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"Konflik perbatasan Indonesia dan Malaysia selalu terkait dengan adanya perbedaan persepsi, pemahaman, dan tanggapan. Oleh karena itu dengan menggunakan konsep konflik komunikasi dari Krauss dan Morella, penelitian ini menganalisis media baru dan media sosial berbasis forum diskusi online untuk menemukan isu perbatasan yang sering menjadi diskursus. Dengan menggunakan metode netnografi, teks-teks diskursus yang menyebabkan perbedaan persepsi, paham, dan konstruksi dianalisis yang kemudian dibandingkan dengan temuan-temuan keadaan daerah perbatasan yang aktual dengan metode etnografi. Gabungan metode netnografi dan etnografi dalam pengumpulan, pengolahan, analisis serta mendiskusikan data-data potensi konflik daerah perbatasan Indonesia dan Malaysia diharapkan dapat menemukan dan menguraikan konflik Indonesia-Malaysia yang sebenarnya. Penelitian ini menunjukkan bahwa pengguna forum diskusi online belum memahami konteks perbatasan, sedangkan masyarakat lokal memperlihatkan bahwa harmonisasi interaksi dan komunikasi. Konflik dalam forum komunitas online merupakan ekstensi konflik bilateral Indonesia-Malaysia yang sebenarnya telah selesai.
Indonesia and Malaysia border conflict is always associated with the differences in perceptions, understanding and responses. Therefore, by using the concept of conflict of Krauss and Morella communication, this study analyzes the new media and social media-based online discussion forums to find the border issue which often becomes discourse. By using netnografi, texts discourse that causes differences in perception, understanding, and construction is analyzed and then compared with the findings of the actual state of border areas with ethnographic methods. Combined netnografi and ethnographic methods in collecting, processing, analyzing and discussing the data potential conflict border areas of Indonesia and Malaysia are expected to find and decipher the Indonesia-Malaysia conflict truth. This study shows that online discussion forum users do not understand the context of the border, while the local community shows that the harmonization of interaction and communication. Conflict in the online community forum is an extension Indonesia-Malaysia bilateral conflict has actually been completed."
Artikel Jurnal  Universitas Indonesia Library
"Penelitian menyingkap motivasi ekonomi, sosial dan budaya Pekerja Migran berlokasi di Jawa Barat, Jawa Tengah dan Jawa Timur ini antara lain bertujuan mendiskripsikan karakteristik, emngindentifikasi motivasi sosial budaya dibalik motivasi ekonomi, implikasi negatif dan kondisi kesejahteraan sosial Buruh Migran purna bekerja di luar negeri...."
Artikel Jurnal  Universitas Indonesia Library
This article is part of my master's thesis which titled identity politics and capitalism in Illegal Logging along Indonesia - MAlaysia Border. In this article, i try to explain how the state, through its coercive and repressive apparatus, attempted to control its citizens or to create "forced-compliance" citizens against its claim of legitimacy within the phenomena of the politics of natural resource management, particulary in the incidence of illegal logging along the Indonesia-Malaysia border. To serve this purpose, a field research with a qualitative approach was carried out in kabupaten of Kapuas Hulu particulary in kecamatan Badau wich is next to Malaysian border.
The state believes that with its coercive power and repressive apparatus it has been successful in forcing its citizens to comply with forest management regulations. It is true when the compliance is analyzed under the assumption that people are active and creative; the state existance, tith its coercive and repressive apparatus, will be interupted, negitiated and redefined both by its people and business enterprises to strengthen their bargaining positions within the power relation, that is state vis a vis people or business enterprises.
In the phenomena of illegal logging any change in the coerciva apparatus and repressive state by its agencies or institutions will always be swindled by any segment of the society dealing with them. therefore, any situation and policy taken by the state to stop the practice of illegal logging always be followed by new strategies in doing the unlawfully practice. One of the causes which allows the discovery of new tactics is that the deregulation of forest management has created confusions among the actors which in turn has allowed the execution of new strategies in illegal logging."
