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Ardi Rahananto
Tesis ini membahas hasil penelitian tentang peran pelaksanaan manajemen
sekuriti fisik di PT Pertamina EP Asset 3 Tambun Field ? Bekasi. Penelitian ini
dilakukan dengan pendekatan kualitatif yang bersumber dari data primer dan
sekunder dengan metode pengumpulan data dilakukan dengan cara observasi,
wawancara dan studi dokumentasi.
Hasil penelitian menunjukan bahwa pelaksanaan manajemen sekuriti fisik
yang dilakukan oleh PT Pertamina EP Asset 3 Tambun Field adalah dengan
menggunakan tenaga pengamanan yang berasal dari perusahaan jasa outsourcing PT
Satria Mocoginta. Para tenaga pengamanan tersebut pada umumnya merupakan
warga masyarakat sekitar. Namun demikian dalam prakteknya, pelaksanaan
manajemen sekuriti fisik yang dilakukan oleh para tenaga pengamanan tersebut
ternyata menjadikan sebagai suatu gangguan keamanan, karena mereka melakukan
kerja sambilan dengan cara memanfaatkan wewenang yang dimilikinya yakni
dengan cara meminta sejumlah uang kepada para kontraktor yang melakukan
pemeliharaan dan perawatan terhadap genset dan pompa di setiap cluster milik PT
Pertamina EP Asset 3 Tambun Field. Bahkan seringkali mereka membawa pipa-pipa
bekas maupun baru milik para kontraktor ketika dilakukan pemeliharaan dan
pergantian pipa.
Untuk mencegah agar tidak terjadi lagi gangguan keamanan di kawasan PT
Pertamina EP Asset 3 Tambun Field terutama gangguan keamanan dalam suatu
cluster, maka beberapa upaya yang dilakukan oleh pihak PT Pertamina EP Asset 3
Tambun Field adalah: (1) Membuat klasusul perjanjian yang baru dengan para
kontraktor dan selalu berkoordinasi dengan Polsek Babelan untuk menempatkan
beberapa anggota Bhabinkamtibmas di sekitar kawasan tersebut; (2) Mengevaluasi
model penyeleng-garaan manajemen sekuriti fisik yang saat ini dilakukan; (3)
Berkoordinasi dengan pihak Polsek Babelan agar kegiatan pendidikan dan pelatihan
terhadap Satpam Garda Pratama yang telah berhasil dilaksanakan oleh Polsek
Babelan, rutin setiap tahun dilakukan; dan (4) Meningkatkan program CSR yang
saat ini telah diberikan terhadap lingkungan sekitarnya.

This thesis discusses the results of research on the role of physical security
management implementation at PT Pertamina EP Asset 3 Tambun Field - Bekasi.
This research was conducted with a qualitative approach derived from primary and
secondary data by the method of data collection done by observation, interview and
documentation study.
The results showed that the implementation of physical security management
conducted by PT Pertamina SP Tambun is to use the power of security that comes
from outsourcing services company PT Satria Mocoginta. The security personnel are
generally the residents of surrounding communities. However, in practice, the
implementation of physical security management performed by the security
personnel turned out to make as a security breach, because they do odd jobs in a
manner that utilizes its authority by asking some money to the contractors who carry
out the maintenance and care of the genset and pump in each cluster belonging to PT
Pertamina EP Tambun. Often they bring pipes belonging to the former and new
contractors when performed maintenance and replacement pipes. The
implementation of physical security management is done in PT Pertamina EP Asset
3 Tambun Field has deviated from the concept of physical security management
activities in general, the Polsek Babelan perform Basic Education and Training
Security guard Garda Pratama held at the end of 2014. This form of education and
training of the guard base aimed at residents who were around Pertamina EP Asset 3
Tambun Field, and without cost you a dime, even the participants get uniforms
complete with boots and other equipment.
To prevent this from happening again in the area of security disturbances PT
Pertamina EP 3 Asset 3 Tambun Field especially security problems in a cluster, then
some of the efforts made by the PT Pertamina EP Asset 3 Tambun Field are: (1)
Make klasusul new agreements with contractors and always coordinate with the
police Babelan to put some members Bhabinkamtibmas around the region; (2)
Evaluate the model of management of physical security that is currently carried out;
(3) Coordinate with the Polsek Babelan education and training in order to guard
Garda Pratama that have been successfully implemented by the Polsek Babelan,
annually conducted; and (4) Enhance CSR program, which has been given to the
surrounding environment., This thesis discusses the results of research on the role of physical security
management implementation at PT Pertamina EP Asset 3 Tambun Field - Bekasi.
