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Manullang, Portim
"Pengembangan sektor pariwisata membawa banyak manfaat dan keuntungan bagi masyarakat dan pemerintah. Inti dari produk pariwisata adalah destinasi wisata. Tujuan penelitian ini dilakukan sebagai upaya memberikan informasi mengenai nilai manfaat ekonomi sumberdaya obyek wisata Pantai Pasir Putih Parbaba Kecamatan Pangururan Kabupaten Samosir.
Metode penelitian ini menggunakan metode TCM dan CVM untuk mengetahui nilai obyek wisata sumberdaya alam. Nilai ekonomi wisata Pantai Pasir Putih Parbaba yang diperoleh melalui pendekatan surplus konsumen pada metode biaya perjalanan adalah Rp. 26.372.911.488,-/tahun. Sedangkan untuk nilai ekonomi dengan pendekatan willingness to pay menggunakan metode valuasi kontingensi diperoleh sebesar Rp. 101.170.536,-/tahun.
Perlu perbaikan serta peningkatan sarana dan prasarana Pantai Pasir Putih Parbaba, seperti mushola atau ruang berdoa, fasilitas musik atau alunan musik dari pengeras suara (loudspeaker), perbaikan akses dan kondisi jalan, serta melakukan pelatihan dan pendampingan terhadap masyarakat setempat agar menjaga keramahtamahan terhadap wisatawan. Menaikkan harga tiket menjadi maksimal Rp.20.000,- dimana pada tingkat harga tersebut, penerimaan retribusi akan mencapai titik optimum.

The development of tourism sector brings many benefits and advantages for the people and the government. The core of tourism products is a tourist destination. The purpose of this research is to provide information regarding economic benefit value of resources tourist attraction Pantai Pasir Putih Parbaba Pangururan District of Samosir.
Research Methods initials using the method of TCM and CVM for review the value of tourism objects of natural resources. The economic value of tourism Pantai Pasir Putih Parbaba acquired through the consumer surplus approach Travel Cost Method IDR 26.372.911.488 / year. However, the economic value with the willingness to pay approach using contingency valuation method is IDR 101.170.536 / year.
Need to improve and increasing facilities and infrastructure at the Pantai Pasir Putih Parbaba, such as mosque or prayer halls, facilities music from the loudspeakers, improvement of access and the road, training and assistance to local communities in order to keep the hospitality towards tourists. Increasing the ticket price in the level IDR.20.000, - which is at that level the retribution will reach the optimum level.
Depok: Fakultas Ekonomi dan Bisnis Universitas Indonesia, 2016
UI - Tesis Membership  Universitas Indonesia Library
Ika Ismiati
"Status Sabang sebagai kawasan perdagangan dan pelabuhan bebas mendorong pembangunan infrastruktur massif, terutama pelabuhan berskala internasional. Kondisi tersebut dikhawatirkan akan mengganggu keseimbangan ekosistem perairan laut di sekitarnya, termasuk TWA Laut Pulau Weh yang selama ini menjadi tujuan wisata utama di Sabang. Untuk itu diperlukan informasi terkait nilai ekonomi TWA Laut Pulau Weh agar dapat digunakan sebagai masukan dan pertimbangan untuk memperbaiki dan menentukan arah kebijakan pembangunan kawasan. Informasi nilai ekonomi kawasan tersebut dapat diperoleh dengan cara melakukan valuasi lingkungan. Studi ini menggunakan dua pendekatan valuasi, yaitu travel cost method dan contingent valuation method. Nilai ekonomi yang diperoleh dari TCM dan CVM secara berturut-turut adalah Rp dan Rp 6.785.639.710.

Sabang?s status as a free port and trade area encourages massive infrastructure development, especially international port. These conditions are feared to disturb the marine ecosystem balancing in the vicinity, including TWA Laut Pulau Weh which has been the main tourist destinations in Sabang. It required information related to the economic value of TWA Laut Pulau Weh that can be used as input and consideration to fix and determine the direction of policy development for the region. Information of economic value of the region can be obtained by means of environmental valuation. This study uses two valuation approaches, namely the travel cost method and the contingent valuation method. The economic value obtained from TCM and CVM respectively is Rp and Rp 6.785.639.710."
