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Albert Eddy Husin
"Indonesia adalah negara dengan kegiatan ekonomi besar dan dinamis tercermin oleh pertumbuhan ekonomi telah mencapai 6% per tahun. Jembatan Selat Sunda (JSS) adalah salah satu mega proyek yang ditawarkan oleh pemerintah Indonesia yang akan menghabiskan biaya sekitar US$ 25 miliar. Dengan minimnya value for money yang diperoleh menjadi kendala utama JSS sehingga belum dapat menarik pihak swasta untuk berinvestasi dalam pembangunan proyek. Pengadaan infrastruktur dengan skema Kemitraan Pemerintah dan Swasta (KPS) konvensional tidak dapat berjalan optimal sesuai harapan, jadi diperlukan alternatif model skema pembiayaan lain seperti skema Aliansi Strategis dalam Kemitraan Pemerintah dan Swasta (AS-KPS) untuk meningkatkan minat pihak swasta.
Pendekatan model skema AS-KPS pada JSS dengan melakukan inovasi fungsi proyek dari satu fungsi menjadi multi fungsi (multi stakeholders). Konseptual desain proyek JSS pada awalnya hanya berfungsi untuk penyeberangan orang dan barang antara dua pulau utama di Indonesia, setelah dilakukan proses inovasi fungsi berbasis value engineering maka dihasilkan penambahan fungsi pariwisata, kawasan industri, telekomunikasi, instalasi pipa minyak dan gas serta pemanfaatan energi terbarukan.
Pada penelitian ini dilakukan pendekatan forecasting demand dengan system dynamic pada studi kasus. Hasil dari penelitian ini menunjukkan bahwa analisa kelayakan Jembatan Selat Sunda dengan menggunakan skema SA-PPP berbasis value engineering dapat meningkatkan pendapatan proyek secara keseluruhan hingga 683,27%, meningkatkan Internal Rate of Return (IRR) hingga 7,37% dengan Net Present Value (NPV) positif.

Indonesia is a country with a great economic activity and dynamically reflected by economic growth has reached 6% per year. Sunda Strait Bridge (SSB) is one of the mega project is being offered by the Government of Indonesia which will cost around US$ 25 billion. The lack of value for money obtained a major obstacle SSB so haven?t been able to increase investment of private parties. Procurement of infrastructure with conventional Pubic-Private Partnership (PPP) scheme can not run optimally match expectations, so it is necessary for other alternative financing scheme such Strategic Alliance in Public-Private Partnership (SA-PPP) scheme to boost interest in private parties.
Approach to the model SA-PPP scheme on SSB with innovating projects from a single function to a multi functional (multi stakeholders). The conceptual design of the SSB was originally only for people and goods crossing between the two main islands in Indonesia, after a process of innovation-based vaue engineering then produced the addition function is tourism, industrial, telecommunication, oil and gas pipeline installations as well as the utilization of renewable energy.
This research approach forecasting demand using system dynamics in the case study. This research showed that the analysis of the feasibility of the SSB project used SAPPP scheme can increase the overall revenue projects up to 683,7%, Internal Rate of Return (IRR) improved to 7,37% and get a positive Net Present Value (NPV).
Depok: Fakultas Teknik Universitas Indonesia, 2015
UI - Disertasi Membership  Universitas Indonesia Library