This research was conducted with a qualitative approach derived from primary and
secondary data by the method of data collection done by observation, interview and
documentation study.
The results showed that the implementation of physical security management
conducted by PT Pertamina SP Tambun is to use the power of security that comes
from outsourcing services company PT Satria Mocoginta. The security personnel are
generally the residents of surrounding communities. However, in practice, the
implementation of physical security management performed by the security
personnel turned out to make as a security breach, because they do odd jobs in a
manner that utilizes its authority by asking some money to the contractors who carry
out the maintenance and care of the genset and pump in each cluster belonging to PT
Pertamina EP Tambun. Often they bring pipes belonging to the former and new
contractors when performed maintenance and replacement pipes. The
implementation of physical security management is done in PT Pertamina EP Asset
3 Tambun Field has deviated from the concept of physical security management
activities in general, the Polsek Babelan perform Basic Education and Training
Security guard Garda Pratama held at the end of 2014. This form of education and
training of the guard base aimed at residents who were around Pertamina EP Asset 3
Tambun Field, and without cost you a dime, even the participants get uniforms
complete with boots and other equipment.
To prevent this from happening again in the area of security disturbances PT
Pertamina EP 3 Asset 3 Tambun Field especially security problems in a cluster, then
some of the efforts made by the PT Pertamina EP Asset 3 Tambun Field are: (1)
Make klasusul new agreements with contractors and always coordinate with the
police Babelan to put some members Bhabinkamtibmas around the region; (2)
Evaluate the model of management of physical security that is currently carried out;
(3) Coordinate with the Polsek Babelan education and training in order to guard
Garda Pratama that have been successfully implemented by the Polsek Babelan,
annually conducted; and (4) Enhance CSR program, which has been given to the
surrounding environment.]"
UI - Tesis Membership  Universitas Indonesia Library
Saragih, Benny M.
"Tesis ini tentang manajemen sekuriti fisik di PT. Indomobil Suzuki lnternational Plant Tambun. Penelitian ini dilakukan di PT. lndomobil Suzuki lntemational Plant Tambun yang terletak di Jalan Diponegoro Km 32 Tambun, Bekasi Kabupaten. Letak perusahaan ini berada dalam wilayah hukum Polsek Tambun. PT. lndomobil Suzuki International Plant Tambun adalah sebuah perusahaan yang bergerak di bidang perakitan sepeda motor dan mobil dengan merek Suzuki yang terletak di Jalan Diponegoro km 32, Tambun, Bekasi, yang memenuhi kebutuhan kendaraan roda dua maupun roda empat di dalam negeri maupun luar negeri.
Dalam rangka melindungi aset-asetnya, perusahaan ini telah melaksanakan manajernen sekuriti lisik di lingkungannya dengan membuat bentuk~ bentuk pengamanan fisik berupa adanya petugas Satpam, akses kontrol, adanya barrier, adanya pagar yang mengelilingi lingkungan perusahaan, kunci, alat penerangan, pos jaga untuk petugas Satpam dan alat komunikasi. Narnun pada kenyataannya masih banyak terjadi tindak kejahtan yang dilakukan oleh orang dalam (karyawan perusahaan) maupun pihak luar perusahaan. Kejahatan yang tetjadi di perusahaan ini disebabkan karena penerapan sekuriti fisik yang masih jauh dari ideal.
Dalam penelitian ini, penulis menggunakan metode kualitatif dengan pendekatan manajerial yuridis. Metode yang digunakan untuk pengumpulan data, yaitu dengan melakukan pengamatan, pengamatan terlibat, wawancara berpedoman, kajian pustaka, pemeriksaan dokumen dan audio visual.
