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Nida Ul Janna
"Salah satu masalah utama yang dihadapi masyarakat miskin adalah terbatasnya akses terhadap perumahan yang sehat dan layak. Kondisi rumah yang dimiliki masyarakat miskin dibangun dengan tidak memperhatikan kriteria fisik rumah yang layak huni. Salah satu permasalahan dalam pembangunan perumahan dan permukiman saat ini adalah peningkatan jumlah rumah tangga yang menempati rumah yang tidak layak huni dan tidak didukung oleh prasarana, sarana lingkungan dan utilitas umum yang memadai. Pemerintah Kota (Pemkot) Depok memiliki Program Rehabilitasi Rumah Tidak Layak Huni (RTLH) Tingkat Kecamatan dengan tujuan untuk meringankan beban masyarakat miskin dalam memenuhi hak dasar berupa rumah yang layak huni yang kukuhkan dalam Peraturan Walikota No. 40 Tahun 2013 sebagai pedoman pelaksana Program tersebut.
Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk melakukan evaluasi program menggunakan 6 kriteria yang dikembangkan oleh William Dunn yaitu Ketepatan, Efektifitas, Kecukupan, Efesiensi, Perataan, dan Responsivitas dengan menggunakan pendekatan persepsi para rumah tangga penerima manfaat. Skala pengukuran yang akan dipakai dalam penelitian ini adalah Skala Likert.
Hasil dari penelitian ini menunjukkan bahwa pelaksanaan program rehabilitasi RTLH di Kota Depok telah berjalan dengan baik dan sesuai dengan pedoman pelaksanaan program sebagaimana yang tertera di dalam Peraturan Walikota, hal ini ditunjukkan dengan hasil evaluasi untuk kriteria ketepatan program dengan skor 4.3 atau masuk dalam kategori tepat, efektifitas program dengan skor 4.0 atau masuk dalam kategori efektif, kecukupan program dengan skor 3.0 atau masuk dalam kategori cukup mencukupi, dan responsivitas program dengan skor 4.0 atau masuk dalam kategori responsivitas baik. Hanya terdapat dua kriteria yang masih belum mencapai kategori baik, yaitu kriteria efesiensi program dengan skor 2.8 atau masuk dalam kategori tidak efesien dan perataan program dengan skor 2.4 atau masuk dalam ketegori belum merata.

One of the main problems faced by the poor is limited access to healthy and decent housing. The condition of the poor house was built with no regard to physical criteria of decent housing. One of the problems in the housing and settlement development today is the increase in the number of households who occupy the uninhabitable house and is not supported by the edaquate infrastructure, environment and public utility facilities. Depok City Government has an Uninhabitable Houses Rehabilitation Program with the aim to ease the burden of the poor to meet basic rights such as decent housing that strengthen by Mayor Regulation No. 40 In 2013, as a guide to implementing the program.
This study will focus on the evaluation of programs using six criteria that is owned by William Dunn namely as Appropriateness, Effectiveness, Adequacy, Efficiency, Equity, and Responsiveness. This study uses the approach of the perception of beneficiaries household of each of the indicators measured in the 6 criteria. The scale of measurement that will be used in this research is the Likert Scale.
The results of this study indicate that the implementation of the rehabilitation program RTLH in Depok has been going well and in accordance with the guidelines for the implementation of the program as set forth in Mayor?s Regulation, as shown by the results of the evaluation for program appropriateness criteria with a score of 4.3 or concidered as appropriate, the effectiveness of the program with a score of 4.0 or concidered as effective, the adequacy of the program with a score of 3.0 or concidered as quite sufficient, and the responsiveness of the program with a score 4.0 concidered as good responsiveness. There are only two criteria that has not yet to reach a good result, the efficiency of program with a score of 2.8 or concidered as inefficient and the equity of program with a score of 2.4 or concidered as not evenly distributed.
