Ditemukan 16836 dokumen yang sesuai dengan query
"Improvement of Plant Genetic Variability through Soma- clonal Variations. Sri Hutami, Ika Mariska, and Yati Supriati. High genetic variability’s are important factors in the development of new crop varieties. In vitro techniques are applicable for development of crop variability that is not found in the gene pool. One of the in vitro techniques that can be used for this purpose is the somaclonal variation technique. Somaclonal variation may be derived from gen- etic variations in explants and genetic variations in tissue cultures. Variations in the explant may be obtained from cell mutations or polysomic mutations of a certain tissue. Gen- etic variations in tissue culture may be caused by ploidy of chromosomes (endomitosis fusion), changes of chromosom structures (crossings), as well as changes of genes and cyto- plasms. Changes of genetic characters may be improved if anorganic compound was added into the medium. To im- prove the plant tolerances to biotic or abiotic factors, selec- tion components may also be added to the medium. Re- search results showed that somaclonal variation in tissue culture can improve genetic variations in plants. The vari- ation produced in tissue culture provide chances to develop new plant genotipes. Many selection components, such as Gamma-ray irradiation, Al contents and low pH, pure toxin or filtrate, polyethylene glycol (PEG), and plant growth regula- tors can be used to improve somaclonal variations in many plants to produce new genotipes."
JURAGBIO 2 (2) 2006
Artikel Jurnal Universitas Indonesia Library
"Agarwood or gaharu is a plant that has a high economic value in Asia, due to its use for production of incense and traditional medicines. The agarwood formation occurs in the trunk and roots of trees that have been infected by a fungus, such as acremonium spp ... "
JURAGBIO 5 (2) 2009
Artikel Jurnal Universitas Indonesia Library
"Genetic Diversity of Rice Blast Fungus Pyricularia oryzae Based on a Specific Primer Pot-2 (Rep-PCR). Tasliah, Reflinur, and Masdiar Bustamam. Rice blast (Pyricularia oryzae) is one of the most important diseases of rice. It can be very destructive in the field, when the environmental conditions are favourable. Information on genetic diversity of this pathogen could assist plant breeders in determining strategy for a successful control of the disease. This study was conducted to analyze genetic diversity in P. oryzae isolates by a pair of Pot-2 primers using the rep-PCR technique. These primers were designed from a transposon element of the entire blast fungus genomic DNA. DNA samples were extracted from 212 isolates of P. oryzae collected from two endemic areas of the disease in Indonesia, i.e., Tamanbogo, Lampung, and Sukabumi, West Java, as well as from some non-endemic areas in North Sumatra and West Sumatra). Results of the study indicated that the 212 isolates could clustered into 21 haplotypes. The most dominant haplotypes as indicated by their highest frequency of haplotypes were haplotype Pot 2-019 (54.46%) followed by haplotype Pot 2-021 (14.73%) and haplotipe Pot 2-016 (6.25%). Regardless of origins of the P. oryzae isolates, we found 6 haplotypes from Tamanbogo (out of 117 samples), 13 haplotypes from Sukabumi (out of 77 samples), and 11 haplotypes from North Sumatra and West Sumatra (out of 18 isolates). It seems that genetic diversity of the P. oryzae isolates was not affected by the total number of samples/isolates, but rather by place of the origin and rice genotypes from which the isolates were collected."
JURAGBIO 4 (2) 2008
Artikel Jurnal Universitas Indonesia Library
"Information on genetic divergence of inbred lines and performance of the hybrids developed from the lines is a great value in maize hybrid program. A study was conducted to evaluate genetic diversity of six QPM and five normal maize inbred lines, to determine the relationship between genetic distance based on SSR markers and the grain yield of single cross hybrid, and to get information promising hybrid from the single cross of QPM hybrid. Twenty four polymorphic primers that covered the 10 maize chromosomes were used to fingerprint the lines, detecting in 94 alleles (average of 3.9 and a range of 2-6 alleles per locus). Genetic divergences were determined using the Jaccard’s similarity coefficient, and a dendrogram was constructed using the UPGMA. Cluster analysis divided the inbreds into two clusters that were confirmed by principal coordinate analysis. Two promising QPM hybrids that are crossed from different heterotic group were found. The estimated value of simple correlations (r) of GDs with the gain yield of single cross hybrid was negatif (-0.07). There is a need to conduct more field trials to obtain more accurate correlations, particularly in a practical utility for predicting maize hybrid performance for grain yield."
