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Hilda Handayani
"Penelitian bertujuan untuk mengetahui pengaruh pemberian pollen substitute (PS) yang dibandingkan dengan pemberian pollen pada Apis mellifera. Sebanyak dua koloni Apis mellifera diberi perlakuan PS (P2 dan P3) setiap minggu selama tujuh minggu. Pollen substitute dibuat dari biomassa basah Candida hawaiiana CR014 yang disajikan dengan gula pasir, dan sari nanas dengan rasio 6: 100: 40 (b/b/v). Sebanyak dua koloni A. mellifera yang digunakan sebagai kontrol positif (K2 dan K3) diberi pakan berupa sari nanas dan pollen setiap minggu selama tujuh minggu. Jumlah larva dan lebah pekerja diamati setiap minggu selama tujuh minggu.
Data yang diperoleh dianalisis menggunakan uji Anava satu faktor dan uji T. Secara umum, terjadi penurunan jumlah lebah pekerja pada koloni yang diberi PS dan koloni yang diberi pollen, namun jumlah lebah pekerja pada koloni yang diberi PS tidak berbeda secara signifikan (P>0,05) dengan koloni yang diberi pollen. Jumlah larva pada koloni yang diberi PS tidak berbeda secara signifikan (P>0,05) dengan koloni yang diberi pollen. Pemberian PS dapat menggantikan peran pollen sebagai sumber protein dalam mempertahankan jumlah lebah pekerja dan jumlah larva A. mellifera.

The research aimed to determine the effect of pollen substitute and compared with pollen to feed Apis mellifera. Two colonies (P2 and P3), as a treatment, were each fed with PS once a week during seven weeks experimental period. PS was made of wet biomass of Candida hawaiiana CR014 which served with sugar and pineapple juice with ratio 6: 100: 40 (b/b/v). Two colonies (K1 and K2), as positive control were fed pineapple juice and pollen once a week during seven weeks. The number of larvae and the number of worker were determined every once in a week for seven weeks.
The result were analyzed using one way Anova test and independence T test. Commonly, there were a decrease in the number of worker between colony fed PS and colony fed pollen but there were no significant variations (p>0,05) in the number of worker between colony fed PS compare to pollen. There were no significant variations (p>0,05) in the number of larvae between colony fed PS compare to pollen. PS can replace pollen as source of protein and maintain the number of worker and larvae of A. mellifera.
Depok: Fakultas Matematika dan Ilmu Pengetahuan Alam Universitas Indonesia, 2016
UI - Skripsi Membership  Universitas Indonesia Library
Ita Yuni Rachmawati
"Penelitian bertujuan untuk mengetahui pengaruh pemberian PS terhadap jumlah larva, sel madu, volume dan kualitas madu hasil panen. Pemberian PS dapat menggantikan pollen sebagai sumber protein bagi Apis mellifera untuk mempertahankan produktivitas koloninya. Pollen substitute dibuat menggunakan 6 g biomassa basah Candida hawaiiana CR014 dicampur dengan 100 mL sirup nanas. Dua koloni (P.2 dan P.3) sebagai perlakuan diberi PS, sedangkan dua koloni (K.1 dan K.2) sebagai kontrol positif diberi campuran pollen jagung dengan 100 mL sirup nanas, setiap minggu selama enam minggu pada musim kemarau. Jumlah larva dan sel madu diamati setiap minggu selama delapan minggu.
Data dianalisis menggunakan uji ANOVA satu faktor, HSD Tukey, dan uji T. Volume dan kualitas madu hasil panen ditentukan pada minggu ketujuh setelah pemberian PS. Rerata jumlah larva pada koloni perlakuan tidak berbeda nyata (P>0,05) dengan kontrol positif. Rerata jumlah sel madu pada koloni perlakuan berbeda nyata (P<0,05) dengan kontrol positif. Volume madu hasil panen dari setiap koloni relatif stabil. Kualitas madu dari koloni perlakuan dan kontrol positif secara umum memenuhi SNI Madu 01-3545-2004, kecuali konsentrasi sukrosa. Pemberian PS selama enam minggu pada musim kemarau dapat mempertahankan produktivitas koloni A. mellifera (jumlah larva, sel madu, dan volume madu yang dihasilkan).