Depok: Fakultas Ekonomi dan Bisnis Universitas Indonesia, 2014
UI - Skripsi Membership  Universitas Indonesia Library
Farchan Yuni Laksono
"Ekosistem obyek wisata Pantai Teleng Ria mempunyai manfaat terukur (tangible) dan manfaat tidak terukur (intangible). Manfaat tangible adalah nilai uang yang dihasilkan oleh Pantai Teleng Ria sebagai salah satu sumber pendapatan asli daerah bagi Pemerintah Kabupaten Pacitan. Sedangkan manfaat intangible adalah manfaat yang berbentuk immaterial atau tidak dapat diraba namun bisa dirasakan seperti keunikan, pemandangan pantai yang indah, udara yang bersih dan kondisi lingkungan yang baik.
Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mengestimasi nilai ekonomi Pantai Teleng Ria dan mengevaluasi harga sewa pemanfaatan oleh PT El John Tirta Emas Wisata. Dengan pendekatan biaya perjalanan (travel cost method) diperoleh nilai willingness to pay (WTP) terhadap obyek wisata Pantai Teleng Ria sebesar Rp. 47.571,- per individu per kunjungan. Dengan mengalikan nilai WTP dengan jumlah wisatawan pada tahun 2011 maka nilai ekonomi Pantai Teleng Ria adalah Rp. 10.665.465.771,-. Nilai WTP individu tersebut dapat dijadikan sebagai pertimbangan untuk menentukan harga tiket masuk, namun keuntungannya harus dapat digunakan untuk menjaga dan melestarikan keberadaan ekosistem Pantai Teleng Ria.
Dari perhitungan pemasukan yang diterima oleh PT El John, nilai investasi, aset yang dikelola serta perkiraan biaya operasional perusahaan, seharusnya Pemerintah Kabupaten Pacitan mendapatkan pemasukan sewa lebih dari Rp. 500.000.000,- per tahun. Hal ini selain untuk meningkatkan pendapatan asli daerah juga untuk memperbaiki infrastruktur dan aksesibilitas menuju obyek wisata Pantai Teleng Ria.

Ecosystem of Teleng Ria Beach has measurable benefits (tangible) and intangible benefits (intangible). Tangible benefit is worth the money generated by Teleng Ria Beach as one of local revenue source for the Pacitan Government. While the intangible benefits is advantages in the form of immaterial or can not be felt but could be perceived as unique, beautiful coastal scenery, clean air and good environmental condition.
The aims of this study are to estimate the economic value and to evaluate rents utilization of Teleng Ria Beach by PT El John Tirta Emas Wisata. Using the travel cost method we ​​obtained willingness to pay (WTP) for tourist attractions Teleng Ria Beach is 47,571 IDR - per individual per visit. The economic value of Teleng Ria Beach is 10,665,465,771 IDR. This value is resulted by multiplied between WTP and the number of tourists in 2011. WTP value ​​can be considered to raise the price of admission, even though profit obtained should be used to maintain and preserve the Teleng Ria Beach ecosystems.
Based on the calculation of income received by PT El John, the value of investments, which be managed by PT El John and estimated operating costs of the company, the Pacitan Government possibly could obtained more income than 500,000,000 IDR per year. In addition, this revenue could be used to increase the local revenue in general as well as to improve infrastructure and accessibility towards the tourist attraction Teleng Ria Beach.
Depok: Fakultas Ekonomi dan Bisnis Universitas Indonesia, 2013
UI - Tesis Membership  Universitas Indonesia Library
Ika Ismiati
"Status Sabang sebagai kawasan perdagangan dan pelabuhan bebas mendorong pembangunan infrastruktur massif, terutama pelabuhan berskala internasional. Kondisi tersebut dikhawatirkan akan mengganggu keseimbangan ekosistem perairan laut di sekitarnya, termasuk TWA Laut Pulau Weh yang selama ini menjadi tujuan wisata utama di Sabang. Untuk itu diperlukan informasi terkait nilai ekonomi TWA Laut Pulau Weh agar dapat digunakan sebagai masukan dan pertimbangan untuk memperbaiki dan menentukan arah kebijakan pembangunan kawasan. Informasi nilai ekonomi kawasan tersebut dapat diperoleh dengan cara melakukan valuasi lingkungan. Studi ini menggunakan dua pendekatan valuasi, yaitu travel cost method dan contingent valuation method. Nilai ekonomi yang diperoleh dari TCM dan CVM secara berturut-turut adalah Rp dan Rp 6.785.639.710.

