrid semiconductor nanostructures, wide bandgap nanostructures for visible light emitters and graphene. The device applications of these structures are broadly explained. The book deals also with the characterization of semiconductor nanostructures. "
Berlin: Springer, 2012
eBooks  Universitas Indonesia Library
Klingshirn, Claus F.
"Semiconductor optics provides an introduction to and an overview of semiconductor optics from the IR through the visible to the UV, including linear and nonlinear optical properties, dynamics, magneto and electrooptics, high-excitation effects and laser processes, some applications, experimental techniques and group theory.
The mathematics is kept as elementary as possible, sufficient for an intuitive understanding of the experimental results and techniques treated. The subjects covered extend from physics to materials science and optoelectronics. Significantly updated chapters add coverage of current topics such as electron hole plasma, Bose condensation of excitons and meta materials. Over 120 problems, chapter introductions and a detailed index make it the key textbook."
Berlin : [Springer, ], 2012
eBooks  Universitas Indonesia Library
Peyghambarian, Nasser
Englewood Cliffs, N.J. : Prentice-Hall, 1993
621.381 PEY i (1)
Buku Teks  Universitas Indonesia Library
Maryam Nurhuda
The role of excitons in semiconducting materials carries potential applications. Excitonic signals usually do not appear clearly in optical absorption spectra of semiconductor systems with narrow gap, such as Gallium Arsenide, which makes experimental analyses on excitons in such systems become very challenging. On the iii iv theoretical side, calculation of optical spectra based purely on Density Functional Theory DFT without taking electron hole interactions into account does not lead to the appearance of any excitonic signal. Meanwhile, existing DFT based algorithms that include a full vertex correction through Bethe Salpeter equation may reveal an excitonic signal, but the algorithm has not provided a way to analyze the excitonic signal further. Motivated to provide a way to isolate the excitonic effect in the optical response theoretically, we develop a method of calculation for the optical conductivity of a narrow band gap semiconductor GaAs within the k.p 8 band model, that includes electron hole interactions through first order electron hole vertex correction. The k.p model is chosen because it provides a description of 8 energy bands 2 conduction and 6 valence bands in which the role of spin orbit coupling is also taken into account. We expect that this first order vertex correction reveals how the optical spectral weight redistributes as a function of temperature.

Peran eksiton pada material semikonduktor membawa banyak potensi aplikasi. Sinyal eksiton tidak terlalu jelas kemunculannya pada spektrum absorbsi optis semikonduktor bercelah sempit, seperti Gallium Arsenite, sehingga analisis keberadaan eksiton secara eksperimen menjadi cukup menantang. Dari segi teori, perhitungan dengan metode Density Functional Theory DFT yang tidak melibatkan interaksi electron-hole belum dapat menunjukan keberadaan eksiton. Sedangkan untuk perhitungan DFT yang mengikutsertakan koreksi vertex secara lengkap dengan metode Bethe-Salpeter equation BSE dapat memunculkan sinyal eksiton, namun algoritma yang ada belum dapat memberi cara untuk menganalisis eksiton lebih jauh. Dengan motifasi tersebut, kami mengembangkan metode perhitungan konduktifitas optis semikonduktor bercelah sempit material Gallium Arsenite dengan menerapkan model k.p 8 pita, dengan mengikutsertakan interaksi electronhole melalui koreksi verteks orde pertama. Metode k.p di pilih karena metode ini dapat menjelaskan 8 pita 2 pita konduksi dan 6 pita valensi dan turut melibatkan faktor spin orbit coupling."
UI - Skripsi Membership  Universitas Indonesia Library
Altifani Rizky Hayyu
Current electronics technology still relies on semiconductors for several purposes. The special property that distinguishes a semiconductor from another material is band gap energy inside of which the Fermi energy is located. Most conventional semiconductors such as Ge, Si, or GaAs may be classified into none or weakly correlated systems in which electron electron e e interactions do not play any significant role, where the band gaps insensitive to temperature change. Meanwhile, in semiconductors containing transition metal elements having d orbitals in their valence and or conduction band s , which we consider as strongly correlated semiconductors, e e interactions may play a more significant role. We hypothesize that such kind of semiconductors would have band structures, including their band gaps, being rather sensitive to temperature change due to e e interactions. We propose to explore this hypothesis theoretically by modeling the semiconductor band structure through Tight Binding Approximation with the GW method numerically in the Matsubara frequency domain. At the end, we use Pad approximant to obtain the self energy defined in the real frequency domain. Using this self energy we can calculate and analyze the Density Of States DOS at various temperatures, by giving the certain range of bare interaction line V. Our research results the correlation effects become stronger as we decrease the temperature. In short ranged interaction confirms that the semiconductor band gap increases and chemical potential shifts to a higher energy. Whereas with long ranged interaction shows that the range of two bands semiconductor becomes farther apart as compared to the bare DOS.

