M. Darwis Debby Hermawan
ABSTRAKFenomena praktek manajemen SDM merupakan permasalahan penelitian yang menarik untuk dikaji terkait dengan kepuasan kerja anggota kepolisian, mengingat kepuasan kerja merupakan indikator efektivitas praktek manajemen SDM dalam organisasi. Kepuasan kerja anggota pada akhirnya akan berdampak terhadap mutu pelayanan yang dilakukan oleh anggota organisasi.
Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mengkaji hubungan antara praktek manajemen SDM dan kepuasan kerja anggota kepolisian. Dimensi praktek manajemen SDM mengacu kepada model penelitian yang dikembangkan oleh Wright (2003) yang mencakup dimensi rekrutmen dan seleksi, pelatihan dan pengembangan, kompensasi, pengembangan karir dan dimensi penilaian kinerja.
Sampel penelitian ini sebanyak 375 anggota kepolisian yang diambil secara stratified random sampling yang terdiri dari kelompok Pamen, Pama dan Brigadir. Analisis penelitian ini menggunakan multiple regression analysis untuk mengkaji hubungan antara masing-masing dimensi praktek manajemen SDM dan kepuasan kerja anggota kepolisian. Penelitian menemukan hubungan yang signifikan antara dimensi rekrutmen dan seleksi, pengembangan karir, kompensasi, dan pendidikan dan latihan.
Dimensi penilaian kinerja tidak mempunyai hubungan yang signifikan terhadap kepuasan kerja anggota kepolisian. Kontribusi ke empat dimensi praktek manajemen SDM sebesar 48.9% terhadap kepuasan kerja (p<0.000). Dengan demikian dapat disimpulkan bahwa makin profesional penerapan praktek manajemen SDM akan berdampak terhadap kepuasan kerja anggota kepolisian.
ABSTRACTThe human resource practice in police organization care becoming a critical factor to the employee satisfaction. The fenomenon of human resource practices in this study include recruitment and selection, career development, compensation, training and development, and performance appraisals and how its implication to the police satisfaction
The purpose of this study is to examine the relationship between human resource practice and employee satisfaction. Dimension of human resource practices use the research model developed by Wright (2003) which include the dimension of recruitment and selection, career development, education and training, compensation and performance appraisals.
The 375 police officer was selected based on stratified random sampling which include upper, middle and lower level of the police officers. This study employ multiple regression analysis to measure the relationship of each dimension of human resource practices to police officer satisfaction. The study found that there was the relationship between recruitment and selection, career development, compensation, and training and development. The dimension of performance appraisals was not signicantly related to police officer job satisfaction. The contribution of recruitment and selection, career development, compensation, and training development was 48.9% to the police officer job satisfaction (p< 0.000). It could be concluded that the professional the human practices in police organization the better impact to the police officer job satisfaction, The human resource practice in police organization care becoming a critical factor to the employee satisfaction. The fenomenon of human resource practices in this study include recruitment and selection, career development, compensation, training and development, and performance appraisals and how its implication to the police satisfaction
The purpose of this study is to examine the relationship between human resource practice and employee satisfaction. Dimension of human resource practices use the research model developed by Wright (2003) which include the dimension of recruitment and selection, career development, education and training, compensation and performance appraisals.
The 375 police officer was selected based on stratified random sampling which include upper, middle and lower level of the police officers. This study employ multiple regression analysis to measure the relationship of each dimension of human resource practices to police officer satisfaction. The study found that there was the relationship between recruitment and selection, career development, compensation, and training and development. The dimension of performance appraisals was not signicantly related to police officer job satisfaction. The contribution of recruitment and selection, career development, compensation, and training development was 48.9% to the police officer job satisfaction (p< 0.000). It could be concluded that the professional the human practices in police organization the better impact to the police officer job satisfaction]"