Sabang's status as a free port and trade area encourages massive infrastructure development, especially international port. These conditions are feared to disturb the marine ecosystem balancing in the vicinity, including TWA Laut Pulau Weh which has been the main tourist destinations in Sabang. It required information related to the economic value of TWA Laut Pulau Weh that can be used as input and consideration to fix and determine the direction of policy development for the region. Information of economic value of the region can be obtained by means of environmental valuation. This study uses two valuation approaches, namely the travel cost method and the contingent valuation method. The economic value obtained from TCM and CVM respectively is Rp and Rp 6.785.639.710."
Depok: Fakultas Ekonomi dan Bisnis Universitas Indonesia, 2015
UI - Skripsi Membership  Universitas Indonesia Library
Sugeng Ari Wibowo
Kabupaten Gunungkidul mempunyai 46 pantai, jumlah terbanyak se-DIY. Namun,
penelitian ini hanya mengambil 7 pantai yaitu Pantai Baron, Kukup, Sepanjang, Krakal,
Drini, Sundak dan Pulangsawal/Indrayanti. Tujuan penelitian ini untuk mengukur nilai
kesejahteraan (welfare) yang diperoleh wisatawan pada kondisi lingkungan Tujuh
Pantai Dalam Satu Kawasan (TPDSK) di Gunungkidul saat ini yang diukur dengan
nilai consumer surplus serta perubahan nilai kesejahteraan jika terjadi perubahan
kondisi lingkungan TPDSK yang diukur dengan nilai compensating surplus. Metode
yang digunakan adalah Travel Cost Method serta Choice Modelling. Kesimpulan
penelitian adalah nilai consumer surplus pada kondisi lingkungan TPDSK saat ini
sebesar Rp 303.236,00 per kunjungan. Perubahan welfare akibat perubahan kondisi
lingkungan TPDSK yang menurun sebesar ? Rp 279.687,50 per kunjungan . Sedangkan
kondisi lingkungan TPDSK yang meningkat menyebabkan perubahan welfare sebesar
Rp 273.437,50 per kunjungan. Kebijakan yang dapat dilakukan oleh stake holder
adalah 1) minimal mempertahankan kondisi saat ini/status quo, 2) melakukan prioritas
program peningkatan kondisi lingkungan TPDSK yang terdiri atas jangka pendek
berupa peningkatan kebersihan pantai, jangka menengah berupa peningkatan kuantitas
dan kualitas fasilitas penunjang, jangka panjang berupa pengurangan abrasi pantai, 3)
peningkatan harga tiket masuk dapat dipertimbangkan setelah dilakukan perbaikan
kondisi lingkungan TPDSK.

Gunungkidul regency has 46 beaches, the highest number in DIY province.
However, this study only took 7 beaches namely Baron, Kukup, Sepanjang, Krakal,
Drini, Sundak and Pulangsawal/Indrayanti. The purpose of this study is to measure the
welfare value that tourists obtained on TPDSK in Gunungkidul current environmental
conditions as measured by value of consumer surplus and changes in welfare value if
TPDSK environmental conditions change as measured by compensating surplus value.
This study used Travel Cost Method and Choice Modelling. Conclusions of this study
are consumer surplus value on TPDSK current environmental conditions is Rp
303,236.00 per visit and welfare changes due to changes in TPDSK environmental
conditions decreased by Rp 279,687.50 per visit. Policies that can be done by
stakeholders are 1) maintain the current condition/status quo, 2) conduct a priority
program to improve TPDSK environmental conditions wich are in short-term is
increasing beaches cleanliness, and in medium-term is increasing the quantity and
quality of supporting facilities, while in long-term can be done by coastal erosion
reduction, 3) an increase in the price of admission can be considered after the
improvement of TPDSK environmental conditions.;Gunungkidul regency has 46 beaches, the highest number in DIY province.
