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Suci Sandra Yulianda
Latar Belakang: siler polidimetilsiloksan merupakan siler baru yang berpotensi
menutup saluran akar lebih baik. Tujuan: membandingkan tingkat kerapatan
pengisian di sepertiga apeks antara teknik kon tunggal (KT) dan downpackbackfill
(DB) menggunakan siler polidimetilsiloksan. Metode: empat puluh gigi
premolar bawah dibagi menjadi dua kelompok KT dan DB. Setelah pengisian
saluran akar, sampel diinkubasi, dilapisi cat kuku, direndam dalam tinta India, lalu
dibuat transparan dengan metode Robertson. Kebocoran di sepertiga apeks
dievaluasi dengan mikroskop stereo. Hasil: skor kebocoran terendah (0-0,5 mm)
dimiliki oleh kelompok KT dan skor kebocoran tertinggi (>1 mm) dimiliki oleh
kelompok DB. Kesimpulan: teknik kon tunggal memberikan tingkat kerapatan
yang lebih baik dibandingkan downpack-backfill, walaupun secara statistik perbedaan antar keduanya tidak signifikan. ABSTRACT
Background: polydimethylsiloxane sealer is a brand new sealer that potentially
has a better sealing ability to the root canal. Aim: to compare the apical sealing
ability in one third apex between single cone (SC) and downpack-backfill (DB)
technique using polydimethylsiloxane sealer. Methods: fourty extracted human
manibular premolars devided into two group, SC and DB. After obturated with
polydimethylsiloxane sealer, samples were stored in incubator, coated with nail
varnish, immersed in India ink, and then specimens were cleared using
Robertson?s technique. The apical dye penetration was evaluated using a
stereomicroscope. Result: the lowest leakage score (0-0,5 mm) was found in SC
group and the highest score(>1 mm) in DB group. Summary: single cone
technique exibited better sealing ability rather than downpack-backfill technique, although no statistical significant difference between this two techniques. ;Background: polydimethylsiloxane sealer is a brand new sealer that potentially
has a better sealing ability to the root canal. Aim: to compare the apical sealing
ability in one third apex between single cone (SC) and downpack-backfill (DB)
technique using polydimethylsiloxane sealer. Methods: fourty extracted human
manibular premolars devided into two group, SC and DB. After obturated with
polydimethylsiloxane sealer, samples were stored in incubator, coated with nail
varnish, immersed in India ink, and then specimens were cleared using
Robertson?s technique. The apical dye penetration was evaluated using a
stereomicroscope. Result: the lowest leakage score (0-0,5 mm) was found in SC
group and the highest score(>1 mm) in DB group. Summary: single cone
technique exibited better sealing ability rather than downpack-backfill technique, although no statistical significant difference between this two techniques. ;Background: polydimethylsiloxane sealer is a brand new sealer that potentially
has a better sealing ability to the root canal. Aim: to compare the apical sealing
ability in one third apex between single cone (SC) and downpack-backfill (DB)
technique using polydimethylsiloxane sealer. Methods: fourty extracted human
manibular premolars devided into two group, SC and DB. After obturated with
polydimethylsiloxane sealer, samples were stored in incubator, coated with nail
varnish, immersed in India ink, and then specimens were cleared using
Robertson?s technique. The apical dye penetration was evaluated using a
stereomicroscope. Result: the lowest leakage score (0-0,5 mm) was found in SC
group and the highest score(>1 mm) in DB group. Summary: single cone
technique exibited better sealing ability rather than downpack-backfill technique, although no statistical significant difference between this two techniques. "
Fakultas Kedokteran Gigi Universitas Indonesia, 2016
UI - Tugas Akhir  Universitas Indonesia Library
Ariza Indarika
Latar Belakang: Preparasi saluran akar oval memiliki tantangan tersendiri karena
bentuknya yang ireguler sehingga file tidak dapat berkontak dengan seluruh
dinding. Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk membandingkan luas dinding saluran akar
oval yang tidak terpreparasi dengan gerakan sirkumferensial filing. Metode: Tiga
puluh dua gigi premolar mandibula diisi tinta cina kemudian dipreparasi menjadi
dua kelompok: Mtwo® dan ProTaper Next®. Luas sisa tinta cina dianalisis
dengan Adobe Photoshop CS6 dan ImageJ. Hasil: Tidak terdapat perbedaan
bermakna antara kedua kelompok, namun ProTaper Next® meninggalkan area
lebih sedikit dibandingkan Mtwo®. Kesimpulan: Mtwo® dan ProTaper Next®
tetap meninggalkan area yang tidak terpreparasi pada saluran akar oval.ABSTRACT
Background: Mechanical preparation of oval root canal has its own challenge
due to the irregular shape leaving some area uninstrumented. This study
compared uninstrumented area of oval root canal with circumferential filing
using two different files. Methods: Thirty-two mandibular premolars were dyed
with china ink and divided into two groups, Mtwo® and ProTaper Next®. The
uninstrumented areas were analized using Adobe Photoshop CS6 and ImageJ.
