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Hasiholan, Bonavian
Tujuan dari penelitian ini adalah untuk mengembangkan proses ?green? baru
untuk produksi H2O2 melalui rute sintesis langsung, di mana selama reaksi
hidrogen dan oksigen saling kontak satu sama lain. Sebuah pendekatan
elektrokimia dengan rotating ring disk electrode (RRDE) telah dieksplorasi dan
dikembangkan secara sistematis yang bertujuan untuk mengukur H2O2 yang
diproduksi. Dua metode yang berbeda - co-reduction and successive reduction
dengan menggunakan microwave diadopsi untuk mempersiapkan bimetal
nanocatalysts Pd-Au/C. Hubungan antara struktur nanocatalysts dan aktivitas
katalitik dalam proses sintesis langsung diselidiki. Bimetal Pd-Au/C yang telah
disintesa, dikarakterisasi dengan ICP-AES, XRD, SEM, TEM, dan XAS untuk
pemahaman yang lebih baik dalam aktivitas katalitik sintesis H2O2 secara
Pendekatan dalam elektrokimia untuk mengukur H2O2 yang dihasilkan dari
sintesis langsung telah berhasil dilakukan dengan sistem reaksi 2, dimana katalis
tersebar secara homogen dalam larutan. Kurva kalibrasi variasi konsentrasi H2O2
dibuat dalam parameter 0,891 V (vs Ag/AgCl) dan dengan scan rate 50 mV/s. CR
Pd3%-Au2%/C yang disintesa oleh co-reduction merupakan optimal loading
dengan produktivitas H2O2 65,8 mol.kgcat-1h-1. Produktivitas ini lebih tinggi dari
sample katalis lainnya, seperti monometallic Pd0%-Au5%/C & Pd5%-Au0%/C
dan bimetal SR Pd-Au/C yang disintesis dengan successive reduction.
Produktivitas yang lebih tinggi atau lebih rendah dari satu sampel ke yang lain
dijelaskan oleh parameter-parameter seperti ukuran partikel, struktur bimetal Pd-
Au/C, bidang kristal yang selektif, dan peran paladium dan emas. Ukuran partikel
yang lebih kecil cenderung memiliki Pd yang lebih banyak, sedangkan yang lebih
besar cenderung memiliki Au yang lebih banyak. Ukuran partikel yang lebih kecil
memiliki daerah permukaan yang lebih tinggi, sehingga produktivitas meningkat.
Namun, jika ukuran partikel terlalu kecil, permukaan yang aktif atau bidang
kristal yang selektif mungkin sedikit muncul (seperti dapat dilihat dalam SR Pd-
Au/C), sehingga produktivitas menurun.
Dari analisis XAS, CR Pd-Au/C memiliki struktur Au lebih banyak di core dan Pd
lebih banyak di shell. Struktur SR Pd-Au/C di beberapa bagian dari katalis adalah
Au lebih banyak di core dan Pd lebih banyak di shell, sementara pada bagian lain,
Pd lebih banyak di core dan Au lebih banyak di shell. Nilai Q pada SR PdAu
(0,638) lebih tinggi daripada CR PdAu (0,605), yang menunjukkan bahwa
keberadaan atom Au di shell SR PdAu lebih dari itu CR PdAu. Perbedaan dalam
struktur adalah salah satu alasan mengapa produktivitas H2O2 CR PdAu lebih
tinggi dari SR PdAu. Peran Pd adalah untuk memberikan luas permukaan untuk
oksidasi selektif dari hidrogen dan peran Au adalah untuk menyediakan situs aktif
untuk reaksi dekomposisi dan hidrogenasi H2O2.