Jakarta: Fakultas Ekonomi dan Bisnis Universitas Indonesia, 2014
UI - Tesis Membership  Universitas Indonesia Library
Muhammad Ilham Akbar
"Skripsi ini membahas faktor-faktor yang mempengaruhi implementasi program rehabilitasi Rumah Tidak Layak Huni di Kelurahan Mekarsari Kecamatan Cimanggis oleh Dinas Perumahan dan Permukiman Kota Depok dengan menggunakan konsep implementasi kebijakan publik dari George C. Edwards III (1980). Pendekatan yang digunakan dalam penelitian ini adalah post positivist sehingga penelitian akan disusun dengan data, bukti, dan pertimbangan ilmiah yang mempunyai dasar teori dan bersifat logis. Data yang digunakan dalam penelitian ini diperoleh dengan teknik pengumpulan kualitatif melalui wawancara mendalam dan studi kepustakaan (library research). Hasil penelitian menunjukkan bahwa implementasi rehabilitasi rumah tidak layak huni di Kelurahan Mekarsari Kecamatan Cimanggis oleh Dinas Perumahan dan Permukiman Kota Depok berdasarkan empat faktor yang mempengaruhi implementasi program menurut George Edwards III belum diterapkan dengan baik oleh para pelaksana. Terdapat permasalahan pada indikator kejelasan komunikasi dan tidak adanya SOP pada pelaksanaan program rehabilitasi rumah tidak layak huni. Saran yang dapat diberikan mengenai proses implementasi program Rehabilitasi Rumah Tidak Layak Huni di Kelurahan Mekarsari Kecamatan Cimanggis oleh Dinas Perumahan dan Permukiman Kota Depok adalah dengan memperbaiki beberapa kekurangan terkait dengan proses transmisi dalam mengkomunikasikan isi pesan kebijakan dan penerapan SOP pada pelaksanaan program rehabilitasi rumah tidak layak huni agar menciptakan keseragaman cara kerja antar pelaksana program.

This thesis discusses about the factors that affecting the implementation of the rehabilitation program for Uninhabitable Houses in Mekarsari Sub-District, Cimanggis District by the Depok City Housing and Settlements Department by using the concept of implementing public policies from George C. Edwards III (1980). The approach used in this research is post positivist so that the research will be arranged with data, evidence, and scientific considerations that have a theoretical basis and are logical. The data used in this study were obtained by qualitative collection techniques through in-depth interviews and library research. The results showed that the implementation of rehabilitation of uninhabitable houses in Mekarsari Subdistrict Cimanggis District by the Department of Housing and Settlements of the City of Depok based on four factors that influenced the implementation of the program according to George Edwards III had not been implemented well by the implementers. There are problems with communication clarity indicators and the absence of Standard Operating Procedures (SOP) on the implementation of an uninhabitable housing rehabilitation program. Suggestions that can be given regarding the implementation process of the Uninhabitable Housing Rehabilitation Program in the Mekarsari Sub-District Cimanggis District by the Depok City Housing and Settlements Department is to correct some of the deficiencies associated with the transmission process in communicating the contents of the policy message and the application of Standard Operating Procedures (SOP) in the implementation of the uninhabitable housing rehabilitation program in order to create a uniformity way of working between program implementers.

Depok: Fakultas Ilmu Administrasi Universitas Indonesia, 2020
UI - Skripsi Membership  Universitas Indonesia Library
Nada Zairina Wulandari
"Ketahanan pangan adalah salah satu aspek yang mendukung ketahanan nasional. Ketika individu atau rumah tangga tidak mampu memenuhi ketahanan pangannya maka terjadilah kerawanan pangan yang dapat menggangu stabilitas ekonomi dan nasional.  Tapin mengalami peningkatan penduduk miskin dan peningkatan rumah tidak layak huni di Kalimantan Selatan. Penelitian ini memiliki tujuan untuk menganalisis dan mengukur kerawanan pangan rumah tangga tidak layak huni dan faktor yang mempengaruhinya di Kabupaten Tapin, Kalimantan Selatan. Pangan adalah kebutuhan mendasar yang harus selalu ada dan terus meningkat seiring dengan mengingkatnya jumlah penduduk. Analisis ini menggunakan pendekatan kuantitatif dengan menggunakan model rasch, metode regresi ordinal dan menggunakan variabel moderator dengan analisis data yang deskriptif untuk menganalisis data penelitian. Penelitian ini berdasarkan pada skala kerawanan pangan (FIES) serta faktor demografi dan kemiskinan multidimensi yaitu Jumlah Anggota Keluarga (X1), Jenis Pekerjaan (X2), Pendapatan (X3), Pendidikan (X4), Kesehatan (X5), Bantuan (X6), dan Jenis Kelamin (X7). Hasil penelitian ini adalah, pada tingkat kerawanan pangan rumah tangga tidak layak huni berdasarkan FIES, terdapat 57% kerawanan pangan ringan, kerawanan pangan sedang ada 23% dan rumah tangga dengan tingkat kerawanan pangan berat ada 20%.

