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Litonjua, Augusto A., editor
"This book delivers a concise, evidence-based review of the evidence for a role of vitamin D in various lung disorders. Divided into three sections, the first section of the book delivers a review of how vitamin D deficiency emerged in human populations, and gives a perspective on how humans evolved to maximize the efficiency of production of vitamin D. The second section of the book reviews aspects of vitamin D mechanisms on different immune cells, lung tissue, and genetics that have potential impact on lung disease. The third section follows with chapters on associations of vitamin D with the risk for viral infections, asthma and allergies, chronic obstructive pulmonary disease, cystic fibrosis, tuberculosis, and finally, lung cancer with an emphasis on ongoing research and clinical issues and needs for future research in each field. "
New York: Springer, 2012
eBooks  Universitas Indonesia Library
Pringgodigdo Nugroho
"Background: Diabetic kidney disease (DKD), as a common cause of end-stage renal disease (ESRD), is a chronic complication of diabetes mellitus (DM). It has been established that vitamin D deficiency is one of DKD risk factors, which may be related to vitamin D receptor (VDR) polymorphisms. This study aimed to analyze the association between VDR polymorphisms and DKD in Indonesian population, also risk factors that influence it. Methods: a cross-sectional study was conducted in Type 2 DM patients who visited internal medicine outpatient clinic at Dr. Cipto Mangunkusumo Hospital, Jakarta, from November 2014 until March 2015. Data collection includes characteristics of subjects and laboratory examination, including BsmI polymorphisms in the vitamin D receptor gene. Patients with acute and severe disease were excluded from the study. Bivariate and multivariate analyses were done. Results: of 93 DM subjects, 42 (45.2%) subjects were without DKD and 51 (54.8%) subjects had DKD. Most of the subjects had the Bb genotype (89.2%), with no subject having the BB genotype. The proportions of the B and b alleles were 44.6% and 55.4%, respectively. There is no association between BsmI polymorphisms in the vitamin D receptor gene and DKD (OR = 1.243; CI 95% 0.334-4.621; p value = 0.751). Conclusion: the profile of BsmI polymorphisms in the vitamin D receptor gene in the Indonesian population were genotypes Bb (89.2%) and bb (10.8%). There was no association between BsmI polymorphisms in the vitamin D receptor gene and DKD. Duration of DM more than five years influenced the association between those variables."
Jakarta: University of Indonesia. Faculty of Medicine, 2021
610 UI-IJIM 53:1 (2021)
Artikel Jurnal  Universitas Indonesia Library
Rr. Dyah Purnamasari Sulistianingsih
"Latar belakang. Pada penyakit graves (GD), konsentrasi vitamin D berbanding terbalik dengan titer antibodi dan berbanding lurus dengan status remisi. Pembentukan autoantibodi diawali dari pajanan self antigen oleh sel dendritik (DC), sebagai antigen presenting cell (APC), ke sel T naif. Kemampuan DC sebagai APC ditentukan oleh tingkat kematangannya. Sel dendritik, APC utama pada GD, bersifat lebih aktif dalam respons imun dibandingkan dengan subjek sehat. Studi pada SLE, MS, dan penyakit crohn menunjukkan efek imunoregulator vitamin D terutama melalui hambatan pematangan DC sehingga fungsi imunogenitasnya berkurang.
Tujuan. Mengetahui efek 1,25-D3 in vitro dan 1α-D3 in vivo terhadap pematangan DC pasien GD
Metode. Pada periode Mei 2014 sampai dengan Maret 2015 dilakukan studi eksperimental dan klinis, masing-masing pada 12 dan 25 pasien GD fase hipertiroid. Pada studi eksperimental, dilakukan kultur monocyte derived dendritic cell (MDDC) pasien GD dengan atau tanpa intervensi 1,25-D3 in vitro pada tahap monosit dan maturasi distimulasi dengan lipopolysaccharide (LPS). Pada studi klinis, sebanyak 12 dan 13 pasien GD, masing-masing mendapatkan 1α-D3 dan plasebo selama 8 minggu, di samping mendapatkan terapi standar PTU 100 mg 3 kali sehari. Kultur MDDC dilakukan sebelum dan sesudah suplementasi dan dilakukan perbandingan pematangan DC sebelum dan sesudah suplementasi pada kedua kelompok. Pematangan DC dilihat dari ekspresi penanda DC (HLA-DR, CD80, CD40, CD83, CD14, dan CD206) dan rasio sitokin IL-12/IL-10 pada supernatan kultur.
