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Bonda, Penny
"Millions of people in the U.S. workforce rely on interior designers to create environments that make them happy and productive, as well as promote their safety and well-being. Sustainable Commercial Interiors provides an engaging introduction to and exploration of the vast field of sustainable design as it specifically relates to commercial interior spaces." "In Sustainable Commercial Interiors, coauthors Penny Bonda, a noted expert on interior design and sustainability, and Katie Sosnowchik, an interior design editor and innovator, share their passion for environmental advocacy while offering designers and architects the technical knowledge important for success in this evolving discipline. The authors apply the concept of environmental responsibility to the design of interiors, and employ the organization of the LEED Green Building Rating System to sort the design process into five categories: sustainable sites, water efficiency, energy issues, materials, and indoor environmental quality."
Hoboken, N.J. : Wiley , 2014
725.230 47 BON s
Buku Teks SO  Universitas Indonesia Library
Bonda, Penny
Hoboken, New Jersey: Wiley, 2007
725.23 BON s
Buku Teks SO  Universitas Indonesia Library
Bonda, Penny
Hoboken, New Jersey: Wiley, 2007
725.23 BON s
Buku Teks SO  Universitas Indonesia Library
Stelmack, Annette K.
"As college campuses and workplaces turn their attention to minimizing carbon footprints, sustainable design is an increasingly fashionable aspect of interior design and architecture. Sustainable Residential Interiors focuses on implementing 'Green' design practices and technologies that improve indoor environmental quality. This update to the prize-winning 1st Edition features extensive information on."
Hoboken, N.J. : Wiley , 2014
729.028 6STE s
Buku Teks  Universitas Indonesia Library
Mesi Shinta Dewi
"Daerah perkotaan yang menempati kurang dari 5 dari luas bumi ternyata mengkonsumsi lebih dari 75 sumberdaya alam. Studi yang lalu menyatakan bahwa tidak ada sektor lain yang mampu menghasilkan penurunan konsumsi energi dan emisi gas rumah kaca seefektif sektor bangunan. Maka konsep bangunan hijau green building dipercaya merupakan jalan keluar yang paling mampu menjawab tantangan menuju kota berkelanjutan.
Indonesia mulai mengimplementasikan konsep bangunan hijau sebagai upaya mencapai keberlanjutan, namun perlu digarisbawahi bahwa di Indonesia kebijakan penerapan bangunan hijau ini masih ditujukan pada bangunan perkantoran, gedung-gedung komersial, fasilitas pendidikan serta rumah tinggal yang berupa bangunan bertingkat apartemen, rumah susun.
Berbeda dengan di negara-negara maju yang sudah membidik rumah tunggal ini sebagai target dalam penerapan konsep bangunan hijau Homestar di New Zealand, Greenstar SA Multi Unit Residential Tool di Australia, Indonesia belum secara khusus menjadikan perumahan sebagai target dalam implementasi konsep bangunan hijau padahal kenyataannya kota besar di Indonesia didominasi oleh rumah tunggal.
Analisis GIS di Kota Tangerang yang dianggap mampu mewakili karakteristik kota metropolitan di Indonesia, menunjukkan bahwa luas tutupan lahan Kota Tangerang didominasi oleh kawasan perumahan hingga 51,7 sedangkan kawasan industri hanya mencapai 24,09 dan kawasan komersial hanya 15,37. Hasil ini menjadi dasar yang kuat untuk menggali potensi penerapan konsep bangunan hijau untuk perumahan di Kota Tangerang.
Penelitian ini mengungkap potensi penurunan jejak karbon suatu kota melalui implementasi konsep bangunan hijau di perumahan. Studi difokuskan pada masa operasional gedung yang merupakan masa terpanjang dari siklus hidup bangunan sehingga bagaimana penghuni bangunan tersebut melakukan aktivitasnya menjadi faktor penentu tercapai atau tidaknya tujuan penerapan konsep bangunan hijau.