Food security is one aspect that supports national security. When individuals or households are unable to fulfill their food security, food insecurity occurs which can disrupt economic and national stability. Tapin has experienced an increase in the number of poor people and an increase in uninhabitable houses in South Kalimantan. This study aims to analyze and measure the food insecurity of uninhabitable households and the factors that influence it in Tapin District, South Kalimantan. Food is a basic need that must always be available and continues to increase along with the increasing population. This analysis uses a quantitative approach using the Rasch model, ordinal regression method and using moderator variables with descriptive data analysis to analyze research data. This research is based on the food insecurity scale (FIES) and multidimensional demographic and poverty factors, namely the number of family members (X1), type of work (X2), income (X3), education (X4), health (X5), assistance (X6), and Gender (X7). The results of this study are, at the level of food insecurity in uninhabitable households based on FIES, there are 57% light food insecurity, moderate food insecurity is 23% and households with severe food insecurity are 20%."
Jakarta: Sekolah Kajian Stratejik dan Global Universitas Indonesia, 2022
UI - Tesis Membership  Universitas Indonesia Library
Nur Astarnif Jannah
"Kebijakan kota layak anak di kota Depok merupakan wujud dari komitmen pemerintah daerah untuk memberikan perlindungan terhadap hak-hak anak. Kebijakan kota layak anak ini muncul akibat dari semakin banyaknya tindak kekerasan terhadap anak dan juga pelanggaran- pelnggaran hak anak di kota Depok. Dari berbagai sumber refrensi yang didapatkan oleh peneliti, kota Depok merupakan kota satelit jakarta dimana tngkat laju penduduknya paling tinggi diantara kota-kota lain yang menjadi satelit jakarta sehingga dirasa penting untuk menyelesaikan kasus pelanggaran-pelanggaran hak anak yang terjadi. Berdasarkan hal tersebut, peneliti bertujuan utnuk mengetahui bagaimana penerapan perlindungan hak-hak anak yang di Implementasikan di kota Depok. Penelitian ini menggunakan teori implementasi kebijakan dengan pendekatan Positivis dan teknik pengumpulan data kualitatif. Teknik analisis data menggunakan analisis deskriptif terhadap indikator-indikator batasan implementasi kebijakan. Hasil penelitian ini adalah implementasi kebijakan dalam Program Kota Layak Anak di kota depok sudah cukup berhasil karena sudah adanya sosialisasi mengenai hak-hak anak, sudah adanya komitmen yang tinggi dari pemerintah, dukungan dari masyarakat dan pihak swasta.

Child-friendly city policies in Depok is a manifestation of the commitment of local government to provide protection to the rights of the child. This child-friendly city policies arising from the increasing number of acts of violence against children and child rights violations pelnggaran in Depok. References from various sources obtained by the researchers, is a satellite city of Depok Jakarta where tngkat rate of population is highest among the other cities that became satellites jakarta thus considered important to resolve cases of child rights violations that occurred. Based on this, researchers primary objective is to determine how the application of the protection of the rights of children in Deploys in Depok. This study uses the theory of policy implementation with Positivist approach and qualitative data collection techniques. Analysis using descriptive analysis of indicators of policy implementation constraints. The results of this research is the implementation of policies in the Child Friendly Cities Program in the city of Depok has been quite successful because it is the socialization of the children's rights, has been a high commitment from the government, the support of the public and private sectors."
Depok: Fakultas Ilmu Sosial dan Ilmu Politik Universitas Indonesia, 2014
UI - Skripsi Membership  Universitas Indonesia Library
"House is one of primary needs for every individual. The presence of house is a formally entry into
variety of development policies, it is related without house or permanent residences, an individual
existences would be formally hard recognized (for having Identity Card), and it is an agreement in development policies. Therefore, every individual has right to obtain afeasiblc occupied house. For realizing it into reality, thus District of ]ombang’s Dinas Pel rehabilitation program. Every program implementation must be evaluated in order such implementation is not biased from its predetermined purposes. The house rehabilitative program evaluation conducted by writer implement an evaluative motion spatial phases such as : preparation phase, planning phase, plan implementation phase, and post-development activity phase, This research made use a descriptive qualitative research. Meanwhile, its data collection was carried out by observation, in-depth interview, and documentary research. The credibility test was handled by sources and technic triangulation methods. Data processing was worked by reducing data, data presentation, and presented a concluding illustration on research, The research findings consisted of informant's opinion and interpretation as well as conclusions made by writer. From results obtained, evaluation outcomes show that implementation of feasible occupied house rehabilitation program at District of Jombang has not fully eflective one. It is, among others, caused by
preparation, planning, and activity implementation phases have not fully eflective, too."
