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"Anaerobic physical exercise is a high intensity physical exercise is a high intensity physical exercise performed in a short time. This exercise can stimulate apoptosis in left ventricular cardiomyocytes after anaerobic exercise and detraining. Thirty two wistar rats ratus novergicus 250-350 grams (8-10 weeks old) were divided into the following groups (n=4) and given anaerobic physical exercise four and 12 weeks (group Exc-4, Exc-12-D). The control groups were only observed in the same period (group CTL-4, CTL-12, CTL-4-D, CTL-12-D). At he end of observation, the rats were sacrificed and examination of the expression of caspace-3 as an indicator of apoptasis was done using immunohistochemical staining. Data were analyzed with ANOVA test. An increase in expression of caspase-3 in the group Exc-4 (72.03%) compared to the CTL-4 (27.22%), (P<0,001); AND Exc-12 (79.30%) compared to the CTL-12 (30.53%) (p=0.027). Detraining process showed a significant decline capase-3 expression (31.12% in exc-4-D and 30.44% in the exc-12-D) Anaerobi physical exercise can increase apoptosis in rat left ventricle cardiomyocyte characterized by increase expression of of caspase-3. Detraining can improve heart condition characterized by decreased expression of caspase-3"
UI-MJI 24:2 (2015)
Artikel Jurnal  Universitas Indonesia Library
Maria Lousiana
"Latar belakang: Latihan fisik anaerobik adalah latihan fisik yang dilakukan dalam waktu singkat dengan intensitas tinggi dan dapat merangsang apoptosis pada kardiomiosit ventrikel kiri. Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk menganalisis ekspresi apoptosis kardiomiosit pasca latihan serta pasca henti latih latihan fisik anaerobik.
Metode : Identifikasi Caspase-3 dilakukan dengan cara pulasan imunohistokimia dan analisis kuantitatif persentase Caspase-3 yang dilakukan pada kelompok kontrol 4,8,12 dan 16 minggu, kelompok perlakuan latihan fisik anaerobik 4 dan 12 minggu serta henti latih 4 minggu pasca latihan (minggu ke 8 dan 16).
Hasil: Analisis data menunjukkan peningkatan persentase caspase-3 pada kelompok latihan fisik anaerobik 4 dan 12 minggu dengan p=0,027. Penurunan persentase capase-3 pasca henti latih yang bermakna juga ditemukan antara kelompok latihan fisik anaerobik 4 minggu dengan kelompok henti latih 4 minggu (p=0,0001) dan antara kelompok latihan anaerobik 12 minggu dengan kelompok henti latih 16 minggu (p=0,0001).

Introduction : Anaerobic physical exercise is a high intensity physical exercise performed in a short time. This exercise can stimulate apoptosis in left ventricular cardiomyocytes. The aims of this study is to analyze the expression of cardiomyocyte apoptosis after anaerobic exercise and detraining.
Methods : Caspase-3 expression is identified by immunohistochemistry labeling and quantitative analysis of the percentage of Caspase-3 in the control group 4,8,12 and 16 weeks, groups with 4 and 12 weeks of anaerobic physical exercise, and groups after 4 weeks of detraining ( week 8 and 16).
Conclucion: Data analyses showed a significant increase in the percentage of caspase-3 in the 4 and 12 weeks anaerobic physical exercise groups with p = 0.027. The percentage of Capase-3 after detraining showed a significant decline between the groups of 4 weeks of anaerobic physical exercise and detraining with p = 0.0001 and between groups of 12 weeks of anaerobic exercise and detraining with p = 0, 0001.
Jakarta: Fakultas Kedokteran Universitas Indonesia, 2014
UI - Tesis Membership  Universitas Indonesia Library
Rustiana Tasya Ariningpraja
Latar belakang: latihan fisik aerobik teratur dapat menyebabkan perubahan morfometrik, peningkatan ukuran miosit dengan peningkatan ekspresi connexin43 (Cx43) tanpa lateralisasi, serta peningkatan deposisi matriks ekstraseluler. Latihan fisik sebaiknya dimulai sejak masa anak-anak, guna mencapai kesehatan kardiovaskular di masa dewasa.
