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Syifa Adinda
"[Tujuan: menguji validitas dan reliabilitas instrumen Health Literacy in Dentistry Scale versi Bahasa Indonesia pada kelompok usia 12-14 tahun di DKI Jakarta. Metode: Kuesioner HeLD diterjemahkan melalui forward-backward translation. Desain penelitian menggunakan cross sectional. Konsistensi internal dan eksternal, validitas konvergen dan diskriminan dari HeLD dievaluasi. Hasil: sebanyak 462 siswa menyelesaikan self-administered questionnaire. Rerata skor HeLD yaitu 3,45±0,02. Nilai Intra-class Correlation Coefficient (ICC) adalah 0,75 dan Cronbach?s alpha=0,77. Validitas konvergen dan diskriminan memiliki hubungan signifikan pada kunjungan terakhir ke dokter gigi (p<0,01). Kesimpulan: instrumen HeLD versi Bahasa Indonesia terbukti valid dan reliabel untuk mengukur oral health literacy anak usia 12-14 tahun;Objective: The aim of this study was to analyze validity and reliability of an Indonesian version of the Health Literacy in Dentistry scale (HeLD) instrument among 12-14 years old in Jakarta. Methods: HeLD questionnaire was forward-backward translated into Indonesian. This study design is cross sectional. The internal and external consistency, convergent and discriminant validity of HeLD were evaluated. Results: 462 students completed the self-administered questionnaire. The mean total HeLD score was 3.45±0.02. The Intra-class Correlation Coefficients (ICCs) were 0.75 and Cronbach?s alpha=0.77. The convergent and discriminant validity were confirmed by HeLD scores being significantly associated with last dental visit (p<0.001). Conclusions: The Indonesian version of HeLD suggested that is a valid and reliable instrument for measuring oral health literacy in children ages 12-14 years old.;Objective: The aim of this study was to analyze validity and reliability of an Indonesian version of the Health Literacy in Dentistry scale (HeLD) instrument among 12-14 years old in Jakarta. Methods: HeLD questionnaire was forward-backward translated into Indonesian. This study design is cross sectional. The internal and external consistency, convergent and discriminant validity of HeLD were evaluated. Results: 462 students completed the self-administered questionnaire. The mean total HeLD score was 3.45±0.02. The Intra-class Correlation Coefficients (ICCs) were 0.75 and Cronbach?s alpha=0.77. The convergent and discriminant validity were confirmed by HeLD scores being significantly associated with last dental visit (p<0.001). Conclusions: The Indonesian version of HeLD suggested that is a valid and reliable instrument for measuring oral health literacy in children ages 12-14 years old.;Objective: The aim of this study was to analyze validity and reliability of an Indonesian version of the Health Literacy in Dentistry scale (HeLD) instrument among 12-14 years old in Jakarta. Methods: HeLD questionnaire was forward-backward translated into Indonesian. This study design is cross sectional. The internal and external consistency, convergent and discriminant validity of HeLD were evaluated. Results: 462 students completed the self-administered questionnaire. The mean total HeLD score was 3.45±0.02. The Intra-class Correlation Coefficients (ICCs) were 0.75 and Cronbach’s alpha=0.77. The convergent and discriminant validity were confirmed by HeLD scores being significantly associated with last dental visit (p<0.001). Conclusions: The Indonesian version of HeLD suggested that is a valid and reliable instrument for measuring oral health literacy in children ages 12-14 years old., Objective: The aim of this study was to analyze validity and reliability of an Indonesian version of the Health Literacy in Dentistry scale (HeLD) instrument among 12-14 years old in Jakarta. Methods: HeLD questionnaire was forward-backward translated into Indonesian. This study design is cross sectional. The internal and external consistency, convergent and discriminant validity of HeLD were evaluated. Results: 462 students completed the self-administered questionnaire. The mean total HeLD score was 3.45±0.02. The Intra-class Correlation Coefficients (ICCs) were 0.75 and Cronbach’s alpha=0.77. The convergent and discriminant validity were confirmed by HeLD scores being significantly associated with last dental visit (p<0.001). Conclusions: The Indonesian version of HeLD suggested that is a valid and reliable instrument for measuring oral health literacy in children ages 12-14 years old.]"
