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Kharis Pradana Suryarajasa
Hingga kini Indonesia masih berjuang hebat dalam melawan korupsi sebagai sebuah penyakit ganas yang menggerogoti Indonesia. Korupsi juga dianggap sebagai penghambat pembangunan manusia dan Negara. Pemberantasan korupsi berbasis keluarga merupakan salah satu pilihan dalam upaya mencegah tindak korupsi bagi tunas-tunas bangsa berikutnya. Ibu dalam hal ini memiliki peran penting dalam upaya menanamkan kejujuran kepada anak dan keluarga sebagai upaya pencegahan korupsi sejak dini. Penggunaan metode appreciative inquiry dalam meningkatkan nilai kejujuran pada ibu merupakan pendekatan yang cukup efektif. Intervensi dilakukan dengan penggunaan metode appreciative inquiry terhadap 21 ibu bekerja dan ibu rumah tangga. Evaluasi data kuantitatif melalui pre-test dan posttest dilakukan dengan teknik paired samples statistics dengan N=21 dan pernyataan sebanyak 33 items. Hasil analisa statistik menunjukkan peningkatan yang signifikan dengan nilai p = 0,000 yang berarti < 0.05 dan interval mean pada pre-test dan mean pada post-test sebesar 0.11738.

Until now, Indonesia is still a great fight against corruption as a malignant disease that undermined Indonesia. Corruption is also considered as a barrier to human development and the State. Combating corruption is one of the family-based option in efforts to prevent corruption for subsequent shoots nation. The mother in this case has an important role in efforts to instill honesty to children and families as corruption prevention efforts early on. The use of appreciative inquiry method in enhancing the value of honesty in the mother is an approach that is quite effective. Interventions carried out with the use of appreciative inquiry method to 21 working mothers and housewives. Evaluation of quantitative data through the pre-test and post-test was performed using paired samples statistics with N = 21 and a statement as much as 33 items. Statistical analysis showed a significant increase in the value of p = 0.000 meaning of <0.05 and a mean interval in the pre-test and post-test on the mean of 0.11738.
Depok: Fakultas Psikologi Universitas Indonesia, 2016
UI - Tesis Membership  Universitas Indonesia Library
Farah Rizkiana Novianti
Tujuan dari program intervensi ini adalah untuk memberikan penguatan self-esteem
pada remaja di kawasan pariwisata Puncak, Cisarua. Intervensi dilakukan
menggunakan pendekatan Appreciative Inquiry, yaitu pendekatan yang berfokus pada
pencarian kekuatan dan inti positif dari diri maupun komunitas untuk membangun
visi yang ingin diraih bersama. Partisipan dalam intervensi ini adalah siswa SMP
PGRI 207 Cisarua, sejumlah 13 partisipan. Intervensi dilakukan dalam satu hari
selama 9 jam di lokasi SMP PGRI 207 Cisarua. Pengukuran dampak intervensi
dilakukan dengan uji hasil pre-test post-test skala Rosenberg Self Esteem
menggunakan analisis statistik Wilcoxon Signed-Rank Test (p= 0.14, los p<0.05),
membuktikan bahwa program intervensi dapat memperkuat self-esteem partisipan.

