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Nita Nurhidayati
Latar belakang : Cytomegalovirus (CMV) merupakan salah satu infeksi oportunistik
pada pasien dengan sindrom immunodefisiensi (AIDS). Gejala klinis dan CT scan
tidak dapat menegakkan diagnosa definitif ensefalitis CMV. Oleh karena itu
diperlukan uji alternatif untuk menegakkan diagnosis infeksi CMV pada pasien HIV
dengan infeksi otak. Salah satu uji yang sensitif dan spesifik adalah Real Time
Polymerase Chain Reaction (rPCR).
Tujuan : Mendapatkan uji deteksi molekular CMV pada pasien HIV dengan
tersangka infeksi otak.
Metode : Penelitian dilakukan dalam 3 tahap. Tahap 1 adalah optimasi konsentrasi
primer, probe, suhu annealing, volume elusi ekstraksi DNA, dan volume cetakan.
Tahap 2 adalah uji spesifisitas (reaksi silang) dan uji sensitivitas (ambang batas
deteksi DNA) rPCR dan tahap 3 adalah penerapan uji rPCR yang sudah dioptimasi
terhadap sampel plasma, urin, dan LCS.
Hasil : Kondisi optimal uji rPCR telah diperoleh dengan konsentrasi primer dan
probe 0,1 μM, dengan kondisi suhu reaksi rPCR: aktivasi enzim pada 950C selama 3
menit; 45 siklus pada 950C selama 15 detik (denaturasi) dan 560C selama 1 menit
(annealing dan ekstensi). Volume elusi ekstraksi DNA yang optimal untuk ketiga
jenis sampel (LCS, plasma dan urin) adalah 40 μL, dan volume cetakan rPCR untuk
LCS, plasma, dan urin, masing-masing adalah 5, 4, dan 3 μL. Uji rPCR mampu
mendeteksi DNA pada 50.000 jumlah kopi/mL dan tidak bereaksi silang dengan
Staphylococcus aureus, Staphylococcus epidermidis, Staphylococcus saprophyticus,
Escherichia coli, Klebsiella pneumoniae, Pseudomonas aeruginosa, Mycobacterium
tuberculosis, Candida spp, Toxoplasma gondii, EBV,HSV,dan VZV. Penerapan uji
rPCR pada sampel klinis memberikan hasil negatif pada semua sampel LCS, 72,22%
positif pada sampel plasma, dan 72,22% positif pada sampel urin.
Kesimpulan: Telah dilakukan optimasi uji rPCR dengan minimal deteksi DNA
CMV 50.000 jumlah kopi/mL dan tidak bereaksi silang dengan mikroorganisme yang
berpotensi menyebabkan positif palsu (false positive).ABSTRACT
Background: Cytomegalovirus (CMV) is one of opportunistic infections in patients
with Aquired Immunodeficiency Syndrome (AIDS). Clinical manifestations are not
typical, and CT scans can not define encephalitis CMV specifically. Therefore, it is
important to apply an alternative assay for sensitive and specific detection of CMV
infection in HIV patients with suspected central nervous system (CNS) infections.
One of the assays is real time polymerase chain reaction (rPCR).
Objective: To obtain a molecular assay for detection of CMV in HIV patients with
suspect CNS infections.
Methods: This study was conducted in three phases. The first is optimization of
concentrations of primers, probe, annealing temperature, final elution of DNA
extraction, and volume of PCR template. The second is determinations of sensitivity
(minimal detection of DNA) and specificity (cross-reaction) of the optimized rPCR,
and the third is application of the rPCR for clinical samples of plasma, urine, and
liquor cerebrospinal (LCS).
Results: The rPCR reaction showed optimal concentrations of primers and probe at
0.1 μM, with thermal cycler: 950C for 3 min (enzyme activation), followed by 45
cycles of 950C for 15 sec (denaturation) and 560C for 1 min (annealing and
extension). Final elution of DNA extraction was 40 μL and volume of PCR templates
for urine, plasma, and LCS was 3, 4, and 5 μL, respectively. The rPCR had minimal
detection of DNA at 50,000 copies/mL and was not cross-reacted with
Staphylococcus aureus, Staphylococcus epidermidis, Staphylococcus saprophyticus,
Escherichia coli, Klebsiella pneumoniae, Pseudomonas aeruginosa, Mycobacterium
tuberculosis, Candida spp, Toxoplasma gondii, Epstein-Bar Virus (EBV), Herpes
Simplex Virus (HSV) and Varicella Zoster Virus (VZV). Application of rPCR for
clinical samples showed that the rPCR yielded 72.22% positive for plasma or urine,
and negative for all LCS samples.
Conclusion: The rPCR has been optimized in this study with minimal DNA detection
at 50,000 copies/mL and was not cross-reacted with other microorganisms that are
potential to cause false positive results.;Background: Cytomegalovirus (CMV) is one of opportunistic infections in patients
with Aquired Immunodeficiency Syndrome (AIDS). Clinical manifestations are not
typical, and CT scans can not define encephalitis CMV specifically. Therefore, it is
important to apply an alternative assay for sensitive and specific detection of CMV
infection in HIV patients with suspected central nervous system (CNS) infections.
One of the assays is real time polymerase chain reaction (rPCR).
Objective: To obtain a molecular assay for detection of CMV in HIV patients with
suspect CNS infections.
Methods: This study was conducted in three phases. The first is optimization of
concentrations of primers, probe, annealing temperature, final elution of DNA
extraction, and volume of PCR template. The second is determinations of sensitivity
(minimal detection of DNA) and specificity (cross-reaction) of the optimized rPCR,
and the third is application of the rPCR for clinical samples of plasma, urine, and
liquor cerebrospinal (LCS).
Results: The rPCR reaction showed optimal concentrations of primers and probe at
0.1 μM, with thermal cycler: 950C for 3 min (enzyme activation), followed by 45
cycles of 950C for 15 sec (denaturation) and 560C for 1 min (annealing and
extension). Final elution of DNA extraction was 40 μL and volume of PCR templates
for urine, plasma, and LCS was 3, 4, and 5 μL, respectively. The rPCR had minimal
detection of DNA at 50,000 copies/mL and was not cross-reacted with
Staphylococcus aureus, Staphylococcus epidermidis, Staphylococcus saprophyticus,
Escherichia coli, Klebsiella pneumoniae, Pseudomonas aeruginosa, Mycobacterium
tuberculosis, Candida spp, Toxoplasma gondii, Epstein-Bar Virus (EBV), Herpes
Simplex Virus (HSV) and Varicella Zoster Virus (VZV). Application of rPCR for
clinical samples showed that the rPCR yielded 72.22% positive for plasma or urine,
and negative for all LCS samples.
Conclusion: The rPCR has been optimized in this study with minimal DNA detection
at 50,000 copies/mL and was not cross-reacted with other microorganisms that are
potential to cause false positive results.;Background: Cytomegalovirus (CMV) is one of opportunistic infections in patients
with Aquired Immunodeficiency Syndrome (AIDS). Clinical manifestations are not
typical, and CT scans can not define encephalitis CMV specifically. Therefore, it is
important to apply an alternative assay for sensitive and specific detection of CMV
infection in HIV patients with suspected central nervous system (CNS) infections.
One of the assays is real time polymerase chain reaction (rPCR).
Objective: To obtain a molecular assay for detection of CMV in HIV patients with
suspect CNS infections.
Methods: This study was conducted in three phases. The first is optimization of
concentrations of primers, probe, annealing temperature, final elution of DNA
extraction, and volume of PCR template. The second is determinations of sensitivity
(minimal detection of DNA) and specificity (cross-reaction) of the optimized rPCR,
and the third is application of the rPCR for clinical samples of plasma, urine, and
liquor cerebrospinal (LCS).
