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M. Zuhairi Adhyatmac
"[Kriminalitas adalah perbuatan yang melanggar peraturan. Saat ini terdapat banyak kasus kriminalitas di Jakarta. Pelaku tindak kriminal akan diadili dan dibina di lembaga pemasyarakatan (Lapas). Namun, kenyataanya, narapidana di lapas lebih rentan terkena gangguan jiwa, khususnya wanita yang memiliki sisa vonis yang masih banyak. Oleh sebab belum adanya data mengenai hubungan lama masa menjalani hukuman dengan gangguan jiwa, maka diadakan penelitian potong lintang dengan menggunakan instrumen MINI ICD 10 dan kuisioner umum pada 104 narapidana wanita yang memiliki vonis minimal 3 tahun di Rutan Kelas IIa Jakarta Timur dari bulan Agustus hingga September 2015. Data diolah dengan menggunakan software SPSS ver.23.0 for windows. Didapatkan 96 responden yang memenuhi kriteria inklusi dan ekslusi dengan prevalensi gangguan jiwa 57,29% dan jenis terbanyak ialah gangguan psikotik. Setelah diuji dengan chi squre, tidak ditemukan hubungan bermakna antara lama masa menjalani hukuman dengan gangguan jiwa (p=0,420). Akan tetapi, ditemukan kecenderungan responden dengan sisa vonis lebih sedikit lebih banyak memiliki gangguan jiwa yang bertolak belakang dengan hasil penelitian di Amerika. Nilai p di penelitian ini lebih kecil dibandingkan studi systematic review Fazel S dan Seewald K tahun 2012. Disarankan untuk melanjutkan penelitian ini di rutan-rutan yang berbeda karena belum ada penelitian yang serupa di Indonesia.

Crime is an act against rules. Currently, there are many criminality cases in Jakarta. Criminals will be prosecuted and supervised in prisons. However, in fact, inmates are susceptible to mental disorders, especially women who have long residual sentence. Because of lack of data on relation between length of serving time and mental disorders, held a cross sectional study using MINI ICD 10 and demographic questionnaires to 104 women inmates who have sentence at least 3 years at Class IIa of East Jakarta Jail from August to September 2015. Data were processed using SPSS ver.230 for windows. From 96 respondents who meet inclusion and exclusion criteria, prevalence of mental disorders was 57.29% with psychotic disorders that highest than others. After using chi-square test, found no significant association between length of serving time and mental disorder (p=0.420). However, there was a tendency that respondents with few residual sentence have a risk to mental disorder that different from research in USA. P value in this research were lower than systematic review study by Fazel S and Seewald K in 2012. Since there have not been any similar research in Indonesia, it was needed to conduct another research about length of serving time and mental disorder in women prisoner in different jails.;Crime is an act against rules. Currently, there are many criminality cases in Jakarta. Criminals will be prosecuted and supervised in prisons. However, in fact, inmates are susceptible to mental disorders, especially women who have long residual sentence. Because of lack of data on relation between length of serving time and mental disorders, held a cross sectional study using MINI ICD 10 and demographic questionnaires to 104 women inmates who have sentence at least 3 years at Class IIa of East Jakarta Jail from August to September 2015. Data were processed using SPSS ver.230 for windows. From 96 respondents who meet inclusion and exclusion criteria, prevalence of mental disorders was 57.29% with psychotic disorders that highest than others. After using chi-square test, found no significant association between length of serving time and mental disorder (p=0.420). However, there was a tendency that respondents with few residual sentence have a risk to mental disorder that different from research in USA. P value in this research were lower than systematic review study by Fazel S and Seewald K in 2012. Since there have not been any similar research in Indonesia, it was needed to conduct another research about length of serving time and mental disorder in women prisoner in different jails.;Crime is an act against rules. Currently, there are many criminality cases in Jakarta. Criminals will be prosecuted and supervised in prisons. However, in fact, inmates are susceptible to mental disorders, especially women who have long residual sentence. Because of lack of data on relation between length of serving time and mental disorders, held a cross sectional study using MINI ICD 10 and demographic questionnaires to 104 women inmates who have sentence at least 3 years at Class IIa of East Jakarta Jail from August to September 2015. Data were processed using SPSS ver.230 for windows. From 96 respondents who meet inclusion and exclusion criteria, prevalence of mental disorders was 57.29% with psychotic disorders that highest than others. After using chi-square test, found no significant association between length of serving time and mental disorder (p=0.420). However, there was a tendency that respondents with few residual sentence have a risk to mental disorder that different from research in USA. P value in this research were lower than systematic review study by Fazel S and Seewald K in 2012. Since there have not been any similar research in Indonesia, it was needed to conduct another research about length of serving time and mental disorder in women prisoner in different jails., Crime is an act against rules. Currently, there are many criminality cases in Jakarta. Criminals will be prosecuted and supervised in prisons. However, in fact, inmates are susceptible to mental disorders, especially women who have long residual sentence. Because of lack of data on relation between length of serving time and mental disorders, held a cross sectional study using MINI ICD 10 and demographic questionnaires to 104 women inmates who have sentence at least 3 years at Class IIa of East Jakarta Jail from August to September 2015. Data were processed using SPSS ver.230 for windows. From 96 respondents who meet inclusion and exclusion criteria, prevalence of mental disorders was 57.29% with psychotic disorders that highest than others. After using chi-square test, found no significant association between length of serving time and mental disorder (p=0.420). However, there was a tendency that respondents with few residual sentence have a risk to mental disorder that different from research in USA. P value in this research were lower than systematic review study by Fazel S and Seewald K in 2012. Since there have not been any similar research in Indonesia, it was needed to conduct another research about length of serving time and mental disorder in women prisoner in different jails.]"