Metode: Tikus usia juvenile dan dewasa muda dibagi secara acak dalam 7 kelompok, yaitu: kelompok latihan fisik onset juvenile durasi 4 minggu dan kontrol, kelompok latihan fisik onset juvenile durasi 8 minggu dan kontrol, kelompok latihan fisik onset juvenile durasi 12 minggu, kelompok latihan fisik onset usia dewasa muda durasi 8 minggu dan kontrol. Latihan fisik disesuaikan dengan usia tikus dan dipertahankan pada kecepatan 20 m/menit selama 20 menit intermitten, 5x seminggu. Analisis morfometrik jantung, peningkatan ukuran miosit, deposisi matriks ekstraseluler, serta ekspresi serta distribusi Cx43.
Hasil: Tikus terlatih (5, 8, dan 12 minggu) pada kedua kelompok usia menunjukkan nilai berat jantung, berat ventrikel kiri, diameter rongga ventrikel, ketebalan otot jantung yang lebih tinggi dibandingkan dengan kelompok kontrolnya. Peningkatan ukuran panjang miosit juga meningkat kelompok latihan dibanding kontrol. Deposisi matriks ekstraseluler meningkat pada kelompok latihan dibandingkan kontrol. Ekspresi Cx43 juga meningkat pada sisi lateral.
Kesimpulan: Latihan fisik aerobik dapat meningkatkan ukuran jantung dengan peningkatan ukuran sel, peningkatan deposisi matriks ekstraseluler, peningkatan Cx43 pada sisi lateral. Peningkatan matriks ekstraseluler dan peningkatan lateralisasi menunjukkan peningkatan risiko aritmia.

Background: Regular aerobic exercise can improve morphometric changes, an increase in the size of myocytes with increased expression of connexin43 (Cx43) without lateralization, and increase extracellular matrix deposition. Exercise should be started since childhood, in order to achieve cardiovascular health in adulthood.
Methods: Juvenile and young adult Rats randomly divided into 7 groups: juvenile onset 4 weeks exercise duration and control group, juvenile onset 8 weeks exercise duration and control group, exercise juvenile onset 12 weeks exercise duration, young adult onset 8 weeks exercise duration and control group. Physical exercise adapted to the age of rats and maintained at speed of 20 m/minute for 20 minutes intermittent, 5 times a week. Morphometric analysis of the heart, increase the size of myocytes, extracellular matrix deposition, expression and distribution of Cx43.
Results: Trained rats (5, 8, and 12 weeks) in both age groups showed values of heart weight, left ventricle weight, ventricular cavity diameter, heart muscle thickness is higher than control group. Increased length of myocytes also increased in exercise group compared to the control. Increased deposition of extracellular matrix in exercise group than control. Cx43 expression was also increased in the lateral side.
Conclusions: Aerobic exercise can increase the size of the heart with increased cell size, increased extracellular matrix, increased Cx43 lateralization. Increased extracellular matrix deposition and increased lateralization showed an increased risk of arrhythmia.
Depok: Fakultas Kedokteran Universitas Indonesia, 2015
UI - Tesis Membership  Universitas Indonesia Library
Purba, Elisabeth H.
"Kerusakan target organ tersering pada hipertensi adalah left ventricular hypertrophy LVH dan mikroalbuminuria Radiografi toraks merupakan pemeriksaan non invasif untuk mengevaluasi LVH terutama proyeksi lateral dengan Hoffman Rigler sign. Penelitian bertujuan mengetahui hubungan antara LVH berdasarkan modalitas radiografi toraks dengan mikroalbuminuria pada pasien hipertensi. Sampel merupakan pasien hipertensi yang telah diberikan terapi dan dilakukan radiografi toraks PA dan lateral. Dari 66 pasien hipertensi 19 28 8 dengan mikroalbuminuria positif. Dari 35 pasien hipertensi dengan LVH 12 34 3 dengan mikroalbuminuria positif. Pada penelitian ini radiografi toraks PA dan lateral dapat digunakan untuk menilai tanda LVH.