Results: The rPCR reaction showed optimal concentrations of primers and probe at
0.1 μM, with thermal cycler: 950C for 3 min (enzyme activation), followed by 45
cycles of 950C for 15 sec (denaturation) and 560C for 1 min (annealing and
extension). Final elution of DNA extraction was 40 μL and volume of PCR templates
for urine, plasma, and LCS was 3, 4, and 5 μL, respectively. The rPCR had minimal
detection of DNA at 50,000 copies/mL and was not cross-reacted with
Staphylococcus aureus, Staphylococcus epidermidis, Staphylococcus saprophyticus,
Escherichia coli, Klebsiella pneumoniae, Pseudomonas aeruginosa, Mycobacterium
tuberculosis, Candida spp, Toxoplasma gondii, Epstein-Bar Virus (EBV), Herpes
Simplex Virus (HSV) and Varicella Zoster Virus (VZV). Application of rPCR for
clinical samples showed that the rPCR yielded 72.22% positive for plasma or urine,
and negative for all LCS samples.
Conclusion: The rPCR has been optimized in this study with minimal DNA detection
at 50,000 copies/mL and was not cross-reacted with other microorganisms that are
potential to cause false positive results.;Background: Cytomegalovirus (CMV) is one of opportunistic infections in patients
with Aquired Immunodeficiency Syndrome (AIDS). Clinical manifestations are not
typical, and CT scans can not define encephalitis CMV specifically. Therefore, it is
important to apply an alternative assay for sensitive and specific detection of CMV
infection in HIV patients with suspected central nervous system (CNS) infections.
One of the assays is real time polymerase chain reaction (rPCR).
Objective: To obtain a molecular assay for detection of CMV in HIV patients with
suspect CNS infections.
Methods: This study was conducted in three phases. The first is optimization of
concentrations of primers, probe, annealing temperature, final elution of DNA
extraction, and volume of PCR template. The second is determinations of sensitivity
(minimal detection of DNA) and specificity (cross-reaction) of the optimized rPCR,
and the third is application of the rPCR for clinical samples of plasma, urine, and
liquor cerebrospinal (LCS).
Results: The rPCR reaction showed optimal concentrations of primers and probe at
0.1 μM, with thermal cycler: 950C for 3 min (enzyme activation), followed by 45
cycles of 950C for 15 sec (denaturation) and 560C for 1 min (annealing and
extension). Final elution of DNA extraction was 40 μL and volume of PCR templates
for urine, plasma, and LCS was 3, 4, and 5 μL, respectively. The rPCR had minimal
detection of DNA at 50,000 copies/mL and was not cross-reacted with
Staphylococcus aureus, Staphylococcus epidermidis, Staphylococcus saprophyticus,
Escherichia coli, Klebsiella pneumoniae, Pseudomonas aeruginosa, Mycobacterium
tuberculosis, Candida spp, Toxoplasma gondii, Epstein-Bar Virus (EBV), Herpes
Simplex Virus (HSV) and Varicella Zoster Virus (VZV). Application of rPCR for
clinical samples showed that the rPCR yielded 72.22% positive for plasma or urine,
and negative for all LCS samples.
Conclusion: The rPCR has been optimized in this study with minimal DNA detection
at 50,000 copies/mL and was not cross-reacted with other microorganisms that are
potential to cause false positive results."
Fakultas Kedokteran Universitas Indonesia, 2016
UI - Tugas Akhir  Universitas Indonesia Library
Suzy Maria
Latar Belakang: Hingga saat ini belum ada panduan mengenai paduan terapi
antiretroviral (antiretroviral therapy/ART) terpilih pada pasien HIV dewasa
dengan riwayat interupsi tidak terencana. Kondisi pasien pada saat reintroduksi
ART perlu dievaluasi sebagai dasar pemilihan paduan ART
Tujuan: Mengetahui proporsi keberhasilan virologis pada reintroduksi ART lini
pertama pasca interupsi tidak terencana. Mengetahui hubungan antara berbagai
faktor klinis dan laboratoris dengan keberhasilan virologis pada reintroduksi
Metode: Penelitian kohort retrospektif dilakukan pada pasien HIV yang
mendapatkan reintroduksi ART lini pertama pasca interupsi tidak terencana
selama minimal 1 bulan. Data didapatkan dari rekam medis RS dr. Cipto
Mangunkusumo di Jakarta. Viral load (VL) dinilai 6-18 bulan setelah reintroduksi
ART lini pertama, dinyatakan berhasil bila VL <400 kopi/ml. Dilakukan analisis
terhadap faktor yang berhubungan dengan keberhasilan virologis tersebut.
Hasil: Selama periode Januari 2005 s.d. Desember 2014 terdapat 100 subjek yang
mendapatkan reintroduksi ART lini pertama dan memiliki data viral load 6-18
bulan pasca reintroduksi. Pasca reintroduksi ART didapatkan keberhasilan
virologis pada 55 (55%) subjek. Pada analisis didapatkan dua faktor yang
berhubungan dengan keberhasilan virologis pada reintroduksi ART lini pertama,
yaitu frekuensi interupsi satu kali (adjusted OR/aOR 5,51; IK95% 1,82-16,68;
p=0,003), nilai CD4 saat reintroduksi ≥200 sel/mm
(aOR 4,33; IK95% 1,1416,39,
Proporsi keberhasilan virologis pada reintroduksi ART lini pertama
pasca interupsi tidak terencana adalah 55%. Pasien dengan frekuensi interupsi 1
kali dan pasien dengan nilai CD4 saat reintroduksi ≥200 sel/mm
memiliki kecenderungan untuk mencapai keberhasilan virologis pada reintroduksi ART.
There is no guideline concerning antiretroviral therapy (ART) of
choice for adult HIV patients after unplanned interruption. Hence, patients?
conditions at time of ART reintroduction need to be evaluated as a basis for
selecting ART regiment.
Objectives: To know the proportion of virological success of first line ART
reintroduction after unplanned interruption. To know the association between
either clinical or laboratory factors and virological success in reintroduction.
Methods: We conducted a retrospective cohort study in HIV patients that were
reintroduced to first line ART after having unplanned interruption for at least one
month period. The data were collected from medical records of Dr. Cipto
Mangunkusumo Hospital in Jakarta. Viral load (VL) was evaluated at 6-18
months after first line ART reintroduction, declared as a success if VL <400
copies/mL. Analysis was done to factors associated with such virological success.
Results: Between January 2005 and December 2014, 100 subjects were
reintroduced to first line ART and having VL data in 6 to 18 months after the
reintroduction. Virological success was achieved in 55 (55%) subjects. In the
analysis we found that virological success was associated with interrupted once
(adjusted OR/aOR 5.51%, 95%CI 1.82-16.68, p=0.003) and CD4 ≥200 cell/mm
Universitas Indonesia
at the time of reintroduction (aOR 4.33, 95%CI 1.14-16.39, p=0.031).
Conclusions: Proportion of virological success on first line ART reintroduction
after unplanned interruption was 55%. Patients who were having interrupted once
and patients with CD4 ≥200 cell/mm
at the time of reintroduction would have
higher odds of virological success on first line ART reintroduction.
;Background: There is no guideline concerning antiretroviral therapy (ART) of
choice for adult HIV patients after unplanned interruption. Hence, patients?
conditions at time of ART reintroduction need to be evaluated as a basis for
selecting ART regiment.
Objectives: To know the proportion of virological success of first line ART
reintroduction after unplanned interruption. To know the association between
either clinical or laboratory factors and virological success in reintroduction.
Methods: We conducted a retrospective cohort study in HIV patients that were
reintroduced to first line ART after having unplanned interruption for at least one
month period. The data were collected from medical records of Dr. Cipto
Mangunkusumo Hospital in Jakarta. Viral load (VL) was evaluated at 6-18
months after first line ART reintroduction, declared as a success if VL <400
copies/mL. Analysis was done to factors associated with such virological success.