Depok: Fakultas Kedokteran Universitas Indonesia, 2015
UI - Skripsi Membership  Universitas Indonesia Library
Ni Luh Rosvitha Amanda Dewi
"Kriminalitas merupakan masalah sosial yang jumlahnya meningkat setiap tahunnya di Indonesia. Konsekuensi akibat melakukan tindak pidana adalah dimasukkan ke dalam lembaga pemasyarakatan. Lingkungan lembaga pemasyarakatan berpotensi menimbulkan gangguan kejiwaan dan berpengaruh terhadap kualitas hidup narapidana, terutama narapidana wanita. Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mengetahui gangguan jiwa pada narapidana wanita dan hubungannya dengan masing-masing domain kualitas hidup. Penelitian ini menggunakan desain cross-sectional dengan memanfaatkan kuesioner MINI ICD-10 untuk mendiagnosis gangguan jiwa serta kuesioner WHOQOL-BREF untuk skoring kualitas hidup. Dilakukan dari Agustus-Oktober 2015 di Rumah Tahanan Wanita Kelas IIA Jakarta Timur. Data dianalisis dengan menggunakan Pearson Chi-square. Dari 104 responden, 61 diantaranya memiliki gangguan jiwa dengan gangguan jiwa terbanyak adalah episode psikotik berulang. Dari 61 responden dengan gangguan jiwa, 39 orang memiliki kualitas hidup buruk pada domain kesehatan fisik (p=0,90). Pada domain psikologis, 30 dari 61 responden memiliki kualitas hidup buruk(p=0,50). Pada domain hubungan sosial, 43 dari 61 responden memiliki kualitas hidup buruk serta pada domain lingkungan(p=0,47), 43 dari 61 responden memiliki kualitas hidup buruk (p=0,56). Berdasarkan uji hipotesis tidak ditemukan hubungan yang bermakna antara gangguan jiwa dengan kualitas hidup pada narapidana wanita. Ketiadaan makna tersebut dapat disebabkan oleh adanya ketidaksadaran responden terhadap gangguan jiwa yang diderita, ketersediaan fasilitas, dan perbedaan respon adaptasi. Walaupun demikian, sebagian besar narapidana wanita memiliki kualitas hidup yang buruk.

Criminality is a social problem, which keep increasing after years in Indonesia. The consequence for committing a criminal action is imprisoned. Being held in prison can be a burden for offenders especially the female offenders, thus it led to mental illness. Mental illness can affect many aspects in life, in other words, individual's quality of life. Based on those facts, this research aim to get the relationship between mental illness and four domains of quality of life. This research has cross-sectional design which all the data was collected using two main questionnaires, MINI ICD-10 to diagnose the mental illness and WHOQOL-BREF for quality of life scoring. This study was conducted from August 2015-October 2015 in Rumah Tahanan Wanita Kelas IIA East Jakarta. Data were analyzed using Pearson Chi-square. The result showed that from 61 from 104 respondents have mental illnesses. In related with quality of life, 39 from 61 respondents with mental illnesses have poor quality of life in physical domain (p=0,90); 30 from 61 respondents with mental illnesses have poor quality of life in psychological domain (p=0,50); 43 from 61 respondents with mental illnesses have poor quality of life (p=0,47) in social relationship domain; 43 from 61 respondents with mental illnesses have poor quality of life (p=0,56) in environment domain. Based on hypothetical testing, it is found that there?s no association between mental illness and quality of life among women prisoners. This result could be affected by awareness about their mental illness, jail's facility, and adaptation response. Despite of that, most of respondents have poor quality of life."
Jakarta: Fakultas Kedokteran Universitas Indonesia, 2015
UI - Skripsi Membership  Universitas Indonesia Library
Muhammad Reynald Aditya
"Narapidana wanita merupakan kelompok berisiko mengalami gangguan jiwa. Kunjungan keluarga diduga berpengaruh positif mencegah gangguan jiwa pada narapidana wanita. Belum ada penelitian khusus mengenai hal ini di Indonesia. Tujuan penelitian adalah menemukan hubungan antara kunjungan keluarga dengan gangguan jiwa. Penelitian menggunakan desain potong lintang dengan instrumen kuesioner demografi dan MINI ICD X untuk diagnosis kejiwaan. Penelitian dilakukan bulan Agustus-Oktober 2015 di Rumah Tahanan Negara Kelas IIA Jakarta Timur. Hasil penelitian menunjukkan bahwa sebanyak 58,65% responden terdiagnosis gangguan jiwa. Kunjungan keluarga dialami oleh 86,5% responden, dengan frekuensi mayoritas kurang dari 4x/bulan (81,7%). Analisis menggunakan uji Chi Square menyatakan hubungan ada tidaknya kunjungan keluarga maupun frekuensi kunjungan keluarga dengan gangguan jiwa tidak bermakna secara statistik (p=0,297 dan 0,659). Walaupun didapatkan hubungan yang tidak bermakna antara kunjungan keluarga dengan gangguan jiwa, data prevalensi gangguan jiwa yang tinggi pada populasi ini perlu mendapat perhatian khusus dari pemerintah untuk penatalaksanaan yang komprehensif.