However, this study only took 7 beaches namely Baron, Kukup, Sepanjang, Krakal,
Drini, Sundak and Pulangsawal/Indrayanti. The purpose of this study is to measure the
welfare value that tourists obtained on TPDSK in Gunungkidul current environmental
conditions as measured by value of consumer surplus and changes in welfare value if
TPDSK environmental conditions change as measured by compensating surplus value.
This study used Travel Cost Method and Choice Modelling. Conclusions of this study
are consumer surplus value on TPDSK current environmental conditions is Rp
303,236.00 per visit and welfare changes due to changes in TPDSK environmental
conditions decreased by Rp 279,687.50 per visit. Policies that can be done by
stakeholders are 1) maintain the current condition/status quo, 2) conduct a priority
program to improve TPDSK environmental conditions wich are in short-term is
increasing beaches cleanliness, and in medium-term is increasing the quantity and
quality of supporting facilities, while in long-term can be done by coastal erosion
reduction, 3) an increase in the price of admission can be considered after the
improvement of TPDSK environmental conditions.;Gunungkidul regency has 46 beaches, the highest number in DIY province.
However, this study only took 7 beaches namely Baron, Kukup, Sepanjang, Krakal,
Drini, Sundak and Pulangsawal/Indrayanti. The purpose of this study is to measure the
welfare value that tourists obtained on TPDSK in Gunungkidul current environmental
conditions as measured by value of consumer surplus and changes in welfare value if
TPDSK environmental conditions change as measured by compensating surplus value.
This study used Travel Cost Method and Choice Modelling. Conclusions of this study
are consumer surplus value on TPDSK current environmental conditions is Rp
303,236.00 per visit and welfare changes due to changes in TPDSK environmental
conditions decreased by Rp 279,687.50 per visit. Policies that can be done by
stakeholders are 1) maintain the current condition/status quo, 2) conduct a priority
program to improve TPDSK environmental conditions wich are in short-term is
increasing beaches cleanliness, and in medium-term is increasing the quantity and
quality of supporting facilities, while in long-term can be done by coastal erosion
reduction, 3) an increase in the price of admission can be considered after the
improvement of TPDSK environmental conditions.;Gunungkidul regency has 46 beaches, the highest number in DIY province.
However, this study only took 7 beaches namely Baron, Kukup, Sepanjang, Krakal,
Drini, Sundak and Pulangsawal/Indrayanti. The purpose of this study is to measure the
welfare value that tourists obtained on TPDSK in Gunungkidul current environmental
conditions as measured by value of consumer surplus and changes in welfare value if
TPDSK environmental conditions change as measured by compensating surplus value.
This study used Travel Cost Method and Choice Modelling. Conclusions of this study
are consumer surplus value on TPDSK current environmental conditions is Rp
303,236.00 per visit and welfare changes due to changes in TPDSK environmental
conditions decreased by Rp 279,687.50 per visit. Policies that can be done by
stakeholders are 1) maintain the current condition/status quo, 2) conduct a priority
program to improve TPDSK environmental conditions wich are in short-term is
increasing beaches cleanliness, and in medium-term is increasing the quantity and
quality of supporting facilities, while in long-term can be done by coastal erosion
reduction, 3) an increase in the price of admission can be considered after the
improvement of TPDSK environmental conditions.;Gunungkidul regency has 46 beaches, the highest number in DIY province.
However, this study only took 7 beaches namely Baron, Kukup, Sepanjang, Krakal,
Drini, Sundak and Pulangsawal/Indrayanti. The purpose of this study is to measure the
welfare value that tourists obtained on TPDSK in Gunungkidul current environmental
conditions as measured by value of consumer surplus and changes in welfare value if
TPDSK environmental conditions change as measured by compensating surplus value.
