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Maharlika Ramdhani
Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mengetahui dampak dari desentralisasi
fiskal dan pembentukan Tim Pemantauan dan Pengendalian Inflasi Daerah (TPID)
terhadap inflasi regional di Indonesia selama kurun waktu 2008-2013. Variabelvariabel
yang digunakan dalam penelitian ini adalah tingkat inflasi, rasio
pengeluaran dan rasio otonomi pendapatan sebagai proxy desentralisasi fiskal,
keberadaan TPID, produk domestik regional bruto (PDRB), kondisi infrastruktur,
populasi, dan inflasi bahan makanan regional. Data yang digunakan dihimpun dari
65 kota yang dianggap sebagai kontributor inflasi nasional. Hasil penelitian ini
menunjukkan bahwa rasio pengeluaran sebagai salah satu indikator desentralisasi
fiskal memiliki hubungan negatif dengan tingkat inflasi daerah, sedangkan rasio
otonomi pendapatan daerah dan keberadaan TPID pada tingkat kabupaten/kota
tidak memberikan dampak signifikan terhadap volatilitas inflasi regional di daerah.

This study aims to examine the impact of the fiscal decentralization and Regional
Inflation Task Force (RITF) on regional inflation rate in 65 cities in Indonesia for
2008-2013 period. The results of the paper shows that expenditure ratio as an
indicator of fiscal decentralization has a negative relationship with regional
inflation rate, while regional revenue autonomy ratio and the existence of RITF in
regions do not bring any significant impact to the volatility of inflation rate in
regions.;This study aims to examine the impact of the fiscal decentralization and Regional
Inflation Task Force (RITF) on regional inflation rate in 65 cities in Indonesia for
2008-2013 period. The results of the paper shows that expenditure ratio as an
indicator of fiscal decentralization has a negative relationship with regional
inflation rate, while regional revenue autonomy ratio and the existence of RITF in
regions do not bring any significant impact to the volatility of inflation rate in
regions., This study aims to examine the impact of the fiscal decentralization and Regional
Inflation Task Force (RITF) on regional inflation rate in 65 cities in Indonesia for
2008-2013 period. The results of the paper shows that expenditure ratio as an
indicator of fiscal decentralization has a negative relationship with regional
inflation rate, while regional revenue autonomy ratio and the existence of RITF in
regions do not bring any significant impact to the volatility of inflation rate in
UI - Tesis Membership  Universitas Indonesia Library
"Penelitian ini mengidentifikasi dampak desentralisasi fiskal terhadap pertumbuhan ekonomi regional di Sumatera, Indonesia. Digunakan tiga model regresi untuk menganalisa data panel lima indikator utama desentralisasi fiskal periode 2007-2013 yaitu: OLS, Fixed Effect Model dan Random Effect Model. Data yang digunakan pada penelitian ini merupakan data sekunder yang bersumber dari Badan Pusat Dtatistik (BPS) dan Direktorat Jenderal Perimbangan Keuangan Kementrian Keuangan Republik Indonesia. Temuan empiris penelitian ini menunjukkan bahwa tiga indikator berupa pendapatan daerah, pengeluaran daerah dan jumlah penduduk memiliki dampak negatif terhadap pertumbuhan ekonomi, sementara tingkat pendidikan dan tingkat serapan tenaga kerja berkorelasi positif terhdap pertumbuhan ekonomi di Sumatera, Indonesia.

This paper analyzes the impact of fiscal decentralization on regional economic growth in Sumatera, Indonesia. Within the framework of an OLS, Fixed Effect Model and Random Effect Model was employed in this thesis on a set of dynamic panel data models with latent variables over a period 2007- 2013. Two indicators of fiscal decentralization, local revenue, and local expenditure were used to measure impact of fiscal decentralization in Sumatera. Data for this study comes from secondary sources; BPS and DJAPK ministry of Finance Republic of Indonesia. The empirical finding of this study suggests that two fiscal decentralization indicators and number of population have a negative significant impact on regional economic growth. However, number of education and employment rate are positively correlated with economic growth. Finally, there is a little consensus on the relationship between fiscal decentralization and economic growth in Sumatera, Indonesia."