Common target organ damage in hypertension is left ventricular hypertrophy LVH and microalbuminuria Chest x ray is a non invasive examination to evaluate LVH especially lateral projection with Hoffman Rigler sign methode. The research aims to investigate the relationship between LVH based modalities PA and lateral chest x ray with microalbuminuria in hypertensive patients. Samples taken were hypertensive patients who have been given therapy and do PA and lateral chest x ray Of 66 hypertensive patients 19 28 8 with positive microalbuminuria Of 35 hypertensive patients with LVH 12 34 3 with positive microalbuminuria In this study PA and lateral chest x ray can be used to assess the sign of LVH."
Jakarta: Fakultas Kedokteran Universitas Indonesia, 2013
UI - Tesis Membership  Universitas Indonesia Library
Willy Handoko
"Latar belakang: Latihan fisik anaerobik yang lama (latihan fisik ketahanan/endurance dengan intensitas berat yang melebihi kapasitas aerobik) mengakibatkan remodeling morfologi dan sistem konduksi listrik jantung. Connexin 43 (Cx43) adalah protein penyusun gap junction pada diskus interkalaris kardiomiosit ventrikel, yang bertanggung jawab atas konduksi listrik jantung. Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk menganalisis pola distribusi dan ekspresi Cx43 kardiomiosit pasca-latihan serta pasca-henti-latih fisik anaerobik.
Metode: Identifikasi Cx43 dilakukan dengan cara pulasan imunohistokimia dan analisis kuantitatif luas area ekspresi Cx43 dilakukan pada kelompok kontrol (K4M, K8M, K12M dan K16Minggu) dan perlakuan latihan fisik (AN4M, AN12M) serta henti-latih (AN4MD, AN12MD).
Hasil: Analisis data menunjukkan peningkatan luas area ekspresi Cx43 (pixel) pada kelompok pasca-latihan fisik (K4M: 77006±7513 dan AN4M: 116932±5552, p<0,001; K12M: 51727±2209 dan AN12M: 123781±6019, p<0,001), yang disertai oleh peningkatan proporsi lateralisasi ekspresi Cx43 (persentase area lateralisasi: K4M: 11,34±0,8% dan AN4M: 25,11±1%, p<0,001; K12M: 11,32±0,37% dan AN12M: 30,36±2,2%, p<0,001). Kelompok pascahenti-latih menunjukkan regresi luas area ekspresi Cx43 (AN12M: 123781±6019 dan AN12MD: 93908±9348, p<0,005) dan persentase area lateralisasi (AN12M: 30,36±2,2% dan AN12MD: 21,2±1,1%, p<0,001).
Kesimpulan: Peningkatan ekspresi Cx43 (yang dipredominansi oleh peningkatan lateralisasi) kardiomiosit ventrikel kiri jantung tikus pasca-latihan fisik anaerobik merupakan suatu proses adaptasi fisiologis dan bersifat sementara.

Introduction: Long-term non-resistance anaerobic exercise (excessive endurance training that exceed aerobic capacity) causes remodeling of cardiac morphology and conduction system. Major gap junction protein expressed on ventricular cardiomyocyte, connexin 43 (Cx43) is an important determinant of cardiac conduction system. The aims of this study are to analyse Cx43 expression and distribution on cardiomyocyte post-anaerobic exercise and detraining.
Methods: Cx43 expression is identified by immunohistochemistry labeling and quantitative analyses on Cx43 areas are conducted on 4 and 12 weeks postanaerobic exercise rats (AN4M, AN12M) along with 4 weeks of detraining groups (AN4MD, AN12MD) and time-matched sedentary control groups (K4M, K8M, K12M dan K16M).
