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Angeles, Jorge
"This book can be utilized for a variety of courses, including junior and senior-level vibration and linear mechanical analysis courses. The author connects, by means of a rigorous, yet intuitive approach, the theory of vibration with the more general theory of systems. The book features : aseven-step modeling technique that helps structure the rather unstructured process of mechanical-system modeling, a system-theoretic approach to deriving the time response of the linear mathematical models of mechanical systems, the modal analysis and the time response of two-degree-of-freedom systems. The first step on the long way to the more elaborate study of multi-degree-of-freedom systems, using the Mohr circle, simple, yet powerful simulation algorithms that exploit the linearity of the system for both single- and multi-degree-of-freedom systems, examples and exercises that rely on modern computational toolboxes for both numerical and symbolic computations as well as a Solutions Manual for instructors, with complete solutions of a sample of end-of-chapter exercises. Chapters 3 and 7, on simulation, include in each “Exercises” section a set of miniprojects that require code-writing to implement the algorithms developed in these chapters."
New York: Springer, 2011
eBooks  Universitas Indonesia Library
Menard, Kevin P.
Boca Raton: CRC Press, Taylor & Francis Group, 2008
620.112 MEN d
Buku Teks  Universitas Indonesia Library
Siregar, Riduan Akbar
Dalam penelitian ini objek yang dikaji adalah model baru bogie monorel tipe UTM 125 dengan menggunakan sistem suspensi tipe suspended, hasil rancangan dan produk nasional. Tujuan dari penelitian ini secara umum adalah untuk menganalisa karakteristik gaya dinamik dari tiap komponen poros dalam struktur bogie monorel dan secara khusus adalah untuk mengevaluasi tingkat kenyamanan gerak kendaraan monorel. Analisis dan simulasi numerik gerak kereta monorel dilakukan dengan menggunakan perangkat lunak Simwise® dan NumXL®. Penentuan tingkat kenyamanan kendaraan monorel berdasarkan pada standar ISO 2631 dan standar EN 12299:2009. Dari hasil analisa diketahui bahwa gaya dinamik pada arah lateral memberikan pengaruh terjadinya gerak rolling pada struktur carbody dan dari hasil evaluasi kenyamanan diketahui bahwa percepatan arah lateral paling besar terjadi pada struktur carbody yang berada di atas bogie. Secara umum dapat disimpulkan bahwa tingkat kenyamanan kendaraan monorel masih dalam kategori tidak nyaman, sehingga diperlukan penyempurnaan lebih lanjut terhadap sistem dan struktur bogie monorel.

In this research the object being studied is a new type model of monorail bogie UTM 125 by using the suspended type of suspension system, which is designed as national product. The objective of this study in general is to analyze dynamic force characteristics for shaft components in monorail bogie structure and in particular is to evaluate the comfort level of monorail vehicle. Analysis and numerical simulation of monorail train movement is conducted by Simwise® and NumXL® softwares. The determination of the level of monorail car comfort is based on ISO 2631 standards and EN 12299:2009 the standards. From the analysis result has known that the dynamic force in lateral direction give significant effect to rolling motion in carbody structure and also from the comfort evaluation result has known that most of large lateral acceleration occurs on the part of carbody which located above the bogie structures. In general it can be concluded that the comfort level of the monorail vehicle still in the discomfort category, therefore need further refinement to system and structures of the monorail bogie.;In this research the object being studied is a new type model of monorail bogie UTM 125 by using the suspended type of suspension system, which is designed as national product. The objective of this study in general is to analyze dynamic force characteristics for shaft components in monorail bogie structure and in particular is to evaluate the comfort level of monorail vehicle. Analysis and numerical simulation of monorail train movement is conducted by Simwise® and NumXL® softwares. The determination of the level of monorail car comfort is based on ISO 2631 standards and EN 12299:2009 the standards. From the analysis result has known that the dynamic force in lateral direction give significant effect to rolling motion in carbody structure and also from the comfort evaluation result has known that most of large lateral acceleration occurs on the part of carbody which located above the bogie structures. In general it can be concluded that the comfort level of the monorail vehicle still in the discomfort category, therefore need further refinement to system and structures of the monorail bogie., In this research the object being studied is a new type model of monorail bogie UTM 125 by using the suspended type of suspension system, which is designed as national product. The objective of this study in general is to analyze dynamic force characteristics for shaft components in monorail bogie structure and in particular is to evaluate the comfort level of monorail vehicle. Analysis and numerical simulation of monorail train movement is conducted by Simwise® and NumXL® softwares. The determination of the level of monorail car comfort is based on ISO 2631 standards and EN 12299:2009 the standards. From the analysis result has known that the dynamic force in lateral direction give significant effect to rolling motion in carbody structure and also from the comfort evaluation result has known that most of large lateral acceleration occurs on the part of carbody which located above the bogie structures. In general it can be concluded that the comfort level of the monorail vehicle still in the discomfort category, therefore need further refinement to system and structures of the monorail bogie.]"