The study aimed to examine the effect of PS on the number of larvae, honey cells, volume and quality of honey yields. Feeding PS can replace pollen as a protein source for Apis mellifera to maintain productivity of colonies. Pollen substitute was made from 6 g of wet biomass of Candida hawaiiana CR014 mixed with 100 mL pineapple sugar. Two colonies (P.2 and P.3) as treatment, were each fed with PS, while two colonies (K.1 and K.2) as positive control, were each fed with 100 mL of a mixture of maize?s pollen and pineapple sugar, once a week for six weeks during dry season. The total number of larvae and honey cells were counted every week for eight weeks.
The results were analyzed using one way ANOVA test, HSD Tukey, and independent T test. The volume and quality of honey yields were determined on seventh week after the PS feeding. The number of larvae in treated colonies was not significantly different (P>0,05) from positive control. The number of honey cells in treated colonies was significantly different (P<0,05) from positive control. The volume of honey yields from each colonies relatively stable. The quality of honey yields from treated colonies and positive control met the National Quality Standard based on SNI 01-3545-2004, except sucrose concentration. It is concluded that feeding of PS for six weeks during dry season could maintain productivity of A. mellifera colonies (the number of larvae, honey cells, and volume of honey yields).
Depok: Fakultas Matematika dan Ilmu Pengetahuan Alam Universitas Indonesia, 2016
UI - Skripsi Membership  Universitas Indonesia Library
Desi Pertiwi
"Penelitian bertujuan untuk mengetahui pengaruh pemberian pollen substitute (PS) mengandung biomassa C. hawaiiana CR014 terhadap jumlah larva dan pupa lebah pekerja A. mellifera. Sebagai kontrol positif koloni lebah madu diberi pakan tambahan pollen jagung. Pemberian pakan dilakukan sekali seminggu selama enam minggu pada musim kemarau. Hasil uji ANOVA satu faktor menunjukkan bahwa rerata jumlah larva yang dihasilkan per minggu pada koloni perlakuan dan koloni kontrol positif tidak berbeda nyata (P>0,05). Begitu pula dengan rerata jumlah pupa pada koloni perlakuan dan kontrol positif per minggu tidak berbeda nyata (P>0,05).
Hasil uji T juga menunjukkan bahwa rerata jumlah larva dan pupa per minggu antara koloni perlakuan dan koloni kontrol positif tidak berbeda nyata (P>0,05). Pemberian PS pada A. mellifera memberikan pengaruh yang hampir sama baiknya dengan pemberian pollen jagung terhadap jumlah larva dan pupa lebah pekerja A. mellifera selama periode pengamatan tujuh minggu. Hasil penelitian memperlihatkan bahwa PS yang mengandung biomassa C. hawaiiana CR014 dapat menggantikan peran pollen alami sebagai sumber protein A. mellifera untuk mempertahankan produktivitas koloninya pada musim kemarau.

The research aimed to examine the effect of pollen substitute (PS) containing Candida hawaiiana CR014 on the number of larvae and pupae of worker bees Apis mellifera. Colonies of a positive control were fed with maize?s pollen. The colonies were fed once a week for six weeks in the dry season. The one-way Anova test showed that the mean number of larvae produced per week in the treated group were not significantly difference from the positive control (P> 0,05). Similarly, the mean number of pupae produced per week in treated group and the positive control were not significantly difference (P>0,05).
The T-test showed that the mean number of larvae and pupae per week between the treated group and the positive control were not significantly difference (P>0,05). The study indicated that PS and the maize?s pollen has an almost similar effect on the number of larvae and the number of pupae of worker bees produced by the colonies during the experiment. It is concluded that PS containing C. hawaiiana CR014 might be used to replace natural pollens as a protein source to maintain productivity of A. mellifera during the dry season.
