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Ditemukan 9690 dokumen yang sesuai dengan query
Zorlu, Tuncay
"Ottoman naval technology underwent a transformation under the rule of Sultan Selim III. New types of sailing warships such as two- and three-decked galleons, frigates and corvettes began to dominate the Ottoman fleet, rendering the galley-type oared ships obsolete. This period saw technological innovations such as the adoption of the systematic copper sheathing of the hulls and bottoms of Ottoman warships from 1792-93 onwards and the construction of the first dry dock in the Golden Horn. The changing face of the Ottoman Navy was facilitated by the influence of the British, Swedish and French in modernising both the shipbuilding sector and the conduct of naval warfare. Through such measures as training Ottoman shipbuilders, heavy reliance on help from foreign powers gave way to a new trajectory of modernization. Using this evidence, Zorlu argues that although the Ottoman Empire was a major and modern independent power in this period, some technological dependence on Europe remained."
New York: I.B.Taurus, 2011
623.825 1 ZOR i
Buku Teks  Universitas Indonesia Library
Hanioglu, M. Sükrü
"At the turn of the nineteenth century, the Ottoman Empire straddled three continents and encompassed extraordinary ethnic and cultural diversity among the estimated thirty million people living within its borders. It was perhaps the most cosmopolitan state in the world--and possibly the most volatile. A Brief History of the Late Ottoman Empire now gives scholars and general readers a concise history of the late empire between 1789 and 1918, turbulent years marked by incredible social change. Moving past standard treatments of the subject, M. S©ơkr©ơ Hanioglu emphasizes broad historical trends an."
Princeton: Princeton univ. press, 2010
956.015 HAN b
Buku Teks  Universitas Indonesia Library
Virginia H. Aksan
"[;Using close analysis of select campaigns, this book discusses the Ottoman Empire's changing internal military context, before addressing the modernized regimental organisation under Sultan Mahmud II after 1826. It is also a study of the decline of an international power, raising questions about the influence of culture on warfare., Using close analysis of select campaigns, this book discusses the Ottoman Empire's changing internal military context, before addressing the modernized regimental organisation under Sultan Mahmud II after 1826. It is also a study of the decline of an international power, raising questions about the influence of culture on warfare.]"
London: Roudledge, 2007
956.101 53 AKS o
Buku Teks  Universitas Indonesia Library
Fortna, Benjamin C.
An exploration of the ways in which children learned and were taught to read, against the background of the transition from Ottoman Empire to Turkish Republic. This study gives us a fresh perspective on the transition from empire to republic by showing us the ways that reading was central to the construction of modernity."
Houndmills, Basingstoke, Hampshire ; New York : Palgrave Macmillan, 2011
418.407 FOR l
Buku Teks  Universitas Indonesia Library
Tug, Basak
"In Politics of Honor, Basak Tug examines moral and gender order through the glance of legal litigations and petitions in mid-eighteenth century Anatolia. By juxtaposing the Anatolian petitionary registers, subjects petitions, and Ankara and Bursa court records, she analyzes the institutional framework of legal scrutiny of sexual order. Through a revisionist interpretation, Tug demonstrates that a more bureaucratized system of petitioning, a farther hierarchically organized judicial review mechanism, and a more centrally organized penal system of the mid-eighteenth century reinforced the existing mechanisms of social surveillance by the community and the co-existing discretionary authority of the Ottoman state over sexual crimes to overcome imperial anxieties about provincial disorder. "
Leiden: Brill, 2017
eBooks  Universitas Indonesia Library
Ozdemir, Hikmet
Utah: University of Utah Press, 2008
940.495 61 OZD o
Buku Teks  Universitas Indonesia Library
Canbakal, Hulya
"This book deals with a provincial town attending to its day-to-day business against the backdrop of an exacting war fought far afield against the Habsburgs (1683-99). The dynamics of long-term economic growth were temporarily disturbed by the wartime economy while realignment in center-periphery relations affected the local power structure and practices of status management. Meanwhile, the local elite continued to dominate public life, hence the lives of commoners. This study opens a window onto this world through a close examination of the court records of the town."
