"Madible fracture, also known as fractures of jaws are breaks through the mandible
bone. Fractures of mandible account for 36 -70% of all maxillofacial injuries (1,2,3)
the symphysis and parasymphysis account for 17%of mandible fracture (4) 75 % to
85 % of mandible fracture occurs in males with majority occuring in their twenties &
thirties (5,6,7). 43% of the patients had an associated injury. Of these patients, head
injuries occurred in 39% of patients, head and neck lacerations in 30%, midface
fractures in 28%, ocular injuries in 16%, nasal fractures in 12%, and cervical spine
fractures in 11% - 53% of patients had unilateral fractures, 37% of the patients had
2 fractures, and 9% had 3 or more fractures."