Dari hasil penelitian yang dilakukan, ditemukan bahwa pengamanan yang dilaksanakan perusahaan masih jauh dari ideal. Hal ini disebabkan karena jumlah personel yang masih kurang dan keperdulian terhadap keamanan yang masih kurang, belum maksimal penggunaan teknologi modern, sehingga tidak mampu mengamankan seluruh area dan aset-aset perusahaan hingga masih banyak terjadi pencurian baik yang dilakukan oleh orang dalam (karyawan) dan dari pihak luar yang ingin mengambil aset perusahaan secara tidak sah.
Upaya pengamanan area sorta aset pemisahaan sudah dilakukan oleh PT. lndomobil Suzuki Intemtional Plant Tambun, akan tetapi masih kurang maksimal. Saran-saran yang diajukan adalah perusahaan hams membenahi beberapa aspek, yaitu aspek organisasi, aspek sekuriti fisik, aspek lingkungan fisik.

This thesis about the management of the physical security in PT. Indomobil Suzuki Intemational Plant Tambun. This research is carried out in PT. lndomobil Suzuki International Plant Tambun that is located in Street Diponegoro 32 km Tambun, Bekasi the Regency. The location of this company am in the legal territory Sector Police Tambun. PT. lndomobil Suzuki International Plant Tambun is a company that is involved in the assembly of the motorcycle and the car with the Suzuki make that is located in Street Diponegoro 32 km, Tambtm, Bekasi, that satisnes the requirement for the wheel vehicle of two and the wheel of four in the country and foreign.
In order to protect his assets, this company carried out the management of the physical security in his enviromnent by making forms of the physical security take the form of the existence of the official ofthe Security Unit, control access, the existence barrier, the existence of the fence that Over the company's environment, the key, the information implement, the post guard for the official of the Sectu°ity Unit and the communications equipment. However in fact still often the act of the crime that is Carried out by the insider happen (the employee of the company) and the company's outsider. The crime that happens in this company is caused because of the application of the physical security who still is far iiom ideal.
In this research, the writer uses the qualitative method with the managerial approach juridical. The method that is used for the data Collection, that is by carrying out observation, observation is involved, the interview berpedoman, the study of the book, the document inspection and audio visual.
From results ofthe research that is carried out, is found that the security that is carried out by the company still far fiom ideal. This is caused because of the number of personnel that still not all that and the interest in the security that still not all that, is not yet maximal the use of modern technology, so as to be unable to paciiy all the area and the company's assets through to still often the good theft that is carried out by the insider happen (the employee) and from the outsider who wants to take the company's assets illegitimately.
Efforts As well as the company's assets has been carried out by PT. lndomobil Suzuki Intemtional Plant Tambun, but still am not more maximal. Suggestions that are put forward are the company must straighten out several aspects, that is the aspect of the organization, the aspect of the physical security, the aspect of the physical environment.
Jakarta: Sekolah Kajian Stratejik dan Global Universitas Indonesia, 2009
UI - Tesis Open  Universitas Indonesia Library
Antoni Temu Abdul Wahab
"Pergudangan merupakan bagian dari fungsi Supply Chain Management (Logistik) yang salah satu tugasnya adalah menyediakan material untuk mendukung kelancaran operasional perusahaan agar dapat mempertahankan atau bahkan meningkatkan hasil produksi yang telah ditargetkan oleh manajemen..."
Sekolah Tinggi Energi dan Mineral, {s.a.}
553 JESDM 7:1 (2015) (1)
Artikel Jurnal  Universitas Indonesia Library
Indra Putra Hendrizal
"Analisis risiko pada pipa 6” crude oil SP PDT I - SP Tambun di PT Pertamina EP Region Jawa Field Tambun tahun 2013 ini dilakukan mengingat adanya potensi bahaya dan risiko yang mengancam keselamatan pekerja dan masyarakat di sekitar jalur pipa. Penelitian yang bersifat deskriptif analitik dan dilakukan dengan menggunakan metode analisis semi kuantitatif ini bertujuan untuk mendapatkan nilai dan level risiko yang ada.
Hasil penelitian yang menggunakan sistem skoring berdasarkan Model Studi Zulkifli Djunaidi ini menunjukkan bahwa nilai probabilitas dari pipa yang diteliti adalah 13,05 poin dengan nilai konsekuensi sebesar 5,11 poin. Berdasarkan perhitungan, nilai risiko relatif-nya adalah 2,55 sehingga termasuk level risiko High Risk berdasarkan Tabel ALARP Kriteria (EPA, 2004). Oleh sebab itu, perlu dilakukan tindakan perbaikan dan pengendalian yang tepat untuk risiko yang memberikan kontribusi besar terhadap kemungkinan terjadinya kebocoran, kebakaran, dan ledakan pada pipa.