This study used Travel Cost Method and Choice Modelling. Conclusions of this study
are consumer surplus value on TPDSK current environmental conditions is Rp
303,236.00 per visit and welfare changes due to changes in TPDSK environmental
conditions decreased by Rp 279,687.50 per visit. Policies that can be done by
stakeholders are 1) maintain the current condition/status quo, 2) conduct a priority
program to improve TPDSK environmental conditions wich are in short-term is
increasing beaches cleanliness, and in medium-term is increasing the quantity and
quality of supporting facilities, while in long-term can be done by coastal erosion
reduction, 3) an increase in the price of admission can be considered after the
improvement of TPDSK environmental conditions., Gunungkidul regency has 46 beaches, the highest number in DIY province.
However, this study only took 7 beaches namely Baron, Kukup, Sepanjang, Krakal,
Drini, Sundak and Pulangsawal/Indrayanti. The purpose of this study is to measure the
welfare value that tourists obtained on TPDSK in Gunungkidul current environmental
conditions as measured by value of consumer surplus and changes in welfare value if
TPDSK environmental conditions change as measured by compensating surplus value.
This study used Travel Cost Method and Choice Modelling. Conclusions of this study
are consumer surplus value on TPDSK current environmental conditions is Rp
303,236.00 per visit and welfare changes due to changes in TPDSK environmental
conditions decreased by Rp 279,687.50 per visit. Policies that can be done by
stakeholders are 1) maintain the current condition/status quo, 2) conduct a priority
program to improve TPDSK environmental conditions wich are in short-term is
increasing beaches cleanliness, and in medium-term is increasing the quantity and
quality of supporting facilities, while in long-term can be done by coastal erosion
reduction, 3) an increase in the price of admission can be considered after the
improvement of TPDSK environmental conditions.]"
UI - Tesis Membership  Universitas Indonesia Library
Enny Sulistyowati
Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk menganalisis nilai ekonomi Taman Wisata Alam (TWA) Angke Kapuk di kota Jakarta Utara dengan menggunakan metode biaya perjalanan dan untuk memperkirakan permintaan pengunjung dan kemauan untuk membayar (willingness to pay/WTP). Data untuk penelitian ini dikumpulkan dengan melakukan survei pada 100 sampel pengunjung. Data dianalisis dengan menggunakan model regresi log-log. Hasil penelitian ini menunjukkan bahwa biaya perjalanan dan pendapatan mempengaruhi total kunjungan individu dan menunjukkan bahwa rata-rata kesediaan pengunjung untuk membayar adalah Rp.276.921 per individu per tahun. Nilai ekonomi dari TWA Angke Kapuk yang berasal dari kesediaan untuk membayar pada Tahun 2014 diproyeksikan sebesar Rp.2,42 miliar. Saat ini, kebijakan untuk menaikan tarif masuk adalah solusi yang mungkin untuk membiayai konservasi.

This research aim to evaluate the economic value of Angke Kapuk natural tourism park (TWA Angke Kapuk) in North Jakarta by travel cost method and to estimate the demand for traveling and the willingness to pay. The data for this research were collected by conducting surveys on 100 sample visitors. The data were analyzed by using log-log regression model. The result of this research indicated that travel cost and income affected total individual visits and showed that visitors’ average willingness to pay was Rp.276.921 per head per year. The economic value of TWA Angke Kapuk in 2014 is projected to reach Rp.2.42 billion. At present, the policy to increase entrance fees is a possible solution to finance conservation."
Jakarta: Fakultas Ekonomi dan Bisnis Universitas Indonesia, 2014
UI - Tesis Membership  Universitas Indonesia Library
Rilin Purwati
"Taman Margasatwa Ragunan merupakan salah satu kebun binatang terbesar di Indonesia dan terbesar se-Asia Tenggara. Tidak hanya sebagai tempat rekreasi yang aman, dekat, serta biaya yang murah namun Taman Margasatwa Ragunan juga mengandung keanekaragaman hayati yang memiliki nilai konservasi tinggi. Maka dari itu, penelitian ini ingin melihat nilai ekonomi Taman Margasatwa Ragunan berdasarkan pendekatan travel cost method dan choice modeling. Dalam metode travel cost dengan menggunakan OLS (Ordinary Least Sqaure), variabel biaya perjalanan dan status pernikahan signifikan mempengaruhi jumlah kunjungan. Total nilai manfaat yang diperoleh sebesar Rp.,00 per periode atau sebesar Rp. 36.068,00 per kunjungan. Untuk choice modeling menggunakan atribut spesies hewan, toilet, kebersihan, dan tiket masuk. Analisa dengan menggunakan Conditional Logit menunjukkan total compensating surplus paling tinggi pada skenario tiga dengan total nilai manfaat Rp. 16.886,29 atau sebesar Rp. 87.080.925.787,00.