UI - Tesis Membership  Universitas Indonesia Library
Woods, Robert L.
New Jersey: Prentice-Hall, 1997
620.011 1 WOO m
Buku Teks  Universitas Indonesia Library
Jeary, Alan
London: E & FN Spon, 1997
R 624.17 JEA d
Buku Referensi  Universitas Indonesia Library
DiStefano, Joseph J., 1940-
Amsterdam: Elsevier/Academic Press, 2014
570.113 DIS d
Buku Teks  Universitas Indonesia Library
Klee, Harold
"Employing the widely adopted MATLAB and Simulink software packages, this book offers the scientific and engineering communities integrated coverage of continuous simulation and the essential prerequisites in one resource. It also provides a complete introduction to the Real-Time Workshop. The text takes the reader through the process of converting a mathematical model of a continuous or discrete system"
Boca Raton, FL : CRC Press, 2011
003.3 KLE s
Buku Teks  Universitas Indonesia Library
Jensen, Hector
"This book combines a model reduction technique with an efficient parametrization scheme for the purpose of solving a class of complex and computationally expensive simulation-based problems involving finite element models. These problems, which have a wide range of important applications in several engineering fields, include reliability analysis, structural dynamic simulation, sensitivity analysis, reliability-based design optimization, Bayesian model validation, uncertainty quantification and propagation, etc. The solution of this type of problems requires a large number of dynamic re-analyses. To cope with this difficulty, a model reduction technique known as substructure coupling for dynamic analysis is considered. While the use of reduced order models alleviates part of the computational effort, their repetitive generation during the simulation processes can be computational expensive due to the substantial computational overhead that arises at the substructure level. In this regard, an efficient finite element model parametrization scheme is considered. When the division of the structural model is guided by such a parametrization scheme, the generation of a small number of reduced order models is sufficient to run the large number of dynamic re-analyses. Thus, a drastic reduction in computational effort is achieved without compromising the accuracy of the results. The capabilities of the developed procedures are demonstrated in a number of simulation-based problems involving uncertainty."
Switzerland: Springer Nature, 2019
eBooks  Universitas Indonesia Library
Lia Aprilia
Sensor berbasis mikrokantilever telah menarik perhatian dalam dekade terakhir sebagai sensor bersensitivitas tinggi yang berpotensi untuk diterapkan dalam bidang kimia, biologi, fisika, kedokteran, dan lingkungan. Komponen penting bagi sensor adalah sensitivitas dan selektivitas. Sensitivitas sensor mikrokantilever umumnya ditentukan oleh desain geometri, sedangkan selektivitas ditentukan oleh lapisan sensitif yang spesifik. Pada riset ini dilakukan simulasi dan pengukuran mikrokantilever terhadap objek gas LPG.
Pada mode statis, hasil pengukuran menunjukkan bahwa output sensor (Vout) sangat sensitif terhadap aliran gas. Meski mikrokantilever yang digunakan tanpa lapisan sensitif, nilai Vout berubah karena gas. Respon mikrokantilever ini kemungkinan disebabkan adanya adsorpsi molekul gas pada permukaan mikrokantilever. Nilai defleksi akibat adanya gas yang teradsorpsi di permukaan mikrokantilever dapat dihitung. Selain hasil tersebut terdapat kurva non linear hubungan antara tegangan output (terbentuk puncak defleksi) dan waktu gas alir yang dapat diterangkan dengan model defleksi pada struktur mikrokantilever berlapis ganda (double layer). Kemungkinan mekanisme kedua dari respon mikrokantilever adalah karena perubahan densitas dan viskositas gas dalam box eksperimen. Ini diprediksi dari menurunnya puncak defleksi maksimum saat viskositas dan densitas gas di dalam box tersebut yang meningkat.
Pada mode dinamis, tegangan peak-to-peak (Vpp) vibrasi mikrokantilever menurun dengan cepat terhadap aliran gas. Analisis berbasis massa gas yang teradsopsi menunjukkan bahwa pergeseran frekuensi resonansi sebesar 57,14 kHz ditimbulkan karena adanya massa yang menempel pada permukaan mikrokantilever sebesar 16,5 ng. Sedangkan mekanisme kedua karena perubahan densitas dan viskositas gas menunjukkan bahwa pergeseran frekuensi resonansi disebabkan karena pergeseran nilai densitas sebesar 22,38 Kg/m3 dan perubahan viskositas sebesar 0,058 cP.