JWK 16:1 (2013)
Artikel Jurnal  Universitas Indonesia Library
Fakhri Rahman
"Program Operasi Katarak Gratis merupakan salah satu program kerja Dinas Kesehatan Kota Depok yang telah dilaksanakan sejak tahun 2004 dan pada tahun 2015 target program operasi katarak di Kota Depok tidak terpenuhi. Penelitian ini merupakan penelitian deskriptif kualitatif yang membahas tentang evaluasi program operasi katarak gratis di Kota Depok pada tahun 2015. Hasil penelitian menunjukkan bahwa tidak tercapainya target program operasi katarak gratis di Kota Depok disebabkan oleh kurangnya pelatihan yang diberikan kepada petugas kesehatan di masyarkat, kurangnya sosialisasi program operasi katarak gratis di masyarakat dan banyaknya masyarakat Kota Depok yang telah terdaftar menjadi pasien BPJS. Di era BPJS saat ini masyarakat yang terdaftar menjadi pasien BPJS tidak diperbolehkan mengikuti program operasi katarak gratis karena dapat berpotensi terjadinya pembiayaan ganda terhadap pasien tersebut.

Free Cataract Surgery Program has been implemented since 2004 in Depok. However, in 2015 the target of cataract surgery program in Depok is not fulfilled. This study is a qualitative descriptive study with aim to evaluate the free cataract surgery program in Depok 2015. The results showed that the target of free cataract surgery program not fulfilled caused by the lack of training that given to health workers in the community, lack of socialization about free cataract surgery program, and majority of public who already have registered in BPJS. In BPJS era, people who have registered in BPJS are not allowed to register for free cataract surgery program because it would be a double burden for BPJS.
Depok: Fakultas Kesehatan Masyarakat Universitas Indonesia, 2016
UI - Skripsi Membership  Universitas Indonesia Library
Debie Puspasari
"Penelitian skripsi ini terpusat pada efektivitas program Evaluasi Kinerja Penyelenggaraan Pemerintahan Daerah (EKPPD) 2010 di Kota Depok dan Kota Cimahi. Pengukuran efektivitas dilakukan dengan menggunakan pendekatan input-proses-output. Tujuan penelitian ini adalah untuk mengetahui dan memahami efektivitas pelaksanaan EKPPD 2010 di kedua kota tersebut. Pendekatan penelitian adalah penelitian positivis. Data dikumpulkan dengan cara wawancara mendalam dengan sejumlah narasumber dan studi dokumen.
Hasil penelitian menunjukkan bahwa pelaksanaan EKPPD 2010 baik di Kota Depok maupun di Kota Cimahi tidak efektif. Penilaian yang tidak efektif terlihat dalam pendekatan proses dan output. Berdasarkan hasil tersebut, disampaikan sejumlah rekomendasi, baik dalam kaitannya dengan signifikasi praktis maupun signifikansi akademis.

This research focused on the effectiveness of Regional Government Performance Evaluation Program (EKKPD) 2010 in Depok and Cimahi. The method of measuring effectiveness from this research was using Input ? Proccess ? Output approach and positivist research. The purpose of this research is to determine and understand the effectiveness of Regional Government Performance Evaluation Program (EKKPD) in both cities. Data were collected by in-depth interviews with informants and document studies.
The result indicates that the implementation of this program is not effective in both cities. Ineffective result can be assessed by looking at process and output approach. Based on these result, a number of recommendations are delivered whether in relation for both practice and academic significance.
Depok: Fakultas Ilmu Sosial dan Ilmu Politik Universitas Indonesia, 2012
UI - Skripsi Open  Universitas Indonesia Library
Susi Apriliayanti
Pembangunan Jaringan Distribusi Gas Bumi untuk Rumah Tangga (JGRT) adalah
salah satu program Pemerintah untuk memperbanyak penggunaan gas bumi.