JURAGBIO 4 (2) 2008
Artikel Jurnal Universitas Indonesia Library
"Callus Induction and Plant Regeneration of Four Rice Varieties through In Vitro Culture. Ragapadmi Purnamaningsih. A study was conducted at the Tissue Culture Laboratory of ICABIOGRAD, Bogor, to obtain an optimum medium formulation for calli regenerations of for rice varities (Ciherang, Cisadane, IR64, and T-309). The research activities were done in five steps, i.e., callus induction, callus regeneration, shoot multiplication, root formation, and plant acclimatization. The type of explants used in the study was embriozygotic explants. Five media formulations were used for the callus induction, while four media formulations were used for the callus regeneration. The results showed that the best medium formulation for induction of callus formation was MS + 2,4-D 2 mg/l + casein hidrolisat 3 mg/l, while the best medium formulation for callus regeneration was MS + BA 3 mg/l "
JURAGBIO 2 (2) 2006
Artikel Jurnal Universitas Indonesia Library
Dyah Subositi
"Dringo (Acorus calamus L.), genetic diversity, Inter Simple Sequence Repeats (ISSR) Abstrak Dringo (Acorus calamus L.) merupakan salah satu tumbuhan obat yang digunakan sebagai obat tradisional oleh berbagai etnis di Indonesia berdasarkan hasil Riset Tumbuhan Obat dan Jamu (Ristoja) tahun 2012. Tujuan umum Ristoja adalah tersedianya database pengetahuan etnomedisin, ramuan obat tradisional (OT) dan tumbuhan obat (TO) di Indonesia, termasuk data keragaman genetik tumbuhan obat. Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mengetahui keragaman genetik Dringo yang digunakan di 20 etnis terpilih di Indonesia berdasarkan penanda molekular Inter Simple Sequence Repeats (ISSR) untuk mendukung tersedianya database tumbuhan obat di Indonesia. Sebanyak 10 primer ISSR terpilih menghasilkan 82 fragmen DNA dengan polimorfisme 51,2 %. Koefisien Dice digunakan untuk menghitung indeks similaritas antar aksesi Dringo dan konstruksi dendrogram menggunakan UPGMA. Indeks similaritas aksesi Dringo sebesar 76,7 sampai 100%, hal tersebut menunjukkan bahwa keragaman genetik Dringo rendah. Adanya database keragaman genetik Dringo akan membantu dalam pemetaan dan upaya konservasi tumbuhan obat terutama secara in situ.
ABSTRAKDringo (Acorus calamus L.) used as medicinal plant in Indonesian ethnic groups. Those information based on Ristoja (Research Programme on Medicinal Plants) in year 2012. The objective of Ristoja was to provide a database of local ethnomedicine knowledge, herbal formula and medicinal plant in Indonesia. The aim of this study was to assess the genetic diversity of Dringo from 20 selected ethnic groups in Indonesia based on Inter Simple Sequence Repeats (ISSR). Ten selected ISSR primers generated 82 amplified fragments with 51,2% were polymorphic. Dice coefficient was used to calculate similarity index and UPGMA was used to construct a dendogram. The genetic similarity index among accessions ranged from 76,7 to 100% thus indicating that low level of genetic diversity in Dringo. Genetic diversity database can be useful for medicinal plant mapping and conservation especially for in situ conservation. "
Bogor: Pusat Konservasi Tumbuhan Kebun Raya-LIPI, 2015
580 BKR 18:2 (2015)
Artikel Jurnal Universitas Indonesia Library
Isna Fatimah
"Sumber Daya Genetik Tanaman untuk Pangan dan Pertanian (SDGT) merupakan komoditas yang sangat dibutuhkan seluruh umat manusia sehingga pemanfaatannya menjadi kepentingan semua negara. Fakta bahwa persebaran SDGT tidak merata di seluruh dunia dan tingkat keragaman SDGT mengalami penurunan membuat negara-negara menginginkan akses ke SDGT harus dibuka untuk siapa saja. Meski demikian, negara-negara juga tidak sepakat untuk mengakui SDGT sebagai Common Heritage of Mankind. Sementara itu, karena nilainya yang sangat potensial, bioprospecting atas SDGT banyak dilakukan sehingga dorongan untuk menerapkan rezim Hak Kekayaan Intelektual atas SDGT tidak terelakkan. Sebagai upaya mengakomodir kepentingan semua negara atas SDGT, International Treaty on Plant Genetic Resources for Food and Agriculture mengakui bahwa negara mempunyai hak berdaulat atas SDGT yang diikuti dengan kewajiban membuka akses dan pembagian keuntungan yang diperoleh dari pemanfaatannya melalui sistem multilateral.
