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Ditemukan 198530 dokumen yang sesuai dengan query
Skripsi ini membahas proses penciptaan ruang bisnis di stasiun kereta Jakarta-Bogor-Depok-Tangerang-Bekasi (Jabodetabek) tahun 2012-2015 melalui pengembangan sektor layanan jasa KRL, perparkiran stasiun, dan persewaan lahan untuk ritel usaha. Proses itu dijelaskan menggunakan pandangan David Harvey mengenai akumulasi kapital yang berjalan melalui reorganisasi ruang. Penelitian ini menggunakan metode kualitatif dengan model studi kasus.
Hasil penelitian menunjukan bahwa terdapat peningkatan penerimaan yang diperoleh PT KAI Commuter Jabodetabek (PT KCJ), PT Reska Multi Usaha, dan PT KAI Daerah Operasi (Daop) 1. Namun disisi lain, terjadi keterbatasan akses pada sebagian pengguna KRL melalui kebijakan e-ticketing dan peningkatan tarif parkir stasiun. Keterbatasan akses juga terjadi pada pelaku usaha ritel tradisional melalui kebijakan peningkatan tarif sewa lahan untuk ritel usaha di stasiun.
Skripsi ini menyimpulkan bahwa proses pengembangan sektor layanan jasa KRL, perparkiran stasiun, dan persewaan lahan untuk ritel usaha tidak semata-mata bertujuan untuk memperluas akses setiap lapisan masyarakat untuk dapat memanfaatkan KRL sebagai moda transportasi publik. Proses pengembangan 3 sektor itu lebih mengarah kepada motif akumulasi kapital.

This thesis discusses about the process of creating business space at Jakarta-Bogor-Depok-Tangerang-Bekasi (Jabodetabek) train station year 2012- 2015 through the development of commuterline services sector, parking station, and land rental for retail business. This process is explained by using David Harvey?s view about the capital accumulation which runs through the reorganization of space. This research used qualitative method with case study model.
The result shows that there is an increasing income that obtained by PT KAI Commuter Jabodetabek (PT KCJ), PT Reska Multi Usaha, and PT KAI Operation Region (Daop) 1. But on the other hand, there is limited access to some KRL users through e-ticketing policy and an increasing in parking rates. Limited access also occurs in traditional retail traders through the policy of increasing land rental rates for retail business at the station.
This thesis conclude the development of commuterline services sector, parking station, and land rental for retail business are not solely aimed to expand access at all levels of society to be able to utilize commuterline as a mode of public transportation. The development process of
these three sectors are intended to lead to capital accumulation.
Fakultas Ilmu Sosial dan Ilmu Politik Universitas Indonesia, 2015
UI - Skripsi Membership  Universitas Indonesia Library
Deni Duwi Nefoko
Skripsi ini membahas tentang penciptaan ruang kapital yang diwujudkan melalui penetapan Desa Wisata dan industri wisata di Kota Batu tahun 2007-2014. Penelitian ini mengoperasionalisasi teori penciptaan ruang kapital dan akumulasi melalui perampasan oleh David Harvey sebagai kerangka analisis. Penelitian ini dilakukan melalui metode studi kasus dengan teknik pengumpulan data yaitu observasi, studi pustaka, dan wawancara mendalam. Hasil temuan penelitian menunjukan bahwa penciptaan ruang kapital didahului dengan adanya prakondisi berupa penetapan Desa Wisata. Penetapan Desa Wisata membuka peluang untuk masuknya kapital melalui pengadaan akomodasi dan infrastruktur. Skripsi ini menyimpulkan bahwa penciptaan ruang kapital di Kota Batu berdampak pada perampasan sumber daya. Kebutuhan akan lahan dan sumber daya air untuk memenuhi akomodasi infrastruktur disisi lain, berdampak pada perampasan sumber daya milik bersama seperti tanah kas desa (land grab) dan sumber mata air (water grab) untuk dijadikan infrastruktur pendukung pariwisata yang dikuasai secara penuh oleh segelintir pihak. Hal tersebut bertentangan dengan konsep politik distributif bahwa alokasi dan distribusi sumber daya mengharuskan keterlibatan masyarakat dalam meraih, mengendalikan, dan mempertahankan sumber daya dengan melibatkan diri pada prosesnya.