Results: There were no significant difference between two files, thou ProTaper
Next® left less uninstrumented areas than Mtwo®. Conclusion: Mtwo® and
ProTaper Next® left uninstrumented areas in oval root canal.;Background: Mechanical preparation of oval root canal has its own challenge
due to the irregular shape leaving some area uninstrumented. This study
compared uninstrumented area of oval root canal with circumferential filing
using two different files. Methods: Thirty-two mandibular premolars were dyed
with china ink and divided into two groups, Mtwo® and ProTaper Next®. The
uninstrumented areas were analized using Adobe Photoshop CS6 and ImageJ.
Results: There were no significant difference between two files, thou ProTaper
Next® left less uninstrumented areas than Mtwo®. Conclusion: Mtwo® and
ProTaper Next® left uninstrumented areas in oval root canal.;Background: Mechanical preparation of oval root canal has its own challenge
due to the irregular shape leaving some area uninstrumented. This study
compared uninstrumented area of oval root canal with circumferential filing
using two different files. Methods: Thirty-two mandibular premolars were dyed
with china ink and divided into two groups, Mtwo® and ProTaper Next®. The
uninstrumented areas were analized using Adobe Photoshop CS6 and ImageJ.
Results: There were no significant difference between two files, thou ProTaper
Next® left less uninstrumented areas than Mtwo®. Conclusion: Mtwo® and
ProTaper Next® left uninstrumented areas in oval root canal.;Background: Mechanical preparation of oval root canal has its own challenge
due to the irregular shape leaving some area uninstrumented. This study
compared uninstrumented area of oval root canal with circumferential filing
using two different files. Methods: Thirty-two mandibular premolars were dyed
with china ink and divided into two groups, Mtwo® and ProTaper Next®. The
uninstrumented areas were analized using Adobe Photoshop CS6 and ImageJ.
Results: There were no significant difference between two files, thou ProTaper
Next® left less uninstrumented areas than Mtwo®. Conclusion: Mtwo® and
ProTaper Next® left uninstrumented areas in oval root canal."