Hasil. Pada studi in vitro, pascastimulasi LPS, DC yang dikultur dengan 1,25-D3 menunjukkan ekspresi HLA-DR, CD80, CD40, dan CD83 lebih rendah serta ekspresi CD14 dan CD206 yang lebih tinggi dibandingkan dengan DC yang dikultur dengan LPS saja. Pada DC yang dikultur dengan 1,25-D3, didapatkan rasio IL-12/IL-10 lebih rendah daripada DC tanpa 1,25-D3. Pada studi klinis, apabila dibandingkan antara ekspresi penanda DC serta rasio IL-12/IL-10 sebelum dan sesudah suplementasi 1α-D3 selama 8 minggu, belum didapatkan perbedaan yang bermakna pada ekspresi penanda DC dan rasio sitokin IL-12/IL-10.
Simpulan. Pemberian 1,25-D3 in vitro menghambat pematangan DC pasien GD, sedangkan efek pemberian 1α-D3 in vivo terhadap pematangan DC belum dapat ditunjukkan pada penelitian ini.

Background. In graves? disease (GD), vitamin D levels is inversely proportional to antibody titer and proportionally associated with remission status. The development of autoantibody is initiated by self-antigen exposure by dendritic cells (DC) as the antigen presenting cells (APC) to the naïve T cells. The ability of DC as APC is determined by its maturity level. Dendritic cells, the major APC in GD, have more active immune responses than those in healthy subjects. Studies on systemic lupus erythematosus (SLE), multiple sclerosis (MS) and crohn?s disease have demonstrated immunoregulator effects of vitamin D, mainly through inhibition of DC maturation, which may lead to lower immunogenic function.
Aim. To identify the effect of 1,25-D3 in vitro and 1α-D3 in vivo on DC maturation in patients with GD.
Method. Our study consisted of an experimental and a clinical study started from May 2014 until March 2015, which was conducted in 12 and 25 GD patients with thyrotoxicosis, respectively. In the experimental study, cultures of monocyte derived dendritic cell (MDDC) of GD patients were performed, with or without intervention of 1,25-D3 in vitro at monocytic phase and the maturation was stimulated by lipopolysaccharide (LPS). In the clinical study, there were 12 GD patients who received 1α-D3 supplementation and 13 GD patients who received placebo for 8 weeks, in addition to the standard treatment of PTU 100 mg three times a day. MDDC cultures and comparison of DC maturation were performed before and after the supplementation for both groups. DC maturation was evaluated based on the expression of DC markers (HLA-DR, CD80, CD40, CD83, CD14 and CD206) and the ratio of cytokines IL-12/IL-10 levels in the culture supernatants.
Results. In the in vitro study and following the LPS stimulation, DC cells cultured with 1,25-D3 showed lower expression of HLA-DR, CD80, CD40 and CD83 and higher expression of CD14 and CD206 compared to DC cultured with LPS alone. DC, which were cultured with 1,25-D3 had lower ratio of IL-12/IL-10 levels than those cultured without 1,25-D3. In the clinical study, when the expression of DC marker as well as the ratio of IL-12/IL-10 levels between before and after the 8-week supplementation of 1α-D3 were compared, we found no significant difference on the expression of DC markers and the ratio of IL-12/IL10.
Conclusion. In vitro 1,25-D3 supplementation inhibits DC maturation in patients with GD; while the effects of in vivo 1α-D3 treatment on DC maturation have not been clearly demonstrated in the present study yet.
