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Jansen Wijaya Jap
Paradigma pelayanan kefarmasian dari orientasi produk menjadi orientasi pasien harus direalisasikan dan diimplementasikan oleh apoteker yang bekerja di rumah sakit sehingga adanya Praktek Kerja Profesi Apoteker dapat memberikan calon apoteker pengetahuan dan pengalaman bagaimana peran dan tugas apoteker di rumah sakit berbasis orientasi keselamatan pasien Praktek kerja profesi ini bertujuan untuk memahami peran tugas dan tanggung jawab apoteker di rumah sakit sesuai dengan ketentuan dan etika pelayanan farmasi khususnya dan pelayanan kesehatan umumnya memiliki wawasan pengetahuan keterampilan dan pengalaman praktis untuk melakukan praktik kefarmasian di rumah sakit dan memiliki gambaran nyata tentang permasalahan praktek kefarmasian serta mempelajari strategi dan kegiatan kegiatan yang dapat dilakukan dalam rangka pengembangan praktek kefarmasian di rumah sakit Praktek kerja profesi dilakukan selama 2 bulan dan kegiatan yang dilakukan antara lain mempelajari aspek manajerial dan klinis serta mengunjungi bagian rekam medik instalasi sentral sterilisasi dan binatu dan bagian kesehatan lingkungan serta keselamatan dan kesehatan kerja Rumah Sakit Kanker ldquo Dharmais rdquo sudah memenuhi persyaratan sesuai peraturan yang berlaku dimulai dari aspek sarana dan prasarana sampai aspek manajerial dan klinis yang harus dilakukan oleh apoteker berbasis standar pelayanan kefarmasian di rumah sakit Calon apoteker sudah memahami peran tugas dan tanggung jawab apoteker di rumah sakit yaitu mengelola perbekalan farmasi dan melakukan pelayanan farmasi klinik serta mendapatkan pengalaman praktis dan gambaran nyata menjadi seorang apoteker di rumah sakit ABSTRACT Pharmaceutical care paradigm from product oriented to become patient oriented must be implemented and applied by pharmacist who works in hospital therefore pharmacy student who attends profession internship will get knowledge and experiences about pharmacist rsquo s roles and responsibilities in hospital based on patient safety orientation This profession internship is aimed to understand general and specific pharmacist rsquo s roles and responsibilities in hospital such as giving health care and pharmaceutical care based on ethics and rules consecutively to have knowledge skills and practical experiences to do pharmaceutical care in hospital and to have real pharmacist rsquo s problem solving act experiences with corrective actions in order to develop pharmaceutical care in hospital This profession internship lasted approximately 2 months and learnt about aspects of managerial and clinical also visited medical record division central sterile supply department environmental health division and occupational health and safety division Rumah Sakit Kanker ldquo Dharmais rdquo has applied pharmaceutical care standards in hospital including all aspects from facilities and infrastructures to managerial and clinical aspects which have to be done by a pharmacist After attending the profession internship pharmacy student who will become a pharmacist has learnt about pharmacist rsquo s roles and responsibilities in hospital such as pharmaceutical supplies management how to apply clinical pharmaceutical care and got real practical experiences in hospital ;Pharmaceutical care paradigm from product oriented to become patient oriented must be implemented and applied by pharmacist who works in hospital therefore pharmacy student who attends profession internship will get knowledge and experiences about pharmacist rsquo s roles and responsibilities in hospital based on patient safety orientation This profession internship is aimed to understand general and specific pharmacist rsquo s roles and responsibilities in hospital such as giving health care and pharmaceutical care based on ethics and rules consecutively