Fakultas Kedokteran Gigi Universitas Indonesia, 2016
UI - Tugas Akhir  Universitas Indonesia Library
Medwin Setia Tjahjadi
Odontocem® dan Biodentine®, berbahan dasar kalsium silikat. Tetapi terdapat kandungan lain yang mungkin memiliki efek pada viabiltas sel. Contohnya penambahan steroid dalam Odontocem®. Belum diketahui apakah penambahan steroid tersebut memiliki efek atau tidak terhadap viabilitas sel. Sel fibroblas yang diambil dari Telur Embrio Tertunas (TET), dipajan dengan Odontocem® dan Biodentine® dengan jumlah masing-masing kelompok sebesar 15 well. Kemudian viabilitas sel diukur selama 24 jam dan 72 jam. Hasil penelitian diuji dengan uji statistik Kruskal Wallis dengan uji post hoc Mann-Whitney. Berdasarkan hasil penelitian, didapatkan bahwa Odontocem® dan Biodentine® memiliki efek menurunkan viabiltas sel fibroblas pada pengukuran 24 jam dan 72 jam. Juga viabilitas sel fibroblas pada kelompok perlakuan Odontocem ® lebih tinggi daripada Biodentine® baik pada pengukuran 24 jam maupun 72 jam. ABSTRACT
Odontocem® and Biodentine®, both consist of calcium silicate. But there are other substances which may have an effect on cell viability. For example, addition of steroids in Odontocem®. It is not yet known whether these steroids have an effect or not on the cell viability. Fibroblasts taken from Chicken Embryo, added with Odontocem® and Biodentine® by each group of 15 wells. Then the cell viability was measured for 24 hours and 72 hours. The result were tested by Kruskal Wallis statistical test with post hoc test of Mann-Whitney. Based on this research, it was found that Odontocem® and Biodentine® have a lowering effect on the fibroblast cell viability for 24 hours and 72 hours. Thus, fibroblast cell viability the treatment group Odontocem ® is higher than both the measurement Biodentine® 24 hours or 72 hours.;Odontocem® and Biodentine®, both consist of calcium silicate. But there are other substances which may have an effect on cell viability. For example, addition of steroids in Odontocem®. It is not yet known whether these steroids have an effect or not on the cell viability. Fibroblasts taken from Chicken Embryo, added with Odontocem® and Biodentine® by each group of 15 wells. Then the cell viability was measured for 24 hours and 72 hours. The result were tested by Kruskal Wallis statistical test with post hoc test of Mann-Whitney. Based on this research, it was found that Odontocem® and Biodentine® have a lowering effect on the fibroblast cell viability for 24 hours and 72 hours. Thus, fibroblast cell viability the treatment group Odontocem ® is higher than both the measurement Biodentine® 24 hours or 72 hours."
Fakultas Kedokteran Gigi Universitas Indonesia, 2015
UI - Tugas Akhir  Universitas Indonesia Library
Barry Army Bakry
Saat ini non-alcoholic fatty liver disease (NAFLD) merupakan penyebab terbanyak dari penyakit kronik hati pada anak dan dewasa. Penelitian terbaru memperlihatkan chemerin yang merupakan salah satu zat yang diproduksi oleh jaringan lemak memiliki andil penting pada NAFLD. Tujuan penelitian ini adalah membandingkan kadar chemerin dalam darah dibandingkan enzim transaminase dalam mendeteksi secara dini kerusakan sel hati karena non alcoholic fatty liver disease (NAFLD) pada anak dengan obesitas. Penelitian deskriptif potong lintang (n=57) dilakukan pada 2 buah sekolah di Jakarta pada anak usia 9-12 tahun dengan obesitas. Anak yang masuk kriteria penelitian dilakukan pemeriksaan ultrasonografi hati untuk mendeteksi perlemakan hati. Kedua kelompok tersebut sama sama dilakukan pemeriksan kadar enzim transaminase dan chemerin darah. Hasil dari penelitian ini di dapatkan nilai rerata chemerin pada anak yang menderita NAFLD sebesar 96,71 ng/ml sedangkan yang tidak menderita NAFLD sebesar 92,8 ng/ml dengan P= 0,463. Hal ini menunjukkan nilai rerata anak dengan NAFLD dibandingkan dengan anak tanpa NAFLD tidak terdapat perbedaan bermakna. Pada penelitian ini didapatkan pula bahwa pemeriksaan chemerin darah memiliki nilai AUC 0,52 dimana nilainya lebih rendah dibandingkan nilai AUC pemeriksaan SGOT dan SGPT yakni 0,81 dan 0,90. Hasil ini menunjukkan bahwa kadar chemerin darah tidak dapat menjadi prediktor yang lebih baik untuk mendeteksi perlemakan hati dibandingkan pemeriksaan kadar SGOT dan SGPT pada penelitian ini. Manfaat chemerin sebagai prediktor kelainan hati pada anak dengan obesitas perlu diteliti lebih lanjut. ABSTRACT