Tujuan penelitian ini adalah menjelaskan dari mulai latar belakang hingga diadopsinya prinsip hak berdaulat atas SDGT serta menganalisis penerapannya di Brazil, Amerika Serikat, Jerman, Cina dan Indonesia. Metode penelitian yang digunakan dalam skripsi ini adalah yuridis normatif dengan studi kepustakaan. Hasil penelitian menunjukkan bahwa negara-negara tersebut mengakui prinsip hak berdaulat atas SDGT yang diejawantahkan dalam kegiatan eksploitasi, mekanisme akses dan pembagian keuntungan, pemenuhan hak petani dan perlindungan atas pengetahuan tradisional. Namun, penerapan hak berdaulat di tiap-tiap negara tersebut belum dapat diimplementasikan secara utuh.
Plant Genetic Resources for Food and Agriculture (PGRFA) are important commodities which needed by humankind so that their utilization becomes the interest of all countries. The fact that PGRFA are not spread evenly through all countries and the decrease of their diversities caused countries asking for open access to PGRFA. However, countries refused to consider PGRFA as Common Heritage of Mankind. On the other side, since PGRFA have great potential values, bioprospecting on PGRFA becomes popular; hence the involvement of Intellectual Property Rights regime becomes inevitable. In order to accommodate interest of all countries regarding PGRFA, International Treaty on Plant Genetic Resources for Food and Agriculture recognizes State’s Sovereign Right over PGRFA which followed by obligation to open access and benefit sharing from its utilization under the multilateral system. The object of this research is to explain background until Sovereign Right principle over PGRFA adopted and analyze its implementation in Brazil, United States of America, Germany, China and Indonesia. The research method used in this thesis is juridical normative method with literature studies. The result shows that aforementioned countries recognize sovereign right principle over PGRFA, which manifested in exploitation activities, open access and benefit sharing, fulfillment of farmers rights and protection of traditional knowledge. Hence, they have not been implemented thoroughly."
Depok: Fakultas Hukum Universitas Indonesia, 2013
UI - Skripsi Membership Universitas Indonesia Library
"Job's tear (coix lacryma-jobi) is a plant that can be developed as an alternative food and sources of carbohydrates. The purpose of this study is to explore the diversity of phenotypic appearance as well as information ..."
PANGAN 24:2 (2015)
Artikel Jurnal Universitas Indonesia Library
"Cell suspension culture could be defined as a process that allows rapidly dividing homogeneous suspension of cells to grow in liquid nutrient media. there are two main types of suspension cultures: (1) Batch cultures in which cells are nurtured in a fixed volume of medium until growth ceases and (2) continuous cultures in which cell growth is maintained by continuous replenishment of sterile nutrient media ... "
JURAGBIO 5 (2) 2009
Artikel Jurnal Universitas Indonesia Library
"Interaction of AtMEK1-EXGT in Arabidopsis thaliana after Wounding. Toto Hadiarto and Fumio Nanba. Protein interactions occur within cellular level of stimulated plant cells to relay signals from receptors to production of re- sponse. AtMEK1-EXGT interaction had been detected in non- treated Arabidopsis. In this research, interaction between AtMEK1, a mitogen-activated protein kinase kinase of Arabidopsis thaliana, and EXGT, endoxyloglucan trans- ferase, after the plant was wounded was examined using co-immunoprecipitation and in vitro phosphorylation assay. The results demonstrated that EXGT interact with AtMEK1 soon after and 10 minutes after wounding. In addition, AtMEK1 phosphorylation activity increased when increased level of EXGT was incorporated into the reaction mixture. These indicate that EXGT amplifies wound-caused phos- phorylation activity of AtMEK1. The results elucidate part of the AtMEKK1-AtMEK1-AtMPK4 cascade which is stimulated by wounding. How the complex interaction between EXGT, AtMEK1 and AtMPK4 fits within the cascade is remained to be uncovered."
JURAGBIO 4 (2) 2008
Artikel Jurnal Universitas Indonesia Library