Depok: Fakultas Kedokteran Gigi Universitas Indonesia, 2015
UI - Skripsi Membership  Universitas Indonesia Library
Sitepu, Cristy Arianta
"Latar Belakang: Kesehatan gigi dan mulut sangat mempengaruhi kesehatan secara umum setiap individu, karena rongga mulut merupakan jalur utama masuknya asupan kedalam tubuh. Akan tetapi, mulut dapat menjadi sumber infeksi yang akan mempengaruhi kesehatan secara umum. Oral health literacy diperlukan untuk mengambil keputusan kesehatan yang sesuai untuk mencegah penyakit khususnya kesehatan gigi dan mulut. Dalam mengukur tingkat oral health literacy, diperlukan suatu kuesioner dengan tingkat validitas dan reliabilitas baik untuk mendapatkan hasil yang optimal.
Tujuan: Menguji validitas dan reliabilitas kuesioner Health Literacy in Denstistry (HeLD) pada penduduk DKI Jakarta.
Metode: Penelitian ini menggunakan desain studi potong lintang atau cross sectional. Dua puluh sembilan pertanyaan yang ada dalam instrumen HeLD yang telah diterjemahkan ke Bahasa Indonesia, digunakan untuk mengukur oral health literacy.
Hasil: Sebanyak 390 reponden mengisi kuesioner. Rerata skor HeLD yaitu 2,6. Cronbach alpha 0.958.
Kesimpulan: Kuesioner Health Literacy in Denstistry versi Bahasa Indonesia yang digunakan pada penelitian ini memiliki validitas dan reliabilitas yang baik untuk mengukur status oral health literacy pada penduduk DKI Jakarta.

Background: Oral health was greatly affected human health in overall, regarding that the mouth is the main acess for food intake. Dispite its main function, the mouth could also be a significant source of infection that might influence the individual health. A valid and reliable questionnaire was needed in order to measure the Health Literacy In Dentistry (HeLD). Oral health literacy is needed to make appropriate health decisions to prevent diseases especially for oral health.
Purpose: To analyze the validity and reliability questionnaire HeLD for the people in DKI Jakarta.
Method: A cross sectional analytical study using 29 questions of HeLD Questionnaire that has been translated to Indonesian language to measure the oral health literacy.
Result: Three hundred and ninety respondents completed the questionnaire. The mean total HeLD score was 2,6. Cronbach alpha 0.958.
Conclusions: Health literacy in Dentistry (HeLD) Questionnaire which has been translated to Indonesian language is valid and reliable to measure the Oral Health Literacy for the people at the DKI Jakarta.
Jakarta: Fakultas Kedokteran Gigi Universitas Indonesia, 2015
UI - Skripsi Membership  Universitas Indonesia Library
Siti Latifah Nuraini
"Tujuan: Reliabilitas dan validitas kuesioner COHIP-SF 19 versi Bahasa Indonesia.
Metode: Dibuat berdasarkan pedoman proses adaptasi cross-cultural. Penelitian dilakukan pada 548 anak usia 12 - 15 tahun dari enam SMP Negeri di Jakarta yang dipilih secara acak. Tes psikometrik mencakup konsistensi internal, reliabilitas test-retest, validitas diskriminan, dan validitas konvergen.
Hasil: Mean usia subjek penelitian adalah 13,3 tahun (SD 0,9) dan 54% subjek penelitian merupakan perempuan. Mean COHIP-SF 19 adalah 57,8 (SD 8,8) dan mediannya adalah 58 (rentang 27 - 75). Konsistensi internal dan reliabilitas test-retest COHIP-SF 19 sangat baik dengan nilai Chronbach’s alpha 0,83 dan intra-class correlation coefficient (ICC) 0,81. Anak-anak dengan decay aktif, PUFA positif, rongga mulut tidak bersih, atau gingivitis memiliki skor COHIP-SF 19 yang lebih rendah secara signifikan (P ≤ 0,030). Korelasi antara skor COHIP-SF 19 dan masing-masing domain, dengan tingkat keparahan klinis dan penilaian diri terhadap kesehatan umum atau kesehatan rongga mulut setelah disesuaikan dengan usia, jenis kelamin, dan sekolah sangat rendah hingga rendah (│rs│ = 0,04 – 0,27, P ≤ 0,028).