Results: Data analyses show an increased Cx43 area expression (pixel) on postanaerobic exercise groups (K4M: 77006±7513 vs. AN4M: 116932±5552, p<0,001 and K12M: 51727±2209 vs. AN12M: 123781±6019, p<0,001), and characterized by marked increased on lateralization (K4M: 11,34±0,8% vs. AN4M: 25,11±1%, p<0,001 and K12M: 11,32±0,37% vs. AN12M: 30,36±2,2%, p<0,001). Detraining groups show regression on Cx43 area expression (AN12M: 123781±6019 vs. AN12MD: 93908±9348, p<0,005) and lateralization (AN12M: 30,36±2,2% vs. AN12MD: 21,2±1,1%, p<0,001).
Conclucion: Increased Cx43 expression (predominated by lateralization) of left ventricular cardiomyocyte post-anaerobic exercise is a physiological adaptation and reversible upon detraining."
Jakarta: Fakultas Kedokteran Universitas Indonesia, 2013
UI - Tesis Membership  Universitas Indonesia Library
Parachuri, V. Rao
"This project represents a concise review of normal and abnormal cardiac anatomy and physiology, the evolution of SVR to EVLPP with validation of near normal ventricular restoration, plus act as a reference guide for cardiac surgeons with interest in SVR. The authors review normal and abnormal cardiac anatomy following post myocardial infarction and physiology, with focus on the evolution of surgical techniques aimed at establishing an ellipsoid ventricular shape, resulting in near-normal physiological hemodynamics evident at long term."
London : Springer, 2012
eBooks  Universitas Indonesia Library
Octo Tumbur
"Latar belakang : Pasien gagal jantung kronik memerlukan evaluasi pemeriksaan ekokardiografi. Berbagai metode pemeriksaan digunakan dalam pemeriksaan ekokardiografi, diantaranya pemeriksaan LAEF, LAVI, dan LVEF yang terkait dengan penelitian ini. Metode pemeriksaan LAEF dan LAVI memiliki peran dalam menilai remodelling atrium kiri, sedang LVEF terkait dengan fungsi sistolik ventrikel kiri.
Tujuan : Penelitian ini bertujuan menilai korelasi nilai LAEF dan LAVI dengan nilai LVEF pada < 40% dan ≥ 40%.
Metode : Studi potong lintang pada 150 pasien gagal jantung kronik yang dilakukan pemeriksaan ekokardiografi trans-torakal di eko-lab PJT RSCM.Pemeriksaan ekokardiografi metode LAEF dengan metode area length (2 dimensi) pada minimal 2 view eko, sedangkan LAVI dengan metode 2 dimensi. Pemeriksaan LVEF dengan metode Simpson.
Hasil : Pada penelitian didapatkan 150 subjek dengan nilai median LAVI 30,9mL/m2 (RIK 22,08-40,80), nilai median LVEF 55,75 % (RIK 40,75-61,85), nilai LAEF median 31,8 % (RIK 23,98-38,30). Korelasi nilai LAEF dengan nilai LVEF pada LVEF < 40% dengan hasil korelasi positif sedang bermakna (r = 0,614; p <0,001), pada LVEF ≥ 40% dengan hasil korelasi positif sedang bermakna (r =0,580 ; p < 0,001). Korelasi nilai LAVI dengan nilai LVEF pada LVEF < 40% dengan hasil berkorelasi negatif lemah dan tidak bermakna (r = -0,093; p = 0,722), sedangkan pada LVEF ≥ 40% dengan hasil berkorelasi negatif lemah bermakna (r = -0,299; p < 0,001). Dilakukan sub-analisis pada LVEF 40-50%, didapatkan nilai LAEF dan nilai LVEF berkorelasi positif lemah bermakna (r = 0,492; p <0,001). Lalu sub-analisis pada LVEF ≥ 50%, didapatkan korelasi nilai LAEF dan nilai LVEF positif lemah tidak bermakna (r = 0,205; p = 0,063).
Kesimpulan : Terdapat korelasi positif nilai LAEF dengan nilai LVEF pada pasien gagal jantung kronik baik pada HFrEF (LVEF < 40%) dan LVEF ≥ 40%, sehingga nilai LAEF pada cut-off nilai LVEF 40% dapat menjadi salah satu marker menilai proses remodelling atrium kiri. Sedangkan nilai LAVI dengan LVEF pada pasien gagal jantung kronik ditemukan korelasi lemah atau tidak adanya korelasi.