Program JGRT dilaksanakan di 24 kota di seluruh Indonesia dengan sasaran
sebanyak 80.000 rumah tangga. Salah satu kota yang terpilih adalah Kota Depok.
Pembangunan JGRT Kota Depok diberikan terhadap 4000 rumah tangga di
Kelurahan Beji dan Beji Timur pada tahun 2010. Namun hingga saat ini belum
pernah dilakukan evaluasi terhadap pelaksanaan program tersebut.
Penelitian ini mencoba mengevaluasi pencapaian outcomes program
pembangunan JGRT di Kota Depok. Penelitian dilakukan dengan pendekatan
survei dengan jumlah responden 150 rumah tangga yang dipilih dengan metode
proportional random sampling. Analisis dilakukan dengan cara deskriptif
Berdasarkan analisis diperoleh kesimpulan bahwa jumlah penerima program yang
beralih menggunakan gas bumi dari LPG tabung sebesar 93,45%. Konsumsi gas
bumi dari penerima program dapat menggantikan 11.439 tabung LPG 3kg dan
1.120 LPG 12kg per bulan. Jumlah tersebut hanya 0,85% dari total rumah tangga
dan total konsumsi LPG 3kg dan 12kg per bulan di Kota Depok. Penghematan
subsidi yang telah didapatkan Pemerintah sejak bulan Juni tahun 2011 sampai
dengan Desember tahun 2013 sebesar 8,2 miliar rupiah. Analisis persepsi
responden terhadap penggunaan gas bumi disimpulkan bahwa gas bumi terbukti
lebih murah, lebih aman, dan lebih praktis dibandingkan LPG 3kg dan 12kg.
Hambatan program JGRT Kota Depok adalah belum adanya pengembangan
JGRT ke wilayah lain di Kota Depok.

The Development of Natural Gas Distribution Network for Household (JGRT) is
one of the Government of Indonesia's programs to increase the use of natural gas.
JGRT program is implemented in 24 cities across Indonesia with a target of
80,000 households, including Depok as one of the pilot. The JGRT Depok
development was applied to 4000 households in Beji and East Beji Village in
2010. However, an evaluation of the implementation of the program has never
been conducted until today.
This study is focused on evaluating the achievement of the program outcomes of
the JGRT in Depok. The study was conducted by using the survey approach with
150 households selected as respondents. The respondents? selection process was
done by using proportional random sampling method, while the analysis was
conducted by using descriptive quantitative method.
Based on the above analysis, it is concluded that the number of beneficiaries who
previously use the LPG tubes and switch to use the natural gas is 93.45% of all
surveyed beneficiaries. The amount of gas consumption can substitute 11,439
tubes of LPG 3kg and 1,120 tubes of LPG 12kg per month. This figure represents
0.85% of the total households in Depok and total monthly of 3kg and 12kg LPG
consumption in Depok. Government subsidies which have been saved since June
of 2011 until December of 2013 amounted to 8.2 billion Rupiah. Based on the
analysis of respondent?s perceptions of the use of natural gas, it is concluded that
the natural gas is proven to be cheaper, safer and more practical compared to LPG
3kg and 12kg. The barriers of the JGRT program in Depok is the lack of
development JGRT to other areas in Depok.;The Development of Natural Gas Distribution Network for Household (JGRT) is
one of the Government of Indonesia's programs to increase the use of natural gas.
JGRT program is implemented in 24 cities across Indonesia with a target of
80,000 households, including Depok as one of the pilot. The JGRT Depok
development was applied to 4000 households in Beji and East Beji Village in
2010. However, an evaluation of the implementation of the program has never
been conducted until today.
This study is focused on evaluating the achievement of the program outcomes of
the JGRT in Depok. The study was conducted by using the survey approach with
150 households selected as respondents. The respondents? selection process was
done by using proportional random sampling method, while the analysis was
conducted by using descriptive quantitative method.