The purpose of this intervention was to strengthen adolescent's self esteem in Puncak
tourism object, Cisarua. The intervention was carried out by the method of
Appreciative Inquiry approach focusing on strength seeking and positive core of
either self or community for the sake of establishing vision that is going to be
achieved. The participants of this intervention were 13 students in SMP PGRI 207
Cisarua. The intervention took place in SMP PGRI 207 Cisarua for 9 hours. The
measurement of intervention effect was computed by the test of pre-test post-test
result of Rosenberg Self Esteem scale analized statistically by Wilcoxon Signed-Rank
Test (p= 0.14, los p<0.05), the result showed the value of p = 0.014 (p<0.05) and it
indicates that the intervention was proven in strengthening participant's self esteem, The purpose of this intervention was to strengthen adolescent's self esteem in Puncak
tourism object, Cisarua. The intervention was carried out by the method of
Appreciative Inquiry approach focusing on strength seeking and positive core of
either self or community for the sake of establishing vision that is going to be
achieved. The participants of this intervention were 13 students in SMP PGRI 207
Cisarua. The intervention took place in SMP PGRI 207 Cisarua for 9 hours. The
measurement of intervention effect was computed by the test of pre-test post-test
result of Rosenberg Self Esteem scale analized statistically by Wilcoxon Signed-Rank
Test (p= 0.14, los p<0.05), the result showed the value of p = 0.014 (p<0.05) and it
indicates that the intervention was proven in strengthening participant's self esteem]"
UI - Tesis Membership  Universitas Indonesia Library
"Remaja merupakan masa peralihan dari anak anak menuju dewasa terjadi perubahan fisik, kognitif, psikososial dan psikoseksual yang menyenangkan sekaligus menakutkan bagi remaja. Karakteristik remaja yang sudah mulai mandiri mampu mengambil keputusan dalam hidupnya, demikian halnya dengan keputusan untuk tetap patuh minum ARV yang tentunya dengan didukung oleh teman dan keluarga serta petugas Kesehatan. Kepatuhan dalam pengobatan ARV menjadi tantangan dalam pengobatan ARV, karena minum ARV dilakukan seumur hidup sehingga bisa menimbulkan rasa jenuh dan bosan dalam menjalankan terapi ARV. Tujuan penelitian ini adalah mengekplorasi secara mendalam pengalaman remaja dalam mempertahankan kepatuhan ARV. Penelitian ini merupakan penelitian kualitatif dengan pendekatan appreciative inquiry yang teridiri dari tahap discovery, dream, design dan destiny. Adapun tahapan AI yang digunakan peneliti hanya tahap discovery dan dream. Analisis yang digunakan menggunakan analisis tematik. Penelitian ini mengungkap pengalaman 10 partisipan remaja yang patuh mengikuti terapi ARV sehingga kondisi badannya tetap sehat dan dapat hidup normal. Ada tujuh tema yang didapatkan dalam penelitian ini yaitu menjalankan kehidupan, hidup normal, menghidupkan alarm minum obat, ingin sehat, minum obat harus tepat waktu, takut menghadapi stigma serta adanya semangat dan harapan. Pelayanan kesehatan diharapkan dapat memperhatikan kondisi psikosial remaja dengan HIV selain kondisi fisik dan pengobatan ARVnya.
Adolescence is a transition from childhood to adulthood. There are physical, cognitive, psychosocial, and psychosexual changes that are both fun and frightening for adolescents. Characteristics of adolescents who have started to be independent can make decisions in their lives, as well as the decision to remain adherence in taking ARVs which of course is supported by friends and family as well as health workers. Adherence with antiretroviral treatment becomes a challenge in the treatment of antiretroviral because taking antiretroviral therapy is done for life so that it can cause boredom in running antiretroviral therapy. The purpose of this study is to explore indepth the experiences of adolescents in maintaining ARV adherence. This research is qualitative research with an appreciative inquiry approach that consists of the stages of discovery, dream, design, and destiny. The AI stages used by researchers are only the discovery and dream stages. The analysis used uses thematic analysis. This study reveals the experiences of 10 adolescent participants who adhered to ARV therapy so that their body condition remained healthy and could live a normal life. There are seven themes found in this study, namely running a life, living a normal life, turning on the alarm to take medication, the reason for taking medication, taking medicine must be on time, fear of facing stigma and the spirit and hope. It is hoped that health services can pay attention to the psychological condition of adolescents with HIV in addition to their physical condition and ARV treatment."
Depok: Fakultas Ilmu Keperawatan Universitas Indonesia, 2020
UI - Tesis Membership  Universitas Indonesia Library
Perdana Kusuma
"Tujuan penelitian ini adalah untuk meningkatkan partisipasi relawan Dompet Dhuafa Sulawesi Selatan dalam perilaku pendistribusian hasil ZISWAF melalui pendekatan Appreciative Inquiry. Sebagai dasar dari terwujudnya partisipasi, penelusuran motivasi para relawan pun dilakukan menggunakan alat ukur volunteer function inventory untuk mengetahui motivasi dasar para relawan. Pengolahan data menggunakan SPSS 20 menunjukkan bahwa mayoritas relawan telah menjadikan value sebagai motivasi untuk bergabung menjadi relawan Dompet Dhuafa Sulsel. Dengan menggunakan metode eksperimen static group comparison, peneliti membagi partisipan yang merupakan relawan Dompet Dhuafa Sulawesi Selatan ke dalam dua kelompok secara acak untuk membandingkan partisipasi yang diberikan antara kelompok kontrol dan kelompok eksperimen. Hasil penelitian intervensi ini menunjukkan bahwa para relawan yang diberikan perlakuan Appreciative Inquiry mampu menunjukkan peningkatan partisipasi dengan menghasilkan program kegiatan kemanusiaan bagi para mustahik, mempersiapkan pelaksanaan kegiatan dan menunjukkan tingkat kehadiran yang lebih tinggi dibandingkan dengan kelompok kontrol pada saat pelaksanaan kegiatan.