Women prisoners are a group at risk for mental disorders. Family visits suspected to have positive effect on preventing mental disorders in women prisoners. There has been no specific research on this topic in Indonesia. The research objective is to find the relationship between family visits with mental disorder. We used cross sectional design with a demographic questionnaire and MINI ICD X for psychiatric diagnosis. The study was conducted in August-October 2015 in State Prison Class IIA East Jakarta. The results showed that 58.65% of respondents diagnosed with a mental disorder. Family visits experienced by 86.5% of respondents, and majority with frequency less than 4x / month (81.7%). Analysis using Chi Square test whether there is a relationship between family visits and its frequency with mental disorder was not statistically significant (p = 0.297 and 0.659, respectively). Although there is no significant relationship between family visits with mental disorder, the high prevalence of mental disorders in this population needs special attention from the government for a comprehensive management."
Jakarta: Fakultas Kedokteran Universitas Indonesia, 2015
UI - Skripsi Membership  Universitas Indonesia Library
Clayrino Emiro Nerviadi
"Masalah kriminal masih menjadi masalah yang utama di Indonesia. Pelaku kriminalitas akan ditahan di lembaga pemasyarakatan (lapas) sebagai konsekuensi atas perbuatannya. Kondisi narapidana dan lapas dapat memicu timbulnya gangguan jiwa pada narapidana. Penelitian ini dilaksanakan atas dasar masih sedikitnya penelitian yang melihat gangguan jiwa pada narapidana wanita. Tujuan penelitian ini adalah mengetahui hubungan fasilitas sosialisasi rumah tahanan dengan timbulnya gangguan jiwa pada narapidana wanita di Rumah Tahanan Pondok Bambu tahun 2015.
Metode yang digunakan adalah wawancara menggunakan kuesioner demografi dan MINI-ICD 10 untuk melihat gangguan jiwa yang dialami narapidana. Hasil yang didapatkan adalah sebanyak 58.6% responden mengalami gangguan jiwa. Dari aspek penggunaan fasilitas sosialisasi, 50% responden pernah menggunakan fasilitas sosialisasi dan mengalami gangguan jiwa sedangkan dari aspek kondisi fasilitas sosialisasi, 47% responden mengatakan kondisi fasilitas sudah baik dan mengalami gangguan jiwa.
Setelah dianalisis menggunakan SPSS versi 23 dengan uji Chi Square, tidak ditemukan hubungan yang bermakna baik dari faktor penggunaan maupun kondisi fasilitas sosialisasi terhadap timbulnya gangguan jiwa pada narapidana wanita. Hal ini dapat disebabkan karena sudah baiknya fasilitas yang ada di Rumah Tahanan Pondok Bambu dan mungkin ada faktor lain yang lebih berperan dalam timbulnya gangguan jiwa pada narapidana wanita sepertu kesehatan fisik yang cenderung memiliki hubungan yang bermakna, sedangkan fasilitas sosialisasi hanya berperan sebagai faktor protektif agar narapidana tidak mengalami gangguan jiwa.

Criminal problem is still being the main problem in Indonesia. The criminal will be held at prison as consequency for what they have done. Prisoner and prison condition can trigger mental health disorder among the prisoner. This research was done on the basis of the lack of research on mental health disorder among women prisoner. The aim of this research was to find relation between socialization facilities with mental health disorder among women prisoner at Pondok Bambu Prison year 2015.
This research used interview as the method using demography and MINI-ICD 10 questionaire to find mental health disorder among the prisoner. The result showed that 58.6% respondents have mental health disorder. From the use of socialization facilities aspect, 50% respondents had use the socialization facilities and have mental health disorder while from condition of socialization facilities aspect, 47% respondents said the condition of the facilities were good and have mental health disorder.
After we analyed the datawith SPSS version 23 using Chi Square test, there was no significant relation between the use or condition of socialization facilities with mental health disorder among women prisoner. This result could be caused by the condition of facilities at Pondok Bambu Prison which is already good and maybe there is another main factor that caused mental health disorder among women prisoner like health condition of women prisoner. Socialization was just a protective factor for the prisoners so they will not have mental health disorder.
Jakarta: Fakultas Kedokteran Universitas Indonesia, 2015
UI - Skripsi Membership  Universitas Indonesia Library
Ekowati Rahajeng
"Sebagian besar pasien dengan gangguan mental emosional pertama-tama belum berobat ke fasilitas pelayanan kesehatan jiwa. Pasien gangguan mental emosional yang berobat ke Puskesmas wilayah Jakarta Timur hanya 1,88 % dari kasus yang ada di masyarakat dengan rata-rata kunjungan 1,31 kali pada tahun 1994. Agar gangguan tersebut tidak menjadi berat atau menjadi penyakit lain, maka diperlukan pengobatan sedini mungkin. Untuk mencapai maksud tersebut, yang menjadi masalah penelitian ini adalah bagaimana pola perilaku pencarian pengobatan dari pasien gangguan mental emosional dan faktor-faktor apa yang berhubungan dengan perilaku tersebut.
Jenis disain penelitian ini adalah crossectional, namun menggunakan analisis yang lazim digunakan pada studi case control pada penduduk dewasa (17 tahun ke atas) yang mengalami gangguan mental emosional. Gangguan mental emosional ditetapkan berdasarkan pengisian instrumen Self Reporting Questionnaire (SRQ) dengan cut-off points 6. Pengambilan sampel dilakukan secara systematic random sampling dengan sampling fraction 9. Unit sampel adalah rumah tangga dengan jumlah 650 KK yang meliputi 1950 penduduk dewasa sehat. Sampel pasien gangguan mental emosional yang diteliti berjumlah 446 kasus. Untuk mengetahui hubungan faktor dengan perilaku pengobatan dilakukan perhitungan Odds ratio melalui analisis regresi logistik multivariat.