Based on the above analysis, it is concluded that the number of beneficiaries who
previously use the LPG tubes and switch to use the natural gas is 93.45% of all
surveyed beneficiaries. The amount of gas consumption can substitute 11,439
tubes of LPG 3kg and 1,120 tubes of LPG 12kg per month. This figure represents
0.85% of the total households in Depok and total monthly of 3kg and 12kg LPG
consumption in Depok. Government subsidies which have been saved since June
of 2011 until December of 2013 amounted to 8.2 billion Rupiah. Based on the
analysis of respondent?s perceptions of the use of natural gas, it is concluded that
the natural gas is proven to be cheaper, safer and more practical compared to LPG
3kg and 12kg. The barriers of the JGRT program in Depok is the lack of
development JGRT to other areas in Depok.;The Development of Natural Gas Distribution Network for Household (JGRT) is
one of the Government of Indonesia's programs to increase the use of natural gas.
JGRT program is implemented in 24 cities across Indonesia with a target of
80,000 households, including Depok as one of the pilot. The JGRT Depok
development was applied to 4000 households in Beji and East Beji Village in
2010. However, an evaluation of the implementation of the program has never
been conducted until today.
This study is focused on evaluating the achievement of the program outcomes of
the JGRT in Depok. The study was conducted by using the survey approach with
150 households selected as respondents. The respondents’ selection process was
done by using proportional random sampling method, while the analysis was
conducted by using descriptive quantitative method.
Based on the above analysis, it is concluded that the number of beneficiaries who
previously use the LPG tubes and switch to use the natural gas is 93.45% of all
surveyed beneficiaries. The amount of gas consumption can substitute 11,439
tubes of LPG 3kg and 1,120 tubes of LPG 12kg per month. This figure represents
0.85% of the total households in Depok and total monthly of 3kg and 12kg LPG
consumption in Depok. Government subsidies which have been saved since June
of 2011 until December of 2013 amounted to 8.2 billion Rupiah. Based on the
analysis of respondent’s perceptions of the use of natural gas, it is concluded that
the natural gas is proven to be cheaper, safer and more practical compared to LPG
3kg and 12kg. The barriers of the JGRT program in Depok is the lack of
development JGRT to other areas in Depok., The Development of Natural Gas Distribution Network for Household (JGRT) is
one of the Government of Indonesia's programs to increase the use of natural gas.
JGRT program is implemented in 24 cities across Indonesia with a target of
80,000 households, including Depok as one of the pilot. The JGRT Depok
development was applied to 4000 households in Beji and East Beji Village in
2010. However, an evaluation of the implementation of the program has never
been conducted until today.
This study is focused on evaluating the achievement of the program outcomes of
the JGRT in Depok. The study was conducted by using the survey approach with
150 households selected as respondents. The respondents’ selection process was
done by using proportional random sampling method, while the analysis was
conducted by using descriptive quantitative method.
Based on the above analysis, it is concluded that the number of beneficiaries who
previously use the LPG tubes and switch to use the natural gas is 93.45% of all
surveyed beneficiaries. The amount of gas consumption can substitute 11,439
tubes of LPG 3kg and 1,120 tubes of LPG 12kg per month. This figure represents
0.85% of the total households in Depok and total monthly of 3kg and 12kg LPG
consumption in Depok. Government subsidies which have been saved since June
of 2011 until December of 2013 amounted to 8.2 billion Rupiah. Based on the
analysis of respondent’s perceptions of the use of natural gas, it is concluded that
the natural gas is proven to be cheaper, safer and more practical compared to LPG
3kg and 12kg. The barriers of the JGRT program in Depok is the lack of
development JGRT to other areas in Depok.]"
Jakarta: Fakultas Ekonomi dan Bisnis Universitas Indonesia, 2014
UI - Tesis Membership  Universitas Indonesia Library
Ratih Aulia
"Tesis ini berisi evaluasi gerakan One Day No Rice (ODNR) di Kota Depok, dimana ODNR adalah sebuah gerakan dalam mendukung program diversifikasi pangan berbasis kearifan pangan lokal. Tujuan dari tesis ini adalah untuk menganalisis efektifitas strategi yang sudah dijalankan oleh Pemerintah Kota Depok dalam meningkatkan keberhasilan gerakan ODNR dan merumuskan strategi peningkatan keberhasilan gerakan ODNR dan juga menganalisis efektifitas kebijakan pemerintah Kota Depok dalam mendukung gerakan ODNR. Penelitian ini menggunakan metode analisis deskriptif dengan analisis data menggunakan metode SWOT (Strenght Weakness Opportunities Threats). Efektifitas strategi gerakan ODNR dilihat dari dua indikator keberhasilan yaitu total konsumsi beras padi dan skor PPH Kota Depok.