Results: Between January 2005 and December 2014, 100 subjects were
reintroduced to first line ART and having VL data in 6 to 18 months after the
reintroduction. Virological success was achieved in 55 (55%) subjects. In the
analysis we found that virological success was associated with interrupted once
(adjusted OR/aOR 5.51%, 95%CI 1.82-16.68, p=0.003) and CD4 ≥200 cell/mm
Universitas Indonesia
at the time of reintroduction (aOR 4.33, 95%CI 1.14-16.39, p=0.031).
Conclusions: Proportion of virological success on first line ART reintroduction
after unplanned interruption was 55%. Patients who were having interrupted once
and patients with CD4 ≥200 cell/mm
at the time of reintroduction would have
higher odds of virological success on first line ART reintroduction.
;Background: There is no guideline concerning antiretroviral therapy (ART) of
choice for adult HIV patients after unplanned interruption. Hence, patients?
conditions at time of ART reintroduction need to be evaluated as a basis for
selecting ART regiment.
Objectives: To know the proportion of virological success of first line ART
reintroduction after unplanned interruption. To know the association between
either clinical or laboratory factors and virological success in reintroduction.
Methods: We conducted a retrospective cohort study in HIV patients that were
reintroduced to first line ART after having unplanned interruption for at least one
month period. The data were collected from medical records of Dr. Cipto
Mangunkusumo Hospital in Jakarta. Viral load (VL) was evaluated at 6-18
months after first line ART reintroduction, declared as a success if VL <400
copies/mL. Analysis was done to factors associated with such virological success.
Results: Between January 2005 and December 2014, 100 subjects were
reintroduced to first line ART and having VL data in 6 to 18 months after the
reintroduction. Virological success was achieved in 55 (55%) subjects. In the
analysis we found that virological success was associated with interrupted once
(adjusted OR/aOR 5.51%, 95%CI 1.82-16.68, p=0.003) and CD4 ≥200 cell/mm
Universitas Indonesia
at the time of reintroduction (aOR 4.33, 95%CI 1.14-16.39, p=0.031).
Conclusions: Proportion of virological success on first line ART reintroduction
after unplanned interruption was 55%. Patients who were having interrupted once
and patients with CD4 ≥200 cell/mm
at the time of reintroduction would have
higher odds of virological success on first line ART reintroduction.
;Background: There is no guideline concerning antiretroviral therapy (ART) of
choice for adult HIV patients after unplanned interruption. Hence, patients?
conditions at time of ART reintroduction need to be evaluated as a basis for
selecting ART regiment.
Objectives: To know the proportion of virological success of first line ART
reintroduction after unplanned interruption. To know the association between
either clinical or laboratory factors and virological success in reintroduction.
Methods: We conducted a retrospective cohort study in HIV patients that were
reintroduced to first line ART after having unplanned interruption for at least one
month period. The data were collected from medical records of Dr. Cipto
Mangunkusumo Hospital in Jakarta. Viral load (VL) was evaluated at 6-18
months after first line ART reintroduction, declared as a success if VL <400
copies/mL. Analysis was done to factors associated with such virological success.
Results: Between January 2005 and December 2014, 100 subjects were
reintroduced to first line ART and having VL data in 6 to 18 months after the
reintroduction. Virological success was achieved in 55 (55%) subjects. In the
analysis we found that virological success was associated with interrupted once
(adjusted OR/aOR 5.51%, 95%CI 1.82-16.68, p=0.003) and CD4 ≥200 cell/mm
Universitas Indonesia
at the time of reintroduction (aOR 4.33, 95%CI 1.14-16.39, p=0.031).
Conclusions: Proportion of virological success on first line ART reintroduction
after unplanned interruption was 55%. Patients who were having interrupted once
and patients with CD4 ≥200 cell/mm
at the time of reintroduction would have
higher odds of virological success on first line ART reintroduction.
Fakultas Kedokteran Universitas Indonesia, 2015
UI - Tugas Akhir  Universitas Indonesia Library
Pohan, Herdiman Theodorus
"Infeksi HIV menyebabkan menurunnya jumlah sel T helper(Th) yang memudahkan terjadinya infeksi oportunistik. Salah satu infeksi oportunistik tersering adalah infeksi kandida di orofaring dan esofagus. Untuk mendeteksi peningkatan koloni Kandida tidak mudah, jumlah CD4 dapat digunakan sebagai rujukan. Pada kenyataannya hanya sedikit sentra laboratorium yang menyediakan fasilitas pemeriksaan CD4. Dilakukan penelitian cross-sectional untuk menentukan hubungani antara jumlah limfosit total dengan intensitas koloni kandida di orofaring pasien-pasien HIV/AIDS. Penelitian dilakukan di poliklinik dan bangsal rawat inap RS Dr. Cipto Mangunkusumo dari Agustus 2004 sampai Januari 2005. Subyek penelitian diwawancarai, menjalani pemeriksaan fisik, dan pemeriksaan darah dan kultur sampel kumur pasien. Sejumlah 60 subyek terdiri dari 52 pria(86.7%) dan 8 wanita(13.3%). Rata-rata hitung limfosit total adalah 1194.53 sel/µL. Kandidosis orofaring terdapat pada 44 pasien(73.3%).Terdapat kecenderungan jumlah koloni Kandida yang tinggi pada jumlah limfosit total pasien yang rendah, walaupun tidak terdapat korelasi signifikan di antara keduanya. Terdapat perbedaan yang bermakna antara jumlah limfosit total pada klas koloni Kandida yang positif dan negatif. (Med J Indones 2005; 14: 147-51)

HIV infection causes qualitative and quantitative reduction of the T helper (Th) subset of T lymphocytes, facilitating opportunistic infection. One of the common opportunistic infections among HIV/AIDS patients is Candida infection in the oropharynx and esophagus. Detection of increased Candida colonialization is not always easy, CD4 count is a parameter that could be used as reference. The fact is there?s only few laboratory can provide CD4 count. This study is a cross-sectional correlative study to determine the relation between total lymphocyte count as a much more applicable laboratory parameter and the intensity of Candida colonization in the oropharyngeal cavity of patients with HIV infection/AIDS. It was performed in the outpatient ward and inpatient ward of Dr. Cipto Mangunkusumo Hospital, from August 2004 to January 2005. The selected study subjects underwent interview, physical examination and had their blood samples and gargle samples taken. 60 study subjects were recruited, consisting of 52 males (86.7%) and 8 females (13.3%). The mean total lymphocyte count was 1194.53 cells/μL. Oropharyngeal candidiasis was found in 44 subjects (73.3%). There is a trend of higher Candida colonies number with lower total lymphocyte count despite no significant correlation between total lymphocyte count and the number of Candida colonies in the oral cavity of patients with HIV infection/AIDS. There is significant different between total lymphocyte count in positive and negative Candida colonies. (Med J Indones 2005; 14: 147-51)"
Medical Journal of Indonesia, 2005
Artikel Jurnal  Universitas Indonesia Library
Hery Agung Samsu Alam
Latar Belakang: Kesinambungan berobat memiliki peran penting dalam
keberhasilan tatalaksana pasien HIV. Hingga saat ini, belum dilakukan penelitian
untuk melihat proporsi pasien yang masih tetap berobat di UPT HIV RSCM
maupun profil dari pasien-pasien tersebut.
Tujuan: Mengetahui proporsi dan profil pasien yang masih tetap berobat di UPT
Metode: Studi dengan metode potong lintang pada pasien HIV yang baru
terdiagnosis dan berobat di UPT HIV RSUPNCM dalam periode Januari 2004 -
Desember 2013. Data diperoleh melalui ekstraksi data sekunder yang berasal dari
rekam medik. Penelitian dilakukan terhadap pasien HIV yang berusia diatas 18
tahun dan belum menjalani terapi ARV. Pasien yang tetap berobat sampai akhir
2014 didefinisikan sebagai pasien yang tetap kontrol ke poliklinik sejak awal pasien
datang ke UPT HIV hingga minimal tiga bulan sebelum akhir Desember 2014.