Depok: Fakultas Matematika dan Ilmu Pengetahuan Alam Universitas Indonesia, 2016
UI - Skripsi Membership  Universitas Indonesia Library
Bregas Adi Luhur
"Penelitian bertujuan untuk membuat pollen substitute (PS) yang disukai dan dapat meningkatkan produktivitas lebah madu Apis cerana. Bahan dasar yang digunakan sebagai komponen PS adalah tepung kedelai rendah lemak dan susu skim. Tiga macam pollen substitute yang dibuat adalah PSA (terdiri dari bahan dasar; Candida hawaiiana CR015; madu), PSB (terdiri dari bahan dasar; sirup gula 50%), dan PSC (terdiri dari bahan dasar; madu). Setiap jenis pollen substitute diberikan kepada tiga koloni lebah madu selama 20 hari, sedangkan koloni kontrol tidak diberi pollen substitute. Hasil penelitian menunjukkan bahwa PSA (rata-rata tingkat konsumsi 55,59 % per hari) yang paling disukai oleh lebah madu Apis cerana, selanjutnya PSC (rata-rata tingkat konsumsi 50,39 % per hari) dan PSB (rata-rata tingkat konsumsi 34,26 % per hari). Pemberian semua jenis pollen substitute meningkatkan produktivitas honey comb dengan penambahan keliling (0,39--2,28 % per hari) honey comb. Koloni kontrol juga mengalami penambahan keliling honey comb (0,19--0,26 % per hari) akan tetapi tidak mengalami penambahan jumlah honey comb.

The research aimed to make pollen substitute (PS) preferred by and increase the productivity of Apis cerana honeybee. Basic ingredients of pollen substitute were low-fat soy flour and skim milk. Three types of pollen substitutes were made: PSA (base material; Candida hawaiiana CR015; honey), PSB (base material; 50% sugar syrup), and PSC (base material; honey). Pollen substitutes were applied to three groups colonies (each group: three colonies) for 20 days and no application of pollen substitute to control colonies. The results showed that Apis cerana preferred PSA (the average of consumption rate 55.59 % per day) and PSC (the average of consumption rate 50.39 % per day) to PSB (the average of consumption rate 34.26 % per day). Provision of all types of pollen substitute improve productivity of honeybee with the addition of honey comb circumference (0.39--2.28% per day) and the number of honey comb. Circumference of honey comb in control colonies was increased (0.19--0.26% per day) but there was no increase in the number of honey comb.
Depok: Fakultas Matematika dan Ilmu Pengetahuan Alam Universitas Indonesia, 2012
UI - Skripsi Open  Universitas Indonesia Library
Kristina Hersandi
"Penelitian bertujuan mengetahui pengaruh pemberian Pollen Substitute (PS) dan Nectar Substitute (NS) terhadap produktivitas Apis cerana, dan menganalisis kualitas madu sesuai Standar Nasional Indonesia. Pemberian PS dan NS berfungsi sebagai pengganti pakan alami lebah madu, yaitu pollen dan nectar. Pollen Substitute dibuat dari biomassa basah khamir Saccharomyces cerevisiae dan NS dari sirup nanas. Pakan diberikan dengan cara mencampurkan 2 gr PS dan 50 ml NS. Pada penelitian digunakan 10 koloni lebah madu: lima koloni sebagai kontrol dan lima koloni untuk perlakuan, seluruh koloni dibiarkan tetap mencari pakan alaminya. Pollen substitute dan NS diberikan setiap hari selama 2 periode (6 minggu per periode). Produktivitas lebah madu diamati setiap periode. Analisis kualitas madu dilakukan setelah 6 minggu. Hasil pengamatan pada dua periode menunjukkan penambahan keliling sisir madu dan jumlah sisir madu pada koloni perlakuan lebih besar dibandingkan kontrol. Meskipun demikian hasil uji T menunjukkan pemberian perlakuan tidak berbeda nyata terhadap kontrol (P>0,05). Rerata kenaikan keliling sisir madu dan jumlah sisir madu berturut–turut pada koloni kontrol sebesar 37 ± 23,42 cm dan 0,75 ± 0,95 buah (periode 1); 172,5 ± 79,65 cm dan 3,5 ± 1,73 buah (periode 2). Sedangkan pada koloni yang diberi PS dan NS sebesar 52 ± 55,37 cm dan 1,25 ± 1,5 (periode I); 199,5 ± 79,41 cm dan 5 ± 2,16 buah (periode 2). Volume madu yang dihasilkan koloni perlakuan lebih banyak dibandingkan kontrol, baik pada periode 1 maupun periode 2. Hasil analisis kualitas madu kontrol dan yang diberi PS dan NS sesuai dengan SNI 8664:2018. Pemberian PS dan NS mampu mempertahankan dan meningkatkan produktivitas koloni A. cerana yaitu pada keliling sisir, jumlah sisir, volume madu, dan kekuatan koloni.