Risk analysis for 6” crude oil pipeline system SP PDT I - SP Tambun at PT Pertamina EP Java Region Field Tambun 2013 has to be done because the presence of the hazards and risk potential that threats not only employee’s safety but also people’s safety around the pipeline Right of Way (ROW). This analytical descriptive research that uses semi-quantitative analytical method has a purpose to assess the existing risk score and risk level.
The result of this research that uses scoring system based on Zulkifli Djunaidi’s Study Model shows that the probability’s score is 13.05 points and the consequence’s score is 5.11 points. Based on calculation, the relative-risk score is 2.55 and belongs to High Risk Level based on ALARP Criteria Table (EPA, 2004). Therefore, an appropriate improvement and controlling system need to be performed for the pipeline major risks by PT Pertamina EP Java Region Field Tambun.
Depok: Fakultas Kesehatan Masyarakat Universitas Indonesia, 2013
UI - Skripsi Membership  Universitas Indonesia Library
Muthia Shaqiena Lukman
"Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mencari bagaimana cara mengoptimalisasi tingkat persediaan material dengan pengaplikasian persediaan pengaman safety stock yang optimal untuk dapat mengakomodir jadwal pemboran yang dapat berubah-ubah. Kegiatan pemboran merupakan pekerjaan yang beresiko tinggi dan memerlukan biaya besar sehingga optimasi tingkat persediaan material sangat penting dalam kelangsungan proses tersebut. Tujuan sebenarnya adalah untuk menentukan jumlah dari persediaan yang mendukung service level yang tinggi dan memaksimalkan kinerja keuangan perusahaan. Service level digunakan dalam manajemen persediaan untuk mengukur kinerja kebijakan persediaan dan menunjukkan kemungkinan tidak terjadinya stockout. Safety stock adalah persediaan untuk mencegah terjadinya stockout. Perusahaan memilih untuk menjaga tingkat Safety stock sebagai penyangga terhadap variabilitas permintaan yang mengakibatkan kurangnya efisiensi dan modal kerja yang tinggi. Pengoptimalan tingkat persediaan memungkinkan perusahaan untuk meningkatkan efisiensi dan perputaran persediaan.Material pemboran yang akan menjadi objek penelitian dipilih dengan menggunakan klasifikasi ABC yang selanjutnya diklasfikasikan kembali frekuensi penggunaannya. Perhitungan selanjutnya adalah penentuan biaya pengadaan dan persediaan dari material. Perhitungan tingkat persediaan menggunakan metode min-max. Hasil dari perhitungan dengan menggunakan metode min-max adalah jumlah pemesanan kembali Q , titik pemesanan kembali ROP/Min, tingkat persediaan maksimum Max dan persediaan pengaman SS.