Depok: Fakultas Ekonomi dan Bisnis Universitas Indonesia, 2015
UI - Tesis Membership  Universitas Indonesia Library
Hira Laraya
"Dinamika inflasi nasional dipengaruhi oleh inflasi regional pada kota-kota terpilih di Indonesia. Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk menganalisis determinan inflasi regional yang berupa faktor non moneter pada 45 kota di Indonesia tahun 2003-2012. Penelitian ini dilakukan dengan menggunakan metode estimasi data panel dengan pendekatan Generalized Least Square (GLS). Kesimpulan penelitian ini menunjukkan bahwa faktor-faktor non moneter berupa Pendapatan Asli Daerah (PAD), upah minimum, produktivitas tenaga kerja, dan infrastruktur jalan berpengaruh secara signifikan terhadap inflasi regional di Indonesia.

National inflation is influenced by regional inflation in selected cities. This research analyzes the determinants of regional inflation in 45 cities of Indonesia year 2003-2012. This research done by the panel data method with the approach of Generalized Least Square (GLS). The result of this research shows that non monetary factors such as own-source revenue (Pendapatan Asli Daerah, or PAD), minimum wages, labour productivity, and road infrastructure affect regional inflation in Indonesia.
Depok: Fakultas Ekonomi dan Bisnis Universitas Indonesia, 2014
UI - Skripsi Membership  Universitas Indonesia Library
Sri-Edi Swasono
Jakarta: [publisher not identified], 1979
330.991 SRI p
Buku Teks  Universitas Indonesia Library
Kenichi Ohmae
New York: The Free Press, 1995
337.1 OHM e
Buku Teks  Universitas Indonesia Library
Kenichi Ohmae
London: Harper Collins, 1995
330.9 OHM e
Buku Teks  Universitas Indonesia Library
Hasta Dwi Pradana
"Desentralisasi fiskal yang dilaksanakan sejak tahun 2001 telah membawa perubahan yang besar bagi tata kelola keuangan publik di Indonesia. Penelitian ini mencoba melihat pengaruh pelaksanaan desentralisasi fiskal di Indonesia terhadap ukuran pemerintah daerah provinsi [rasio antara pengeluaran pemerintah daerah provinsi (konsolidasi provinsi dan kabupaten kota) terhadap PDRB provinsi]. Hal tersebut sesuai dengan hipotesis yang dikemukakan oleh Brennan dan Buchanan (1980) dan Wallis dan Oates (1988) mengenai pengaruh desentralisasi fiskal terhadap ukuran pemerintah daerah.
Selain melihat pengaruh desentralisasi fiskal terhadap ukuran pemerintah daerah provinsi, penelitian ini juga mencoba melihat pengaruh ukuran pemerintah daerah provinsi terhadap pertumbuhan ekonomi daerah provinsi. Hal tersebut mengacu pada hipotesis yang dikemukakan oleh Armey (1995), bahwa ukuran pemerintah juga berpengaruh terhadap pertumbuhan ekonomi. Penelitian ini dilakukan dengan menggunakan model ekonometrika data panel untuk data dari 26 provinsi di Indonesia pada tahun 1995-2013.
Hasil dari penelitian ini menunjukkan bahwa desentralisasi fiskal di Indonesia berpengaruh positif terhadap ukuran pemerintah daerah provinsi. Ukuran pemerintah daerah provinsi juga berpengaruh positif terhadap pertumbuhan ekonomi daerah provinsi. Namun, penelitian ini juga menunjukkan bahwa ukuran optimal dari pemerintah daerah provinsi yang memaksimumkan pertumbuhan ekonomi daerah provinsi belum/tidak terjadi di Indonesia berdasarkan data yang digunakan.

Fiscal decentralization which has been doing since 2001 brought massive transformation for the governance of the public finance in Indonesia. This research aimed to observe the effect of fiscal decentralization in Indonesia on provincial government size [ratio between provincial government expenditure (consolidation between province and district, city) on GDRP of province]. It was based on hypothesis by Brennan & Buchanan (1980) and Wallis & Oates (1988) about the effect of fiscal decentralization on subnational government size.
