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Zuleha Ernas
"[Pesatnya pertumbuhan ekonomi dan penduduk di daerah pesisir menjadikan kebutuhan akan ruang yang lebih luas sehingga reklamasi kawasan pesisir menjadi pilihan utama yang banyak ditempuh Pemanfaatan pasir laut yang berlebihan dan tidak terkendali dapat mengganggu ekosisitem bahkan merusak daya dukungnya Penelitian ini mengkaji gangguan pada produktivitas perairan Teluk Banten Kabupaten Serang yang disebabkan kegiatan penambangan pasir laut di tahun 2004 2015 Masalah penelitian adalah belum adanya kajian ilmiah lingkungan mengenai pengaruh penambangan pasir laut di Teluk Banten Penelitian ini menggunakan pendekatan kuantitatif dengan metode kuantitatif dan kualitatif Data fisik dianalisis menggunakan korelasi dan regresi polinomial orde 2 dan data wawancara dianalisis dengan metode deskriptif Hasil penelitian memperlihatkan hubungan yang kuat r 0 9835 antara penambangan pasir laut dengan peningkatan kekeruhan perairan Teluk Banten dengan persamaan regresi y x 90 8494 9 2392 10 3 x 1 3059 10 7 x2 Penambangan pasir laut juga signifikan mengurangi produktivitas perairan Teluk Banten r 0 9726 dengan persamaan regresi y x 2 948 3 21 10 7 x ndash 8 26 10 14 x2 Hasil penelitian juga memperlihatkan persepsi negatif masyarakat nelayan terhadap aktivitas penambangan pasir laut Menurut mereka penambangan pasir laut berdampak pada aktivitas penangkapan ikan karena tidak dapat menangkap ikan di perairan dekat desa mereka lagi.
A rapid economic and population growths in urban coastal areas may followed by an expansion of space Mostly the expansion is applying a coastal reclamation An uncontrollable and overexploitation of marine sand for coastal reclamation may disturbing the ecosystem and even cause damage to its carrying capacity This research is finding the disturbance of marine productivity in Banten Coastal Bay Serang District which is caused by marine sand mining activity in 2004 2015 According to preliminary finding there is no scientific studies about the impact of marine sand mining activity in Banten Coastal Bay yet This research is using quantitative approach with quantitative and qualitative method The physical aspect has been analyzed using statistically correlation and 2nd order of polynomial regression Interview data which is analyzed by a descriptive method somehow providing some clues The result shows the strong correlation r 0 9835 between marine sand mining production and the increasing of water turbidity in Banten Coastal Bay which represent by a regression equation y x 90 8494 9 2392 10 3x 1 3059 10 7x2 Marine sand mining production is also significant reduce r 0 9726 the marine productivity of Banten Coastal Bay which represent by a regression equation y x 2 948 3 21 10 7x ndash 8 26 10 14x2 It is found in the fisheries community that they have a negative perception to the marine sand mining activity According them those mining activities impacting to their fishing tradition They cannot catch the fish in the near shore around their livinghood anymore ;A rapid economic and population growths in urban coastal areas may followed by an expansion of space Mostly the expansion is applying a coastal reclamation An uncontrollable and overexploitation of marine sand for coastal reclamation may disturbing the ecosystem and even cause damage to its carrying capacity This research is finding the disturbance of marine productivity in Banten Coastal Bay Serang District which is caused by marine sand mining activity in 2004 2015 According to preliminary finding there is no scientific studies about the impact of marine sand mining activity in Banten Coastal Bay yet This research is using quantitative approach with quantitative and qualitative method The physical aspect has been analyzed using statistically correlation and 2nd order of polynomial regression Interview data which is analyzed by a descriptive method somehow providing some clues The result shows the strong correlation r 0 9835 between marine sand mining production and the increasing of water turbidity in Banten Coastal Bay which represent by a regression equation y x 90 8494 9 2392 10 3x 1 3059 10 7x2 Marine sand mining production is also significant reduce r 0 9726 the marine productivity of Banten Coastal Bay which represent by a regression equation y x 2 948 3 21 10 7x ndash 8 26 10 14x2 It is found in the fisheries community that they have a negative perception to the marine sand mining activity According them those mining activities impacting to their fishing tradition They cannot catch the fish in the near shore around their livinghood anymore.;A rapid economic and population growths in urban