This study aims to find out how to optimize the level of material inventory with optimal application of safety stock to accommodate the varying drilling schedule. Drilling activity is a high risk job and requires substantial cost, therefore, optimization of material inventory is critical for the process continuity. The actual objective is to determine the value and the mix of inventory that support a high service level and that maximizing the companies rsquo financial performance. Service level is used in inventory management to measure the performance of inventory policies and represents the probability of not being stock out. Safety stock is inventory that is carried to prevent stock outs. Safety stock determinations are not intended to eliminate all stock outs, just majority of them. Companies choose to keep safety stock level high as a buffer against demand variability resulting in inefficiencies and high working capital requirements. Safety stock optimization enables companies to achieve savings and increase inventory turns.The selection of the drilling material that will be the research object uses ABC classification which further being re classified by the usage frequency. The next calculation is to determine material setup cost and holding cost, which will be used in the next calculation, which is inventory calculation method by using min max method. The calculation result using the min max method is the total of re orders Q, re order point ROP Min , maximum inventory level Max, and safety stock SS. "
Jakarta: Fakultas Ekonomi dan Bisnis Universitas Indonesia, 2018
UI - Tesis Membership  Universitas Indonesia Library
Adhianto Windratama
"[Program magang ini bertujuan untuk memahami dan menganalisa penerapan manajemen risiko perusahaan pada PT Pertamina EP serta membandingkannya dengan teori dari Standar ISO 31000 Program magang dilakukan selama tiga bulan di Fungsi Strategic Planning and Risk Management pada bagian Risk Management PT Pertamina EP untuk mengamati dan membantu pelaksanaan proses manajemen risiko perusahaan Perbandingannya dengan teori dari Standar adalah pengadopsian prinsip kerangka kerja untuk mengelola risiko dan proses manajemen risiko yang diusulkan oleh standard tersebut Hasil menunjukkan bahwa perusahaan telah mengadopsi standar ISO 31000 dengan baik dan penerapan proses manajemen risiko disesuaikan dengan proses bisnis dan kebutuhan perusahaan ;The internship program aims to understand and analyze the Implementation of Enterprise Risk Management in PT Pertamina EP and compare it with the theory from ISO 31000 The internship program was conducted over three months in the Strategic Planning and Risk Management Function within the Risk Management Division in PT Pertamina EP while observing and helping the administration enterprise risk management process The comparison with the theory in the standard is the adoption of principles the framework for managing risk and the risk management process proposed by the standard The result shows that the company has adopted the ISO 31000 standard well and the risk management process is developed according to the business process and its needs Key words Enterprise Risk Management ISO 31000 Pertamina EP ;The internship program aims to understand and analyze the Implementation of Enterprise Risk Management in PT Pertamina EP and compare it with the theory from ISO 31000 The internship program was conducted over three months in the Strategic Planning and Risk Management Function within the Risk Management Division in PT Pertamina EP while observing and helping the administration enterprise risk management process The comparison with the theory in the standard is the adoption of principles the framework for managing risk and the risk management process proposed by the standard The result shows that the company has adopted the ISO 31000 standard well and the risk management process is developed according to the business process and its needs Key words Enterprise Risk Management ISO 31000 Pertamina EP ;The internship program aims to understand and analyze the Implementation of Enterprise Risk Management in PT Pertamina EP and compare it with the theory from ISO 31000 The internship program was conducted over three months in the Strategic Planning and Risk Management Function within the Risk Management Division in PT Pertamina EP while observing and helping the administration enterprise risk management process The comparison with the theory in the standard is the adoption of principles the framework for managing risk and the risk management process proposed by the standard The result shows that the company has adopted the ISO 31000 standard well and the risk management process is developed according to the business process and its needs Key words Enterprise Risk Management ISO 31000 Pertamina EP , The internship program aims to understand and analyze the Implementation of Enterprise Risk Management in PT Pertamina EP and compare it with the theory from ISO 31000 The internship program was conducted over three months in the Strategic Planning and Risk Management Function within the Risk Management Division in PT Pertamina EP while observing and helping the administration enterprise risk management process The comparison with the theory in the standard is the adoption of principles the framework for managing risk and the risk management process proposed by the standard The result shows that the company has adopted the ISO 31000 standard well and the risk management process is developed according to the business process and its needs Key words Enterprise Risk Management ISO 31000 Pertamina EP ]"