Hasil riset ini menjelaskan respon mikrokantilever piezoresistif tanpa lapisan sensitif terhadap gas pada mode operasi statis dan dinamis. Perubahan sinyal output pada mikrokantilever dijelaskan dalam dua model, yaitu respon karena massa yang teradsorpsi dan respon karena perubahan viskositas fluida.

Microcantilever-based sensor has attracted the attention as a high sensitivity sensor which is potential to be applied in the fields of chemistry, biology, physics, medicine, and environment. Two important factors for a sensor are sensitivity and selectivity. Generally, sensitivity is determined by sensor geometry while selectivity is determined by a sensitive layer. In this research, response of microcantilever to LPG is studied in simulation and experimental aspects.
In static mode operation, the measurement result shows that the sensor output (Vout) sensitively changes to gas flow. Although uncoated microcantilever is used, the sensor output modifies due to the gas. This response may be due to the gas adsorbed on the microcantilever surface. The microcantilever deflection due to the adsorbed gas on the surface can be calculated. Another result here is a non linear curve of Vout (forming a deflection peak) vs time during the gas flow that can be explained by mechanical analysis of the microcantilever double layer structure. The second mechanism of microcantilever response is based on gas density and viscosity changes in experimental box. It is predicted that the increase of fluid density and viscosity causes the decrease of maximum deflection peak.
In dynamic mode operation, peak-to-peak voltage (Vpp) of the microcantilever vibration rapidly decreases due to the gas. The mechanism model based on adsorbed gas shows that the resonance frequency shift of about 57,14 kHz may be due to the mass of 16,5 ng absorbed on the microcantilever surface. The second mechanism is based on the gas density and viscosity changes. It shows that the resonance frequency shift is caused by the density change of 22,38 Kg/m3 and viscosity change of 0,058 cP.
These studies presented the response of uncoated piezoresistive microcantilever on the static and dynamic operation modes. The change of output signal is described in two models, i.e. the response due to the adsorbed mass and the response due to changes in fluid density and viscosity."
Depok: Fakultas Teknik Universitas Indonesia, 2014
UI - Tesis Membership  Universitas Indonesia Library
Syarifah Nahrisya
"Indonesia merupakan daerah rawan gempa, untuk mengurangi resiko bencana yang terjadi diperlukan konstruksi bangunan tahan gempa. Perencanaan tahan gempa umumnya didasarkan pada analisa struktur elastis yang kemudian diberi faktor beban untuk mensimulasi kondisi ultimate (batas). Kenyataannya bahwa perilaku keruntuhan bangunan saat gempa adalah inelastis. Evaluasi yang dapat memperkirakan kondisi inelastis bangunan saat gempa perlu untuk mendapatkan jaminan bahwa kinerjanya memuaskan saat gempa.
Analisa dan evaluasi kinerja dapat dilakukan dengan analisa riwayat waktu pada program SAP2000. Karena deformasi plastis tergantung kepada sejarah pembebanan, maka analisa yang seharusnya digunakan untuk melakukan evaluasi kinerja bangunan adalah Analisa Nonlinier Riwayat Waktu (dynamic nonlinear time history analysis).
Analisa Nonlinier Riwayat Waktu merupakan analisa bertahap dari suatu respon dinamik dari suatu struktur yang terbebani dengan waktu yang beragam. Suatu bangunan dapat terdiri dari jenis material yang berbeda. Dalam hal ini, bangunan yang akan dijadikan model adalah bangunan komposit. Komposit dapat terbentuk dari berbagai macam jenis material. Komposit baja-beton termasuk didalamnya baja tube dengan beton pengisi.

Indonesia is an earthquake prone areas, to reduce the risk of disasters required the construction of earthquake resistant buildings. Planning withstand earthquakes generally are based on an analysis of the elastic structure factor, which was given to simulate the conditions of ultimate load (limit). The fact that the collapse behavior of buildings during the earthquake is inelastic. Evaluation that can predict when an earthquake building inelastic conditions necessary to obtain satisfactory assurances that its performance during the earthquake.
Analysis and performance evaluation can be performed by time history analysis in SAP2000. Because the plastic deformation depends on the history of loading, then the analysis should be used to evaluate the performance of the building is Nonlinear Analysis Time History (dynamic nonlinear time history analysis).
Analysis of Nonlinear Time History is a gradual analysis of a dynamic response of a structure burdened with the time varied. A building may consist of different kinds of materials. In this case, the buildings that will be used as the model is a composite structure. Composites can be formed from various types of material. Composite steel-concrete includes steel tube with concrete filler.
Depok: Fakultas Teknik Universitas Indonesia, 2010
UI - Skripsi Open  Universitas Indonesia Library
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