to have knowledge skills and practical experiences to do pharmaceutical care in hospital and to have real pharmacist rsquo s problem solving act experiences with corrective actions in order to develop pharmaceutical care in hospital This profession internship lasted approximately 2 months and learnt about aspects of managerial and clinical also visited medical record division central sterile supply department environmental health division and occupational health and safety division Rumah Sakit Kanker ldquo Dharmais rdquo has applied pharmaceutical care standards in hospital including all aspects from facilities and infrastructures to managerial and clinical aspects which have to be done by a pharmacist After attending the profession internship pharmacy student who will become a pharmacist has learnt about pharmacist rsquo s roles and responsibilities in hospital such as pharmaceutical supplies management how to apply clinical pharmaceutical care and got real practical experiences in hospital "
Depok: Fakultas Farmasi Universitas Indonesia, 2015
UI - Tugas Akhir  Universitas Indonesia Library
Afrida Rachmawati
Praktek Kerja Profesi (PKP) di pemerintahan dilaksanakan di Suku Dinas Kesehatan Kota
Administrasi Jakarta Pusat. Kegiatan ini berlangsung selama dua minggu dari tanggal 7sampai
dengan tanggal 19 September 2015. PKP bertujuan agar mahasiswa apoteker mengerti peranan
apoteker, memiliki wawasan tentang pelaksanaan pekerjaan kefarmasian, memahami dan memiliki
gambaran nyata akan permasalahan pekerjaan kefarmasian di pemerintahan.Apoteker di Suku Dinas
Kesehatan bertanggung jawab penuh terhadap pembinaan dan pengawasan puskesmas maupun
pelayanan kesehatan. Berdasarkan pengamatan selama pelaksanaan PKP, Suku Dinas Kesehatan
Kota Administrasi Jakarta Pusat secara umum telah melakukan kinerjanya dengan baik termasuk
pembinaan terhadap PTSP dalam pengurusan perijinan apotek, tokoobat dan PIRT. Masalah yang
terjadi adalah kurangnya informasi petugas PTSP mengenai tata cara perijinan dari kepala PTSP
yang telah disampaikan dari SukuDinas Kesehatan sehingga informasi yang didapatkan oleh calon
yang mengajukan perijninan kurang jelas.ABSTRACT Profession Internship at government was held at Suku Dinas Kesehatan Kota Administrasi Jakarta
Pusat. This activity was held for two weeks from September 7
until September 18
Profession internship at government was intended to make apothecary student understand the role
of pharmacist, have insight into the implementation of pharmaceutical practice, and know the issues
in pharmaceutical practice in government. Based on the observation, Suku Dinas Kesehatan Kota
Administrasi Jakarta Pusat have implemented their job in good service such as founding in PTSP
like arrange in license drug store, pharmacy and homemade industry. Some issues found at Suku
Dinas Kesehatan Kota Administrasi Jakarta Pusat like lack of information from PTSP staff about
how to get license for applicant from PTSP chief who get information Suku Dinas Kesehatan Kota.;Profession Internship at government was held at Suku Dinas Kesehatan Kota Administrasi Jakarta
Pusat. This activity was held for two weeks from September 7
until September 18
Profession internship at government was intended to make apothecary student understand the role
of pharmacist, have insight into the implementation of pharmaceutical practice, and know the issues
in pharmaceutical practice in government. Based on the observation, Suku Dinas Kesehatan Kota
Administrasi Jakarta Pusat have implemented their job in good service such as founding in PTSP
like arrange in license drug store, pharmacy and homemade industry. Some issues found at Suku
Dinas Kesehatan Kota Administrasi Jakarta Pusat like lack of information from PTSP staff about
how to get license for applicant from PTSP chief who get information Suku Dinas Kesehatan Kota."