Fakultas Ekonomi dan Bisnis Universitas Indonesia, 2015
UI - Skripsi Membership  Universitas Indonesia Library
Budy Nofrianto
"Analisis risiko kebakaran pada unit tangki crude oil T-01 Stasiun Pengumpul Tambun - Pertamina EP Region Jawa Field Tambun Tahun 2013 ini dilakukan karena adanya potensi risiko kebakaran yang akan berdampak pada keselamatan pekerja dan peralatan di sekitarnya. Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mengetahui tingkat risiko kebakaran pada unit tangki crude oil T-01 menggunakan desain studi deskriptif dengan metode kuantitatif. Tingkat risiko didapatkan dari perhitungan dan interpretasi terhadap konsekuensi dan likelihood. Pada penelitian ini digunakan lima skenario kebakaran pool fire yaitu skenario S-003, S-008, S- 009, S-013, S-014. Dari penelitian ini didapatkan bahwa: 1) Skenario S-003 memiliki tingkat konsekuensi moderate, tingkat likelihood improbable dan tingkat risiko low risk. 2) Skenario S-008 memiliki tingkat konsekuensi critical, tingkat likelihood improbable dan tingkat risiko low risk; 3) Skenario S-009 memiliki tingkat konsekuensi critical, tingkat likelihood improbable dan tingkat risiko low risk. 4) Skenario S-013 memiliki tingkat konsekuensi moderate, tingkat likelihood improbable dan tingkat risiko low risk; 5) Skenario S-014 memiliki tingk

Fire risk analysis on crude oil storage tank T-01 at Stasiun Pengumpul Tambun - Pertamina EP Region Jawa Field Tambun in 2013 is done due to the potential risk of fire that have impacts for the personal safety and properties. The objection of this research is to know the fire risk level in Crude Oil storage tank T-01 use descriptive study and quantitative method. The level of risk get from calculation and interpretation of consequences and likelihood. In this research use five pool fire scenarios which are S-003, S-008, S-009, S-013, S-014. From this research found that: 1) Scenario S-003 has moderate level of consequences, level of likelihood is improbable and level of risk is low risk; 2) Scenario S-008 has critical level of consequences, level of likelihood is improbable and level of risk is low risk; 3) Scenario S-009 has critical level of consequences, level of likelihood is improbable and level of risk is low risk; 4) Scenario S-013 has moderate level of consequences, level of likelihood is improbable and level of risk is low risk; 5) Scenario S-014 has critical level of consequences, level of likelihood is improbable and level of risk is low risk."
Depok: Fakultas Kesehatan Masyarakat Universitas Indonesia, 2013
UI - Skripsi Membership  Universitas Indonesia Library
Imam Haryo P
"Penulisan ini disusun dalam upaya menjelaskan tentang bagaimana Manajemen Sekuriti PT. Mekar Armada Jaya Tambun. Kejahatan yang menimpa pabrik saat ini memberikan warning kepada setiap pabrik untuk berbenah mengenai permasalahan sekuriti yang ada. Melalui manajemen sekuriti, perusahaan PT. Mekar Armada Jaya membutuhkan wilayah kerja yang aman, nyaman, serta kondusif. Manajemen sekuriti dijelaskan dengan menggunakan teori aktifitas rutin dan pilihan rasional untuk dapat mendasari konsep manajemen sekuriti dengan kajian ilmu kriminologi.

This study is arranged in order to explain how the Security Management of PT. Mekar Armad Jaya Tambun. Crime that befell the factory requires every factory to fix the existing security issues. Through the security management, PT. Mekar Armada Jaya Tambun requires a safe, comfortable, and conducive working area. Security management is discussed using routine activity theory and rational choice for the underlying the concept of security management with the study of criminology."
Depok: Fakultas Ilmu Sosial dan Ilmu Politik Universitas Indonesia, 2017
UI - Skripsi Membership  Universitas Indonesia Library
Ruly Indra Wijayanto
"Tesis ini membahas hasil penelitian tentang pelaksanaan Manajemen Sekuriti Fisik di Mega Bekasi Hypermall. Kenyataan menunjukkan bahwa sebagai pusat perbelanjaan, Mega Bekasi Hypermall pernah mengalami beberapa tindak kejahatan dan gangguan keamanan dan mempunyai potensi terhadap terjadinya gangguan keamanan yang lebih besar dan terkini yakni ancaman terorisme. Penelitian ini dilakukan dengan metode pengamatan lapangan didukung dengan teknik pengumpulan data dan dokumen serta metode wawancara. Wawancara dilakukan kepada para petugas satpam terkait dengan pelaksanaan manajemen sekuriti fisik yang dilakukan di Mega Bekasi Hypermall.
Hasil penelitian menunjukkan bahwa manajemen Mega Bekasi Hypermall memang dalam rangka melaksanakan manajemen sekuriti fisik, telah melakukan pemasangan alat pencegahan kebakaran, pemasangan kamera CCTV, pemakaian alat metal detector, penggunaan alat borgol dan penggunaan alat komunikasi Handy Talkie (HT). Namun demikian dalam pelaksanaannya kegiatan manajemen sekuriti fisik yang dilakukan tersebut belum berjalan secara maksimal, hal tersebut dipengaruhi oleh beberapa faktor, diantaranya adalah: (1) Kamera CCTV yang dipasang belum menjangkau seluruh ruangan yang ada; (2) Tenaga Satpam yang masih mengandalkan tenaga outsourcing; (3) Jumlah personil Satpam masih terbatas; (4) Penggunaan alat metal detector tidak dilakukan sebagaimana mestinya; (5) Kualitas dan pendidikan Chief Sekuriti masih rendah; (6) Belum tersedianya ruangan server data; dan (7) Lokasi bangunan Mega Bekasi Hypermall yang berdekatan dengan Kali Bekasi, sehingga rentan terhadap bencana banjir.