Pengembangan wilayah dengan pendekatan transit oriented development (TOD) sangat berpotensi meningkatkan kelayakan proyek infrastruktur transit, sehingga dapat menarik minat para investor. Dalam konsep TOD terdapat minimal dua tujuan yang harus dipenuhi yang mungkin berkonflik satu sama lain, yakni memberikan pendapatan (revenue) maksimal dari sudut pandang pengembang properti, dan di saat yang sama memberikan ridership maksimal pula bagi sistem transit. Penelitian ini merupakan upaya untuk menghasilkan model TOD yang dapat mengoptimalkan kelayakan dua tujuan tersebut diatas. Sehingga kita tidak hanya mendapatkan TOD dengan jumlah penumpang (ridership) transit yang maksimal, namun juga memberikan nilai pendapatan properti yang maksimal, yang akhirnya dapat memberikan sumber alternatif pendanaan bagi investasi pembangunan, operasional dan pemeliharaan proyek infrastruktur transportasi.Penelitian menggunakan kombinasi pendekatan kuantitatif dan kualitatif melalui analisa fungsi, linier programing, big data, Hedonic Price Modeling, Focus Group Discussion dan life cycle costing. Dengan studi kasus yang digunakan adalah proyek pengembangan TOD di jalur LRT Jabodebek. Hasil penelitian menunjukan bahwa peningkatan kepadatan melalui koefisien lantai bangunan (KLB) dan koefisien dasar banguna (KDB) mampu meningkatkan nilai kelayakan bisnis property di TOD sampai dua kali lipat (200%). Optimasi proporsi luas lantai jenis pembangunan (apartement, perkantoran, hotel dan ritel komersial) dapat meningkatkan jumlah penumpang 10% dari kondisi ideal. Model optimasi ridership dan land value mampu meningkatkan kelayakan proyek TOD secara keseluruhan (bisnis property dan operator transit) sampai 3 kali dari kondisi existing.


Urban development with transit-oriented development (TOD) approach has the potential to increase the feasibility of transit infrastructure projects to attract investors. In the concept of TOD, there are at least two objectives that must be achieved, namely providing maximum revenue from the perspective of property developers and providing maximum ridership for the transit system at the same time.  However, as conflicts between these two objectives may likely occur, this research attempts to produce a TOD model that can optimize the feasibility of the two above objectives. Therefore, we don’t only get the TOD area that provides the maximum number of transit ridership, but also maximum property income value, which can offer a potential alternative source of funding for the investment of the development, operation, and maintenance of transportation infrastructure projects. The study uses a combination of quantitative and qualitative approaches through function analysis, linear programming, big data, Hedonic Price Modeling, Focus Group Discussion, and life cycle costing. The case study used is the TOD development project in the Jabodebek LRT line. The results showed that the increase of density in terms of the building’s gross floor area (GFA) and floor area ratio (KLB) could increase the value of the feasibility of the property business in TOD up to two times (200%). The optimization of floor area proportion of the development types such as apartments, offices, hotels, and commercial retail can increase the number of passengers about 10% higher than ideal conditions. The ridership and land value optimization model can increase the feasibility of the overall TOD project development up to 3 times from the existing conditions.


Depok: Fakultas Teknik Universitas Indonesia, 2021
UI - Disertasi Membership  Universitas Indonesia Library
TM Fachrur Rozi
"Implementasi Kerjasama Pemerintah dan Swasta (KPS) hingga saat ini masih belum optimal dalam menarik minat swasta untuk berinvestasi pada pembangunan proyek-proyek infrastruktur sektor power yang ditawarkan. Evaluasi permasalahan kurang lakunya proyek KPS yang ditawarkan menunjukkan kinerja KPS yang belum optimal, penyebab salah satunya adalah kurangnya manajemen risiko. Penelitian ini bertujuan mengidentifikasi potensi risiko yang mempengaruhi KPS pada proyek infrastruktur power untuk peningkatan kinerja investasi di Indonesia. Pengumpulan data dilakukan dengan metode survey dan diolah dengan analisa statistik dan Monte Carlo. Hasilnya adalah pembebasan lahan, birokrasi yang berbelit-belit, terlambatnya penyelesaian konstruksi, intervensi pemerintah adalah beberapa risiko dominan yang mempengaruhi KPS infrastruktur power.

