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Bandung: Minda Masagi Press, 2015
STHOEN 1:1 (2015)
Majalah, Jurnal, Buletin  Universitas Indonesia Library
Chandra Rudyanto
"Kondisi kesehatan yang memadai sangat dibutuhkan oleh jemaah haji karena prosesibadah haji melibatkan aktivitas fisik yang sangat berat. Jemaah haji yang bugar adalahjemaah haji yang memenuhi istifa'ah kesehatan. Untuk menjadi bugar dan istifa'ah,jemaah haji harus diberdayakan dan diberi pembinaan, sehingga memiliki kemampuan diri melakukan latihan fisik secara teratur. Partisipasi jemaah haji dalam program peningkatan kebugaran, baik secara perorangan maupun kelompok, dapat diupayakan melalui pembinaan latihan fisik dengan melibatkan peran kader kesehatan olahraga (kesorga).
Studi ini bertujuan untuk mengetahui: (i) peran kader kesorga dalam mendukungkeberhasilan latihan fisik jemaah haji di Kabupaten Lumajang, Provinsi Jawa Timur; (ii) hubungan variabel komposisional level individu dengan latihan fisik; (iii) diketahuinya hubungan variabel kontekstual level desa dan level Puskesmas dengan latihan fisik. Penelitian ini menggunakan mixed method yaitu metode kuantitatif dan kualitatif, dengan desain studi potong lintang cross sectional. Variabel yang diukur ada 3 level yaitu: (i) level individu meliputi karakteristik demografik dan penerapan konsep HBM pada 178 jemaah haji; (ii) level desa terdiri atas karakteristik demografik kader, motivasi dan keaktifan 61 kader serta dukungan 61 kepala desa; (iii) level Puskesmas mencakupdukungan 22 Puskesmas dan 19 KUA. Analisis data menggunakan uji statistik multilevel regresi logistik berganda untuk membuktikan hipotesis penelitian.
Hasil penelitian menunjukkan bahwa penerapan konsep HBM terbukti memilikihubungan yang signifikan dengan partisipasi jemaah haji dalam melakukan latihan fisik.Fakta ini menerangkan bahwa berolahraga secara teratur bukanlah hambatan bagi jemaahhaji. Selanjutnya jemaah haji juga meyakini mampu melakukan latihan fisik secara teraturdan cenderung menjadikannya sebagai kebiasaan hidup. Ditemukan pula bahwa kaderkesorga terbukti berperan dan memiliki hubungan yang signifikan dengan tingkat latihanfisik jemaah haji.
Studi ini menemukan ada variasi atau perbedaan peran kader kesorga menurut penerapaan konsep HBM dalam kaitannya dengan tingkat latihan fisik jemaah haji. Disarankan agar setiap Puskesmas dapat mengembangkan pola alternatif pembinaaan kader kesorga dan calon jemaah haji dengan melibatkan klub olahraga, kelompok jemaah haji, kepala desa dan KBIH. Program latihan fisik jemaah haji dengan melibatkan peran kader kesorga perlu diadopsi oleh Kementerian Kesehatan RI dan selanjutnya direplikasikan ke daerah lain.

Adequate health condition urgently required by pilgrims because the process ofpilgrimage involves a very heavy physical activity. Hajj pilgrims with good physical fitnessclassified as pilgrims who fulfill health isti'ah. In order to become fit and isti'ah,pilgrims should be empowered and provided such a coaching, so they will have the abilityto execute physical exercise in a regular basis. Participation of pilgrims in a fitness improvement program, either individually or in groups, could be pursued through physical exercise coaching by involving the role of sport health cadres.
The main purpose of this study was to find out: (i) the role of sport health cadres inorder to support the success of pilgrims physical exercise in Lumajang District, East Java Province; (ii) examine the association of compositional variables individual level with physical exercise; (iii) examine the association of contextual variables village and Puskesmas levels with physical exercise.
This research was conducted using a mixed method quantitative and qualitative methods with cross sectional study design. The measured variables consisted of 3 levels: (i) individual level included demographic data and the application of HBM concept to 178 pilgrims; (ii) village level consisted of cadre demographic characteristics, cadres motivationand cadres; activeness of 61 cadres and the support of 61 village heads; iii Puskesmaslevel included the support of 22 Puskesmas and 19 KUAs. Data analysis was performedusing multilevel statistical test of multiple logistic regression to prove a research hypothesis.
The application of the HBM concept proved to have a significant relationship withparticipation of pilgrims in physical exercise. The findings of the study explain that regularphysical exercise is not an obstacle for pilgrims. Furthermore, pilgrims also convince thatthey are able to maintain physical exercise regularly and tend to make it as a habit of life. Another result of study indicates the cadres proved to have a significant relationship withthe level of pilgrims; physical exercise.
Finally, in conclusion this study found that there was a variation or differencebetween the application of the HBM concept and the role of cadres with the level ofpilgrims; physical exercise. It was suggested that each Puskesmas should develop variousalternative coaching patterns for cadres and pilgrims by involving sports clubs, hajj groups, village heads and KBIH. Hajj pilgrims; physical exercise program involving the role ofcadres required to be adopted into the Ministry of Health program and then replicated toother provinces."