coastal areas may followed by an expansion of space Mostly the expansion is applying a coastal reclamation An uncontrollable and overexploitation of marine sand for coastal reclamation may disturbing the ecosystem and even cause damage to its carrying capacity This research is finding the disturbance of marine productivity in Banten Coastal Bay Serang District which is caused by marine sand mining activity in 2004 2015 According to preliminary finding there is no scientific studies about the impact of marine sand mining activity in Banten Coastal Bay yet This research is using quantitative approach with quantitative and qualitative method The physical aspect has been analyzed using statistically correlation and 2nd order of polynomial regression Interview data which is analyzed by a descriptive method somehow providing some clues The result shows the strong correlation r 0 9835 between marine sand mining production and the increasing of water turbidity in Banten Coastal Bay which represent by a regression equation y x 90 8494 9 2392 10 3x 1 3059 10 7x2 Marine sand mining production is also significant reduce r 0 9726 the marine productivity of Banten Coastal Bay which represent by a regression equation y x 2 948 3 21 10 7x ndash 8 26 10 14x2 It is found in the fisheries community that they have a negative perception to the marine sand mining activity According them those mining activities impacting to their fishing tradition They cannot catch the fish in the near shore around their livinghood anymore , A rapid economic and population growths in urban coastal areas may followed by an expansion of space Mostly the expansion is applying a coastal reclamation An uncontrollable and overexploitation of marine sand for coastal reclamation may disturbing the ecosystem and even cause damage to its carrying capacity This research is finding the disturbance of marine productivity in Banten Coastal Bay Serang District which is caused by marine sand mining activity in 2004 2015 According to preliminary finding there is no scientific studies about the impact of marine sand mining activity in Banten Coastal Bay yet This research is using quantitative approach with quantitative and qualitative method The physical aspect has been analyzed using statistically correlation and 2nd order of polynomial regression Interview data which is analyzed by a descriptive method somehow providing some clues The result shows the strong correlation r 0 9835 between marine sand mining production and the increasing of water turbidity in Banten Coastal Bay which represent by a regression equation y x 90 8494 9 2392 10 3x 1 3059 10 7x2 Marine sand mining production is also significant reduce r 0 9726 the marine productivity of Banten Coastal Bay which represent by a regression equation y x 2 948 3 21 10 7x ndash 8 26 10 14x2 It is found in the fisheries community that they have a negative perception to the marine sand mining activity According them those mining activities impacting to their fishing tradition They cannot catch the fish in the near shore around their livinghood anymore ]"
Depok: Program Pascasarjana Universitas Indonesia, 2016
UI - Tesis Membership Universitas Indonesia Library
Mahmoudi, Said
Sweden: Almqvist & Wiksel International, 1987
341.42 MAH l
Buku Teks Universitas Indonesia Library
Achmad Dhani Maulana
"Konsumsi mineral untuk pembuatan alat dan fasilitas yang berguna bagi manusia terus meningkat selama beberapa dekade. Penambangan terestrial telah menjadi metode penambangan utama untuk mengekstraksi mineral bumi selama beberapa ribu tahun, namun kemunculan deep-sea mining sedang dalam perjalanan sejak tahun 1960-an dan sudah pada titik komersialisasi. Isu dampak dari penambangan laut dalam menjadi alasan utama berkembangnya deep-sea mining. deep-sea mining berada pada ekosistem yang paling rapuh di planet ini yang disebut zona bentik, sekaligus merupakan ekosistem terpenting di planet ini untuk mendukung ekosistem lain dalam memelihara telur, larva, dan juvenilnya. Dampak deep-sea mining terhadap ekosistem laut dalam juga menjadi perhatian Indonesia, karena penambangan laut dalam dimungkinkan untuk dilakukan, namun belum ada peraturan perlindungan lingkungan nasional untuk melestarikan atau melindungi ekosistem laut dalam. Kondisi kekosongan hukum dalam deep-sea mining ini dapat diisi dengan prinsip kehati-hatian yang telah dicanangkan oleh Pemerintah Indonesia dalam UU No. 32 Tahun 2009, namun hal tersebut bukanlah solusi yang mutlak atau optimal untuk mengatasi dampak deep-sea mining, dengan tetap mengacu pada konvensi, perjanjian, atau traktat internasional yang telah diratifikasi atau dikontribusikan oleh Pemerintah Indonesia.