Leiden: Brill, 2007
eBooks  Universitas Indonesia Library
Medawati Piesparini
"Kesultanan Turki Usmani mulai tampak kelemahannya pada abad-abad ke 17 dan 18 Masehi. Penyebabnya antara lain adalah kemunduran intelektual dalam kesultanan Turki Usmani, padahal padahal pada saat itu dunia Eropa sedang mengalami kemajuan pesat di bidang ilmu dan teknologi. Penyebab lainnya adalah terbelakangnya industri perang kesultanan Turki Usmani, sehingga kesultanan tersebut sering mengalami kekalahan dalam peperangan melawan kerajaan-kerajaan musuh, dan hal ini berakibat pada semakin mengecilnya wilayah kesultanan Turki Usmani. Sultan Ahmad III muncul sebagai sultan perintis pembaharuan Turki Usmani. Usaha pembaharuan dimaksudkan untuk memajukan kesultanan Turki Usmani terutama di bidang militer. Langkah Sultan Ahmad III dilanjutkan oleh Sultan Salim III dan Sultan Mahmud II. Sultan-sultan tersebut tidak hanya melakukan pembaharuan di bidang militer, tetapi juga di beberapa bidang lain. Usaha pembaharuan yang dilakukan oleh para sultan tersebut melibatkan banyak tenaga asing, terutama dari Eropa. Beberapa utusan kesultanan Turki Usmani yang dikirim ke Eropa untuk belajar di sana berhadapan dengan pandangan-pandangan baru Eropa sebagai akibat dari berbagai perubahan besar yang terjadi di sana. Adanya campur tangan asing dalam usaha pembaharuan di kesultanan Turki Usmani, dan masuknya paham-paham baru Eropa yang dibawa oleh para utusan pelajar pada akhirnya mempengaruhi kelangsungan kesultanan Turki Usmani. Pada tahun 1923 terbukti bahwa kesultanan Turki Usmani telah diubah menjadi bentuk Republik Turki."
Depok: Fakultas Ilmu Pengetahuan dan Budaya Universitas Indonesia, 1996
UI - Skripsi Membership  Universitas Indonesia Library
Somel, Selcuk Aksin
In this updated and expanded edition of his 2003 work, Somel (Ottoman history, Bilkent Univ., Turkey) charts the rise and decline of the Ottoman Empire. He opens with a chronology of events from 1040 to 1924 and a 30-plus-page introduction highlighting major happenings. The alphabetically arranged entries that follow cover historical, political, and cultural events and people in a readable manner. Finally, Somel offers a bibliography divided into subject areas such as "Foreign Relations and War," "Ottoman Classical Period," "Religion," and "Cultural Life," recognizing many sources published since the release of the first edition. These include Stephen Turnbull's The Ottoman Empire 1326-1699 (Routledge, 2003), which Somel recommends as a useful tool for English-speaking high school students, and Jason Goodwin's Lords of the Horizons: A History of the Ottoman Empire (Holt, 1999), which he suggests as "an easy start." The exhaustive bibliography includes a listing of sources in French, German, and Turkish, so scholars and readers at all levels and backgrounds should find something of interest. VERDICT While the entries are brief, this volume provides adequate explanation and coverage of each subtopic. Libraries that serve advanced high school students as well as larger public and academic collections should consider it. Library Journal Somel's volume provides a remarkable resource for a period of history and a portion of the world lightly addressed in nonspecialized courses and books in history...Ultimately the volume clearly has value for university, college, and major public libraries as well as those of secondary schools with relevant populations, along with those scholars and general readers whose interests lie in the geographic areas and time periods covered. American Reference Books Annual"
Lanham, Md.: Scarecrow Press, 2012
956.014 03 SOM h
Buku Teks  Universitas Indonesia Library
Bambang Prijombodo
"Skripsi ini mencoba menggambarkan peranan Yeniseri khususnya pada masa awal pertumbuhan, perkembangan, sampai puncak kejayaan Kesultanan Turki Usmani. Dari hasil kajian ini diperoleh gambaran bahwa peranan Yeniseri yang anggota-anggotanya berasal dari anak-anak Kristen, Yahudi dan Islam di wilayah kekuasaan Turki Usmani yang diajarkan doktrin kesetiaan terhadap sultan melalui tarikat Bektasiyyah ternyata cukup besar dan berarti. Meskipun dalam peranan politiknya membuat sesuatu yang kurang baik karena terjadi intrik di kerajaan, tetapi secara keseluruhan peranan Yeniseri di Turki Usmani sangat baik. Terbukti dengan luasnya wilayah yang dikuasai Turki Usmani dan Yeniseri menjadi salah satu pasukan tentara yang disegani pada masanya dan banyak dikaji hingga saat ini."
Depok: Fakultas Ilmu Pengetahuan dan Budaya Universitas Indonesia, 1996
UI - Skripsi Membership  Universitas Indonesia Library
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