Non-alcoholic fatty liver disease (NAFLD) is currently the most common cause of chronic liver disease in both adults and children. Current studies have shown that chemerin, one of the biologically active substance produced by fat tissue, may have an important role in the progression of NAFLD. The aim of this research was to study whether chemerin is able to predict liver abnormalities due to NAFLD in obese children better than serum transaminases. A cross-sectional descriptive study was conducted in 57 obese subjects 9-12 years of age at 2 elementary schools in Jakarta, Indonesia. Liver ultrasound was performed in eligible subjects to detect fatty liver, along with serum chemerin and serum transaminase tests. Mean chemerin level in NAFLD and non-NAFLD children were 96.71 ng/mL and 92.8 ng/mL (p=0.463), showing no significant difference between serum chemerin level in the NAFLD and non-NAFLD group. The area under the curve (AUC) for serum chemerin was 0.52, lower than the AUC for AST (0.81) and AST (0.90). This shows that serum chemerin is not superior in predicting fatty liver compared to serum transaminase levels in this study. The role of chemerin as a marker to predict liver abnormalities in obese children still needs to be further investigated.;Non-alcoholic fatty liver disease (NAFLD) is currently the most common cause of chronic liver disease in both adults and children. Current studies have shown that chemerin, one of the biologically active substance produced by fat tissue, may have an important role in the progression of NAFLD. The aim of this research was to study whether chemerin is able to predict liver abnormalities due to NAFLD in obese children better than serum transaminases. A cross-sectional descriptive study was conducted in 57 obese subjects 9-12 years of age at 2 elementary schools in Jakarta, Indonesia. Liver ultrasound was performed in eligible subjects to detect fatty liver, along with serum chemerin and serum transaminase tests. Mean chemerin level in NAFLD and non-NAFLD children were 96.71 ng/mL and 92.8 ng/mL (p=0.463), showing no significant difference between serum chemerin level in the NAFLD and non-NAFLD group. The area under the curve (AUC) for serum chemerin was 0.52, lower than the AUC for AST (0.81) and AST (0.90). This shows that serum chemerin is not superior in predicting fatty liver compared to serum transaminase levels in this study. The role of chemerin as a marker to predict liver abnormalities in obese children still needs to be further investigated.;Non-alcoholic fatty liver disease (NAFLD) is currently the most common cause of chronic liver disease in both adults and children. Current studies have shown that chemerin, one of the biologically active substance produced by fat tissue, may have an important role in the progression of NAFLD. The aim of this research was to study whether chemerin is able to predict liver abnormalities due to NAFLD in obese children better than serum transaminases. A cross-sectional descriptive study was conducted in 57 obese subjects 9-12 years of age at 2 elementary schools in Jakarta, Indonesia. Liver ultrasound was performed in eligible subjects to detect fatty liver, along with serum chemerin and serum transaminase tests. Mean chemerin level in NAFLD and non-NAFLD children were 96.71 ng/mL and 92.8 ng/mL (p=0.463), showing no significant difference between serum chemerin level in the NAFLD and non-NAFLD group. The area under the curve (AUC) for serum chemerin was 0.52, lower than the AUC for AST (0.81) and AST (0.90). This shows that serum chemerin is not superior in predicting fatty liver compared to serum transaminase levels in this study. The role of chemerin as a marker to predict liver abnormalities in obese children still needs to be further investigated."
