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Nathan W. Schultheiss, editor
"Inspired by response to a workshop at the 2008 OCNS meeting, this book tracks advances in the application of phase response (PR) analysis to the study of electrically excitable cells, focusing on applications of PR analysis in the computational neurosciences."
New York: [, Springer], 2012
eBooks  Universitas Indonesia Library
M. Iqbal Ramli
"Sebagai pasar yang berkembang pesat, PV memiliki potensi untuk memberikan nilai tambah dalam rantai pasokan jika dimanfaatkan sepenuhnya. Penelitian ini membahas tentang smiling curves untuk mengukur dan menunjukkan potensi untuk menghasilkan nilai tambah bervariasi secara signifikan di seluruh rantai nilai Solar PV. Menggunakan analisis Tabel Input-Output dari OECD, ditunjukkan bahwa ketika investasi dalam PLTS sebesar 4,68 GWp sesuai rencana bisnis PLN dalam RUPTL 2021-2030, pada skenario Business as Usual sektor hulu memberikan nilai tambah yang sangat kecil. Hal ini menunjukkan ketergantungan sektor manufaktur Modul PV pada input impor. Penelitian ini juga melihat kondisi nilai tambah yang dihasilkan apabila keseluruhan fasilitas produksi PV Modul dibuat di Indonesia, didapatkan selisih sebesar 231.29 Juta USD. Untuk masing-masing skenario, didapatkan nilai tambah pada tahap pra-produksi dalam hal ini riset dan pengembangan, hampir sama sekali tidak memberikan nilai tambah yang signifikan. Terakhir penelitian ini juga menghitung berapa banyak jumlah tenaga kerja yang diserap dari kedua skenario tersebut, berapa banyak energi yang di produksi dan emisi CO2 yang direduksi, serta rekomendasi dan strategi dalam rangka meningkatkan nilai tambah di sepanjang rantai pasok Industri Panel Surya.

As a rapidly growing market, PV has the potential to add value to the supply chain if fully utilized. This study examines smiling curves to measure and demonstrate the potential for generating value-added significantly across the Solar PV value chain. Using the Input-Output Table analysis from the OECD, it is shown that when the investment in PLTS is 4.68 GWp according to the PLN business plan in the RUPTL 2021-2030, in the Business as Usual scenario the upstream sector provides very little value-added. This shows the dependence of the PV Module manufacturing sector on imported inputs. We also see the value-added results if the entire PV Module production facility is made in Indonesia, which gets a difference of 231.29 million USD. For each scenario, an increase in value-added at the pre-production stage, in this case research and development, was found to provide almost no significant value-added. Finally, this study also calculates how much labour is absorbed from the two scenarios, how much energy is produced and CO2e emissions reduced, as well as recommendations and strategies in order to increase value-added along the supply chain of the Solar Panel Industry."
Jakarta: Fakultas Teknik Universitas Indonesia, 2022
UI - Tesis Membership  Universitas Indonesia Library
Abate, Marco
"The book provides an introduction to differential geometry of curves and surfaces. The theory of curves starts with a discussion of possible definitions of the concept of curve, proving in particular the classification of 1-dimensional manifolds. We then present the classical local theory of parametrized plane and space curves (curves in n-dimensional space are discussed in the complementary material): curvature, torsion, Frenet’s formulas and the fundamental theorem of the local theory of curves. Then, after a self-contained presentation of degree theory for continuous self-maps of the circumference, we study the global theory of plane curves, introducing winding and rotation numbers, and proving the Jordan curve theorem for curves of class C2, and Hopf theorem on the rotation number of closed simple curves. The local theory of surfaces begins with a comparison of the concept of parametrized (i.e., immersed) surface with the concept of regular (i.e., embedded) surface. We then develop the basic differential geometry of surfaces in R3: definitions, examples, differentiable maps and functions, tangent vectors (presented both as vectors tangent to curves in the surface and as derivations on germs of differentiable functions; we shall consistently use both approaches in the whole book) and orientation. Next we study the several notions of curvature on a surface, stressing both the geometrical meaning of the objects introduced and the algebraic/analytical methods needed to study them via the Gauss map, up to the proof of Gauss’ Teorema Egregium. Then we introduce vector fields on a surface (flow, first integrals, integral curves) and geodesics (definition, basic properties, geodesic curvature, and, in the complementary material, a full proof of minimizing properties of geodesics and of the Hopf-Rinow theorem for surfaces). Then we shall present a proof of the celebrated Gauss-Bonnet theorem, both in its local and in its global form, using basic properties (fully proved in the complementary material) of triangulations of surfaces. As an application, we shall prove the Poincaré-Hopf theorem on zeroes of vector fields. Finally, the last chapter will be devoted to several important results on the global theory of surfaces, like for instance the characterization of surfaces with constant Gaussian curvature, and the orientability of compact surfaces in R3."