In addition to observing the effect of fiscal decentralization on provincial government size, this research also aimed to observe the effect of provincial government size on the regional economic growth. It based on hypothesis stated by Armey (1995) that government size is related to economic growth. Method of the research was econometric panel data modelling for data of 26 provinces in Indonesia from 1995 to 2013.
Result showed that fiscal decentralization in Indonesia had positive effect on provincial government size. Provincial government size also positively affected regional economic growth. However, this study showed that optimal size of provincial government in order to maximize regional economic growth had not or did not occur in Indonesia based on data used.
Depok: Fakultas Ekonomi dan Bisnis Universitas Indonesia, 2016
UI - Tesis Membership  Universitas Indonesia Library
Nugraha Indrakusumah
"Fenomena urban development menuntut tingginya tingkat permintaan (demand) dari masyarakat terhadap bangunan gedung untuk hunian dan tempat usaha serta tingginya nilai ekonomis dari properti tiap tahunnya. Hal ini memicu pembangunan gedung bertingkat untuk hunian seperti apartemen dan rumah susun di Kota Bekasi. Aplikasi dari teknologi LIDAR dan Foto Udara terlihat sangat membantu didalam menganalisis pola persebaran spasial terhadap obyek gedung bertingkat hunian yang ada di Kota Bekasi menggunakan teknik analisis tetanggga terdekat dan kernel density. Hasil menunjukkan bahwa pola persebaran spasial terhadap obyek gedung bertingkat hunian yang ada di Kota Bekasi adalah cenderung mengelompok dengan ciri jarak antara lokasi gedung bertingkat yang satu dengan lokasi gedung bertingkat lainnya berdekatan dan cenderung mengelompok pada tempat-tempat tertentu. Sedangkan kesesuaian antara tata ruang wilayah Kota Bekasi dengan lokasi sebaran gedung bertingkat hunian baik yang befungsi sebagai apartemen, maupun hotel, plaza secara umum memperlihatkan adanya ketidaksesuaian. Implikasi pola spasial gedung bertingkat yang dijumpai di Kota Bekasi memperlihatkan semakin bertambahnya gedung bertingkat hunian, akan mengakibatkan semakin bertambahnya share pembangunan gedung terhadap sektor bangunan pada PDRB yaitu yang tercantum pada PDRB Atas Dasar Harga Bangunan. Namun kondisi tersebut tidak semata ? mata secara total meningkatkan laju pertumbuhan ekonomi regional di Kota Bekasi.

The phenomenon of urban development requires high levels of demand (demand) from the public against the building for residential and business premises as well as the high economic value of the property each year. This triggers the construction of multi-storey buildings for residential as apartments and flats in the city of Bekasi. Application of LIDAR technology and Air Photo looks very helpful in analyzing the spatial distribution pattern of the object existing residential high rise building in Bekasi using analytical techniques a neighbor nearby and kernel density. Results showed that the spatial distribution pattern of the object-storey residential building in the city of Bekasi tend to cluster with the characteristic distance between the location of the one-storey building with other tall buildings adjacent locations and tend to cluster in certain places. While the conformity between the spatial distribution of Bekasi City with locations storey residential building both functioned as apartments, hotels, plazas generally showed discrepancies. Implications of spatial patterns storey building found in Bekasi show the increasing of multi-storey residential buildings, would result in the increasing share of the building construction sector for the GDP listed in GDP Based On Building Price. However, these conditions might have partly improved the rate of economic growth in Bekasi."
Depok: Universitas Indonesia, 2016
UI - Tesis Membership  Universitas Indonesia Library
Rif Abrar Raflis
Desentralisasi fiskal di Indonesia dewasa ini diharapkan dapat menjadi jawaban untuk meningkatkan kapasitas dan kinerja perekonomian wilayah dalam mendorong pertumbuhan ekonomi dan memberikan pelayanan publik yang lebih baik bagi masyarakat. Namun, hal ini menjadi perdebatan seiring hasil penelitian- penelitian yang beberapa diantaranya menunjukkan hasil yang bertentangan di beberapa negara atau wilayah. Untuk menjawab pola pengaruh penerapan desentralisasi fiskal di Indonesia, thesis ini melakukan analisis empiris pengaruh pelaksanaan desentralisasi fiskal terhadap pembangunan ekonomi wilayah dan untuk mengidentifikasi dampaknya merujuk pada efisiensi ekonomi, keadilan fiskal horisontal, dan efek spillover pertumbuhan ekonomi regional.