Fakultas Farmasi Universitas Indonesia, 2016
UI - Tugas Akhir  Universitas Indonesia Library
Anna Fajar Hasanah
Praktik kerja profesi (PKP)di pemerintahan dilaksanakan di Suku Dinas
Kesehatan Jakarta Pusat pada selama dua minggu mulai tanggal 7 September
sampai dengan tanggal 18 September 2015. Pelaksanaan praktik kerja profesi ini
memiliki tujuan umum agar mahasiswa program studi apoteker memahami
peranan, tugas, dan tanggung jawab apoteker di Suku Dinas Kesehatan Kota
Administrasi Jakarta Pusat; memahami tupoksi Suku Dinas Kesehatan Kota
Administrasi Jakarta Pusat di bidang farmasi; dan memiliki gambaran nyata
tentang permasalahan kefarmasian di pemerintahan.ABSTRACT Profession internship in governmental institution is held at Suku Dinas Kesehatan
Jakarta Pusat for two weeks from September 7th until September 10
2015. The
goals of this internship program are to make students understand roles, jobs and
duties of pharmacist in Suku Dinas Kesehatan Jakarta Pusat; to make them
understand the responsibilites of Suku Dinas Kesehatan Jakarta in pharmacy; and
to make them have clear vision on pharmaceutical problem in government sector.;Profession internship in governmental institution is held at Suku Dinas Kesehatan
Jakarta Pusat for two weeks from September 7th until September 10
2015. The
goals of this internship program are to make students understand roles, jobs and
duties of pharmacist in Suku Dinas Kesehatan Jakarta Pusat; to make them
understand the responsibilites of Suku Dinas Kesehatan Jakarta in pharmacy; and
to make them have clear vision on pharmaceutical problem in government sector."
Fakultas Farmasi Universitas Indonesia, 2016
UI - Tugas Akhir  Universitas Indonesia Library
Siska Amanda Amadea
Praktek kerja profesi di Rumah Sakit Kanker Dharmais Periode Juli - Agustus Tahun 2017 bertujuan untuk memahami peranan, tugas, dan tanggung jawab apoteker dalam praktek pelayanan kefarmasian dan memiliki pengetahuan, keterampilan, sikap perilaku serta wawasan dan pengalaman nyata untuk melakukan pekerjaan kefarmasian di rumah sakit. Selain itu, calon apoteker juga dapat mempelajari strategi dan pengembangan praktek profesi apoteker, memiliki gambaran nyata tentang permasalahan pekerjaan kefarmasian, serta mampu berkomunikasi dan berinteraksi dengan tenaga kesehatan lain yang bertugas di rumah sakit. Praktek kerja profesi di Rumah Sakit Kanker Dharmais dilakukan selama enam minggu dengan tugas khusus yaitu Analisis Resep pada Pasien Rawat Jalan di Rumah Sakit Kanker Dharmais Jakarta Barat Periode Juli 2017. Tujuan dari tugas khusus ini adalah untuk menganalisis kelengkapan dan kesesuaian resep terkait aspek farmasetik yang meliputi bentuk sediaan dan aturan pakai, serta aspek klinis yang meliputi alergi, efek samping, potensi interaksi, dan kesesuaian dosis

Internship at Dharmais Cancer Hospital Period July - August 2017 aims to understand the role, duties, and responsibilities of pharmacists in the practice of pharmaceutical services and have the knowledge, skills, professionalism, as well as insights and real experience to undertake pharmaceutical work in the hospital. In addition, the pharmacist candidate can also learn the strategies and development of professional practice of pharmacists, have a real picture about pharmaceutical work issues, as well as be able to communicate and interact with other health personnel who served in the hospital. Internship at Dharmais Cancer Hospital was conducted for six weeks with special assignment Prescription Analysis in Outpatient Patients at Dharmais Cancer Hospital West Jakarta Period July 2017. The purpose of this special assignment is to analyze the completeness and appropriateness of prescriptions related to pharmaceutical aspects including dosage forms and rules of use, as well as clinical aspects including allergies, side effects, potensial interactions, and dose conformity"