The aims of this study were to examine the effect of pollen substitute (PS) and nectar substitute (NS) on the productivity of Apis cerana colonies and the quality of honey according to Indonesian National Standard for honey. Provision of PS and NS serves as a substitute for natural pollen and nectar. Pollen Substitute was prepared from wet biomass of yeast Saccharomyces cerevisiae and NS from pineapple syrup. The feed were given to the colony by mixing 2 g of PS and 50 ml of NS. Ten honeybee colonies were used in this study, five colonies were used as feeding trials and five colonies as control, and they were allowed to forage on flowers. Pollen substitute and nectar substitute were provided to the colonies every day for two periods (total 12 weeks, six weeks per period). Honey quality analysis was performed after six weeks. The results of provision of PS and NS in two periods to the colonies showed the greater than the control in their increasing of honeycomb circumference and the number of honeycombs. However, the results of the T test showed that the provision of PS and NS was not significantly different from the control (P>0,05). The average increase in the honeycomb circumference and the number of honeycombs in control colonies were 37 ± 23.42 cm and 0.75 ± 0.95 pieces (period 1); 172.5 ± 79.65 cm and 3.5 ± 1.73 pieces (period 2). Meanwhile, the colonies fed on PS and NS were 52 ± 55.37 cm and 1.25 ± 1.5 (period 1); 199.5 ± 79.41 cm and 5 ± 2.16 pieces (period 2). The yield of honey produced from colonies fed on PS and NS was higher than control colonies, both in periods 1 and 2. The quality of honey produced by the colony fed on PS and NS met the criteria of the Indonesian National Standard for honey SNI 8664:2018. This study revealed that the provision of PS and NS was able to maintain and increased the productivity of A. cerana colonies, in terms of honeycomb circumference, number of honeycombs, honey yield, and colony strength.

Depok: Fakultas Matematika dan Ilmu Pengetahuan Alam Universitas Indonesia, 2022
UI - Skripsi Membership  Universitas Indonesia Library
Eka Nurhangga
"Penelitian bertujuan untuk mengetahui identitas khamir dari saluran pencernaan lebah madu Apis mellifera L. yang mengunjungi bunga kapuk (Ceiba pentandra (L.) Gaertn) di Jepara. Sebanyak 12 isolat khamir yang terdiri atas 3 isolat dari saluran pencernaan lebah pejantan (drone) dan 9 isolat dari lebah pekerja pengumpul polen (pollen collecting bees, PCB) diidentifikasi berdasarkan data sequence daerah internal transcribed spacer (ITS) rDNA. Primer yang digunakan untuk amplifikasi daerah ITS adalah primer forward ITS1 atau primer reverse ITS4. Hasil elektroforesis produk PCR menunjukkan daerah ITS rDNA khamirkhamir tersebut bervariasi antara 400 pb hingga 750 pb. Berdasarkan hasil pencarian homologi sequence daerah ITS rDNA melalui program basic local alignment search tool (BLAST), analisis filogenetik dengan metode Neighbor Joining, dan pengamatan karakter morfologi, 12 isolat tersebut diidentifikasi ke dalam empat genus dan tujuh spesies. Berdasarkan taksonomi, khamir-khamir tersebut termasuk kedalam family Candidaceae dan Saccharomycetaceae, order Saccharomycetales, class Hemiascomycetes dari phylum Ascomycota. Isolat-isolat tersebut diidentifikasi ke dalam spesies Candida magnoliae (isolat JZ078), C. orthopsilosis (isolat JZ068 dan JZ069), C. parapsilosis (isolat JZ067 dan JZ095), Debaryomyces hansenii (isolat JZ083 dan JZ096), Meyerozyma caribbica (isolat JZ094), Zygosaccharomyces mellis (isolat JZ075), dan Z. siamensis (isolat JZ054,JZ055, dan JZ056).