This thesis discusses about the creation of capital space which was developed through the assignment of Tourism Village and tourism industry in Batu City year 2007-2014. This research operationalize the capital space creation and accumulation by disposition by David Harvey as a framework of analysis. This research is conducted through case study method with data collection techniques consisting of observation, literature study, and in-depth interview. Outcome of this research shows that the creation of capital space is prefaced by a precondition which came in form of assignment of Tourism Village. Assignment of Tourism Village opens up the opportunity for capital penetration through accommodation and infrastructure provisioning. This theshis conclude the need for land and water source to fulfill the infrastructure and accommodation, give impact to seizure of collective resources such as village-owned land (land grab) and water sources (water grab) for the need of tourism industry capital accumulation. Those things contradict with political distributive concept, allocation and distribution of resources which obliged the involvement of society in the process of reaching, controlling, and maintaining available resources.
Fakultas Ilmu Sosial dan Ilmu Politik Universitas Indonesia, 2015
UI - Skripsi Membership  Universitas Indonesia Library
Muhamad Ersan Ricardo
Istilah Air Hijau sudah sering terdengar di berbagai kalangan kehidupan manusia. Air hijau adalah air hujan yang jatuh dan telah diserap oleh tanah atau tanaman. Sedangkan istilah tersebut juga sangat erat kaitannya dengan istilah Blue Water yang berarti air dari sungai, danau dan air tanah. Keterikatan Green Water dan Blue Water terkait dengan paradigma lama pengelolaan air yang hanya mempertimbangkan air biru (debit sungai, danau dan air tanah) sedangkan paradigma baru justru memasukkan Green Water sebagai komponen penting. Green Water merupakan bentuk penghematan air yang tidak akan mengganggu badan air di bumi ini. Green Water juga dapat dimanfaatkan oleh daerah yang mengalami kekeringan, seperti Kabupaten Majalengka yang pada tahun 2017 mengalami kekeringan di 27 desa menurut Badan Penanggulangan Bencana Daerah. Salah satu pemanfaatan air hijau adalah untuk membangun tempat penampungan air hujan atau disebut juga dengan waduk. Embung berfungsi sebagai bangunan konservasi air berupa kolam untuk menampung air hujan dan air limpasan serta sumber air lainnya untuk menunjang pertanian, perkebunan dan peternakan terutama pada musim kemarau. Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mengidentifikasi daerah yang potensial untuk dibangun daerah resapan air hujan atau waduk. Selain itu, penelitian ini juga membandingkan reservoir yang ada dengan potensi daerah atau kesesuaian penelitian ini. Identifikasi daerah potensial diprioritaskan pada daerah rawan kekeringan menurut Badan Penanggulangan Bencana Daerah dan menurut kondisi hidrogeologi. Selain itu, penentuan kawasan potensial juga menggunakan 4 variabel fisik yaitu penggunaan tanah, tekstur tanah, curah hujan dan kemiringan lereng. Melalui teknik overlay keempat variabel fisik tersebut digabungkan di Kabupaten Majalengka dan diberi skor setelah itu dilakukan metode akumulasi aliran untuk melihat akumulasi aliran dari Kabupaten Majalengka guna menentukan titik lokasi potensial atau kesesuaiannya. Setelah itu, potensi daerah atau kesesuaian yang telah dibuat akan dibandingkan dengan reservoir yang telah dibangun. Sehingga dapat diketahui bahwa wilayah yang berpotensi untuk dibangun waduk adalah wilayah utara Kabupaten Majalengka yang terindikasi merupakan wilayah yang rawan kekeringan dan merupakan wilayah yang potensial sesuai dengan kesesuaian wilayahnya.