Jakarta: Fakultas Kedokteran Universitas Indonesia, 2015
UI - Disertasi Membership  Universitas Indonesia Library
Tjokorda Agung Yavatrisna Vidyaputra
"Lumbar Degenerative Disc Disease (LDDD) adalah salah satu penyebab utama nyeri punggung bawah pada populasi dewasa. Vitamin D, reseptor vitamin D (VDR), dan aggrecan serum memiliki peran dalam patogenesis degenerasi diskus. Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mengevaluasi hubungan antara kadar serum vitamin D, reseptor vitamin D, dan aggrecan dengan derajat keparahan LDDD pada populasi dewasa. Penelitian ini menggunakan desain cross-sectional dengan 85 subjek usia dewasa yang didiagnosis LDDD. Kadar serum vitamin D, VDR, dan aggrecan diukur menggunakan metode enzyme-linked immunosorbent assay (ELISA). Derajat keparahan LDDD ditentukan berdasarkan Klasifikasi Pfirrmann melalui pencitraan MRI. Data dianalisis menggunakan uji statistik Chi-square, ROC, dan korelasi Pearson atau Spearman. Terdapat hubungan signifikan antara kadar vitamin D dengan derajat keparahan LDDD (p=0,01), dengan subjek yang memiliki kadar vitamin D insufisiensi lebih cenderung mengalami LDDD sedang. Sebaliknya, kadar aggrecan menunjukkan hubungan negatif yang signifikan dengan derajat LDDD (p<0,001), di mana kadar aggrecan yang lebih rendah berkorelasi dengan keparahan LDDD yang lebih tinggi. Tidak ditemukan hubungan signifikan antara kadar VDR dan keparahan LDDD (p=0,492). Penelitian ini menunjukkan adanya hubungan signifikan antara kadar vitamin D dan aggrecan serum dengan derajat keparahan LDDD pada populasi dewasa. Kadar aggrecan yang rendah dan insufisiensi vitamin D berhubungan dengan LDDD yang lebih berat, sedangkan VDR tidak menunjukkan hubungan yang signifikan.

Lumbar Degenerative Disc Disease (LDDD) is a leading cause of low back pain (LBP) in the adult population. Serum vitamin D, vitamin D receptor (VDR), and aggrecan are believed to play roles in the pathogenesis of disc degeneration. This study aims to evaluate the relationship between serum levels of vitamin D, VDR, and aggrecan with the severity of LDDD in adults. A cross-sectional study was conducted with 85 adult subjects diagnosed with LDDD. Serum levels of vitamin D, VDR, and aggrecan were measured using enzyme-linked immunosorbent assay (ELISA). The severity of LDDD was graded using the Pfirrmann classification via MRI imaging. Statistical analyses were performed using Chi-square tests, ROC analysis, and Pearson or Spearman correlation. A significant association was found between vitamin D levels and the severity of LDDD (p=0.01), with subjects having insufficient vitamin D levels more likely to experience moderate LDDD. In contrast, aggrecan levels showed a significant negative association with LDDD severity (p<0.001), where lower aggrecan levels correlated with higher LDDD severity. No significant relationship was observed between VDR levels and LDDD severity (p=0.492). This study demonstrates a significant relationship between serum vitamin D and aggrecan levels with the severity of LDDD in adults. Low aggrecan levels and vitamin D insufficiency are associated with more severe LDDD, while VDR levels showed no significant association."
Jakarta: Fakultas Kedokteran Universitas Indonesia, 2024
UI - Disertasi Membership  Universitas Indonesia Library
Ignatia Yesie Primastuti
"Latar belakang. Graves? Disease (GD) merupakan penyakit autoimun yang paling banyak menyebabkan hipertiroidisme dan ditandai adanya autoantibodi terhadap reseptor hormon tiroid (TSHR). Sel dendritik (DC) berperan penting dalam menentukan jenis respon imun tubuh, berupa aktivasi atau toleransi, salah satunya dengan cara mensekresikan mediator yang dapat mempengaruhi kerja sel-sel lain. Vitamin D merupakan imunoregulator alami yang dalam kondisi normal dapat mempengaruhi DC untuk mensekresikan IDO dan IL-10 serta menekan sekresi IL-12 dari DC. Sekresi IDO dan IL-10 oleh DC dapat mencetuskan respon toleransi dengan meningkatkan aktivitas sel T regulatori (Treg) dalam mencegah dan/atau mengurangi produksi autoantibodi terhadap TSHR. Belum diketahui apakah pemberian vitamin D pada kondisi GD dapat meningkatkan sekresi IDO dan IL-10 serta menekan sekresi IL-12.
Tujuan. Melihat pengaruh kadar vitamin D terhadap fungsi DC dan sistem imun pasien GD dalam mensekresikan IL-12, IDO dan IL-10.