Kesimpulan: COHIP-SF 19 versi Bahasa Indonesia berhasil dibuat untuk digunakan sebagai instrumen OHRQoL pada anak-anak usia sekolah di Indonesia. Konsistensi internal, reliabilitas test-retest, validitas diskriminan, dan validitas konvergen COHIP-SF 19 versi Bahasa Indonesia sudah dibuktikan.

Objectives: Assessing reliability and validity of COHIP-SF 19 Indonesian version.
Methods: Developed according to the guidelines for the cross-cultural adaptation process. The instrument was tested among 548 children age 12 – 15 years old, from randomly selected six junior high school in Jakarta. The psychometric test include internal consistency, test-retest reliability, discriminant validity, and convergent validity.
Results: Mean age of the participants was 13,3 years (SD 0,9) and 54% of the participants were girls. The mean score was 57,8 (SD 8,8) and the median was 58 (range 27-75). The internal consistency and test-retest reliability was excellent with Chronbach’s alpha 0,83 and intra-class correlation coefficient (ICC) 0,81. Children with active decay, positive PUFA, not clean oral cavity, or gingivitis had significantly lower scores (P ≤ 0,030). Correlation between COHIP-SF 19 score, subscale scores and clinical severity as well as self-rated general or oral health were very low to low (│rs│ = 0,04 - 0,27, P ≤ 0,028), after adjustment for children’s age, gender, and school.
Conclusion: The Indonesian version of COHIP-SF 19 was successfully developed to be used as an OHRQoL instrument for Indonesian school-age children. The internal consistency, test-retest reliability, discriminant validity, and convergent validity of COHIP-SF 19 Indonesian version were confirmed.
Jakarta: Fakultas Kedokteran Gigi Universitas Indonesia, 2015
UI - Skripsi Membership  Universitas Indonesia Library
"[Latar belakang: Oral health literacy (OHL) dibutuhkan untuk promosi kesehatan
dan upaya pencegahan penyakit yang berhubungan dengan kesehatan gigi dan mulut.
Penelitian yang dilakukan mengenai OHL dan faktor-faktornya di Indonesia masih
sangat minim.Informasi tentang OHL sangat dibutuhkan untuk membantu klinisi dan
pembuat kebijakan untuk meningkatkan pelayanan kesehatan gigi dan mulut dan
membuat program kesehatan gigi dan mulut yang sesuai dengan kebutuhkan
komunitas. Tujuan: Mengetahui perbedaan OHL antara berbagai kelompok dengan
perbedaan status sosiodemografi . Metode: Penelitian potong lintang yang dilakukan
pada 390 responden dewasa di DKI Jakarta menggunakan kuesioner Health Literacy
in Dentistry (HeLD) yang telah di adaptasi ke dalam bahasa Indonesia. Hasil: 390
responden mengisi kuesioner HeLD. Rerata skor HeLD dari seluruh responden adalah
2,6±0,98. Tidak ditemukan perbedaan skor HeLD antara responden laki-laki 2,63±1,0
dan perempuan 2,57±0,98 pada penelitian ini (p>0,05). Terdapat perbedaan secara
statistik antara skor HeLD dengan kelompok umur dan kelompok dengan status
sosioekonomi (p<0,05). Simpulan: Disimpulkan bahwa terdapat tingkat OHL yang
sama antar laki-laki dan perempuan pada populasi penelitian ini. Selanjutnya,
penurunan skor OHL sejalan dengan bertambahnya usia dan tingkat sosial ekonomi, Background: Oral health literacy (OHL) is needed to promote oral health and action
for prevention to oral health related diseases. Only few studies have been conducted
concerning oral health literacy in Indonesia. The information can help clinicians and
policy makers to improve oral health treatment and programs to suit the need of
society. Objectives: To analyze the differences of OHL between different
sociodemographic groups in DKI Jakarta. Methods: A cross sectional analytical
study using the Indonesian translated Health Literacy in Dentistry (HeLD)
questionnaire on 390 adult living in DKI Jakarta area. Results: 390 respondents
completed the self-administered questionnaire. The mean total of HeLD was
2.6±0.98. There were no differences in HeLD score between male (2.63±1.0) and
female (2.57±0.98) respondents in this study (p>0.05). However, statistical
differences were found between HeLD score amongst age and socioeconomic group.