Milan: [, Springer-Verlag], 2012
eBooks  Universitas Indonesia Library
Bambang Sutrisno
"Analisis Respon Frekuensi Penyapuan adalah suatu metode yang digunakan untuk mendeteksi kerusakan mekanik pada inti, kumparan dan struktur penjepit di dalam transformator, yang diakibatkan oleh tekanan elektromagnetik yang besar karena adanya arus gangguan atau selama proses transportasi dan pemindahan transformator setelah pabrikasi. Pengukuran SFRA menggunakan sinyal bertegangan rendah yang diinjeksikan ke dalam probe masukan dari suatu terminal transformator, dan sinyal keluaran diukur di terminal lainnya yang merupakan respon dalam bentuk magnitude dan fasa pada rentang frekuensi rentang 2 Hz sampai 2 MHz.
Interpretasi hasil pengukuran dilakukan dengan membandingkan hasil pengukuran sebelumnya dengan hasil pengukuran terbaru. Bila tidak ada hasil pengukuran sebelumnya, perbandingan dilakukan dengan membandingkan hasil pengukuran SFRA pada transformator yang memiliki tipe dan jenis sama (sister unit). Tetapi, jika tidak ada sister unit dari transformator yang diuji, maka perbandingan dilakukan dengan membandingkan ketiga fasa dari transformator yang diuji.
Pada skripsi ini, interpretasi SFRA menggunakan perbandingan ketiga fasa pada transformator 190 MVA, 150 kV/16kV. Kemudian, untuk menginterpretasikan hasil dari pengukuran SFRA, digunakan perhitungan dengan metode statistik Koefisien Korelasi dan Normalisasi Faktor Kovarian, dan hasil keduanya dibandingkan sesuai dengan standar perhitungan pada standar China DL 911/2004. Hasil kedua metode statistik ini akan menunjukkan indikasi kondisi mekanik transformator pada bagian inti, kumparan dan struktur penjepit.

Sweep Frequency Response Analysis (SFRA) is an effective method used to find out any possible winding displacement or mechanical deterioration such as core, winding and clamping structures inside the transformer, due to large electromagnetical forces occuring from the fault currents or due to transformer transportation and relocation. SFRA test use the application of low-voltage (LV) signal at one terminal of the transformer as the injection probe, and another terminal to measure the response with the frequency range 20 Hz to 2 MHz. The amplitude and phase transfer fuction are then determined.
The most common practice for SFRA comparison is to compare the SFRA spectrum with the reference one. If the old results of the same transformer are available, a comparison made with the new results. However, if the reference signal is not available, a comparison made between the transformer and its sister unit. Furthermore, the comparison between the three phases of the transformer.
In this paper, the SFRA interpretation using a comparison between the transformer’s three phases on a 190 MVA, 150 kV/16 kV prower transformer. Then, to interpret the result, the statistical method, Cross Correlation Coefficient and the Normalization Covariance Factor is used, and both compared with the indicator based on Chinese standard DL 911/2004. Both the statistical method show the mechanical condition of transformer in the core, winding and clamping structures.