Metode. Sampel merupakan bahan biologis tersimpan yang berupa supernatan kultur DC dari monosit (kultur MDDC) dan serum dari pasien GD. Kultur MDDC dari pasien GD sebelum perlakuan, diberi pendedahan tanpa atau dengan 1,25(OH)2D3 100 nM, waktu inkubasi 7 hari, dengan penambahan lipopolisakarida (LPS) pada hari ke-5. Kultur MDDC dari pasien GD setelah perlakuan, diinkubasi tanpa 1,25(OH)2D3 selama 7 hari dengan pemberian LPS pada hari ke-5. Serum berasal dari pasien GD sebelum dan sesudah mendapatkan terapi standar PTU 100 mg 3 kali sehari dengan atau tanpa suplementasi 1α(OH)D3. Serum dan supernatan diuji dengan metode ELISA untuk mengukur kadar 25(OH)D3, IL-12, IDO dan IL-10, kemudian diuji secara statistik untuk melihat pola dari tiap parameter.
Hasil. Rerata kadar IL-12 lebih rendah secara signifikan pada kultur MDDC dengan pemberian vitamin D 100 nM. Rerata kadar IDO dan IL-10 cenderung tetap pada kultur MDDC dengan pemberian vitamin D 100 nM. Peningkatan kadar vitamin D dalam serum berkorelasi negatif dengan kadar IL-12 dan IDO, baik dalam supernatan kultur MDDC maupun dalam serum pasien GD. Pada kelompok pasien GD dengan peningkatan kadar vitamin D serum tinggi, respon sekresi IL-10 pada MDDC dan sistem imun pasien GD cenderung meningkat. Semakin tinggi rasio kadar IL-12/IL-10 pada supernatan kultur MDDC dan serum pasien GD, maka semakin tinggi juga kadar IDO yang disekresikan.
Simpulan. Pemberian vitamin D pada kultur MDDC dari pasien GD dapat menekan respon inflamasi MDDC dengan mengurangi sekresi kadar IL-12 dan mempertahankan kadar IDO dan IL-10. Peningkatan kadar vitamin D serum dapat menekan kadar IL-12 dan IDO, juga berpotensi meningkatkan kadar IL-10, baik pada keadaan in vitro maupun in vivo.

Background. Graves' disease (GD) is a type of autoimmune disease that causes hyperthyroidism. GD patients have excess autoantibodies specific for thyroid stimulating hormone receptors (TSHR). Dendritic cells (DCs) play an important role in determining the type of immune response, either activation or tolerance, by secreting mediator molecules that affect other cells. Vitamin D is a natural immunoregulator which in normal condition can affect IDO and IL-10 secretion by DC while suppresing IL-12 secretion by this cell. Secretion of IDO and IL-10 by DC can trigger tolerance by increasing regulatory T cells (Treg) activity in preventing and/or reducing the production of autoantibodies against TSHR. There is still no evidence whether administration of vitamin D at GD conditions can increase the secretion of IDO and IL-10 and suppress the secretion of IL-12.
Aim. To identify the effect of vitamin D in vitro and in vivo on IL-12, IDO and IL-10 secretion by DC and on the immune system of GD patients.
Method. Samples were stored biological liquid in the form of serum and monocyte derived dendritic cells (MDDC) culture supernatant from GD patients. MDDC cultures of pre-treatment GD patients were incubated for 7 days with or without 1,25(OH)2D3 100 nM, with an addition of LPS on day 5. MDDC cultures of post-treatment GD patients were incubated without 1,25(OH)2D3 for 7 days, with an addition of LPS on day 5. Serum were obtained from GD patients before and after standard therapy of 100mg PTU 3 times a day with or without 1α(OH)D3 supplementation. Levels of 25(OH)D3, IL-12, IDO and IL-10 in the serum and supernatant were measured by ELISA and the results were statistically analyzed to see the pattern of each parameter.
Results. The mean levels of IL-12 are significantly lower in MDDC culture with 100 nM vitamin D. The mean levels of IDO and IL-10 in MDDC cultures with 100 nM vitamin D are maintained at the same levels with MDDC without vitamin D. Increased levels of vitamin D in serum is negatively correlated with IL-12 and IDO levels, both in the MDDC supernatant and in the serum of GD patients. In the high-increment-serum-vitamin-D-level group of GD patients, IL-10 secretion in vitro and in vivo tends to increase. Higher ratio of IL-12/IL-10 levels affects an increase in IDO secretion, both in MDDC culture and in patient?s serum.