Konsumsi beras padi Kota Depok pada tahun 2012 sebesar 252,62 gram/kapita/hari dan pada tahun 2013 menurun menjadi sebesar 207,85 gram/kapita/hari, terjadi penuruan sebesar 1,77% melebihi target nasional yaitu sebesar 1,5%. Skor PPH Kota Depok pada tahun 2011 sebesar 93,7 terus meningkat setiap tahunnya yaitu sebesar 94,7 pada tahun 2012 dan 95,6 pada tahun 2013. Dilihat dari sisi kedua indikator tersebut, maka gerakan ODNR dapat dikatakan efektif. Strategi yang tepat untuk peningkatan keberhasilan gerakan ODNR adalah Strategi WT (Weakness Threats), yaitu strategi untuk menekan/mengeliminir berbagai ancaman dan kelemahan yang ada. Hasil analisis SWOT tersebut memperlihatkan bahwa kebijakan yang dijalankan oleh pemerintah Kota Depok sudah berjalan secara efektif.

This thesis contains the evaluation of the movement of One Day No Rice (ODNR) in Depok, where ODNR is a movement in support food diversification program based on local food wisdom. The purpose of this thesis is to analyze the effectiveness of government policies in support of the movement Depok ODNR and formulate strategies for improving the success of the movement of ODNR and also to analyze the effectiveness of the Depok policy in supporting ODNR movement. This study uses descriptive analysis to data analysis using the SWOT (Strength Weakness Opportunities Threats). The strategy effectivity of the movement ODNR seen from two indicator of success, which is rice total consumption and PPH score of Depok City.
Rice consumption in Depok at 2012 is 252,62 gr/kapita/day and at 2013 is 207,85 gr/kapita/day. The decrease is 1,77 % over the national target at 1,5 %. According from both indicators, the movement ODNR is effective. Appropriate strategy for improvement of the success of the movement of ODNR is Strategy WT (Weakness Threats), which is a strategy to reduce / eliminate various threats and weaknesses. The results of the SWOT analysis shows that the policies implemented by the government of Depok has been running effectively.
Depok: Program Pascasarjana Universitas Indonesia, 2014
UI - Tesis Membership  Universitas Indonesia Library
Tiwiek Darmawanti
"Penelitian ini bertujuan menganalisis pelaksanaan program RSBI di Kota Depok dengan menggunakan model CIPP (Context, Input, Process, Product). Pendekatan yang dipakai adalah pendekatan positivisme. Subyek penelitian adalah kepala sekolah, penanggungjawab program, gum pengajar, siswa, kepala tata usaha, unsur Dinas Pendidikan Kota, dan pengamat pendidikan SMA RSBI di Kota Depok. Hasil penelitian menunjukkan pada komponen konteks, keempat sekolah memulai program rintisan setelah ditunjuk pemerintah melalui surat resmi, pada komponen input keempat sekolah menerapkan sistem seleksi bertahap dalam penerimaan siswa baru, pada komponen proses keempatnya meneraplcan pembelajaran berbasis ICI pembelajaran secara billingual dan adopsi serta adaptasi kurikulum nasional dengan kurikulum luar negeri, dan di komponen output menunjukkan lulusan keempat sekolah mempunyai nilai rerata UN di atas 7,0 dan rerata keterserapan lulusan di perguruan tinggi terkemuka di dalam maupun di luar negeri sebesar 85%.

The objective of this study is to analyze the impiementation of Pioneering International Standard Senior High School (RSBI) viewed from school?s input, process, output and outcome paradigm. This research employs positivism approach. The subject consists of school principals, coordinator of RSBI program, class teachers, the head of administration section, class student, and school stakeholders. Results show that, from context side, all the four-schools begun their program after they had been granted with govemment?s official certificate as an operator of pioneering program. From input side, the recruitment system for new students, all the four-schools use phases selection. From process side, the four schools implement ICT based leaming, learning process conducted bilingually and also adopting and adapting national curriculum with intemational curriculum. Output side, the graduated students from all schools have high percentage for national examination (UN) in average is above 7.0 and the means of students who are accepted in prominent universities in and out of this country is 85%."
Depok: Fakultas Ilmu Sosial dan Ilmu Politik Universitas Indonesia, 2010
UI - Tesis Open  Universitas Indonesia Library
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