Depok: Fakultas Kedokteran Universitas Indonesia, 2016
UI - Tugas Akhir  Universitas Indonesia Library
Nurina Anggraeni Pratiwi
"Latar Belakang: Siler yang baik adalah yang memiliki tingkat kebocoran mikro yang rendah Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk menganalisis siler golongan resin SRE dan polidimetilsiloksan generasi baru SPGB
Metode: Tiga puluh dua gigi premolar bawah dibagi dua kelompok sama besar yaitu kelompok SRE dan SPGB Setelah pengisian saluran akar dengan teknik kondensasi lateral sampel diinkubasi 370C 24 jam mahkota dipotong menyisakan bagian akar 15 mm dilapis cat kuku kecuali 1 mm dari apeks lalu direndam dalam tinta India selama 7 X 24 jam Lalu sampel didekalsifikasi dengan asam nitrat 5 didehidrasi berturut turut dengan alkohol 80 90 dan 100 dan dibuat transparan dengan metil salisilat 100 Kedalaman penetrasi tinta dievaluasi dengan mikroskop stereo Skor 1 untuk penetrasi tinta 0 0 5 mm skor 2 untuk penetrasi tinta 0 51 1 mm dan skor 3 untuk penetrasi tinta 1 mm
Hasil: Distribusi proporsi kebocoran terbesar kelompok SRE terdapat pada skor 2 yaitu sebesar 56 3 Sedangkan distribusi proporsi kebocoran terbesar kelompok SPGB terdapat pada skor 1 yaitu sebesar 68 8 Dengan tes Kolmogorov Smirnov terdapat perbedaan bermakna antara kelompok SRE dan SPGB
Kesimpulan: Kebocoran mikro pengisiansaluran akar pada sepertiga apeks dengan siler polidimetilsiloksan generasi baru lebih rendah dibandingkan dengan siler resin epoksi

Background: An ideal root canal sealer should have good sealing ability The purpose of this study was to analyze the microleakage of obturation using epoxy resin based SRE and new generation polydimethylsiloxane based SPGB as root canal sealer
Methods: Thirty two mandibular first premolars were equally divided into two groups and obturated with lateral condensation technique The sealer used for Group I and Group II were SRE and SPGB respectively After obturation the specimens were incubated 370C 24 h decoronated sealed with nail polish except 1mm from apex immersed in Indian ink for 7 days decalcified with 5 nitric acid solution dehydrated with 80 90 and 100 alcohol consecutively and made transparent by immersing them in 100 methyl salicylate Dye penetration were evaluated under stereomicroscope and givenscore 1 3 Specimen with 0 0 5 mm dye penetration was given score 1 while 0 51 1 mm penetration was given score 2 and 1 mm was given score 3 The results were statistically analyzed with Kolmogorov Smirnov test
Results: The largest proportion distribution in SR group was score 2 56 3 whilst the largest proportion distribution in SPGB group was score 1 68 8 There was a significant difference between the microleakage of epoxy resin based and new generation polydimethylsiloxane based sealer observed from the one third apical leakage
Conclusion: The microleakage of new generation polydimethylsiloxanebasedsealer is lower than epoxy resin based sealer
Jakarta: Fakultas Kedokteran Gigi Universitas Indonesia, 2013
UI - Tesis Membership  Universitas Indonesia Library
Bina Amanda
Latar belakang: Salah satu sifat ideal suatu siler saluran akar adalah memiliki kemampuan penutupan yang baik terutama pada sepertiga apeks. Tujuan: Untuk mengevaluasi perbandingan kebocoran antara pengisian saluran akar dengan siler polidimetilsiloksan SP dan siler bioceramic SB . Metode: Tiga puluh enam gigi premolar rahang bawah, dibagi dua kelompok dan diisi dengan teknik kon tunggal menggunakan siler polidimetilsiloksan pada kelompok pertama, dan siler bioceramic pada kelompok ke-dua. Selanjutnya gigi diinkubasi 37?C, selama 24 jam , kemudian dilapisi dengan dua lapis cat kuku kecuali pada 2 mm dari apeks, dan direndam dalam tinta india 7 X 24 jam . Sampel didekalsifikasi, didehidrasi dan dibuat transparan sesuai dengan metode Robertson. Kedalaman penetrasi zat tinta dievaluasi dengan mikroskop stereo. Skor 0 untuk tidak bocor, skor 1 untuk penetrasi zat tinta le; 0,5 mm, skor 2 untuk penetrasi 0,51 ndash; 1 mm, dan skor 3 untuk penetrasi > 1 mm. Hasil: Distribusi proporsi kebocoran terbesar pada kelompok SP terdapat pada skor 2 44.4 , sedangkan pada kelompok SB terdapat pada skor 1 55.6 . Kesimpulan: Tingkat kebocoran pengisian saluran akar dengan siler bioceramic tidak berbeda dengan siler polidimetilsiloksan.