Hasil: Sebanyak 4949 subjek diikutkan dalam penelitian ini. Didapatkan proporsi
pasien yang tetap berobat sampai akhir 2014 adalah 23% (1136 subjek). Selain itu,
subjek dengan jenis kelamin wanita (26,6%), berusia ≥35 tahun (usia 35-44 tahun
sebesar 25,5% dan ≥45 tahun sebesar 35,5%), pendidikan terakhir diatas SMU
(26,8%), menikah/dengan pasangan (25%), beralamat di Bodetabek (26,1%),
stadium klinis IV (28,3%), memiliki angka CD4 awal 201-350 sel/mm3 (35%), dan
bukan penasun (28%) adalah subjek terbanyak yang tetap berobat sampai akhir
Simpulan: Proporsi pasien yang tetap berobat sampai akhir 2014 adalah 23% (1136
subjek). Selain itu, pasien dengan jenis kelamin wanita, berusia ≥35 tahun,
pendidikan terakhir diatas SMU, menikah/tinggal dengan pasangan, beralamat di
Bodetabek, stadium klinis IV, memiliki angka CD4 awal 201-350 sel/mm3, dan
bukan penasun merupakan kelompok subjek terbanyak yang tetap berobat sampai akhir 2014.ABSTRACT
Background: Continued medical treatment serves an important role in the
successful management of patients with HIV. Until this present day, there has never
been any research which seeks to examine the proportion of patients who continue
their medical treatment at HIV Integrated Service Unit of National Central General
Hospital Cipto Mangunkusumo (RSUPNCM) and the profiles of those patients.
Objectives: To discover the proportion and to generate the profiles of patients who
continued their medical treatment at HIV Integrated Service Unit, RSUPNCM.
Methods: This research was conducted by applying the cross-sectional method on
patients who were diagnosed with HIV and were subsequently undergoing medical
treatment at HIV Integrated Service Unit, RSUPNCM, during the period of January
2004 to December 2013. Data were obtained by extracting secondary data in the
form of medical records. The subjects of the research are HIV patients who are
more than 18 years of age and have not undergone anti-retroviral (ARV) treatments.
Patients who continued their medical treatment until the end of 2014 are defined as
patients who have undergone medical treatment at the polyclinic starting from their
first visit to HIV Integrated Service Unit until at least three months prior to the end
of December 2014.
Results: As many as 4949 subjects participated in this research. We found that the
proportion of patients who continued their medical treatment until the end of 2014
is 23% (1136 subjects). In addition to that, we also found that female subjects
(26.6%) who are ≥35 years of age (25.5% for those between 35 and 44 years of age
and 35.5% for those ≥45 years of age); whose education is higher than Senior High
School level (26.8%); who have married or live with their respective partners
(25%); who reside in Bogor, Depok, Tangerang, or Bekasi areas (26.1%); who have
reached clinical stage IV (28.3%); whose initial CD4 count is 201?350 cells/mm
(35%); and who are not injecting drug users (IDUs) (28%) constitute the largest
group of subjects who continued their medical treatment until the end of 2014.
Conclusion: The proportion of patients who continued their medical treatment until
the end of 2014 is 23% (1136 subjects). In addition to that, female patients who are
≥35 years of age; whose education is higher than Senior High School level; who
have married or live with their respective partners; who reside in Bogor, Depok,
Tangerang, or Bekasi areas; who have reached clinical stage IV (28.3%); whose
initial CD4 count is 201?350 cells/mm
, and who are not injecting drug users
(IDUs) constitute the largest group of subjects who continued their medical
treatment until the end of 2014.;Background: Continued medical treatment serves an important role in the
successful management of patients with HIV. Until this present day, there has never
been any research which seeks to examine the proportion of patients who continue
their medical treatment at HIV Integrated Service Unit of National Central General
Hospital Cipto Mangunkusumo (RSUPNCM) and the profiles of those patients.
Objectives: To discover the proportion and to generate the profiles of patients who
continued their medical treatment at HIV Integrated Service Unit, RSUPNCM.
Methods: This research was conducted by applying the cross-sectional method on
patients who were diagnosed with HIV and were subsequently undergoing medical
treatment at HIV Integrated Service Unit, RSUPNCM, during the period of January
2004 to December 2013. Data were obtained by extracting secondary data in the
form of medical records. The subjects of the research are HIV patients who are
more than 18 years of age and have not undergone anti-retroviral (ARV) treatments.
Patients who continued their medical treatment until the end of 2014 are defined as
patients who have undergone medical treatment at the polyclinic starting from their
first visit to HIV Integrated Service Unit until at least three months prior to the end
of December 2014.
Results: As many as 4949 subjects participated in this research. We found that the
proportion of patients who continued their medical treatment until the end of 2014
is 23% (1136 subjects). In addition to that, we also found that female subjects
(26.6%) who are ≥35 years of age (25.5% for those between 35 and 44 years of age
and 35.5% for those ≥45 years of age); whose education is higher than Senior High
School level (26.8%); who have married or live with their respective partners
(25%); who reside in Bogor, Depok, Tangerang, or Bekasi areas (26.1%); who have
reached clinical stage IV (28.3%); whose initial CD4 count is 201?350 cells/mm
(35%); and who are not injecting drug users (IDUs) (28%) constitute the largest
group of subjects who continued their medical treatment until the end of 2014.
Conclusion: The proportion of patients who continued their medical treatment until
the end of 2014 is 23% (1136 subjects). In addition to that, female patients who are
≥35 years of age; whose education is higher than Senior High School level; who
have married or live with their respective partners; who reside in Bogor, Depok,
Tangerang, or Bekasi areas; who have reached clinical stage IV (28.3%); whose
initial CD4 count is 201?350 cells/mm
, and who are not injecting drug users
(IDUs) constitute the largest group of subjects who continued their medical
treatment until the end of 2014.;Background: Continued medical treatment serves an important role in the
successful management of patients with HIV. Until this present day, there has never
been any research which seeks to examine the proportion of patients who continue
their medical treatment at HIV Integrated Service Unit of National Central General
Hospital Cipto Mangunkusumo (RSUPNCM) and the profiles of those patients.
Objectives: To discover the proportion and to generate the profiles of patients who
continued their medical treatment at HIV Integrated Service Unit, RSUPNCM.
Methods: This research was conducted by applying the cross-sectional method on
patients who were diagnosed with HIV and were subsequently undergoing medical
treatment at HIV Integrated Service Unit, RSUPNCM, during the period of January
2004 to December 2013. Data were obtained by extracting secondary data in the
form of medical records. The subjects of the research are HIV patients who are
more than 18 years of age and have not undergone anti-retroviral (ARV) treatments.
Patients who continued their medical treatment until the end of 2014 are defined as
patients who have undergone medical treatment at the polyclinic starting from their
first visit to HIV Integrated Service Unit until at least three months prior to the end
of December 2014.
Results: As many as 4949 subjects participated in this research. We found that the
proportion of patients who continued their medical treatment until the end of 2014
is 23% (1136 subjects). In addition to that, we also found that female subjects
(26.6%) who are ≥35 years of age (25.5% for those between 35 and 44 years of age
and 35.5% for those ≥45 years of age); whose education is higher than Senior High
School level (26.8%); who have married or live with their respective partners
(25%); who reside in Bogor, Depok, Tangerang, or Bekasi areas (26.1%); who have
reached clinical stage IV (28.3%); whose initial CD4 count is 201?350 cells/mm
(35%); and who are not injecting drug users (IDUs) (28%) constitute the largest
group of subjects who continued their medical treatment until the end of 2014.