The term Green Water has often been heard in various circles of human life. Green water is rainwater that falls and has been absorbed by the soil or plants. While the term is also very closely related to the term Blue Water which means water from rivers, lakes and groundwater. The attachment of Green Water and Blue Water is related to the old paradigm of water management which only considers blue water (river discharge, lakes and groundwater) while the new paradigm actually includes Green Water as an important component. Green Water is a form of water saving that will not interfere with water bodies on this earth. Green Water can also be utilized by areas experiencing drought, such as Majalengka Regency which in 2017 experienced drought in 27 villages according to the Regional Disaster Management Agency. One of the uses of green water is to build rainwater reservoirs or also known as reservoirs. Embung functions as a water conservation building in the form of a pond to accommodate rainwater and runoff water as well as other water sources to support agriculture, plantations and livestock, especially during the dry season. This study aims to identify areas that have the potential to build rainwater catchment areas or reservoirs. In addition, this study also compares the existing reservoir with the potential of the area or the suitability of this study. Identification of potential areas is prioritized in drought-prone areas according to the Regional Disaster Management Agency and according to hydrogeological conditions. In addition, the determination of potential areas also uses 4 physical variables, namely soil use, soil texture, rainfall and slope. Through the overlay technique, the four physical variables are combined in Majalengka Regency and given a score after which the flow accumulation method is carried out to see the accumulation of flow from Majalengka Regency in order to determine potential location points or suitability. After that, the potential area or suitability that has been made will be compared with the reservoir that has been built. So it can be seen that the area that has the potential to build a reservoir is the northern region of Majalengka Regency which is indicated to be a drought-prone area and is a potential area according to the suitability of the region."
Depok: Fakultas Hukum Universitas Indonesia, 2019
UI - Skripsi Membership  Universitas Indonesia Library
Ardhanareswara Trisha Az Zahra
"Skripsi ini membahas mengenai kolaborasi antar aktor dalam aktivasi ruang bekas gusuran Kebon Jeruk. Accumulation by dispossession telah menjadi akar penindasan yang terjadi di Kebon Jeruk, sebab terjadi proses redistribusi lahan ke state capitalism. Proses perampasan ruang hidup ini, secara tidak langsung juga merampas ruang sosial warga kebon Jeruk. Aktivasi ruang yang dilakukan untuk merebut kembali ruang hidup Kebon Jeruk memunculkan proses kolaborasi antara warga Kebon Jeruk dan solidaritas mahasiswa. Walaupun kedua kelompok aktor ini berasal dari latar belakang dan pemahaman akan ruang yang berbeda, namun cross-cultural friendships yang telah terbangun melalui solidaritas kelas, menjadikan relasi mereka tumbuh dan terus berkembang. Penelitian ini menggunakan metode kualitatif, yakni observasi partisipasi dan wawancara mendalam. Hasil penelitian ini menunjukkan bahwa, perbedaan latar belakang, kepentingan dan pemahaman akan ruang, tidak lantas membuat kedua kelompok aktor ini terpecah belah dan tidak satu tujuan. Mereka justru menjadikan kondisi tersebut sebagai kekuatan untuk melawan dan mempererat relasi persahabatan yang terjalin untuk merebut kembali ruang hidup Kebon Jeruk, Bandung.

This thesis discusses the collaboration between actors in the activation of the former Kebon Jeruk evicted space. Accumulation by dispossession has become the root of the oppression that occurred in Kebon Jeruk, because there was a process of land redistribution to state capitalism. This seizure of living space, indirectly also takes away the social space of Kebon Jeruk residents. The space activation which was carried out to reclaim the Kebon Jeruk lived space led to a collaborative process between Kebon Jeruk residents and student solidarity. Although these two groups of actors come from different backgrounds and understandings of space, but the cross-cultural friendships that have been built through class solidarity have made their relationships grow and continue to develop. This research uses qualitative methods, namely participant observation and in-depth interviews. The results of this study indicate that differences in background, importance and understanding of space do not necessarily mean that these two groups of actors are divided and do not have one goal. They actually make this condition as a force to fight and strengthen the friendship that has been established to reclaim the lived space of Kebon Jeruk, Bandung."
Depok: Fakultas Ilmu Sosial dan Ilmu Politik Universitas Indonesia, 2020
UI - Skripsi Membership  Universitas Indonesia Library
Abram Riccardo Hasiholan S.
"Penelitian ini memiliki tujuan untuk mencari tahu faktor penentu struktur modal dari data keuangan internal perusahaan yang dapat diperoleh secara umum meliputi rentang waktu 2012-2018. Variabel yang mewakili faktor penentu struktur modal pada penelitian ini adalah market to book ratio (MB), tangibilitas (TANG), profitabilitas (PROF), ukuran perusahaan (SIZE). Pengujian dilakukan dengan model regresi panel data dengan metode efek tetap dengan teknik Generalized Least Square (GLS). Hasil regresi yang telah dilakukan menemukan bahwa variabel MB dan PROF berpengaruh negatif signifikan terhadap leverage. Selanjutnya variabel TANG berpengaruh positif signifikan terhadap variabel leverage, sedangkan variabel SIZE memiliki hasil uji yang bervariasi sehingga dibutuhkan penelitian lebih lanjut untuk mendapatkan kesimpulan.