Ragunan Zoo is one of the largest zoos in Indonesia and the largest in Southeast Asia. Not only as a place of recreation that is safe, close and low cost, but Ragunan Zoo also contains high biodiversity value. Therefore, this study wants to estimate economic value Ragunan Zoo through travel cost method and choice modeling approach. In travel cost method using OLS (Ordinary Least Sqaure), cost of travel and marital status significantly affect the number of visits. The total value of the benefits gained is Rp.,00 per period or Rp. 36.068,00 per visit. Choice modeling?s attributes are animal species, toilets, cleanliness and cost. Conditional logit shows that respondents are willing to pay from Rp. 10,000 to Rp. 15,000 for improvement services for Ragunan Zoo. Using Conditional Logit, the results showed that the highest total compensating surplus on third scenario with total value of Rp. 16.886,29 or Rp. 87.080.925.787,00 per period."
Depok: Universitas Indonesia, 2016
UI - Skripsi Membership  Universitas Indonesia Library
Atina Umi Kalsum
"Peta Sumber dan Bahaya Gempa Indonesia Tahun 2017 menunjukkan peningkatan pada nilai bahaya percepatan gempa terutama di wilayah sekitar Jakarta. Gempa menghasilkan pergerakan tanah yang unik, maka satu jenis loading protocol pada uji eksperimental tidak dapat menggambarkan variabilitas dari earthquake demand. Dengan mengeneralisasi penggunaan loading protocol pada suatu komponen struktur dapat mengakibatkan misleading dalam menyimpulkan seismic demand-nya. Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mengetahui pengaruh perbedaan loading protocol pada kinerja struktur serta merupakan bagian dari penelitian skala besar terkait seismic performance pada sambungan antara spun pile dengan pile cap di Indonesia. Metode penelitian dilakukan dengan metode elemen hingga nonlinier menggunakan SAP2000 dan OpenSees dengan objek penelitiannya adalah spun pile hollow serta spun pile dengan beton pengisi. Pada spesimen tersebut, loading protocol pembebanan siklik diberikan dalam bentuk drift ratio dengan tipe loading protocol yang memiliki jumlah siklus serta pola kenaikan/penurunan nilai drift ratio yang berbeda. Pada penelitian ini diketahui bahwa tipe loading protocol pembebanan siklik yang berbeda mempengaruhi kinerja struktur dalam segi penurunan kekakuan (stiffness degradation), kekuatan (strength degradation) serta penyerapan energinya dengan trend yang kurang lebih sama. Berdasarkan penelitian ini, tipe loading protocol yang direkomendasikan untuk digunakan dalam mengetahui kinerja struktur secara optimal adalah tipe TP-01 sama dengan panduan pada ACI 364 di mana tipe loading protocol yang disarankan adalah tipe loading protocol dengan pengulangan pembebanan dalam bentuk drift ratio selama beberapa siklus sebelum pembebanan dilanjutkan dengan kenaikan nilai drift ratio selanjutnya. Pada tipe loading protocol TP-01 walaupun jumlah siklusnya cukup banyak akibat pengulangan pembebanan, tetapi penurunan kekuan dan kekuatan yang terjadi tidak terlalu besar dan penyerapan energinya cukup besar jika dibandingkan dengan tipe loading protocol lainnya.