The purpose of this study is to develop a new green process for production of
H2O2 through the direct synthesis route, of which the hydrogen and oxygen
contacts each other during the reaction. An electrochemical approach with the
rotating ring disk electrode (RRDE) had been systematically explored and
developed accordingly to measure the produced H2O2. Two different methods ?
co-reduction and successive reduction prepared in the microwave were adopted to
prepare bimetallic Pd-Au/C nanocatalysts. The relationship between the structure
of prepared nanocatalysts and their catalytic activity in the direct synthesis
process were investigated. As synthesized bimetallic Pd-Au/C were characterized
by ICP-AES, XRD, SEM, TEM, and XAS for better understanding in the catalytic
activity of direct synthesis of H2O2.
The approach in the electrochemical to measure H2O2 produced from the direct
synthesis has been successfully done with the reaction system 2, where the
catalyst is dispersed homogenously in the solution. The calibration curve of the
different concentration of H2O2 is made in the parameter of 0.891 V (vs Ag/AgCl)
and with the scan rate 50 mV/s. The optimum loading of samples prepared by co
reduction was observed in CR Pd3%-Au2%/C with the productivity of H2O2 is
65.8 mol.kgcat
-1h-1. This productivity is higher than the other prepared catalysts,
such as monometallic Pd0%-Au5% & Pd5%-Au0% and bimetallic SR Pd-Au/C
that is prepared by successive reduction. The higher or the lower productivity of
one sample to another is explained by the parameter of the particle size, the
structure of the bimetallic Pd-Au/C, the selective crystalline plane, and the role of
palladium and gold. The smaller the particle size tends to Pd rich, while the larger
one tends to Au rich. The smaller particle size yielded in the high surface area,
thus the productivity increases. However, if the particle size is too small, the
active site or selective crystalline plane may be slightly appeared (as can be seen
in SR Pd-Au/C), thus the productivity decreases.
From XAS analysis, the structure CR Pd-Au/C is Au rich in core and Pd rich in
shell. The structure of SR PdAu at some part of catalyst is Au rich in core and Pd
rich in shell, while at the other part, the structure is Pd in core and Au in shell.
The Q value of SR PdAu (0.638) is higher than that of CR PdAu (0.605), which
indicates that the existence of Au atoms in the shell of SR PdAu is more than that
of CR PdAu. The difference in their structure is one reason why the H2O2
productivity of CR PdAu is higher than SR PdAu. The role of Pd is to provide the
surface area for the selective oxidation of hydrogen and the role of Au is to
provide inactive site for the reaction of decomposition and hydrogenation of
H2O2., The purpose of this study is to develop a new green process for production of
H2O2 through the direct synthesis route, of which the hydrogen and oxygen
contacts each other during the reaction. An electrochemical approach with the
rotating ring disk electrode (RRDE) had been systematically explored and
developed accordingly to measure the produced H2O2. Two different methods –
co-reduction and successive reduction prepared in the microwave were adopted to
prepare bimetallic Pd-Au/C nanocatalysts. The relationship between the structure
of prepared nanocatalysts and their catalytic activity in the direct synthesis
process were investigated. As synthesized bimetallic Pd-Au/C were characterized
by ICP-AES, XRD, SEM, TEM, and XAS for better understanding in the catalytic
activity of direct synthesis of H2O2.
The approach in the electrochemical to measure H2O2 produced from the direct
synthesis has been successfully done with the reaction system 2, where the
catalyst is dispersed homogenously in the solution. The calibration curve of the
different concentration of H2O2 is made in the parameter of 0.891 V (vs Ag/AgCl)
and with the scan rate 50 mV/s. The optimum loading of samples prepared by co
reduction was observed in CR Pd3%-Au2%/C with the productivity of H2O2 is
65.8 mol.kgcat
-1h-1. This productivity is higher than the other prepared catalysts,
such as monometallic Pd0%-Au5% & Pd5%-Au0% and bimetallic SR Pd-Au/C
that is prepared by successive reduction. The higher or the lower productivity of
one sample to another is explained by the parameter of the particle size, the
structure of the bimetallic Pd-Au/C, the selective crystalline plane, and the role of
palladium and gold. The smaller the particle size tends to Pd rich, while the larger
one tends to Au rich. The smaller particle size yielded in the high surface area,
thus the productivity increases. However, if the particle size is too small, the
active site or selective crystalline plane may be slightly appeared (as can be seen
in SR Pd-Au/C), thus the productivity decreases.
