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Ditemukan 192742 dokumen yang sesuai dengan query
"[Dalam kehidupan sehari-hari, kehidupan masyarakat sangat erat kaitannya dengan
perjanjian. Namun tidak banyak masyarakat yang tahu bahwa perjanjian
merupakan suatu perbuatan hukum yang memiliki konsekuensi hukum bagi para
pihak yang melakukannya. Perjanjian secara hukum diatur di dalam Buku Ke III
Kitab Undang-undang Hukum Perdata pada bab berjudul ?Tentang Perikatan?.
Perjanjian memiliki aspek dengan berbagai macam aspek teori yang luas di
dalamnya yang kemudian membentuk unusr-unsur, hingga syarat bagaimana
dikatan sah. Salah satu teori ada di dalam Kitab Undang-undang Hukum Perdata
dan berkembang adalah yaitu teori perjanjian diam-diam (Silent Agreement).
Eksistensi dan keberadaan Silent Agreement memang ada dan diatur di dalam
Hukum Perdata Indonesia. Namun sayangnya hal ini tidak diatur secara eksplisit
dan mendasar, hingga kerap kali penggunaannya dalam keperluan hukum,
Berdasarkan permasalahan tersebut maka permasalahan yang akan diteliti oleh
penulis dalam skripsi ini adalah bagaimana pengaturan secara umum tentang
perjanjian secara umum di dalam Buku ke-III Kitab Undang-undang Hukum
Perdata, bagaimana pengaturan tentnag perjanjian diam-diam dalam Hukum
perdata Indonesia, dan penerapan teori perjanjian diam-diam (Silent agreement) di
dalam gugatan pada putusan Mahkamah Agung Republik Indonesia No. 2178
K/Pdt/2008 Dibandingkan dengan putusan Mahkamah Agung Republik Indonesia
No. 1023 K/Pdt/2011;In daily life, the society?s life has the closest connection with agreement. However
not many poeple know that agreement is a legal action which has legal
consequence for the parties who do it. Agreement is legally regulated in the Book
III of Civil Code in a chapter with the title ?About Contract.? Agreement has
aspects with various aspects of the comprehensive theory in it which later formed
elements, including requirement in order to be said valid. One of the available and
growing theories in the Civil Code is the theory of Silent Agreement (Perjanjian
Diam-Diam). The existence of Perjanjian Diam-Diam is existed and regulated
under the Indonesian Civil Law. Unfortunately, this mater is not explicitly and
fundamentally regulated, so that most of the time its usage in legal purpose, either
used in an argument of lawsuit or anything else, becomes inappropriate. Based on
such issue then the problems that will be researched by the author in this
undergraduate thesis are on how the regulation in general regulated the agreement
in Book III of Civil Code, how the regulation on silent agreement is regulated by
Indonesian Civil Law, and the applicability of silent agreement (Perjanjian Diam-
Diam) theory in the lawsuit of the Supreme Court Decision of the Republic of
Indonesia No. 2178 K/Pdt/2008 compared with the Supreme Court Decision of
the Republic of Indonesia No.1023 K/Pdt/2011, In daily life, the society’s life has the closest connection with agreement. However
not many poeple know that agreement is a legal action which has legal
consequence for the parties who do it. Agreement is legally regulated in the Book
III of Civil Code in a chapter with the title “About Contract.” Agreement has
aspects with various aspects of the comprehensive theory in it which later formed
elements, including requirement in order to be said valid. One of the available and
growing theories in the Civil Code is the theory of Silent Agreement (Perjanjian
Diam-Diam). The existence of Perjanjian Diam-Diam is existed and regulated
under the Indonesian Civil Law. Unfortunately, this mater is not explicitly and
fundamentally regulated, so that most of the time its usage in legal purpose, either
used in an argument of lawsuit or anything else, becomes inappropriate. Based on
such issue then the problems that will be researched by the author in this
undergraduate thesis are on how the regulation in general regulated the agreement
in Book III of Civil Code, how the regulation on silent agreement is regulated by
Indonesian Civil Law, and the applicability of silent agreement (Perjanjian Diam-
Diam) theory in the lawsuit of the Supreme Court Decision of the Republic of