The aim of this research was to determine the identity of the yeasts isolated from the digestive tract of honey bee Apis mellifera that visit flowers of kapok (Ceiba pentandra (L.) Gaertn) in Jepara. A total of 12 yeast isolates consist of 3 isolates from digestive tract of drones and 9 isolates from digestive tract of pollen collecting bees (PCB) were identified based on sequence data of internal transcribed spacers regions of ribosomal DNA (ITS rDNA). The primer set of ITS1 (forward primer) and ITS4 (reverse primer) were used to amplify the ITS rDNA of yeasts. The results of electrophoresis of PCR products showed ITS region rDNA of yeast isolates varied between 400bp--750 bp. Based on sequence homology search results by basic local alignment search tool (BLAST) program, phylogenetic analysis by Neighbor Joining method, and morphological characterization, those 12 isolates were identified into four genera and seven species. Taxonomically, 11 isolates belong to family Candidaceae and Saccharomycetaceae, order Saccharomycetales, class Hemiascomycetes of the phylum Ascomycota. Those isolates were identified as species Candida magnoliae (isolat JZ078), C. orthopsilosis (isolat JZ068 and JZ069), C. parapsilosis (isolat JZ067 and JZ095), Debaryomyces hansenii (isolat JZ083 and JZ096), Meyerozyma caribbica (isolat JZ094), Zygosaccharomyces mellis (isolat JZ075), and Z. siamensis (isolat JZ054, JZ055, and JZ056)."
Depok: Fakultas Matematika dan Ilmu Pengetahuan Alam Universitas Indonesia, 2013
UI - Skripsi Membership  Universitas Indonesia Library
Virgine Enfinali
"Penelitian bertujuan membuat pollen substitute (PS) yang disukai dan dapat meningkatkan produktivitas lebah madu A. cerana. Tiga macam pollen substitute dibuat dengan bahan dasar tepung kedelai dan susu skim. PS A mengandung bahan dasar, Candida parapsilosis CR057, dan madu; PS B mengandung bahan dasar dan sirup gula; dan PS C mengandung bahan dasar dan madu. Pemberian PS dilakukan selama 20 hari dan lebah dibiarkan mencari serbuk sari dan nektar di alam. Koloni kontrol tidak diberi PS.
Hasil penelitian menunjukkan bahwa A. cerana lebih menyukai PS A dan PS C dibandingkan PS B. Pemberian semua jenis PS meningkatkan keliling (1,03--1,51% per hari) dan jumlah honeycomb. Koloni yang diberi PS A mengalami peningkatan keliling honeycomb terbesar (1,51% per hari). Secara umum, lebah pekerja yang diberi PS dan kontrol mengalami kenaikan berat badan (28,39%--52,32%). Pada kontrol terdapat kenaikan kenaikan keliling honeycomb, akan tetapi tidak terdapat penambahan jumlah honeycomb.

The research aimed to make pollen substitutes preferred by and increase the productivity of A. cerana. Basic ingredients of pollen substitutes (PS) were soy flour and skim milk. There were three types of pollen substitutes, i.e. PS A contained basic ingredients, Candida parapsilosis CR057, and honey; PS B contained basic ingredients and sugar syrup; and PS C contained basic ingredients and honey. The pollen substitutes were fed to colonies of A. cerana for 20 days but they were allowed to forage on flowers. No PS was given to the control colonies.
The results showed that A. cerana preferred PS A and PS C to PS B. Increases of circumference (1.03--1.51% each day) and number of honeycombs were observed in colonies fed with all types of PSs. The increases of circumference of colonies fed PS A was greater than those of other PSs and control (1.51% each day). Generally, the weight of individual worker bees increased in colonies fed with PSs and control (28.39%--52.32%). There was an increase of the circumference of honeycombs in control but there was no addition of honeycomb.
Depok: Fakultas Matematika dan Ilmu Pengetahuan Alam Universitas Indonesia, 2011
UI - Skripsi Open  Universitas Indonesia Library
Dyah Restu Pamuji
"Penelitian bertujuan mengetahui identitas khamir dari saluran pencernaan lebah pekerja pengumpul polen (pollen collecting bees, PCB) Apis mellifera. Sebanyak 12 isolat khamir dari saluran pencernaan PCB yang mengunjungi bunga kapuk Ceiba pentandra di Jepara, Jawa Tengah, diidentifikasi berdasarkan data sequence daerah internal transcribed spacer (ITS) rDNA. Amplifikasi daerah ITS rDNA menggunakan primer forward ITS1 dan primer reverse ITS4. Elektroforesis produk PCR menunjukkan bahwa daerah ITS rDNA khamir-khamir tersebut berukuran antara 400--900 pb. Berdasarkan hasil pencarian homologi sequence menggunakan program basic local alignment search tool (BLAST), analisis filogenetik menggunakan metode Neighbor Joining (NJ), dan karakterisasi morfologi, 12 isolat khamir tersebut terdiri dari tujuh spesies yang termasuk dalam lima genus. Secara taksonomi, seluruh khamir tersebut termasuk phylum Ascomycota, class Hemiascomycetes, dan order Saccharomycetales. Isolat-isolat tersebut diidentifikasi sebagai Candida magnoliae (isolat JZ002), Candida orthopsilosis (isolat JZ003, JZ008, JZ011, dan JZ034), Candida rugosa (isolat JZ010); Debaryomyces hansenii (isolat JZ001); Meyerozyma caribbica (isolat JZ013 dan JZ014), Pichia guilliermondii (isolat JZ015), dan Zygosaccharomyces siamensis (isolat JZ005 dan JZ006).

