Nama : Tiffany Chandra
Program Studi : Psikologi Profesi, Peminatan Psikologi Pendidikan
Judul Tesis : Pengaruh Math Anxiety Terhadap Math Achievement yang Dimediasi
oleh Metacognitive Knowledge pada Siswa Kelas V Sekolah Dasar
Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mengetahui apakah terdapat pengaruh math anxiety terhadap math achievement yang signifikan melalui masing-masing dimensi metacognitive knowledge ataupun secara keseluruhan. Data penelitian dikumpulkan dari 370 siswa-siswi kelas V di lima SD yang berada di wilayah Jakarta Selatan. Pengumpulan data dilakukan menggunakan kuesioner yang terdiri dari alat ukur Math Achievement Test, Modified Abbreviated Math Anxiety Scale (mAMAS), serta Metacognitive Knowledge in Mathematics Questionnaire (MKMQ). Berdasarkan hasil uji parallel multiple mediation analysis yang dilakukan, diketahui bahwa math anxiety berpengaruh signifikan terhadap math achievement melalui peran metacognitive knowledge sebagai mediator. Selain itu, math anxiety juga berpengaruh signifikan tehadap math achievement baik melalui dimensi metacognitive knowledge of self (a1b1 = -0,08, BCa CI [-0,11, -0,05]) maupun melalui metacognitive knowledge of task (a2b2 = -0,05, BCa CI [-0,08, -0,03]). Kendati demikian, pengaruh math anxiety terhadap math achievement ternyata tidak signifikan saat dimediasi oleh metacognitive knowledge of strategy (a3b3 = -0,01, BCa CI [-0,02, 0,01]). Adapun hasil dan limitasi penelitian dikaji lebih mendalam pada bagian diskusi.
Kata kunci:
Prestasi matematika, kecemasan matematika, metacognitive knowledge, siswa kelas V
Name : Tiffany Chandra
Study Programme : Master Programme, Psychology in Education
Judul Tesis : The Relationships between Fifth Graders’ Math Anxiety and
Math Achievement Mediated by Metacognitive Knowledge
This study aimed to determine whether there is a significant effect of math anxiety on math achievement through each dimension of metacognitive knowledge, as well as through metacognitive knowledge itself. Data were collected from 370 fifth graders in five different elementary schools at South Jakarta. Data were collected through a set of questionnaires consisting of Math Achievement Test, Modified Abbreviated Math Anxiety Scale (mAMAS), and Metacognitive Knowledge in Mathematics Questionnaire (MKMQ). Based on the results of the parallel multiple mediation analysis, it was found that math anxiety significantly affected math achievement through the role of metacognitive knowledge as the mediator. Math anxiety also has a significant effect on math achievement both through metacognitive knowledge of self (a1b1 = -0.08, BCa CI [-0.11, -0.05]) and through the metacognitive knowledge of task (a2b2 = -0.05, BCa CI [-0.08, -0.03]). However, the effect of math anxiety on math achievement was not significant when mediated by metacognitive knowledge of strategy (a3b3 = -0.01, BCa CI [-0.02, 0.01]). The results and limitations of this study are examined deeper in the discussion section.