From XAS analysis, the structure CR Pd-Au/C is Au rich in core and Pd rich in
shell. The structure of SR PdAu at some part of catalyst is Au rich in core and Pd
rich in shell, while at the other part, the structure is Pd in core and Au in shell.
The Q value of SR PdAu (0.638) is higher than that of CR PdAu (0.605), which
indicates that the existence of Au atoms in the shell of SR PdAu is more than that
of CR PdAu. The difference in their structure is one reason why the H2O2
productivity of CR PdAu is higher than SR PdAu. The role of Pd is to provide the
surface area for the selective oxidation of hydrogen and the role of Au is to
provide inactive site for the reaction of decomposition and hydrogenation of
UI - Tesis Membership  Universitas Indonesia Library
Mohammad Alfian
Ketersediaan gas bumi sebagai bahan baku untuk produksi urea terus menurun dan harganya semakin meningkat, hal ini mendorong pengembangan produksi gas sintesis yang ekonomis dan aman dari aspek lingkungan untuk diterapkan dalam industri green urea dari proses steam reforming, gasifikasi biomassa, PV Elektrolisis, dan kombinasi dari ketiga proses tersebut. Metode Analytical Hierarchy Process AHP digunakan untuk proses seleksi teknologi dan pendekatan Multi-Objective Optimization MOO digunakan untuk meminimalkan biaya produksi dan dampak lingkungan dari produksi urea untuk setiap teknologi dengan memperhitungkan learning curve dari belanja modal Capex , harga bahan baku untuk setiap teknologi dan nilai uang di masa depan hingga tahun 2050. Model mencakup dua fungsi obyektif yang dihitung untuk mencari biaya produksi green urea dan emisi CO2 terendah. Hasilnya menunjukkan bahwa teknologi gasifikasi biomassa dari tahun 2020 hingga 2040 dan teknologi kombinasi gasifikasi biomassa-PV Elektrolisis tanpa baterai dari tahun 2040 hingga 2050 yang paling memenuhi biaya produksi dan emisi CO2 minimum.

The availability of natural gas as a feedstock for urea production continues to decline and its price increases, it encourages synthesis gas production development that is easy to implement, economical and relatively safe for the environment to be applied in green urea industry from steam reforming, biomass gasification, PV Electrolysis, and a combination of these three processes. The Analytical Hierarchy Process AHP method for technology selection process and The Multi Objective Optimization MOO approach is used to minimize the production costs and environmental impacts of green urea production for each technology considering the learning curve of capital expenditure Capex and feedstock price for each technology and future value until 2050. The model includes two competing objective functions to seek the lowest cost of green urea production and the lowest CO2 emissions.The result suggests that biomass gasification technology from 2020 to 2040 and combine biomass gasification PV Electrolysis without battery technology from 2040 to 2050 fulfill the minimum production cost and minimum CO2 emissions."