The aim of this study was to obtain the identity of yeasts from digestive tracts of pollen collecting bees (PCB) Apis mellifera. A total of 12 yeast isolates obtained from digestive tract of PCB foraging on flowers Ceiba pentandra in Jepara, Central Java, were identified based on sequence data of internal transcribed spacer of ribosomal DNA (ITS rDNA). The primer set of ITS1 (forward primer) and ITS4 (reverse primer) were used to amplify the ITS region rDNA. Gel electrophoresis result showed that the size of ITS rDNA of those yeast were varied between 400--900 base pairs. Based on sequence homology search using basic local alignment search tool (BLAST) program, phylogenetic analysis by Neighbor Joining method, and morphological characterization, those 12 isolates belong to five genera and seven species. Taxonomically, all of those isolates belong to order Saccharomycetales, class Hemiascomycetes from the phylum Ascomycota. Those 12 isolates were identified as species Candida magnoliae (isolate JZ002); Candida orthopsilosis (isolates JZ003, JZ008, JZ011, and JZ034); Candida rugosa (isolate JZ010); Debaryomyces hansenii (isolate JZ001); Meyerozyma caribbica (isolates JZ013 and JZ014); Pichia guilliermondii (isolate JZ015); and Zygosaccharomyces siamensis (isolates JZ005 and JZ006)."
Depok: Fakultas Matematika dan Ilmu Pengetahuan Alam Universitas Indonesia, 2013
UI - Skripsi Membership  Universitas Indonesia Library
Estriningtyas Agus Rismawanti
"Penelitian bertujuan membuat pollen substitute (PS) yang disukai dan dapat meningkatkan produktivitas lebah madu A. cerana. Pollen substitute dibuat dengan bahan dasar tepung kedelai dan susu skim. Pada penelitian ini A.cerana diberikan tiga macam pollen substitute, yaitu PS A (mengandung bahan dasar, Debaryomyces hansenii CR133, madu); PS B (mengandung bahan dasar, sirup gula); PS C (mengandung bahan dasar, madu). Pemberian PS selama 20 hari, dan lebah dibiarkan mencari serbuk sari dan nektar di alam. Koloni kontrol tidak diberi PS.
Hasil penelitian menunjukkan bahwa PS yang dibuat memenuhi kriteria sebagai PS yang baik. Apis cerana menyukai PS A dan PS C dengan tingkat konsumsi yang lebih tinggi dibandingkan PS B. Pemberian semua jenis PS meningkatkan keliling (0,3--4,5 cm per hari) dan jumlah honeycomb. Pada kontrol terdapat kenaikan keliling honeycomb (0,2--0,5 cm per hari), namun tidak ada penambahan jumlah honeycomb. Secara umum, lebah pekerja yang diberi PS dan kontrol mengalami kenaikan berat badan (5--56,94%).

The research aimed to make pollen substitutes preferred by and increase the productivity of A. cerana. Basic ingredients of pollen substitutes (PS) were soy flour and skim milk. There were three types of pollen substitutes, i.e. PS A (contained basic ingredients, Debaryomyces hansenii CR133, honey); PS B (basic ingredients, sugar syrup); and PS C (basic ingredients, honey). The pollen substitutes were fed to colonies of A. cerana for 20 days, but they were allowed to forage on flowers. No PS was given to the control colonies.