Depok: Fakultas Farmasi Universitas Indonesia, 2017
UI - Tugas Akhir  Universitas Indonesia Library
Rosantika Novinda
Praktek Kerja Profesi di Apotek Hidup Baru dilaksanakan dengan tujuan untuk mengetahui dan memahami peran apoteker di apotek, baik dalam bidang manajemen apotek maupun dalam hal pelayanan farmasi klinik. Peran apoteker dalam manajemen apotek meliputi perencanaan, pengadaan, penerimaan, penyimpanan, pemusnahan, pengendalian, pencatatan dan pelaporan. Sedangkan pelayanan farmasi klinik meliputi pengkajian resep, dispensing, pelayanan informasi obat, dan konseling. Tugas khusus yang diberikan adalah pembuatan leaflet asam urat sebagai media promosi kesehatan di apotek. Pembuatan leaflet ini bertujuan untuk memberikan informasi kepada masyarakat tentang penyakit asam urat melalui media promosi kesehatan yang berupa leaflet.;ABSTRACT Profession Internship at Apotek Hidup Baru was held to learn and understand the role of pharmacist in Pharmacy, especially to manage a pharmacy or to deliver pharmaceutical care. Pharmacist has role to manage the pharmacy, such as planning, supplying, receipt, saving, annihilation, controlling, and reporting. On the other hand, pharmacist also has to deliver a pharmaceutical care, such as receipt assessment, dispensing, drug information, and patient counseling.. Special assignment that been given is create leaflets gout for promoting health in pharmacies. Making the leaflet aims to inform the public about gout disease through health promotion media in the form of leaflets.;Profession Internship at Apotek Hidup Baru was held to learn and understand the role of pharmacist in Pharmacy, especially to manage a pharmacy or to deliver pharmaceutical care. Pharmacist has role to manage the pharmacy, such as planning, supplying, receipt, saving, annihilation, controlling, and reporting. On the other hand, pharmacist also has to deliver a pharmaceutical care, such as receipt assessment, dispensing, drug information, and patient counseling.. Special assignment that been given is create leaflets gout for promoting health in pharmacies. Making the leaflet aims to inform the public about gout disease through health promotion media in the form of leaflets."
Fakultas Farmasi Universitas Indonesia, 2016
UI - Tugas Akhir  Universitas Indonesia Library
Arsyadanie Saifi Adli
Praktek Kerja Profesi Apoteker di Puskesmas Palmerah bertujuan untuk memahami peran dan tanggung jawab Apoteker dalam melaksanakan pelayanan kefarmasian di Puskesmas, memahami kegiatan pelayanan kefarmasian yang ada di Puskesmas baik kegiatan manajerial maupun pelayanan farmasi klinis, dan menambah pengetahuan dan keterampilan calon Apoteker dalam melaksanakan pelayanan kefarmasian di Puskesmas. Pelayanan Kefarmasian Puskesmas Palmerah secara garis besar terdiri dari dua kegiatan yaitu manajemen perbekalan farmasi dan kegiatan farmasi klinik. Kegiatan Manajemen perbekalan farmasi di Puskesmas Kecamatan Palmerah secara garis besar sudah berjalan dengan baik sesuai standar pelayanan kefarmasian dari Kementerian Kesehatan Republik Indonesia, hanya saja masih ada kekurangan fasilitas penyimpanan perbekalan farmasi. Kegiatan farmasi klinik di Puskesmas Kecamatan Palmerah terdiri dari penyiapan obat, penyerahan obat, dan pemberian informasi obat. Tugas khusus yang diberikan yaitu berupa pembuatan media pelayanan informasi obat tentang cara penggunaan obat luar. ABSTRACT Pharmacists profession internship in Puskesmas Kecamatan Palmerah aims to understand the role and responsibilities of pharmacists