Conclusion: The proportion of patients who continued their medical treatment until
the end of 2014 is 23% (1136 subjects). In addition to that, female patients who are
≥35 years of age; whose education is higher than Senior High School level; who
have married or live with their respective partners; who reside in Bogor, Depok,
Tangerang, or Bekasi areas; who have reached clinical stage IV (28.3%); whose
initial CD4 count is 201?350 cells/mm
, and who are not injecting drug users
(IDUs) constitute the largest group of subjects who continued their medical
treatment until the end of 2014.;Background: Continued medical treatment serves an important role in the
successful management of patients with HIV. Until this present day, there has never
been any research which seeks to examine the proportion of patients who continue
their medical treatment at HIV Integrated Service Unit of National Central General
Hospital Cipto Mangunkusumo (RSUPNCM) and the profiles of those patients.
Objectives: To discover the proportion and to generate the profiles of patients who
continued their medical treatment at HIV Integrated Service Unit, RSUPNCM.
Methods: This research was conducted by applying the cross-sectional method on
patients who were diagnosed with HIV and were subsequently undergoing medical
treatment at HIV Integrated Service Unit, RSUPNCM, during the period of January
2004 to December 2013. Data were obtained by extracting secondary data in the
form of medical records. The subjects of the research are HIV patients who are
more than 18 years of age and have not undergone anti-retroviral (ARV) treatments.
Patients who continued their medical treatment until the end of 2014 are defined as
patients who have undergone medical treatment at the polyclinic starting from their
first visit to HIV Integrated Service Unit until at least three months prior to the end
of December 2014.
Results: As many as 4949 subjects participated in this research. We found that the
proportion of patients who continued their medical treatment until the end of 2014
is 23% (1136 subjects). In addition to that, we also found that female subjects
(26.6%) who are ≥35 years of age (25.5% for those between 35 and 44 years of age
and 35.5% for those ≥45 years of age); whose education is higher than Senior High
School level (26.8%); who have married or live with their respective partners
(25%); who reside in Bogor, Depok, Tangerang, or Bekasi areas (26.1%); who have
reached clinical stage IV (28.3%); whose initial CD4 count is 201?350 cells/mm
(35%); and who are not injecting drug users (IDUs) (28%) constitute the largest
group of subjects who continued their medical treatment until the end of 2014.
Conclusion: The proportion of patients who continued their medical treatment until
the end of 2014 is 23% (1136 subjects). In addition to that, female patients who are
≥35 years of age; whose education is higher than Senior High School level; who
have married or live with their respective partners; who reside in Bogor, Depok,
Tangerang, or Bekasi areas; who have reached clinical stage IV (28.3%); whose
initial CD4 count is 201?350 cells/mm
, and who are not injecting drug users
(IDUs) constitute the largest group of subjects who continued their medical
treatment until the end of 2014.;Background: Continued medical treatment serves an important role in the
successful management of patients with HIV. Until this present day, there has never
been any research which seeks to examine the proportion of patients who continue
their medical treatment at HIV Integrated Service Unit of National Central General
Hospital Cipto Mangunkusumo (RSUPNCM) and the profiles of those patients.
Objectives: To discover the proportion and to generate the profiles of patients who
continued their medical treatment at HIV Integrated Service Unit, RSUPNCM.
Methods: This research was conducted by applying the cross-sectional method on
patients who were diagnosed with HIV and were subsequently undergoing medical
treatment at HIV Integrated Service Unit, RSUPNCM, during the period of January
2004 to December 2013. Data were obtained by extracting secondary data in the
form of medical records. The subjects of the research are HIV patients who are
more than 18 years of age and have not undergone anti-retroviral (ARV) treatments.
Patients who continued their medical treatment until the end of 2014 are defined as
patients who have undergone medical treatment at the polyclinic starting from their
first visit to HIV Integrated Service Unit until at least three months prior to the end
of December 2014.
Results: As many as 4949 subjects participated in this research. We found that the
proportion of patients who continued their medical treatment until the end of 2014
is 23% (1136 subjects). In addition to that, we also found that female subjects
(26.6%) who are ≥35 years of age (25.5% for those between 35 and 44 years of age
and 35.5% for those ≥45 years of age); whose education is higher than Senior High
School level (26.8%); who have married or live with their respective partners
(25%); who reside in Bogor, Depok, Tangerang, or Bekasi areas (26.1%); who have
reached clinical stage IV (28.3%); whose initial CD4 count is 201?350 cells/mm
(35%); and who are not injecting drug users (IDUs) (28%) constitute the largest
group of subjects who continued their medical treatment until the end of 2014.
Conclusion: The proportion of patients who continued their medical treatment until
the end of 2014 is 23% (1136 subjects). In addition to that, female patients who are
≥35 years of age; whose education is higher than Senior High School level; who
have married or live with their respective partners; who reside in Bogor, Depok,
Tangerang, or Bekasi areas; who have reached clinical stage IV (28.3%); whose
initial CD4 count is 201?350 cells/mm
, and who are not injecting drug users
(IDUs) constitute the largest group of subjects who continued their medical
treatment until the end of 2014."
Fakultas Kedokteran Universitas Indonesia, 2015
UI - Tugas Akhir  Universitas Indonesia Library
Pohan, Herdiman Theodorus
"Tujuan penelitian ini adalah untuk menentukan data demografi, faktor risiko, gambaran klinis, infeksi oportunis/ko-infeksi dan perbedaannya pada rumah sakit pemerintah dan swasta. Penelitian retrospektif-deskriptif dilakukan di RSUPN-Dr. Cipto Mangunkusumo (RS pemerintah) dan RS Medistra (RS swasta) di Jakarta. Kriteria inklusi mencakup kasus HIV/AIDS yang dirawat pada tahun 2002-2003, dan hasil serologi HIV positif dengan metode Elisa. Data sekunder didapatkan dari rekam medis. Enam puluh enam subyek diikut-sertakan dalam penelitian (RS pemerintah 30 subyek dan RS swasta 36 subyek), terdiri dari 59 pria (89.4%) dan 7 wanita (10.6%). Tiga puluh tujuh persen subyek didiagnosis HIV dan 62% AIDS. Faktor risiko yang didapat mencakup pengguna narkoba (59.1%), homoseksual (13.6%), heteroseksual (21.1%), transfusi (1.5%) dan perinatal (1.5%). Gejala klinis terutama berupa demam akut (56.2%), penurunan berat badan (39.4%), batuk (38.8%), sesak nafas (27.2%), diare kronik (22.8%), demam berkepanjangan (19.7%), penurunan kesadaran (15.3% dan, anoreksia (15.3%). Perbedaan bermakna antara RS pemerintah dan swasta didapatkan pada keluhan demam dan batuk. Presentasi klinis pasien HIV/AIDS selama perawatan mencakup : pnemonia (56%), oral trush (22.6%), anemia (56.5%), lekopenia (32.3%), limfopenia (55.9%), peningkatan SGOT/SGPT (66.1%), hipoalbuminemia (46.9%), limfadenopati (10.6%), lesi serebral (7.6%), ensefalopati (6.0%), tuberkulosis paru dan efusi pleura (10.6%). Infeksi oportunis dan ko-infeksi mencakup kandidosis (25.8%), hepatitis C kronik (24.2%), hepatitis B dan C kronik (4.5%), tb paru, limfadenitis dan tb milier. Kandidosis dan tb paru lebih sering ditemukan di RS pemerintah. Kesimpulan dari penelitian ini bahwa manifestasi klinis HIV/AIDS berupa pria/wanita usia muda dengan satu atau lebih faktor risiko, mengalami demam, keluhan pernapasan, penurunan berat badan, diare kronik, lemah, oral trush, anemia, lekopenia, limfopenia. Pasien yang dirawat di RS swasta menunjukkan gejala yang lebih bervariasi sedangkan yang dirawat di RS pemerintah menunjukkan kondisi yang lebih berat dan stadium lebih lanjut. (Med J Indones 2004; 13: 232-6)