This thesis describes the results of research on the implementation of the Physical Security Management at Mega Bekasi Hypermall. The fact is that as a shopping mall, Mega Bekasi Hypermall has experienced some crime and security threats and has the potential for a greater security threats, such as current threat of terrorism. This research was conducted by field observation supported by data and document collection techniques as well as interview method. Interviews were conducted to the guards associated with the implementation of physical security management at Mega Bekasi Hypermall.
The results showed that Mega Bekasi Hypermall management physical security management, has improved the installation of fire prevention tools, installation of CCTV cameras, the use of metal detectors, the use of handcuffs and the use of communication tools Handy Talkie (HT). However, actual physical security management activities are not optimally carried out, it is influenced by several factors, including: (1) CCTV cameras installed not yet reached all the existing space; (2) Personnel security unit (guard) still relies on the Outsourced stafs; (3) Number of safety personnel are limited; (4) The equipment metal detector is not done properly; (5) The low quality and education of the Chief of Security; (6) Not available data server room; and (7) Location of Mega Bekasi Hypermall building is adjacent to the river Bekasi, making it vulnerable to flooding."
Jakarta: Universitas Indonesia, 2015
UI - Tesis Membership  Universitas Indonesia Library
Arif Budiarto
"PT PERTAMINA EP juga telah mengembangkan Sistem Manajemen K3 yang terintegrasi dalam Pendirian Sistem Manajemen Health, Safety dan Environment (SMHSE) yang terdiri dari l3 (tiga belas) elemen. Salah Satu Area Operasi PT PERTAMINA EP Region Sumatera adalah Area Pendopo yang melaksanakan kegiatan eksplorasi dan produksi serta transmisi sumber daya migas. Kegiatan tersebut disadari memiliki potensi menimbulkan dampak terhadap aspek Kesehatan dan Keselamatan Kelja (K3). Salah satu dampak terhadap aspek K3 yang merugikan yang terjadi Area adalah teljadinya kebakaran/ledakan, kecelakaan, kerja.
Dari beberapa kejadian kecelakaan kerja, kebakaran/ledakan yang teljadi di Area Pendopo, jika dilihat dari konsep Kesehatan dan Keselamatan Kelja (K3) pada era modem yang dikemukakan oleh Frank Bird (1967) dan Loftus (1970), Dan Petersen bahwa kejadian yang terjadi 1ebih disebahkan oleh ketimpangan manajemen (lack of management control). Oleh karena itu pedu dilakukan evaluasi penerapan Sistem Manajemen HSE PT PERTAMINA EP Region Sumatera Area Pendopo.
Metode yang digunakan dalam penelitian ini adalah deskriptif analitik. Data kualitatif Elemen Sistem Manajemen HSE yang telah dikembangkan oleh PT PERTAMINA EP dalam bentuk tabel dan narasi dianalisis dengan membandingkan dengan Sistem Manajemen K3 yang telah dikembangkan oleh BP M!GAS yang mengaeu pada persyaratan OHSAS 18001 : 1999, OHSMS Australian/New Zealand Standard 4801 : 2001 dan OHSMS ILO : 2001. Data kualitatif kondisi eksisting penerapan Sistem Manajemen HSE diperoleh dari basil wawancara, observasi dokumen dan tinjauan.
Kesimpulan dari penelitian mengenai perbarulingan Sistem Manajemen HSE yang dikembangkan oleh PT PERTAMINA EP dengan Sistem Manajemen K3 BP MIGAS secara substansi sarna. Untuk evaluasi penerapan Sistem Manajemen HSE PT PERTAMINA EP Area Pendopo diketahui bahwa tingkat pencapaian penerapannya adalah 59,98%. Saran dari peoelitian mengenai perbandingan Sistem Manajemen HSE yang dikembangkan oleh PT PERTAMINA EP dengan Sistem Manajemen K3 BP MIGAS adalah PT PERTAMINA EP perlu mengembangkan 2 (dua) elemen dalam Sistem Manajemen HSE yaitu ; elemen Manajemen Risiko dan Tinjauan Ulang Manajemen.