The results showed that A. cerana preferred PSA and PS C to PS A. Increases of circumference and number of honeycombs were observed in colonies fed with all types of PSs (0,3--4,5 cm/day). There was an increase of the circumference of honeycombs in the control (0,2--0,5 cm/day), but there was no addition of new honeycomb. Generally, the weight of individual worker bees increased in colonies fed with PSs and control (5--56,94%).
Depok: Fakultas Matematika dan Ilmu Pengetahuan Alam Universitas Indonesia, 2011
UI - Skripsi Open  Universitas Indonesia Library
Syahrul Ramdoni
"Penelitian bertujuan untuk mengetahui identitas khamir yang hidup pada putik bunga Ceiba pentandra (L.) Gaertn dan saluran pencernaan Apis mellifera L., lebah pengumpul polen yang mengunjungi bunga Ceiba pentandra. Sebanyak 12 isolat khamir yang terdiri dari tiga isolat dari putik bunga Ceiba pentandra dan sembilan isolat dari saluran pencernaan Apis mellifera digunakan pada penelitian. Isolat-isolat khamir diidentifikasi berdasarkan hasil Basic Local Alignment Searching Tools (BLAST) data sequence daerah ITS rDNA, analisis filogenetik dengan metode Neighbor Joining, dan pengamatan alat reproduksi seksual dan aseksual. Primer forward ITS1 dan primer reverse ITS4 digunakan untuk mengamplifikasi daerah ITS rDNA. Hasil elektroforesis gel produk PCR menunjukkan ukuran daerah ITS rDNA isolat khamir tersebut bervariasi antara 400 hingga 800 pb.
Hasil menunjukkan bahwa 12 isolat khamir terdiri dari enam species. Lima species khamir termasuk ke dalam phylum Ascomycota, order Saccharomycetales, class Saccharomycetes dan satu species khamir termasuk ke dalam phylum Basidiomycota, order Tremellales,dan class Tremellomycetes. Tiga isolat khamir dari putik bunga C. pentandra diidentifikasi sebagai Bullera coprosmaensis (JZ137), Candida orthopsilosis (JZ053), dan Debaryomyces hansenii (JZ051). Sembilan isolat khamir dari saluran pencernaan A. mellifera diidentifikasi sebagai Candida fermentatii (JZ059 dan JZ060), Candida mesorugosa (JZ057, JZ058, dan JZ063), Candida orthopsilosis (JZ064 dan JZ065), Candida parapsilosis (JZ066), dan Debaryomyces hansenii (JZ061). Dua species khamir yaitu Candida orthopsilosis dan Debaryomces hansenii ditemukan pada putik C. pentandra dan saluran pencernaan A. mellifera.

The aim of this study was to identify yeasts from the pistils of Ceiba pentandra (L.) Gaertn and digestive tracts of pollen collecting bee, Apis mellifera L. Twelve yeast isolates were identified which were consisted of three isolates from the pistils of C. pentandra and nine isolates from digestive tracts of A. mellifera. Identification was based on homology sequences analysis using Basic Local Alignment Searching Tools (BLAST), phylogenetic analysis by Neighbor Joining method, and observation of sexual and asexual reproduction. The primer set of ITS1 (forward primer) and ITS4 (reverse primer) were used to amplify ITS region rDNA of the isolates. Gel electrophoresis results showed that the size of ITS region of the isolates were varied on the range of 400--800 bp.
The results showed that twelve yeast isolates were identified as six species. Taxonomically, five species belong to phylum Ascomycota, order Saccharomycetales, class Saccharomycetes and one species belong to phylum Basidiomycota order Tremellales, class Tremellomycetes. Three yeast isolates from the pistils of C. pentandra were identified as Bullera coprosmaensis (JZ137), Candida orthopsilosis (JZ053), and Debaryomyces hansenii (JZ051). Nine yeast isolates from digestive tracts of pollen collecting A. mellifera were identified as Candida fermentatii (JZ059 & JZ060), Candida mesorugosa (JZ057, JZ058, dan JZ063), Candida orthopsilosis (JZ064 & JZ065), Candida parapsilosis (JZ066), and Debaryomyces hansenii (JZ061). Debaryomyces hansenii and Candida orthopsilosis were found on the pistils of C. pentandra and digestive tracts of A. mellifera.
Depok: Fakultas Matematika dan Ilmu Pengetahuan Alam Universitas Indonesia, 2014
UI - Skripsi Membership  Universitas Indonesia Library
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