UI - Tesis Membership  Universitas Indonesia Library
"Latar Belakang: Teknik internal bleaching kontemporer menggunakan hydrogen peroksida yang diaplikasikan pada kamar pulpa gigi nonvital. Prosedur internal bleaching dengan hydrogen peroksida 35% dapat meninggalkan residu radikal bebas pada struktur gigi yang akan menganggu kekerasan mikro dentin. Teh hijau sebagai antioksidan dapat menghilangkan residu radikal bebas dan meningkatkan kekerasan mikro dentin. Tujuan: mengetahui kekerasan mikro dentin pada gigi pasca internal bleaching dengan hydrogen peroksida yang diaplikasikan teh hijau 10% dan 35% selama 2 menit. Metode: Prosedur internal bleaching dilakukan pada 25 gigi premolar atas yang dipotong menjadi dua bagian mesio-distal, kemudian sampel dibagi menjadi 5 kelompok. Kelompok 1 tanpa bleaching dan tanpa aplikasi teh hijau, kelompok 2 pasca bleaching tanpa aplikasi teh hijau, kelompok 3 pasca bleaching tunda 2 minggu, kelompok 4 pasca bleaching aplikasi teh hijau 10% selama 2 menit, kelompok 5 pasca bleaching aplikasi teh hijau 35% selama 2 menit. Semua kelompok kemudian dilakukan uji kekerasan mikro dentin dengan alat Vicker Hardness Machine Test. Data yang diperoleh dianalisa secara statistik dengan ANOVA satu jalur dan uji Post Hoc Bonferroni. Hasil: Hasil uji Bonferroni menunjukkan perbedaan bermakna kekerasan mikro dentin pada kelompok 1 dan 2; kelompok 1 dan 3; kelompok 2 dan 4; dan kelompok 2 dan 5. Sedangkan antara kelompok 1 dan 5, kelompok 3 dan 4 tidak terdapat perbedaan bermakna. Kesimpulan: Aplikasi teh hijau 35% selama 2 menit cukup untuk meningkatkan kekerasan mikro dentin pada gigi pasca internal bleaching dengan hydrogen peroksida 35%.

Background: Contemporary bleaching technique involve the use of hydrogen peroxide which can be applied internally in the pulp chamber, in a procedure that can be used only for nonvital teeth. Internal bleaching with 35% hydrogen peroxide will produce free radical residues within the tooth structure and microhardness dentin. Green tea as an antioxidant can remove free radical residues and increase microhardness dentin. Objective: To examine the effect of 10% and 35% green tea application on the microhardness dentin after internal bleaching with 35% hydrogen peroxide. Methods: Internal bleaching procedure was performed on 25 maxillary premolars, then the sample were divided into 5 group. Group 1 without bleaching and antioxidant, group 2 bleaching and without antioxidant, group 3 bleaching and delayed 2 weeks, group 4 bleaching and application greean tea 10% for 2 minutes, and group 5 bleaching and application green tea 35% for 2 minutes. All group were tested for microhardness dentin with Vickers Hardness Machine Test. The data were statistically analyzed with one-way ANOVA and Bonferroni Post Hoc Test. Result: The result showed that there were statistical differences between groups 1 and 2; groups 1 and 3; groups 2 and 4; and groups 2 and 5. Meanwhile between groups 1 and 5; and groups 3 and 4 there was no significant difference. Conclusion: Application of 35% green tea for 2 minutes increased the microhardness dentin after internal bleaching with 35% hydrogen peroxide."
Jakarta: Fakultas Kedokteran Gigi Universitas Indonesia, 2022
UI - Tesis Membership  Universitas Indonesia Library
Ihya Fakhrurizal Amin
"Pendahuluan: Peningkatan karbondioksida pada atmosfer berdampak pada perubahan iklim. Peningkatan karbondioksida dapat mempengaruhi tubuh manusia terutama pada sistem imun manusia, yang diketahui dapat menurunkan produksi sel T. Pada penelitian ini menggunakan subjek berupa sel Peripheral Blood Mononuclear Cell (PBMC) yang menjadi representatif dari sistem imun manusia. Berbagai respon mungkin akan ditunjukkan jika PBMC dipaparkan karbon dioksida dengan konsentrasi lebih tinggi dari normal, tetapi pada penelitian ini hanya spesifik melihat pada kadar hidrogen peroksida melalui pengukuran kadar DCFH-DA.
Metode: PBMC yang sudah diisolasi dari subjek dipaparkan karbon dioksida 5% sebagai kontrol dan 15% sebagai uji. Waktu pemaparan dilakukan selama 24 jam dan 48 jam. Pada waktu akhir waktu inkubasi untuk masing-masing kelompok akan dilakukan pengukuran kadar DCFH-DA dengan fluorometri. Hasil yang didapat berupa absorbansi/sel yang akan dianalisis lebih lanjut melalui SPSS versi 24.