(p<0.05). Conclusion: This study showed that adult males and females in DKI
Jakarta have the same level of OHL, however increasing age and low socioeconomic
status influenced the level of OHL]"
[, Fakultas Kedokteran Gigi Universitas Indonesia], 2015
UI - Skripsi Membership  Universitas Indonesia Library
Wulandari Arumrahayu
"Tujuan: Tujuan dari penelitian ini digunakan untuk menentukkan validitas dan reliabilitas kuesioner C-OIDP pada anak SMP dengan rentang usia 12-15 tahun di Wilayah DKI Jakarta.
Metode: Versi Bahasa dari C-OIDP dibentuk sesuai dengan pedoman proses adaptasi cross-cultural. Penelitian dilakukan pada 502 anak usia 12 - 15 tahun dari enam SMP Negeri di Jakarta yang dipilih secara acak. Tes psikometrik mencakup konsistensi internal, reliabilitas test-retest, validitas diskriminan, dan validitas konvergen.
Hasil: mean usia subyek penelitian adalah 13.3 tahun (SD ± 0.9) dan 54% subyek penelitian merupakan perempuan. Mean C-OIDP dari peserta adalah 3.49, (SD ±5.61). Konsistensi internal dan reliabilitas test-retest C-OIDP dengan nilai Chronbach’s alpha 0.72 dan intra-class correlation coefficient (ICC) 0.61. anak-anak dengan decay aktif, PUFA positif, rongga mulut tidak bersih, atau gingivitis memiliki skor C-OIDP yang lebih rendah secara signifikan (P ≤ 0.001). Dua per tiga (64.9%) dari sampel memiliki paling sedikit satu dampak oral yang berpengaruh pada performa keseharian.
Kesimpulan: C-OIDP versi Bahasa Indonesia berhasil dibuat untuk digunakan sebagai instrumen OHRQoL pada anak-anak usia 12-15 di Indonesia.

Obejctives: The aim of this study is to assess validity and reliability an Indonesian Version of C-OIDP in among 12-15 years old high-school-children in Jakarta.
Method: The Indonesian version of C-OIDP was developed according to the guidelines for the cross-cultural adaptation process. The Indonesian version was tested for reliability and validity on random sample of 502, 12–15 years old school children in Jakarta. Psychometric analysis of the Indonesian Child-OIDP involved construct validity tests as well as internal and test-retest reliability.
Result: Mean age of the participants was 13.3, (SD± 0.9) and 46% of the student are males, 54% are females. Crohnbach’s alpha value was 0.72. In terms of test-retest reliability, the intraclass correlation coefficient (ICC) was 0.61. Two-third (64.9%) of the sample had oral impact affecting one or more performances in the past 3 months. The mean of C-OIDP score was 3.49 (SD±5.61). The construct validity was confirmed by C-OIDP scores being significantly associated with oral health condition.The Spearman’s correlation coefficients significant (all p<0.001).
Conclusion: This study indicates that the Indonesian Child-OIDP index is a valid and reliable measure to be used as an OHRQoL index among 12–15 years old children in Indonesia.