in implementing pharmacy services at Puskesmas, understand the activities of pharmacy services in Puskesmas both managerial activities and clinical pharmacy, and increase knowledge and skills of the candidate Pharmacists implement pharmacy services in Puskesmas. Pharmaceutical Services in Puskesmas Palmerah generally consist of two activities, namely the management of pharmaceuticals and clinical pharmacy activities. Management activities of pharmaceuticals in Puskesmas Kecamatan Palmerah already well underway according to the standard pharmacy services of the Ministry of Health of the Republic of Indonesia, it's just that there is still a shortage of drug storage facilities. Clinical pharmacy activities in Puskesmas Kecamatan Palmerah consists of preparation of drugs, drug delivery, and providing drug information. Special assignment given about media creation of drug information on how to use the drug outside.;Pharmacists profession internship in Puskesmas Kecamatan Palmerah aims to understand the role and responsibilities of pharmacists in implementing pharmacy services at Puskesmas, understand the activities of pharmacy services in Puskesmas both managerial activities and clinical pharmacy, and increase knowledge and skills of the candidate Pharmacists implement pharmacy services in Puskesmas. Pharmaceutical Services in Puskesmas Palmerah generally consist of two activities, namely the management of pharmaceuticals and clinical pharmacy activities. Management activities of pharmaceuticals in Puskesmas Kecamatan Palmerah already well underway according to the standard pharmacy services of the Ministry of Health of the Republic of Indonesia, it's just that there is still a shortage of drug storage facilities. Clinical pharmacy activities in Puskesmas Kecamatan Palmerah consists of preparation of drugs, drug delivery, and providing drug information. Special assignment given about media creation of drug information on how to use the drug outside."
Fakultas Farmasi Universitas Indonesia, 2016
UI - Tugas Akhir  Universitas Indonesia Library
Yasinta Khairunissa Khalifatu Gunawan
Praktek Kerja Profesi di Apotek SamMarie Basra Jakarta Timur bertujuan untuk
mengetahui dan memahami peran apoteker di apotek baik secara manajemen dan
pelayanan farmasi kliniknya. Peran apoteker dalam manajemen apotek meliputi
perencanaan, pengadaan, penerimaan, penyimpanan, pemusnahan, pengendalian,
pencatatan dan pelaporan.Sedangkan pelayanan farmasi klinik meliputi pengkajian resep,
dispensing, pelayanan informasi obat, dan konseling. Tugas khusus yang diberikan
berjudul Analisa Tingkat Kepatuhan Dokter dalam Penulisan Resep sesuai Formularium
SMHG 2015. Tujuan dari tugas khusus ini adalah untuk mengetahui besar persentase
tingkat kepatuhan dokter dalam penulisan resep sesuai formularium SamMarie
Healthcare Group 2015 yang berlaku di Apotek SamMarie Basra.ABSTRACT Professional Internship at Apotek SamMarie Basra was held to learn and understand the
role of pharmacist in Pharmacy, especially to manage a pharmacy or to deliver
pharmaceutical care. Pharmacist has role to manage the pharmacy, such as planning,
supplying, receipt, saving, annihilation, controlling, and reporting. On the other hand,
pharmacist also has to deliver a pharmaceutical care, such as receipt assessment,
dispensing, drug information, and patient counseling. The special assignment is given
entitled Analysis Level of Compliance Doctor in accordance Formulary Prescription
Writing SMHG 2015. The aims of this special assignment is to determine the level of
compliance of a large percentage of physicians in prescribing appropriate SamMarie
Healthcare Group 2015 formulary that applies in Apotek SamMarie Basra."