Indonesia No. 2178 K/Pdt/2008 compared with the Supreme Court Decision of
the Republic of Indonesia No.1023 K/Pdt/2011]"
[;Fakultas Hukum Universitas Indonesia, Universitas Indonesia], 2016
UI - Skripsi Membership  Universitas Indonesia Library
Dita Aqila Salsabila
"Skripsi ini membahas mengenai doktrin unjustified enrichment dalam perjanjian sewa menyewa rumah yang telah batal demi hukum. Objek penelitian dalam penulisan kali ini merupakan Putusan Mahkamah Agung Republik Indonesia No. 1443 K/PDT/2011. Doktrin unjustified enrichment menyatakan bahwa tidak ada seorang pun yang diperbolehkan untuk memperkaya diri sendiri dari pengeluaran orang lain. Di Indonesia, doktrin unjustified enrichment hanya diadopsi dalam satu pasal yaitu Pasal 1359 Ayat 1 KUHPerdata. Pasal tersebut menjelaskan mengenai pembayaran yang tidak terutang atau tidak diwajibkan. Metode yang digunakan dalam skripsi ini adalah metode yuridis normatif. Dalam objek penelitian kali ini, dapat ditemukan penerapan dari doktrin unjustified enrichment. Akan tetapi, majelis hakim tidak menyebutkan doktrin tersebut. Penilitian ini menyarankan kepada hakim tingkat judex facti untuk lebih cermat dalam memahami kasus yang terjadi sehingga dapat memberikan pertimbangan hukum yang lengkap. Dengan demikian, pemahaman hakim yang luas mengenai konsep hukum sangat diperlukan dalam memutus suatu perkara. Penulis juga menyarankan kepada pemerintah untuk memberikan sosialisasi kepada masyarakat mengenai peraturan perundang-undangan secara efektif sehingga dapat menyentuh seluruh elemen masyarakat.
This thesis discusses the doctrine of unjustified enrichment in the lease agreement that has been null and void. The object of this research is the Decision of the Supreme Court of the Republic of Indonesia No. 1443 K / PDT / 2011. The doctrine of unjustified enrichment states that no one is allowed to enrich themselves from the expenses of others. In Indonesia, the doctrine of unjustified enrichment is only adopted in one article, namely Article 1359 Paragraph 1 of the Civil Code. The article explains the payments that are not due or not required. The method used in this thesis is a normative juridical method. In this object of research, it can be found the application of the doctrine of unjustified enrichment. However, the panel of judges did not mention the doctrine. This research suggests to Judex facti level judges to be more careful in understanding the cases that occur so that they can provide complete legal considerations. Thus, a broad understanding of judges about the concept of law is needed in deciding a case. The author also advises the government to provide socialization to the public regarding the laws and regulations effectively so that it can touch all elements of society."
Depok: Fakultas Hukum Universitas Indonesia, 2020
UI - Skripsi Membership  Universitas Indonesia Library
Sianipar, Samuel Bonar Christian
"Tesis ini membahas tentang ajaran Penyalahgunaan Keadaan sebagai Alasan Pembatalan Perjanjian dalam Hukum Perjanjian di Indonesia. Meskipun tidak diatur dalam sebuah hukum positif, Ajaran Penyalahgunaan keadaan seringkali ditemukan dan menjadi dasar pada putusan hakim. Lalu bagaimana pengaturan ajaran penyalahgunaan keadaan dalam sistem hukum Indonesia? Tesis ini akan dibahas dengan menggunakan metode penelitian hukum normative dengan analisa norma-norma hukum yang berlaku, yang terdapat dalam peraturan perundangundangan dan juga dalam berbagai putusan pengadilan. Bahwa dalam Sistem Hukum Indonesia, khususnya dalam peraturan perundangan, tidak dikenal adanya ajaran ataupun adanya pengaturan mengenai Penyalahgunaan Keadaan, yakni sebagai alasan pembatalan perjanjian karena adanya cacat kehendak salah satu pihak dalam membuat suatu perjanjian. Hukum Positif Perjanjian di Indonesia. Namun dalam memutus sebuah perkara, Hakim dapat menemukan hukum dengan didasarkan adanya ajaran hukum yang berkembang, dalam hal ini, Hakim menggunakan ajaran penyalahgunaan keadaan. Oleh karena itu, perlu adanya pengaturan mengenai penyalahgunaan keadaan dan dengan adanya pengaturan tentang Penyalahgunaan Keadaan, maka Hakim dalam memutus dan mengadili perkara memiliki keseragaman akan syarat-syarat yang termasuk atau tergolong kepada Penyalahgunaan Keadaan.