Jakarta: Fakultas Kedokteran Gigi Universitas Indonesia, 2015
UI - Skripsi Membership  Universitas Indonesia Library
"Objective: This study aimed to determine the level of oral health literacy and behavior among health sciences university students. Methods: The method used descriptive cross-sectional survey involving 609 students from Faculty of Medicine, Dentistry, Pharmacy and Allied Health Sciences in the Universiti Kebangsaan Malaysia. Oral health literacy level and behaviour was assessed with a validated and pretested self administered questionnaire using the Newest Vital Sign (NVS) tool and modified Oral Health Adult Literacy Questionnaire (OHL-AQ). Results: A
total of 509 participants involved in the study (83.6%). The overall mean oral health literacy score was 10.27 (95% CI 7.92, 12.62), which found dental students showing statistically significant higher scores (mean=11.36, 95% CI 9.70, 13.02) compared to medical (mean=10.72, 95% CI 8.67, 12.77), allied health sciences (mean=9.89, 95% CI 7.34, 12.44) and pharmacy (mean=9.55, 95% CI 7.23, 11.87). Almost all respondents are non-smokers (99.8%) and non-drinkers (97.2%). Only 19.1% pay regular dental visits every 6-12months while 51.1% visit dentist only when they have dental pain. There appears to be a positive relationship between oral health literacy and oral health behavior. Conclusion: Health science university students should be provided substantial dental health education in their curriculum as they could be potential strategic partners in oral health."
Faculty of Dentistry, Universiti Kebangsaan Malaysia, Kuala Lumpur, 2015
Artikel Jurnal  Universitas Indonesia Library
Reny Mawardini
Oral Health Literacy OHL adalah tingkat kemampuan seseorang untuk menerima, memproses, dan memahami informasi kesehatan gigi dan mulut dasar untuk menentukan tindakan perawatan kesehatan gigi yang tepat untuk dirinya. Tingginya skor OHL menunjukkan kemampuan individu menggunakan informasi kesehatan gigi dan mulut untuk menjaga status kesehatan gigi dan mulutnya termasuk untuk memilih perawatan akan kehilangan gigi. Namun, rehabilitasi kehilangan gigi dengan gigi tiruan di Indonesia masih sangat sedikit dilakukan. Saat ini belum ada penelitian tentang hubungan skor OHL dengan pemakaian gigi tiruan. Tujuan penelitian ini adalah menganalisis hubungan tingkat oral health literacy dengan pemakaian gigi tiruan, hubungan tingkat oral health literacy dengan pemakaian gigi tiruan berdasarkan status kehilangan gigi dan faktor sosiodemografi usia, jenis kelamin, tingkat pendidikan, pendapatan, dan pekerjaan . Penelitian ini dilakukan dengan menggunakan metode potong lintang dan melibatkan 70 responden diatas 18 tahun di Kota Depok, Jawa Barat. Kedua tahap penelitian menggunakan kuesioner Health literacy in Dentistry HeLD-29 untuk menilai skor OHL serta pemeriksaan klinis untuk melihat pemakaian gigi tiruan dan menilai status kehilangan gigi berdasarkan jumlah kehilangan gigi. Rerata skor OHL dari responden adalah 2.86 0.66 dengan jumlah presentase pemakai gigi tiruan adalah 30 dari jumlah responden. Terdapat hubungan antara skor OHL dengan pemakaian gigi tiruan. Kesimpulan: Terdapat hubungan tingkat oral health literacy dengan pemakaian gigi tiruan.