Untuk Evaluasi Penerapan Sistem Manajemen HSE PT PERTAMINA EP Area Pendopo adalah Kebijakan HSE perlu dijabarkan lebih spesifik sesuai deogan kondisi setempat, sebaikaya program HSE tersusun lengkap dengan jangka waktu, pencapaian sasaran dan tujuan bidang HSE dan dirumuskan dalam bentuk sasaran pokok dan target-target kuantitatif, perlu dilakukan pelatiben aspek HSE bagi pekelja yang pekeljasnnya berisiko bahaya tinggi, dilakukan identiflkasi behaya pada tahap disain konseptuadibuat dan dikembangkan prosedur keselamatan kelja operasi, inspeksi peralatan agar dilakukan sesuai dengan jadwal yang ditetapkan, dalarn setiap kemasan bahan dan produk perlu dilengkapi lembar data keselarnatan bahan, perlu ditinjau dan dianalisis aspek HSE terhadap setiap perubehan, dibuat dan dikembangkan prosedur komunikasi internal dan ekstemal, dibuat dan dikembangkan prosedur penanggulangan keadaan darurat, dilakukan panyelidikan setiap kejadian near miss, dokumen parlu dikelompokkan sesuai.

In the globalization era Indonesia is in its reforming phase anticipating the free trade in 2020 along with all consequences to our Jives. To strengthen our competitiveness in the globalization era, preferred standardization is required; qua1ity management, environmental management and occupational safety and health management. PT PERTAMINA EP has also developed its HSE Management System integrated with Health, Safety and Environment Management System Guideline (SMHSE) comprising 13 (thirteen) elements. One of the operating areas ofPT PERTAMINA EP, Sumatera Region is Pendopo Area engaged in explorations and productions as well as oil and gas transmission. It is known that these operations would bear potential impacts on Occupational Health and Safety.
Some of the adverse impacts on HSE in this area include fire/explosion and occupational accident. By occupational accidents and fire/explosion occurred in Pendopo Area, in the context of Occupational Health and Safety in modem area stated by Frank Bird (1967) and Loftus (1970) and Peterseen, such events are mostly attributable to Lack of Management Control. For that reason, evaluation on HSE Management of PT PERTAMINA EP Sumatera Region, Pendopo Area must be performed.
The method applied in the research is descriptive analytical. Qualitative data of HSE Management System developed by PT PERTAMINA EP in tables and narrations are analyzed by comparing the internal HSE system ofBP M!GAS by OHSAS 18001: 1999, OHSMS, Australian/New Zealand Standard 4801; 2001 and OHSMS ILO: 2001. Qualitative data of the existing condition of HSE Management System is generated through interview, observation and site review, later analyzed by comparing HSE Management System ofPT PERTAMINA EP. substantially equal.
Based on evaluation on HSE Management System of PT PERTAMINA EP, Pendopo Area, the achievement level is 59,98%. Recommendations generated from the research on comparative analysis on HSE Management System developed by PT PERTAMINA EP and BP Migas; PE PERTAMINA EP needs to develop 2 (two) elements in its internal HSE Management System; Risk Management and Management Review.
Based on evaluation on HSE Management System ofPT PERTAMINA EP, Pendopo Area, HSE specific policy must be established and fu!ly elaborated by looking at local conditions, HSE PROGRAM shall be fully organized with specific perind, quantitative target achievement, specific HSE training must be delivered for workers highly exposed to occupatioual risk, hazard identification during conceptual design phase, occupational safety procedures shall be organized fur equipment operating and inspection as per fixed schedule, in each package of materials and products, material safety data sheet must be attached, review and analysis on HSE aspect on changes, internal and external communication procedures must be set up and developed, emergency response. near miss investigation, documents shall be grouped as per classification level.
Depok: Fakultas Kesehatan Masyarakat Universitas Indonesia, 2007
UI - Tesis Membership  Universitas Indonesia Library
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