Implementation of Public Private Partnership (PPP) is still not optimum to attract private sector in investing power infrastructure projects. Lack of popularity in demand of PPP?s projects shows that the performance of the PPP is not optimum due to lack of risk management. This study aims to identify potential risks that may reduce the performance of PPP in power infrastructure projects in Indonesia. Data was collected by survey method and processed with statistical analysis and Monte Carlo Simulation. The research results show that land acquisition, convoluted bureaucracy, delays in completion of construction, government intervention are the dominant risks that affects the power infrastructure PPPs.
Depok: Fakultas Teknik Universitas Indonesia, 2013
UI - Tesis Membership  Universitas Indonesia Library
Nugroho Budi Satriawan
"Pemerintah menghadapi kebutuhan pembiayaan yang semakin meningkat untuk mengembangkan dan memelihara fasilitas infrastruktur. Pelayanan akan infrastruktur sering disediakan dengan defisit operasi, yang hanya ditutupi melalui subsidi, sehingga akan memberatkan pada sumber daya masyarakat (publik). Di padukan dengan sebagian besar kemampuan keuangan pemerintah yang terbatas, hal ini mendorong untuk memobilisasi modal sektor swasta untuk ikut dalam investasi di bidang infrastruktur. Terstruktur dengan tepat Kemitraan Pemerintah Swasta (KPS) mungkin akan dapat mengerakan sumber daya/modal yang sebelumnya belum dimanfaatkan sektor swasta baik ditingkat lokal, regional, atau internasional yang sedang mencari peluang investasi. Tujuan dari studi ini adalah untuk mempelajari lebih lanjut tentang Kemitraan Pemerintah Swasta terutama dalam hal struktur dan skema pembiayaanya. Dalam studi ini mengkaji dan merangkum berbagai macam dokumen yang tersedia (buku, jurnal, tesis dan lainnya) untuk lebih fokus pada struktur dan skema pembiayaan dalam Kemitraan Pemerintah dan Swasta. Kalkulasi finansial dan manajemen resiko adalah faktor utama penentu keberhasilan dalam Kemitraan Pemerintah Swasta.

Governments face an ever increasing need to find sufficient financing to develop and maintain infrastructure. Furthermore, infrastructure services are often provided at an operating deficit, which is covered only through subsidies, thus constituting an additional drain on public resources. Combined with most governments limited financial capacity, these pressures drive a desire to mobilize private sector capital for infrastructure investment. Structured correctly, a Public Private Partnerships (PPPs) may be able to mobilize previously untapped resources from the local, regional, or international private sector which is seeking investment opportunities. The objectives of this report is to learn more about the Public Private Partnerships especially in terms of structure and financing schemes. In this report reviewed and summarizes the available document (book, journal, thesis and other ) to focus on structure and financing schemes in public private partnership. Financial calculations and risk management is a main factor success in the public private partnerships."
Depok: Fakultas Teknik Universitas Indonesia, 2012
UI - Tesis Open  Universitas Indonesia Library
Proyek infrastruktur Jembatan Selat Sunda (JSS) dapat meningkatkan gerak laju perekonomian negara Indonesia. Proyek infrastruktur yang investasi dan risikonya tinggi memerlukan upaya penambahan fungsi dan manfaat proyek untuk mendapatkan nilai tambah ekonomi yang optimum. Dalam mencapai sasaran tersebut, metode rekayasa nilai (value engineering) digunakan untuk mengidentifikasi fungsi-fungsi, menciptakan gagasan kreatif dan inovatif diikuti dengan evaluasi terhadap biaya siklus hidup (Life Cycle Cost ? LCC) proyek sehingga dapat menghasilkan pilihan terbaik. Pengembangan fungsi dasar JSS sebagai fungsi transportasi ditambah dengan fungsi energi, pariwisata, telekomunikasi, kawasan industri dapat menjadi alternatif konseptual desain JSS. Proyek JSS dengan hanya fungsi dasar transportasi menghasilkan IRR 1,41%, sedangkan setelah dilakukan pengembangan fungsi mendapatkan nilai IRR 7,25%.

Sunda Strait Bridge (SSB) infrastructure project would be able to increase Indonesia?s national economic growth. This infrastructure project whose high investment and risk needs an effort in adding functions and project benefits in order to get optimum economical added value. In achieving that objective, value engineering method is used to identify the functions creating creative and innovative idea followed by evaluation to its project life cycle cost (LCC) therefore the best alternative can be formed. Developing SSB basic function for transportation with energy, recreation, telecommunication, and industrial estate can be the alternative conceptual design for SSB. SSB project with basic function for transportation resulted 1,41% on its IRR, whilst after the functions have been developed, the IRR increases to 7,25%.
Depok: Fakultas Teknik Universitas Indonesia, 2013
UI - Tesis Membership  Universitas Indonesia Library
Ali Sunandar
"[Trans Sumatera dengan Pendekatan Value Engineering.
Perencanaan proyek infrastruktur JTTS menghabiskan investasi sebesar Rp 340 Triliun. Investasi sebesar itu hanya membangun Jalan Tol konvensional yaitu kendaraan golongan 1 sampai 5, seharusnya besarnya investasi tersebut mendapat nilai tambah multi fungsi. Untuk mendapatkan nilai tambah, metode rekayasa nilai (value engineering) mengidentifikasi fungsi-fungsi, menciptakan gagasan kreatif dan inovatif. Pengembangan fungsi dasar dari JTTS sebagai fungsi transportasi golongan 1 sampai 5 diawali dengan pendekatan ranking PDRB dan jumlah penduduk, pengembangan wilayah Sumatera dengan location quotient, ditambah dengan fungsi pariwisata, telekomunikasi fiber optic, integrasi median tol dengan kereta api, integrasi jalur sepeda motor, integrasi dengan pelabuhan sungai, perkebunan karet, integrasi pipa migas serta service dan rest area. Dengan adanya penambahan fungsi tersebut dapat menambah manfaat proyek infrastruktur Jalan Tol Trans Sumatera.