This study has a purpose of finding out factors that decide future capital structure from internal financial reports that can be received generally in the range of time between 2012-2018. Variables that represent future capital structure decision in this study are market to book ratio (MB), tangibility (TANG), profitability (PROF), size (SIZE). Tests are applied with panel data regression with fixed effect model – generalized least square technique. Regression results show that variables like MB and PROF is negatively significant to affect leverage. Next, TANG variable is positively significant to affect leverage, meanwhile SIZE variable has variated results, thus future findings are required to make a conclusion."
Depok: Fakultas Ekonomi dan BIsnis Universitas Indonesia, 2020
UI - Skripsi Membership  Universitas Indonesia Library
Muhammad Gibran Humam Fadlurrahman
"Artikel ini membahas perencanaan dan pembangunan Kota Bandung sebagai upaya pemindahan ibu kota Hindia Belanda pada 1916–1933. Rencana pemindahan ibu kota berawal ketika adanya permasalahan higenitas di Batavia pada awal dekade 1900-an. Kemudian pada 1916, muncul H.F. Tillema yang melaporkan kota-kota di pantai utara Jawa kurang menyehatkannya jika dijadikan pusat kegiatan administrasi pemerintah kolonial, sehingga disarankan ibu kota Hindia Belanda sebaiknya dipindahkan ke Kota Bandung. Proses perencanaan dan pembangunan terus berlangsung hingga didirikannya Technische Hoogeschool te Bandoeng, Gedung Sate, stasiun radio Malabar, hingga fasilitas dan sarana kota lainnya. Sayangnya pembangunan Kota Bandung kurang mendapatkan dukungan dari pemerintah pusat sebagai persiapan pemindahan ibu kota Hindia-Belanda dan harus terhenti pada 1933, dikarenakan adanya Krisis Malaise yang terjadi sejak 1929. Penelitian ini berfokus pada perencanaan dan pembangunan Kota Bandung dalam persiapan pemindahan ibu kota Hindia Belanda pada 1916–1933 dengan menggunakan metode sejarah yang terdiri dari heuristik, verifikasi, interpretasi, dan historiografi.

This article discuss the plan and development of Bandung City as an initiative to relocate the capital of the Netherlands East Indies in 1916-1933. The plan to relocate the capital city began when there were hygiene problems in Batavia in the early 1900s. In 1916, H.F. Tillema reported that the cities on the north coast of Java were incapable to be used as the center of administrative colonial government activities because of its unhealthiness, thus recommended that the capital of the Netherlands East Indies should be relocated to the Bandung City. The planning and development process continued until the establishment of the Technische Hoogeschool te Bandoeng, Gedung Sate, Malabar radio station, and other city facilities and infrastructure. Unfortunately, the development of Bandung City lacked support from the central government in preparation for the relocation of the capital of the Netherlands East Indies and was stopped in 1933, due to the Malaise Crisis that had occurred since 1929. This research focuses on the planning and development of Bandung City in preparation for the transfer of the capital of the Netherlands East Indies in 1916-1933 using historical methods consisting of heuristic, verification, interpretation, and historiography."
Depok: Fakultas Ilmu Pengetahuan dan Budaya Universitas Indonesia, 2023
UI - Tugas Akhir  Universitas Indonesia Library
Saffana Putri Andriana
"Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mengetahui pengaruh faktor-faktor industri terhadap struktur modal pada perusahaan non-keuangan yang terdaftar di Bursa Efek Indonesia selama periode tahun 2017-2021. Sampel penelitian yang digunakan dalam penelitian ini adalah 273 perusahaan dengan total observasi sebesar 1615 firm-year. Penelitian ini terdiri dari struktur modal sebagai variabel dependennya, dan industry competitiveness, industry munificence, serta industry dynamism sebagai variabel independen. Hasil penelitian menemukan adanya pengaruh signifikan negatif dari industry competitiveness dan industry dynamism terhadap struktur modal. Sedangkan, untuk industry munificence ditemukan adanya pengaruh negatif namun tidak signifikan terhadap struktur modal.