Conclusion. Vitamin D exposure in MDDC culture of GD patients can suppress the inflammatory response by reducing IL-12 secretion and maintaining IDO and IL-10 levels. Increased vitamin D serum level can suppress IL-12 and IDO levels and is also potential in increasing IL-10 level, both in vitro and in vivo.
Jakarta: Fakultas Kedokteran Universitas Indonesia, 2016
UI - Tesis Membership  Universitas Indonesia Library
Ditia Gilang Shah Putra Rahim
"Latar belakang : Pasien penyakit jantung bawaan memiliki risiko untuk mengalami
kehilangan berbagai macam mikronutrien sesudah operasi koreksi dengan mesin pintas
jantung paru, salah satunya adalah vitamin D. Defisiensi vitamin D dapat memperberat
komplikasi yang terjadi sesudah operasi koreksi dengan mesin pintas jantung paru.
Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk menilai efek dari mesin pintas jantung paru terhadap
kadar vitamin D sesudah operasi koreksi penyakit jantung bawaan.
Metode : Penelitian dilakukan secara kohort prospektif dari bulan Maret-Juli 2020.
Pada penelitian ini didapatkan total 30 pasien yang menjalani operasi koreksi dengan
mesin pintas jantung paru. Pemeriksaan kadar vitamin D dilakukan sebelum operasi dan
24 jam sesudah mesin pintas jantung paru dimatikan.
Hasil : Rerata kadar vitamin D preoperasi adalah 27,24 ng/mL dengan yang mengalami
insufisiensi dan defisiensi sebanyak 70%. Rerata kadar vitamin D sesudah operasi
adalah 20,73 ng/mL dengan jumlah subjek yang mengalami insufisensi dan defisiensi
meningkat sebanyak 90%. Setelah operasi, terdapat penurunan vitamin D sebanyak 6,52
ng/mL (24% dari kadar sebelum operasi). Uji korelasi antara penurunan kadar vitamin
D dengan penggunaan mesin PJP menunjukkan hasil yang signifikan dengan nilai P <
0,001. Sedangkan tidak ditemukan hubungan yang signifikan antara durasi penggunaan
mesin pintas jantung paru dan durasi aortic cross clamp dengan penurunan kadar
vitamin D.
Kesimpulan : Terdapat hubungan yang bermakna antara penggunaan mesin pintas
jantung paru dengan penurunan kadar vitamin D, namun penurunan ini tidak
dipengaruhi oleh durasi penggunaan mesin pintas jantung paru dan durasi aortic cross

Background: Patients with congenital heart disease are at risk of losing various
micronutrients after corrective surgery with a cardio-pulmonary bypass machine, one
of which is vitamin D. Vitamin D deficiency can exacerbate complications that occur
after corrective surgery with a cardio-pulmonary bypass machine. This study aimed to
assess the effect of the cardio-pulmonary bypass machine on vitamin D levels after
corrective surgery for congenital heart disease.
Methods: This study was conducted in a prospective cohort from March to July 2020.
In this study, a total of 30 patients underwent corrective surgery with cardio-pulmonary
bypass machine. Vitamin D level checks were carried out before surgery and 24 hours
after the machine was turned off.
Results: The mean preoperative vitamin D level was 27.24 ng / mL with insufficiency
and deficiency as much as 70%. The mean postoperative vitamin D level was 20.73
ng/mL with the number of subjects experiencing insufficiency and deficiency increasing
by 90%. After surgery, there was a decrease in vitamin D by 6.52 mg / mL (24% of the
preoperative level). The correlation test between decreased levels of vitamin D and the
use of cardio-pulmonary bypass machines showed significant results with a P-value
<0.001. Meanwhile, there was no significant relationship between the duration of using
the cardio-pulmonary bypass machine and the duration of aortic cross clamp with a
decrease in vitamin D
Conclusion: There is a significant relationship between the use of cardio-pulmonary
bypass machines and a decrease in vitamin D levels, but this decrease was not
influenced by the duration of using the cardio-pulmonary bypass machine and the
duration of the aortic cross clamp.