This thesis discusses of Abuse of Circumstances Doctrine as a reason of the annulment of agreement in Contract Law in Indonesia. Although the doctrine not regulated, it often found in judge verdict. Then, what legal basis for the doctrine in Indonesia law system? This thesis will be discussed by using research methods to analyze the law-norms, which is found in a legislation and also in various verdict. The Indonesian law system, in particular legislation, has not been regulated the doctrine of the abuse of circumstances, hence, the reason for the annulement of the contract by a party who did not full-freely act in a contract. Yet in a matter decided, the Judge can find the law to be based legal developed, in this case, the judge uses the doctrine of abuse of circumstances. Therefore, there should be arrangements regarding abuse of the circumstances doctrine into a regulation, so the judge in the verdict and will have consistency conditions that include or belong to the abuse of circumstances.
Depok: Fakultas Hukum Universitas Indonesia, 2014
UI - Tesis Membership  Universitas Indonesia Library
Kevin Ricardo Putra
"Tiap jenis perjanjian mempunyai persyaratan yang berbeda yang dapat melahirkan perjanjian tersebut. Perjanjian yang dicapai dengan kata sepakat yang disampaikan dengan sikap diam dapat menimbulkan akibat hukum pada masing-masing pihak. Akibat-akibat yang ditimbulkan ini beragam tergantung jenis perjanjian apa yang dilakukan oleh kedua belah pihak. Skripsi ini membahas tentang putusan hukum di tingkat Kasasi Mahkamah Agung antara PT. Dwi Damai dengan PT. Philips Indonesia yang melakukan Perjanjian Distributor secara diam-diam. Penulisan skripsi ini adalah untuk mengetahui kedudukan perjanjian secara diam-diam dalam hukum Indonesia. Metode penelitian skripsi ini adalah yuridis normatif. Hasil penelitian ini menunjukkan bahwa perjanjian distributor merupakan perjanjian konsensual yang dapat dilahirkan melalui perjanjian diam-diam. Dengan demikian PT. Dwi Damai dan PT. Philips Indonesia telah terikat oleh perjanjian distributor yang dilakukan secara diam-diam.

Each type of agreement has its requirements that create the agreement itself. The agreement that based on silent agreement could have many legal consequences toward the parties. This legal consequences appear based on the type of agreement the parties perform. This study discusses Indonesian High Court Decision between PT. Dwi Damai and PT. Philips Indonesia that perform Distributor Agreement by silent agreement. The purpose of this study is to discover silent agreement legal standing based on Indonesian law system. The study will employ normative-juridical method. The result of this study show that distributor agreement is a consensual agreement which can created by silent agreement. Therefore PT. Dwi Damai and PT. Philips Indonesia have been attached by distributor agreement made by silent agreement."
Depok: Fakultas Hukum Universitas Indonesia, 2014
UI - Skripsi Membership  Universitas Indonesia Library
Makagiansar, Gerry
"Tanah merupakan kebutuhan dasar manusia sejak manusia tersebut lahir sampai dengan meninggal dunia, manusia senantiasa membutuhkan tanah sebagai tempat tinggal hidupnya, oleh karena itu dapat disimpulkan, tanah adalah tempat manusia tinggal, tempat darimana manusia berasal, dan juga tempat kemana mereka akan pergi. Studi kasus yang akan dibahas dalam tesis ini memaparkan tentang apa yang terdapat dalam teori belum tentu sepenuhnya benar, karena dalam Putusan Peninjauan Kembali Mahkamah Agung Republik Indonesia Nomor 582 PK/Pdt/2011 antara Perkumpulan Kelompok Tani Pemberdayaan Masyarakat Tani dan Nelayan Pesisir Pantai Kabupaten Mamuju Utara melawan PT. Unggul Widya Teknologi Lestari berakhir dengan kemenangan Pihak Kelompok Tani. Kelompok Tani ini memiliki tanah tersebut atas dasar lokasi dibuka sendiri maupun secara berkelompok yang berasal dari Tanah Negara seluas kurang lebih 2722 Ha (dua ribu tujuh ratus dua puluh dua hektar) sejak Tahun 1982 (seribu Sembilan ratus delapan puluh dua) yang terletak di Kabupaten Mamuju Utara, Propinsi Sulawesi Barat yang akhirnya dikukuhkan oleh Pemerintah Desa dan Kabupaten Mamuju pada Tahun 1994 yaitu dikeluarkannya SKP (Surat Keterangan Pemilikan Tanah), SKT (Surat Keterangan Tanah) dan Sporadik tentang Pemberian Hak Kepemilikan atas Tanah Negara, sedangkan PT. Unggul Widya Teknologi Lestari memiliki tanah tersebut berdasarkan Sertipikat HGU (Hak Guna Usaha) yang mendapatkan pengakuan dari Pemerintah Negara Republik Indonesia yang dikeluarkan oleh Badan Pertanahan Republik Indonesia Kabupaten Mamuju Utara. Seperti apakah kekuatan dan kepastian hukum yang diberikan oleh Hukum Negara Indonesia terhadap hak prioritas atas tanah bagi masyarakat adat setempat, khususnya dalam Putusan Peninjauan Kembali Mahkamah Agung Republik Indonesia Nomor 582 PK/Pdt/2011 dan apakah putusan Majelis Peninjauan Kembali sudah sesuai dengan kaidah-kaidah hukum yang berlaku.