Background One of the ideal properties of a root canal sealer is to have a good sealing ability, especially at the apical third of the root. Objective To evaluate the comparison of the apical leakage between obturation using bioceramic sealer SB and polydimethylsiloxane sealer SP . Methods Thirty six mandibular premolars were equally divided into two groups and was obturated with single cone technique. The sealer used for Group I and Group II were SP and SB respectively. After obturation, the samples were incubated 37 C, 24 h , sealed with two coats of nail polish except for 2 mm from the apex, immersed in the Indian ink for 7 days, decalcified, dehydrated and made transparent according to Robertson technique. Dye penetration were evaluated under stereomicroscope. Samples with no dye penetration were given score 0, le 0,5 mm dye penetration were given score 1, 0,051 ndash 1 mm were given score 2, and 1 mm were given score 3. Result The largest proportion distribution in SP group was at the score 2 44.4 , and in group SB was at the score 1 55.6 . Conclusion Bioceramic sealer showed similar apical leakage to polydimethylsiloxane sealer."
UI - Tugas Akhir  Universitas Indonesia Library
Rani Isfandria
"Latar Belakang: Pengisian dengan kon gutaperca berlapis resin (GBR) dan siler resin metakrilat menciptakansuatu sistem monoblok tersier. Tujuan: menganalisis perbandingan kerapatan antara pengisian GBR dan gutaperca konvensional (GK) dengan siler resin metakrilat di daerah sepertiga apeks.Metode:Tiga puluh dua gigi insisif bawah, dibagi dua kelompok sama besar, yaitu kelompok GBR dan GK dengan masing-masing kelompok menggunakan siler resin metakrilat. Setelah pengisian saluran akar dengan tekniksingle-cone, sampel diinkubasi (370C, 24 jam), kemudian dibelah dua secara vertikal. Dilakukan pemeriksaan kerapatan sepertiga apeks berdasarkan celah mikro yang ada pada daerah 5mm dari apeks menggunakan SEM dan diberi skor. Analisis data menggunakan uji Kolmogorov-Smirnov. Hasil: Skor 0 terbanyak pada GBR 43.8%,skor 1 terbanyak pada GK 81,3%% (165), skor 2 0% dan skor 3 terbanyak pada GBR 12.5%.Kesimpulan: Kerapatan hasil pengisian dengan kon gutaperca berlapis dibanding gutaperca konvensional dengan masing-masing kelompok menggunakan siler resin metakrilat pada sepertiga apeks tidak ada perbedaan bermakna walaupun secara subtansi jumlah celah mikro pada kelompok gutaperca berlapis lebih sedikit didaerah sepertiga apeks

Background:Resin-coatedguttapercha as aroot canal obturation material is the system of tertiary monoblock. Purpose: to compare sealability of obturation using methacrylate resin-based root canal sealer between GBR dan GK group. Methods: Thirty two human lower insisive was used as specimen.All specimen was prepared using REVO-S and divided randomly into two groups. First group, GBK was obturated with resin-coated guttapercha andmethacrylate resin-based root canal sealer; while GK group was obturated with conventional guttapercha with the same sealer.Afterobturation, the specimens were incubated (370C, 24 h), then the speciments was cut verticaly. The gap existance was measured using SEM and given score 0-3. Theresults were statistically analyzed with Kolmogorov Smirnov test. Results:Thelargest proportion distribution in GBR group was score 0 (43.8%), whilst the largestproportion distribution in GK group was score 1 (81.3%), both these groups has no score 2, and the largest proportion distribution in GBR was score 3(12.5%) Conclusion: Resin-coated guttapercha as an obturation material hadinsignificancy diffrence statisticaly than conventional guttapercha of sealing ability, despite resin-coated guttapercha showed better sealing ability substantially.