The aims of this study is to determine the demographic data, risk factors, clinical presentations, opportunistic/co-infections and its difference between public and private hospitals. A retrospective-descriptive study was conducted in Dr. Cipto Mangunkusumo National General Hospital (public hospital) and Medistra Hospital (private hospital), Jakarta. The inclusion criteria were new HIV/AIDS cases admitted in year 2002-2003 and positive HIV serology (Elisa method). Secondary data were collected form medical record. Sixty-six subjects were enrolled in this study (public hospital 30 subjects and private hospital 36 subjects), consist of 59 male (89.4%) and 7 female (10.6%). Thirty-seven percent subjects were defined as HIV and 62% AIDS. Risk factors obtained include drug user (59.1%), homosexual (13.6%), heterosexual (21.1%), transfusion (1.5%) and maternal-child (perinatal) (1.5%). The clinical symptoms mainly present as acute fever (56.2%), weight loss (39.4%), cough (38.8%), shortness of breath (27.2%), chronic diarrhea (22.8%), prolong fever (19.7%), loss of conciousness (15.3%), anorexia (15.3%). Significant differences between public and private hospitals were seen in fever and cough symptoms. Clinical presentation of HIV/AIDS patients during admission were : pneumonia (56%), oral trush (22.6%), anemia (56.5%), leucopenia (32.3%), lymphopenia (55.9%), elevated AST/ALT (66.1%), hypoalbuminemia (46.9%), limphadenopathy (10.6%), brain space occuping lesion (7.6%), encephalopathy (6.0%), pulmonary tb and pleural effusion (10.6%). The opportunistic and co-infections present were candidiasis (25.8%), chronic hepatitis C (24.2%), chronic hepatitis B and C (4.5%), pulmonary tb, lymphadenitis and miliary tb. Candidiasis and pulmonary tb were frequently found in public hospital. In conclusion from this study that clinical manifestation of HIV/AIDS were young man or woman, with one or more possible risk factor, had fever, respiratory complain, loss of body weight, chronic diarrhea, fatique, oral trush, anemia, leucopenia, lymphopenia. Patients admitted in private hospital had varied complain; and patients that admitted in public hospital had more severe and advance condition. (Med J Indones 2004; 13: 232-6)"
Medical Journal of Indonesia, 2004
Artikel Jurnal  Universitas Indonesia Library
Dwi Miranti Anggraini
Latar belakang: Sejak dilaporkan pertama kali pada tahun 1981 di Amerika
Serikat, penyebaran Acquired Immune Deficiency Syndrome (AIDS) di seluruh
dunia termasuk Indonesia terjadi dengan pesat. Saluran pencernaan merupakan
target utama infeksi HIV. Enteropati terjadi pada 15-70% kasus anak. Enteropati
dapat terjadi walaupun tanpa gejala gastrointestinal. Kondisi enteropati dapat
menimbulkan perburukan gejala gastrointestinal, kegagalan pertumbuhan dan
menyebabkan pasien mengarah pada wasting. Enteropati dideteksi dengan
pemeriksaan alpha 1 antitripsin.
Tujuan: (1) Mengetahui proporsi enteropati yang terjadi pada anak dengan
AIDS stadium lanjut tanpa gejala gastrointestinal. (2) Mengetahui karakteristik
enteropati yang terjadi pada anak dengan AIDS stadium lanjut tanpa gejala
gastrointestinal. (3) Mengetahui hubungan antara enteropati dengan usia, status
gizi, status imunodefisiensi, jenis dan lama terapi ARV serta lama sakit anak
dengan AIDS stadium lanjut tanpa gejala gastrointestinal.
Metode: Penelitian potong lintang deskriptif dan analitik yang dilakukan di
Poliklinik Alergi Imunologi Departemen Ilmu Kesehatan Anak FKUI- RSCM
antara bulan Agustus sampai dengan November 2015 terhadap anak dengan
AIDS stadium lanjut berusia 0 - 18 tahun tanpa gejala gastrointestinal. Faktor
risiko dianalisis bivariat dan multivariat.
Hasil: Total subjek penelitian berjumlah 70 subjek (35 lelaki dan 35 perempuan).
Enteropati terjadi pada 31 subjek. Enteropati lebih banyak ditemukan pada anak
perempuan, usia >60 bulan, mengalami malnutrisi, tidak ada imunodefisiensi, obat
antiretroviral lini kedua dan ketiga, lama pengobatan 0-59 bulan dan lama sakit 059
bulan. Pada analisis bivariat tidak didapatkan faktor risiko yang bermakna.
Pada analisis multivariat didapatkan lama sakit 0-59 bulan dengan nilai OR 3,451
(IK95% 1,026-11,610) merupakan faktor risiko yang berperan dalam terjadinya
enteropati pada anak dengan AIDS stadium lanjut tanpa gejala gastrointestinal.
Simpulan : Proporsi enteropati pada anak dengan AIDS stadium lanjut tanpa
gejala gastrointestinal sebanyak 31 dari 70 subjek. Faktor risiko yang berperan
adalah lama sakit 0-59 bulan. ABSTRACT
Background: HIV/AIDS is a global pandemic. Digestive tract is a major target for
HIV infection. The digestive-absorptive functions are impaired, occurring in 1570%
and further immune derangement, leading to wasting. The diagnostic
approach includes alpha 1 antitrypsin fecal level.
Objective: (1) to describe frequency of enteropathy in advanced stages of AIDS
children without gastrointestinal manifestation, (2) to describe characteristic of
children with advanced stages of AIDS without gastrointestinal manifestation
who develop enteropathy, (3) to investigate the role of age, nutritional status,
immunodeficiency status, type and duration of antiretroviral therapy, and duration
of illness as risk for enteropathy in advanced stages of AIDS children without
gastrointestinal manifestation.
Methods: A descriptive and analytic cross-sectional study was conducted at
Pediatric Allergy-Immunology Outpatient Clinic RSCM between August to
November 2015. The inclusion criteria was advanced stages of AIDS children
age 0-18 years old without gastrointestinal manifestation. Risk factors were
analyzed with bivariate and multivariate analysis.
Results: Seventy children fulfilled the study criteria (35 males and 35 females).
Thirty-one subjects were diagnosed as enteropathy. Most subjects are female, age
>60 month-old, malnutritional status, no immunodeficiency, received second and
third line antiretroviral regimen with duration 0-59 months and duration of
illness 0-59 months. Bivariate analysis showed that no factor was significantly
associated with enteropathy. Based on multivariate analysis, duration of illness
0-59 months is a significant risk factor with OR 3.451 (CI 1.026-11.610).
Conclusions: The proportion enteropathy in advanced stages of AIDS children
without gastrointestinal manifestation is 31/70. Patients who had been diagnosed
as advanced stage of HIV/AIDS for 0-59 months are more likely to develop
enteropathy.;Background: HIV/AIDS is a global pandemic. Digestive tract is a major target for
HIV infection. The digestive-absorptive functions are impaired, occurring in 1570%
and further immune derangement, leading to wasting. The diagnostic
approach includes alpha 1 antitrypsin fecal level.
Objective: (1) to describe frequency of enteropathy in advanced stages of AIDS
children without gastrointestinal manifestation, (2) to describe characteristic of
children with advanced stages of AIDS without gastrointestinal manifestation
who develop enteropathy, (3) to investigate the role of age, nutritional status,
immunodeficiency status, type and duration of antiretroviral therapy, and duration
of illness as risk for enteropathy in advanced stages of AIDS children without
gastrointestinal manifestation.