Planning JTTS Infrastructure project require investment Rp 340 trilion. Investment of the Toll Road just build conventional vehicle classes 1 to 5, the
magnitude of the investment should have the value added multi function.. In order to reach a goal to have additional value, using value engineering to identify
functions, creating creative and innovative ideas. Developing basic functions of JTTS as transportation functions from level 1 up to 5 begins ranking GDP and
total inhabitant, then to the development Sumatera of the location quotient and coupled with additional value of tourism function, fiber-optic telecommunication, toll road median integration with train, motorcycle integration pathway, integration with dryport, rubber plantation, integration oil & gas pipeline, service and rest area. With addition of several functions, it is to have increase the benefits of JTTS Infrastructure project.;Planning JTTS Infrastructure project require investment Rp 340 trilion.
Investment of the Toll Road just build conventional vehicle classes 1 to 5, the magnitude of the investment should have the value added multi function. In order
to reach a goal to have additional value, using value engineering to identify functions, creating creative and innovative ideas. Developing basic functions of JTTS as transportation functions from level 1 up to 5 begins ranking GDP and total inhabitant, then to the development Sumatera of the location quotient and coupled with additional value of tourism function, fiber-optic telecommunication, toll road median integration with train, motorcycle integration pathway, integration with dryport, rubber plantation, integration oil & gas pipeline, service and rest area. With addition of several functions, it is to have increase the benefits
of JTTS Infrastructure project.;Planning JTTS Infrastructure project require investment Rp 340 trilion.
Investment of the Toll Road just build conventional vehicle classes 1 to 5, the
magnitude of the investment should have the value added multi function.. In order
to reach a goal to have additional value, using value engineering to identify
functions, creating creative and innovative ideas. Developing basic functions of
JTTS as transportation functions from level 1 up to 5 begins ranking GDP and
total inhabitant, then to the development Sumatera of the location quotient and
coupled with additional value of tourism function, fiber-optic telecommunication,
toll road median integration with train, motorcycle integration pathway,
integration with dryport, rubber plantation, integration oil & gas pipeline, service
and rest area. With addition of several functions, it is to have increase the benefits
of JTTS Infrastructure project., Planning JTTS Infrastructure project require investment Rp 340 trilion.
Investment of the Toll Road just build conventional vehicle classes 1 to 5, the
magnitude of the investment should have the value added multi function.. In order
to reach a goal to have additional value, using value engineering to identify
functions, creating creative and innovative ideas. Developing basic functions of
JTTS as transportation functions from level 1 up to 5 begins ranking GDP and
total inhabitant, then to the development Sumatera of the location quotient and
coupled with additional value of tourism function, fiber-optic telecommunication,
toll road median integration with train, motorcycle integration pathway,
integration with dryport, rubber plantation, integration oil & gas pipeline, service
and rest area. With addition of several functions, it is to have increase the benefits
of JTTS Infrastructure project.]
Depok: Fakultas Teknik Universitas Indonesia, 2014
UI - Tesis Membership  Universitas Indonesia Library
Yusuf Abdurachman
Proyek infrastruktur Jalan Tol Trans Sumatera (JTTS) direncanakan membentang
dari Bakauheni-Banda Aceh dengan perkiraan investasi sebesar Rp290 Triliun.
Studi rekayasa nilai tambah dilakukan pada proyek JTTS dengan menambahkan
enam fungsi, yaitu integrasi jalur sepeda motor, pengembangan rest area, integrasi
dry port, integrasi kereta median tol, pengembangan area periwisata dan
penambahan jaringan fiber optik. Penelitian bertujuan untuk mengetahui kelayakan
finansial dari rekayasa fungsi tambah proyek JTTS. Analisis kelayakan dilakukan
menggunakan pendekatan sistem dinamik terhadap tiga skenario tarif. Dari hasil
penelitian didapatkan hasil Internal Rate of Return untuk ketiga skenario tarif, yaitu
8.28%, 12.71% dan 13.77%.