Jakarta: Fakultas Kedokteran Gigi Universitas Indonesia, 2013
UI - Tugas Akhir  Universitas Indonesia Library
Swesty Mahardhini
"Latar Belakang: Penggunaan bahan semen (siler) saluran akar dengan kandungan dan karakteristik berbeda diduga dapat memengaruhi retensi pasak fiber terhadap dinding saluran akar pasca perawatan endodontik. Tujuan : Mengetahui perbedaan kekuatan adhesi pasak fiber pada perawatan saluran akar yang menggunakan siler berbasis resin epoksi dan kalsium silikat. Metode: 30 gigi premolar bawah akar tunggal didekoronasi, dilakukan preparasi saluran akar, lalu dibagi menjadi 3 kelompok; Kelompok 1 (kontrol): gigi tanpa pengisian saluran akar, Kelompok 2: gigi yang menggunakan siler resin epoksi (AH-Plus), dan Kelompok 3: gigi yang menggunakan siler berbasis kalsium silikat (Ceraseal). Setelah pengisian saluran akar, preparasi, dan pemasangan pasak fiber. Selanjutnya gigi dipotong pada area sepertiga tengah akar setebal 2 mm kemudian dilakukan uji push-out bond strength menggunakan Universal Testing Machine. Data dianalisis dengan tes One-way Anova dan post hoc Bonferroni. Hasil: Terdapat perbedaan bermakna nilai push-out bond strength antar kelompok semen resin resin epoksi dan kalsium silikat. Kesimpulan: Gigi yang melalui perawatan saluran akar menggunakan siler resin epoksi memberikan kekuatan adhesi pasak fiber yang lebih baik dibandingkan gigi yang menggunakan siler kalsium silikat.

Background: The use of root canal sealers with different composition and characteristics is thought to effect the retention of fiber post in root canal walls after endodontic treatment. Objective: To evaluate the difference of the fiber post adhesion strength after endodontic treatment using epoxy resin and calcium silicate based root canal sealer. Methods: 30 samples of single-rooted lower premolar were decoronated, got the root canal prepared, then divided into 3 groups; Group 1 (the controls): samples without root canal filling, Group 2 and 3, the canals were filled with gutta percha using epoxy resin (AH-Plus), and calcium silicate (Ceraseal)-based root canal sealer. After root canal obturation, the gutta percha were partly removed, prepared for post space, and then cemented with the fiber posts. Then 2 mm thick disk were cut from the middle root section and subjected to a push-out bond strength test. Data were analysed using the one-way ANOVA and post hoc Bonferroni test. Result: There was a significant difference in the push-out bond strength value between the epoxy resin and calcium silicate-based root canal sealer groups. Conclusion: The endodontic treated tooth previously using epoxy resin root canal sealer gave better fiber post adhesion strength compared to tooth that used calcium silicate based root canal sealer."
Depok: Fakultas Kedokteran Gigi Universitas Indonesia, 2020
UI - Tesis Membership  Universitas Indonesia Library
Retno Widayati
"Injeksi PGE2 pada mukosa bukal bersamaan dengan tekanan ortodonti dapat mempercepat pergerakan gigi. Namun metode ini mempunyai kekurangan yaitu resorpsi tulang alveolar dan akar gigi yang besar serta rasa sakit. Gel digunakan sebagai media penghantar, menggantikan bentuk injeksi. Stabilitas PGE2 dalam gel, efek aplikasi gel PGE2 pada pergerakan gigi, konsentrasi RANKL pada GCF dan serum serta resorpsi tulang alveolar dan resorpsi akar gigi belum pernah diketahui.
Penelitian ini eksperimental laboratorium in vitro untuk uji stabilitas gel PGE2 lyophillized dan in vivo pada Macaca fascicularis. Mukosa bukal kaninus kanan dioleskan gel PGE2, sedangkan kaninus kiri dioleskan gel tanpa PGE2, keduanya disertai tekanan ortodonti, pada awal, jam kedua dan keempat, selama dua menit. Pengolesan gel, pengukuran pergerakan gigi, pengambilan darah dan GCF, dilakukan setiap minggu. Macaca dieuthanasia, dinekropsi lalu dibuat sediaan histologi dan dievaluasi dengan TRAP. Gel PGE2 lyophillized tidak stabil, sehingga dibuat resenter paratus.