Methods: A descriptive and analytic cross-sectional study was conducted at
Pediatric Allergy-Immunology Outpatient Clinic RSCM between August to
November 2015. The inclusion criteria was advanced stages of AIDS children
age 0-18 years old without gastrointestinal manifestation. Risk factors were
analyzed with bivariate and multivariate analysis.
Results: Seventy children fulfilled the study criteria (35 males and 35 females).
Thirty-one subjects were diagnosed as enteropathy. Most subjects are female, age
>60 month-old, malnutritional status, no immunodeficiency, received second and
third line antiretroviral regimen with duration 0-59 months and duration of
illness 0-59 months. Bivariate analysis showed that no factor was significantly
associated with enteropathy. Based on multivariate analysis, duration of illness
0-59 months is a significant risk factor with OR 3.451 (CI 1.026-11.610).
Conclusions: The proportion enteropathy in advanced stages of AIDS children
without gastrointestinal manifestation is 31/70. Patients who had been diagnosed
as advanced stage of HIV/AIDS for 0-59 months are more likely to develop
enteropathy.;Background: HIV/AIDS is a global pandemic. Digestive tract is a major target for
HIV infection. The digestive-absorptive functions are impaired, occurring in 1570%
and further immune derangement, leading to wasting. The diagnostic
approach includes alpha 1 antitrypsin fecal level.
Objective: (1) to describe frequency of enteropathy in advanced stages of AIDS
children without gastrointestinal manifestation, (2) to describe characteristic of
children with advanced stages of AIDS without gastrointestinal manifestation
who develop enteropathy, (3) to investigate the role of age, nutritional status,
immunodeficiency status, type and duration of antiretroviral therapy, and duration
of illness as risk for enteropathy in advanced stages of AIDS children without
gastrointestinal manifestation.
Methods: A descriptive and analytic cross-sectional study was conducted at
Pediatric Allergy-Immunology Outpatient Clinic RSCM between August to
November 2015. The inclusion criteria was advanced stages of AIDS children
age 0-18 years old without gastrointestinal manifestation. Risk factors were
analyzed with bivariate and multivariate analysis.
Results: Seventy children fulfilled the study criteria (35 males and 35 females).
Thirty-one subjects were diagnosed as enteropathy. Most subjects are female, age
>60 month-old, malnutritional status, no immunodeficiency, received second and
third line antiretroviral regimen with duration 0-59 months and duration of
illness 0-59 months. Bivariate analysis showed that no factor was significantly
associated with enteropathy. Based on multivariate analysis, duration of illness
0-59 months is a significant risk factor with OR 3.451 (CI 1.026-11.610).
Conclusions: The proportion enteropathy in advanced stages of AIDS children
without gastrointestinal manifestation is 31/70. Patients who had been diagnosed
as advanced stage of HIV/AIDS for 0-59 months are more likely to develop
Fakultas Kedokteran Universitas Indonesia, 2016
UI - Tugas Akhir  Universitas Indonesia Library
Ni Nengah Dwi Fatmawati
"Human Immunodeficiency Virus type-I (HIV-1) merupakan penyebab sindroma penurunan sistem imun tubuh yang disebut dengan Acquired Immunodeficiency Syndrome (AIDS). Infeksi HIV-I di dunia dan Indonesia cenderung meningkat. Pemeriksaan yang cepat dan spesifik diperlukan untuk mencegah penyebaran infeksi HIV-I. Berbagai teknik telah dikembangkan untuk deteksi infeksi HIV-I. Pada penelitian ini dikembangkan pemeriksaan RT-PCR HIV-1 Mikrobiologi FKUI (in-house RT-PCR) untuk mendapatkan uji alternatif deteksi HIV-1. Sebanyak 46 plasma dan serum kelompok berperilaku risiko tinggi yang berkunjung ke klinik VCT . RSUP Sanglah Denpasar, telah diperiksa dalam penelitian ini. Serum diperiksa dengan 3 kit rapid test yang berbeda yaitu DetermineTM HIV-1/2 (Abbott), ImmunoCombR HIV 1 & 2 BiSpot (Organics), dan SerodieR HIV-1/2 (Fujirebio Inc.). Plasma diuji dengan pemeriksaan RTPCR generasi I menggunakan primer spesifik terhadap daerah gag dan RT-PCR generasi 2 menggunakan primer spesifik terhadap daerah protease dari genom HIV-1. Hasil rapid test menunjukkan dari 46 sampel, sebanyak 26 serum (56,5%) reaktif dan 20 serum (43,5%) non-reaktif. Tingkat sensitivitas, spesifisitas, nilai duga positif, dan nilai duga negatif RT-PCR generasi 1 secara berturut-turut adalah 80,8%, 95%, 95,5%, dan 79,2%, sedangkan rasio kemungkinan positif dan negatif adalah 16,2, dan 0,2. Pemeriksaan RTPCR generasi 2 menunjukkan tingkat sensitivitas 65,4%, spesifisitas 90%, nilai duga positif 89,5%, nilai duga negatif 66,7%, rasio kemungkinan positif 6,5, dan rasio kemungkinan negatif 0,4. Teknik RT-PCR yang menggunakan primer tersebut dapat mendeteksi HIV pada semua stadium klinis WHO pada kelompok ini. Sensitivitas dan spesifisitas RT-PCR generasi 1 lebih baik daripada RT-PCR generasi 2, tetapi, masih lebih rendah daripada baku emas, Secara keseluruhan, RT-PCR pada penelitian ini belum dapat direkomendasikan sebagai uji altematif baik uji skrining maupun uji konfirmasi dalam mendeteksi infeksi HIV-1.

Human Immunodeficiency Virus type 1 (HIV-1) can cause decrease of immune response which is called Acquired Immunodeficiency Syndrome (AIDS). HIV-l infection in the world and Indonesia tends to increase. Many techniques were developed to detect HIV-1 infection. A specific and rapid diagnosis is needed to prevent transmission of HIV-1 infection. In this study, we performed RT-PCR HIV-1 Microbiology FKUI (in-house RT-PCR) as an alternative test to detect HIV-1. Forty six plasmas and serums from high risk behavior group who visited VCT Clinic Sanglah General Hospital, Denpasar were used in this study. Serums were tested with 3 different rapid test kits i.e. Determine ° IIIV-112 (Abbott), immunoComb HIV I & 2 BiSpot (Orgenics), and Serodia ' HIV-112 (Fujirebio Inc.). Plasmas were tested with I generation RT-PCR which used specific primers to gag region in HIV-1 genome and specific primers to protease region in IIIV-1 genome for 2nd generation RT-PCR. Results of rapid test demonstrated 26 serums (56.5%) were reactive and 20 serums (43.5%) were non-reactive. Sensitivity, specificity, positive predictive value (PPV), and negative predictive value (NPV) of 1st generation RT-PCR was 80.8%, 95%, 95.5%, 79.2%, whereas positive likelihood ratio (LR +) and negative likelihood ratio (LR -) was 16.2, and 0.2, respectively. The 2"d generation RT-PCR showed sensitivity, specificity, PPV, NPV, LR (+), and LR (-) was 65.4%, 90%, 89.5%, 66.7%, 6.5, and 0.4, respectively. These in-house RT-PCR could detect HIV-1 in all WHO clinical staging in this group. This study showed that lsi generation RT-PCR gives better results than 2"d generation RT-PCR. But still inferior than rapid test to detect HIV-1 infection. Overall, RT-PCR in this study has not been recommended yet as an alternative test to detect HIV-I infection."