Hasil penelitian menunjukan bahwa pola perilaku pengobatan pertama pasien gangguan mental emmosional di Kelurahan Pulogadung adalah melakukan pengobatan sandhi 27,8 %, ke dokter umum 18,4 %, tidak mencari pengobatan 17,4 %, ke Puskesmas 13,2 %, ke pengobat tradisional 8,7 %, ke rumah sakit umum 6,1 %, ke spesialis penyakit dalarn 5,8 % dan ke psikiater 2,5 %. Pasien yang melakukan kegiatan rujukan adalah 23,6 %. Sebagian besar pasien yang melakukan rujukan dan pasien yang melakukan pengobatan selanjutnya tidak berobat ke fasilitas pelayanan kesehatan jiwa.
Pasien gangguan mental emosional lebih mungkin tidak mencari pengobatan apabila pasien tidak merasa terganggu akibat gangguan mental emosional yang dialaminya (OR 0,01 ; 95% Cl 1,5E-03 - 0,02), kurang mendapatkan informasi pelayanan kesehatan jiwa (OR 0,49 ; 95% CI 0,25 - 0,95) dan apabila pasien malu berobat ke psikiater (OR 2,24 ; 95% 1,02 - 4,85).
Pelayanan kesehatan jiwa di masyarakat diharapkan tidak hanya menunggu pasien datang berobat ke fasilitas kesehatan jiwa. Kegiatan pelayanan kesehatan jiwa di Puskesmas perlu dikembangkan dalam kegiatan Puskesmas lainnya (Taruna Husada, Sala Shakti Husada dan sebagainya). Pelayanan prevensi sekunder (mendorong pasien berobat) melalui peningkatan pengetahuan gangguan mental emosional dan fasilitas pengobatannya perlu lebih diprioritaskan. Penyegaran pengetahuan gangguan mental emosional terhadap dokter umum perlu dilakukan secara periodik. Peningkatan mutu pelayanan jiwa di Puskesmas dan pembinaan pengobat tradisional perlu lebih diperhatikan. Disamping itu perlu juga dipertimbangkan tentang perubahan konsep figur psikiater di masyarakat.

Most patients with mental emotional disorder didn't visit health facility with mental health service at the first treatment. There is only 1,8 % of people with mental emotional disorder who visited Puskesmas at East Jakarta with average 1.31 visit in 1994. To prevent the disturbance become more severe or to become another illness, early treatment is needed. To reach the purpose, the problem of this study is to identify health seeking treatment pattern of patient with mental emotional disturbance and to find factors which was associated with the behavior treatment.
The study design is cross sectional study but method of analysis is case control. Sample of the study are adult (17 years or more) who experience mental emotional disorder. The criteria of mental emotional disorder is based on answers of Self Reporting Questionnaire (SRQ) with cut-off 6. Sampling method is systematic random sampling with sampling fraction of 9. Sampling unit is household with totally 650 household which include 1950 adult with good health. Sample of patient with mental emotional disorder are 446 cases. To identify relationship between factors with health seeking treatment, logistic regression with odds ratio is applied.
The result showed that for the first treatment there is 27,8% of the mental emotional disorder patients performing self medication, 18,4% visit medical doctor, 17,4 % didn't seek any treatment, 13,2 % visit Puskesmas, 8,7 % going to traditional healer, 6,1% to general hospital, 5,8% visit internist and 2,5% visit psychiatrist. There where 23,6 patient who were given referral. Most of the patients who were referred or patient who continue the treatment didn't visit health facility with mental health service.
Patients with mental emotional disorder probably not seek any treatment if they didn't feel uncomfortable with the disturbance they experienced (OR 0,01 ; 95% CI 1,5E-03 - 0,02), did not obtained enough information about mental health service (OR 0,49 ; 95% CI 0,25 - 0,95), or if the patient was ashamed to visit psichiatrist (OR 2,24 ; 95% CI 1,02 - 4,85).
Patients with mental emotional disorder probably would performed self medication if their social economic status is low (OR moderat 0,52 ; 95% CI 0,06-0,83; OR high 0,45 ; 95% CI 0,04-0,62), if they were not bothered by the disturbance they experienced (OR 0,47; 95% CI 0,03-0,91), didn't consider the disturbance as severe (OR 0,54 ; 95% CI 0,07-0,91), didn't obtained enough information on the mental health service (OR 0,52 ; 95% CI 0,06-0,79), were not suggested to have treatment (OR 0,45 ; 95 % CI 0,04-0,57), they have no work (OR 0,35 ; 95 %CI 0,17-0,67) and if they are Askes member (OR 2,48 ; 95% CI 2,40-17,54).
Patients with mental emotional disorder will probably visit traditional healer if they have expectation that the treatment not only give drug (OR 8,76 ; 95% CI 1,86 - 42,26), have supernatural believe (OR 7,53; 95% CI 3,15-40,22), and have enough knowledge on the traditional healer service (OR. 6,67; 95% CI 1.86-23,57), did not feel comfortable with the disturbance they experienced (OR 8,84; 95% CI 3,00 - 26,05), their knowledge on the mental emotional disorder was not good (OR 0,12;95% CI 0,03-0,56), and have no information on the mental emotional service (OR. 0,25; 95% CI 0,06-0,98).
Patients with mental emotional disorder will probably visit mental health service if they felt disturbed (OR 4,43 ; 95% CI 1,76 - 11,13), did not have senior high school or more education (OR 0,36 ; 95% CI 0,16 - 0,81), expected to be given more than just drug (OR 5,93 ; 95% CI 1,93 - 18,17), feeling that the high cost of the treatment influence the effort to seek treatment (OR 7,17 ; 95 % CI 2,83 - 17,81), obtained enough information on the mental health service (OR 5,22 ; 95% CI 2,34 - 11,59), and did not feel ashamed to visit psychiatrist (OR 0,43; 95% CI 0,18 - 0,99).