Depok: LabSosio, Departemen Sosiologi Fakultas Ilmu sossial dan Ilmu Politik Universitas Indonesia, 2006
301 MAS 13:2 (2006)
Artikel Jurnal  Universitas Indonesia Library
Jakarta: Departemen Sosial Republik Indonesia, 2005
361 IND k
Buku Teks  Universitas Indonesia Library
"Penelitian ini membahas sisi negatif pekerja migran Indonesia di Malaysia. Mayoritas pekerja migran asal Indonesia berstatus sudah berkeluarga namun kebanyakan diantara mereka tidak membawa keluarga (isteri/suami) ke tempat kerja. Para isteri atau suami lebih banyak mengurus anak-anak di rumah. Ketentuan cuti yang diberikan majikan kepada pekerja hanya satu kali dalam 2 atau 3 tahun. Hal ini menimbulkan perasaan sepi, kurang terhibur, jenuh dan membosankan karena lama tidak berjumpa anak dan keluarganya. Dalam penelitian disebutkan bahwa mereka yang pekerja di sektor perkebunan atau di sektor konstruksi bangunan rata-rata seminggu satu kali mengunjungi tempat-tempat hiburan untuk menghilangkan kejenuhan di tempat kerja. Mereka mendatangi tempat-tempat karaoke, diskotik atau ke mall-mall hanya sekedar refreshing. Sementara yang lain menyalurkan dorongan seksualnya ke tempat-tempat pelacuran. Pendidikan yang rendah dan pengetahuan tentang reproduksi yang kurang. mengakibatkan banyak pekerja yang terkena HIV-AID dan penyakit kelamin lainnya."
Artikel Jurnal  Universitas Indonesia Library
Zainuddin Djafar
"The relationship between Indonesia-Malaysia in 2005 and 2006 is quite problematic concerning three main issues; illegal migrant, illegal logging, and Ambalat 's dispute. Historically, there were disputes which broke up the relationship between the two countries in 1963 until 1966. Forty years later (1996-2006), three main issues occurred, which have no correlation with formerly disputes. Those issues have become significant after Indonesia entered multidimensional crisis in 1997-1999 and the effects remain. At the other side, Malaysia has reached rapid growth in economic, business, manufacture, and financial in the last past seven years. These two realities of circumstances have become Indonesia and Malaysia position background, considering their own self as the right one of the three sensitive issues. The reconstruct of a good, close, and maximal neighbourhood between the two countries is really expected. This article observes the needed of consideration from Indonesia on policy aspect and new perspective in facing pressure from Malaysia. It is obvious that those matters are the consequences for the establishment of an advantage relationship between the two countries."
Artikel Jurnal  Universitas Indonesia Library
"National security and economic development could be in conflict. The dynamics of migration of people that touches upon one country's border like that of Malaysia and Indonesia for the interest of economy could lead to tension of the two countries along the borders. As long history of Indonesian migrant workers coming to Malaysia through West Kalimantan and East Kalimantan , the issue of mutual interest in terms of economy as well as the security are crucial to maintaining bilateral cooperation between Indonesia and Malaysia. The paper is an attempt to make an account of the issue. Using prosperity approach to building security, it is recommended that the economic poverty prevailing in the communities among the Indonesians in the surroundings borders be lifted by way of proper socio-economic development for those communities. "
BUMA 1:1 (2011)
Artikel Jurnal  Universitas Indonesia Library
"Jeddah Arab Saudi, merupakan salah satu dari tujuh wilayah keemiran di negara Arab saudi yang menjadi konsentrasi tujuan paling besar pekerja migran Indonesia di Arab Saudi. Hasil penelitian dengan model pendekatan studi kasus menemukan bahwa pekerja migran Indonesia 95% terserap di bidang pekerjaan informal (Pembantu Rumah Tangga) dan 97% pekerja migran di Jeddah adalah perempuan...."
Artikel Jurnal  Universitas Indonesia Library
Jakarta: Pusat Pengkajian Pengolahan Data dan Informasi. Sekretariat Jenderal DPR RI, 2005
331.12 SEK t
Buku Teks  Universitas Indonesia Library
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