Jakarta: Fakultas Kedokteran Universitas Indonesia, 2006
UI - Tesis Membership  Universitas Indonesia Library
Roospita Maylasari
"Deteksi Infeksi Submikroskopis Necator americanus, Ancylostoma duodenale, dan Ascaris lumbricoides dari Sampel Feses di Nangapanda, Ende, Menggunakan Real-Time Polymerase Chain Reaction. Infeksi dari Soil-Transmitted Helminthes (STH) (N. americanus, A. duodenale (Hookworm), dan A. lumbricoides) dapat menyebabkan anemia, kekurangan zat besi, bahkan malnutrisi. Pemeriksaan infeksi STH dapat dilakukan menggunakan mikroskop, tetapi metode tersebut masih kurang sensitif. Penelitian bertujuan mendeteksi dan mengetahui persentase infeksi submikroskopis STH dari sampel feses anak (usia 5-18 tahun) di Nangapanda, Ende menggunakan metode real-time polymerase chain reaction (PCR). Sampel feses dikoleksi sebanyak dua kali, yaitu sebelum dan sesudah pemberian albendazole 400 mg. Total sampel yang diperoleh adalah 242 tetapi hanya 45 sampel yang negatif secara mikroskopis yang diuji dengan real-time PCR. DNA sampel diisolasi dan diamplifikasi menggunakan primer dari daerah internal transcribed spacer (ITS-1 dan ITS-2) rDNA. Deteksi dengan real-time PCR menghasilkan kurva amplifikasi pada fluorophore VIC, FAM, dan Texas Red. Sebanyak tiga sampel (6,7%) pada pre treatment termasuk low load of DNA (N. americanus and A. lumbricoides) (Ct > 35), empat sampel (9,1%) termasuk low load of DNA untuk N. americanus saja (Ct > 35), dan lima sampel (11,4%) termasuk moderate load of DNA untuk A. lumbricoides saja (30 < Ct < 35) pada post treatment. Hasil penelitian menunjukkan bahwa real-time PCR dapat mendeteksi infeksi submikroskopis dari Hookworm dan A. lumbricoides.

Soil-transmitted helminth (STH) infections (Necator americanus (hookworm), Ancylostoma duodenale (hookworm), and Ascaris lumbricoides) can lead to anemia, malnutrition, and iron deficiency. Traditionally, STH infections have been diagnosed using microscopy to detect eggs in human fecal samples. However, there are several limitations of this method. The aim of this research was to detect the percentage of submicroscopic STH infections from human fecal samples (children, 5?18 years old) in Nangapanda, Ende, using the real-time polymerase chain reaction (PCR) method. The fecal samples were collected in two time periods, which were before and after treatment, using 400 mg of Albendazole. There were 242 samples in total, but only 45 negative samples from microscopic detection were tested with real-time PCR. The DNA samples were isolated and amplified wih primers of internal transcribed spacer (ITS-1 and ITS-2) region of rDNA. The detection of samples with real-time PCR generated an amplification curve in VIC, FAM, and Texas Red fluorophore. Three samples (6.7%) in pre-treatment were low load of DNA (N. americanus and A. lumbricoides) (Ct > 35). Four samples (9.1%) were low load of DNA (N. americanus) (Ct > 35) in post-treatment. Five samples (11.4%) were moderate load of DNA (A. lumbricoides) (30 < Ct < 35) in post-treatment. real-time PCR could detect submicroscopic infections from specific species of hookworm and A. lumbricoides."
Universitas Indonesia, 2014
Artikel Jurnal  Universitas Indonesia Library
Dian Sulistiawati
"Disertasi ini membahas konstruksi pengetahuan dan praktik/tindakan pengelolaan illness yang dilakukan orang dengan HIV-AIDS (ODHA) serta berbagai faktor kontekstual yang terkait dalam mewujudkan praktik/tindakan tersebut. Penelitian dilakukan kepada 6 ODHA di Jakarta: laki-laki homoseksual, laki-laki biseksual, pekerja seksual komersial perempuan, intravenous drug user (IDU) laki-laki, dan perempuan heteroseksual yang terinfeksi dari suaminya. Data penelitian juga diperoleh dari significant others setiap ODHA. Konstruksi pengetahuan ODHA dalam mengelola illness dilihat melalui pendekatan connectionism.
Hasil penelitian menunjukkan bahwa Pengetahuan ODHA dalam mengelola illness berkembang melalui pengalaman pribadi dari upaya memahami illness (learning what illness means) hingga beradaptasi terhadap illness. Praktik/tindakan pengelolaan illness terwujud karena adanya makna yang terbentuk dari interaksi antara struktur ekstrapersonal dan intrapersonal individu.

This study discussed about knowledge construction and illness managing practices that conducted by people with HIV-AIDS (ODHA), also contextual factors related to bring into reality those practices. Study conducted to 6 ODHAs in Jakarta that consisted of a male homosexual, a female bisexual, a female prostitute, an intravenous drug user (IDU), and females that were infected HIV- AIDS from their husbands. The data also were collected from the significant others of ODHAs. The ODHA's knowledge construction in managing illness was viewed through connectionism approach.
The study showed that the ODHAs' knowledge in managing illness developed through personal experiences from the effort to understanding the illness (learning what illness means) to becoming adaptive to the illness. The practices brought into reality because there was a meaning which was formed from interaction between individual extrapersonal and intrapersonal structure.
Depok: Fakultas Ilmu Sosial dan Ilmu Politik Universitas Indonesia, 2013
UI - Disertasi Membership  Universitas Indonesia Library
"Beberapa hasil uji serologi HIV indeterminate pada tes skrining darah ditemukan di Indonesia. Prosedur skrining darah
yang dilakukan saat ini sesuai ketentuan yang ditetapkan oleh WHO untuk skrining darah, yaitu 3 tes uji serologi HIV
selama pemeriksaan darah. Ketidaksesuaian hasil yang satu dengan yang lain didefinisikan sebagai hasil indeterminate.
Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mengidentifikasi galur-galur HIV yang sulit teridentifikasi dari darah dengan uji serologi
HIV intermediate dan mengevaluasi apakah galur HIV yang beredar di Indonesia mempunyai kemungkinan lolos dari
sistem pendeteksian yang ada. Deteksi RT-PCR dilakukan pada 40 sampel RNA HIV dari donor darah yang
mempunyai hasil uji serologi indeterminate dengan sebelumnya melakukan uji konfirmasi dengan menggunakan
western blot. Deteksi RT-PCR menunjukkan bahwa sebanyak 24/32 (75%) sampel positif LTR, 4/31 (13%) positif pol
dan 3/5 (60%) positif env. Amplifikasi pada daerah p24, pita-pita yang ditemukan pada sampel selalu lebih rendah dari
yang diharapkan. Sekuensing dilakukan untuk mengkonfirmasi hasil amplifikasi menunjukkan bahwa perlu analisis
lebih lanjut untuk mengetahui apakah perubahan ini yang menyebabkan hasil indeterminate.
Indeterminate results of
serological HIV test have been found in Indonesia. The screening procedure is following the prescribed by WHO for
screening of blood donors which is based on 3 different serological HIV test during screening of blood donors.
Discordant results are interpreted as indeterminate. This research aims to identify GIV strains that previously difficult to
determine, and to evaluate whether the HIV strains present in Indonesia could pass the existing screening system. RTPCR
detection test of HIV RNA were conducted for 40 blood donors samples with indeterminate serological HIV-test
after a confirmatory test using western blot. Preliminary results showed that 24/32 (75%) of the samples are positive
LTR, 4/31 (12%) positive pol and 1/3 (33%) positive env. Amplification in p24 region showed that bands found have
lower size than expected. Sequencing performed to confirm these findings show that further analysis is needed to
determine whether this change is what behind the indeterminate results."
[Institute of Human Virology and Cancer Biology University of Indonesia, Institute of Human Virology and Cancer Biology University of Indonesia], 2009
Artikel Jurnal  Universitas Indonesia Library
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