2020: Fakultas Kedokteran Universitas Indonesia, 2020
UI - Tugas Akhir  Universitas Indonesia Library
Ayu Diandra Sari
"Defisiensi vitamin D sering terjadi pada penyakit autoimun, termasuk pemfigus vulgaris (PV) dan systemic lupus erythematosus (SLE). Sementara itu, terapi nutrisi dan suplementasi vitamin D masih belum rutin dilakukan dalam tata laksana PV dan SLE. Serial kasus ini melaporkan terapi nutrisi dan suplementasi vitamin D pada empat kasus penyakit autoimun yang mengalami kekambuhan. Serial kasus terdiri atas dua pasien laki-laki PV dan dua pasien perempuan SLE dengan defisiensi vitamin D yang putus obat akibat pandemi corona virus disease 2019 (COVID-19). Keempat pasien mengalami malnutrisi berat secara klinis, karena penurunan asupan makanan dan berat badan dengan berbagai komplikasi obat imunosupresan jangka panjang, yaitu meningkatnya risiko infeksi, sepsis, sarkopenia, deposisi lemak, diabetes mellitus diinduksi steroid, dislipidemia, hipertensi, dan depresi. Asupan energi secara bertahap ditingkatkan secara enteral melalui nasogatric tube (NGT) dan/atau rute oral untuk memenuhi kebutuhan energi dan protein total. Kebutuhan energi total menggunakan Formula Harris-Benedict dengan faktor stres yang disesuaikan dengan profil klinis dan metabolik masing-masing pasien. Kebutuhan protein ditetapkan 1,5–2,0 g/kg BB/hari untuk pasien PV dan 0,8–1,2 g/kg BB/hari untuk pasien SLE dengan keterlibatan ginjal. Lemak dan karbohidrat (KH) disesuaikan dengan komposisi seimbang, yaitu 45–60% KH, 25 g serat, dan <5% added sugar serta 25–30% lemak dengan <7% asam lemak jenuh, ~20% asam lemak tak jenuh tunggal, dan ~ 10% asam lemak tak jenuh jamak. Dua pasien PV mengalami insufisiensi (16,4 ng/mL dan 22,1 ng/mL) dan dua pasien SLE mengalami defisiensi (6,6 ng/mL dan 9,1 ng/mL). Keempat pasien mendapatkan kolekalsiferol 6000 IU/hari selama 8 minggu berturut-turut. Setelah 1 bulan suplementasi vitamin D dan terapi nutrisi adekuat, serum vitamin D serta status nutrisi dan skor Karnofsky meningkat. Kualitas hidup yang dinilai dengan Dermatology Life Quality Index (DLQI) untuk pasien PV dan Lupus quality of life (LupusQoL) untuk pasien SLE juga meningkat. Serial kasus ini menyimpulkan bahwa tata laksana komprehensif yang menyertakan terapi nutrisi adekuat dan evaluasi serum vitamin D dapat meningkatkan kondisi klinis dan metabolik, status gizi, kapasitas fungsional, dan kualitas hidup pasien autoimun kambuh.

Vitamin D deficiency is common in autoimmune disease, including pemphigus vulgaris (PV) and systemic lupus erythematosus (SLE). Meanwhile, nutrition therapy and vitamin D supplementation are still not routines in comprehensive management of PV and SLE. In this case series, we report nutrition therapy and vitamin D supplementation of four cases of relapse autoimmune disease. This series consist of two males of PV and two females of SLE with vitamin D deficiency that dropped out of treatment due to corona virus disease 2019 (COVID-19) pandemic. Patients became clinically severe malnutrition because of reduced food intake and body weight with various long-term immunosuppressant drug complications, ie increased risk of infections, sepsis, sarcopenia, fat deposition, steroid induced diabetes mellitus, dyslipidemia, hypertension, and depression. Energy intake was gradually increased enterally via nasogatric tube (NGT) and/or oral route to meet total energy and protein requirement. Total energy requirement was calculated by Harris-Benedict Formula with stress factor adjusted by clinical and metabolic profile of each patient. Protein requirement set by 1.5–2.0 g/kg BW/day for PV and 0,8–1,2 g/kg BW/day for SLE with renal involvement. Fat and carbohydrate (CHO) were tailored by balance composition, ie 45–60% CHO, 25 g fiber, and <5% added sugar and 25–30% fat with <7% saturated fatty acid, ~20% monounsaturated fatty acid, and ~10% polyunsaturated fatty acid. Two PV patients were insufficiency (16,4 ng/mL and 22,1 ng/mL) and two SLE patients were deficiency (6,6 ng/mL and 9,1 ng/mL). Cholecalciferol 6000 IU/day was prescribed for 8 weeks. After 1 month vitamin D supplementation and an adequate nutrition therapy, serum vitamin D was increased as well as nutritional state and Karnofsky’s score. Dermatology Life Quality Index (DLQI) for PV and LupusQoL for SLE were also enhanced. Finally, comprehensive management along with an adequate nutrition therapy and vitamin D evaluation improved clinical and metabolic condition, nutritional status, functional capacity, and quality of life of relapse autoimmune patient."