The soil is basic human needs since human beings are born to die, humans always need land as a place to live his life, therefore it can be inferred, the land is where humans live, a place where humans came from, and also the place where they will go. Case studies will be discussed in this thesis lays out about what there is in theory not necessarily entirely correct, because in the Interim Review of the Supreme Court of the Republic of Indonesia Number 582 PK/Pdt/2011 between farmer groups Gathering community empowerment of farmers and fishermen Coastal North Mamuju Regency against PT. Superior Sustainable Technology Widya ended with the victory of The farmers group. This group of farmers have land on the basis of such a location was opened and in groups originating from the State land covering an area of approximately 2263 Ha (two thousand seven hundred twenty-two acres) since 1982 (one thousand nine hundred eighty-two) located in North Mamuju Regency of West Sulawesi Province, which was eventually confirmed by the Government of the village and Mamuju Regency in 1994, namely the promulgation of the SKP (Affidavits Landholdings), SKT (Ground Clearance) and Sporadic on Granting ownership of State land, while PT Widya Superior Sustainable Technologies have the land based on the certificate HGU (Business use rights) are getting recognition from the Government of the Republic of Indonesia issued by the Agency of the Republic of Indonesia Land North Mamuju Regency. Such is the power and legal certainty afforded by State law rights against Indonesia's top priority lands for indigenous peoples, especially in the Review Decision of the Supreme Court of the Republic of Indonesia No. 582 PK/Pdt/2011 and whether the verdict of the judicial review is in accordance with the rules applicable law."
Salemba: Fakultas Hukum Universitas Indonesia, 2014
UI - Tesis Membership  Universitas Indonesia Library
Marcella Yuanita Widharma
Tesis ini membahas mengenai perjanjian restrukturisasi kredit yang dibuat dalam akta autentik di hadapan notaris dinilai mengandung cacat kehendak yang kemudian dinyatakan batal demi hukum oleh Mahkamah Agung serta kedua belah pihak harus menanggung risiko sama rata. Kemudian yang menjadi pokok permasalahan tesis ini adalah mengenai penerapan restrukturisasi kredit dalam Putusan Nomor 1705K/PDT/2015, peranan notaris dalam perkara Putusan Nomor 1705K/PDT/2015 dan kesesuaian pertimbangan hakim dalam Putusan Nomor 1705K/PDT/2015 dengan konsep penyalahgunaan keadaan dan pembagian risiko. Penelitian ini bersifat deskriptif analitis yang dilakukan dengan menggunakan metode yuridis normatif dengan pendekatan kualitatif. Berdasarkan dari hasil penelitian yang diperoleh, maka dapat disimpulkan mengenai penerapan restrukturisasi kredit PT BNI Persero Tbk. terhadap PT PDRH adalah tidak tepat mengingat terjadinya krisis moneter yang menyebabkan kredit bermasalah. Peranan notaris dalam perjanjian restrukturisasi kredit adalah membuat akta autentik. Selanjutnya, pertimbangan hakim dalam Putusan Nomor 1705K/PDT/2015 dengan konsep penyalahgunaan keadaan dan pembagian risiko adalah tidak sesuai.

