ABSTRAKTesis ini membahas peran modal sosial dalam memenuhi sumber
penghidupan pada Komunitas Adat Dayak Ngaju di Manusup Kalimantan
Tengah. Penelitian ini adalah penelitian kualitatif dengan desain deskriptif. Hasil
penelitian ini menunjukkan bahwa modal sosial mempunyai peran penting dan
berfungsi dalam memperluas hubungan kerjasama, baik hubungan dalam
kebutuhan sosial maupun hubungan dalam kebutuhan sumber penghidupan.
Hubungan dalam kebutuhan sosial berfungsi melahirkan solidaritas sosial yang
terbentuk melalui institusi sosial keadatan maupun agama. Sedangkan hubungan
dalam kebutuhan sumber penghidupan berfungsi menopang ketahanan ekonomi
dengan cara membuka interaksi dalam penguatan jaringan yang saling
menguntungkan, baik yang bersifat bonding, bridging dan linking capital.
Bonding capital berperan membentuk kebersamaan dan kerekatan
hubungan emosional dan mampu memperkuat pertalian intarnal. bridging capital
mampu membuka jalan dan menstimulasi perkembangan komunitas. Sedangkan
linking capital membawa manfaat yang besar terhadap kemajuan desa Manusup,
yaitu kemajuan sarana pendidikan desa dan pengembangan potensi keahlian yang
dimiliki dalam mendapatkan sumber penghidupan.
ABSTRACTThe thesis explains the role of the social capital to fulfill the life source at the
traditional community of Dayak Ngaju in Manusup, Central Borneo. This
research is a qualitative one with a descriptive design. The result shows that social
capital has important role and functioned itself to expand official relationship for
social and fulfill the life needs. The relation on social needs was meant to born the
social solidarity which was build social institution and/or religion, while the
relation of life resources was meant to hold the economy hall by opening the
interaction on social network mutualism for bonding, bridging and linking capital.
Bonding capital rolled as an institution to build togetherness and
emotional relationship, and give the internal brotherhood bound stronger.
Bridging capital could open the way and stimulate the community development,
while linking capital bring big advantages for Manusup?s development, i.e.
village?s education and human resources development which had by life
resources.;The thesis explains the role of the social capital to fulfill the life source at the
traditional community of Dayak Ngaju in Manusup, Central Borneo. This
research is a qualitative one with a descriptive design. The result shows that social
capital has important role and functioned itself to expand official relationship for
social and fulfill the life needs. The relation on social needs was meant to born the
social solidarity which was build social institution and/or religion, while the
relation of life resources was meant to hold the economy hall by opening the
interaction on social network mutualism for bonding, bridging and linking capital.
Bonding capital rolled as an institution to build togetherness and
emotional relationship, and give the internal brotherhood bound stronger.
Bridging capital could open the way and stimulate the community development,
while linking capital bring big advantages for Manusup?s development, i.e.
village?s education and human resources development which had by life
resources., The thesis explains the role of the social capital to fulfill the life source at the
traditional community of Dayak Ngaju in Manusup, Central Borneo. This
research is a qualitative one with a descriptive design. The result shows that social
capital has important role and functioned itself to expand official relationship for
social and fulfill the life needs. The relation on social needs was meant to born the
social solidarity which was build social institution and/or religion, while the
relation of life resources was meant to hold the economy hall by opening the
interaction on social network mutualism for bonding, bridging and linking capital.
Bonding capital rolled as an institution to build togetherness and
emotional relationship, and give the internal brotherhood bound stronger.
Bridging capital could open the way and stimulate the community development,
while linking capital bring big advantages for Manusup’s development, i.e.
village’s education and human resources development which had by life