Patients with mental emotional disorder will probably visit Puskesmas if they feel bothered (OR 14,41 ; 95% CI 4,14 - 50,40), feeling the cost of the treatment influence the effort of seeking treatment (OR. 4,28 ; 95% CI 1,39 - 13,06), their social economic status is low (OR high 0,11 ; 95 % CI 0,03 - 0,37), lived near to Puskesmas (OR 0,21 ; 95% CI 0,06 - 0,77), realize that there is mental health service in the Puskesmas (OR 14,31 ; 95 % CI 4,09 - 49,89), did not know about traditional service (OR 0,05 ; 95 % CI 0,01 - 0,25), did not have knowledge about the general health service (OR 0,23; 95% CI 0,07 - 077), and the healer attitude did not influence the choice of treatment (OR 0,35 ; 95 % CI 0,14 - 0,88).
Mental health service in the public is expected not only waited patients to visit the mental health service. Mental health service at the Puskesmas needs to be integrated and to be developed with the other Puskesmas activity (Taruna Husada, Bhakti Husada, Karang Werdha). Secondary prevention thru knowledge development on the mental emotional disorder, treatment facility and early detection should be give more priority. Knowledge refreshment on the mental emotional disorder to medical doctor needed to be in force periodically. Quality improvement of health service in Puskesmas' and education of traditional healer need to be given more attention. The figure of psychiatrist in the society need to changed as well.
Depok: Fakultas Kesehatan Masyarakat Universitas Indonesia, 1996
UI - Tesis Membership  Universitas Indonesia Library
Elva Kumalasari
"Kejahatan marak terjadi di Indonesia. Hingga tahun 2015, jumlah narapidana di DKI Jakarta mencapai 9.347 narapidana. Gangguan jiwa terjadi karena ketidakseimbangan sistem pada manusia, baik karena ketidakseimbangan sistem pada tubuh manusia tersebut sendiri maupun interaksi dari sistem lain. Gangguan jiwa dapat terjadi karena bermacam-macam faktor. Faktor demografi merupakan salah satu faktor yang dapat memengaruhi terjadinya gangguan jiwa. Sampai saat ini belum terdapat data berisi gangguan jiwa yang terjadi di Jakarta. Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mencari hubungan tingkat pendidikan, status pekerjaan, dan tingkat pendapatan dengan gangguan jiwa pada narapidana wanita. Penelitian ini dilaksanakan dengan menggunakan desain potong lintang dengan instrument pelaksanaan penelitian berupa kuesioner demografi dan kuesioner MINI ICD-10 yang mencakup 14 gangguan jiwa sebagai alat diagnosis. Penelitian dilakukan dari bulan Agustus ? Oktober tahun 2015 di Rumah Tahanan Negara Kelas IIA Pondok Bambu Jakarta Timur. Data yang didapatkan dianalisis dengan uji Chi-Square.
Hasil penelitian menunjukkan bahwa sebanyak 61 dari 104 responden (58,7%) mengalami gangguan jiwa dengan hasil terbanyak gangguan Psikotik sebanyak 29 orang (47,54%). Kemudian hasil tingkat pendidikan menunjukkan bahwa terdapat 39 orang (60,0%) dengan pendidikan menengah keatas yang mengalami gangguan jiwa, 40 orang (57,1%) narapidana yang bekerja mengalami gangguan jiwa, serta 53 orang (61,6%) narapidana dengan pendapatan dibawah pendapatan perkapita yang mengalami gangguan jiwa. Hasil penelitian menunjukkan bahwa tidak terdapat hubungan statistik yang bermakna antara tingkat pendidikan dengan gangguan jiwa, status pekerjaan dengan gangguan jiwa, maupun tingkat pendapatan dengan gangguan jiwa, namun terlihat kecenderungan bahwa narapidana dengan pendidikan tinggi, narapidana dengan tingkat pendapatan rendah, serta narapidana dengan status pekerjaan bekerja cenderung mengalami gangguan jiwa.

Indonesia is a country with a high level of crime rates. Until 2015, the number of prisoner in DKI Jakarta reaches 9.437 prisoners. Mental disorder occurs due to imbalance of systems within human. Mental disorder can occur because of various factors. One of the contributing factor is demographic factor. This research aims to understand the relationship between education level, working status, and income level with mental disorder in women prisoner. This research was conducted by cross sectional method, with using instruments such as demographic questionnaire and MINI-ICD 10 as diagnostic tool, which consist of 14 classification of mental disorder. The research is is done in August-October 2015 in Rumah Tahanan Negara Kelas IIA Pondok bambu Jakarta Timur. The collected Data is then analyzed using Chi Square method.
The result shows that there are 61 people out of 104 respondents (58,7%) who are diagnosed with mental disorder. The mental disorder with the highest prevalence is psychotic disorder with 29 people (47,54%). Then the data analysis shows that there are 39 people (60,0%) with education level middle-to-high that are diagnosed with mental disorders. There are also 40 people (57,1%) working prisoner that are diagnosed with mental disorders, and 53 people (61,6%) prisoner with incomes below GDP that are diagnosed with mental disorders The conclusion of the research is that there are no significant difference between education level, working status, and income level with mental disorders. However, there are tendency of prisoner with high level of education, lower income level, and ?working? working status with mental disorder.