This thesis discusses about the credit restructuring agreements made in the authentic deed before a notary, judged to contain defects and then be declared cancelled by law by the Supreme Court and both parties should bear the risk of equally. Then that became problems of this thesis are the application credit restructuring in Supreme Court of Republic Indonesia Decision No. 1705 K PDT 2015, the role of the notary of the case on Supreme Court of Republic Indonesia Decision No. 1705 K PDT 2015 and the suitability of the consideration of the judge of the Supreme Court of Republic Indonesia Decision No. 1705 K PDT 2015 with the concept of Undue Influence and Sharing Risk. It is a descriptive analytical study conducted by using the juridical normative method and analysed qualitatively. The results of this thesis can be concluded about the application of credit restructuring of PT BNI Persero Tbk. against PT PDRH is not appropriate given the onset of the monetary crisis which caused the bad debt. The role of the notary public in credit restructuring agreement is made of authentic deed. Furthermore, consideration of the judges of the award No. 1705K PDT 2015 with the concept of abuse of a State and the Division of risk is not appropriate. "
UI - Tesis Membership  Universitas Indonesia Library
Rafli Priambodo
"Perkawinan merupakan salah satu hal penting yang dibutuhkan dalam setiap kehidupan manusia. Setiap manusia membutuhkan pasangan untuk meneruskan keturunan dan juga meningkatkan taraf hidupnya. Dengan adanya perkawinan ini tentunya memiliki akibat hukum terhadap beberapa aspek salah satunya terhadap harta perkawinan antara pasangan suami dan istri. Dengan adanya perkawinan yang sah, antara suami dan istri tersebut jadi memiliki harta bersama yang mana harta tersebut diperoleh selama masa perkawinan. Dalam meningkatkan taraf hidup kehidupan, banyak pasangan suami istri melakukan pinjaman kepada pihak ketiga dengan melakukan perjanjian kredit dan menjaminkan surat-surat berharga atau harta benda yang dimilikinya. Penjaminan atas perjanjian kredit yang dilakukan oleh pasangan suami istri tersebut tidak jarang yang menggunakan harta bersama yang diperoleh selama perkawinan. Salah satu objek yang sering dijaminkan adalah tanah dan bangunan yang dikategorikan sebagai harta bersama dan dijaminkan menggunakan Jaminan Hak Tanggungan. Perjanjian Jaminan Hak Tanggungan ini yang dijaminkan adalah hak atas tanah yang dapat berupa bangunan, tanaman, dan hasil karya yang telah ada atau akan ada dan merupakan satu kesatuan dengan tanah tersebut. Pembebanan atas Jaminan Hak Tanggungan tersebut secara tegas dan diikat menggunakan Akta Pemberian Hak Tanggungan yang dibuat oleh Notaris PPAT dan disetujui oleh kedua belah pihak antara debitur dan kreditur.

Marriage is one of the important aspects needed in every human life. Every individual requires a partner to continue the lineage and also to improve their standard of living. With the existence of marriage, it certainly has legal consequences on various aspects, one of which is the marital property between husband and wife. Through a valid marriage, the husband and wife share common assets acquired during the marriage. In the pursuit of improving their quality of life, many married couples borrow from third parties through credit agreements, pledging valuable documents or assets they own. The collateral for these credit agreements, undertaken by the married couple, often involves the common assets acquired during the marriage. One commonly pledged item is land and buildings categorized as joint property and pledged using a Deed of Mortgage. This Deed of Mortgage secures rights over the land, including buildings, plants, and creations that exist or will exist and are integral to the land. The encumbrance on the Mortgage Deed is explicitly and legally binding, established through a Deed of Granting Mortgage created by a Notary Public Land Deed Official and approved by both parties, the debtor, and the creditor."
Depok: Fakultas Hukum Universitas Indonesia, 2024
UI - Skripsi Membership  Universitas Indonesia Library
"Hibah adalah pemberian yang dilakukan oleh seseorang kepada pihak lain yang dilakukan ketika masih hidup dan pelaksanaan pemberian hibah biasanya dilakukan pada waktu penghibah masih hidup. Dalam penulisan tesis ini akan dibahas kasus hibah sebagian besar harta yang telah dilakukan oleh orang tua angkat kepada anak-anak angkatnya. Kasus ini menarik perhatian penulis untuk diteliti karena berdasarkan Kompilasi Hukum Islam Pasal 210 ayat (1) penghibahan dibatasi sebanyak-banyaknya 1/3 (sepertiga) dari harta benda yang dimilikinya, kemudian timbullah sengketa antara anak angkat penerima hibah dengan ahli waris yang sah setelah penghibah telah tiada, dan para ahli waris yang sah, menuntut haknya dengan mengajukan gugatan di Pengadilan Agama Cimahi, Bandung, Hakim memutuskan mengabulkan permohonan penggugat.