Oral Health Literacy OHL is a degree of individual comptenece to gain, process, and understand basic oral health information and services needed to determine appropriate oral health care. High OHL score shows individu has good capability to use oral health information as a direction to maintain their oral health and decide the treatment, especially treatment of tooth loss replacement with denture. However, the number of denture usage as rehabilitation of tooth loss in Indonesia is still low. At this time, there is no study has been done to analyze the relationship between oral health literacy score with denture usage. The purpose of this study is to analyze the correlation between OHL score with denture usage. Cross sectional study was done in 70 respondents in Depok, Jawa Barat using Health Literacy in Dentistry HeLD 29 questionnaires to assess OHL score and clinical examination to check denture usage and classify tooth loss based on the amount of tooth loss. Total 70 respondent participated this research with OHL score 2.86 0.66 and denture usage percentage was 30 of total respondents. There were correlations between OHL score and denture usage p"
UI - Skripsi Membership  Universitas Indonesia Library
Ratu Nabila Larasati
Latar Belakang: Penyakit periodontal dapat terjadi sebagai bentuk manifestasi oral selama masa kehamilan. Penyakit ini diketahui merupakan salah satu faktor risiko terjadinya hasil kehamilan bayi dengan berat badan lahir rendah (BBLR) dan prematur. Untuk mencegah hal tersebut, kunjungan ke dokter gigi diperlukan sehingga kesehatan rongga mulut serta kesehatan bayi dan kehamilan dapat dijaga. Kondisi pengetahuan diketahui berhubungan dengan kunjungan ibu ke dokter gigi selama masa kehamilan. Untuk melihat bagaimana kondisi pengetahuan dan perilaku ibu hamil terkait kesehatan gigi mulut selama masa kehamilan, dibutuhkan sebuah instrumen penelitian yang valid dan reliabel. Namun sayangnya, instrumen seperti itu belum ada di Indonesia. Tujuan: Menganalisis nilai validitas dan reliabilitas kuesioner Knowledge and Behavior towards Oral Health during Pregnancy (KBOHP) versi Indonesia. Metode: Metode penelitian analisis deskriptif dengan rancangan potong lintang dan metode pemilihan sampel dengan convinience sampling menggunakan kuesioner KBOHP. Proses adaptasi lintas budaya dilakukan dengan pendekatan simetris. Analisis psikometrik yang dilakukan adalah validitas isi, validitas konstruksi, dan reliabilitas tes ulang. Hasil: Kuesioner KBOHP berhasil diadaptasi lintas budaya kedalam Bahasa Indonesia menggunakan pendekatan simetris. Sebanyak 167 orang bersedia berpartisipasi dalam penelitian. Nilai koefisien validitas isi I-CVI sebesar 0.8, namun nilai validitas konstruksi domain pengetahuan dan perilaku 0,05. Uji reliabilitas tes ulang menunjukkan nilai Intraclass Correlation 0,89-1. Kesimpulan: Kuesioner KBOHP versi Indonesia berhasil diadaptasi lintas budaya dari Bahasa Inggris. Kuesioner KBOHP valid dan reliabel untuk digunakan pada populasi Indonesia, namun untuk dapat meningkatkan validitas konstruksi, dibutuhkan penyempurnaan pada pertanyaan kuesioner.

Background: Periodontal disease may occur as an oral manifestation during pregnancy, it is known to be one of the risk factor for low birth weight and premature pregnancy outcomes. To prevent those situations, a visit to the dentist is needed, so that oral health, the health of the baby and also pregnancy could be maintained. Knowledge is known to be associated to womens visit to the dentist during pregnancy. To determine the condition of knowledge and behavior of pregnant women related to oral health during pregnancy, a valid and reliable instrument is needed. Unfortunately, such instrument is lacking in Indonesia. Objective: To analyze the validity and reliability value of the Indonesian version of Knowledge and Behavior towards Oral Health during Pregnancy (KBOHP) questionnaire. Method: This was analytic descriptive crossectional study with convinience sampling design using previously published KBOHP questionnaire. Cross-cultural adaptation of the questionnaire is done using Symmetrical approach. Psychometric analysis of the questionnaire were analyzed using content validity, construct validity, and test retest reliability. Result: The KBOHP questionnaire was successfully cross-adapted culturally into Indonesian using Symmetrical approach. There were 167 people agreed to participate in this study. The value of content validity index (I-CVI) was 0.8 but the construct validity of the knowledge and behavior domain was 0.05. The test and retest reliability showed the Intraclass Correlation Coefficient (ICC) value of 0.89-1. Conclusion: The KBOHP Indonesian version questionnaire was successfully cross-culturally adapted from the English version. The KBHOP Indonesian version was valid and reliabel to be used in Indonesian population. However, improvement is still needed on the items of the questionnaire in order to improve the construct validity."
