M. Zuhairi Adhyatmac
"[Kriminalitas adalah perbuatan yang melanggar peraturan. Saat ini terdapat banyak kasus kriminalitas di Jakarta. Pelaku tindak kriminal akan diadili dan dibina di lembaga pemasyarakatan (Lapas). Namun, kenyataanya, narapidana di lapas lebih rentan terkena gangguan jiwa, khususnya wanita yang memiliki sisa vonis yang masih banyak. Oleh sebab belum adanya data mengenai hubungan lama masa menjalani hukuman dengan gangguan jiwa, maka diadakan penelitian potong lintang dengan menggunakan instrumen MINI ICD 10 dan kuisioner umum pada 104 narapidana wanita yang memiliki vonis minimal 3 tahun di Rutan Kelas IIa Jakarta Timur dari bulan Agustus hingga September 2015. Data diolah dengan menggunakan software SPSS ver.23.0 for windows. Didapatkan 96 responden yang memenuhi kriteria inklusi dan ekslusi dengan prevalensi gangguan jiwa 57,29% dan jenis terbanyak ialah gangguan psikotik. Setelah diuji dengan chi squre, tidak ditemukan hubungan bermakna antara lama masa menjalani hukuman dengan gangguan jiwa (p=0,420). Akan tetapi, ditemukan kecenderungan responden dengan sisa vonis lebih sedikit lebih banyak memiliki gangguan jiwa yang bertolak belakang dengan hasil penelitian di Amerika. Nilai p di penelitian ini lebih kecil dibandingkan studi systematic review Fazel S dan Seewald K tahun 2012. Disarankan untuk melanjutkan penelitian ini di rutan-rutan yang berbeda karena belum ada penelitian yang serupa di Indonesia.
Crime is an act against rules. Currently, there are many criminality cases in Jakarta. Criminals will be prosecuted and supervised in prisons. However, in fact, inmates are susceptible to mental disorders, especially women who have long residual sentence. Because of lack of data on relation between length of serving time and mental disorders, held a cross sectional study using MINI ICD 10 and demographic questionnaires to 104 women inmates who have sentence at least 3 years at Class IIa of East Jakarta Jail from August to September 2015. Data were processed using SPSS ver.230 for windows. From 96 respondents who meet inclusion and exclusion criteria, prevalence of mental disorders was 57.29% with psychotic disorders that highest than others. After using chi-square test, found no significant association between length of serving time and mental disorder (p=0.420). However, there was a tendency that respondents with few residual sentence have a risk to mental disorder that different from research in USA. P value in this research were lower than systematic review study by Fazel S and Seewald K in 2012. Since there have not been any similar research in Indonesia, it was needed to conduct another research about length of serving time and mental disorder in women prisoner in different jails.;Crime is an act against rules. Currently, there are many criminality cases in Jakarta. Criminals will be prosecuted and supervised in prisons. However, in fact, inmates are susceptible to mental disorders, especially women who have long residual sentence. Because of lack of data on relation between length of serving time and mental disorders, held a cross sectional study using MINI ICD 10 and demographic questionnaires to 104 women inmates who have sentence at least 3 years at Class IIa of East Jakarta Jail from August to September 2015. Data were processed using SPSS ver.230 for windows. From 96 respondents who meet inclusion and exclusion criteria, prevalence of mental disorders was 57.29% with psychotic disorders that highest than others. After using chi-square test, found no significant association between length of serving time and mental disorder (p=0.420). However, there was a tendency that respondents with few residual sentence have a risk to mental disorder that different from research in USA. P value in this research were lower than systematic review study by Fazel S and Seewald K in 2012. Since there have not been any similar research in Indonesia, it was needed to conduct another research about length of serving time and mental disorder in women prisoner in different jails.;Crime is an act against rules. Currently, there are many criminality cases in Jakarta. Criminals will be prosecuted and supervised in prisons. However, in fact, inmates are susceptible to mental disorders, especially women who have long residual sentence. Because of lack of data on relation between length of serving time and mental disorders, held a cross sectional study using MINI ICD 10 and demographic questionnaires to 104 women inmates who have sentence at least 3 years at Class IIa of East Jakarta Jail from August to September 2015. Data were processed using SPSS ver.230 for windows. From 96 respondents who meet inclusion and exclusion criteria, prevalence of mental disorders was 57.29% with psychotic disorders that highest than others. After using chi-square test, found no significant association between length of serving time and mental disorder (p=0.420). However, there was a tendency that respondents with few residual sentence have a risk to mental disorder that different from research in USA. P value in this research were lower than systematic review study by Fazel S and Seewald K in 2012. Since there have not been any similar research in Indonesia, it was needed to conduct another research about length of serving time and mental disorder in women prisoner in different jails., Crime is an act against rules. Currently, there are many criminality cases in Jakarta. Criminals will be prosecuted and supervised in prisons. However, in fact, inmates are susceptible to mental disorders, especially women who have long residual sentence. Because of lack of data on relation between length of serving time and mental disorders, held a cross sectional study using MINI ICD 10 and demographic questionnaires to 104 women inmates who have sentence at least 3 years at Class IIa of East Jakarta Jail from August to September 2015. Data were processed using SPSS ver.230 for windows. From 96 respondents who meet inclusion and exclusion criteria, prevalence of mental disorders was 57.29% with psychotic disorders that highest than others. After using chi-square test, found no significant association between length of serving time and mental disorder (p=0.420). However, there was a tendency that respondents with few residual sentence have a risk to mental disorder that different from research in USA. P value in this research were lower than systematic review study by Fazel S and Seewald K in 2012. Since there have not been any similar research in Indonesia, it was needed to conduct another research about length of serving time and mental disorder in women prisoner in different jails.]"