Pokok permasalahan yang akan dibahas dalam tesis ini : 1) Bagaimana hukum Islam mengatur hibah atas sebagian besar harta dari orang tua kepada anak angkatnya ? 2) Apakah sudah sesuai dengan hukum Islam putusan yang diambil Mahkamah Agung Republik Indonesia tanggal 30 Januari 2001 Nomor : 342 K/AG/2000 ?.
Metode penelitian yang digunakan adalah metode penelitian bersifat yuridis normatif yang menitikberatkan pada penelitian kepustakaan, khususnya bahan hukum primer yaitu putusan Mahkamah Agung Republik Indonesia Nomor 342 K/AG/2000, tanggal 30 Januari 2000. Hukum Islam mengatur tentang Hibah, yaitu penghibah adalah orang yang telah berumur 21 tahun, berakal sehat dan tanpa adanya paksaan, dapat menghibahkan sebanyak-banyaknya 1/3 (sepertiga) harta bendanya kepada prang lain atau lembaga dihadapan 2 (dua) orang saksi, sedangkan penerima hibah harus ada pada saat hibah dilangsungkan, obyek hibahnya harus punya pemberi hibah, sesuatu yang kepemilikannya dihalalkan dalam agama dan disertai ijab dan kabul untuk syarat sahnya hibah. Bahwa Mahkamah Agung Republik Indonesia memutuskan hibah yang telah dilakukan dalam kasus di atas tetap sah untuk 1/3 (sepertiga) bagian dan 213 (duapertiga) batal demi hukum, sehingga konsekuensi yuridisnya penerima hibah harus mengembalikan 2/3 (duapertiga) bagian untuk dibagikan kepada para ahli waris yang sah sesuai dengan ketentuan dalam hukum Islam.

Hibah (bequest) is gift bestowed by a person to another party, carried out when the person is still living, and the implementation of hibah is usually done during the time the person making the bequest is still alive. In writing this thesis a bequest case will be investigated of the greater part of property by an adopting parent to his adopted children. This case has drawn the attention of the writer for study, because based on the Compilation of Islamic Law Article 210 paragraph (1), a bequest is limited to at the most 1/3 (one third) of the property owned. Afterwards a dispute arose between the adopted children, receivers of the bequest and the legal heirs after the person who had made the bequest had passed away, and the legal heirs claimed their rights by submitting a suit to the Religious Court of Cimahi, Bandung. The judge decided to grant the plaintiffs' request.
The main problems to be discussed in this thesis are: 1) How does Islamic law regulates hibah of the greatest part of the property of a parent to his I her adopted child? 2) Is the decision taken by the Supreme Court of the Republic of Indonesia of January 30, 2001, Number 342 K/AG/2000 in accord with Islamic law?
The research method applied is the juridical normative research method, focusing on literature research, in particular primary legal material, namely the decision of the Supreme Court of the Republic of Indonesia Number 342 /K/AG/2000, dated January 30, 2001. Islamic Law regulates on Hibah, that the person making the bequest should have reached the age of 21 years, has a sound mind, and without any pressure is allowed to bequest at the most 1/3 (one third) of his / her property to another person or institute in front of 2 (two) witnesses, while the bequest receiver should be present during the bequest; the object of bequest should have a person making the bequest, something which ownership is authorized by religion and the bequest should be accompanied by ijab kabul (consent) as a legal prerequisite of the bequest. That the Supreme Court of the Republic of Indonesia has decided that the bequest carried out in this case remains legal for 1/3 (one third) part, while 2/3 (two third) part is void according to law, so that as a juridical consequence the bequest receivers have to return 2/3 (two third) part for division to the legal heirs, is conform the stipulations of Islamic law."