UI - Skripsi Membership  Universitas Indonesia Library
Bayu Brahmana Kridaningrat
"Latar belakang: Oral Health Literacy OHL adalah kemampuan individu untuk meningkatkan status kesehatan gigi dan mulutnya dengan menggunakan informasi kesehatan. Tingginya skor OHL menunjukkan baiknya kesadaran individu akan status kesehatan gigi dan mulutnya. Salah satu status penanda kebersihan gigi dan mulut adalah OHI-S. Saat ini masih sedikit penelitian tentang hubungan skor OHL dengan kebersihan mulut dan faktor-faktor yang mempengaruhinya.
Tujuan: Mengetahui hubungan skor OHL dengan faktor demografi dan skor OHI-S.
Metode: Penelitian potong lintang pada 99 responden lansia mandiri di Kota Depok menggunakan kuesioner Health Literacy in Dentistry HeLD-29 untuk menilai skor OHL dan pemeriksaan klinis untuk menilai skor OHI-S.
Hasil: 76 responden mengikuti penelitian ini memiliki rerata skor OHL adalah 2,53 0,85 dan rerata skor OHI-S adalah 2,8 1,10. Terdapat hubungan skor OHL dengan faktor demografi jenis kelamin, tingkat pendidikan, dan pengeluaran per bulan p0,05.
Kesimpulan: Tidak terdapat hubungan antara skor OHL dengan skor OHI-S, terdapat hubungan antara skor OHL dengan sebagian faktor demografi jenis kelamin, tingkat pendidikan, dan pengeluaran per bulan , dan tidak terdapat hubungan antara skor OHI-S dengan faktor demografi.

Background: The Oral Health Literacy OHL is individual ability to improve their oral health status using health information. High OHL score usually represent individual awareness of their oral health status. Oral Hygiene Index simplified OHI S is a method to assess oral hygiene status. Nowadays, research on correlation between OHL score and oral hygiene and the influencing factors is still rare.
Purpose: To know the correlation between OHL score with demographic factors and OHI S score.
Methods: Cross sectional study was held in 99 independent elderly respondents in Depok using Health Literacy in Dentistry HeLD 29 questionnaires to assess OHL score and clinical examination to assess OHI S score.
Result: 76 respondents followed this research with OHL score mean 2.53 0.85 and OHI S score mean 2.8 1.10. There were correlations between OHL score with demographic factors such as gender, education level, and expenses per month p 0.05.
Conclusion: There were no correlation between OHL score with OHI S score, there were correlations between OHL score with some demographic factors gender, education level, and expense per month , and there were no correlations between OHI S score with demographic factors.
Jakarta: Fakultas Kedokteran Gigi Universitas Indonesia, 2016
UI - Skripsi Membership  Universitas Indonesia Library
"Latar belakang: Di Indonesia prevalensi kehilangan gigi pada usia 35-44 tahun adalah 35,3% dan terus meningkat seiring bertambahnya usia. Kehilangan gigi dapat menyebabkan penurunan fungsi gigi dan mulut. Untuk mengembalikan fungsi gigi individu dapat menggunakan gigi tiruan, namun hanya 4% penduduk usia 35-44 tahun yang menggunakan gigi tiruan. Literasi kesehatan gigi dan mulut/Oral Health Literacy (OHL) didefinisikan sebagai kapasitas individu untuk memperoleh, memproses dan memahami informasi dasar kesehatan gigi, mulut dan kraniofasial serta pelayanannya yang diperlukan untuk membuat keputusan yang sesuai mengenai kesehatan gigi dan mulut. Oleh karena itu, mungkin saja nilai OHL memengaruhi persepsi kebutuhan individu. Akan tetapi, penelitian mengenai topik ini masih terbatas di Indonesia.
Tujuan: Untuk mengetahui hubungan antara nilai OHL dengan persepsi kehilangan gigi yang dilihat dari fungsi gigi dan perawatan kebutuhan gigi pada dewasa hingga lansia.
Metode: Penelitian deskriptif potong lintang menggunakan kuesioner The Health Literacy in Dentistry HELD-29 versi Indonesia (skor 0-116) dan pertanyaan mengenai persepsi fungsi gigi serta kebutuhan perawatan prostodonsia. Populasi penelitian adalah orang dengan usia 17 tahun keatas yang sudah mengalami kehilangan gigi.
