The Jakarta Workshop on Environmental Health 1998 is the second meeting of the UNESCO UNITWIN Programme and UNESCO UNISPAR Programme on Environment in Asia. The first meeting was hosted by Bunkyo University in Tokyo from 10 to 12 April 1997. This second meeting is hosted by the Centre for Research of Human Resources and the Environment (CRHRE) from 16 to 17 February 1998.
This proceedings reported the implementation of the Workshop Programme from 16 - 17 February 1998. The Organizing Committee (OC) did its utmost towards the realization of both the UNESCO UNITWIN Programme Director and Co-Directors' meeting as well as the UNESCO UNISPAR Programme member Universities meeting. The former was attended by Bunkyo University, Griffith University, Prince of Songkla University and the University of Indonesia. The latter was attended by representatives of Prince of Songkla University, Suranaree University of Technology, the University of Indonesia, the University of the Philippines and Griffith University was present as observer, whilst Dr Y Aoshima of UNESCO Regional Office for Science and Technology in Southeast Asia chaired the meeting.
Apologies came from Nankai University, China due to Chinese New Year Holidays, Vietnam National University due to Professor Nguyen Van Davis tight schedule and Kong Hee University, Korea due to inability of Professor Chungwon Chone to leave his post. Further apologies came from UNEP, both Dr Wimala Ponniah and Dr Mahesh Pradhan of NETTLAP in view of prior commitments; the same is true with Professor Wang Yi Bing. The Director of CRHRE, Professor Retno Soetaryono SH; MSi, due to ill health and on the advice of her Family Physician prevented her participation in the event.
The OC extends its earnest appreciation to UNESCO UNITWIN Programme partner universities and UNESCO UNISPAR partner universities who participated in the workshop, hence fostered closer relations with each other. Finally, our thanks are due to UNESCO for the assistance and advice as well as TOYOTA Motor Corporation for sponsoring both this workshop and the UNESCO UNISPAR Programme.
The third workshop will be held in either Brisbane, Australia or Hatyay, Thailand in 1999. The decision will be cast in July oe August this year. It is hoped that this proceedings will be of interest and informative as well."