Fakultas Farmasi Universitas Indonesia, 2016
UI - Tugas Akhir  Universitas Indonesia Library
Irma Rosita
Praktek Kerja Profesi Apoteker di Suku Dinas Kesehatan Kota Administrasi Jakarta Timur dan Puskesmas Kecamatan Kramat Jati bertujuan untuk memahami peranan serta tugas pokok dan fungsi apoteker di Suku Dinas Kesehatan Jakarta Timur mampu memahami peranan tugas dan tanggung jawab Apoteker dalam praktek kefarmasian serta mengamati pelaksanaan kegiatan farmasi klinis yang telah dan belum dilakukan di Puskesmas Kecamatan Kramat Jati Peran apoteker di Suku Dinas Kesehatan Kota Administrasi Jakarta Timur adalah sebagai pengelola Sub Seksi Farmasi Makanan dan Minuman Apoteker di Puskemas Kecamatan Kramat Jati bertugas dan bertanggung jawab melakukan pelayanan kefarmasian berupa pengelolaan sediaan farmasi dan pelayanan farmasi klinik sesuai Peraturan Menteri Kesehatan No 30 Tahun 2014 tentang Standar Pelayanan Kefarmasian Di Puskesmas Kegiatan Farmasi Klinis yang telah dilakukan di Puskesmas Kecamatan Kramat Jati adalah Pengkajian resep penyerahan obat dan pemberian informasi obat Pelayanan Informasi Obat hanya dilakukan jika ada permintaan pasien Sedangkan kegiatan yang belum dilakukan antara lain konseling ronde Monitoring Efek Samping Obat MESO Pemantauan Terapi Obat dan Evaluasi Penggunaan Obat Dikarenakan Puskesmas Kramat Jati merupakan puskesmas pelayanan rawat jalan maka kegiatan ronde tidak dilakukan Tugas khusus yang diberikan bertujuan untuk menganalisis laporan serta mengkaji perencanaan obat dan perbekalan farmasi di Puskesmas Kecamatan Kramat Jati Berdasarkan pengamatan sebaiknya perlu ditingkatkan jumlah SDM terutama apoteker dan asisten apoteker di Puskesmas Kegiatan pelayanan farmasi klinik juga harus bisa dijalankan semua agar apoteker dapat memiliki peran penting di masyarakat ABSTRACT Profession Internship at Suku Dinas Kesehatan Kota Administrasi Jakarta Timur and Puskesmas Kecamatan Kramat Jati aims to comprehend the role the main task and the function of pharmacist at Suku Dinas Kesehatan Jakarta Timur able to comprehend their role task and responsibility in pharmaceutical care and keep track of clinical pharmacy rsquo s activity that has and hasn rsquo t yet been held at Puskesmas Kecamatan Kramat Jati The role of pharmacist at Suku Dinas Kesehatan Kota Administrasi Jakarta Timur is to become a Sub Section of Pharmacy Food and Drink rsquo s manager Pharmacist at Puskemas Kecamatan Kramat Jati is on duty of and responsible to do the pharmaceutical care that consists of pharmaceutical dosage form rsquo s management and the service of clinical pharmacy that equals to Peraturan Menteri Kesehatan No 30 Tahun 2014 about Standar Pelayanan Kefarmasian di Puskesmas Clinical pharmacy rsquo s activity that has been held at Puskesmas Kecamatan Kramat Jati are prescription rsquo s screening delivery of medicine and drug information rsquo s service The drug information rsquo s service were only given if there was a request from patient Besides the activity that has not been done yet are counseling ward round Adverse Drug Reaction ADR rsquo s Monitoring Therapeutic Drug Monitoring and drug use evaluation Puskesmas Kramat Jati is an outpatient rsquo s primary health care so that ward round patient are never been held forever Special task that was given aims to analyze the report and screen the drug rsquo s planning and inventory of pharmacy at Puskesmas Kecamatan Kramat Jati Based on the observation the amount of human resource should be developed especially for pharmacist and assistant pharmacist in primary health care Clinical pharmacy rsquo s activity should be all held in order to pharmacist have the important role in public "
Fakultas Farmasi Universitas Indonesia, 2016
UI - Tugas Akhir  Universitas Indonesia Library
Praktek Kerja Profesi (PKP) di apotek bertempat di Apotek Kimia Farma No. 50 Bogor
berlangsung selama empat minggu dari tanggal 1 sampai dengan tanggal 30 Januari 2015. PKP di
apotek bertujuan agar mahasiswa apoteker memahami peranan Apoteker Pengelola Apotek (APA),
memiliki wawasan tentang pelaksanaan pekerjaan kefarmasian, dan memiliki gambaran nyata akan
permasalahan pekerjaan kefarmasian yang terjadi di apotek. Berdasarkan kegiatan PKP yang
dilakukan, APA di Apotek Kimia Farma No. 50 Bogor secara umum telah melaksanakan tugas dan
tanggung jawab yaitu dibidang manajemen farmasi dan farmasi klinik. Mahasiswa apoteker telah
berhasil memperoleh wawasan mengenai kegiatan yang dilakukan di apotek. Kegiatan manajemen
farmasi yang dilakukan meliputi perencanaan, pengadaan, penerimaan, penyimpanan,
pemusnahan, pengendalian, pencatatan, pelaporan, dan pengelolaan Narkotika dan Psikotropika.
