ABSTRAKSports area di Indonesia, biasanya hanya identik dengan jogging track, taman, dan juga beberapa macam lapangan olahraga (Basketball, football, and volleyball). Kenyataanya, sports area membutuhkan suatu fasilitas yang dapat digunakan dalam waktu singkat untuk melakukan aktifitas kebugaran. Pada beberapa tahun terakhir, terdapat banyak penambahan berbagai macam kebutuhan untuk olahraga yang dipasang di kawasan olahraga dan taman di Jakarta. Penambahan ini terjadi karena banyaknya permintaan dari masyarakat terhadap sarana olahraga di ruang terbuka. Salah satu fasilitas olahraga yang di disediakan adalah fasilitas kebugaran luar ruangan. (Outdoor Gym). Fasilitas tersebut dibuat dan dipasang secara gratis, sehingga semua orang bisa dengan senang menggunakannya tanpa harus membayar uang sedikitpun. Kemunculan fasilitas kebugaran luar ruangan memunculkan komunitas yang selalu aktif menggunakan fasilitas tersebut dan menjaga area dimana fasilitas tersebut berada.
ABSTRACTA sports area in Indonesia is usually only identical with jogging track, parks, and also some kinds of sports courts (basketball, football, and volleyball). In fact, sports areas need facilities that can be used in a short time to keep up the fitness of the body. In the last few years there are many additions, the various needs of sport that are placed in the sports area and parks in Jakarta. This occurs due to increased need for people is activities in sports facilities. One of the sports facilities available is the outdoor gym facility. The facilities are constructed and installed for free, so everyone can enjoy these activities without having to pay an additional fee. Emerging outdoor gym facilities have led to a community that is always active in the use of these facilities.;A sports area in Indonesia is usually only identical with jogging track, parks, and
also some kinds of sports courts (basketball, football, and volleyball). In fact,
sports areas need facilities that can be used in a short time to keep up the fitness of
the body. In the last few years there are many additions, the various needs of sport
that are placed in the sports area and parks in Jakarta. This occurs due to increased
need for people is activities in sports facilities. One of the sports facilities
available is the outdoor gym facility. The facilities are constructed and installed
for free, so everyone can enjoy these activities without having to pay an additional
fee. Emerging outdoor gym facilities have led to a community that is always
active in the use of these facilities., A sports area in Indonesia is usually only identical with jogging track, parks, and
also some kinds of sports courts (basketball, football, and volleyball). In fact,
sports areas need facilities that can be used in a short time to keep up the fitness of
the body. In the last few years there are many additions, the various needs of sport
that are placed in the sports area and parks in Jakarta. This occurs due to increased
need for people is activities in sports facilities. One of the sports facilities
available is the outdoor gym facility. The facilities are constructed and installed
for free, so everyone can enjoy these activities without having to pay an additional
fee. Emerging outdoor gym facilities have led to a community that is always
active in the use of these facilities.]"