Infrastructure project of Trans Sumatra Toll Road (JTTS) are planned stretch from
Bakauheni to Banda Aceh with an estimated investment of IDR 290 Trillion. Value
Engineering studies have been done on the project JTTS by adding six additional
functions, that are integration of the motor bike paths, rest area development,
integration of the dry port, rail way integration on median toll, development of
tourism areas, and integration of fiber optic networks . The study aims to determine
the financial feasibility of the additional functions JTTS. The feasibility analysis is
performed using a dynamic systems approach to the three tariff scenarios. The study
got the results that Internal Rate of Return for the three tariff scenarios are 8.28%,
12.71% and 13.77%.;"
UI - Tesis Membership  Universitas Indonesia Library
Rina Rosliana
"Penelitian ini membahas mengenai Desain Kebijakan Insentif Pajak atas Investasi dalam Proyek Kerjasama Pemerintah Swasta (KPS) bidang infrastruktur di Indonesia. Penelitian ini menggunakan metode kualitatif. Hasil dari penelitian ini menunjukan bahwa bentuk insentif pajak yang dapat diberikan diantaranya adalah dalam bentuk pajak penghasilan badan dan insentif pajak lainnya berupa pembebasan bea masuk dan Pajak Pertambahan Nilai atas impor barang modal. Manfaat atas pemberian insentif dapat dilihat dari tiga sisi yaitu dari sisi : investor, masyarakat, dan pemerintah. Korea Selatan dan Filipina juga memberikan insentif pajak atas investasi dalam proyek KPS sebagai dukungan pemerintah dalam rangka pelaksanaan proyek KPS di negaranya.

This research focused on Tax Incentives Policy Design for the Investment in Public Private Partnership (PPP) Infrastructure Project in Indonesia. This research used qualitative method. Results indicated that the form of incentives that can be given are corporate income tax and others tax incentives on Tariff and Value Added Tax for imported capital. The benefits generated from giving tax incentives can be seen from three aspects : investor, society, and government. South Korea and Philliphine are also giving tax incentives as a governement support to implement PPP in their infrastructure project."
Depok: Fakultas Ilmu Sosial dan Ilmu Politik Universitas Indonesia, 2013
UI - Skripsi Membership  Universitas Indonesia Library
Achmad Muhyidin Arifai
"Perencanaan proyek High Speed Train (HST) koridor Jakarta - Surabaya menghabiskan investasi yang sangat besar yaitu US$. 21,369 juta. Salah satu aspek yang sangat penting dalam tahapan perencanaan ini adalah pemilihan rute. Hal tersebut dilakukan untuk meningkatkan kelayakan proyek dimana penyelenggaraan jalur kereta api cepat seringkali dihadapkan pada tantangan akan rendahnya keuntungan atas investasi. Dari tujuh alternatif rute yang dihitung, didapatkan bahwa rute Jakarta-Bandung-Cirebon-Semarang-Yogyakata-Surabaya memiliki nilai IRR tertinggi yaitu 7,61%. Dan setelah dilakukan penambahan fungsi dengan metode rekayasa nilai (value engineering) yang berupa penggunaan bituminous ballast, pengembangan kawasan TOD, pengembangan area pariwisata, integrasi pembangkit listrik, integrasi saluran utilitas dan fasilitas pelayanan kereta nilai IRR rute tersebut menjadi 8,38%, lebih tinggi dari nilai IRR rute eksisting perencanaan yaitu 7,21%.