Hasil: 205 responden berusia 17-82 tahun dan mayoritas perempuan (66,3%). Nilai OHL (82 ± 16,75) lebih tinggi pada kelompok dengan persepsi fungsi gigi sangat baik dan memilih tidak memerlukan perawatan prostodonsia. Terdapat hubungan bermakna (p<0,05) antara nilai OHL dengan persepsi fungsi gigi (r= 0,285), jumlah kehilangan gigi (r= -0,265), jumlah dukungan oklusal berdasarkan indeks Eichner(r= -0,262), dan lokasi kehilangan gigi (r= -0,233). Tidak terdapat hubungan bermakna antara nilai OHL dengan persepsi kebutuhan perawatan prostodonsia (r= 0,083, p>0,05). Terdapat perbedaan bermakna nilai OHL pada usia dan tingkat pendidikan individu (p<0,05). Tidak terdapat perbedaan bermakna nilai OHL berdasarkan jenis kelamin dan status ekonomi individu (p<0,05). terutama pada kelompok usia 17-29 tahun dengan ≥60 tahun (p= 0,006) dan kelompok usia 45-59 tahun dengan ≥60 tahun (p= 0,000) dan tingkat pendidikan SD dengan SMP (p= 0,002), SD dengan SMA (p= 0,000), dan SD dengan perguruan tinggi (p= 0,000). Tidak terdapat perbedaan bermakna nilai OHL berdasarkan jenis kelamin dan status ekonomi individu (p<0,05).
Kesimpulan: Semakin tinggi nilai OHL, semakin baik penilaian persepsi fungsi gigi. Semakin rendah nilai OHL maka semakin banyak jumlah kehilangan gigi, berkurangnya zona dukungan oklusal, dan semakin banyak lokasi kehilangan gigi yang terlibat.

Background: Prevalence of tooth loss in Indonesia is 35.3% at 35-44 years old and continues to increase with age. Tooth loss can lead to decreased oral function. To restore the oral function, individuals with tooth loss can wear denture, but only 4% of the population aged 35-44 years old wears denture. Oral health literacy (OHL) is defined as the degree to which individuals have the capacity to obtain, process, and understand basic dental, oral, and craniofacial health information and services needed to make appropriate oral health decisions. Therefore, low OHL score may be a cause of the low perceived need. Nonetheless, research concerning this issue is still limited in Indonesia.
Objective: To assess the correlation between OHL score and perception of tooth loss in adults to elderly.
Methods: Cross-sectional study was performed using The Health Literacy in Dentistry (HeLD)-29 Indonesian version (score 0-116) and questions about perception of dental function and perceived need for prosthodontics treatment. The population of this study were people aged 17 years old and over who had experienced tooth loss.
Results: There were 205 respondents with age range 17-82 years old and 66.3% of the respondents were female. The mean OHL score was 82. The OHL score was higher in the group of individuals who choose the higher perception of dental function and choose not to get Prosthodontics treatment. There is a significant correlation (p<0.05) between the OHL score and the perception of dental function (r= 0.285), number of tooth loss (r= -0.265), the number of occlusal support based on the Eichner index (r= -0.262), and the location of tooth loss (r= -0.233). There is no correlation between the OHL score and the perceived need for prosthodontics treatment (r= 0.083; p>0.05). There is a significant difference in the OHL score on age and educational level (p<0.05), especially in the aged 17-29 years old with ≥60 years old (p= 0.006) and the aged 45-59 years old with ≥60 years old (p= 0.000) and the level of education between elementary school with junior high school (p= 0.002), elementary school with senior high school (p= 0.000), and elementary school with higher level of education (p= 0.000). There is no significant difference in the OHL score on gender and individual economic status (p>0.05).
Conclusion: Higher OHL scores show better perception of dental function. Lower OHL scores are associated with higher tooth loss, loss of occlusal support zone, and more locations of tooth loss.
Jakarta: Fakultas Kedokteran Gigi Universitas Indonesia, 2021
UI - Skripsi Membership  Universitas Indonesia Library
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