Penelitian ini dilakukan dengan menggunakan data panel 33 provinsi di Indonesia rentang periode 2005-2012 yang didasarkan pada model Solow-Swan, yang mengasumsikan bahwa hubungan antara output ekonomi, tenaga kerja dan modal dengan skala hasil konstan dan mengurangi kembali ke setiap masukan dan adanya peningkatan teknologi. Dalam hal ini teknologi kembali diasumsikan sebagai fungsi yang dipengaruhi oleh variabel eksogen terkait dan desentralisasi fiskal. Pembangunan ekonomi dalam thesis ini diungkapkan dengan Growth Model dan Level Model. Growth model menjelaskan pertumbuhan ekonomi daerah menggunakan derajat desentralisasi fiskal dan pertumbuhan / proxy variabel penjelas lainnya secara normatif.
Sedangkan Level Model mengidentifikasi model yang didasarkan dari Growth Model dengan perubahan variabel yang tidak dibentuk dalam kerangka pertumbuhan variabel-variabelnya tetapi pada tingkat nilai variabel tersebut yang dinormalisasikan menggunakan logaritma. Terkait desentralisasi fiscal, tingkat desentralisasi fiskal diwakili oleh rasio total belanja pemerintah daerah dan pendapatan terhadap total belanja dan pendapatan pemerintah pusat dan pemerintah daerah. Dan terkait efek spillover pertumbuhan ekonomi wilayah, analisa spasial yaitu Local Index Spatial Analysis (LISA) diterapkan untuk melihat koefisien regresi atas ruang (Anselin, 1995). Dalam analisis ini variabel seperti PDRB dan beberapa variabel dummy diperkenalkan untuk mengukur autokorelasi spasial terhadap pertumbuhan ekonomi.

Fiscal decentralization is offered as a way to accelerate the performance of each province?s economic capability to encourage economic growth and better public services for their people. However, this approach is still a debate. Previous studies show a contradictory result on the effect of fiscal decentralization in various countries and regions. This thesis performs empirical analysis of influences of fiscal decentralization on regional economic development to see the implementation of fiscal decentralization on developing country like Indonesia and to figure out the effects on traditional economic goals including economic efficiency, horizontal fiscal equity, and spillover effects of regional economic growth.
The study is conducted using panel data of 33 provinces in Indonesia from 2005 to 2012 and the model is basically based on the Solow-Swan Model, assuming a relation between economic output and labour and capital with constant returns to scale and diminish returns to each input and the existence of technology improvement, which is assumed as a function of other exogenous variables and fiscal decentralization. The economic development in this thesis is expressed by a growth model and a level model. The growth model explains regional economic growth using the degree of fiscal decentralization and the growth/proxy of other explanatory variables. The level model regresses the level of province?s GRDP on the degree of fiscal decentralization and the level or proxy of other explanatory variables. The degree of fiscal decentralization is represented by the ratio of total local government expenditure and revenue to the total expenditure and revenue of central government and local government. Regarding the spatial spillover effect, Local Index Spatial Analysis (LISA) is introduced to see the regression coefficients over space (Anselin, 1995). In this analysis variables such as GRDP and some dummy variables are introduced to measure the spatial autocorrelation with respect to economic growth., Fiscal decentralization is offered as a way to accelerate the performance of each province’s economic capability to encourage economic growth and better public services for their people. However, this approach is still a debate. Previous studies show a contradictory result on the effect of fiscal decentralization in various countries and regions. This thesis performs empirical analysis of influences of fiscal decentralization on regional economic development to see the implementation of fiscal decentralization on developing country like Indonesia and to figure out the effects on traditional economic goals including economic efficiency, horizontal fiscal equity, and spillover effects of regional economic growth.