Teknologi elektronik saat ini masih mengandalkan material semikonduktor untuk berbagai kebutuhan. Properti yang membedakan semikonduktor dari material lain adalah celah pita energi di mana energi Fermi berada di dalamnya. Umumnya semikonduktor seperti Ge, Si, atau GaAs dapat diklasifikasikan ke dalam sistem non terkorelasi / terkorelasi lemah di mana interaksi elektron-elektron e-e tidak memiliki peran penting, sehingga pita energi nya mungkin tidak sensitif terhadap perubahan suhu. Sedangkan semikonduktor yang mengandung unsur logam transisi dan orbital d dalam pita valensi dan / atau pita konduksi dianggap sebagai semikonduktor terkorelasi kuat, dimana interaksi e-e memainkan peran lebih signifikan. Kami berhipotesis bahwa jenis semikonduktor ini akan memiliki lebar celah pita yang agak sensitif terhadap perubahan suhu. Kami mengeksplorasi hipotesis ini secara teoritis dengan pemodelan struktur pita semikonduktor melalui pendekatan Tight-Binding, kemudian menerapkan interaksi e-e dalam metode GW secara numerik dalam domain frekuensi Matsubara. Setelah itu kami menggunakan Pad approximant untuk memperoleh self-energy yang didefinisikan dalam domain frekuensi riil. Dengan menggunakan self-energy ini kita dapat menghitung dan menganalisis Density Of States DOS seiring dengan bertambahnya suhu, dengan memberikan variasi rentang dari bare interaction line V . Penelitian kami membuktikan bahwa efek-efek korelasi menjadi lebih kuat seiring menurunnya suhu. Untuk variasi interaksi rentang pendek, pita energi melebar dan potensial kimia semakin bergeser ke tingkat energi lebih tinggi. Sedangkan pada variasi interaksi rentang panjang, jarak antara dua pita energi semikonduktor semakin melebar jika dibandingkan dengan DOS murni."
UI - Skripsi Membership  Universitas Indonesia Library
Fajar Bayu Anggoro
"Pada penelitian ini medan magnet akan ditingkatkan untuk mendapatkan konstanta verdet yang bervariasi Kumparan dengan diameter 2 mm dan hambatan 1,5 Ohm dirancang untuk menghasilkan medan magnet kuat hingga mencapai 500 mT. Kumparan akan dilewatkan arus maksimum 20 A dan tegangan maksimum 30 V. Namun kumparan 2 mm yang dilewati arus sebesar 20 A akan menimbulkan panas berlebih yang mengganggu kestabilan besar medan magnet yang dihasilkan sehingga diperlukan penambahan sebuah sistem pendingin menggunakan blok air yang ditempelkan pada inti magnet dan kumparan. Apabila medan magnet kuat memengaruhi material mengneto-optik (MOE) fase cair yang dilewatkan cahaya maka disebut sebagai metode rotasi faraday. Metode rotasi faraday digunakan untuk mencari besar konstanta verdet. Konstanta verdet merupakan representasi karakteristik material magneto-optik (MOE) fase cair. Pada penelitian ini untuk mendapatkan nilai konstanta verdet, nilai yang diukur adalah besar medan magnet, besar sudut cahaya yang terpolarisasi, dan intensitas cahaya. Menggunakan cahaya laser merah berbentuk titik dengan panjang gelombang 650 nm dengan intensitas cahaya maksimum sebesar 54612 lux. Perubahan sudut dilakukan menggunakan gir yang terhubung degan stteper motor dan sistem analisator. Pengambilan data menggunakan teknik polarisasi yang terpengaruh oleh medan magnet eksternal. Nilai medan magnet yang terukur oleh teslameter dengan variasi antara -250—250 mT. Sudut rotasi faraday diperoleh dari selisih besar sudut polarisator dan analisator dengan selisih sudut mula-mula sebesar 45°. Cahaya yang melewati polarisator dan analisator akan terdeteksi oleh sensor cahaya BH1750. Hasil penelitian ini akan menunjukkan besar konstanta verdet dari setiap material magneto-optik (MOE) fase cair.