Background : Patients with chronic heart failure require echocardiographic evaluation. Various examination methods were used in echocardiographic examinations, including LAEF, LAVI, and LVEF examinations related to this study. LAEF and LAVI examination methods have a role in assessing left atrial remodeling, while LVEF is related to left ventricular systolic function.
Objective : This study aims to assess the correlation between LAEF and LAVI values with LVEF values at LVEF < 40% and LVEF 40%.
Methods : A cross-sectional study of 150 patients with chronic heart failure who underwent transthoracic echocardiography at the RSCM PJT eco-lab. Echocardiographic examination using the LAEF method with the area length method (2 dimensions), in at least 2 eco views, while the LAVI using the 2-dimensional method. LVEF examination by the Simpson method.
Results : The study found 150 subjects with a median LAVI value of 30.9 mL/m2 (IQR 22.08-40.80), a median LVEF value of 55.75% (IQR 40.75-61.85), a median LAEF value of 31 ,8% (IQR 23.98-38.30). The correlation between the LAEF value and the LVEF value at LVEF < 40% has a moderately significant positive correlation (r = 0.614; p < 0.001), while at LVEF ≥ 40% has a moderately significant positive correlation (r = 0.580 ; p < 0.001). The correlation between the LAVI value and the LVEF value at LVEF < 40% has a weak and insignificant negative correlation (r = -0.093; p = 0.722), while at LVEF ≥ 40% has a weak negative significant correlation (r = -0.299; p < 0.001). Sub-analysis was performed on LVEF 40-50%, and the LAEF value and LVEF value were positively and significantly correlated (r = 0.492; p < 0.001). Then the sub-analysis at LVEF > 50%, it was found that the correlation between the LAEF value and LVEF value were weak positive and not significant correlated (r = 0.205; p = 0.063).
Conclusion : There is a positive correlation between LAEF values and LVEF values in chronic heart failure patients both at HFrEF (LVEF < 40%) and LVEF ≥ 40%, so that the LAEF value at the cut-off LVEF 40% can be one of the markers to assess the left atrial remodeling process. While the value of LAVI with LVEF in patients with chronic heart failure found a weak correlation or no correlation.
Jakarta: Fakultas Kedokteran Universitas Indonesia, 2023
UI - Tugas Akhir  Universitas Indonesia Library
Manullang, Indra Sihar M.
"Hipertrofi ventrikel kiri atau Left ventricle hypertrophy (LVH) adalah faktor risiko independen terjadinya gagal jantung pada pasien hipertensi. Diagnosis dini LVH diperlukan untuk mencegah kerusakan lebih lanjut pada otot jantung. Cardiotropin-1 (CT-1) diproduksi oleh kardiomiosit dan fibroblas, yang kadarnya dilaporkan meningkat pada pasien hipertensi primer.
Tujuan : Membuktikan manfaat CT-1 serum untuk mendeteksi LVH pada pasien hipertensi primer.
Metode : Penelitian uji diagnostik dilaksanakan di RSCM Jakarta periode Februari s/d Maret 2013. Subyek penelitian adalah 75 pasien hipertensi primer dengan atau tanpa LVH. Diagnosis LVH dilakukan dengan ekokardiografi sebagai baku emas dan elektrokardiografi/EKG (kriteria Sokolow Lyon voltage, Cornell voltage dan Cornell product). Kadar CT-1 serum diperiksa dari sampel darah vena dengan metode ELISA.