This study aims to determine the effect of industry-specific factors on capital structure in non-financial companies listed on the Indonesia Stock Exchange during the 2017-2021 period. The research sample used in this study was 273 companies with a total observation of 1615 firm-year. This study consists of capital structure as the dependent variable, and industry competitiveness, industry munificence, and industry dynamism as independent variables. The result found that there is a negative significant effect of industry competitiveness and industry dynamism on capital structure. Meanwhile, for industry munificence, there is a negative but insignificant influence on capital structure."
Depok: Fakultas Ekonomi dan Bisnis Universitas Indonesia, 2023
UI - Skripsi Membership  Universitas Indonesia Library
Alin Halimatussadiah
Di banyak negara berkembang termasuk Indonesia, pemerintah daerah masih berusaha keras untuk menyediakan jasa pengangkutan sampah yang memadai.
Sampah yang tidak terangkut dibuang ke tempat pembuangan yang terbuka yang dapat meningkatkan resiko kesehatan. Di lain pihak, terdapat beberapa fenomena yang menunjukkan bahwa masyarakat secara bersama-sama dapat menyelesaikan permasalahan kolektif. Untuk memahami bagaimana solusi dari masyarakat dapat muncul, konsep modal sosial menjadi penting untuk dibahas.
Modal sosial adalah jaringan sosial yang kuat yang didalamnya terdapat nilai dan norma yang dapat mendorong kerjasama antar individu. Interaksi sosial yang terjadi dilandasi oleh rasa percaya antar anggota masyarakat, yaitu bagaimana seorang individu percaya akan konstribusi dari anggota masyarakat yang lain untuk bersama-sama mengatasi permasalahan kolektif di komunitasnya.
Masih kurangnya studi empirik mengenai modal sosial di Indonesia dan perlunya memberikan bukti apakah modal sosial mempengaruhi aksi kolektif menjadi tujuan utama disertasi ini. Karena pengukuran variabel modal sosial dan aksi kolektif merupakan salah satu masalah yang perlu diperhatikan, karenanya disertasi ini menggunakan dua metode yaitu model ekonometrik yang menggunakan data survey IFLS (Indonesia Family Life Survey) dan metode eksperimen (eksperimen di laboratorium komputer).
Seiring dengan dilakukannya eksperimen, dilakukan juga survey terhadap partisipan eksperimen untuk melihat
konsistensi pengukuran modal sosial antara hasil eksperimen dengan survey. Aksi kolektif yang digunakan dalam studi ini adalah yang terkait dengan kegiatan proteksi lingkungan.
Pada model ekonometrik, trust (kepercayaan) dan civic network (jaringan sipil) digunakan sebagai proksi untuk mengukur modal sosial. Modal sosial diukur dalam dua tingkat, yaitu dalam tingkat individu dan tingkat kolektif (masyarakat). Metode eksperimen menggunakan trust game untuk mengukur trust, sebagai proksi dari modal sosial, dan public goods game untuk mengukur kontribusi individu untuk suatu aksi kolektif. Dari kedua metode empiris dapat diambil kesimpulan secara meyakinkan bahwa modal sosial secara signifikan berpengaruh pada kontribusi individu untuk suatu aksi kolektif. Dari metode yang pertama ditunjukkan bahwa pada tingkat individu, civic network mempunyai dampak yang lebih besar, sedangkan pada tingkat
xii komunitas, trust memiliki dampak yang lebih besar terhadap peluang seseorang berpartisipasi dalam suatu aksi kolektif ?kerja bakti?. Faktor lain yang berpengaruh juga adalah pendapatan, jenis kelamin, tipe daerah (perkotaan/pedesaan), dan keragaman agama dan etnis dalam suatu wilayah.
Hasil dari eksperimen menunjukkan bahwa trust berpengaruh positif terhadap kontribusi individu dalam suatu aksi kolektif. Hal ini berlaku baik untuk trustor (orang yang memberikan kepercayaan kepada orang lain) dan trustee (orang yang mengembalikan kepercayaan yang telah diberikan). Trust diukur dari berapa uang yang seorang individu berikan kepada pasangannya. Walaupun begitu, kita tidak menemukan bukti yang signifikan untuk menunjukkan bahwa pengungkapan dari
perilaku sebagian anggota kelompok pada trust game berpengaruh pada kontribusi individu di public goods game.