Hasil: Didapatkan jumlah hidrogen peroksida lebih tinggi dibandingkan dengan kontrol secara signifikan (p<0.05) saat diinkubasi selama 24 jam tetapi tidak signifikan pada waktu inkubasi 48 jam. Perbandingan konsentrasi hidrogen peroksida antara 24 dan 48 jam menunjukkan penurunan secara signifikan konsentrasi saat diinkubasi 48 jam jika dibanding 24 jam.
Kesimpulan: Paparan karbon dioksida selama 24 jam dapat meningkatkan produksi hidrogen peroksida dibandingkan kontrol, namun hal ini tidak terjadi pada PBMC yang dipaparkan karbondioksida selama 48 jam.

Introduction: Increased carbon dioxide in the atmosphere has an impact on climate change. Increased carbon dioxide can affect the human body, especially in the human immune system, which is known to reduce the production of T cells. So as to represent the human immune system, this study uses the subject of Peripheral Blood Mononuclear Cell (PBMC) cells. Various responses might be demonstrated if PBMCs were exposed to carbon dioxide concentrations higher than normal, but in this study only specifically looked at hydrogen peroxide levels by measuring DCFH-DA levels.
Method: PBMC which had been isolated from the subject were exposed to 5% carbon dioxide as a control and 15% as a test. Exposure time is 24 hours and 48 hours. At the end of the incubation time for each group, measurement of DCFH-DA with fluorometry will be carried out. The results obtained in the form of absorbance / cells will be further analyzed through SPSS version 24.
Result : There was a significant increase in the amount of hydrogen peroxide compared to the control (p <0.05) when incubated for 24 hours but not significantly at 48 hours incubation time. Comparison of hydrogen peroxide concentrations between 24 and 48 hours shows a significant decrease in concentration when incubated 48 hours when compared to 24 hours (p<0.05).
Conclusion: Exposure to carbon dioxide for 24 hours can increase hydrogen peroxide production compared to control, but there is no significant change in hydrogen peroxide production was observed in 48 hours of carbon dioxide.
Jakarta: Fakultas Kedokteran Universitas Indonesia, 2019
UI - Skripsi Membership  Universitas Indonesia Library
Hamonangan, Tigor Pantoro
"Senyawa Fenol banyak ditemukan dalam jumlah yang cukup besar mengkontaminasi air permukaan yang dapat membahayakan manusia dan lingkungan sekitarnya apabila tidak diolah dengan tepat. Penelitian ini merupakan studi tentang kavitasi hidrodinamika menggunakan orifice plate untuk mendegradasi kandungan fenol pada limbah cair sintetik. Larutan fenol disirkulasikan menggunakan pipa biasa lalu dilakukan kuantifikasi senyawa pengoksidasi dengan titrasi KMnO4 melalui jumlah lubang orifice plate optimum (17 lubang). Degradasi fenol dilanjutkan dengan perbandingan metode penginjeksian H2O2, variasi pH awal (4,7, dan 10), dan variasi konsentrasi reagen H2O2(25 mg/L, 50 mg/L, dan 75 mg/L). Tujuan penggunaan reagen H2O2 pada penelitian kali ini adalah untuk meningkatkan produksi radikal hidroksil yang akan bereaksi dengan senyawa polutan dan berfungsi untuk meningkatkan tingkat degradasi kandungan fenol pada limbah cair sintetik.

Phenol Chemicals had been found in huge amount in water in such areas that are endangered humans and enviroments if the treatment is not right. The Study is abour Hydrodynamics Cavitation method that are using Orificemeter to degrade the content of Phenol in the synthetic waste. Phenol Solutions are then circulated using a normal pipe and then we quantifiy the oxydation compound with the titration method with KMnO4, Also with 17 amount of tube from the orificemeter. Phenol Degradation is then continued with Comparison of H2O2 injection method, variations of pH 4,7, dan 10), H2O2 reagent Concentration Variations (25 mg/L, 50 mg/L, dan 75 mg/L), The Purpose of using H2O2reagent in this study is to increase the production of the hydroxyl radicals that will react with the polutans and can be useful to increase the phenol degradation in the waste."