Hasil : Berdasarkan ekokardiografi 46 orang (61,3%) LVH dan 29 orang (38,7%) tidak LVH. Kadar CT-1 subyek LVH adalah 82,96 ± 351,843 pg/mL dan subyek tanpa LVH 4,55 ± 1,281 pg/mL (p=0,01). Korelasi CT-1 dengan LVMI adalah tidak bermakna (p=0,1). Luas area dibawah kurva ROC CT-1 untuk diagnosis LVH adalah 0,67 (p=0,01). Nilai cut-off CT-1 adalah 4,45 pg/mL. Uji diagnostik CT-1: Sensitifitas 54,4%, spesifisitas 75,9, NDP 78,1%, NDN 51,2 dan akurasi 61,3%. Uji diagnostik kombinasi CT-1 dan EKG (salah satu kriteria positif LVH): sensitifitas 67,4%, spesifisitas 72,4% , NDP 79,5%, NDN 58,3% dan akurasi 69,3%.
Simpulan. CT-1 kurang sensitif namun cukup spesifik untuk diagnosis hipertrofi ventrikel kiri (LVH). Kombinasi CT-1 dengan EKG meningkatkan nilai diagnostik pemeriksaan untuk deteksi LVH pada pasien hipertensi primer.

Left ventricle hypertrophy (LVH) is independent risk factor of heart failure on hypertension patients. Early detection of LVH is necessary to prevent extensive damage of heart muscle. Cardiotropin-1 (CT-1) is produce by cardiomyosite and fibroblast, that the level of CT-1 has been reported increase on primary hypertension patients.
Aim : To prove the benefit of CT-1 serum to detect LVH on primary hypertension patients.
Methods : A diagnostic study has been conducted on RSCM Jakarta on the periode of February to March 2013. Research subjects were 75 primary hypertension patients with and without LVH. LVH diagnosis was performed by echocardiography examination as gold standard and electrocardiography/ECG (Sokolow Lyon voltage, Cornell Voltage and Cornell product criterias). CT-1 level was measured by ELISA method from vein blood sample.
Results : Based on echocardiography examination 46 patients (61.3%) were diagnosed as LVH and 29 patients (38.7%) without LVH. The level of CT-1 of patients with LVH was 82.96 ± 351.843 pg/mL and 4.55 ± 1.,281 pg/mL on patients without LVH (p=0.01). Correlation between CT-1 and Left Ventricular Mass Index was not significant (p=0.1). Area under the ROC curve was 0.67 (p=0.01). The cut-off of CT-1 level for diagnosis of LVH was 4.45 pg/mL. Diagnostic test yield the sensitivity of CT-1 for diagnosis of LVH was 54.4%, specificity 75.9%, PPV 78.1%, NPV 51.2% and accuracy was 61.3%. Diagnostic test of combination CT-1 and ECG (positive LVH by one or more ECG’s criteria) yield sensitivity 67.4%, specificity 72.4% , PPV 79,5%, NPV 58.3% and accuracy 69.3%.
Conclusion. CT-1 examination was not sensitive but specific for LVH diagnosis. Combination of CT-1 and ECG examination was improve diagnostic value of CT-1 for detection of LVH on primary hypertension patients.
Jakarta: Fakultas Kedokteran Universitas Indonesia, 2014
UI - Tesis Membership  Universitas Indonesia Library
Batubara, Frisca Ronauli
"Latar belakang: Latihan fisik aerobik adalah latihan fisik yang dilakukan secara teratur dan berkesinambungan sedangkan latihan fisik yang dilakukan dengan peningkatan durasi dan kecepatan secara bertahap termasuk dalam aerobik Overtraining. Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk menganalisa hipertrofi pada otot ventrikel jantung kiri tikus pasca latihan fisik aerobik serta pasca latihan fisik aerobik overtraining.
Metode: Identifikasi morphologi kardiomiosit ventrikel kiri jantung tikus menggunakan pewarnaan hematoksilin eosin, sedangkan untuk jaringan fibrosis dengan pewarnaan Masson?s Trichrome. Identifikasi tersebut dilakukan pada kelompok kontrol, dan kelompok perlakuan aerobik dan overtraining yang dilakukan selama 11 minggu.
Hasil: Analisis data menunjukkan terjadi hipertrofi yang ditandai dengan adanya peningkatan panjang (p=0,017), lebar (p=0,037) pada kelompok aerobik dibandingkan dengan kelompok overtraining. Peningkatan jaringan fibrosis pada kelompok overtraining dengan p= 0,00.