Depok: Fakultas Kesehatan Masyarakat Universitas Indonesia, 2018
UI - Disertasi Membership  Universitas Indonesia Library
Safran, Marc R.
"Instructions for Sports Medicine Patients provides step-by-step guidance for your patients to save time and eliminate the risk of miscommunication. Marc Safran and James E. Zachazewski present the combined perspectives of both an orthopaedic sports medicine physician and a physical therapist for a balanced approach to therapeutic practices. The updated second edition covers additional topics so that you stay current and have the best treatment options at your fingertips"
Philadelphia, PA: Elsevier/Saunders, 2011
Multimedia  Universitas Indonesia Library
Grace Suriadi Halim
Background Student athletes are prone to sport injuries however, epidemiological information of sport injuries available in Indonesia is insufficient. Solution to the problem is to initiate the recording of sport injuries in events, such as the medical and dental students rsquo annual sports games gathering. If injury recordings are done regularly, injury surveillance system can be developed to prevent sport injuries in the future.Aims This study was an initiation study to know the sports injuries among student athletes during 2016 medical and dental students rsquo annual sports games gathering, i.e. determination the type and location of injuries across different sports, quantification the number of games per day and the number of total injuries per sport, finding the incidence rate of injuries per sport and distinguishing the distribution of injuries between pre clinical and clinical stage of study.Methods This was a cross sectional study using secondary data collected during the event. Research subjects were divided into genders and stage of study to observe the distribution of injury locations, types and incidence, then statistically determined by chi square test and relative risk calculation.Results Most frequent injury location was lower extremities and most common type was sprain. Mini soccer had the most number of participants and therefore the most number of games day. However, mens basketball had the highest number of injuries and womens basketball had the highest incidence rate. More injuries occurred in women than men and in clinical stage than pre clinical stage. Conclusion The most prevalent injury location and type were lower extremities and sprain, respectively. Number of games per day was not proven to be associated to the occurrence and rate of injury, however the nature of sports contact or non contact and the level of competitiveness may actually be the contributing factors. Women were shown to be relatively more prone to injury than men. Student athletes in their clinical stage of their studies were more susceptible to injury than those in the pre clinical stage.

Latar Belakang: Atlet mahasiswa student-athlete rentan terhadap cedera olahraga, tetapi masih sedikit informasi yang tersedia tentang cedera olahraga di Indonesia. Masalah ini dapat diatasi dengan memulai pencatatan cedera olahraga pada kegiatan seperti pertandingan olahraga tahunan antar mahasiswa fakultas kedokteran dan kedokteran gigi. Jika pencatatan cedera dilakukan secara teratur, dapat dikembangkan sistem surveilans cedera yang dapat digunakan dalam pencegahan di kemudian hari. Tujuan: Untuk menentukan jenis dan lokasi cedera pada setiap olahraga, menghitung jumlah permainan per hari dan jumlah total cedera per olahraga, menemukan tingkat insiden cedera per olahraga dan membedakan distribusi cedera antara tahap pre-klinik dan klinik. Metode: Penelitian ini menggunakan design cross-sectionaldengan data sekunder yang dikumpulkan selama acara tersebut. Subyek penelitian dibagi menurut jenis kelamin dan tahap studi untuk mengamati distribusi lokasi, jenis dan insiden cedera, kemudian secara statistik ditentukan dengan uji chi-square dan perhitungan risiko relatif. Hasil: Lokasi cedera yang paling sering terjadi adalah pada ekstremitas bawah dan jenis cedera yang paling banyak terjadi adalah sprain. Mini-Soccer memiliki jumlah pertandingan/hari dan jumlah peserta terbanyak, namun cedera terbanyak terjadi pada basket putra dan basket putri memiliki tingkat kejadian cedera injury rate tertinggi. Cedera lebih banyak terjadi pada perempuan dibandingkan laki-laki dan pada atlet mahasiswa tahap klinik dibandingkan tahap pra-klinik. Kesimpulan: Lokasi cedera yang paling umum adalah ekstremitas bawah dan jenis cedera yang paling sering terjadi adalah sprain. Jumlah pertandingan per hari tidak terbukti berhubungan dengan jumlah dan tingkat kejadian cedera, namun sifat cabang olahraga kontak atau non-kontak dan tingkat persaingan pada cabang olahraga mungkin dapat merupakan faktor yang berkontribusi terhadap terjadinya cedera. Perempuan terbukti relatif lebih rentan terhadap cedera dibanding laki-laki. Atlet mahasiswa dalam tahap studi klinik lebih rentan terhadap cedera daripada atlet mahasiswa tahap pra-klinik."
UI - Skripsi Membership  Universitas Indonesia Library
Russell, Robert D.
Washington: National Education Association, 1975
613.071 RUS h
Buku Teks  Universitas Indonesia Library
Greene, Walter H.
Prospect Heights: Waveland Press, 1984
613.07 GRE i
Buku Teks  Universitas Indonesia Library
California: Third Party Publishing, 1982
613 PHI II
Buku Teks  Universitas Indonesia Library
Black, Jill M.
San Francisco: Jossey-Bass, 2010
613 PHI
Buku Teks  Universitas Indonesia Library
Dick, Frank W.
London: Bloomsbury, 2014
796.407 DIC s
Buku Teks  Universitas Indonesia Library
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