Jakarta: Fakultas Kedokteran Universitas Indonesia, 2021
UI - Tugas Akhir  Universitas Indonesia Library
Muhammad Alamsyah Aziz
Jakarta: Sagung Seto, 2020
618.397 MUH s
Buku Teks  Universitas Indonesia Library
Sarah Mahri
"Latar belakang: Saat ini, peran vitamin D dalam berbagai penyakit kronis banyak diteliti. Vitamin D dianggap memiliki efek imunomodulator sehingga diduga berkaitan dengan beberapa penyakit alergi dan autoimun, termasuk urtikaria kronik. Terdapat laporan kadar vitamin D yang rendah pada pasien urtikaria kronik dan suplementasi vitamin D terbukti memperbaiki gejala urtikaria kronik yang dinilai dengan kuesioner yang sudah tervalidasi Urticaria activity score 7 (UAS7). Namun, penelitian mengenai korelasi kadar vitamin D serum dengan aktivitas penyakit urtikaria masih terbatas, terutama di Indonesia.
Tujuan: Menganalisis korelasi kadar vitamin D (25[OH]D) serum dengan aktivitas penyakit pada pasien urtikaria kronik.
Metode: Penelitian deskriptif-analitik dengan desain potong lintang. Tiga puluh pasien urtikaria kronik usia 18–59 tahun yang memenuhi kriteria penerimaan dan penolakan direkrut dalam penelitian ini. Penilaian aktivitas penyakit menggunakan UAS7 dan dilakukan pengukuran kadar 25(OH)D serum. Korelasi kadar 25(OH)D serum dan aktivitas penyakit dilakukan dengan menggunakan analisis Spearman. Penelitian ini juga menilai kecukupan pajanan matahari menggunakan kuesioner pajanan matahari mingguan.
Hasil: Rerata skor UAS7 adalah 14,63±7,8, median durasi penyakit adalah 12 (2–120) bulan, median skor pajanan matahari mingguan adalah 8 (2–34), dan median kadar 25(OH)D serum adalah 12,10 ng/mL (6,85–29.87). Mayoritas subjek mengalami defisiensi vitamin D (80%). Tidak terdapat korelasi antara kadar 25(OH)D serum dengan aktivitas penyakit (r=0,151; p=0,425), tetapi didapatkan korelasi negatif kuat yang bermakna pada kelompok defisiensi vitamin D berat (r=-0,916; p=0,001). Terdapat korelasi positif sedang bermakna antara aktivitas penyakit dan durasi penyakit (r=0,391; p=0,033). Pada kuesioner pajanan sinar matahari mingguan, didapatkan perbedaan bermakna skor bagian tubuh yang terpajan matahari antar kelompok insufisiensi dan defisiensi vitamin D (p=0,031).
Kesimpulan: Tidak terdapat korelasi kadar 25(OH)D serum dengan aktivitas penyakit pasien urtikaria kronik, namun terdapat kecenderungan peningkatan aktivitas penyakit pada kelompok defisiensi berat vitamin D.

Background: Nowadays, the role of vitamin D in various chronic diseases is a matter of great interest. Vitamin D is thought to have an immunomodulatory effect so it is thought to be associated with several allergic and autoimmune diseases, including chronic urticaria. There have been reports of low vitamin D levels in patients with chronic urticaria and vitamin D supplementations has been shown to improve symptoms of chronic urticaria which was assessed by a validated questionnaire Urticaria activity score 7 (UAS7). However, data on the correlation between serum vitamin D levels and disease activity in chronic urticaria are still limited, especially in Indonesia.
Objective: To analyze the correlation between vitamin D (25[OH]D) serum and disease activity in chronic urticaria patients.
