ABSTRAKTesis ini mengkaji kumpulan puisi Perempuan yang Dihapus Namanya karya
Avianti Armand. Tesis ini menggunakan teologi feminis Kristen rekonstruksionis
sebagai perspektifnya. Selain itu teori intertekstualitas dan teori citraan juga
digunakan dalam tesis ini. Dari analisis tesis ini terlihat bahwa kumpulan puisi ini
(sebagai teks transformasi) melakukan rekonstruksi terhadap kisah-kisah dalam
Alkitab (sebagai teks hipogram). Rekonstruksi itu meliputi: (1) perubahan perspektif,
(2) konversi peristiwa, (3) ekspansi peristiwa, dan (4) seleksi peristiwa. Kemudian,
rekonstruksi kisah-kisah yang dilakukan kumpulan puisi ini berpengaruh pada citra
perempuan dalam antologi puisi ini. Hasil akhir dari tesis ini menunjukkan bahwa
tokoh-tokoh perempuan dalam antologi ini (khususnya Batsyeba dan Tamar) telah
bertransformasi dari objek menjadi subjek. Mereka mampu menyatakan perasaannya,
berbicara, mengkritik, memutuskan nasibnya sendiri, dan bertindak. Selain itu,
tokoh-tokoh perempuan.
ABSTRACTThis thesis analyses Perempuan yang Dihapus Namanya by Avianti Armand. This
thesis uses the perspective theology of Christian Reconstructions feminist.
Intertextuality theory and the theory of imagery are also used in this thesis. From the
analysis of this thesis seem that this anthology (as text transformation), reconstructs
the stories in the Bible (as text hypogram). The reconstruction includes: (1) changes
in perspective, (2) events conversion, (3) events expansion, and (4) events selection.
Thus, the reconstruction of the stories in this anthology has effects on the image of
women in this poetry anthology. The final result of this analysis shows that the
figures of women in this anthology (especially Bathsheba and Tamar) have been
transformed from object into subject. They are able to express their feelings, speak
out, criticize, decide their own destiny, and act. In addition, figures of women in this
anthology have become women who have experienced God., This thesis analyses Perempuan yang Dihapus Namanya by Avianti Armand. This
thesis uses the perspective theology of Christian Reconstructions feminist.
Intertextuality theory and the theory of imagery are also used in this thesis. From the
analysis of this thesis seem that this anthology (as text transformation), reconstructs
the stories in the Bible (as text hypogram). The reconstruction includes: (1) changes
in perspective, (2) events conversion, (3) events expansion, and (4) events selection.
Thus, the reconstruction of the stories in this anthology has effects on the image of
women in this poetry anthology. The final result of this analysis shows that the
figures of women in this anthology (especially Bathsheba and Tamar) have been
transformed from object into subject. They are able to express their feelings, speak
out, criticize, decide their own destiny, and act. In addition, figures of women in this
anthology have become women who have experienced God.]"