Depok: Fakultas Teknik Universitas Indonesia, 2014
UI - Skripsi Membership  Universitas Indonesia Library
Erwin Prawiro
"Kebutuhan energi semakin meningkat dengan bertambahanya populasi manusia pada saat ini. Salah satu konsumsi energi terbesar adalah pada bidang industri khususnya pada gedung-gedung. Phase Change Material (PCM) merupaka salah satu solusi terhadap permasalahan kebutuhan energi ini. Beeswax merupakan salah satu PCM dengan kapasitas kalor yang tinggi. Material ini akan diuji dan dianalisis pada penelitian ini. Tujuan dari penelitian ini adalah untuk mengetahui sifat-sifat termal dari komposit beeswax dan nanopartikel CuO. Titik leleh dan kapasitas termal dari nano-PCM akan dianalisis dengan metodologi DSC (Different Scanning Calorymeter). Titik leleh dari nano-PCM menurun sebesar 0.6,0.63,0.66,1.07,1.41oC untuk 0.05,0.1,0.15,0.2,0.25 wt % secara berurutan. Tidak ada reaksi kimia diantara beeswax dan nanopartikel CuO berdasarkan hasil dari tes FTIR. Penambahan nanopartikel CuO akan meningkatkan kemampuan perpindahan kalor dari komposit, akan tetapi menurunkan kapasitas kalor dari komposit tersebut. Berdasarkan hasil yang telah didapatkan, penambahan nanopartikel akan meningkatkan kecepatan penghantaran kalor dibandingkan dengan material dasar.
The demand of energy is increased in recent days. Experimental and implementation of phase change material as thermal storage is gained greater attention as solution to energy issue. Beeswax as one of phase change material with high thermal capacity is investigated in this paper. The objective of this paper is to analyze thermal properties and behaviors of beeswax-CuO Nano-PCM. The melting temperature and thermal capacity of nano-PCMs were determined by differential scanning calorimetry test. The melting temperature of nano-PCM decreased by 0.6,0.63,0.66,1.07,1.41oC for 0.05,0.1,0.15,0.2,0.25 wt %,respectively. There was no chemical reaction between CuO and beeswax based on FTIR test. Existing of CuO nanoparticles enhanced thermal conductivity of beeswax. Addition of CuO nanoparticles reduced heat capacity of beeswax. However, the change of latent heat would not cause significant effect towards the performance of beeswax-CuO. Thus, based on result, heat transfer of composite beeswax-CuO could be faster than base phase change material."
Depok: Fakultas Teknik Universitas Indonesia, 2016
UI - Skripsi Membership  Universitas Indonesia Library
Silverman, Joseph H.
New York: Springer-Verlag, 1986
516.35 SIL a
Buku Teks  Universitas Indonesia Library
Carmo, Manfredo Perdigão do
Mineola, New York: Dover Publications, Inc., 2018
516.6 CAR d
Buku Teks  Universitas Indonesia Library
Susi Nurdinaningsih
"Pemberitaan media online pariwisata memiliki peran dalam meningkatkan popularitas pariwisata. Pemberitaan pariwisata seringkali dipersepsikan dengan informasi hiburan. Terbiasa dengan pola pemberitaan itu, seringkali jurnalis perjalanan mengabaikan penulisan berita yang berkaitan dengan resiko wisata bencana alam. Padahal peran jurnalisme perjalanan tidak hanya menyampaikan informasi hiburan, tetapi juga menawarkan perspektif kritis dalam menjelaskan keadaan bencana kepada khalayak. Skripsi ini membahas tentang bagaimana media online melakukan pembingkaian pariwisata selama fase tanggap darurat
gempa Lombok 2018 dalam portal berita TravelKompas.com dan DetikTravel.com.
Penelitian ini menggunakan paradigma konstruksionis dengan pendekatan kualitatif. Analisis dilakukan dengan model analisis pembingkaian Pan dan Kosicki. Kemudian, hasil analisis dikaitkan dengan pedoman penulisan ramah pariwisata. Hasil penelitian menunjukkan bahwa pembingkaian berita yang dilakukan TravelKompas.com dan DetikTravel.com memiliki kesamaan dalam menonjolkan kinerja responsif pemerintah dan stakeholder dalam penanganan keselamatan dan keamanan wisatawan. Sementara, perbedaan pembingkaian
berita kedua media terlihat pada penyampaian informasi tentang destinasi wisata yang masih aman untuk dikunjungi. Pada keseluruhan artikel berita, Travelkompas.com cenderung menyampaikan sudut pandang pemerintah. Sedangkan, DetikTravel.com menyampaikan sudut pandang yang lebih beragam, dari pemerintah dan non-pemerintah (wisatawan dan masyarakat). Selain itu, kedua media juga sudah mengikuti pedoman penulisan berita yang ramah terhadap pariwisata Lombok.