This is an analytic-descriptive cross-sectional study. Thirty chronic urticaria patients age 18 – 59 years old who meet all inclusion and exclusion criterias were recruited in this study. Assessment of disease activity using UAS7 and measurement of 25(OH)D serum levels were performed. Correlation of 25(OH)D serum levels and disease activity was done using Spearman analysis. In this study, an assessment of sun exposure adequacy was carried out using a weekly sunlight exposure questionnaire.
Results: The mean of UAS7 was 14.63±7.8, median duration of illness was 12 (2 – 120) month, median weekly sunlight exposure score was 8 (2 – 34), and the median serum 25(OH)D was 12.10 ng/mL (6.85 – 29.87). The majority of subjects had vitamin D deficiency (80%). There was no correlations between serum 25(OH)D levels and disease activity (r=0.151; p=0.425). However, a significant negative correlation was found in severe deficiency vitamin D group (r=-0.916; p=0.001). There was also significant moderate correlation between disease activity and duration of illness (r=0.391; p=0.033). In weekly sunlight exposure questionnaire, we found that body surface area score was significantly different between insufficiency and deficiency vitamin D groups (p=0,031).
Conclusion: There was no correlation between serum 25(OH)D levels and disease activity in chronic urticaria patients, however there was a tendency of increasing disease activity in severe deficiency vitamin D group
Depok: Fakultas Kedokteran Universitas Indonesia, 2021
UI - Tesis Membership  Universitas Indonesia Library
Rizka Farah Hilma
"Salah satu peran sistem imunitas terhadap infeksi M.leprae adalah respons makrofag melalui interaksinya dengan vitamin D dan reseptor vitamin D (RVD). Interaksi vitamin D dengan RVD pada berbagai sel imun akan menstimulasi ekspresi katelisidin. Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk menganalisis kadar serum 25-hydroxyvitamin D (25(OH)D) dan kadar plasma RVD serta hubungannya dengan IB pada pasien kusta. Penelitian ini berupa observasional-analitik dengan desain potong lintang. Sebanyak 28 subjek penelitian (SP) menjalani pemeriksaan slit-skin smear kemudian diagnosis kusta ditegakkan berdasarkan tanda kardinal kusta. Penelitian ini juga menilai kecukupan pajanan matahari menggunakan kuesioner pajanan matahari mingguan. Kadar serum 25(OH)D diperiksa dengan metode chemiluminescent immunoassay (CLIA) dan kadar plasma RVD dilakukan dengan metode enzyme linked immunosorbent assay (ELISA). Median kadar serum 25(OH)D adalah 12,68 ng/ml (4,88 – 44,74). Median kadar plasma RVD adalah 1,36 ng/ml (0,26 – 8,04). Berdasarkan analisis regresi multivariat, tidak terdapat hubungan antara IB dengan kadar serum 25(OH)D dan kadar plasma RVD (R square = 0,055). Tedapat korelasi positif kuat antara kadar serum 25(OH)D dengan skor pajanan sinar matahari (r = 0,863; p < 0,001).

One of many immunity system’s roles against M. leprae infection is macrophage response through its interaction with vitamin D and vitamin D receptor (VDR). The interaction between vitamin D and VDR in various immune cells will stimulate the expression of cathelicidin. The objective is to analyze the serum level of 25-hydroxyvitamin D₃ (25(OH)D) and plasma level of VDR as well as their association with IB in leprosy patients. This observational analytic study was performed with cross-sectional design. A total of 28 subjects underwent a slit-skin smear examination and then the diagnosis of leprosy was made based on the cardinal signs. This study also assessed the patient’s sun exposure with weekly sun exposure questionnaire. Serum 25(OH)D level was assessed with chemiluminescent immunoassay (CLIA) method and RVD plasma level was measured by enzyme linked immunosorbent assay (ELISA). Median serum level of 25(OH)D was 12.68 ng/ml (4.88 – 44.74). Median plasma level of VDR was 1.36 ng/ml (0.26 – 8.04). Based on multivariate regression analysis, there was no significant association between BI and serum level of 25(OH)D and plasma level of VDR (R square = 0.055). There was strong positive correlation between serum level of 25(OH)D and sun exposure score (r = 0.863; p < 0.001)."
Depok: Fakultas Kedokteran Universitas Indonesia, 2022
UI - Tesis Membership  Universitas Indonesia Library
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