The study is conducted using panel data of 33 provinces in Indonesia from 2005 to 2012 and the model is basically based on the Solow-Swan Model, assuming a relation between economic output and labour and capital with constant returns to scale and diminish returns to each input and the existence of technology improvement, which is assumed as a function of other exogenous variables and fiscal decentralization. The economic development in this thesis is expressed by a growth model and a level model. The growth model explains regional economic growth using the degree of fiscal decentralization and the growth/proxy of other explanatory variables. The level model regresses the level of province’s GRDP on the degree of fiscal decentralization and the level or proxy of other explanatory variables. The degree of fiscal decentralization is represented by the ratio of total local government expenditure and revenue to the total expenditure and revenue of central government and local government. Regarding the spatial spillover effect, Local Index Spatial Analysis (LISA) is introduced to see the regression coefficients over space (Anselin, 1995). In this analysis variables such as GRDP and some dummy variables are introduced to measure the spatial autocorrelation with respect to economic growth.]"
UI - Tesis Membership  Universitas Indonesia Library
Dhina Mahariana Ningsih
"[Tesis ini membahas probabilitas dari dampak spatial spillover dari infrastruktur jalan terhadap pertumbuhan ekonomi di provinsi Jawa Barat menggunakan data panel kabupaten/kota pada tahun 2007-2010. Studi ini menggunakan data Produk Domestik Regional Bruto (PDRB) sebagai indikator pertumbuhan ekonomi. Jalan dengan kondisi baik dan kepadatan jalan digunakan untuk mewakili infrastruktur
jalan. Selanjutnya, tenaga kerja dan stok kapital swasta digunakan sebagai variabel kontrol. Penelitian ini menguji hipotesis bahwa infrastruktur jalan yang memadai tidak hanya akan memberikan efek positif pada pembangunan ekonomi suatu wilayah, tetapi juga terhadap wilayah di sekelilingnya. Untuk mengetahui adanya korelasi spasial dilakukan uji dengan menggunakan Global’s Moran I index, hasilnya menunjukkan bahwa terdapat dependensi spasial antar kabupaten/kota di provinsi Jawa Barat. Penelitian ini menyimpulkan bahwa spatial spillover infrastruktur jalan memiliki dampak positif pada pertumbuhan
ekonomi di tingkat regional.;This research examines the probability of spatial spillover effect of road infrastructure to regional economic growth in the West Java province by using data panel over 2007 to 2012 at regency’s level. This study uses Gross Regional Domestic Product (GRDP) as indicator of economic growth. Good road condition
and road density are utilized to explain road infrastructure. In addition, controlling variables use the labor force and private capital stock. This study tests the hypothesis that sufficient road infrastructure brings positive effect on economic development not only within region, but also on surrounding regions. The spatial correlation test by using Global’s Moran I index results on the existence of spatial dependence among regencies on the West Java Province. The main results
conclude that the positive spillover of road infrastructure on regional economic growth occurs in these periods at regional level;This research examines the probability of spatial spillover effect of road
infrastructure to regional economic growth in the West Java province by using
data panel over 2007 to 2012 at regency’s level. This study uses Gross Regional
Domestic Product (GRDP) as indicator of economic growth. Good road condition
and road density are utilized to explain road infrastructure. In addition, controlling
variables use the labor force and private capital stock. This study tests the
hypothesis that sufficient road infrastructure brings positive effect on economic
development not only within region, but also on surrounding regions. The spatial
correlation test by using Global’s Moran I index results on the existence of spatial
dependence among regencies on the West Java Province. The main results
conclude that the positive spillover of road infrastructure on regional economic
growth occurs in these periods at regional level, This research examines the probability of spatial spillover effect of road
infrastructure to regional economic growth in the West Java province by using
data panel over 2007 to 2012 at regency’s level. This study uses Gross Regional
Domestic Product (GRDP) as indicator of economic growth. Good road condition
and road density are utilized to explain road infrastructure. In addition, controlling
variables use the labor force and private capital stock. This study tests the
hypothesis that sufficient road infrastructure brings positive effect on economic
development not only within region, but also on surrounding regions. The spatial
correlation test by using Global’s Moran I index results on the existence of spatial
dependence among regencies on the West Java Province. The main results
conclude that the positive spillover of road infrastructure on regional economic
growth occurs in these periods at regional level]"
Fakultas Ekonomi dan Bisnis Universitas Indonesia, 2015
UI - Tesis Membership  Universitas Indonesia Library
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