Tourism online media news has a role in increasing the popularity of tourism. Tourism news is often perceived as entertainment information. Accustomed to this reporting pattern, travel journalists often ignore writing news related to the risk of natural disaster tourism. Whereas the role of travel journalism is not only to convey entertainment information, but also to offer a critical perspective in explaining disaster situations to the
public. This thesis discusses how online media framing tourism during the 2018 Lombok earthquake emergency response phase in the news portals TravelKompas.com and DetikTravel.com. This research uses a constructionist paradigm with a qualitative approach.
The analysis was performed using the Pan and Kosicki framing analysis model. Then, the results of the analysis are linked to tourism-friendly writing guidelines. The results showed that the framing of the news carried out by TravelKompas.com and DetikTravel.com had similarities in highlighting the responsive performance of the government and stakeholders in
handling tourist safety and security. Meanwhile, the difference in the news framing of both media can be seen in the delivery information about tourist destinations that are still safe to visit. In all news articles, Travel Kompas.com tends to convey the government's point of view.
Meanwhile, DetikTravel.com conveyed more diverse perspectives, from government and nongovernment (tourists and society). In addition, both media have almost implemented all news writing guidelines that are friendly to Lombok tourism.
Depok: Fakultas Ilmu Sosial dan Ilmu Politik Universitas Indonesia, 2020
UI - Skripsi Membership  Universitas Indonesia Library
Indah Putri Istiqomah
Religiusitas diartikan sebagai kewajiban yang mengikat. Memberikan sejumlah harta kepada orang lain berdonasi merupakan salah satu sikap altruis yang dianjurkan oleh setiap agama manapun sehingga setiap penganut agama dianjurkan untuk melaksanakan apa yang telah diperintahkan Tuhan melalui kitab suci pada tiap-tiap agama. Penelitian ini dilakukan untuk melihat pengaruh religiusitas terhadap perilaku donasi. Metode yang digunakan penulis adalah experimental dengan modifikasi dictictator game. Dimensi religiusitas yang dipakai antara lain Organizational Religious Activity ORA , Non Organizational Religious Activity NORA , dan Intrinsic Religiousity IR . Hasil menunjukkan bahwa semua dimensi religiusitas secara signifikan memiliki pengaruh positif terhadap perilaku donasi. Selain itu, penganut Islam, Kristen, Katholik, Budha memiliki kecenderungan untuk berdonasi di lembaga filantropi yang sesuai dengan agama mereka, penganut Hindu memiliki kecenderungan yang sama antara lembaga filantropi religius dan sosial sedangkan penganut Atheis dan Agnostik cenderung untuk mendonasikan uangnya di lembaga filantropi yang tidak terafiliasi dengan agama manapun

Religiosity is define as binding obligations. Giving is one of the altruistic attitudes advocated by almost all religion, so religious believers are recommended to do what God has told through the scriptures in each religion. This research aims to investigate the influence of religiosity on donation behaviour. The methodoly used by the author is experimental method, by modifying dictator game exeperiment. The dimensions of religiosity used are Organizational Religious Activity ORA , Non Organizational Religious Activity NORA , and Intrinsic Religiosity IR . The results show that all dimensions of religiosity have a significant positive effect on giving behavior. In addition, adherents of Islam, Christianity, Catholicism, Buddhism have a tendency to engage in religious philanthropic institutions, Hindus have the same tendency between religious and social philanthropy institutions while Atheists and Agnostics have a tendency to split their money in non religious philanthropic institutions "
UI - Skripsi Membership  Universitas Indonesia Library
Farin, Gerald
London: Morgan Kaufmann , 2002
006.601 FAR c
Buku Teks  Universitas Indonesia Library
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