The consumption of minerals for manufacturing tools and facilities that are helpful for humans is on the rise for decades. Terrestrial mining has been the main mining method to extract the earth's minerals for several thousand years, yet the emergence of deep-sea mining is on its way since the 1960s and is already on the point of being commercialized. The issues of impact from deep-sea mining are the main reason for the development of deep-sea mining. The action of deep-sea mining is located in the most fragile ecosystem on this planet called as benthic zone, while also the most important ecosystem on this planet to support other ecosystems to nurture their eggs, larvae, and juveniles. The impact of deep-sea mining on deep-sea ecosystems is also a concern for Indonesia, as it is possible to do deep-sea mining, yet there are no national environmental protection regulations to preserve nor protect the deep-sea ecosystem. This legal vacuum condition in deep-sea mining could be filled with the precautionary principle that the Indonesia Government in Law No. 32 of 2009, yet it isn’t the absolute nor the optimal solution to tackle the impact of deep-sea mining, while reflecting on any International convention, agreement, or treaty that have been ratified or contributed by the Indonesian government."
Depok: Fakultas Hukum Universitas Indonesia, 2022
UI - Skripsi Membership Universitas Indonesia Library
Kronmiller, Theodore G.
London: Oceana Publications, Inc, 1980
341.448 KRO l
Buku Teks Universitas Indonesia Library
Cambridge, UK: The MITT Press, 1980
341. 44 DEE
Buku Teks Universitas Indonesia Library
Post, Alexandra Merle
Boston: Martinus Nijhoff Publishers, 1983
341.44 POS d VIII
Buku Teks Universitas Indonesia Library
Belladonna Paramayswari
"Penambangan sirtu memiliki karakteristik produksi yang berbeda dengan penambangan mineral logam dan batubara, dimana rencana produksi sangat berkaitan dengan estimasi atau perkiraan pasar yang tidak menentu. Selain itu, jarak buang, jenis truck, jenis material, hingga ukuran vessel memiliki pengaruh terhadap produktivitas tambang. Kajian teknis terkait peralatan penambangan demi mengoptimalisasi kegiatan produksi dan target produksi dilakukan dengan tujuan utama mengevaluasi aspek teknis dan pengaruhnya terhadap kegiatan produksi. Aspek teknis yang dievaluasi adalah ketersediaan dan produktivitas alat berat dibandingkan dengan produktivitas truck (pengangkut material) dan pengaruh karakteristik material sirtu terhadap kebutuhan project. Terdapat kesimpulan bahwa kemampuan produksi rata-rata per jam dari setiap unit excavator yang digunakan dalam kegiatan penambangan lebih besar daripada kapasitas angkut dari armada truck, sehingga target produksi tidak tercapai. Selain itu, terjadi penumpukan antrian pada satu loading point dikarenakan material yang dibutuhkan pembeli dan jadwal antrian kedatangan truck yang kurang tertata dengan baik. Sehingga, dibutuhkan koordinasi lebih lanjut terkait jadwal pengambilan material dengan pembeli, edukasi pembeli terkait material yang dibutuhkan agar sesuai, dan apabila memungkinkan dilakukan perluasan loading point yang padat antrian sesuai dengan kebutuhan proyek.
Sandstone mining has different production characteristics than metal mineral and coal mining, where production plans are closely related to uncertain market estimation. In addition, the dumping distance, the truck type, the material type, and the size of the vessel influence mining productivity. Technical studies related to mining equipment to optimize the production activities and targets are carried out with the primary objective of evaluating technical aspects and their impact on production activities. The technical aspects that are evaluated are the availability and productivity of heavy equipment compared to truck productivity (material transporters) and the effect of the characteristics of sandstone materials on the project requirements. There is a conclusion that the average production capacity per hour of each excavator unit used in mining activities is greater than the carrying capacity of the truck fleet, so the production target is not achieved. In addition, there is a build-up of queues at one certain loading point due to the material needed by buyers and an unorganized truck arrival schedule. Thus, further coordination with the buyer is needed regarding the material collection schedule, educating the buyer in choosing the suitable materials, and, if possible, expanding the crowded loading point following project necessity."