Adapun kegiatan farmasi klinik yang telah dilaksanakan yaitu pengkajian resep, dispensing,
pemberian informasi obat dan Pemantauan Terapi Obat (PTO). Permasalahan praktek kefarmasian
yang terjadi adalah kurang optimal pelayanan farmasi klinik, strategi yang dapat dilakukan adalah
penambahan satu tenaga Apoteker. ABSTRACT Profession Internship in pharmacy located at Kimia Farma No. 50 Bogor lasted for four weeks
from September 1
to September 30
2015. Profession Internship in pharmacy was intended to
make apothecary student the role of pharmacists, have insight into the implementation of
pharmacy work, and have a real description of the issues that occur in pharmacy. Based on the
activities undertaken at pharmacy, pharmacist at Kimia Farma No. 50 Bogor in general have been
carrying out the duties and responsibilities of management pharmacy and clinical pharmacy.
Student pharmacists have managed to gain insight into the activities carried out in the pharmacy.
Pharmaceutical management activities undertaken include planning, procurement, receipt, storage,
dispensing, control, record keeping, reporting, and management of Narcotics and Psychotropic
Substances. The clinical pharmacy activities that have been carried out that assessment
prescription, dispensing, drug information services and monitoring drug therapy. Problems occur
pharmacy practice is suboptimal clinical pharmacy services, a strategy that can be done is the
addition of one staff pharmacist."
Fakultas Farmasi Universitas Indonesia, 2016
UI - Tugas Akhir  Universitas Indonesia Library
Zwageri Argo Pitoyo
Praktek kerja profesi di Apotek Kimia Farma No. 352 Depok periode bulan
September tahun 2015 bertujuan untuk memahami tugas dan tanggung jawab
apoteker dalam pengelolaan apotek, serta melakukan praktek pelayanan
kefarmasian sesuai dengan ketentuan perundang-undangan dan etika yang
berlaku, memiliki wawasan, pengetahuan, keterampilan dan pengalaman praktis
untuk melakukan praktek kefarmasian di Apotek serta memiliki gambaran nyata
tentang permasalahan praktek kefarmasian serta mempelajari strategi dan
kegiatan-kegiatan yang dapat dilakukan dalam rangka pengembangan praktek
kefarmasian. Praktek kerja profesi di Apotek Kimia Farma No. 352 Depok
dilakukan selama empat minggu dengan tugas khusus yaitu analisis resep terapi
peptic ulcer.
ABSTRACT The aims of apothecary profession internship program at Apotek Kimia Farma
No. 352 Depok on September 2015 are to understand the task and responsibility
of pharmacists in the management of pharmacy , as well as doing pharmaceutical
care in accordance with the provisions and ethics which is valid for , having
insight , knowledge , skill and practical experience for doing pharmaceutical care
in pharmacy as well as having an example the problems the pharmaceutical care
strategy as well as studies and activities that can be conducted in the context of
the development of the practice of kefarmasian .The practice of the professional
work in Apotek Kimia Farma No. 352 Depok was done in four weeks by a special
assignment that is analysis of prescription peptic ulcer therapy. "
Fakultas Farmasi Universitas Indonesia, 2016
UI - Tugas Akhir  Universitas Indonesia Library
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