Analisis statistik menunjukkan bahwa mayoritas masyarakat Kota Tangerang saat ini yang lulusan SMA, berada di posisi pola konsumsi yang sangat tinggi. Simulasi dengan sistem dinamik menunjukkan bahwa dengan skenario bussiness as usual jejak karbon yang dihasilkan diprediksi masih akan naik dengan pesat hingga 20-50 tahun mendatang.
Simulasi dengan skenario intervensi kebijakan penataan ruang dengan asumsi tidak ada perubahan perilaku dan pola konsumsi, menunjukkan jejak karbon perkapita masih akan terus naik pesat. Namun jika intervensi kebijakan penataan ruang ini diikuti dengan intervensi perubahan perilaku dan pola konsumsi melalui perbaikan tingkat pendidikan dan kesadaran lingkungan hidup maka jejak karbon perkapita dapat diturunkan nilainya.
Keberhasilan konsep bangunan hijau yang selama ini dipercaya mampu menjawab tantangan dalam mencapai kota berkelanjutan ternyata memiliki keterbatasan dan hanya efektif diterapkan pada kondisi masyarakat yang spesifik yaitu: mayoritas memiliki pendidikan di atas tingkat S1 dengan tingkat pendapatan lebih dari Rp 7.000.000/bulan

Urban areas occupy less than 5 of the earth but consumes more than 75 of natural resources. Some studies state that there is no sector capable to reduce energy consumption and greenhouse gas emissions as effective as the building sector. Green building concept is believed to be the most effective answer to the challenges towards sustainable cities.
Indonesia started to implement the concept of green building as an effort to achieve sustainability, but it should be underlined that in Indonesia, the implementation of green building policy is still aimed at office buildings, commercial buildings, educational facilities, and residences in the form of multi storey buildings i.e., apartments, flats.
It is different with some developed countries, which already targeted a single house as an important object in green building concept implementation Homestar in New Zealand, Greenstar SA Multi Unit Residential Tool in Australia , Indonesia has not specifically targeted housing sector in green building concept implementation, while in fact, land cover of metropolitan cities in Indonesia were dominated by single homes.
GIS analysis in Tangerang City, which is considered to represent the characteristics of metropolitan cities in Indonesia, shows that land cover of the region is dominated by the housing area up to 51.7 while industrial areas only reached 24.09 and commercial areas only 15.37.
These results should be based on the consideration to explore the potential of green buildings concept implementation for housing area. Research ASDP1 was focused on the operational phase of the building which is the longest period in the building life cycle which shows that occupant activities act as determining factor to the success of green building concept implementation.
Statistical analysis showed that the education level of the majority of people in Tangerang are high school graduates, which lead to a condition where the consumption pattern are high. Simulation with dynamics system shows that based on business as usual scenario, carbon footprint is predicted to rise rapidly in 20 50 years.
Simulation with spatial planning policy intervention scenario, with an assumption that there were no change in the behaviour and consumption patterns, and shows that carbon footprint per capita is still going up rapidly. However, if the spatial planning policy intervention was followed by the intervention to behavioural changes in consumption patterns through improvement of level of education and environmental awareness, carbon footprint per capita will be reduced.
The success of the green building concept that had been believed as as effective tool in achieving sustainable cities, was proven to have limitations and only effective if applied to specific conditions of society such as, the majority have the education level of above S1 level with the level of income of more than Rp 7,000,000 month.
Depok: Program Pascasarjana Universitas Indonesia, 2017
UI - Disertasi Membership  Universitas Indonesia Library
Kibert, Charles J.
Hoboken: John Wiley & Sons, 2005
720.47 KIN s
Buku Teks  Universitas Indonesia Library
Moskow, Keith
New York: McGraw-Hill, 2008
720 MOS s
Buku Teks  Universitas Indonesia Library
Graham, Peter
Oxford: Blackwell Scientific Publications, 2003
624 GRA b
Buku Teks  Universitas Indonesia Library
Foster, Kari
New Jersey : John Wiley & Sons, 2007
728.047 FOS s
Buku Teks  Universitas Indonesia Library
Haselbach, Liv
New York: McGraw-Hill, 2010
690 HAS e (1)
Buku Teks  Universitas Indonesia Library
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