Jakarta: Fakultas Kedokteran Universitas Indonesia, 2015
UI - Skripsi Membership  Universitas Indonesia Library
Devi Afithasari
"Narapidana dan narapidana ibu hamil memiliki kebutuhan tambahan terkait hal ini pemenuhan hak kesehatannya di Rumah Tahanan Negara. Hak ini penting karena berhubungan langsung dengan ibu hamil dan juga untuk kesehatan janin itu mengandung. Tesis ini menjelaskan tentang pemenuhan hak atas kesehatan ibu hamil yang dilakukan oleh Rumah Tahanan Negara (Rutan) Kelas IIA Jakarta Timur. Penelitian ini menggunakan pendekatan kualitatif dengan mewawancarai 3 (tiga) orang narapidana wanita hamil yang berada di Rutan Kelas IIA, Jakarta Timur. Benda Tujuannya untuk mengetahui pengalaman dan kebutuhan narapidana wanita hamil, terutama dalam upaya memenuhi kesehatan Rutan Kelas IIA Jakarta Timur sebagai Unit Pelayanan Teknis yang bertugas melindungi HAM Tahanan dan narapidana manusia. Analisis penelitian ini menggunakan Perspektif Hak Asasi Manusia dan Teori Hukum Feminis. Berdasarkan hasil didapat, Rutan Kelas IIA Jakarta Timur melakukan 4 upaya kesehatan yaitu upaya promotif, preventif, kuratif, dan rehabilitatif bagi narapidana dan tahanan perempuan hamil. Namun upaya kesehatan belum terpenuhi dengan baik karena Beberapa kendala tersebut antara lain kondisi overcrowding yang terjadi, anggaran fasilitas dan staf yang tidak memadai serta terbatas di pusat penahanan.

Pregnant women prisoners and prisoners have additional needs in this regard to fulfill their right to health in State Detention Centers. This right is important because it is directly related to pregnant women and also for the health of the fetus that is pregnant. This thesis describes the fulfillment of the rights to health of pregnant women carried out by the Class IIA State Detention Center (Rutan), East Jakarta. This study used a qualitative approach by interviewing 3 (three) pregnant female prisoners who were in the Class IIA Detention Center, East Jakarta. Object The aim is to find out the experiences and needs of pregnant women prisoners, especially in an effort to fulfill the health of the Class IIA Prison in East Jakarta as a Technical Service Unit in charge of protecting the human rights of prisoners and human prisoners. The analysis of this research uses the Human Rights Perspective and Feminist Legal Theory. Based on the results obtained, East Jakarta Class IIA Rutan has made 4 health efforts, namely promotive, preventive, curative, and rehabilitative efforts for pregnant women inmates and prisoners. However, health efforts have not been fulfilled properly due to some of these constraints, including overcrowding conditions, insufficient budget for facilities and staff and limited in detention centers."
Depok: Fakultas Ilmu Sosial dan Ilmu Politik Universitas Indonesia, 2019
UI - Skripsi Membership  Universitas Indonesia Library
Yeni Handayani
"Narapidana wanita merupakan bagian dari komunitas masyarakat suatu bangsa. Selaku manusia ia memiliki hak yang wajib untuk dihormati dan dijunjung tinggi oleh negara, pemerintah, hukum, dan setiap orang demi kehormatan serta perlindungan harkat dan martabat manusia. Dalam melakukan pembinaan terhadap narapidana wanita, harus dibedakan dengan pembinaan terhadap narapidana pria karena narapidana wanita mempunyai perbedaan baik secara fisik maupun psikologis dengan narapidana laki-laki. Narapidana wanita memiliki akses lebih sedikit terhadap pelayanan kesehatan dibandingkan dengan narapidana laki-laki. Perawatan kesehatan reproduksi dan berbagai materi promosi kesehatan, informasi, dan pengobatan sering lebih terbatas di lembaga pemasyarakatan wanita. Untuk itu, permasalahan yang diajukan dalam tesis ini adalah (1) Bagaimana perlindungan terhadap narapidana wanita ditinjau dari perspektif hak asasi manusia; (2) Bagaimana peranan petugas pemasyarakatan dalam pemenuhan hak kesehatan atas narapidana wanita; (3) Bagaimana pemenuhan hak kesehatan atas narapidana wanita di Lembaga Pemasyarakatan Wanita Klas IIA Tangerang. Penelitian ini dilakukan di Lembaga Pemasyarakatan Wanita Klas IIA Tangerang dengan menggunakan penelitian yuridis normatif yang didukung dengan penelitian lapangan dalam bentuk wawancara dengan informan.
Dari hasil penelitian diperoleh kesimpulan bahwa keadaan lembaga pemasyarakatan yang kurang memadai dan tidak adanya perawatan dan fasilitas yang memadai. Selama ini apabila ada narapidana wanita yang sedang hamil dan melahirkan beserta anak yang baru dilahirkan tetap berada dalam satu ruangan bersama narapidana wanita lainnya. Ini terjadi karena memang tidak tersedianya ruangan khusus untuk narapidana wanita yang sedang hamil, melahirkan, dan menyusui. Selanjutnya terlihat bahwa pelaksanaan pelayanan kesehatan terhadap narapidana wanita belum terlaksana dengan baik karena tidak semua petugas pemasyarakatan memahami dan berperan dalam pemenuhan hak kesehatan atas narapidana wanita; selain itu kuantitas petugas kesehatan belum terpenuhi secara proposional; anggaran perawatan kesehatan yang belum memadai; dan sarana serta prasarana masih sangat terbatas sehingga pemenuhan hak kesehatan atas narapidana wanita di Lembaga Pemasyarakatan Wanita Klas IIA Tangerang belum dilakukan secara maksimal. Dalam upaya pemenuhan hak kesehatan narapidana wanita sebagai hak asasi manusia, pemerintah mempunyai tugas dan kewenangan untuk menyejahterakan narapidana wanita serta mempunyai kewajiban untuk menghormati, melindungi, dan memenuhi hak-hak tersebut. Salah satu bentuk implementasinya adalah kewajiban pemerintah untuk menyediakan anggaran yang memadai untuk pembangunan kesehatan. Pemenuhan hak kesehatan kepada narapidana wanita merupakan hak bagi setiap orang untuk meningkatkan derajat kesehatan yang optimal.