The purpose of this study is to increase volunteers participation of Dompet Dhuafa in South Sulawesi, from the behavior of ZISWAF results distribution through appreciative inquiry approach. As the basis of participation realization, tracing process was conducted to see volunteers motivation by using a volunteer function inventory tool to determine the basic motivation of the volunteers. Data processing using SPSS 20 shows that the majority of volunteers have made value as a motivation to join Dompet Dhuafa volunteers in South Sulawesi. Using the static group comparison experimental method, the researchers divided participants who were volunteers of Dompet Dhuafa in South Sulawesi randomly into two groups, to compare the participation between control group and the experimental group. The results of this study indicate that the volunteers which are given the appreciative inquiry treatment were able to demonstrate increased participation by producing a humanitarian program for mustahik, preparing for the implementation of activities and showing a higher attendance rate than the control group at the time of implementation of the activity.
Depok: Fakultas Psikologi Universitas Indonesia, 2017
UI - Tesis Membership  Universitas Indonesia Library
Renata Anna Maria PS.
"This writing, as a final assignment will discuss about the emp1oyec’s
performance of Autocustom XYZ Ltd. The company had a unique characteristic
of employee. Their working principle is like an artist, as described in the job
description; they cannot be too restricted, but they are also need to be well
managed. The oompany’s characteristic is also not well structured, because they
still do not have any clear prospective which can create a standard for the
employees. This may leads to conflicts and work goals loss target.
One ofthe efforts to overcome this situation is to train the employee in
building an effective team. Team building training is expectably can lead to
emp1oyee’s awareness about the impoitance of an effective teamwork. The
awareness mentioned is to build eohesiveness, which is one of many criteria of an
effective team.
Thus, a specialized team building training is formed using Appreciative
Inquiry (Al) approaching. This training covers cognitive, affective, and
psychomotor area including the 4D model from AI (discovery, dreams, design,
and destiny) as a step to build a positive attitude so it may leads to the emp1oyee’s
awareness about the effective teamwork and can create optimum efforts.
An advantage for Autocustom XYZ Ltd. 'fiom this writing is well
expected, and for other fellow student who in practice, willing to create a team
building using appreciative inquiry approaching.
Depok: Fakultas Psikologi Universitas Indonesia, 2008
UI - Tesis Open  Universitas Indonesia Library
Guntur Gautamasunu
"Upaya kontra narasi radikalisasi pada pelajar SMA dapat dilakukan dengan menjadikan Rohis SMA sebagai pelopor dalam melakukan konter narasi dari kelompok radikal ISIS untuk mencegah radikalisasi di sekolah. Fokus penelitian ini adalah melakukan program intervensi untuk meningkatkan pemahaman Islam yang damai dengan menggunakan Appreciative Inquiry. Intervensi diberikan dalam bentuk workshop 'Aku Remaja Hebat Pelopor Dalam Menampilkan Islam Yang Damai' dilaksanakan dalam dua hari. Pengukuran dampak Intervensi dilakukan dengan uji hasil pre-test post-test skala belief in establishing Islam peacefully menggunakan Wilcoxon Signed-Rank Test sebagai statistika nonparametrik. Uji tersebut menghasilkan nilai p sebesar 0.007 yang menunjukkan bahwa intervensi meningkatkan belief in establishing Islam peacefully Rohis SMA.

The counter narrative efforts of radicalization in high school students can be made by making the students involving in the Islamic Spiritual Organization as a pioneer in performing counter narrative from ISIS radical groups to prevent radicalization in schools. The focus of this research is to conduct an intervention program to promote a peaceful understanding of Islam by using Appreciative Inquiry. Intervention was given in the form of a workshop titled 'Aku Remaja Hebat Pelopor Dalam Menampilkan Islam Yang Damai' carried out in two days. Measuring the impact of Intervention were performed by pre test post test test in the scale of belief in establishing Islam peacefully, using Wilcoxon Signed Rank Test as nonparametric statistics. The test produces a p value of 0.007 indicating that the intervention improves belief in establishing Islam peacefully on the students of Islamic spiritual organization.