UI - Tesis Membership  Universitas Indonesia Library
Dhita Pertiwi
"Penulisan hukum ini membahas mengenai akibat hukum dari pengalihan benda yang masih dijaminkan oleh Debitur tanpa sepengetahuan Kreditur yang dikaitkan dengan Putusan Mahkamah Agung Republik Indonesia Nomor 840 K/Pdt/2005 tertanggal 26 April 2006. Pada penulisan hukum ini penulis menjabarkan mengenai kedudukan Pembeli Tanah yang dijaminkan pada Perjanjian Kredit antara Penjual dan Bank sebagai Kreditur. Tidak adanya perlindungan hukum yang pasti bagi pihak Pembeli dan resiko yang akan timbul bagi para pihak mengakibatkan pengalihan tersebut sepatutnya dilakukan dengan sepengetahuan dan sesuai prosedur yang disetujui oleh Kreditur. Penulisan hukum ini merupakan penelitian yuridis-normatif, dengan tipologi penelitian bersifat deskriptif analitis, jenis data berupa data sekunder, alat pengumpulan data berupa studi dokumen, sedangkan pengolahan dan analisis data berdasarkan pendekatan yuridis normatif.

This Thesis concerned about the legal impact of the transfer of an object that still being pledged by the Debtor without the acknowledgement of the Creditor, in connection with the Verdict of the Supreme Court of the Republic of Indonesia Number: 840 K/Pdt/2005 dated April 26, 2006. On this Thesis, the Author describes about the status of the Purchaser of a land that being pledged by a Loan Agreement between the Seller and the Bank as the Creditor. The absence of certain legal protection for the Purchaser and the potential arising risk on the Parties causes such transfer deservedly conducted with the acknowledgement and with the procedure approved by the Creditor. The form of this Thesis is a normative juridical study, with descriptive analytical study typology, secondary type data, collection data tools such as documents studies, while the processing and data analysis."
Depok: Fakultas Hukum Universitas Indonesia, 2015
UI - Tesis Membership  Universitas Indonesia Library
Anthony Kristanto
Penelitian ini membahas tentang Perjanjian Bangun Guna Serah (Build, Operate
and Transfer/ BOT) yang merupakan istilah baru dalam kegiatan ekonomi
Indonesia. Metode penelitian yang digunakan dalam penulisan ini adalah
penelitian kepustakaan yang bersifat yuridis normatif dan menggunakan alat
pengumpul data yang berupa studi dokumen baik data primer maupun data
sekunder. Adapun pengertian BOT adalah pemanfaatan barang milik kekayaan
negara atau swasta/ perorangan yang berupa tanah oleh pihak lain, dimana pihak
tersebut diberikan hak untuk membangun bangunan dan/ atau sarana lain berikut
fasilitas di atas tanah tersebut, serta mendayagunakannya dalam jangka waktu
tertentu, untuk kemudian menyerahkan kembali tanah, bangunan, dan/ atau sarana
lain berikut fasilitas tersebut beserta pendayagunaannya kepada Departemen/
Lembaga atau pemilik lahan bersangkutan setelah berakhirnya jangka waktu yang
disepakati. Dalam perjanjian BOT ada kemungkinan terjadinya wanprestasi,
dalam hal ini wanprestasi terjadi antara PT. Bank Rakyat Indonesia, Tbk.; Dana
Pensiun BRI Dengan PT. Mulia Persada Pacific. PT. Mulia Persada Pacific
dianggap melakukan wanprestasi karena tidak memenuhi beberapa kewajibannya
yang sudah diperjanjikan yang pada akhirnya harus diselesaikan melalui
pengadilan yang berakibat pada berakhirnya perjanjian BOT tersebut dan PT.
Mulia Persada Pacific harus membayar biaya ganti rugi, denda dan bunga serta
biaya perkaranya. Hasil penelitian ini menyarankan agar perjanjian BOT perlu
segera dibuat pengaturan khusus yang dapat berupa peraturan perundangundangan
ataupun peraturan pemerintah serta para pihak yang berkepentingan
dalam perjanjian BOT harus lebih selektif dalam memilih mitra kerjasamanya.

This study discusses about the Build Agreement To Deliver ( Build , Operate and
Transfer / BOT ) which is a relatively new term in the Indonesian economic
activities . The method that used in this thesis is the research literature normative
juridical and use data collection tool in the form of studies document both the
primary data and secondary data. The definition of the BOT is the use of state
property or private property / individuals in the form of land by another party ,
where the party is given the right to build a building and / or other means the
following facilities on the land , and use it within a certain period , and then
handed back to the land , building , and / or other means of following the facility
along and right to use it to the Department / Institution or relevant land owner
after the expiration of the agreed period . In a BOT agreement is no possibility of
default , in which case default occurs between PT . Bank Rakyat Indonesia , Tbk .