Women prisoners are part of the community of nations. As a human, she has statutory rights to be respected and upheld by the state, government, law, and everyone for the respect and protection of human dignity. In performing the training of women prisoners, should be distinguished from coaching on the men prisoners because women have a difference both physically and psychologically with male prisoners. Women prisoners have less access to health services compared with male prisoners. Reproductive health care is also limited and various promotional materials, information, health and medicine is often more limited in the women's correctional facility. For that purpose, the problems presented in the present study included: (1) How is the protection of women prisoner are reviewed from the perspective of human rights, (2) How does the role of correctional officers in helping to fulfilment the health rights of women prisoners, (3) How is the fulfillment of women prisoners health rights. This research was conducted at the Correctional Institution for Women Class IIA Tangerang using a judicial normative research supported by a field research in the form of interviews with competent respondent.
From the result of the study, the author concludes that a state correctional facility is insufficient and the lack of adequate care and facilities. During this time, if there are women prisoners who are pregnant and giving birth along with the born child to remain in one room with other women prisoners. This occurs because the unavailability of special rooms for women prisoner who are pregnant, giving birth, and breastfeeding. Next, is seen that the implementation of health services to women prisoners have not been performing well and optimally because health workers have not been fulfilled proportionally; budgeted fund health care still less proportional; also facilities and infrastructures is still very limited, so that the fulfillment of women prisoners health rights at the Correctional Institution for Women Class IIA Tangerang has not been implemented maximally. in an effort to the fulfillment of the health rights of women prisoners as human rights, government has the duty and authority for the welfare of women prisoners and have an obligation to respect, protect, and fulfill those rights. One of the implementation is the responsibility of the government budget to provide adequate to health development. The fulfilment of the right to health is the right of women prisoners for everyone to increase the degree of optimal health.
Depok: Fakultas Hukum Universitas Indonesia, 2012
UI - Tesis Open  Universitas Indonesia Library
Jap Mustopo Baktiar
"Obyektif: Tenaga Kerja Wanita (TKW) Indonesia yang bekerja di luar negeri yang menderita gangguan mental mempunyai kecenderungan semakin meningkat. Berdasarkan data yang diperoleh dari Rumah Sakit Kepolisian Pusat RS Sukanto, Jakarta, jumlah TKW yang dirawat inap di Bangsal Jiwa tahun 2000 sebesar 129 orang meningkat menjadi 294 orang pada tahun 2002. TKW mengalami berbagai macam keadaan dan peristiwa selama bekerja di luar negeri, yang dapat menimbulkan masalah fisik maupun kejiwaan. Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mendapatkan gambaran faktor-faktor yang berperan terhadap terjadinya gangguan mental pada TKW yang dirawat inap.
Metode: Penelitian ini merupakan suatu penelitian kasus kontrol yang dilakukan terhadap 60 subyek penelitian (30 kasus dan 30 kontrol) yang telah memenuhi kriteria inklusi dan eksklusi. Subyek penelitian berasal dari TKW yang baru pulang bekerja di luar negeri dan dirawat inap di Rumah Sakit Kepolisian Pusat RS Sukanto, Jakarta Instrumen yang digunakan adalah kuesioner yang dibuat khusus pada penelitian ini untuk mendapatkan faktor risiko, MINI ICD-10 untuk menentukan diagnosis klinis gangguan mental.
Hasil: Umur rata-rata pada kelompok kasus 25,23±5,029 dan kelompok kontrol 29,03±6,206. Untuk tingkat pendidikan pada kelompok kasus yang terbanyak berpendidikan SMP yaitu 12 (40,0%) dan kelompok kontrol yang terbanyak berpendidikan SD yaitu 22 (73,3%). Untuk negara tujuan penempatan balk kelompok kasus maupun kelompok kontrol yang terbanyak Arab Saudi yaitu 14 (46,7%) dan 23 (76,7%). Dalam analisis bivariat faktor risiko yang bermakna yaitu pemahaman budaya negara tujuar. (p= 0.047), kemarnpuan keterampilan (p= 0,029), derajat kekerasan emosional (p= 0,047). Dalam analisis multivariat dengan regresi logistik yang bermakna yaitu pemahaman budaya negara tujuan (p = 0,047; OR = 0,615).
Simpulan: Pemahaman budaya negara tujuan merupakan faktor yang berperan terhadap terjadinya gangguan mental pada TKW yang dirawat inap di Rumkit Polpus RS Sukanto Jakarta, dengan demikian maka talon TKW yang akan bekerja di luar negeri perlu dipersiapkan untuk lebih memahami latar belakang budaya negara tujuan.

Objective: Indonesian women helpers (house maids) who worked overseas suffering from mental disorders have tendency to increase. According to RS Sukanto Central Police Hospital, Jakarta the number of women helpers hospitalized in psychiatric wards has increased from 129 patients in year 2000 to 249 patients in year 2002. Women helpers experience various situation events during there service overseas, which cost both physical and psychiatric problems. This research is intended to retrieve the description of factors causing mental disorders to hospitalized women helpers.