Depok: Fakultas Psikologi Universitas Indonesia, 2017
UI - Tesis Membership  Universitas Indonesia Library
"Tujuan program intervensi ini untuk meningkatkan efikasi kolektif melalui peningkatan kohesi sosial kelompok tani di Desa Lemahabang, Karawang. Intervensi dilakukan menggunakan metode Appreciative Inquiry. Partisipan dalam intervensi ini sejumlah 24 orang petani yang tergabung dalam Gapoktan Sri Rejeki. Intervensi dilakukan selama dua hari pada 21-22 April 2017. Pengukuran dampak intervensi dilihat dari selisih nilai mean pada pre-test dan post-test melalui uji paired samples t test. Nilai mean pre-test kohesi sosial M=18,04, SD=2,386 dan nilai mean post-test M=20,42, SD=2,430 dengan signifikansi p.

The purpose of this intervention program is to increase collective efficacy through an increase of social cohesion from farmer groups in Desa Lemahabang, Karawang. This Intervention are using Appreciative Inquiry method. Participants in this intervention are 24 farmers who are the members of Gapoktan Sri Rejeki. Intervention was conducted for two days on April 21st 22nd 2017. Measurement of the impact of intervention is seen from the difference between mean values in pre test and post test through paired samples t test. The mean value of pre test social cohesion M 18.04, SD 2.386 and the mean post test M 20.42, SD 2,430 with significance p."
Depok: Universitas Indonesia, 2017
UI - Tesis Membership  Universitas Indonesia Library
Satrio Wahono
"Filsafat sebagai satu disiplin ilmiah kerap dituduh terlalu sibuk di menara gading dan tidak memiliki signifikansi praktis dalam kehidupan sehari-hari. Di sisi lain. manajemen sebagai disiplin ilmiah lainnya dituduh terlalu pragmatis dan menjadi sekutu dari masyarakat kapitalis yang menggurita, meskipun sejumlah fakta menunjukan bahwa manajemen memadnkan peranan penting dalam memandu umat manusia mengarungi perubahan menuju kehidupan dan masa depan yang lebih haik.
Penelitian ini berusaha memadukan dua disiplin tersebut dengan kecenderungan kepada diskursus filosofis bernama postmodernisme mengingat manusia kini hidup dalam dunia postmodern. Tugas memadukan ini diilhami oleh pernyataan dari Peter Drucker yang menekankan "manajemen sebagai humaniora", yang berarti hahwa manajemen bisa diasosiasikan dengan filsafat, yang merupakan cabang dari humaniora. Dari sini, peneliti berupaya menggunakan postmodernisme untuk menganalisa satu pendekatan manajemen yang dikenal sebagai Appreciative Inquiry (Al).
Pertanyaan-pertanyaan yang memandu penelitian ini adalah (1) Bagaimana kritik AI terhadap pendekatan manajemen modern? dan (2) Apakah Al bisa diklasifikasikan sebagai Pendekatan Manajemen Postmodern? Penelitian ini mengungkapkan hahwa AI memiliki banyak paralelitas atau kesejajaran dengan postmodernisme, sehingga P bisa disebut sebagai Pendekatan Manajemen Postmodern. AI sebagai pendekatan manajemen postmodern adalah sebuah proses Sosio-rasionalis yang mengkritik metafisika kehadiran yang mengatakan dunia itu eterberi; yang mengundang anggota organisasi untuk memandang dunia sebagai dipenuhi keajaiban sehari-hari yang harus diapresiasi terus-menerus yang menolak meta-narasi yang mendorong anggota organisasi untuk memproduksi metafora dan merancang takdir depan mereka sendiri; yang mempromosikan rasa saling hormat antar anggota organisasi yang mendorong upaya menuju kehidupan yang lebih baik dan yang melanggengkan sistem autopioesis yang cocok untuk menghadapi perubahan.
Pada akhirnya, penelitian ini telah membuktikan hahwa filsafat juga bisa memiliki signifikansi praktis dan bahwa manajemen juga bisa mengandung diskursus filosofis. Karenanya, studi mengenai berhagai kemungkinan pengaruh diskursus filsafat lain terhadap pendekatan manajemen harus didorong untuk bisa memberikan sumbangan lebih jauh kepada disiplin filsafat dan manajemen.