In this research, the magnetic field will be increased to obtain a variable verdet constant. The coil with a diameter of 2 mm and a resistance of 1.5 Ohm is designed to produce a strong magnetic field up to 500 mT. The coil will pass a maximum current of 20 A and a maximum voltage of 30 V. However, a 2 mm coil that is passed by a current of 20 A will cause excessive heat which disrupts the stability of the large magnetic field produced, so it is necessary to add a cooling system using a water block attached to the magnetic core and coil. If a strong magnetic field affects the magneto-optic element (MOE) that is passed by light, it is called the Faraday rotation method. Faraday rotation method is used to find the verdet constant. The verdet constant is a representation of the characteristics of the liquid phase magneto-optic element (MOE). In this research to obtain the value of the verdet constant, the measured values are the magnitude of the magnetic field, the angle of polarized light, and the intensity of light. Using red laser light in the form of a point with a wavelength of 650 nm with a maximum light intensity of 54612 lux. Angle changes are carried out using gears connected to the stepper motor and analyzer system. Data retrieval using a polarization technique that is affected by an external magnetic field. The value of the magnetic field measured by the teslameter varies between -250—250 mT. Faraday rotation angle is obtained from the large difference between the polarizer and the analyzer angle with the initial angle difference of 45°. Light that passes through the polarizer and analyzer will be detected by the BH1750 light sensor. The results of this study will show the magnitude of the verdet constant of each liquid phase magneto-optic element (MOE)."
Depok: Fakultas Matematika dan Ilmu Pengetahuan Alam Universitas Indonesia, 2021
UI - Skripsi Membership  Universitas Indonesia Library
New York: North-Holland, 1981
537.622 DEF
Buku Teks  Universitas Indonesia Library
Surina, Tugomir
New York: Holt, Rinehart and Winston, 1964
621.381 52 Sur s
Buku Teks  Universitas Indonesia Library
Seno Aji
"Sifat ferromagnetik yang muncul pada DMS berbasis ZnO dengan Tc di atas suhu kamar memiliki prospek yang baik untuk aplikasi spintronik. Oleh karena itu, diperlukan model yang dapat memprediksi dengan akurat sifat-sifat fisis material tersebut. Model yang digunakan pada penelitian ini mengasumsikan bahwa atom-atom impuritas (atom Mn) yang diberikan pada sistem ZnO membentuk momen magnetik lokal. Sifat magnetik muncul karena adanya magnetic exchange interaction antara spin elektron bebas dan momen magnetik lokal atom-atom impuritas tersebut.
Hamiltonian model yang digunakan terdiri atas suku kinetik yang berasal dari pendekatan k.p 8 band dan suku interaksi magnetik antara spin elektron bebas dan momen magnetik lokal. Model ini diselesaikan dengan metode Dynamical Mean Field Theory (DMFT). Perhitungan dilakukan dengan memberi variasi terhadap kopling Hund JH sebesar 1 eV, 2 eV, dan 3 eV, variasi konsentrasi ion dopan x sebesar 2 %, 5 %, 7 %, dan 10 % untuk masing-masing JH serta variasi temperatur T untuk masing-masing konsentrasi. Hasil perhitungan menunjukkan munculnya impurity band pada kurva densitas keadaan (DOS) yang disebabkan oleh interaksi magnetik antara spin atom-atom impuritas dan spin elektron bebas yang menempati pita valensi. Nilai Tc tertinggi yang diperoleh menggunakan model ini yaitu sekitar 442 K dengan konsentrasi hole sebesar 1:71020 cm3.

Ferromagnetic properties that appear in ZnO-based DMS with Tc above room temperature are promising for spintronics applications. To make accurate predictions on other important physical properties, a good model for these materials is needed. The model used in this study assumes that impurity atoms (Mn atoms) doped in the ZnO system form local magnetic moments. The magnetic properties in this model arise due to magnetic exchange interaction between spins of electrons and local magnetic moments of the impurity atoms.
The model Hamiltonian consists of a kinetic term derived from k.p 8-band approximation and the magnetic exchange interaction term arising from the magnetic interactions between spins of electrons and local magnetic moments. The model is solved using Dynamical Mean Field Theory (DMFT) method. In this calculations, we use the following parameter values: Hund's coupling JH about 1 eV, 2 eV, and 3 eV, concentration of ion dopant x about 2%, 5%, 7 %, and 10 % for each JH, with variation of temperature for each concentration. The impurity bands appear in our density of states (DOS) calculations due to the magnetic interaction between spins of the Mn atoms and spins of the electrons occupying the valence bands. The highest Tc obtained using this model is about 442 K with the hole concentration of 1:71020 cm3.
Depok: Fakultas Matematika dan Ilmu Pengetahuan Alam Universitas Indonesia, 2013
UI - Skripsi Membership  Universitas Indonesia Library
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