Introduction : Aerobic exercise is physical exercise done regularly and continuously while physical exercise done by increasing the duration and speed gradually included in the aerobic Overtraining. This study aims to analyze hypertrophy in the left ventricle of the heart muscle of mice after aerobic exercise and aerobic exercise post overtraining.
Methods : Left ventricular cardiomyocyte morphology rat heart is identified by hematoxylin eosin staining, whereas for fibrotic tissue with Masson's Trichrome staining. Such identification is performed in the control group and the treatment group performed aerobic and overtraining for 11 weeks.
Conclucion: Analysis of the data showed that hypertrophy is characterized by an increase in length (p = 0.017), width (p = 0.037) in the aerobic group compared with the group of overtraining. Increased tissue fibrosis in the overtraining group with p = 0,00.
Jakarta: Fakultas Kedokteran Universitas Indonesia, 2015
UI - Tesis Membership  Universitas Indonesia Library
Melody Febriana Andardewi
"Latihan aerobik dapat meningkatkan kebugaran melalui penginduksian adaptasi fisiologis seperti peningkatan kekuatan otot kemampuan penggunaan oksigen peningkatan jumlah sel saraf serta pembuluh kapiler darah otak. Latihan fisik terkait erat dengan penggunaan otot volunter yang diatur oleh korteks motorik primer otak.
Tujuan penelitian ini adalah untuk mengetahui pengaruh latihan fisik aerobik dan detrain terhadap jumlah sel saraf normal korteks motorik primer tikus. Desain penelitian ini adalah eksperimental menggunakan 27 jaringan otak tikus jantan Rattus sp Strain Wistar yang dibagi menjadi tiga kelompok yaitu kelompok tanpa perlakuan kontrol kelompok perlakuan latihan fisik aerobik training dan kelompok perlakuan yang latihan fisik aerobik nya dihentikan detraining. Pengamatan dilakukan dengan cara menghitung jumlah sel saraf otak tikus bagian korteks motorik primer dengan bantuan piranti lunak Image Raster.
Hasil menunjukkan jumlah sel saraf normal pada kelompok kontrol adalah 56 kelompok training 66 dan kelompok detraining 42. Hasil uji Post Hoc Mann Whitney menunjukkan terdapat perbedaan bermakna antara kelompok kontrol dan training p 0 046 kontrol dan detraining p 0 001 serta training dan detraining p 0 001.
Hasil dari penelitian ini mendukung teori bahwa latihan aerobik dapat memicu pertumbuhan sel saraf neurogenesis korteks motorik primer sedangkan detraining menyebabkan penurunan jumlah sel saraf normal pada daerah korteks motorik primer otak tikus Kata kunci Detrain jumlah sel saraf normal latihan fisik aerobik korteks motorik primer.

Aerobic exercise could increase body fitness by raising the physiology adaptation such as increase muscle power oxygen uptake number of neurons and new capillaries in brain structure. In aerobic exercise we use voluntary muscles which are controlled by primary motor cortex in brain.
Purpose of this research was to acknowledge effect of aerobic exercise and detraining on the number of normal neurons in rat's primary motor cortex This experimental research used 27 male rats Rattus sp Wistar strain and divided into three groups control training and detraining. The method is to observe and count the number of neurons in primary motor cortex region of the rat's brain with Hematoxilin Eosin staining using image raster.
The result showed that the percentage of normal neuron from control group was 56 66 in training group and 42 in detraining group Post Hoc Mann Whitney test showed there was significant differences between control and training p 0 046 control and detraining p 0 001 and training and detraining p 0 001.
This result showed that this research support the theory of which the aerobic exercise could induce neurogenesis in primary motoric cortex region and detraining caused decrease number of neurons in rat's primary motoric cortex.
Jakarta: Fakultas Kedokteran Universitas Indonesia, 2013
UI - Skripsi Membership  Universitas Indonesia Library
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