Philosophy as a discipline has been zealously accused of being too preoccupied in "ivory tower", of having no practical significance in daily life. On the other hand, management as another discipline has been accused of being too pragmatical and being accomplice of the juggernaut of capitalistic society despite the hard facts pointing to the importance of management in navigating humankind through drastic changes toward a better life and future.
This research aims to show that a philosophical discourse known as postmodernism can also influence management approaches. The research integration is inspired by a statement from Peter Drucker emphasizing "management as liberal arts", meaning that management can he associated with philosophy, a branch of liberal arts.
Based on this purpose, the researcher uses postmodernism to analyze a management approach known as Appreciative Inquiry Questions that guide the research arc (1) What criticisms that Al management approach have raised against the modern one? and (2) Can AI be classified as Postmodern Management Approach? The reseach discloses that Al has many parallels with postmodernism, thus, making the management approach worthy of bearing the name of Postmodern Management Approach. AI as a postmodern management approach is a socio-rationalist process that criticizes the metaphysics of presence saying the world is given; that invites organizational members to critize see the world as full of daily miracles to be appreciated continuosly; that denies meta-narratives; that encourages organizational members to produce metaphors and to make their own destiny; that promotes mutual respects for organizational members; supports efforts to lead a better life; and perpetuates an autopioesis system suitable for dealing with changes. in the final analysis, the research has proven that philosophy can also have a practical significance and that management can also contain philosophical discourses.
As a result. studies on the influence of other philosophical discourses to other management approaches should be fully endorsed to provide further contribution to the discipline of philosophy and management alike""
Depok: Fakultas Ilmu Pengetahuan dan Budaya Universitas Indonesia, 2006
UI - Tesis Membership  Universitas Indonesia Library
Maulani Novia Rostini
"Program-program remaja dibuat dan dikembangkan berdasarkan desifiensi dari remaja dan untuk pencegahan permasalahan remaja, tidak terkecuali dengan program pendidikan sebaya dalam isu kesehatan reproduksi di sekolah. Pengelola program remaja merupakan salah satu significant others yang berperan untuk meningkatkan intensi para pendidik sebaya untuk mengembangkan program pendidikan sebaya di sekolah. Menurut theory of planned behavior, salah satu cara untuk meningkatkan intensi adalah dengan berubuah sikap significant others agar lebih positif atau favorable (ajzen, 2005). Oleh karena itu, fokus intervensi pada penelitian ini adalah untuk meningkatkan sikap positif terhadap remaja melalui appreciative inquiry sebagai upaya pengembangan program remaja dengan menggunakan pendekatan psikologi positif di youth center PKBI Jawa Barat khususnya program pendidikan sebaya di sekolah dampingan. Hasil dari uji Wilcoxon signed rank teiirhadap evaluasi workhop menunjukan adanya perubahan sikap yang lebih positif terhadap remaja setelah para pengelola program remaja di youth center PKBI Jawa Barat mengikuti workshop appreciative inquiry.

Youth programs created and developed by deficits of adolescents and for prevention of adolescent problems, not least with peer education programs in reproductive health issues in schools. Youth program management is one of significant others whose role is to improve the intentions of the peer educators to develop peer education programs in schools. According to the theory of planned behavior, one way to increase the intention is to change the attitude of significant others to be more positive or favorable (Ajzen, 2005). Therefore, the focus of the intervention in this study is to increase positive attitudes toward youth through Appreciative Inquiry workshop as an efforts of youth program development by using positive psychology approach to youth centers in West Java IPPA. Results of the Wilcoxon signed rank test to evaluate the workshop showed a change in a more positive attitude toward youth after the youth program management attending Appreciative Inquiry workshop.
Depok: Fakultas Psikologi Universitas Indonesia, 2014
UI - Tesis Membership  Universitas Indonesia Library
Tiem, Darlene Van
"Appreciative inquiry (AI) is a form of organizational analysis and development based on understanding what currently works well and then building on strengths to make an even better organization. This Infoline describes principles of AI, including using positive language and storytelling to cause change; the 4-D model of discovery, dream, design, and destiny; and the HPI-AI model, which enables workplace learning and performance professionals to apply AI in the context of performance. The issue also provides general tips for using AI, a sample appreciative interview, and other helpful tools and information."
Alexandria, Virginia: American Society for Training & Development, 2006
eBooks  Universitas Indonesia Library
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