Project Planning of High Speed Train (HST) corridor Jakarta - Surabaya spend an enormous investment of US $. 21.369 million. A very important aspect in the planning stages is route selection. Route planning is to increase the feasibility of the high speed train project that often face a challenge of low return on investment. Seven alternative route was calculated, it was found that the Jakarta-Bandung-Cirebon-Semarang- Yogyakata-Surabaya route has the highest IRR of 7.61%. And after the addition of six functions using value engineering methods including The Use of Bituminous Subballast, TOD regional development, development of tourism area, the integration of power generation, channel integration utilities, and train service facilities, the IRR becomes 8.38%, higher than the IRR of existing route plan (7.21%)."
Depok: Fakultas Teknik Universitas Indonesia, 2016
UI - Tesis Membership  Universitas Indonesia Library
Dwi Rezki Sri Astarini
"Dalam era globalisasi saat ini, kebutuhan akan terpenuhinya pembangunan infrastruktur menjadi prioritas untuk mengejar kompetisi dan keunggulan antar negara. Untuk mewujudkannya, Pemerintah Indonesia antara lain telah menyusun sejumlah proyek strategis nasional yang diharapkan dapat melibatkan sejumlah aktor sebagai pemangku kepentingan. Untuk mengantisipasi terjadinya kerawanan di bidang pembangunan perekonomian dan informasi strategis, gagasan intelijen hukum (legal intelligence) perlu diterapkan. Premis dasarnya adalah seluruh aktivitas manusia, termasuk dalam aktivitas perekonomian adalah tunduk ketentuan hukum termasuk peraturan perundang-undangan. Pihak yang menyusun, memahami dan menetapkan hukum ialah pihak yang memiliki posisi yang unggul dan menentukan dalam kompetisi maupun kooperasi. Atas dasar inilah, tesis ini mengkaji perjanjian kerjasama antara pemerintah dan pihak swasta dalam proyek strategis Mata Air Umbulan di provinsi Jawa Timur. Tujuan penelitian ialah untuk menganalisa efektifitas perjanjian kerjasama dalam skema KPBU dan melihat peran sistem intelijen hukum dalam proyek strategis nasional seperti pada Proyek SPAM Umbulan ini. Hasil penelitian menunjukkan dengan skema KPBU telah menunjukkan terlaksananya kerjasama pengelolaan air minum dari perencanaan proyek sebelumnya, namun masih ada sejumlah celah hukum pada perjanjian kerjasama dimaksud yang berpotensi menimbulkan resiko dan kerawanan di masa mendatang. Hal ini menunjukkan perlu adanya penguatan sistem legal intelligence dalam perumusan aturan hukum terkait ikatan perjanjian kerjasama pembangunan infrastruktur, utamanya proyek-proyek strategis nasional. Dengan demikian pembangunan infrastruktur SPAM Umbulan ini menjadi salah satu proyek infrastruktur penting guna meningkatkan kegiatan perekonomian dalam rangka ketangguhan ketahanan nasional

In these era of globalization, infrastructure development has become a priority to pursue competition and excellence between countries. To make it happen, the government has compiled a number of national strategic projects involving a number of actors as the stakeholders. To anticipate vulnerabilities in the field of economy development and strategic information, the idea of legal intelligence needed to be implemented. The basic premise is that all human activities, incuding in economic field must be subject to Law including regulations. Those who formulate, understand and determine the rules are those who have a superior and decisive position in competition and cooperation. On this basis, this thesis examines the cooperation agreement between the government and the private sector in the Umbulan Spring strategic project in East Java province. The research objective is to analyze the effectiveness of cooperation agreements in the KPBU (public-private partnership) scheme and see the role of the legal intelligence system in national strategic projects such as the Umbulan SPAM Project. The results show that the KPBU (public-private partnership) has shown improvements in drinking water management cooperation from the previous project, but there are still a number of legal loopholes in the cooperation agreement that have the potential to cause risks and vulnerabilities in the future. This shows the need to strengthen the legal intelligence system in the formulation of legal rules related to infrastructure development cooperation agreements, especially national strategic projects. Therefore, the development of infrastructure of SPAM Umbulan is an important infrastructure project for increasing economic activities in strengtening the National Resilience."
Depok: Sekolah Kajian Stratejik dan Global Universitas Indonesia, 2021
UI - Tesis Membership  Universitas Indonesia Library
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