Depok: Fakultas Teknik Universitas Indonesia, 2022
UI - Tugas Akhir Universitas Indonesia Library
Dennisa Maghffira Tunjung
"Estuari merupakan wilayah terjadinya pencampuran antara masa air laut dengan air tawar dari daratan sehingga memiliki keunikan tersendiri karena pada estuari terbentuk air payau dengan salinitas yang berfluktuasi. Wilayah estuari sangat dinamis karena selalu terjadi perubahan lingkungan fisik maupun biologis. Penentuan zonasi perairan estuari di lapangan sulit untuk dilakukan sehingga penggunaan data penginderaan jauh lebih efektif. Tujuan penelitian ini ialah menganalisis nilai sebaran salinitas hasil algoritma penduga sebaran salinitas yang paling sesuai di estuari Teluk Ciletuh, menganalisis hubungan antara parameter fisik oseanografi dan salinitas, dan menganalisis batas zonasi estuari Teluk Ciletuh dengan sebaran salinitas permukaan perairan berdasarkan bulan basah dan bulan kering. Metode yang digunakan untuk mengetahui nilai salinitas diperoleh dari pengolahan citra Sentinel-2 di tahun 2019 dan 2020 dengan membandingkan algoritma penduga sebaran salinitas yaitu algoritma Cilamaya dan algoritma Cimandiri. Analisis data yang digunakan ialah analisis statistik dengan melakukan uji korelasi untuk mendapatkan sebaran salinitas berdasarkan perhitungan algoritma yang cocok, analisis spasial untuk mendapatkan batas zonasi estuari berdasarkan bulan basah dan bulan kering, serta analisis statistik deskriptif untuk menganalisis sebaran salinitas berdasarkan faktor fisik oseanografi. Berdasarkan hasil validasi, didapatkan bahwa Algoritma Cilamaya lebih cocok digunakan di perairan Teluk Ciletuh. Pemetaan sebaran salinitas permukaan laut tersebut membentuk batas estuari. Curah hujan yang diklasifikasikan dalam bulan basah dan bulan kering mempengaruhi sebaran salinitas yang juga berpengaruh terhadap zonasi perairan dan batas wilayah estuari.
Estuary is an area where sea water is mixed with fresh water from the mainland so that it is unique because it forms brackish water with fluctuating salinity. The estuary area is very dynamic because there are always changes in the physical and biological environment. It is difficult to determine the zoning of estuary waters in the field so that the use of sensing data is much more effective. The aims of this study was to analyze the salinity distribution of the most suitable salinity distribution estimation algorithm in the estuary of Ciletuh Bay, to analyze the relationship between the physical parameters of oceanography and salinity, and to analyze the boundaries of the Ciletuh Bay area with the distribution of surface salinity based on wet months and dry months. The method used to measure the salinity value obtained from Sentinel-2 image processing in 2019 and 2020 is by comparing the spread of salinity estimation methods, namely the Cilamaya algorithm and the Cimandiri algorithm. The data analysis used is statistical analysis by conducting trials to obtain the distribution of salinity based on the calculation of a suitable algorithm, spatial analysis to obtain estuary zoning boundaries based on wet and dry months, and descriptive statistical analysis to analyze the distribution of salinity based on physical oceanographic factors. Based on valid results, it was found that the Cilamaya Algorithm is more suitable for use in the waters of Ciletuh Bay. Mapping the distribution of sea surface salinity forms the estuary boundary. Rainfall classified into wet months and dry months affects the distribution of salinity which also affects the zoning of waters and the boundaries of the estuary area."