Terdapat beberapa implikasi dari hasil studi ini. Pertama adalah pentingnya memandang modal sosial sebagai faktor yang penting dalam penyediaan barang kolektif. Kedua, pentingnya mempertahankan tingkat modal sosial. Lebih jauh lagi, perlu difikirkan bagaimana mengakumulasi modal sosial dengan melakukan investasi. Ketiga, dalam setiap kebijakan pemerintah, tingkat modal sosial dalam
masyarakat perlu dijadikan pertimbangan; artinya jangan sampai ada kebijakan yang akhirnya menurunkan modal sosial. Intervensi pemerintah yang terlalu besar ke dalam masyarakat dapat melemahkan kemampuan masyarakat untuk mengatasi permasalahan kolektif dan membuat masyarakat semakin tergantung kepada pemerintah.;

struggle to provide with reliable solid waste collection services. Uncollected waste, dumped into open spaces, increases environmental health and risk. There exists evidence showing the ability of communities to collectively act at neighborhood levels in order to resolve a collective problem. In order to understand what takes place for a self-governed solution to emerge from within a community, the concept of social capital needs to be addressed.
Social capital refers to a dense social network with embedded values and norms that promotes cooperation between individuals. This is the kind of social interaction that is represented by trust among members of a community. Trust here refers to an individual?s belief in the ability of others to contribute or cooperate to solve collective problems within a community.
The lack of empirical study on social capital in Indonesia and providing strong empirical evidence on whether social capital induces collective action become the main objective of this dissertation. As the measurement issue of social capital and collective action becomes important factors to be considered, empirical evidence provided in this study will address the measurement problem. Two methods will
be conducted: econometric model using large-scale survey based-data
(IFLS/Indonesian Family Life Survey) and experimental method (computer laboratory experiment).
As we conduct the experiment, we also conduct microscale survey within subjects to look at the consistency of the measurement of social capital between using experiment and survey. We use environmental protection activity as the case of collective action problem raised in this study.
In the econometric model, trust and civic network are used to proxy social capital, and we introduce arisan as the control variable for social capital. We employ social capital in the individual and community context. The experimental method uses the trust game to measure trust, used here to proxy social capital, and a public goods game to measure contributions in a collective action.
Results from the two methods seem to convincingly conclude that social capital significantly impacts individual contributions in a collective action. From the first method it is shown that at the individual level, civic network has the largest impact. At the community level, trust has the largest impact on the probability of individuals participating in kerja bakti. Other factors that need to put into account x are income, gender, region (urban/rural), and diversity in terms of religion and
Results from the experiment method show that trust is positively significant in inducing individual contributions in a collective action, and this holds both for the trustor (the one who hands over the trust to the trustee) and the trustee (the one who reciprocates in kind). Trust is measured here by how much money is given by an individual to his or her partner. However, we found no significant evidence to support the impact of partial disclosure of a group member?s behavior in the
trust game on contributions in the public goods game.
There are implications to consider from the results of this study. First is the importance of considering social capital as a means to provide collective goods.
Second, the importance to maintain the levels of social capital. We also have to think on how does one accumulate more out of investing in social capital. Third, with any (local) government policy, the existing social capital has to be taken into account; a policy should not be implemented if it reduces social capital. Too much government intervention into a community could weaken the community?s
capacity to resolve a collective problem and make them more dependent on the government.;struggle to provide with reliable solid waste collection services. Uncollected waste, dumped into open spaces, increases environmental health and risk. There exists evidence showing the ability of communities to collectively act at neighborhood levels in order to resolve a collective problem. In order to understand what takes place for a self-governed solution to emerge from within a community, the concept of social capital needs to be addressed.
Social capital refers to a dense social network with embedded values and norms that promotes cooperation between individuals. This is the kind of social interaction that is represented by trust among members of a community. Trust here refers to an individual?s belief in the ability of others to contribute or cooperate to solve collective problems within a community.
The lack of empirical study on social capital in Indonesia and providing strong empirical evidence on whether social capital induces collective action become the main objective of this dissertation. As the measurement issue of social capital and collective action becomes important factors to be considered, empirical evidence provided in this study will address the measurement problem. Two methods will
be conducted: econometric model using large-scale survey based-data
(IFLS/Indonesian Family Life Survey) and experimental method (computer laboratory experiment). As we conduct the experiment, we also conduct microscale survey within subjects to look at the consistency of the measurement of social capital between using experiment and survey. We use environmental protection activity as the case of collective action problem raised in this study.