Method: This is a case control research on 60 samples (30 cases and 30 controls) to have fulfilled the inclusive and exclusive criteria. Samples are women helpers reason arriving from their service overseas and hospitalized RS Sukanto Central Police Hospital, Jakarta. This research is applying instrument of questioner specifically designed for this research in order to get the risk factors and MINI ICD - 10 to identify the clinical diagnosis of the mental disorders.
Results: Average age of the case group 25,23 + 5,029 and for the control group 29,03 + 6,206. The majority for the level of education in the case group is junior high school: 12 (40,0%) and elementary school for the control group: 22 (73,3%). Destination country for both case and control group is mostly Saudi Arabia: 14 (46,7%) and 23 (76,7%). In bivariat analysis the significant risk factor is the need to comprehend the culture of the destination country (p = 0, 047), skill competence (p = 0,029%). the degree of emotional abuse (p = 0,047). In multivariat analysis with significant logistic regression in the need to comprehend the culture of the destination country (p = 0,047, OR = 0,615).
Conclusion: The cultural comprehension of the destination country is the rule factor for the occurrence of mental disorders in women helpers hospitalized in RS Sukanto Central Police Hospital, Jakarta, and hence for the upcoming women helpers about to work overseas is very necessary to understand the cultural background to destination country.
Jakarta: Fakultas Kedokteran Universitas Indonesia, 2005
UI - Tesis Membership  Universitas Indonesia Library
Gangguan jiwa pada warga binaan di dalam Lapas merupakan suatu hal yang mungkin terjadi. Pelayanan kesehatan yang kurang baik dan kondisi di dalam Lapas yang penuh dengan tekanan serta adanya pembatasan bergerak dapat memunculkan terjadinya stress dan depresi pada narapidana/tahanan, bahkan pada beberapa kasus muncul gejala psikotik yang perlu penanganan lebih serius. Meskipun masalah kesehatan jiwa merupakan hal yang penting di dalam Lapas/Rutan, namun sampai saat ini belum tertangani dengan baik. Kesehatan jiwa seolah-olah terabaikan, karena yang selama ini menjadi fokus penanganan adalah kesehatan fisik saja. Sebagai sebuah lembaga yang memiliki fungsi melakukan pelayanan terhadap masyarakat, dalam hal ini narapidana/tahanan, tentu saja lapas memiliki tanggung jawab memberikan pelayanan yang optimal kepada warga binaannya. Manajemen yang baik tentu sangat diperlukan, termasuk dalam manajemen pelayanan kesehatan jiwa. Dalam penelitian ini ada dua pertanyaan yang hendak dijawab, Bagaimana manajemen pelayanan kesehatan jiwa di Lapas Narkotika Klas IIA Jakarta saat ini; serta Apa saja kendala-kendala yang dihadapi dalam pelaksanaan Manajemen Pelayanan Kesehatan Jiwa di Lapas Narkotika Klas IIA Jakarta saat ini. Metode yang digunakan adalah metode kualitatif dengan wawancara menggunakan pedoman wawancara. Informan penelitian terdiri dari: informan penting, terdiri dari 4 orang petugas lapas dan 6 orang warga binaan; informan kunci, adalah Kalapas Narkotika Klas IIA Jakarta; serta informan tambahan, terdiri dari mantan warga binaan, mantan Direktur Jenderal Pemasyarakatan, dan keluarga warga binaan. Berdasarkan hasil penelitian ditemukan bahwa manajemen pelayanan kesehatan jiwa di Lapas Narkotika Klas IIA Jakarta belum mendapat perhatian yang serius baik dalam perencanaan, pengorganisasian, kepemimpinan dan pengendalian. Masih ada kendala dalam pelayanan kesehatan jiwa yaitu peran dan komitmen penentu kebijakan, keterbatasan SDM, keterbatasan sarana prasarana, serta belum adanya MoU dengan Rumah Sakit Jiwa.

Mental illness of inmates inside the correction is something that possibly can happen. Low health treatment and overcrowd with lots of pressure and limited access could possibly give stress and depression to the inmates/prisoners. Even there are psychotic symptom which need serious treatment occurred in few cases. Although mental health is one of the important things inside the correction/detention house, but it is still not yet treated very well. It is seems to be ignored because, so far, the treatment only focusing on physical health. As an institution which has a function to serve the society, in this case is the inmates/prisoners, correction has an obligation, of course, to give an optimum care to the inmates. Good management is needed, including mental health care. There are two questions to answer in this study, how is the treatment of mental health in Jakarta Class IIA Narcotic Correction at present; and what are the obstacles encountered in the implementation of mental health care management in Jakarta Class IIA Narcotic Correction at present. This is a qualitative study by conducting interview with interview guidelines. The interviewees are important informants consist of 4 correction officers and 6 inmates; key informant is The Head of Jakarta Class IIA Narcotic Correction; also additional informant consist of ex-prisoners, former Director General of Correction and the inmates’ family. Based on the result of study, it is revealed that the mental health care management in Jakarta Class IIA Narcotic Correction is not seriously taken care in terms of planning, organizing, leading and controlling. There is, still, an obstacle in mental health care which is commitment and role of the policy makers, lack of human resources and infrastructures, also there is no Memorandum of Understanding (MoU) with the mental hospital.
Program Pascasarjana Universitas Indonesia, 2013
UI - Tesis Membership  Universitas Indonesia Library
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