Depok: Fakultas Matematika dan Ilmu Pengetahuan Alam Universitas Indonesia, 2021
UI - Skripsi Membership Universitas Indonesia Library
"Kabupaten Garut merupakan kabupaten yang mempunyai potensi sumber daya bahan tambang berupa bahan galian logam (mineral) maupun non logam diantaranya pasir dan batuan andesit. salah satu wilayahnya di Gunung Guntur. Banyak faktor yang mendorong agar penambangan di wilayah tersebut dihentikan, salah satunya faktor lingkungan. Sehingga perlu relokasi ke wilayah lain yang mempunyai potensi bahan tambang untuk memenuhi permintaan pasar yang semakin meningkat. Relokasi tersebut dilakukan sebagai langkah agar aktivitas penambangan tidak mengganggu wisata pegunungan, kondisi lingkungan alam dan sisi kebijakan yang terkait dengan lingkungan, keselamatan dan kesehatan kerja serta tata ruang. Hasil pengamatan lapangan, secara geologi lokasi kajian didominasi oleh Lava Guntur (Qhg), Endapan Rempah Lepas Gunung Muda Tak Teruraikan (Qypu), dan Batuan Gunungapi Muda (Qym). Hal yang harus diperhatikan dalam aspek geologi salah satunya pola sebaran sungai, di lokasi. Hasil kegiatan lapangan menunjukan bahwa jenis vegetasi yang banyak ditemui di lokasi adalah tanaman pertanian dan perkebunan, semak belukar dan bambu. Berdasarkan hasil perhitungan sumberdaya terkira Boulder andesit-basal sebesar 13,515,740 MT, dengan perkiraan ketebalan rata-rata andesit-basal diambil dari atas permukaan ke titik terdalam dari penetrasi geolistrik 60 meter, walaupun pada faktanya ketebalan andesit-basal tidak ada ukuran pasti, sehingga CF (Concretion Factor) mempunyai nilai 30 %."
Bandung: Unisba Pusat Penerbitan Universitas (P2U-LPPM), 2017
Artikel Jurnal Universitas Indonesia Library
Dimas Pratama Yuda
ABSTRAKPenelitian ini membahas tentang Tinjauan Yuridis Mengenai Kepastian Hukum Penyesuaian Kontrak Karya Pertambangan Terhadap UU No 4 Tahun 2009 Tentang Pertambangan Mineral dan Batubara UU Pertambangan Minerba Penelitian ini dilakukan sehubungan dengan adanya aturan di dalam ketentuan peralihan UU Pertambangan Minerba yang mewajibkan penyesuaian ketentuan di dalam Kontrak Karya KK terhadap UU Pertambangan Minerba Tujuan dari penelitian ini adalah mengetahui gambaran mengenai pengaturan penyesuaian KK serta permasalahan di dalam pelaksanaannya selain juga untuk mengetahui mengenai kepastian hukum terkait pelaksanaan penyesuaian KK terhadap UU Pertambangan Minerba Untuk itu penelitian ini menggunakan metode penelitian hukum yuridis normatif dengan menggunakan sumber daya sekunder yang dianalisis menggunakan analisis data kualitatif Hasil dari penelitian menunjukkan bahwa pelaksanaan penyesuaian KK terhadap UU Pertambangan Minerba masih memiliki sejumlah masalah dan kendala yang berasal dari belum adanya pengaturan yang mengatur secara komprehensif dan tumpang tindih pengaturan sehingga pengaturan yang ada belum menjamin kepastian hukum dalam proses penyesuaian kontrak karya tersebut Dengan demikian pemerintah bersama sama dengan para pemangku kepentingan stakeholders yang terkait perlu segera melengkapi serta memperbaiki pengaturan yang ada pada saat ini demi menjamin adanya kepastian hukum dalam proses penyesuaian KK terhadap UU Pertambangan Minerba
ABSTRACTThis Research discusses the legal analysis of legal certainty behind the Contract of Works CoW adjustment to Law No 4 of 2009 Concerning Mineral and Coal Mining Law No 4 2009 This research is conducted due to the clause of transitional provisions in the Law No 4 2009 which requires adjustment of provisions in the CoW to the Law No 4 2009 The purpose of this research is to determine an overview of the framework in CoW adjustment regulations and issues in its implementation as well as to find out about the legal certainty regarding its conduct pertaining to the Law No 4 2009 To that end this research uses juridical normative legal research method by utilizing analyzed secondary source and qualitative data As the result this research showed that the implementation of the adjustment the CoW to the Law No 4 2009 still contains a number of problems and constraints stemming from the lack and overlapping regulations Therefore the regulations has yet to ensure legal certainty in the process of adjustment of the CoW Thus the government together with the stakeholders needs to complete and improve existing regulations in order to ensure legal certainty in the process of adjustment of the CoW to the Law 4 2009 "
Jakarta: Fakultas Hukum Universitas Indonesia, 2014
UI - Tesis Membership Universitas Indonesia Library