In the econometric model, trust and civic network are used to proxy social capital, and we introduce arisan as the control variable for social capital. We employ social capital in the individual and community context. The experimental method uses the trust game to measure trust, used here to proxy social capital, and a public goods game to measure contributions in a collective action.
Results from the two methods seem to convincingly conclude that social capital significantly impacts individual contributions in a collective action. From the first method it is shown that at the individual level, civic network has the largest impact. At the community level, trust has the largest impact on the probability of individuals participating in kerja bakti. Other factors that need to put into account x are income, gender, region (urban/rural), and diversity in terms of religion and
Results from the experiment method show that trust is positively significant in inducing individual contributions in a collective action, and this holds both for the trustor (the one who hands over the trust to the trustee) and the trustee (the one who reciprocates in kind). Trust is measured here by how much money is given by an individual to his or her partner. However, we found no significant evidence to support the impact of partial disclosure of a group member?s behavior in the
trust game on contributions in the public goods game.
There are implications to consider from the results of this study. First is the importance of considering social capital as a means to provide collective goods.
Second, the importance to maintain the levels of social capital. We also have to think on how does one accumulate more out of investing in social capital. Third, with any (local) government policy, the existing social capital has to be taken into account; a policy should not be implemented if it reduces social capital. Too much government intervention into a community could weaken the community?s
capacity to resolve a collective problem and make them more dependent on the government., struggle to provide with reliable solid waste collection services. Uncollected waste, dumped into open spaces, increases environmental health and risk. There exists evidence showing the ability of communities to collectively act at neighborhood levels in order to resolve a collective problem. In order to understand what takes place for a self-governed solution to emerge from within a community, the concept of social capital needs to be addressed.
Social capital refers to a dense social network with embedded values and norms that promotes cooperation between individuals. This is the kind of social interaction that is represented by trust among members of a community. Trust here refers to an individual’s belief in the ability of others to contribute or cooperate to solve collective problems within a community.
The lack of empirical study on social capital in Indonesia and providing strong empirical evidence on whether social capital induces collective action become the main objective of this dissertation. As the measurement issue of social capital and collective action becomes important factors to be considered, empirical evidence provided in this study will address the measurement problem. Two methods will
be conducted: econometric model using large-scale survey based-data
(IFLS/Indonesian Family Life Survey) and experimental method (computer laboratory experiment). As we conduct the experiment, we also conduct microscale survey within subjects to look at the consistency of the measurement of social capital between using experiment and survey. We use environmental protection activity as the case of collective action problem raised in this study.
In the econometric model, trust and civic network are used to proxy social capital, and we introduce arisan as the control variable for social capital. We employ social capital in the individual and community context. The experimental method uses the trust game to measure trust, used here to proxy social capital, and a public goods game to measure contributions in a collective action.
Results from the two methods seem to convincingly conclude that social capital significantly impacts individual contributions in a collective action. From the first method it is shown that at the individual level, civic network has the largest impact. At the community level, trust has the largest impact on the probability of individuals participating in kerja bakti. Other factors that need to put into account x are income, gender, region (urban/rural), and diversity in terms of religion and
Results from the experiment method show that trust is positively significant in inducing individual contributions in a collective action, and this holds both for the trustor (the one who hands over the trust to the trustee) and the trustee (the one who reciprocates in kind). Trust is measured here by how much money is given by an individual to his or her partner. However, we found no significant evidence to support the impact of partial disclosure of a group member’s behavior in the
trust game on contributions in the public goods game.
There are implications to consider from the results of this study. First is the importance of considering social capital as a means to provide collective goods.
Second, the importance to maintain the levels of social capital. We also have to think on how does one accumulate more out of investing in social capital. Third, with any (local) government policy, the existing social capital has to be taken into account; a policy should not be implemented if it reduces social capital. Too much government intervention into a community could weaken the community’s
capacity to resolve a collective problem and make them more dependent on the government.]"
UI - Disertasi Membership  Universitas Indonesia Library
Amsterdam : North-Holland Publishing, 1976
332.041 BRO e (1)
Buku Teks  Universitas Indonesia Library
Dewey, Donald
New York: Columbia University Press, 1965
332.041 DEW m
Buku Teks  Universitas Indonesia Library
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