; BRI Pension Fund With PT . Mulia Persada Pacific . PT . Mulia Persada Pacific
considered in default because it did not meet some of its obligations as they fall
due , which in turn must be resolved through the courts that resulted in the
expiration of the BOT agreement and PT . Mulia Persada Pacific should pay
indemnity costs , penalties and interest as well as the cost of its case . The result of
this study suggest that the BOT agreement needs to be made special regulation
that can be either legislation or regulation and as stakeholders in BOT agreement
should be more selective in choosing their cooperration partners.;This study discusses about the Build Agreement To Deliver ( Build , Operate and
Transfer / BOT ) which is a relatively new term in the Indonesian economic
activities . The method that used in this thesis is the research literature normative
juridical and use data collection tool in the form of studies document both the
primary data and secondary data. The definition of the BOT is the use of state
property or private property / individuals in the form of land by another party ,
where the party is given the right to build a building and / or other means the
following facilities on the land , and use it within a certain period , and then
handed back to the land , building , and / or other means of following the facility
along and right to use it to the Department / Institution or relevant land owner
after the expiration of the agreed period . In a BOT agreement is no possibility of
default , in which case default occurs between PT . Bank Rakyat Indonesia , Tbk .
; BRI Pension Fund With PT . Mulia Persada Pacific . PT . Mulia Persada Pacific
considered in default because it did not meet some of its obligations as they fall
due , which in turn must be resolved through the courts that resulted in the
expiration of the BOT agreement and PT . Mulia Persada Pacific should pay
indemnity costs , penalties and interest as well as the cost of its case . The result of
this study suggest that the BOT agreement needs to be made special regulation
that can be either legislation or regulation and as stakeholders in BOT agreement
should be more selective in choosing their cooperration partners.;This study discusses about the Build Agreement To Deliver ( Build , Operate and
Transfer / BOT ) which is a relatively new term in the Indonesian economic
activities . The method that used in this thesis is the research literature normative
juridical and use data collection tool in the form of studies document both the
primary data and secondary data. The definition of the BOT is the use of state
property or private property / individuals in the form of land by another party ,
where the party is given the right to build a building and / or other means the
following facilities on the land , and use it within a certain period , and then
handed back to the land , building , and / or other means of following the facility
along and right to use it to the Department / Institution or relevant land owner
after the expiration of the agreed period . In a BOT agreement is no possibility of
default , in which case default occurs between PT . Bank Rakyat Indonesia , Tbk .
; BRI Pension Fund With PT . Mulia Persada Pacific . PT . Mulia Persada Pacific
considered in default because it did not meet some of its obligations as they fall
due , which in turn must be resolved through the courts that resulted in the
expiration of the BOT agreement and PT . Mulia Persada Pacific should pay
indemnity costs , penalties and interest as well as the cost of its case . The result of
this study suggest that the BOT agreement needs to be made special regulation
that can be either legislation or regulation and as stakeholders in BOT agreement
should be more selective in choosing their cooperration partners., This study discusses about the Build Agreement To Deliver ( Build , Operate and
Transfer / BOT ) which is a relatively new term in the Indonesian economic
activities . The method that used in this thesis is the research literature normative
juridical and use data collection tool in the form of studies document both the
primary data and secondary data. The definition of the BOT is the use of state
property or private property / individuals in the form of land by another party ,
where the party is given the right to build a building and / or other means the
following facilities on the land , and use it within a certain period , and then
handed back to the land , building , and / or other means of following the facility
along and right to use it to the Department / Institution or relevant land owner
after the expiration of the agreed period . In a BOT agreement is no possibility of
default , in which case default occurs between PT . Bank Rakyat Indonesia , Tbk .
; BRI Pension Fund With PT . Mulia Persada Pacific . PT . Mulia Persada Pacific
considered in default because it did not meet some of its obligations as they fall
due , which in turn must be resolved through the courts that resulted in the
expiration of the BOT agreement and PT . Mulia Persada Pacific should pay
indemnity costs , penalties and interest as well as the cost of its case . The result of
this study suggest that the BOT agreement needs to be made special regulation
that can be either legislation or regulation and as stakeholders in BOT agreement
should be more selective in choosing their cooperration partners.]"
UI - Tesis Membership  Universitas Indonesia Library
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