Gel PGE2 dapat mempercepat pergerakan gigi 1,8 kali, RANKL dan resorpsi tulang alveolar lebih besar dari kontrol, serta resorpsi akar sama dengan kontrol. Gel PGE2 mempunyai prospek sebagai medikasi topikal untuk mempercepat pergerakan gigi ortodontik.

The injection of PGE2 on buccal mucosa along with orthodontic force could accelerate orthodontic tooth movement. Nevertheless, this method also has adverse effects such as pain, over resorption of the alveolar bone and root structure. PGE2 gel to substitute the necessity of injection. Hence, the effect of PGE2 gel on the rate of tooth movement and RANKL concentration in GCF and blood serum also alveolar bone and root resorption is yet to be determined.
This study was an experimental laboratory in vitro to know the stability of PGE2 gel lyophillized and in vivo in Macaca fascicularis. PGE2 gel was applied on buccal mucosa of right canine along with orthodontic force and non- PGE2 gel on left canine on beginning, second, and fourth hour each for two minutes. Gel application, tooth movement measurement, blood sample, and GCF were done every week. Macaca euthanized, and made histology ​​ and evaluated by TRAP. PGE2 gel was made resenter paratus due to instability.
Results showed that PGE2 gel enhanced tooth movement 1.8 times, RANKL and alveolar bone resorption were greater than control and root resorption was similar to control. PGE2 gel had a good prospect as topical medication to enhance tooth movement in orthodontics.
Jakarta: Fakultas Kedokteran Gigi Universitas Indonesia, 2014
UI - Disertasi Membership  Universitas Indonesia Library
Latar Belakang: Penggunaan gutaperca yang dipanaskan menghasilkan adaptasi
yang baik dan material obturasi yang homogen. Teknik kompaksi lateral panas
menggabungkan kon gutaperca utama dan aksesoris menjadi satu massa homogen
yang solid. Teknik carrier-based gutta-percha memiliki seal dan adaptasi yang
baik. Teknik downpack-backfill mengkombinasikan teknik kompaksi vertikal dan
injeksi termoplastis. Tujuan: Membandingkan adaptasi tepi sepertiga apikal
apeks antara teknik kompaksi lateral panas, carrier-based gutta-percha, dan
downpack-backfill. Metode: Preparasi saluran akar pada 90 gigi saluran akar
tunggal dan dibagi menjadi tiga kelompok, yaitu kompaksi lateral panas (KLP),
carrier-based gutta-percha (T), dan downpack-backfill (DB). Adaptasi tepi
sepertiga apikal apeks ditentukan dengan melihat penetrasi pewarna di antara
material obturasi dan dinding dentin pada sampel yang dipotong melintang. Hasil:
Adaptasi tepi sepertiga apikal apeks DB paling baik, diikuti T dan KLP (p>0,05).
Kesimpulan: Adaptasi tepi sepertiga apikal apeks teknik downpack-backfill
paling baik, namun tidak berbeda bermakna.

Background: The use of heated gutta-percha can provide good adaptation and
homogeneity of obturation material. Warm lateral compaction technique
combines primary and accessory gutta-percha cones into one solid homogeneous
mass. Carrier-based gutta-percha technique has a good adaptation and sealing
ability. Downpack-backfill technique combines warm vertical compaction and
thermoplastic injection techniques. Aim: Compare the apical third marginal
adaptation of warm lateral compaction, carrier-based gutta-percha, and
downpack-backfill techniques. Methods: Ninety single rooted teeth were prepared
and assigned to three groups: warm lateral compaction (KLP), carrier-based
gutta-percha (T), and downpack-backfill (DB). Apical third marginal adaptation
was evaluated by observing the dye penetration between the obturation material
and the root canal walls on cross sectioned samples. Results: DB showed the best
apical third marginal adaptation, followed by T and KLP (p>0,05). Conclusion:
Downpack-backfill technique has the best apical third marginal adaptation, but
no significant difference was observed between the three techniques."
Jakarta: Fakultas Kedokteran Gigi Universitas Indonesia, 2014
UI - Tesis Membership  Universitas Indonesia Library
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