There is an increase of hazard value on earthquake acceleration around Jakarta. Earthquake produce unique ground movements, so one type of loading protocol for experimental test cannot determine the variability of earthquake demand. By generalizing the use of loading protocols on a structural component can lead to misleading in fulfilling its seismic demand. This study aims to determine the effect of differences in loading protocols on a structure performance, also this study is also a part of a large-scale research related to seismic performance in the connection between spun pile and pile cap in Indonesia. The research method is carried out by the nonlinear finite element method using SAP2000 and OpenSees with the research object is a spun pile hollow and spun pile with concrete infill. In these specimens, the cyclic loading with loading protocol is given in the form of a drift ratio with several type of loading protocol that has a different number of cycles, drift ratio pattern (increasing/decreasing) and the sequence of the loading protocol. Based on this research, it is known that different type of loading protocols affects the structure performance in terms of stiffness degradation, strength degradation and energy dissipation, the degradation has a similar trend. The result also shows that the recommended type of loading protocol that can be used on assessing a structure seismic performance optimally is the loading protocol TP-01, this type of loading protocol is same as the recommended type from ACI 364, where in this type of loading protocol there are a repetition of loading in the form of drift ratio for several cycles before the loading followed by an increase in the next value of drift ratio. With loading protocol TP-01, eventhough the number of cycles is quite a lot due to repetiotion loading, the stiffness and strength degradation that occurs is not too large and the energy dissipation of the structure is quite large, compared to the other types of loading protocol.
Depok: Fakultas Teknik Universitas Indonesia, 2020
UI - Skripsi Membership  Universitas Indonesia Library
Margaretha Ari Widowati
"The Law of Spatial Planning No.26/2007 obligates the local government to provide public UGS at least 20% of their area. The implementation faces several problems, such as budget orientation. UGS is not being prioritized since the cost always seems to exceed the benefit due to the condition that there is no market value for the benefits of UGS. This research tries to do a proper valuation of UGS using the Travel Cost Method. In addition to that, due to a widely use of social media, this study tries to explore the effect of social media on number of visit to the park. To perform this study, onsite and online survey were conducted using questionnaire to obtain data from visitors of Suropati Park, Jakarta. After comparing results using Poisson and Negative Binomial Regression, the final model estimates per-trip consumer surplus is Rp44,843, and total consumer surplus per year is approximately Rp 4.290 billion. Moreover, the social media variable shows that the strongest power of social media is to attract new users and the power become less and less as the number of visit increases because the decision to re-visit a park is strongly accounted on the perceived quality on the first visit.

Undang-Undang Penataan Ruang No.26/2007 mewajibkan pemerintah daerah untuk menyediakan RTH (Ruang Terbuka Hijau) publik setidaknya 20% dari wilayah mereka. Implementasinya menghadapi beberapa masalah, salah satunya orientasi anggaran. Pembangunan RTH tidak diprioritaskan karena biayanya dianggap selalu melebihi manfaat. Hal ini diakibatkan oleh tidak ada nilai pasar untuk manfaat yang diberikan RTH. Oleh karena itu dibutuhkan cara khusus untuk menilai manfaat RTH. Penelitian ini mencoba melakukan valuasi RTH menggunakan Metode Biaya Perjalanan. Selain itu, karena penggunaan media sosial yang luas, penelitian ini mencoba untuk mengeksplorasi efek penggunaan media sosial terhadap jumlah kunjungan ke taman. Dalam penelitian ini dilakukan survei dengan menggunakan kuesioner di tempat dan juga secara online untuk mendapatkan data dari pengunjung Taman Suropati, Jakarta. Setelah membandingkan hasil menggunakan Poisson dan Regresi Binomial Negatif, model akhir memperkirakan surplus konsumen per perjalanan adalah Rp44,843, dan total surplus konsumen per tahun sekitar Rp4.290 miliar. Selain itu, variabel media sosial menunjukkan bahwa kekuatan media sosial yang terkuat adalah untuk menarik pengguna baru dan kekuatan menjadi semakin berkurang seiring dengan meningkatnya jumlah kunjungan karena keputusan untuk mengunjungi kembali taman sangat tergantung pada persepsi pengunjung terhadap kualitas taman pada kunjungan pertama.
Depok: Fakultas Ekonomi dan Bisnis Universitas Indonesia, 2019
UI - Tesis Membership  Universitas Indonesia Library
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