Depok: Fakultas Teknik Universitas Indonesia, 2014
UI - Skripsi Membership  Universitas Indonesia Library
Reza Tirsadi Librawan
"Penelitian ini merupakan studi tentang kavitasi hidrodinamika menggunakan orifice plate untuk mendegradasi kandungan amonia pada limbah cair sintetik. Larutan amonia disirkulasikan menggunakan pipa biasa lalu dilakukan kuantifikasi senyawa pengoksidasi dengan titrasi Kalium Permanganat (KMnO4) melalui jumlah lubang orifice plate optimum (17 lubang) dengan variasi pH awal (4,7, dan 10). Degradasi amonia dilanjutkan dengan variasi pH operasi awal (4,7, dan 10), variasi konsentrasi reagen Hidrogen Peroksida (100 mg/L, 200 mg/L, dan 300 mg/L), dan variasi konsentrasi awal limbah amonia (10 ppm, 25 ppm, 50 ppm). Tujuan penggunaan reagen Hidrogen Peroksida (H2O2) pada penelitian kali ini adalah untuk meningkatkan produksi radikal hidroksil yang akan bereaksi dengan senyawa polutan dan berfungsi untuk meningkatkan persentase degradasi kandungan amonia pada limbah cair sintetik.
Hasil percobaan menunjukkan kondisi operasi yang optimum untuk menyisihkan limbah adalah pada pH operasi asam lemah dengan tambahan konsentrasi Hidrogen Peroksida 200 mg/L dengan tingkat degradasi optimum mencapai 37,96% dan semakin efektif tingkat degradasinya apabila kandungan awal amonianya semakin berkurang.

This research is a study of hydrodynamic caviation method using Hydrogen Peroxide reagent to increase the effectiveness of ammonia degradation in synthetic wastewater. Ammonia solution was circulated using pipe and then tested the productivity of oxidizing compounds using permanganate titration by varying the initial operating pH (4, 7, and 10). Furthermore, degradation of ammonia followed by variation of initial operating pH (4, 7, and 10), variation of initial Hydrogen Peroxide concentration (100 mg/L, 200 mg/L, and 300 mg/L), and variation of ammonia initial concentration (10 mg/L, 25 mg/L, and 50 mg/L).
The results showed that the circulation using pipe can degrade ammonia by 14,02%, while using orifice plate produces most oxidizing compound in weak acid condition. From this research, ammonia is best degraded at pH of 6 (weak acid) with Hydrogen Peroxide concentration of 200 mg/L and ammonia initial concentration of 10 mg/L with 37,96% percentage of degradation.
Depok: Fakultas Teknik Universitas Indonesia, 2014
UI - Skripsi Membership  Universitas Indonesia Library
Devita Amelia
Pada penelitian ini dilakukan upaya degradasi mikroplastik polietilena dengan proses
oksidasi lanjut menggunakan metode ozonasi dan metode kombinasi ozonasi dengan
hidrogen peroksida. Kinerja dan keefektifan kedua konfigurasi metode dalam
mendegradasi mikroplastik dianalisis berdasarkan persentase penurunan berat (metode gravimetrik) yang diintegrasikan dengan analisis perubahan struktur kimia (FT-IR) dan perubahan morfologi permukaan mikroplastik (SEM) dengan memvariasikan pH awal larutan dan laju alir gas ozon. Metode kombinasi ozonasi dengan hidrogen peroksida pada pH 12 dan laju alir gas ozon 3 L/menit menunjukkan hasil yang efektif dalam mendegradasi mikroplastik polietilena ditandai dengan persentase penurunan berat mikroplastik yang paling besar. Analisis FT-IR menunjukkan bahwa terjadinya pembentukan gugus fungsi hidroksil, peroksil dan karbonil. Analisis SEM menunjukkan bahwa permukaan mikroplastik terbentuk rongga dan kerutan yang mempresentasikan terjadinya degradasi pada mikroplastik. Mekanisme degradasi mikroplastik telah diusulkan. Data saat ini menunjukkan bahwa metode kombinasi ozonasi dengan hidrogen peroksida dapat menjadi pendekatan yang potensial untuk mendegradasi limbah mikroplastik.

In this study an attempt was made to polyethylene microplastic degradation by advanced oxidation process using ozonation methods and a combination of ozonation methods with hydrogen peroxide. The performance and effectiveness of the two method configurations for microplastic degradation were analyzed based on percentage weight loss (gravimetric method) integrated with analysis of chemical structure change (FT-IR) and changes in microplastic surface morphology (SEM) by varying the initial pH of the solution and the ozone gas flow rate. The combination method of ozonation with hydrogen peroxide at pH 12 and ozone gas flow rate of 3 L/min shows effective results in degrading the polyethylene microplastics characterized by the greatest percentage of microplastic
weight loss. FT-IR analysis shows that the hydroxyl, peroxyl and carbonyl functional
groups are formed. SEM analysis shows that the surface of the microplastic is formed
cavities and wrinkles which represent the degradation of the microplastic. Mechanism of
microplastic degradation has been proposed. The present data suggest that a combination
method of ozonation and hydrogen peroxide could be a potential appoarch for degradation
of microplastic waste."
Depok: Fakultas Teknik Universitas Indonesia, 2020
UI - Tesis Membership  Universitas Indonesia Library
Boca Raton : CRC Pres, 2011
665.81 NUC
Buku Teks  Universitas Indonesia Library
Roel van de Krol
"This book about describes the principles and materials challenges for the conversion of sunlight into hydrogen through water splitting at a semiconducting electrode. Readers will find an analysis of the solid state properties and materials requirements for semiconducting photo-electrodes, a detailed description of the semiconductor/electrolyte interface, in addition to the photo-electrochemical (PEC) cell. Experimental techniques to investigate both materials and PEC device performance are outlined, followed by an overview of the current state-of-the-art in PEC materials and devices, and combinatorial approaches towards the development of new materials. Finally, the economic and business perspectives of PEC devices are discussed, and promising future directions indicated."
New York: Springer, 2012
eBooks  Universitas Indonesia Library
Naufal Giffari Rachmat
"Biodiesel adalah bahan bakar alternatif sebagai solusi dari krisis solar konvensional. Namun pabrik biodiesel di Indonesia saat ini masih menggunakan teknologi proses produksi dengan efisiensi yang rendah. Ketidakefisienan ini mengakibatkan pemborosan dari segi energi, bahan baku, air, dan emisi karbondioksida yang besar. Sehingga pada waktu yang akan datang akan mengganggu kelestarian lingkungan hidup. Proses produksi yang tidak efisien ini juga mengakibatkan biaya produksi yang mahal dan kurang menguntungkan dari segi ekonomi. Untuk mengatasi kekurangan dari pabrik biodiesel ini, maka perlu diterapkan konsep industri hijau. Penerapan konsep industri hijau dilakukan menggunakan bantuan program simulator dimana akan dibandingkan dan dianalisa antara skema proses produksi konvensional dan skema proses produksi termodifikasi.

Biodiesel is an alternative fuel as a solution to the risis of conventional diesel. However, biodiesel plants in Indonesia are still using production process technology with low efficiency. This inefficiency results in wastage in terms of energy, raw materials, water, and high level of carbon dioxide emission. So that in the future would interfere with environmental sustainability. Inefficient production processes also resulted in expensive production costs and a less favorable economic terms. Waste and emissions from the plant has not been handled properly due to lack of attention from the management company. To overcome the shortcomings of this biodiesel plant, it is necessary to apply the concept of green industry. The implementation of green industry concept will be done by using simulator program then will be compared and analysed between conventional production process scheme and modificated production process scheme."
Depok: Fakultas Teknik Universitas Indonesia, 2017
UI - Skripsi Membership  Universitas Indonesia Library
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